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Coup de coeur/Decouverte during AJW 2017 : Stefania SIOUFA, inner “Transformation”

« …… shaping my soul into art and jewelry »

Stefania SIOUFA    At ATHENS JEWELRY WEEK (AJW) 2017 –Central EXPO ‘Art + Jewelry : Intersecting Spaces’ – Benaki Museum, Athens (GR) – 18-21 May 2017

Stefania Sioufa THOUGHTS brooches at AJW 2017Stefania Sioufa the 4 THOUGHTS brooches at AJW 2017

and the work of Stefania Sioufa has been selected for JOYA 2017 !!
« My work is a means of expression, articulating ideas, transforming thoughts and emotions, shaping my psyche into jewelry.
This creative journey provides me with peace of mind and helps me improve myself. Pursuing and discovering new paths, experimenting with different colors and materials, is part of a process for bringing to life pieces that hold a special meaning to me as an artist and to the wearer.
My new project is about inner “Transformation”; transformation of the soul.
I created a jewelry collection that symbolises the transformation of positive and
negative thoughts that we are having during the day.
The continuous stream of thoughts, via meditation, gradually fades away, providing serenity and tranquility to the mind and soul. Through silence and observation of my thoughts, there comes an understanding, a need for change and self-improvement. »
Stefania Sioufa - "Thoughts" brooch - paper, silver, aluminium foil, broken mirrors, water colorsStefania Sioufa - « Thoughts » brooch – paper, silver, aluminium foil, broken mirrors, water colors
« via meditation, slowly, all the bad (thoughts) are buried deep inside (the broken mirrors pieces that are INSIDE the brooch) and peace and beauty and serenity comes out, with nice and soft colors, with a smooth structure, done with smooth materials (paper), that looks like a flower in bud, a blossoming flower , a future beauty …. »
Stefania Sioufa - "Scene of the Mind" Brooch Silver, pigments, cement, brass sheets, resin, sand, plasterStefania Sioufa - « Scene of the Mind » Brooch – Silver, pigments, cement, brass sheets, resin, sand, plaster
Stefania Sioufa. Greece,  Brooch: Silver, pigments, cement, brass sheets, resin, sand, plaster, mixed media. “Transformation” means the inner change, the work I do with myself and my soul. It is the best version of me, coming from the "dialogue with myself". Through silence, meditation and observation of my thoughts, comes the understanding and my need for change and internal transformation. It means the transition from negative to positive status, my self-improvement, the change of courStefania Sioufa. Greece,  Brooch: Silver, pigments, cement, brass sheets, resin, sand, plaster, mixed media.
“Transformation” means the inner change, the work I do with myself and my soul. It is the best version of me, coming from the « dialogue with myself ». Through silence, meditation and observation of my thoughts, comes the understanding and my need for change and internal transformation. It means the transition from negative to positive status, my self-improvement, the change of course, the opening of new roads. »
seems that this brooch has not reached yet a status of « peacefulness » ……..
Stefania Sioufa - Positive negative thoughts - brooch Stefania Sioufa - Positive negative thoughts – brooch
Krama -  "Let your thoughts go away" brooch / Stefania Sioufa Stefania Sioufa -  « Let your thoughts go away » brooch / Krama
 Stefania Sioufa   nov.2016 ·   Let your thoughts go away - my project  TRANSFORMATIONStefania Sioufa   nov.2016 ·   Let your thoughts go away – my project  TRANSFORMATION
Stefania Sioufa brooch (BACK)Stefania Sioufa brooch (BACK)Stefania Sioufa ·   "It's time for Healing", brooch.Stefania Sioufa ·   « It’s time for Healing », brooch
« from dark to light side, from rough to smooth, from « bad » to « good », from negative to positive, from « war » to peace ….. »
Stefania Sioufa   -juill. 2017 ·  Experimenting fight / loose control / find yourselfStefania Sioufa   -juill. 2017 ·  Experimenting fight / loose control / find yourself




EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Marion FILLANCQ – Festival du VERRE CONTEMPORAIN – Palau del Vidre, France – 28 Juill.-1er Août 2017

Marion Fillancq, pensée taille

Festival Du Verre- Palau Del Vidre , France (Pyrénées Orientales, près Perpignan). 28 juillet – 1er août
Les femmes à l’honneur

Festival du verre - Palau del vidre - juill-aout 2017


Marion Fillancq - démoMarion Fillancq - démonstration (ici « travail de taille archéologique par pression à la pointe de cuivre »)
« Dés 2009, elle a conduit une recherche et développé un travail autour des techniques de taille archéologique, c’est-à-dire celle utilisées à la préhistoire pour la fabrication des outils de pierre (la taille lithique donc). Ces techniques de percussion et de pression habituellement utilisées en archéologie expérimentale sur les roches dures (silex, jaspe, obsidienne…) ne sont pas explorées dans le milieu du verre. » (Pôle Bijou – article)

Marion Fillancq - SCULPTURES // VERRE Marion Fillancq - SCULPTURES // VERRE – biface … à transformer en broche ????????? ..……

Marion Fillancqstand de Marion Fillancq  (à droite b.o. de la collection « Archéo ») – et lot de délicieuses « puces d’oreille » en  « marionite » (miroir taillé) ….

 Marion Fillancq  b.o.Marion Fillancq – Collection Marionite – b.o. -  miroir taillé coloré
« Elle a … élaboré des «simulacres de diamants» à partir de miroir, qu’elle a baptisé «marionites». Ce travail de taille archéologique par pression à la pointe de cuivre est long, pénible et douloureux. Des éclats successifs sont enlevés par pression, technique qui demande écoute du matériau, gestuelle adaptée et acceptation de la pénibilité du travail. » « Elle aime à en dire « Ce travail est, en quelque sorte, une ironisation du luxe de la parure traditionnelle ornée de diamants ou pierres précieuses. Ici, pour conférer une valeur, il faut enlever, tailler, détacher des éclats pour montrer l’autre éclat : celui qui tranche, mais qui brille tout autant, d’une lumière minérale, élégante, détournée du tape à l’œil.Le miroir taillé opère en charmeur, il séduit l’œil et conduit le regardeur vers d’autres questions. » »
 (Pôle Bijou – article)


à lire ! :  article de Pôle Bijou Galerie sur Marion Fillancq






EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Yiota VOGLI – all that matters…. painting & jewellery by Yiota Vogli – As gallery (Greece) – 6 Juill.-12 Aout 2017

Yiota Vogli

All that matters ………. at As gallery - Agapi Smpokou Contemporary Jewellery and Art

opening on Thursday 6/7/2017 at 20.00

AS GALLERY- Agapi Smpokou contemporary jewellery and art is presenting the solo painting and jewellery exhibition of the artists Yiota Vogli, entitled « all that matters ». The exhibition’s opening is on July 6, 2017 at 20:00 at AS Gallery, Psaromiligkon 9 in the center of Heraklion.

all that matters…. painting & jewellery by Yiota Vogli
« I have drawn photographic portraits that capture an expression on human bodies, which seem to represent not just the subject’s personality but include manifestoes of our contemporary society.
This body of work is an exploration into the physical and emotional limits of individuals operating in contemporary society, using the human images, to expose psychological and physical states like joy, despair, guilty, emotional release, gravity, presence and absence. The question concerning female faith and generally the virtuous behavior which supposedly characterizes women in every area of their lives emerges as a central subject.
The female body becomes means and subject of emotional communication, when at the same time it turns into a canvas on which expresses the individual and public freedom, while reflects the aesthetic value of our times. »
Yiota Vogli

Yiota Vogli Visual Arts - All that Matters - solo exhib. juillet 2017


Yiota Vogli Visual ArtsYiota Vogli Visual Arts - paintings »body graffiti »

Yiota Vogli Visual Arts  - body imprints, mixed media, weavings, enclosed in plexiglassYiota Vogli Visual Arts · body imprints, mixed media, weavings, enclosed in plexiglass

Series "shadows" necklace Silver, alpaca, wood, painting "Thoughts like birds will always hover high in the sky but is our responsibility to prevent the “birds” from landing on our minds" Yiota VogliYiota Vogli - Series « shadows » necklace – Silver, alpaca, wood, painting
« Thoughts like birds will always hover high in the sky but is our responsibility to prevent the “birds” from landing on our minds »

Yiota Vogli - Series "shadows" necklace - detailYiota Vogli – Series « shadows » necklace – detail

Yiota Vogli - Series "shadows" necklace -Yiota Vogli - Series « shadows » necklace –
SHADOWS collection, 2016, is the embodiment of a fantasy world populated with shadows, exotic birds, grotesque demons and fairies, an exploration of the aesthetic and literary values of such creatures and the real and symbolic nature of the shadow as an image and a figure.. »Yiota Vogli

EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Yiota VOGLI - all that matters.... painting & jewellery by Yiota Vogli - As gallery (Greece) - 6 Juill.-12 Aout 2017 dans EXCHANGE-BIJOUYiota Vogli - From the series « Shadows » the pair -earrings, silver, alpaca, paper, oxidation, Yiota Vogli

Yiota Vogli Visual Arts - All that Matters - solo exhib. juillet 2017Yiota Vogli - « Body Graffiti »- mixed media, 140x90cm
« The emblematic photographs of the surrealist Man Ray (1890-1976) are the artist’s raw material, the basic building blocks of these works. Thereafter the artist intervenes either by the use of the digital ‘touching up’ of the photographs or through means solely afforded by painting, such as the addition of colour or the subtly nuanced repetition of the same subject, thus emphatically underlining invented symbolic features of the image. The cumulative function of memory and associations leads to the inclusion of other apparently disparate elements such as street graffiti, Byzantine images and Renaissance art or even fragments from ancient texts. The resultant new work has thus the form of a palimpsest, not just in terms of its images but also in the representation of feelings. »  Despina Tsougianni  PhD. History of Art

Yiota Vogli - "Body Graffiti"- mixed mediaYiota Vogli - « Body Graffiti »- mixed media

Yiota Vogli - layers of memoryYiota Vogli - layers of memory



AS Gallery
Psaromiligkon 9,
71202 Herákleion (Heraklion , Crete), Greece
tel +30 281 400 3486



EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Jessica Morillo – « MujerCasa » : nuevo trabajo

Jessica Morillo / ANSIOSA HORMONA – arte y diseño

POR VENIR ! MUESTRA para AGOSTO 2017 :  Que liindo se siente abrir el mail y tener fecha de muestra individual y viaje 2017 !!

Su trabajo ha recibido el 1° Premio en la 1° Bienal Latinoamericana de Joyería contemporánea PUENTES, organizada por Joyeros Argentinos y el Museo de Arte popular José Hernández, el año pasado (2016),
y en 2012 ya había sido distinguida con el Sello del buen diseño Argentino por el Ministerio de Industria de la Nación.

ANSIOSA HORMONA - arte y diseño


Mi cuerpo el jardin de mis placeres, mis organos huecos, mi cuerpo es mi casa.
Soy casa propia que alberga explosivos movimientos de mi sangre que se transforma y llena mis fibras de nuevos aires de lucha.
El cuerpo conectado con la tierra que se innuda de rafagas de libertad.
Esta coleccion de joyeria contemporanea MujerCasa esta compuesta de por pieza textiles de formas variables. Donde las concavidades florecen con la energia de la transformacion femenina albergando nueva vida, pariendo la independencia de nuestros cuerpos libres.

ANSIOSA HORMONA – arte y diseño -
Tecnica: tejido y bordado
Piezas: collares, anillo y pulsera
Materiales: fibras naturales
Foto: Flor Garcia Otta

Jessica Morillo 13 juin ·   À San Miguel de Tucumán.Jessica Morillo / ANSIOSA HORMONA – arte y diseño 13 juin ·   À San Miguel de Tucumán – work in progress ……..

Jessica Morillo 13 juin ·2017   À San Miguel de Tucumán.Jessica Morillo / ANSIOSA HORMONA – arte y diseño  13 juin ·   À San Miguel de Tucumán – work in progress ……..

Jessica Morillo / ANSIOSA HORMONA - arte y diseño - MujerCasaJessica Morillo / ANSIOSA HORMONA – arte y diseño  – MujerCasa collar - tejido y bordado – fibras naturales

Jessica Morillo / ANSIOSA HORMONA - arte y diseño  - MujerCasa - 2017 -  collar - tejido y bordado - fibras naturales   Jessica Morillo / ANSIOSA HORMONA – arte y diseño  – MujerCasa -  2017 – collar – tejido y bordado – fibras naturales

Jessica Morillo / ANSIOSA HORMONA - arte y diseño  - MujerCasa -  2017 - pulsera/anillo - tejido y bordado - fibras naturalesJessica Morillo / ANSIOSA HORMONA – arte y diseño  – MujerCasa -  2017 – pulsera y anillo – tejido y bordado – fibras naturales

Jessica Morillo / ANSIOSA HORMONA - arte y diseño  - MujerCasa -  2017 - anillo - tejido y bordado - fibras naturalesJessica Morillo / ANSIOSA HORMONA – arte y diseño  – MujerCasa -  2017 – anillo – tejido y bordado – fibras naturales

Jessica Morillo / ANSIOSA HORMONA - arte y diseño  - MujerCasa -  2017Jessica Morillo / ANSIOSA HORMONA – arte y diseño  – MujerCasa -  2017
en QuintaTrends

Estudio Joya - workshop agosto 2017 - jessica Morillo

Estudio Joya : felices de anunciar que en agosto , Jessica Morillo / ANSIOSA HORMONA – arte y diseño va a estar en Estudio Joya !!!
Artista tucumana, ganadora del primer premio de la Bienal « Puentes »
nos trae esta hermosa tècnica, bordado tridimensional.
Informes e inscripciòn


El arte de tejer… joyería contemporánea« Nacida en 1987 en Tucumán, Jessica Morillo es artista y diseñadora. Con su marca Ansiosa Hormona, produce desde el lenguaje textil,  esculturas, instalaciones y joyería contemporánea. “En mi producción de joyería cada pieza está pensada y realizada como un todo, como un objeto para recorrer. Me interesa que las piezas se vinculen con el cuerpo y el espacio, lo envuelvan lo transformen y dialoguen en él”, dice la creadora.
La técnica con la que materializa las piezas es el tejido en todas sus variedades,  recreando y generando sus propias fibras y pieles textiles: hilos encerados, fibras naturales, reutilización textil de su propia ropa y también de otros orígenes, pelo humano. “Valoro el proceso creativo y de construcción, en el cual descubro espacios infinitos y me dejo sorprender por  los caminos que me proponen las técnicas, formas y materiales. Mi intención es cuestionar la lógica de las joyas/objetos y hacer circular una idea / un mensaje / una mirada, la mía. Producir con la mente y el cuerpo”, agrega la joven, que es miembro de Joyeros Argentinos, plataforma virtual que reúne a joyeros y artistas del país. »(MujerCountry)



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