Yiota Vogli
All that matters ………. at As gallery - Agapi Smpokou Contemporary Jewellery and Art
opening on Thursday 6/7/2017 at 20.00
AS GALLERY- Agapi Smpokou contemporary jewellery and art is presenting the solo painting and jewellery exhibition of the artists Yiota Vogli, entitled « all that matters ». The exhibition’s opening is on July 6, 2017 at 20:00 at AS Gallery, Psaromiligkon 9 in the center of Heraklion.
all that matters…. painting & jewellery by Yiota Vogli
« I have drawn photographic portraits that capture an expression on human bodies, which seem to represent not just the subject’s personality but include manifestoes of our contemporary society.
This body of work is an exploration into the physical and emotional limits of individuals operating in contemporary society, using the human images, to expose psychological and physical states like joy, despair, guilty, emotional release, gravity, presence and absence. The question concerning female faith and generally the virtuous behavior which supposedly characterizes women in every area of their lives emerges as a central subject.
The female body becomes means and subject of emotional communication, when at the same time it turns into a canvas on which expresses the individual and public freedom, while reflects the aesthetic value of our times. »
Yiota Vogli

Yiota Vogli Visual Arts - paintings »body graffiti »
Yiota Vogli Visual Arts · body imprints, mixed media, weavings, enclosed in plexiglass
Yiota Vogli - Series « shadows » necklace – Silver, alpaca, wood, painting
« Thoughts like birds will always hover high in the sky but is our responsibility to prevent the “birds” from landing on our minds »
Yiota Vogli – Series « shadows » necklace – detail
Yiota Vogli - Series « shadows » necklace –
SHADOWS collection, 2016, is the embodiment of a fantasy world populated with shadows, exotic birds, grotesque demons and fairies, an exploration of the aesthetic and literary values of such creatures and the real and symbolic nature of the shadow as an image and a figure.. »Yiota Vogli
Yiota Vogli - From the series « Shadows » the pair -earrings, silver, alpaca, paper, oxidation, Yiota Vogli
Yiota Vogli - « Body Graffiti »- mixed media, 140x90cm
« The emblematic photographs of the surrealist Man Ray (1890-1976) are the artist’s raw material, the basic building blocks of these works. Thereafter the artist intervenes either by the use of the digital ‘touching up’ of the photographs or through means solely afforded by painting, such as the addition of colour or the subtly nuanced repetition of the same subject, thus emphatically underlining invented symbolic features of the image. The cumulative function of memory and associations leads to the inclusion of other apparently disparate elements such as street graffiti, Byzantine images and Renaissance art or even fragments from ancient texts. The resultant new work has thus the form of a palimpsest, not just in terms of its images but also in the representation of feelings. » Despina Tsougianni PhD. History of Art
Yiota Vogli - « Body Graffiti »- mixed media
Yiota Vogli - layers of memory
AS Gallery
Psaromiligkon 9,
71202 Herákleion (Heraklion , Crete), Greece
tel +30 281 400 3486