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Classé dans : Anne DINAN (US),COUP DE COEUR,email / enamel,EXCHANGE-BIJOU,Salon,USA — bijoucontemporain @ 0:05


have been selected to participate in the 2017 spring edition of LOOT: Mad About Jewelry at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York. From April 4 through 8, 2017

‘LOOT: Mad About Jewelry’ Returns this Spring with 54 Artists from 21 Countries

LOOT spring 2017

From April 4 through 8, 2017, the Museum of Arts and Design (MAD) presents LOOT: MAD About Jewelry, the annual exhibition and sale of contemporary art jewelry. Now in its 17th edition, LOOT presents a cross-section of the most exciting cutting-edge art jewelry designs, while offering the public a rare opportunity to meet and acquire pieces directly from some of the most skilled creators in the field. A striking example of the evolving possibilities of jewelry as an art form, LOOT: MAD About Jewelry champions the vision and craftsmanship of outstanding art jewelers—most of whom have never before shown work in the United States.

This year’s edition welcomes 54 artists from 21 countries, the majority of whom have never been shown in New York. All were selected by Bryna Pomp following a full year of travel and research.

Awarded by a jury, the LOOT Acquisition Prize seeks to recognize a LOOT jewelry artist whose work reflects a maturity in artistry and concept; exhibits both a superior and experimental understanding of materials and form; and demonstrates expertise in technique and execution. The 2017 jury is chaired by William and Mildred Lasdon Chief Curator Shannon R. Stratton, Assistant Curator Barbara Paris Gifford, and LOOT Curator Bryna Pomp. The 2017 LOOT Acquisition Prize will be awarded on April 3 at the Opening Benefit dinner.

2017 LOOT ARTISTS (click to see more pictures)  

Anne Dinan« Anne Dinan’s enameled jewelry designs are the result of inspired experimentation and appreciation for an ever-expanding artistic process. Fascinated by the mixing of natural and industrial influences, she incorporates metals, glass, photo decals, assemblage, and metalsmithing to create stunning enamel works. She attended the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and has taught hundreds of students in person and globally through her online classes. Dinan also founded the Trade Handmade Facebook page, which has connected thousands of artists across the world. Her enameled photo decal wall piece Unknown Relatives, based on old photos found at a family farm in Michigan, is part of the permanent collection of Enamel Arts Foundation in Los Angeles. »

Anne Dinan - 2017   vitreous enamels   Anne Dinan - 2017   vitreous enamels

Anne DinanAnne Dinan

Anne Dinan - 2017    vitreous enamels   Anne Dinan - 2017    vitreous enamels 

Anne Dinan -  vitreous enamel pendant  Anne Dinan -  vitreous enamel pendant 



Museum of Arts and Design (MAD Museum)
Jerome and Simona Chazen Building / 2 Columbus Circle /
New York, NY 10019
(212) 299-7777

Tuesday, April 4: 10 am to 7 pm
Wednesday, April 5: 10 am to 8 pm
Thursday, April 6: 10 am to 9 pm
Friday, April 7: 10 am to 6 pm
Saturday, April 8: 10 am to 6 pm
Entrance is free with Museum admission.
For questions regarding LOOT 2017, please call Rebekka Grossman at 212.299.7712 or email



EXPO ‘Espace habité/Inhabited Space’ – Amarantojoies, Barcelona (ES) – 6-22 Avril 2017

Espace habité/Inhabited Space

à Amarantojoies Barcelona

Inauguracion 6 de Abril a las 19h

Stephane Blackburn y Noel Guyomarc’h nos presentan a trece jóvenes artistas de joyería contemporánea que reflejan el trabajo actual que se está haciendo en estos momentos en Quebec, Canada.


Amarantojoies Barcelona ! du 6 au 22 Avril

À ne pas manquer! Espace habité/Inhabited Space, une exposition collective d’artistes du Québec sera présentée chez Amarantojoies à Barcelone dès le 6 avril prochain! . . .
avec  Catherine Granche –  Catherine Sheedy –  Gabrielle DesmaraisAnne Sophie ValléeMlleGuillaume (Aurélie Guillaume) — Marie Maude Brunet –  Marie-Eve G. CastonguayEmilie Dell’AnielloMagali Thibault Gobeil –  Silvie AltschulerKatia Martel –  Émilie TrudelAnne-Marie Rébillard .

Gabrielle Desmarais Espace habité / Inhabited SpaceGabrielle Desmarais - Espace habité / Inhabited Space

Marie- Ève G. Castonguay Espace habité / Inhabited SpaceMarie-Eve G. Castonguay Bijou contemporain / Contemporary jewellery – Espace habité / Inhabited Space

Émilie Dell’Aniello Espace habité / Inhabited SpaceÉmilie Dell’Aniello  (EMD Joaillière) Espace habité / Inhabited Space

Silvie Altschuler Espace habité / Inhabited SpaceSilvie Altschuler   Espace habité / Inhabited Space

Anne- Sophie Vallée - Espace habité / Inhabited SpaceAnne- Sophie Vallée – Espace habité / Inhabited Space

Catherine Granche - Espace habité / Inhabited SpaceCatherine Granche – Espace habité / Inhabited Space

Katia Martel Espace habité / Inhabited SpaceKatia Martel – Espace habité / Inhabited Space

Marie- Maude Brunet - Espace habité / Inhabited SpaceMarie- Maude Brunet - Espace habité / Inhabited Space

Catherine Sheedy Espace habité / Inhabited SpaceCatherine Sheedy – Espace habité / Inhabited Space

Magali Thibault- Gobeil - Espace habité / Inhabited SpaceMagali Thibault Gobeil  - Espace habité / Inhabited Space

 Anne-Marie RébillardAnne-Marie Rébillard

 Émilie TrudelÉmilie Trudel

Aurelie Guillaume  <Rendez-vous Fleuri>   brooch   Aurélie Guillaume<Rendez-vous Fleuri>   brooch





Sant Domènec 23
08012 Barcelona
Horario de martes a sábado de 12 a 14:30h y de 17 a 21:30h.
tel. 93 217 14 40



EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Carlos SILVA – news from MARS ….

Carlos SILVA

Carlos Silva works  a LOT on others jewellers, their exhibitions, their works, their news …. and it’s difficult to find news about HIS works, his news, his exhibitions ! He takes his work as AJF (ART JEWELRY FORUM) Ambassador VERY seriously ! and as he is TOO Board Member of PIN (PIN – Associação Portuguesa de Joalharia Contemporânea) you can understand …………

The last pictures we got about his work are of « dark things », mainly brooches, that are titled in portuguese « pregadeiras » (the word for « brooch ») but that sounds for me as « prière » or « preghiera » :  prayers …. a nice sound, a nice thing, a nice idea, a nice object ….

Carlos.Silva - Brooch - charcoal, foam, cooper, steel and paint: Carlos Silva Pregadeira / Brooch – charcoal, foam, cooper, steel and paint

Carlos Silva - Pregadeira / Brooch   Charcoal, foam, copper, steel and metallic paintCarlos Silva - Pregadeira / Brooch  – Charcoal, foam, copper, steel and metallic paint

Or very pinky testings : Carlos Silva  experiments wax modelling (at  « Workshop Ceras Criativas II » with Elena Larrén @ Valentim Quaresma Studio in Lisboa, last january 2017) …. nice pinky delicate works in progress !

 Carlos Silva -  waxtesting experiments  wip  waxmodellingCarlos Silva -  waxtesting experiments  wip  waxmodelling

carlos silva  - wax testing  experiments  wip wax modelling - Creative Wax workshop with  elena larren at  valentim quaresma Studio Lisboa: carlos silva  - wax testing  experiments  wip wax modelling - Creative Wax workshop with  elena larren at  valentim quaresma Studio Lisboa:

Carlos Silva  – wax testing – experiments  wip wax modelling
SUSPENS ! ….. which jewels will result from this ?



EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Jessica Morillo/ANSIOSA HORMONA – Arte Textil


30 Mars 2017 : Hoy en el Museo de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán a las 19.30

Mesa Panel de Arte Textil “Con historia, con memoria, Con Textura” – Nos encontramos a compartir un espacio de Charla y debate en torno a diferentes producciones textiles, de lo tradicional a lo contemporáneo.
Quedan invitadisimos, sera un gusto grande mostrar mis obras.

(Museo de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán  (MUNT) – San Martin 1545 – San Miguel de Tucumán ARGENTINA – tel +54 381 452-7550 – –

 Jessica Morillo - Museo de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán a las 19.30. 30 mars 2017


Jessica Morillo / Ansiosa Hormona - “Coraza / Aprender a hacer y deshacer el amor” oct 2016  Jessica Morillo / Ansiosa Hormona – “Coraza / Aprender a hacer y deshacer el amor
Pieza en construcción desde el 2014 al 2016. Proceso de Cortar-coser: unir/lastimar/marcar/: cicatriz-costra: herida abierta y cerrada
La costura como puente de unión, un puente es el vehículo entre dos partes, para unirlas, conectarlas, vincularlas.
La pieza presentada es parte de un proceso de trabajo de dos años que a modo ritual, lento, repetitivo fui desarrollando, cortando mis prendas, usadas/vividas con registro de mi cuerpo y de las experiencias transitadas, para luego volverlas a coser, sin pensar en un fin, sin pensar en que será luego de terminar.
Me servía como una práctica que calmaba un sentimiento interno doloroso de separación, estaba separada y buscaba de manera inconsciente generar el puente que vinculara el pasado y el presente para poder cerrar la herida.
Esta pieza es un exorcismo, una ofrenda, ha sido para mí un ritual su construcción, puntada tras puntada iba uniendo pero a la vez lastimando la piel de cada prenda.
foto: Julio Gutierresoct 2016

Jessica Morillo / Ansiosa Hormona:

Jessica Morillo / Ansiosa Hormona Jessica Morillo / Ansiosa Hormona
buscando sus raizes ?

Jessica Morillo / Ansiosa Hormona buscando sus raizes ?Jessica Morillo / Ansiosa Hormona

Jessica Morillo / Ansiosa Hormona - buscando sus raizes ?Jessica Morillo / Ansiosa Hormona – buscando sus raizes ?


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Yafit Ben Meshulam – « Appear & disappear »

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,DECOUVERTE,EXCHANGE-BIJOU,Israel (IL),Yafit BEN MESHULAM (IL) — bijoucontemporain @ 22:03

Yafit Ben Meshulam / Lacuna

Lacuna is a space between elements
A quiet elongation between one musical note to the next
A gap in the text that leaves room for imagination
The cocoon left behind when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. . .
My name is Yafit Ben Meshulam. I’m a jewelry designer, maker and metal smith working and living in Tel Aviv, Israel. I earned a B.DES degree in jewelry design from the distinguished Shenkar College of engineering and design in Tel Aviv.
Thanks for letting me share my passion with you and welcome to my shop

« Through jewellery I can express myself in countless colours, textures and materials. Jewellery can be flexible, fragile, light, heavy, shiny, matte, and…well, the list could go on forever! »

« In her latest collection - « Appear & Disappear » – she has focused on organic and abstract shapes, adding an industrial twist to them by combining 3D printing techniques with metals, resin or embroidered elements. Some pieces such as the necklaces are larger; others such as her multiple brooches or earrings are smaller and can be employed to subtly and stylishly decorate the body. » (interview on Irenebrination blog)

Not only  her jewellery is delicious, as well as strong, but the pictures support that sensation so well !

Yafit Ben Meshulam  - Lacuna  Yafit Ben Meshulam  – Lacuna 

Yafit Ben Meshulam - appear & disappear - KAMIMI necklace: Yafit Ben Meshulam – appear & disappear – KAMMI necklace

Yafit Ben Meshulam - YOSHI lapel pin set Yafit Ben Meshulam - YOSHI lapel pin set

Yafit Ben Meshulam - appear & disappear - brooch: Yafit Ben Meshulam – appear & disappear – brooch

Yafit Ben Meshulam - appear & disappear - NUI ring: Yafit Ben Meshulam – appear & disappear – NUI ring


Yafit Ben Meshulam
+972 524 433 044




EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Dora HARALAMBAKI – White(s) delight

Classé dans : ceramique,COUP DE COEUR,Dora HARALAMBAKI (GR),EXCHANGE-BIJOU,Grece (GR) — bijoucontemporain @ 22:35

Dora Haralambaki

simplicity, light & white(s) for spring …… always a delight !

Dora Haralambaki - 26 mars 2017 -  Aluminium happy ring  – à Thrakomakedones.Dora Haralambaki -  mars 2017 -  Aluminium happy ring  – à Thrakomakedones

Dora Haralambaki - 26 mars 2017 -  Pure white porcelain simple chic – à Thrakomakedones.Dora Haralambaki -  mars 2017 -  Pure white porcelain simple chic – à Thrakomakedones.

 dora haralambaki New entry chains porcelain simple chicDora Haralambaki New entry chains porcelain simple chic

dora haralambaki Aluminium simple chic spring 2017: Dora Haralambaki Aluminium simple chic – spring 2017

Dora Haralambaki - CRAFTIT - mosaics serie , minimal big & smaller pieces with porcelain & plexi glass - worn: Dora Haralambaki – CRAFTIT – mosaics serie , minimal big & smaller pieces with porcelain & plexi glass




Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,EXCHANGE-BIJOU,Hakan AKTUG (TR),Turquie (TR) — bijoucontemporain @ 22:17


wear it …. you will LOVE it !

HAKAN AKTUĞ j e w e l r y - necklace from THE UNPREDİCTABLE FORM/FOAM collection H A K A N A K T U Ğ j e w e l r y - necklace from THE UNPREDİCTABLE FORM/FOAM collection

HAKAN AKTUĞ j e w e l r y - brooch from THE UNPREDİCTABLE FORM/FOAM collection H A K A N A K T U Ğ j e w e l r y brooch from THE UNPREDİCTABLE FORM/FOAM  collection 

Hakan Aktuğ "Unpredictable form, Foam brooch"-  Foam, silver, paint - wornHakan Aktuğ « Unpredictable form, Foam brooch »-  Foam, silver, paint



EXPO ‘SOPHIE HANAGARTH – Ornemental’ – Galerie ViceVersa, Lausanne (CH) – 1er-29 Avril 2017

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. ViceVersa (CH),Sophie HANAGARTH (CH),Suisse (CH) — bijoucontemporain @ 13:56

ou la vie intime des annélides


vernissage samedi 1er avril de 17h à 20h

SOPHIE HANAGARTH, le 1er avril à 17h et jusqu'au 29 avril 2017 - ViceVersa - ('Figure du nœud plat'  /  'Figure du coup de fouet' Bracelets, fer pur (2017))(‘Figure du nœud plat’  /  ‘Figure du coup de fouet’ Bracelets, fer pur (2017) Photos : Graziella Antonini)

 Dans leur plus simple appareil, des vers émergent des origines de la vie et viennent s’enrouler autour de votre poignet. C’est l’heure du renouveau, la victoire du vivant. Sophie Hanagarth nous prend à rebrousse-poil, fige des êtres flasques dans un fer pur, matière molle qu’elle s’emploie à forger en leur donnant une vigoureuse tension. Millepattes domestiqués, lombrics nouant leurs extrémités, ces créatures nous entrainent dans une danse sensuelle. L’artiste façonne des arabesques ornementales, établissant un contact charnel, une transgression peau à peau. Au sens de ‘Vie des Formes’ de Focillon, l’ornement n’est pas un simple supplément mais l’expression d’une force vitale. Et parce que orner veut dire honorer un lien, il apparaît de l’ornement ou de l’ornemental, que dans sa première et plus simple expression pour faire motif et sens, ce serait le nœud.

Sophie HANAGARTH  - DE PROFUNDIS    bracelet, fer pur forgé: Sophie HANAGARTH  - De profundis –    bracelet, fer pur forgé

Sophie Hanagarth - Vermine, fer recyclé, acier inoxydable: Sophie Hanagarth – Vermine, fer recyclé, acier inoxydable





galerie ViceVersa
place Saint-François 2, 2ème étage
(au-dessus du Café Romand)
case postale 7698
1002 Lausanne
+41 21 / 323 96 34
ma – ve 12h30-18h30 sa 10h30-16h30




EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Tal EFRAIM – design in progress …

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,EXCHANGE-BIJOU,Israel (IL),SHENKAR (IL),Tal EFRAIM (IL),www Klimt02 — bijoucontemporain @ 0:58

Tal Barash Efraim 

« In my eyes, jewelry is all about cherishing a moment, a memory or an adventure. I try to communicate the world as I see it, knowing others will also connect to my vision and cherish their own experiences through my artwork. » (Klimt02 interview)

But, before all,

march 2017, NEW GRADUATES from SHENKAR !!!!!

Tal Efraim (milieu) SHENKAR graduation mars 2017 ! avec Maya Shoshan (gauche)et Roni Liani (droite): SHENKAR graduation mars 2017 ! Tal Efraim (au milieu) avec Maya Shoshan (gauche) et Roni Liani (droite) (two other jewellers from Shenkar)

* Tal Efraim, Brooch: Flowers of July, 2016, Gold, fine silver, 925 silver, rubies, pearls. 7.5 x 4 x 1 cm, Photo by: Ilan Besor. From series: Connectionary: Tal Efraim, Brooch: Flowers of July, 2016, Gold, fine silver, 925 silver, rubies, pearls. 7.5 x 4 x 1 cm, Photo by: Ilan Besor. From series: Connectionary

Tal Efraim Brooch: Flowers of July, 2016 Silver, red garnets 4 x 2.7 x 0.7 cm Photo by: Ilan Besor From series: Flowers of July: Tal Efraim Brooch: Flowers of July, 2016 Silver, red garnets 4 x 2.7 x 0.7 cm Photo by: Ilan Besor From series: Flowers of July

Tal Efraim work on process mars 2017: Tal Efraim work on process mars 2017
« If only I could speed up the time it takes me to sketch each jewel! But I gotta say, I truly love it, my type of meditation »

Tal Efraim work on process mars 2017Tal Efraim work on process mars 2017

 Tal Efraim - Diff earrings - Circles are for Mondays, Lines are for Thursdays, and danglies are for Saturday night parties?? ORR do I have it all wrong.. A different circle earring for each day of the week? Because next months salary will pay for the line earrings ? Tal Efraim- « Diff earrings – Circles are for Mondays, Lines are for Thursdays, and danglies are for Saturday night parties?? ORR do I have it all wrong.. A different circle earring for each day of the week ? Because next months salary will pay for the line earrings ? »

Tal Efraim - Color of stones - There are so many theories about the different gemstones that can be set in a jewel. The luck they bring, the energies.. I have even been told I shouldn't be wearing a certain stone because of the month I was born in. I believe the right stone is the stone that makes you feel the best version of yourself out there. Today it can be rubies, tomorrow blue sapphires and next week it just has to be an amazing green emerald  Tal Efraim - Color of stones –
« There are so many theories about the different gemstones that can be set in a jewel. The luck they bring, the energies.. I have even been told I shouldn’t be wearing a certain stone because of the month I was born in. I believe the right stone is the stone that makes you feel the best version of yourself out there. Today it can be rubies, tomorrow blue sapphires and next week it just has to be an amazing green emerald »

Tal Efraim - Posting my design process (especially through video) really captures the effort put into each design.. but sharing the final jewel is just as rewarding! Tal Efraim -
« Posting my design process (especially through video) really captures the effort put into each design.. but sharing the final jewel is just as rewarding! »

Tal Efraim - Creating a sketch is all about understanding the different parts that have to be designed. Every little part of a jewel has a huge impact on the final product. How it sits on your ear, the movement of a charm, or the right light a diamond should reflect.. This is my process and I am so happy to be sharing it with you Tal Efraim -
« Creating a sketch is all about understanding the different parts that have to be designed. Every little part of a jewel has a huge impact on the final product. How it sits on your ear, the movement of a charm, or the right light a diamond should reflect..
This is my process and I am so happy to be sharing it with you« 

Tal Efraim - details are my passion ....  love my job Tal Efraim –
« details are my passion …. 
love my job« 

yes ? and I … WE … DO love your job !!!



EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Alzbeta Dvorakova – news …

Alžběta Dvořáková

CZECH Grand DESIGN : Grande compétition cette année surtout dans la catégorie Designer bijoux de l’année, a été sélectionnée  Alžběta Dvořáková (collection Secret Space) - Les projets gagnants seront présentés dans l’exposition de vente Czech Grand Design Best of du 30 Mars au 2 Avril 2017 Villa Pellé (Prague)

Czech grand design - 30 mars-2 avril 2017 -  Alzbeta Dvorakova nominé catégorie BIJOUX

Dvořáková (collection Secret Space)Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space)

Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space)Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space)

Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space)Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space)
« I play with illusion with empty or full space what means that a first time it looks solid and heavy but when you look closer you can see through … only wooden shell… »

Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space): Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space)

je suis SÛRE qu’elle sera la REINE de la fête !!

Alzbeta DvorakovaAlzbeta Dvorakova Royal, petit, grand, tordu, argent, coeur … Chacun est différent. Venez choisir une petite broche



Valérie Salvo |
dochinoiu | | Annuaire | Signaler un abus | Françoise Fourteau-Labarthe
| Aidez les jeunes artistes
| Tableaux de Christian Maillot