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EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Emilie Dell’Aniello – actus MARS-AVRIL

Emilie Dell’Aniello (EMDjoailliere)

Le LABO – 2 Février-26 Mars 2017 – Espace-galerie EMA (Trois Rivières)

Avec Véronique Roy, Catherine Granche, Magali Thibault Gobeil Joaillière, Nazanin Rostami, Annie Loiseau, Lidia R joaillière, Karine Rodrigue, Émilie Trudel, Katia Martel, Anne-Marie Rébillard, Gabrielle Desmarais, Catherine Sheedy, Emilie Dell’Aniello, Marie-Maude Brunet et Isabelle Métivier.


 La Galerie d’EMA présente du 2 février au 26 mars 2017 l’exposition Le LABO. Un collectif de 16 artistes joaillières, formées dans différentes écoles du Québec présente les fruits de ses recherches dans le cadre des ateliers de Noël Guyomarc’h, galeriste montréalais.
Le vernissage de l’exposition aura lieu samedi 4 février à partir de midi . Plusieurs des artistes seront présents pour expliquer leur art, leurs démarches, leurs façons et échanger avec les visiteurs sur leur savoir-faire.
Le LABO pose ses valises pendant 8 semaines à Trois-Rivières après avoir exposé à Montréal, à Ottawa et à Québec et en septembre prochain sera en vitrine au Harbourfront Centre à Toronto.
Cette exposition invite les visiteurs, de la région trifluvienne, à faire une rencontre inoubliable avec une expression contemporaine de l’art de la bijouterie. Nombre de ces créations ont été vu et remarqué sur différentes plateformes et expositions tant nationales qu’internationales. Le bijou devient vecteur d’intention, de symbole et de préciosité à travers des matériaux et des techniques qui sauront surprendre les curieux.
16 démarches, 16 univers, des dizaines de raisons de laisser son esprit s’ouvrir à l’art de la joaillerie sous un nouvel angle.

…….. et ZERO photos !!!!!!! :-(

bon alors passons à plus près de nous ! à Amarantojoies Barcelona ! du 6 au 22 Avril

Amarantojoies Barcelona ! du 6 au 22 Avril

À ne pas manquer! Espace habité/Inhabited Space, une exposition collective d’artistes du Québec sera présentée chez Amarantojoies à Barcelone dès le 6 avril prochain! . .
avec Catherine Granche, Catherine Sheedy, .Gabrielle Desmarais, Anne Sophie Vallée, MlleGuillaume, Marie Maude Brunet, Marie-Eve G. Castonguay, Emilie Dell’Aniello, Magali Thibault Gobeil, Silvie Altschuler, Katia Martel, Émilie TrudelAnne-Marie Rébillard .
Stephane Blackburn y Noel Guyomarc’h Nos presentan a trece jóvenes artistas de joyería contemporánea que reflejan el trabajo actual que se está haciendo en estos momentos en Quebec, Canada.

AmarantoJoies : Sant Domènec 23. 08012 Barcelona.
Horario de martes a sábado de 12 a 14:30h y de 17 a 21:30h. tel. 93 217 14 40  / /

Émilie Dell’Aniello Espace habité / Inhabited SpaceÉmilie Dell’Aniello Espace habité / Inhabited Space

Émilie Dell’AnielloÉmilie Dell’Aniello #jewelry #object #joaillerie #silver #argent #925 #broderie #redthread #filrouge




EXPOs ‘FIVE new exhibitions′ – Marzee Gallery, Nijmegen (NL) – 26 Mars-7 Juin 2017

Galerie Marzee

On Sunday 26 March 2017 at 4pm we open five new exhibitions
Graziano Visintin, untitled 2013 small sculptures; silver, gold, oxidised copper, niello(Graziano Visintin, untitled 2013 – small sculptures; silver, gold, oxidised copper, niello)

* Juliane Brandes – 4HANDS
– or how much sculpture can jewellery handle

Juliane Brandes, Der Club, 2015, brooch; silver - MARZEE: Juliane Brandes, Der Club, 2015, brooch; silver

* Willemijn de Greef – Recollection I

Willemijn de Greef, Recollection I, Strawberry, 2012, object; bronze, clay, glaze, rope, wool: Willemijn de Greef, Recollection I, Strawberry, 2012, object; bronze, clay, glaze, rope, wool

* Dana Hakim – Crafted Fear

Dana Hakim, Crafted Fear, 2015, necklace; iron nets, threads, paint, lacquer - MARZEE: Dana Hakim, Crafted Fear, 2015, necklace; iron nets, threads, paint, lacquer

* Graziano Visintin – The Bright Science of Gold

Graziano Visintin, untitled 2017, brooch; copper, glaze, gold leaf, silver - MARZEE: Graziano Visintin, untitled 2017, brooch; copper, glaze, gold leaf, silver

* Het Wilde Oog – Corrie & Joseph
traditional Dutch garments, ‘kraplappen’, adapted by contemporary artists.

Het Wilde Oog/Wout Nooitgedagt, kraplap adapted by Lucy Sarneel - MARZEE: Het Wilde Oog/Wout Nooitgedagt, kraplap adapted by Lucy Sarneel

Please join us for the opening of these exhibitions, together with the artists.
The exhibitions are on show through 7 June 2017.


Lage Markt 3 / Waalkade 4
6511 VK Nijmegen, Netherlands
tel +31 24 322 9670




Preziosa 2017 Florence Jewellery Week – 24-28 Mai 2017

Preziosa 2017 Florence Jewellery Week

Preziosa is a cultural project, an annual exhibition dedicated to Contemporary Jewellery.
Every year the artistic approach to the complex subject of jewellery is explored through a specific concept and with the selection of artists from the international scene.
The project, imagined, managed and coordinated by LAO - Le Arti Orafe Jewellery School in Florence, started in 2005, and has quickly become one of the worldwide most important events devoted to contemporary jewellery.
Since 2008 LAO has been organizing also PREZIOSA YOUNG contest, for all the young creaters from all over the world.


Opening evening: 24 May 6.00 PM
Bellini Museum, Lungarno Soderini, 5. Florence

Curator:  Giò Carbone

Preziosa 2017


Exhibitions: 25-28 May, 9.00-18.00

* Bellini Museum, Lungarno Soderini, 5. Florence,
* Palazzo Coveri Gallery, Lungarno Guicciardini 19,
* Florence, Botticelli Gallery, Via Maggio, 39. Florence
* LAO-Le Arti Orafe, Via dei Serragli 104, Florence

Workshops: 25-28 May, 9.00-18.00
LAO laboratories. Via dei Serragli 104, Florence

Conferences: 26-27 May, 11.00-13.00/ 14.30 – 18.00
Santo Spirito Church Cloister,“Sala Consiliare” Santo Spirito square, Florence

Artisans demonstrations: 28 May, 11.00 – 18.00
LAO open space, Via dei Serragli 104, Florence

Reception and meeting point: 25-28 May, 11.00-18.00 LAO in Palazzo Capponi. Via Michelozzi 2, Florence

Update program…/preziosa-2017-florence-jewellery-week…

And form next week, at


From 24th to 28th May 2017 in the very heart of Florence, the “Oltrarno” district, among the Lungarni and Santo Spirito Square, LAO, Le Arti Orafe Jewellery School organizes PREZIOSA 2017-Florence Jewellery Week, a unique event in Italy.
The exhibitions and all other moments of the event place the emphasis on the interactions between tradition and artistic research, manual skills and new technologies, and between the different meanings and symbolical values that jewellery can take on in different cultural and geographical environments.
The project includes exhibitions by contemporary artists from various countries, lectures and presentations, workshops led by invited

Invited artists, curators, lecturers :
Arata Fuchi — Robert Baines — Sibylle Umlauf — Tasso Mattar — Danni Schwaag — LOD Metallformgivning — Erik Tidäng — Lena Jerström — Tobias Birgersson — Klara Eriksson — Petronella Eriksson — Pernilla Sylwan — Preziosa Young Contest 2017 – Fang Jin Yeh — Qian Wang — Shachar Cohen — Xiaodai Huang — New Iranian & Persian Jewelry- Group exhibition by students from the Mahe Mehr Institute Teheran — Kevin Murray — Martina Dempf — Maria Cristina Bergesio — Roberta Bernabei — Inger Wästberg — Shruti Agrawal — Maria Laura La Mantia.

Solo Exhibitions
* Arata Fuchi, Italy/Japan
* Robert Baines, Australia (« High Wire by Robert Baines » – Bellini-museum)
* Sibylle Umlauf, Germany

Solo Exhibitions : *Fuchi Arata, Italy/Japan   *Robert Baines, Australia     *Sibylle Umlauf, Germany (photo Robert Baines on left, Arata Fuchi on right): (Robert Baines on left, Arata Fuchi on right)

Sibylle Umlauf Brooch: Double needle Silver, pure gold.: Sibylle Umlauf Brooch: Double needle Silver, pure gold
« The goldsmith Sibylle Umlauf sees her work as a metamorphosis, as a dynamic principle: She contrasts dark and hard iron with soft, shining and warm gold. By using forging, chasing, etching and inlaying techniques she gives each individual object its own unique signature. »Born in Stettin, in that time Germany, today Poland. Sibylle Umlauf lives and works in Berlin and Italy. She studied goldsmithing at the Fachschule für das Edelmetall Schwaebisch Gmünd and Fine Arts at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste Berlin from 1964 – 1970. She taught Arts at the Fachhochschule für Sozialpädagogik Berlin until 1990.


Groups and curated exhibitions

  • LOD Metallformgivning Sweden.
    Curated by Inger Wästberg.
    Contemporary Swedish Silver.New Approaches to an enduring tradition
    Artists: Erik Tidäng, Lena Jerström, Tobias Birgersson, Klara Eriksson, Petronella Eriksson, Pernilla Sylwan.
  • Preziosa Young Contest 2017
    Group exhibition, PY2017 winners: Fang Jin Yeh, Qian Wang, Shachar Cohen, Xiaodai Huang.  The jury composed by artists, curators, bloggers and art expertises finally selected 4 young artists: Fang Jin Yeh, Taiwan; Qian Wang, China; Shachar Cohen, Israel / Germany; Xiaodai Huang, China. 
    The jury assigned further special mentions to: Giulia Savino, Italy; Heng Lee, Taiwan; Niklas Link, Germany; Holland Houdek, USA / Italy; Marion Delarue, France.



Tasso Mattar Ring: Untitled, 1989 Mother of pearl, yellow 18kt gold. 10 x 2 x 4 cm Photo by: Ralph Klein: Tasso Mattar Ring: Untitled, 1989 Mother of pearl, yellow 18kt gold. 10 x 2 x 4 cm Photo by: Ralph Klein
Tasso Mattar e Danni Schwaag, Germany ¡Nácarme! An obsession by mother of pearl
There is a material, which they are both working with and fascinated by: Mother of Pearl or like the Spanish say: Nácar. Danni and Tasso will present a variation of their work made by different generations in different periods, with their own view on the material mother of pearl.
Danni Schwaag Ring: Mother of pearl, 2011 Mother of pearl. 3 x 5 x 1 cm Photo by: Danni Schwaag: Danni Schwaag Ring: Mother of pearl, 2011 Mother of pearl. 3 x 5 x 1 cm Photo by: Danni Schwaag

 Shahrzad Aliyari. Bracelet: Shahryar, 2015. Silver.  Shahrzad Aliyari. Bracelet: Shahryar, 2015. Silver.
New Iranian & Persian Jewelry. Group exhibition from the Mahe Mehr Institute Teheran.

Preziosa Young Winners 2017 Award giving  - Fang Jin Yeh Brooch: Mimicry. My impression of the sea creatures, 2015 Silver, paper, coral, paint, stainless steel Awarded at: PREZIOSA Young Design Competition 2017: Fang Jin Yeh Brooch: Mimicry. My impression of the sea creatures, 2015 Silver, paper, coral, paint, stainless steel Awarded at: PREZIOSA Young Design Competition 2017
Preziosa Young Contest 2017 –
Group exhibition, PY2017 winners: Fang Jin Yeh, Qian Wang, Shachar Cohen, Xiaodai Huang.

Preziosa Young Winners 2017 - -  Shachar Cohen Pendant: Reflective Idols, 2016 Stainless steel 12 x 7 x 2 cm Photo by: Mirei Takeuchi Awarded at: PREZIOSA Young Design Competition 2017: Shachar Cohen Pendant: Reflective Idols, 2016 Stainless steel 12 x 7 x 2 cm Photo by: Mirei Takeuchi Awarded at: PREZIOSA Young Design Competition 2017

Preziosa Young Winners 2017   -  Xiaodai Huang. Ring: Variants, 2016. Silver, resin, velvet.. 7 x 5 x 5 cm. Awarded at: PREZIOSA Young Design Competition 2017.: Xiaodai Huang. Ring: Variants, 2016. Silver, resin, velvet.. 7 x 5 x 5 cm. Awarded at: PREZIOSA Young Design Competition 2017

Preziosa Young Winners 2017  - Wang Qjan. Brooch: Untitled, 2016. Acrylic, polypropylen, nylon, copper, 3D printing, laser cutting. Awarded at: PREZIOSA Young Design Competition 2017.: Wang Qjan. Brooch: Untitled, 2016. Acrylic, polypropylen, nylon, copper, 3D printing, laser cutting. Awarded at: PREZIOSA Young Design Competition 2017

Le Arti Orafe Jewellery School (LAO)
Via dei Serragli 104/124
50124 -  Florence
Tel.: +39 055 2280131
Fax: +30 055 2280163

Museo Luigi Bellini
Lungarno Soderini 5,
50124 Florence




#MunichJewelleryWeek2017 – EXPO (7) – ‘SHESH six jewelry artists’ – Bayerischer Kunstgewerbeverein (BKV Gallery), Munich (DE) – 24 Fevr.-1er Avril 2017

 7 (on map) SHESH six jewelry artists

24. Februar bis 01.April 2017 – Bayerischer Kunstgewerbeverein (BKV Gallery)

Eröffnung: Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2017, 18.30 bis 20.30 Uhr (Opening 23.02 18:30)

Curator: Esther Knobel
Under the guidance of Esther Knobel, the group has been meeting regularly since 2006, conducting an ongoing discourse in the jewelry field, on the path to forming and cultivating a personal creative language.
For more info please enter our site
Rechte der Fotos bei den KünstlerInnen

  7 (on map) Munich Jewellery Week 2017 /  SHESH - 6 Jewellery Artists - Bayerischer Kunstgewerbeverein (BKV Gallery)

artists:  Alona Katzir — Hadas LevinNoa LiranSara Shahak — Shuli Egozi — Sigal Meshorer – all live and work in Israel.

Sara Shahak Sara Shahak

 Sara Shahak - necklace Sara Shahak - necklace   Sara Shahak Sara Shahak

Alona KatzirAlona Katzir

 Noa LiranNoa Liran

Shuli EgoziShuli Egozi

Sigal MeshorerSigal Meshorer

7 SHESH group - Hadas Levin -: Hadas Levin



Bayerischer Kunstgewerbeverein (BKV Gallery)
 Pacellistraße 6-8
+49 89 2901470
Öffnungszeiten: Mo bis Sa 10 bis 18 Uhr
Sonderöffnung, Sonntag, 12. März 2017, 11 bis 17 Uhr meet the artist mit SHESH, 13 bis 15 Uhr







EXPO ‘La porta dels somnis’ – galeria Margarida Aldabó, Lleida (ES) – 15 mars-5 Avril 2017

content de convidar-vos a l’exposició de joieria contemporània « La porta dels somnis » que farem a la galeria Margarida Aldabó de Lleida. Montserrat LacombaRosa NoguésElena Comín i jo (Luis Comín) estarem encantats de presentar-vos la nostra feina. Inauguració miercoles 15 Marzo a les 19 hores.

exposició de joieria contemporània "La porta dels somnis"  galeria Margarida Aldabó de Lleida


Lluis Comin  Lluis Comin

 Lluís Comín - Polsera Col·lecció “ Mosaic de la memòria” 2015 Plata, or 18q i dos diamants talla brillant.Lluís Comín - Polsera Col·lecció “ Mosaic de la memòria” 2015 Plata, or 18q i dos diamants talla brillant.

porta dels somnis - Montserrat Lacomba: Montserrat Lacomba

Rosa Nogués - Brooch Rosa Nogués – Broche


Margarida Aldabó

c/ Cavallers, 2 25002 Lleida (ES) Tel 973 24 96 49 Enregistrer Enregistrer




Dominique Thomas Vansteenberghe

CURIOSITY – 23e Salon Wallon des Métiers d’Art
>> Du 25 mars au 14 mai 2017 – Palais Abbatial Saint-Hubert <<
vernissagevendredi 24 mars à 19:00 – 22:00
CuriosityEt si la curiosité n’était pas un vilain défaut ?
L’exposition CURIOSITY tentera de vous le prouver, en présentant une collection d’objets étranges et intrigants, tant dans leur expression esthétique et formelle que dans les techniques utilisées ou le choix des matériaux. Véritables liens entre la main et l’esprit de l’artiste, ces créations dévoileront leur côté sensible, parfois poétique ou même sulfureux.
Vingt-quatre artistes issus des Offices des métiers d’art des 5 Provinces wallonnes et du World Carfts Council – Belgique Francophone vont vous étonner au travers d’un parcours où se mêleront émotions et curiosités.
Vous pourrez y découvrir les oeuvres de Frédérique Coomans, Christine Mawet, Safia Hijos, Coryse Kiriluk, AnneMarie Laureys Ceramics, Anne Lenaerts, Dominique Thomas Vansteenberghe, Dorothée Van Biesen et Voz Monique, artistes membres du WCC-BF.
Commissaire: Benjamin Stoz

Dominique Thomas Vansteenberghe - contraintes - parures pour le corpsDominique Thomas Vansteenberghe – contrainte – parure pour le corps
Dominique Thomas Vansteenberghe - contrainte - parure  pour le corpsDominique Thomas Vansteenberghe – contrainte – parures pour le corps
Ancien quartier abbatial (Palais Abbatial)
place de l’Abbaye
6870 Saint-Hubert – LUXEMBOURG
Infos : 061/250 172 –
Une organisation de la Province de Luxembourg dans le cadre de l’Entente interprovinciale des Métiers d’Art de Wallonie.



EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Sébastien Carré …. la vie en/sur MARS

mars news pour Sébastien Carré

A new gallery of art jewelry will open in Monthey, SwitzerlandCbijoux. I am really happy to be exhibiting some pieces to celebrate this opening.
Opening March 10th from 5 to 8pm / vernissage aura lieu le vendredi 10 mars de 17h à 20h à la rue Coppet 8 à Monthey.
Open door March 11th from 10 to 5pm
Très prochainement, CedricChevalley ouvre une toute nouvelle galerie en Suisse à Monthey: Cbijoux. Je suis très heureux d’y exposer des oeuvres pour célébrer cette inauguration. 
Vernissage le 10 mars de 17 à 20h
Portes ouverte le 11 mars de 10 à 17h

Et voici les quelques merveilles exposées !
Sébastien Carré à CbijouxSébastien Carré à Cbijoux
Sébastien Carré à CbijouxSébastien Carré à Cbijoux
Sébastien Carré à Cbijoux - ringSébastien Carré à Cbijoux -  « CONSCIENCE – From the Darkness Comes the Light » Ring (2 or 3 fingers) Nylon, rubber, silk & cotton thread, agate, tiger eyes, red tiger eyes, coral beads, bohemian glass beads, beads. 

Sébastien Carré à Cbijoux - bracelet "Dunn"Sébastien Carré à Cbijoux - bracelet  « The Awakening of Dunn » pellicule de film et Nylon
 Sébastien Carré à Cbijoux - bracelet  "The Awakening of Dunn" pellicule de film et Nylon  Sébastien Carré à Cbijoux - bracelet  « The Awakening of Dunn » pellicule de film et Nylon


Sébastien Carré
rue du coppet 8
Monthey – CH
tel +41 21 312 55 43





#MunichJewelleryWeek2017 – EXPO (9) – ‘Off The Shelf’ / Central Saint Martins – Vitsoe, Munich (DE) – 4-14 Mars 2017

(9) Off The Shelf

work by staff and students of Central Saint Martins, BA Jewellery Design course.

9  Off the Shelf

Off the Shelf is an exhibition of work by staff and students of Central Saint Martins, BA Jewellery Design course. For a second year running, the designers are delighted to be returning to show at Vitsœ in Munich. The exhibition follows on from a series of projects where staff and students have displayed their work together in a celebration of the diverse and lively approach to contemporary jewellery and objects.
BA Jewellery Design approaches the subject of jewellery as a conversation between body and object, with originality and innovation at its heart. Based in the centre of London, we enjoy superb links with industry and encourage our students to engage with the wider social contexts of their work while developing their own creative practices and a diverse set of technical skills.
with :  Anna Tuhus — Ariel Yi-Chen Tsai — Carola Solcia — Caroline Broadhead — Chloe Valorso — Coline Assade — Elena Bonanomi — Emily Grimble — Erica Heng — Florance Tebbutt — Giles Last — Jasleen Kaur –  Jing Jiang — Katy Hackney — Kigen Kamijima — Lin CheungLucie DavisLucie GledhillMaria Militsi — Marlene McKibbin — Max Warren — Melanie Georgacopoulos — Michelle Lung — Miho Ishizuka — Naomi Filmer –  Sam Rodway-Smith — Scott Armstrong — Scott WilsonSilvia Weidenbach –  Stacey Huang — Veronika Fabian — Yayun Fang — Yichen Dong

9 - Off the shelf - Central St Martins -  Lucie Gledhill, rope necklace cut out- 'rope is patient' - a 4 meter rope chain made from 2 kilos sterling silverLucie Gledhill, rope necklace cut out – ‘rope is patient’ – a 4 meter rope chain made from 2 kilos sterling silver

Lin Cheung (Central St Martins - 2017) - delayed Reactions – Confused 2017  Brooch, Carved Lapis Lazuli, gold: Lin Cheung   – delayed Reactions – Confused 2017  Brooch, Carved Lapis Lazuli, gold

9 - Off the shelf - Central St Martins - Melanie Georgacopoulos, Necklace:  Melanie Georgacopoulos, Necklace

9 - Off the shelf - Central St Martins -   Veronika Fabian, Leather Chains: Veronika Fabian, Leather Chains

9 - Off the shelf - Central St Martins - Elena Bonanom, Binary Finery 1: Elena Bonanomi, Binary Finery 1

Marlene Mckibbin -  'adoorable'Marlene Mckibbin -  ‘adoorable’

9 - Off the shelf - Central St Martins -  Lucie Davis, Enamelled Price Pins: Lucie Davis, Enamelled Price Pins

9 - Off the shelf - Central St Martins - Stacey Huang, Buy one get one free: Stacey Huang, Buy one get one free

9 - Off the shelf - Central St Martins -   Yayun Fang, Mary's Veil: Yayun Fang, Mary’s Veil

9 - Off the shelf - Central St Martins -  Veronika Fabian, Jewellery is my best friend:  Veronika Fabian, Jewellery is my best friend

Chloé ValorsoChloé Valorso

9 - Off the shelf - Central St Martins -   Chloe Valorso, Eyes: Chloe Valorso, Eyes

Naomi Filmer - objectNaomi Filmer – object

Caroline Broadhead - "Dropped Necklace"Caroline Broadhead  « Dropped Necklace »

9 - Off the shelf - Central St Martins -  Maria Militsi, Equestrian: Maria Militsi, Equestrian

Türkenstraße 36
80799 Munich
Mon- Fri 10:00–19:00, Sat 10:00–18:00, Sun 11:00–19:00






#MunichJewelleryWeek2017 – EXPO – ‘Abruptions – Jorge Manilla’ – 84 GHz, Munich (DE) – 11-13 Mars 2017

AbruptionsJorge Manilla

Opening Friday 10th of March, 6 pm - 10 pm

« Like so many things in life, it is more about the journey than the destination and, it seems that people can find and appreciate these struggles and emotions in the finished pieces. »
 Jorge Manilla - Necklace: The damages never forgotten, 2017 Leather, steel. 52 x 20 x 7 cm

( Jorge Manilla - Necklace: The damages never forgotten, 2017 Leather, steel. 52 x 20 x 7 cm)

« Trying to find the answers about why the last time I am often overcome with waves of different emotions.
I decided to make work as a kind of personal emotional archive to read and understand this feeling in a different way.
These moments are very unpredictable and very often take me along very unexpected paths that can go from the desperation to the calmness, from the nostalgia to the happiness I have more and more the feeling I need to express something and using materials, shapes, textures, colours, emotions, feelings as tools try to make individual small stories and even when this confrontation is not easy I don’t want to lose the ability to be comprehensible to any sensitive people.

I often worry that people is indifferent to this kind of expressions in art and refuse to experience purely emotional response to purely visual, static artistically expressions in this case my jewellery pieces. Doing this personal archive, I want to create images that I think will trigger the people with their feelings, images of personal experiences, memories of pleasure of maybe memories of pain. And I enjoy of my work adding visual elements that confirm messages of create confrontations. I like to do and show the process of the work and the making, some pieces looks like not finished, the Intime moments in the studio that can show that making this kind of work can be very hard and mentally draining.
Realizing this made me feel a little more relaxed about wasting my life creating jewellery pieces. Like so many things in life, it is more about the journey than the destination and, it seems that people can find and appreciate these struggles and emotions in the finished pieces. I want to abrupt the general feeling and discover new messages on it, I want to abrupt the materials and create my personal way of communicate, I want to abrupt my emotions and let me go to a new dimension of feelings.« Jorge Manilla

 Jorge Manilla. Necklace: Learning to fly again, 2017. Leather, wood, bone, steel.. 55 x 25 x 10 cm.: Jorge Manilla. Necklace: Learning to fly again, 2017. Leather, wood, bone, steel.. 55 x 25 x 10 cm
  Jorge Manilla. Necklace: Learning to fly again, 2017. Leather, wood, bone, steel.. 55 x 25 x 10 cm.: Jorge Manilla. Necklace: Learning to fly again, (DETAIL) 2017. Leather, wood, bone, steel.. 55 x 25 x 10 cm
  Jorge Manilla. Necklace: The damages never forgotten, 2017. Leather, steel.. 52 x 20 x 7 cm.: Jorge Manilla. Necklace: The damages never forgotten, 2017. Leather, steel.. 52 x 20 x 7 cm
Kunstgiesserei München with 84 GHz
Schleißheimer Straße 72
80797 -  Munich

Phone: +49 89 30  63  79  11



#MunichJewelleryWeek2017 – EXPO (49) – ‘Utopic Spaces’ – Munich (DE) – 9-13 Mars 2017

  (49) Utopic Spaces


by Noha Nicolescu (Romania) and Titi Berrio (Colombia)

(49) Utopic Spaces

49 (on map) - utopic spaces - Noha Nicolescu, Ana C. Berrio, Titi Berrio“Utopia is thus the neutral moment of a difference, the space outside of place; it is a gap impossible either to inscribe on a geographic map or to assign to history. Its reality thus belongs to the order of the text; more precisely, it is the figurative representation that the text inscribes beneath its discourse, and by it’’
Louis Marin from Utopiques, jeux d’espace

Titi Berrio. Utopic spacesTiti Berrio.
« Utopic spaces are sites with no real place but they have a general relation of direct or inverted analogy with the real space. »Utopic Spaces /Concept

 Noha Nicolescu - Bijuterie Contemporana.Noha Nicolescu – Bijuterie Contemporana

Titi Berrio. Utopic spacesTiti Berrio« utopic space clearly emerges as a space of transformation, which does not exist in structuring built space but rather in the continual transformation of a space that remains forever flexible: the mind. »Utopic Spaces /Concept

Why would anyone want to design an utopia? There are several reasons. The most important one is that utopian thought is essential to human change in all aspects.
The landscape is the container of our utopia, we transform it and it tries to keep growing between the spontaneity of nature and the human action. As a result of this, the contemporary landscapes are a mixture of dreams, intentions and chance.
Utopic Spaces is a way of materializing through jewellery the meeting of two worlds, two realities and two ways of dreaming, by Romanian artist, Noha Nicolescu, and Colombian artist, Titi Berrio.

Noha Nicolescu - Bijuterie ContemporanaNoha Nicolescu – Bijuterie Contemporana
« We believe in the transformative inner power of the imagination—a change in our inner space will affect external space. »Utopic Spaces /Concept

Noha Nicolescu - The Space Between, ring, wood, sterling silver, acrylic paint,2016, Noha Nicolescu - The Space Between, ring, wood, sterling silver, acrylic paint,2016

Noha Nicolescu - The Gate, pendant, wood, sterling silver, acrylic paint, cotton thread,2016Noha Nicolescu – The Gate, pendant, wood, sterling silver, acrylic paint, cotton thread,2016

Titi Berrio‎ - Utopic SpacesTiti Berrio

 Titi Berrio - Walls, Brooch, steel, sterling silver, felt, acrylic paint, paint, cotton thread, reflective microspheres,2016,Titi Berrio - Walls, Brooch, steel, sterling silver, felt, acrylic paint, paint, cotton thread, reflective microspheres,2016,

Titi Berrio - Cubo, Ring, steel, sterling silver, paint, reflective microspheres,2016, Titi Berrio - Cubo, Ring, steel, sterling silver, paint, reflective microspheres,2016

Titi Berrio - Expansión, necklace, felt, steel, sterling silver, cotton thread, reflective fabric,2015Titi Berrio - Expansión, necklace, felt, steel, sterling silver, cotton thread, reflective fabric,2015

The landscape is the container of our utopia, we transform it and it tries to keep growing between the spontaneity of nature and the human action.
As a result of this, the contemporary landscapes are a mixture of dreams, intentions and chance. We put spaces and structures that are filled with experiences, nature, feelings and emotions on a canvas called landscape and we do the same with the jewels that can appropriate the body’s landscape.
Utopic Spaces is a way of materializing through jewelry the meeting of two worlds, two realities and two ways of dreaming. Noha Nicolescu from Romania and Titi Berrio from Colombia appropriated an atelier , a landscape in which a collective dream is built and exposed.


Lefebvre, H., (2000) Writing on cities. Blackwell Publishers
Foucault, M., (1984) Of Other Spaces: Utopias and Heterotopias, Architecture /Mouvement/ Continuité
Laffoley, P., (2001) Utopic space. The Boston Visionary Cell
Louis Marin from, Utopiques, jeux d’espace



Häberlstraße 18,
80337 München, Deutschland
Thu-Mon, 12:00-19:00

