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EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Carlos SILVA – news from MARS ….

Carlos SILVA

Carlos Silva works  a LOT on others jewellers, their exhibitions, their works, their news …. and it’s difficult to find news about HIS works, his news, his exhibitions ! He takes his work as AJF (ART JEWELRY FORUM) Ambassador VERY seriously ! and as he is TOO Board Member of PIN (PIN – Associação Portuguesa de Joalharia Contemporânea) you can understand …………

The last pictures we got about his work are of « dark things », mainly brooches, that are titled in portuguese « pregadeiras » (the word for « brooch ») but that sounds for me as « prière » or « preghiera » :  prayers …. a nice sound, a nice thing, a nice idea, a nice object ….

Carlos.Silva - Brooch - charcoal, foam, cooper, steel and paint: Carlos Silva Pregadeira / Brooch – charcoal, foam, cooper, steel and paint

Carlos Silva - Pregadeira / Brooch   Charcoal, foam, copper, steel and metallic paintCarlos Silva - Pregadeira / Brooch  – Charcoal, foam, copper, steel and metallic paint

Or very pinky testings : Carlos Silva  experiments wax modelling (at  « Workshop Ceras Criativas II » with Elena Larrén @ Valentim Quaresma Studio in Lisboa, last january 2017) …. nice pinky delicate works in progress !

 Carlos Silva -  waxtesting experiments  wip  waxmodellingCarlos Silva -  waxtesting experiments  wip  waxmodelling

carlos silva  - wax testing  experiments  wip wax modelling - Creative Wax workshop with  elena larren at  valentim quaresma Studio Lisboa: carlos silva  - wax testing  experiments  wip wax modelling - Creative Wax workshop with  elena larren at  valentim quaresma Studio Lisboa:

Carlos Silva  – wax testing – experiments  wip wax modelling
SUSPENS ! ….. which jewels will result from this ?


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