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  • > EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Julia Obermaier – « Die Vier » EXPO suite (et fin) at EUNIQUE, 19-21 May 2017 Karlsruhe (DE)]


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Julia Obermaier – « Die Vier » EXPO suite (et fin) at EUNIQUE, 19-21 May 2017 Karlsruhe (DE)]

Julia Obermaier

Upcoming show « weekend Art gallery #4« at Arnoldsche Verlag on the 12 of may until the 14th of may in Stuttgart.  
Inauguration 12 May from 19h

(ARNOLDSCHE Art Publishers  Olgastraße 137, 70180 Stuttgart, Allemagne -Tél : +49 711 6456180

Julia Obm -Arnoldsche week-end Art gallery MAY 2017upcoming show "weekend gallery"at arnoldsche Verlag on the 12 of may until the 14th of may in stuttgart.


The weekend after the show in Stuttgart I will show my work with DIE VIER at Eunique :

EUNIQUE visitor Flyer
Die Vier  Exhibition  continue,  next time  on  19-21 May at Eunique in Karlsruhe.
« Four women with a strong language expressed through jewellery have the aim to revive the traditions of stone carving and goldsmithing with a contemporary approach. Idar-Oberstein is the point of encounter from all the members of the group, coming from Costa Rica, Austria and Germany. »

 Julia Obermaier at Die VierJulia Obermaier at Die Vier

Julia Obm - at Die Vier   Julia Obermaier at Die Vier




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