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JOYA 2017 – Barcelona (SP) – ENJOIA’T – 27 Sept.-5 Oct/6 Oct. 2017

It’s time for JOYA 2017 !! Barcelona (SP) – 5-6-7 Oct 2017

  JOYA_2017 - 5-6-7 Oct 2017

During JOYA, some AWARDS I particularly appreciate, organised by the  A-FAD :


ENJOIA'T 2017 2017/


Enjoia’t, Contemporary Jewelry Awards
The ENJOIA´T Contemporary Jewelry Awards have taken place annually over the past 23 years, acknowledging the most outstanding contemporary creations in the jewellery industry. The awards have therefore become an important meeting point for professional and student jewellers from all over the world, as part of Barcelona Jewellery Week. The ENJOIA´T awards acknowledge designs that question and transgress the limits of contemporary jewellery creation through originality, technical quality and conceptual richness. With international jewellers taking part in the awards, ENJOIA´T has become a showcase for the industry’s latest trends from a range of cultural perspectives.


ENJOIA’T empezara el 27 de setembre con la exposición en el edificio Disseny Hub Barcelona. La muestra se podrà ver del 27 de septiembre al 5 de octubre al vestíbulo de la planta 0. Se podran ver las piezas finalistas de los seleccionados de ENJOIA’T 2017, un històrico de todas las coronas que han servido a galardonar los ganadores de cada edición, y las coronas hechas por los alumnos de la Escola Massana para coronar el ganador del Premio de Opinión de ENJOIA’T 2017.

La entrega de los premios se hara el 6 de octubre a la Virreina – Un ganador en premio categoria Professional, y dos finalistas, igual para la categoria Estudiantes, y solo un premio para el Premio de opinion del publico.

AWARDS on October 6th

Here are the finalists :

Students finalists :

 Enjoia't 2017 - Students finalists

1. Through, Mansuo Zhu
2. Contrast, Yi-Jhu Huang (
3. Erosión, Leticia Rayo (
4. Holes, Ching Su Metal Studio (
5. Horizon 3, Dongyi Wu
6. Sin Digerir, Elena Moreno Ribas (
7. in my skin; on your skin, Olivia Marsha (
8. Delicia, Olga Koungourova Koungourova
Professional finalists :
Enjoia't 2017 - Professional finalists
1. Air Capsules neck piece, Eva Fernandez Martos (
2. Duality, Nassin Vesslian (
3. Reflections, Agustina Ros (
4. Metanoia, Darja Popolitova (
5. Dogma, Jounghye Park
6. Cariñoro, Sapi Szilágyi (
7. Portrait n.1, Federica Sala (
8. Fuckyeah!, Cedric Chevalley (
9. Hollow, Angela Ciobanu, (
10. Its motion, Ryungjae Jung
11. Heart Square Series, Wu Ching Chih (

Edificio Disseny Hub de Barcelona
Pl. de les Glòries Catalanes, 37-38
08018 Barcelona
Tel. (34) 932 566 776
/(34) 932 566 777


It’s time for JOYA 2017 !! Barcelona (SP) – 5-6-7 Oct 2017

JOYA 2017  is coming !!   5-6-7 Oct 2017

 JOYA_2017 - 5-6-7 Oct 2017

Even if, this year? I don’t come to JOYA ! :-(   because of Paris Parcours Bijoux …… SORRY !BUT I have to talk about « my » very dear GREEK jewellers, very present !

When you go to the « showroom page » it begins DIRECTLY with « my Greeks » ! :-) ….. alphabetical order ….. So HERE WE GO !!!!!!!!!!!!



Agapi Simpokou - Necklace - Porcelain.  "Vanity" - AGAPI SMPOKOU – Necklace – Porcelain.  « Vanity »
« What is jewellery? A customer chooses a diamond according to its value. Diamonds have value because of their durability, clarity and strength. These qualities imply the human need to overcome the fear of death. I question the durability and value of diamonds by working with them in porcelain, presented in a 3D and linear form in my work. »



Aggelika Diplari -Necklace: Wood, silver, stainless steel, acrylic pigments DIPILARI – Necklace: Wood, silver, stainless steel, acrylic pigments.
« I select driftwood. I study its organic materiality and diachronic multifaceted narratives. I need to continue their complex stories, by reviving history through my alterations and illustrations. I simulate life in its absence, cancelling the warped weight of time by crystallising the wood’s surface. Reflecting my feelings of the present, I find and imagine—portray—the unknown effects on the experiences of tomorrow. »

ANTRIA PRASINOU ANTRIA PRASINOU Brooch - Paper, cotton, silver.  "Burning the knowledge" PRASINOU Brooch – Paper, cotton, silver.  « Burning the knowledge »
« This collection is based on a metaphor; the destruction of knowledge that transports us through the memory of the past…to today. This « unstable » balance is expressed through the fragility of the material. I use paper to capture and then illustrate the shadows that attempt, through their movement, to outline the essence of true identity. »

Artemis Valsamaki - Brooch - Copper, silver, acrylic paint. - VALSAMAKI – Brooch – Copper, silver, acrylic paint.
« For me, jewellery is a medium for manifesting my thoughts and concerns as well as expressing my feelings. I draw my inspiration from human relationships, dreams, Greek mythology, reality and fantasy and whatever hides an emotional power. My intention is always to create a wearable visual, narrative story. »

(CYPRUS, 1968) (ok, ok, it’s NOT Greece …. but …. hem …. very near ? ;-) …)

IOLI LIVADA - Brooch - Aubergine peel, corn leaf, silver, steel.  "Imaginary flowers" LIVADA – Brooch – Aubergine peel, corn leaf, silver, steel.  « Imaginary flowers »
« Inspired by a delicate flower, my work is based on the frailty of things. I try working with materiality, using mostly natural materials such as aubergine peel and corn leaves, and trying to explore their limitations without losing the feeling of a fragile piece. That is how I create flowers that take shape in the landscapes of my dream world. Can an aubergine be transformed into a piece of jewellery? »

NIKI STYLIANOU NIKI STYLIANOU (GREECE, 1968)  Necklace - Copper, bronze, pigments, patinas.  "Mapping: traces made solid" STYLIANOU - Necklace – Copper, bronze, pigments, patinas« Mapping: traces made solid »
« Inside Out, Outside In, Upside Down, Piercing Through, Collapsing into a Trace.
Fugitive, elusive ideas on growth, space, absence and memory that attempt to manifest themselves into physical objects. »

STEFANIA SIOUFA - Brooch - Silver, pigments, cement, brass sheets, resin, sand, plaster, mixed media. "Transform SIOUFA – Brooch – Silver, pigments, cement, brass sheets, resin, sand, plaster, mixed media. « Transformation »
«  »Transformation » means the inner change, the work I do with myself and my soul. It is the best version of me, coming from the « dialogue with myself ». Through silence, meditation and observation of my thoughts comes understanding and my need for change and internal transformation. It means the transition from negative to positive, my self-improvement, the change of course, the opening of new roads. »



 YIOTA VOGLI (GREECE, 1958)  Pendant - Paper, wood, acrylic, varnishes, silver, alpaca, copper, brass, steel.  "Shadow" YIOTA VOGLI – Pendant – Paper, wood, acrylic, varnishes, silver, alpaca, copper, brass, steel.  « Shadow »
« Shadow is a psychological term for everything we cannot see in ourselves. From an early age we adjust our behaviour to gratify our needs and learn to adapt to the external world. As we grow, we condition ourselves to keep all the unaccepted parts of us outside our conscious awareness, even though we drag them ‘behind us’ all the time in our subconscious. »


AND the GUEST ARTIST is … not exactly from Greece but also … so near, no ? ;-)

(Cyprus / United Kingdom, 1961)

LIANA PATTIHIS  - Brooch - Silver chain, enamel, stainless steel.  'Chained Interpretations' ... An ongoing study PATTIHIS – Brooch – Silver chain, enamel, stainless steel.  ‘Chained Interpretations’ … An ongoing study
« This latest collection is inspired by online sources and found images depicting flora and fauna specifically in wooded areas, which I find mysterious and intriguing. As with previous work from this series, images are chosen for their visual composition or specific geometrical aesthetic elements and are given a three dimensional ‘chained interpretation’, thus converting them into wearable pieces of jewellery.
Each enamel colour is fused and fired on the chain separately and the piece is constructed afterwards from the previously enamelled chain. Emphasis is given in the building-up and layering of the chains. This allows the piece to evolve, with the various types of chain and colours mixing and intertwining, poetically responding to the images as if they were ‘still lifes’, translating them into an impressionistic pixelated relief of textured three-dimensional layers. »


JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair
5-7 October 2017
Arts Santa Monica, Rambla 7
Barcelona – Spain


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Sébastien Carré at CREATIVITY OGGETTI gallery (Torino, Italia) – 23 Sept-14 Oct. 2017

Sébastien Carré

Timeless – Il Gioiello Contemporaneo Indossato da Sel.Dì.

Really Glad to be exhibiting in Creativity oggetti Gallery in Turin during the exhibition « TimeLess »as part of the Guest Star listing of Gioielli in Fermento
Très heureux d’exposer à la galerie Creativity oggetti à Turin pendant l’exposition « TimeLess » dans le listing des Guest Star présentés par Gioielli in Fermento

Sabato 23 settembre 2017 dalle 18:00 alle 20:30

Creativity oggetti‎“Timeless - Il Gioiello Contemporaneo Indossato da Sel.Dì.”

Sabato 23 settembre 2017 dalle 18:00 alle 20:30

Il mondo di CREATIVITY OGGETTI si espande e si fonde con altri mondi fatti di ricerca e passione. Da 16 anni CREATIVITY propone una selezione di gioielli contemporanei provenienti da ogni parte del mondo, vere e proprie opere d’arte da indossare, la cui molteplicità dei materiali e la diversità delle lavorazioni ha caratterizzato la galleria e polarizzato così l’attenzione dei suoi visitatori abituali.
Oggi una nuova sfida: contestualizzare il gioiello facendone vedere al pubblico la parte “vissuta”, la sua applicazione quotidiana, l’indosso su abiti che possano essere portati dal giorno alla sera.
Il gioiello non come qualcosa di estraneo a noi da sfoggiare solo in occasioni speciali, ma come qualcosa di uso quotidiano, che può essere abbinato ad abiti dalle linee differenti, basta saper scegliere con un minimo di abilità.
Perfetta per questo la Collezione FW1718 di Sel.Dì della designer torinese DANIELA SELLONE, la quale partendo da un mood atemporale, TIMELESS appunto, che è la chiave magica dell’anima del brand, ha realizzato capi trasversali, giochi di volumi differenti, alcuni evoluzione di creazioni storiche dell’artista, che ben si collocano tra passato e futuro in una dimensione imprecisata e per questo sempre attuale. L’emotività è uno degli elementi fondamentali delle creazioni di Daniela Sellone, personaggio sensibile e poliedrico, in continua evoluzione, tanto da dare a questa collezione proprio il nome EVOLUTION, a sottolineare un passaggio, una mutazione, che conserva i suoi legami col passato, attraverso l’utilizzo di temi conduttori come le code (presenti anche sui bellissimi cappotti) e un?allure ironica ed intellettuale.
Questa filosofia ben si sposa con quella del gioiello contemporaneo, spesso pezzo unico e di certo non soggetto al mutare delle mode, ma opera d’arte, scultura che si muove nello spazio, appoggiata al rever di un cappotto, che occhieggia dallo scollo di una giacca, appena abbozzata al fondo di una gonna o come polsiera a chiudere la manica di un capo in maglia.
Nulla di scontato o di commerciale, ma qualcosa di unico e personale che arricchisce e racconta della personalità di chi lo indossa e per questo senza tempo. Basta solo saper trovare ciò che fa per noi. Ogni pezzo che entra a far parte della nostra vita va amato e desiderato, come qualcosa che ci completi.
L’evento sarà una sorta di scorcio di quotidianità nella quotidianità in cui le modelle si confonderanno tra il pubblico coinvolgendolo in un gioco delle parti interattivo dove gli ospiti saranno anche protagonisti, fino ad essere loro i modelli di uno shooting in cui potranno indossare sia i capi della Collezione Sel.Di, sia i gioielli dei vari designer selezionati per l’occasione, alcuni dei quali totalmente inediti per la galleria e special guest della serata.
In un inusuale scambio tra pubblico e modelle sarà possibile visionare le opere di questi artisti, alcuni dei quali presenti tra gli ospiti, e conoscere così più da vicino le loro opere, le varie lavorazioni e i materiali, oltre che, ovviamente, la fonte di ispirazione.
Saranno protagonisti della serata con gli abiti della Collezione Sel.Di i gioielli dei seguenti designer:
Aqto — Silvia Beccaria — Daniela Boni — Isabelle Busnel — Clara Del Papa — Pastore e Bovina — Laura Forte –Christine Jalio — Anna Król — Uli Rapp — Giulia Savino — Chiara Scarpitti — Barbara Uderzo — Alena Willroth — Elena Valenti — Ksenia Vohkmentseva.
Guest Star dell’evento una selezione di pezzi della mostra internazionale Gioielli in Fermento (GIF), felice connubio tra il “mondo contemporaneo del gioiello e mondo contemporaneo del vino: in entrambe le situazioni si intende volgere l’elemento naturale in qualcosa di prezioso ed unico (come recita la presentazione del catalogo generale del progetto curato da Eliana Negroni). »

La selezione di GIF comprenderà gli artisti:  Gigi Mariani — Maria Rosa Franzin — Maura BiamontiSébastien CarréNicoletta Frigerio — Corrado De Meo — Ylenia Deriu — Nicola Heidemann — Ria Lins — Mineri Matsuura — Alessandro Petrolati — Poppy Porter — Stefano Rossi – Claudia Steiner.

Per restare in un clima decisamente “sospeso” la serata sarà accompagnata da un delicato sottofondo di musica classica e con un momento food & beverage offerto dalla Fabbrica di Liquori TRINCHERI, casa storica piemontese fondata nel 1904 e famosa per la produzione del Vermuth, agli inizi del secolo molto in voga tra le signore ed oggi tornato di gran moda ad iniziare dalla penisola iberica.
Ad occuparsi del make-up e dell’hair styling delle modelle gli allievi di una delle scuole più conosciute e qualificate del settore, la Ernesto Giampino Academy. Accademia torinese di altissimo livello, essa fonde il Talento con l’Arte per dare quel qualcosa in più che è tipico del settore Moda. Non semplici acconciature e sedute trucco, ma un vero caleidoscopio di emozoni studiato con attenzione. In questo caso il mood Timeless sarà la fonte di ispirazione per dare alle modelle un’allure senza tempo, diafana, vintage e futurista al tempo stesso.
Le foto dell’evento saranno realizzate da Daniele Ratti, fotografo e architetto, già direttore artistico di Paratissima, la manifestazione espositiva che ogni anno si tiene a Torino dal 2006.
Alcune sue opere si trovano attualmente nelle collezioni permanenti del PAN di Napoli, il GAI di Torino e la Fondazione Bartoli Felter di Cagliari.
Le immagini dello shooting saranno regalate in formato web a tutti coloro che vorranno farsi ritrarre.
Per tutti coloro, operatori del settore e non, che prenderanno parte all’evento sarà possibile postare in diretta foto e video su tutti i canali social (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, ecc) inserendo uno o più dei seguenti hashtag: #creativityoggetti, #seldi #timeless #gioiellocontemporaneoto, #gioiellinfermento. Solo così potremmo ripostare le foto e i video più belli.
La Collezione FW 1718 Sel.Dì sarà eccezionalmente in vendita presso la sede di CREATIVITY OGGETTI
dal 23 settembre al 14 ottobre.
 collier RANCOEUR (noir) de sébastien Carré - nouvelle collection de Sel.Dì. - sept 2017collier RANCOEUR (noir) de Sébastien Carré - nouvelle collection de Sel.Dì. – sept 2017
Sébastien Carré - bracelet INFLAMMATION #8 - foto di Bianca CappelloSébastien Carré – bracelet INFLAMMATION #8  – foto di Bianca Cappello
Spille (brooch) Isabelle Busnel sulla nuova collezione di Sel.Dì. - sept 2017Spille (brooch) Isabelle Busnel sulla nuova collezione di Sel.Dì. – sept 2017

Creativity oggetti

Via Carlo Alberto 40/f,
10123 Turin – ITALY
+39 011 817 7864

EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Alzbeta Dvorakova – vers l’infiniment petit …….

Classé dans : Alzbeta DVORAKOVA (CZ),COUP DE COEUR,EXCHANGE-BIJOU,Rep. Tcheque (CZ) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:48

  Alžběta Dvořáková

vers l’infiniment petit ……. délicatesses pour princesses ……….

« FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS » sa dernière collection 2017 qui est une suite (logique) déjà annoncée dans sa collection de diplome, « THE SECRET OF SPACE » (2016) (Award: Marzee International Graduate Prize 2016) – silver,  gold plated silver, brass, silk thread .

« A jewel is considered as a symbol of power and guarantees to its owner a value, an importance or a mission and is conclusively a crown. The motive of a crown connects the whole collection, but in different scales. Only the wearer will know about his mini jewel as well as an attentive observer. Each mini jewel is different and imperfect, the same as humans and that makes it beautiful. Collections for women and men are trying to point out the possibility, that everybody can be a prince, a princess, a king or a queen. This collection is more about people and our own inner personalities, than about jewels »

petite « piqure de rappel » en images de la collection de 2016 ……

Alzbeta Dvorakova - A secret of space 2016Alzbeta Dvorakova – A secret of space 2016

Alzbeta Dvorakova - A secret of space 2016Alzbeta Dvorakova – A secret of space 2016

Alzbeta Dvorakova - A secret of space 2016Alzbeta Dvorakova – A secret of space 2016

ET l’actuelle collection 2017 …..

Alzbeta Dvorakova - broches pour la galerie Marzee -  sept 2017 - granulation, assemblageAlzbeta Dvorakova - broches pour la galerie Marzee -  sept 2017 – granulation, assemblage

Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRICE AND A PRINCESS - 2017 - mini brochesAlzbeta Dvorakova – FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS – 2017 – mini broches

Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRICE AND A PRINCESS - 2017Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS – 2017

Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRICE AND A PRINCESS - 2017Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS – 2017 – necklace

Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRICE AND A PRINCESS - 2017 - photo Lenka GrabicováAlzbeta Dvorakova – FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS – 2017 – photo Lenka Grabicová

Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRICE AND A PRINCESS - 2017 - photo Lenka GrabicováAlzbeta Dvorakova – FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS – 2017 – photo Lenka Grabicová

Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRICE AND A PRINCESS - 2017 - photo Lenka GrabicováAlzbeta Dvorakova – FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS – 2017 – photo Lenka Grabicová


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Isabelle Molénat … Knots Rock’roll ! at EXPO « Corps Limite » OFF Parcours bijoux 2017 Paris

Isabelle Molénat – Jewellery & Object

A VENIR ! L’exposition collective «Corps Limite» invite à découvrir le travail de 6 créatrices de bijoux et plasticiennes. Leur différente sensibilité à la matière s’expriment à travers cette surface sensible qu’est notre peau…comment déstructurer les limites pour mieux les (re)construire… :
Sibyl Breton sous la marque «L’œ dans l’œ» — Marie Flambard — Marie Grimaud sous la marque Métylis – Ophélia Leclercq sous la marque PÿR –  Isabelle MolénatSuzanne Otwell Nègre  (Corps Limite)

(EXPOSITION durant le prochain «PARCOURS BIJOUX» à PARIS, en « OFF », à la galerie Goutte de Terre qui nous accueille du 9 novembre au 30 novembre 2017vernissage et conférence le 10 novembre)

Corps Limite


Série « …Knots Rock’roll ! », avec de superbes photos de Lionel Pesqué -
collection « Knots » new shapes and colors -  silk, wool, silver, eco dyeing with garance, eucalyptus and rust

Isabel Molénat - '...Knots Rock'roll !'  photos de Lionel PesquéIsabel Molénat – Knots for men – Brooch – Silk and eco dyeing – Photo: Lionel Pesqué

Isabelle Molénat - septembre 2017 ·  Knots for men Brooch Silk and eco dyeing  Isabelle Molénat – sept. 2017 ·  Knots for men Brooch Silk and eco dyeing

Isabel Molénat - "...Knots Rock'roll !",   photos de Lionel PesquéIsabelle Molénat- « …Knots Rock’roll ! »,   photos de Lionel Pesqué

Isabelle Molénat - sept 2017 - collection " Knots" new shapes and colors - silk, wool, silver, eco dyeing with garance, eucalyptus and rustIsabelle Molénat – sept 2017 – collection  » Knots » new shapes and colors – silk, wool, silver, eco dyeing with garance, eucalyptus and rust

Isabelle Molénat - septembre 2017-  Double Knots "heart-to-heart" Silk, wool eco dyeing : garance, eucalyptus, rust.Isabelle Molénat – sept. 2017-  Double Knots « heart-to-heart » Silk, wool eco dyeing : garance, eucalyptus, rust.

Isabelle Molénat - sept. 2017 -  Double " Knots" for necklace Silk, eco dyeing : garance, eucalyptus, rust.Isabelle Molénat - sept. 2017 -  Double  » Knots » for necklace Silk, eco dyeing : garance, eucalyptus, rust.

Isabelle Molénat - sept 2017 - Collection "Knots" with Emily Anselin Photo: Lionel PesquéIsabelle Molénat – sept 2017 – Collection « Knots »   Photo: Lionel Pesqué


galerie Goutte de Terre
4 rue Basfroi
75011 Paris
09 83 76 16 68



EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Snem Yildirim at CONTREPOINTS – ICKX Contemporary Jewelry (BE) 7 Sept.-2 dec.2017

Snem Yildirim  at

ICKX Contemporary Jewelry‎ : Contrepoints exhibition -  7 Sept – 2 Dec. 2017

Inauguration dimanche 10 septembre à 15:00 – 18:00

Come to discover creations about fifteen creators Belgian and Turkish, on Sunday September 10, around a glass.
Contemporary Jewelry and a selection of objects (porcelain, wood,…) will be expose.
Art has no boundaries…..

Le début de l’exposition « Contrepoints », c’est aussi le début du parcours de Design September Brussels (07 septembre) // The beginning of the exhibition « Contrepoints », it’s also the beginning of the journey of Design September Brussels (September 07).

ICKX Contemporary Jewelry‎Contrepoints - ICKX Jewelry - Broches/brooches: Nevin Arig(Broches/brooches: Nevin Arig)

07/09 – 02/12/2017

Venez découvrir les créations d’une quinzaine de créateurs belges et turcs, ce dimanche 10 septembre, autour d’un verre.
Des bijoux contemporains et une sélection d’objets (porcelaine, bois…) seront exposés.
Dans le thème de cet événement, une surprise musicale vous attend…
« L’art n’a pas de frontière.
A partir de septembre, ICKX Contemporary Jewelry proposera une exposition: “Contrepoints”: métissage de cultures, et de formes d’expression belge et turcque.
C’est sous la proposition de la créatrice Belgo-Turque Nevin Arig que pour cet événement, ICKX Contemporary Jewelry a souhaité rassembler symboliquement des créateurs de bijoux contemporains et/ou des designers belges et turcs, tous à la recherche de liberté et d’harmonie.
Exposer ensemble à Bruxelles est une manière de revendiquer le droit à l’expression, un rassemblement modeste tout en légèreté et en simplicité pour un moment de partage et de solidarité. Une ouverture positive« .

with (Bijoux contemporains – contemporary jewelry) :
Senay Akin (Turkey) — Nevin Arig (Belgium-Turkey) — Isabelle Bianchi Marchesseau (Belgium) — Burcu Buyukunal (Turkey) — Ela Cindoruk (Turkey) –  Ann Cox (Belgium) — Anne Goy (Belgium) — Sophie Heymans (Belgium) — Audrey Ickx (Belgium) — Christine Keyeux-Schnöller (Belgium) — Nazan Pak (Turkey) –  Alain Roggeman (Belgium) — Burcu Sulek (Turkey) — Aisegul Telli (Turkey) — Ubustine (Belgium) — Snem Yildirim (Turkey)

 Snem Yildirim & Didem Yildirim / studiozigzag - "Surrounded" Brooch, powder coated copper, re-cycled plastic bottles (nylon wire), steelSnem Yildirim & Didem Yildirim / studiozigzag – « Surrounded » Brooch, powder coated copper, re-cycled plastic bottles (nylon wire), steel

Snem Yildirim & Didem Yildirim / studiozigzag - "Complicated" , brooch Surrounded SeriesSnem Yildirim & Didem Yildirim / studiozigzag – « Complicated » , brooch Surrounded Series

Snem yildirim / studiozigzag - "Up Hill and Down Dale", broochSnem Yildirim / studiozigzag – « Up Hill and Down Dale », brooch

Snem Yildirim Earrings: Yildrim_Snem_Jan_2017_18, 2016 Powder coated brass, re-cycled plastic bottles (nylon wire) Photo by: Snem Yildirim From series: Kanavice SeriesSnem Yildirim Earrings: Yildrim_Snem_Jan_2017_18, 2016 Powder coated brass, re-cycled plastic bottles (nylon wire) Photo by: Snem Yildirim From series: Kanavice Series


ICKX Contemporary Jewelry

Avenue Georges Henri 435
1200 Bruxelles
+32 494 64 93 36



EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Barbara PAGANIN – EXPO « Triptyque : la Vie, l’Amour, la Mort » – Paris Parcours Bijoux 2017 – Galerie LA Joaillerie par Mazlo – 14 Oct.-15 Nov. 2017

Barbara Paganin

Elle sera présente au Parcours Bijoux 2017 à Paris dans l’exposition

Triptyque : la Vie, l’Amour, la Mort

Galerie LA Joaillerie par Mazlo, du 14 oct au 15 nov

Vernissage le samedi 14 octobre à 15h

Barbara_Paganin  "Triptyque : la Vie, l’Amour, la Mort" - Paris Parcours Bijoux 2017 - 14 Oct.-15 Nov. 2017 - Galerie LA Joaillerie par Mazlo, du 14 oct au 15 nov -  Vernissage le samedi 14 octobre à 15h

« Initiée par la galerie LA Joaillerie, l’exposition Triptyque : la Vie, l’Amour, la Mort rassemble les œuvres de six artistes internationaux partageant une approche narrative et figurative du bijou. Elle propose une réflexion sur la fonction originelle du bijou comme marqueur de temps et symbole de rite de passage et questionne sa spécificité de medium et de véhicule des mythologies intimes. Pendant des siècles, depuis la branche de corail rouge offerte aux nourrissons en passant par les bijoux de deuils, le don du bijou a consacré le franchissement d’une étape. Porté au plus près du corps, le bijou constitue également un lieu de passage entre le versant caché, intime de l’individu et sa face publique, exposée aux regards. En choisissant de revisiter le format du triptyque dont la structure répond parfaitement aux besoins de la narration, les œuvres créées pour cette exposition nous livrent une interprétation contemporaine de questionnements existentiels immuables. »

Avec Zoe Arnold, Kranitzky & Overstreet, Lisa & Scott Cylinder, Asagi Maeda, Robert Mazlo, Barbara Paganin.

Barbara Paganin - Memoria Aperta n° 7 - spilla in argento, frammento di bambola di porcellana del 1890 zaffiro giallo, oro  - 2011-2013Barbara Paganin – Memoria Aperta n° 7 – spilla in argento, frammento di bambola di porcellana del 1890 zaffiro giallo, oro  – 2011-2013

Barbara Paganin (Memoria Aperta n.5, 2011-2013.  - Oxidate silver, pictures, porcelain, glass, zephyr, golden.Barbara Paganin (Memoria Aperta n.5, 2011-2013.  – Oxidate silver, pictures, porcelain, glass, zephyr, golden)

"Paganin weaves her thick net of information on a sort of genetic algorithm in which everyone can find their reflection. Each brooch, every necklace starts a story"... Sylvia Valenti discussing the aesthetics of #BarbaraPaganin in a brilliant article on @artjewelryforum. Brooch Memoria Aperta n°9. - Photo credit: Alice Pavesi Fiori - #Parcoursbijoux2017« Barbara Paganin weaves her thick net of information on a sort of genetic algorithm in which everyone can find their reflection. Each brooch, every necklace starts a story« … (Sylvia Valenti about BarbaraPaganin on artjewelryforum).
Brooch Memoria Aperta n°9. – Photo credit: Alice Pavesi Fiori



Galerie LA Joaillerie par Mazlo
31 rue Guénégaud
75006 Paris
01 53 10 86 04
métro : Odéon

mar – ven de 14h à 19h
sam de 11h à 19h


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Reka Lőrincz – « Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious » at Putti Art Gallery, sept. 2017

Reka Lőrincz

5 new pieces on show at Putti Art Gallery  during September 2017 (08-27 Sep 2017) :  Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Jewellery is not only jewellery

(next exhibition : 2018: Fair  07 Mar 2018 – 13 Mar 2018  Schmuck 2018.)

« On the border of kitsch and consume Réka Lörincz from Budapest and Gisbert Stach from Munich show a colourful kaleidoscope of works defining field of jewellery in a new creative way »
«  There are many misunderstandings in the common meaning of jewellery and in the thinking of what jewellery should be.
On the border of kitsch and consume Réka Lörincz from Budapestand Gisbert Stach from Munich show a colourful kaleidoscope of jewellery, objects, installations and films where they try to define and enlighten the field of jewellery in a new humoristic, critical and philosophical way.
Both are doing as well collaborations in making jewellery pieces.

Réka Lörincz’s jewellery is playing with the colourful world of plastics and toys that she is deforming by absurd and surrealistic elements into amazing jewellery pieces. Their objects are pretending to have a function. But by combining abstract materials the visitor is surprised by the humour and colourfulness of the installation. Reka Lorincz has studied in Hungarian University of Craft and Design, has shown her works in various group and personal exhibitions around the world. » (Klimt02)


COCO ! sort de ce corps !!!!

 Réka Lörincz Brooch: Don't take care!, 2017 Pearl, silk, gold-plated brass, wood, acrylic paintRéka Lörincz Brooch: Don’t take care!, 2017 Pearl, silk, gold-plated brass, wood, acrylic paint

Réka Lörincz Necklace: Don't take care!, 2017 Pearl, silk, gold-plated brass, wood, acrylic paintRéka Lörincz Necklace: Don’t take care!, 2017 Pearl, silk, gold-plated brass, wood, acrylic paint Réka Lörincz Brooch: Monday to Sunday, 2017 Pearl, champagne quartz, mystic topaz, sapphire, ruby,  rhodium - plated brass, plastic, stainless steel, mountain crystal, citrineRéka Lörincz Brooch: Monday to Sunday, 2017 Pearl, champagne quartz, mystic topaz, sapphire, ruby,  rhodium – plated brass, plastic, stainless steel, mountain crystal, citrine

Exhibition display.  -   Réka Lörincz Brooch: Monday to Sunday, 2017 Pearl, champagne quartz, mystic topaz, sapphire, ruby,  rhodium - plated brass, plastic, stainless steel, mountain crystal, citrineExhibition display.  -   Réka Lörincz Brooch: « Monday to Sunday »

Réka Lörincz Object: Pearl grinder, 2015 Pearl, alloy, wood, metal foilRéka Lörincz Object: Pearl grinder, 2015 Pearl, alloy, wood, metal foil

Réka Lörincz Object: Must Have, 2017 Pearl, shovel, epoxy, textile  Réka Lörincz Object: Must Have, 2017 Pearl, shovel, epoxy, textile 

Réka Lörincz Necklace: Pearl truck, 2015 Pearl, goldplated brass, alloy, plastic, epoxyRéka Lörincz Necklace: Pearl truck, 2015 Pearl, goldplated brass, alloy, plastic, epoxy

Réka Lörincz Brooch: Perfect woman, 2015 Gold plated cooper, pearl, plastic 7.5 x 10 x 1.5 cmRéka Lörincz Brooch: Perfect woman, 2015 Gold plated cooper, pearl, plastic 7.5 x 10 x 1.5 cm

 Réka Lörincz Brooch: Pearl can, 2015 Gold plated cooper, pearl, stainless steel ø 6 cmRéka Lörincz Brooch: Pearl can, 2015 Gold plated cooper, pearl, stainless steel ø 6 cm

 Reka lorincz - Hommage à Coco Channel -  necklace - pearl, duct tape 2015:Reka Lorincz - Hommage à Coco Channel -  necklace – pearl, duct tape 2015




Workshop with Gemma Draper – Antwerpem
2011 Symposium in Bratislava – Atelier EM
2010 Semmelweis University – Department of applied Psychology
2007 Workshop with Ted Noten – BIAD – Birmingham
2004 Diploma
2002 Erasmus scolarship to Spain, Barcelona
2000 Hungarian University of Craft and Design – Visual educator teacher department
1999- 2004 Hungarian University of Craft and Design – Metal design department
1997-1999 Budai Art technical college – goldsmith department




Putti Art Gallery
16 Mārstaļu iela
1050 -  Rïga


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Dora Haralambaki – busy september !

Classé dans : ceramique,COUP DE COEUR,Dora HARALAMBAKI (GR),EXCHANGE-BIJOU,Grece (GR),Salon — bijoucontemporain @ 19:01

Dora Haralambaki 

Busy september !!!!

3-5 septembre 2017 – IJL (International Jewellery London) – booth P63

Dora Haralambaki 3-5 septembre 2017 - International Jewellery London - booth P63

ceramic jewellery Dora Haralambakiceramic jewellery Dora Haralambaki

and at HOMI Milano  15-18 septembre 2017Hall 9Stand B29

Dora Haralambaki 15-18 septembre 2017 - HOMI Milano -  upcoming exchibition...


Dora Haralambaki 15-18 septembre 2017 - HOMI Milano Dora Haralambaki 15-18 septembre 2017 – HOMI Milano

Dora HaralambakiDora Haralambaki

Dora HaralambakiDora Haralambaki

Dora HaralambakiDora Haralambaki – « it will never be perfect » ……

Dora HaralambakiDora Haralambaki

Dora HaralambakiDora Haralambaki

Contact Information
Ag. Georgiou 19 str Halandri 15234 Athens Greece
Tel:  +30 6944848218


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Marion Lebouteiller – from the bench chaos ……

Classé dans : EXCHANGE-BIJOU,France (FR),Marion LEBOUTEILLER (FR),rings — bijoucontemporain @ 0:05
Marion Lebouteiller

Among the bench chaos …… aussi beau avant qu’après …..

Marion Lebouteiller ​ -Among the bench chaos this afternoon ... : wax rings to be cast in recycled sterling silver, black tourmaline crystals.Among the bench chaos this afternoon … : wax rings to be cast in recycled sterling silver, black tourmaline crystals.

Marion Lebouteiller ​ - Lots of new rings are on their way to the casters! Can't wait to see them in silver! sept 2017Marion Lebouteiller ​ – Lots of new rings are on their way to the casters! Can’t wait to see them in silver! sept 2017

Marion Lebouteiller ​  Sending some new rings to the hallmarking office today ~ here is probably the biggest ring I have ever made!Sending some new ABSOLU rings to the hallmarking office today ~ here is probably the biggest ring I have ever made!

Marion Lebouteiller ​ - Absolu ring -  recycled silver - juin 2017  marionlebouteillerjewellery  Marion Lebouteiller ​ – Absolu ring -  recycled silver – juin 2017 - Marion Lebouteiller Jewellery

Marion Lebouteiller ​ -  Absolu sculptural ring - recycled sterling silver.Marion Lebouteiller Jewellery -  Absolu sculptural ring – recycled sterling silver. juill. 2017

Marion Lebouteiller ​ - Azurite drusy ringMarion Lebouteiller ​ – Azurite drusy ring at summer exhibition « Beyond the blue » at Gill Wing Jewellery London
piece I have made for Gill Wing Jewellery’s Summer exhibition BEYOND THE BLUE.
The ring has been cast from wax into recycled sterling silver and then I have set an azurite drusy on the side. I had the opportunity to go to London to visit the exhibition last week and it was amazing! More than 50 pieces of BLUE contemporary jewellery made from 50 international artists are exhibited until the end of August. If you happen to be in London, it’s really worth to head to Islington to have a look!  For details on how to get there click here

Marion Lebouteiller ​ - Azurite drusy ring at summer exhibition "Beyond the blue" at Gill Wing Jewellery London  Marion Lebouteiller ​ – Azurite drusy ring at summer exhibition « Beyond the blue » at Gill Wing Jewellery London


Marion Lebouteiller ​ - INSPIRATIONS... Pierre SOULAGES

« This month I have been looking a lot at Pierre Soulages‘s work and it deeply inspires me. Pierre Soulages is a French artist born in 1919 who is known as « the painter of black ». Painting with black enables him to bring light into his work. « He sees light as work material; striations of the black surface of his paintings enable him to reflect light, allowing the black to come out of darkness and into brightness, thus becoming a luminous colour ».
Although I use a completely different process and material, the texture I get on my jewellery by stretching the wax resonates with his textures. What I see in his work and what I tend to do in mine is trying to make a shape or create a feeling that the piece has been made within seconds, in one breath. Even though the technique I am using is very difficult to achieve and that it takes a lot of practice and patience (!) I want to show something effortless that praises the instant gesture.
Do look further at Pierre Soulage’s work on the internet, you will be astonished by the quality of his work and look also for his early prints… real gems! »

// « Ce mois-ci je me suis fortement intéressée au travail de Pierre Soulages.
Bien que j’utilise une technique et une matière complétement différentes, la texture que j’obtiens en étirant la cire résonne subtilement avec sa peinture.
Pierre Soulages, peintre du Noir, voit la lumière comme matière ; les lignes épaisses de la surface reflétent la lumière, permettant ainsi au noir de sortir de l’ombre pour devenir lui-meme matière, lumière et couleur.
Ce que je vois dans son travail et ce que j’essaie d’acquérir dans le mien, c’est de donner l’impression que l’oeuvre a été faite en une fraction de seconde, en un seul souffle. Même si la technique que j’utilise est très difficile à maitriser et que cela demande beaucoup d’expérience et de patience (!), je souhaite montrer dans mes pièces quelque chose de fluide qui arrive sans efforts, naturellement et qui fait l’éloge d’un geste spontané, de l’instant présent.
Si vous ne connaissez pas les estampes de Pierre Soulages qu’il a faites préalablement aux peintures noires, je vous invite à les chercher sur internet, de vrais bijoux »  Marion Lebouteiller

Marion Lebouteiller ​ - Absolu rings - recycled sterling silver Marion Lebouteiller ​ – Absolu rings – recycled sterling silver