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EXPO ‘+Apantima’ (during AJW 2017) – Krama School, Athens (GR) – 19-21 May 2017


AJW 2017 on Facebook

19/05 :  18.00 : opening : +Apantima

@Krama School of Contemporary Jewelry 
Dates: 19/5 – 21/5

KRAMA school

 The group exhibition +apantima, will take part in AJW
Artists names : Nella Vlachou / Poly Nikolopoulou / Yiannis Siotis

Exploring, experimenting, expressing.
Feeling, transforming, communicating.
The human body.
The simple objects.
The subconscious.
The spur of the moment.
Different but together for beautiful and ugly, for good or for bad..

Yiannis Siotis  "Fragments - The Birth" -  Pendant Silver, threadYiannis Siotis « Fragments – The Birth » -  Pendant Silver, thread
« This collection has been created as a need to express my experience of being a new parent. When I observed all internal and external changes of the pregnant body, I embraced all the emotional ups and downs that we both had. I kept the storm of feelings created the moment we saw our baby and hold it in our arms and finally I stood amazed at the magnificent process of breast feeding. All these became the fragments of time at my beginning on the way to parenting.
Fragments / the Birth / pendant »

Yiannis Siotis "Fragments - The Birth" -  Pendant Silver, threadYiannis Siotis « Fragments – The Birth » -  Pendant Silver, thread

Poly Nikolopoulou  "Viaggio" Pendant SilverPoly Nikolopoulou  « Viaggio » Pendant Silver
« travel, resort, escape, freedom, stuff, filled … experiences, a suitcase full of life …
will open to share some …. when the time comes, the moment,when you arrive, suitable viewer, listener …
words scattered and similar feelings … hitting the walls and dissolve or not … Enjoy your journey... »

Poly Nikolopoulou Poly Nikolopoulou

 Nella Vlachou  "Broken Flower"  Object PlexiglassNella Vlachou   « Broken Flower »  Object Plexiglass
« The human body is a space. The human body takes up space. The human body is the separator of an inside and an outside space.
How do these spaces interact with each other? Are they interconnected or out of balance? How do human beings deal with the condition of being the mediator?
Maybe there is no distinct answer but the exploration of these questions through the notion of materiality might be an answer in itself. »

Nella Vlachou -  Plexiglass.Nella Vlachou. -  Plexiglass.


Krama School of Contemporary Jewelry
Evrou 9 Str.,
11528, Athens
tel. (+30) 6939080989, 6972840825
opening hours: Fri-Sat-Sunday: 11.00 – 21.00




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