Preziosa 2017 Florence Jewellery Week
Preziosa is a cultural project, an annual exhibition dedicated to Contemporary Jewellery.
Every year the artistic approach to the complex subject of jewellery is explored through a specific concept and with the selection of artists from the international scene.
The project, imagined, managed and coordinated by LAO - Le Arti Orafe Jewellery School in Florence, started in 2005, and has quickly become one of the worldwide most important events devoted to contemporary jewellery.
Since 2008 LAO has been organizing also PREZIOSA YOUNG contest, for all the young creaters from all over the world.
Opening evening: 24 May 6.00 PM
Bellini Museum, Lungarno Soderini, 5. Florence
Curator: Giò Carbone

Exhibitions: 25-28 May, 9.00-18.00
* Bellini Museum, Lungarno Soderini, 5. Florence,
* Palazzo Coveri Gallery, Lungarno Guicciardini 19,
* Florence, Botticelli Gallery, Via Maggio, 39. Florence
* LAO-Le Arti Orafe, Via dei Serragli 104, Florence
Workshops: 25-28 May, 9.00-18.00
LAO laboratories. Via dei Serragli 104, Florence
Conferences: 26-27 May, 11.00-13.00/ 14.30 – 18.00
Santo Spirito Church Cloister,“Sala Consiliare” Santo Spirito square, Florence
Artisans demonstrations: 28 May, 11.00 – 18.00
LAO open space, Via dei Serragli 104, Florence
Reception and meeting point: 25-28 May, 11.00-18.00 LAO in Palazzo Capponi. Via Michelozzi 2, Florence
Update program:…/preziosa-2017-florence-jewellery-week…
And form next week, at
From 24th to 28th May 2017 in the very heart of Florence, the “Oltrarno” district, among the Lungarni and Santo Spirito Square, LAO, Le Arti Orafe Jewellery School organizes PREZIOSA 2017-Florence Jewellery Week, a unique event in Italy.
The exhibitions and all other moments of the event place the emphasis on the interactions between tradition and artistic research, manual skills and new technologies, and between the different meanings and symbolical values that jewellery can take on in different cultural and geographical environments.
The project includes exhibitions by contemporary artists from various countries, lectures and presentations, workshops led by invited
Invited artists, curators, lecturers :
Arata Fuchi — Robert Baines — Sibylle Umlauf — Tasso Mattar — Danni Schwaag — LOD Metallformgivning — Erik Tidäng — Lena Jerström — Tobias Birgersson — Klara Eriksson — Petronella Eriksson — Pernilla Sylwan — Preziosa Young Contest 2017 – Fang Jin Yeh — Qian Wang — Shachar Cohen — Xiaodai Huang — New Iranian & Persian Jewelry- Group exhibition by students from the Mahe Mehr Institute Teheran — Kevin Murray — Martina Dempf — Maria Cristina Bergesio — Roberta Bernabei — Inger Wästberg — Shruti Agrawal — Maria Laura La Mantia.
Solo Exhibitions
* Arata Fuchi, Italy/Japan
* Robert Baines, Australia (« High Wire by Robert Baines » – Bellini-museum)
* Sibylle Umlauf, Germany
(Robert Baines on left, Arata Fuchi on right)
Sibylle Umlauf Brooch: Double needle Silver, pure gold
« The goldsmith Sibylle Umlauf sees her work as a metamorphosis, as a dynamic principle: She contrasts dark and hard iron with soft, shining and warm gold. By using forging, chasing, etching and inlaying techniques she gives each individual object its own unique signature. »Born in Stettin, in that time Germany, today Poland. Sibylle Umlauf lives and works in Berlin and Italy. She studied goldsmithing at the Fachschule für das Edelmetall Schwaebisch Gmünd and Fine Arts at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste Berlin from 1964 – 1970. She taught Arts at the Fachhochschule für Sozialpädagogik Berlin until 1990.
Groups and curated exhibitions
- LOD Metallformgivning Sweden.
Curated by Inger Wästberg.
Contemporary Swedish Silver.New Approaches to an enduring tradition
Artists: Erik Tidäng, Lena Jerström, Tobias Birgersson, Klara Eriksson, Petronella Eriksson, Pernilla Sylwan.
- Preziosa Young Contest 2017
Group exhibition, PY2017 winners: Fang Jin Yeh, Qian Wang, Shachar Cohen, Xiaodai Huang. The jury composed by artists, curators, bloggers and art expertises finally selected 4 young artists: Fang Jin Yeh, Taiwan; Qian Wang, China; Shachar Cohen, Israel / Germany; Xiaodai Huang, China.
The jury assigned further special mentions to: Giulia Savino, Italy; Heng Lee, Taiwan; Niklas Link, Germany; Holland Houdek, USA / Italy; Marion Delarue, France.
Tasso Mattar Ring: Untitled, 1989 Mother of pearl, yellow 18kt gold. 10 x 2 x 4 cm Photo by: Ralph Klein
Danni Schwaag Ring: Mother of pearl, 2011 Mother of pearl. 3 x 5 x 1 cm Photo by: Danni Schwaag
Shahrzad Aliyari. Bracelet: Shahryar, 2015. Silver.
New Iranian & Persian Jewelry. Group exhibition from the Mahe Mehr Institute Teheran.
Fang Jin Yeh Brooch: Mimicry. My impression of the sea creatures, 2015 Silver, paper, coral, paint, stainless steel Awarded at: PREZIOSA Young Design Competition 2017
Preziosa Young Contest 2017 –
Group exhibition, PY2017 winners: Fang Jin Yeh, Qian Wang, Shachar Cohen, Xiaodai Huang.
Shachar Cohen Pendant: Reflective Idols, 2016 Stainless steel 12 x 7 x 2 cm Photo by: Mirei Takeuchi Awarded at: PREZIOSA Young Design Competition 2017
Xiaodai Huang. Ring: Variants, 2016. Silver, resin, velvet.. 7 x 5 x 5 cm. Awarded at: PREZIOSA Young Design Competition 2017
Wang Qjan. Brooch: Untitled, 2016. Acrylic, polypropylen, nylon, copper, 3D printing, laser cutting. Awarded at: PREZIOSA Young Design Competition 2017
Le Arti Orafe Jewellery School (LAO)
Via dei Serragli 104/124
50124 - Florence
Tel.: +39 055 2280131
Fax: +30 055 2280163
Museo Luigi Bellini
Lungarno Soderini 5,
50124 Florence