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EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Roxy Lentz – new works for spring …..

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,EXCHANGE-BIJOU,recup' / recycled,Roxy LENTZ (US),USA — bijoucontemporain @ 4:19

Roxy Lentz

« Conceptual art jewelry from re-purposed metal, wabi-sabi and organic nature. »
LOVE this WILD aspect of her jewelry !!! ……….

Some new work that will be at « Wild Women Wearable Art » and « One of a Kind« .  (One of a Kind, The Mart, Chicago, IllinoisThe 2nd annual Spring Show returns April 28-30!)

« I make my jewelry from metal I find at the thrift store, silver plate trays, brass and sometimes bits and pieces I find while on walks. There is always a bit of rusty bolts and stuff in the bottom of my purse! I love to transform something others thought had no value into wearable art jewelry, you should see what I do with PVC I find from the street. »

Roxy Lentz  bracelet from re-purposed metalRoxy Lentz  bracelet from re-purposed metal

Roxy Lentz - bracelet of re-purposed metal - See the maker mark on the metal? It was on the back of the original silver plate tray.Roxy Lentz – bracelet of re-purposed metal – See the maker mark on the metal? It was on the back of the original silver plate tray.

Roxy Lentz Jewelry -  A silver plate tray from the thrift store, you can see where I sawed out some earrings. The base metal is brass.Roxy Lentz Jewelry-  earrings process – A silver plate tray from the thrift store, you can see where I sawed out some earrings. The base metal is brass.

Roxy Lentz earrings - processRoxy Lentz Jewelry  – process – The earrings with the first fire patina. If I wanted to keep these just like this, I would have to use cold connections. But, for these earrings, I need to shape them and fuse the ends together, so, some of this will go.

Roxy Lentz earrings - processRoxy Lentz earrings – process – The finished earrings. I filed the edges, fused the ends with small bits of silver, and used a wire brush to put a sheen on the surface, and to remove the grime that happened when using the torch. Since I put the torch on the back side, I did preserve some of the beautiful « orange peel » on the front. Now, I could leave these like this, or take a chance and put them in a pickle pot to make them silvery. I like the patina, and I think my customers do too. That beautiful gold sheen on the right side of the right earring, it did it all on its own, that is why these are one of a kind, and uncommon jewelry for independent women.

Roxy Lentz - process to make flower earrings Roxy Lentz - process to make flower earrings

 Roxy Lentz - The finished earrings Roxy Lentz Jewelry  the finished flower earrings. I used silver wire to cold connect the flowers to their base to preserve the patina. You can see that the base metal of this bowl was brass, because of the soft gleam on the edge of the flowers. After soldering on the post I put the brass base in pickle to clean the post, then I put it in a rinse of hydrogen peroxide and white vinegar to clean the fire scale off the brass. Some more buffing with a brass wire brush on the flex shaft. The earrings are about 2 1/2 inch long, and 1 1/2 wide. There are some similar at In Tandem Gallery and Gaia in Winston Salem NC.

(to buy Roxy Lentz jewellery in Tandem Gallery HERE !!)

Roxy Lentz  - Pendant of re purposed silver plate and found pexi-glass.   Roxy Lentz  – Pendant of re purposed silver plate and found pexi-glass.(plexi-glass side)

Roxy Lentz Jewelry - Pendant of re purposed silver plate and found pexi-glass.  Roxy Lentz Jewelry ·  Pendant of re purposed silver plate and found pexi-glass. Available at In Tandem Gallery and Gaia in Winston Salem. One of a kind, so may not look like this one.

Roxy Lentz Jewelry - Drop earrings of re purposed silver plate, silver doo-hickies, and sterling hooks. Each pair is one of a kind Roxy Lentz Jewelry - Drop earrings of re purposed silver plate, silver doo-hickies, and sterling hooks. Each pair is one of a kind è Available at Gaia in Winston Salem and In Tandem Gallery

Roxy Lentz - Donut earrings of re purposed silver plate, with sterling hooks. One of a kind, so all are a bit different.  Roxy Lentz Donut earrings of re purposed silver plate, with sterling hooks. One of a kind, so all are a bit different.

Roxy Lentz  pendantRoxy Lentz- Repurposed Silver Plate, Brass Chain and a ton of creativity for this necklace
 - Lentz Jewelry




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