JOYA 2017 – Barcelona (SP) – ENJOIA’T – 27 Sept.-5 Oct/6 Oct. 2017
It’s time for JOYA 2017 !! Barcelona (SP) – 5-6-7 Oct 2017
During JOYA, some AWARDS I particularly appreciate, organised by the A-FAD :
Enjoia’t, Contemporary Jewelry Awards
The ENJOIA´T Contemporary Jewelry Awards have taken place annually over the past 23 years, acknowledging the most outstanding contemporary creations in the jewellery industry. The awards have therefore become an important meeting point for professional and student jewellers from all over the world, as part of Barcelona Jewellery Week. The ENJOIA´T awards acknowledge designs that question and transgress the limits of contemporary jewellery creation through originality, technical quality and conceptual richness. With international jewellers taking part in the awards, ENJOIA´T has become a showcase for the industry’s latest trends from a range of cultural perspectives.
ENJOIA’T empezara el 27 de setembre con la exposición en el edificio Disseny Hub Barcelona. La muestra se podrà ver del 27 de septiembre al 5 de octubre al vestíbulo de la planta 0. Se podran ver las piezas finalistas de los seleccionados de ENJOIA’T 2017, un històrico de todas las coronas que han servido a galardonar los ganadores de cada edición, y las coronas hechas por los alumnos de la Escola Massana para coronar el ganador del Premio de Opinión de ENJOIA’T 2017.
La entrega de los premios se hara el 6 de octubre a la Virreina – Un ganador en premio categoria Professional, y dos finalistas, igual para la categoria Estudiantes, y solo un premio para el Premio de opinion del publico.
AWARDS on October 6th
Here are the finalists :
Students finalists :

2. Duality, Nassin Vesslian (
3. Reflections, Agustina Ros (
4. Metanoia, Darja Popolitova (
5. Dogma, Jounghye Park
6. Cariñoro, Sapi Szilágyi (
7. Portrait n.1, Federica Sala (
8. Fuckyeah!, Cedric Chevalley (
9. Hollow, Angela Ciobanu, (
10. Its motion, Ryungjae Jung
11. Heart Square Series, Wu Ching Chih (
Edificio Disseny Hub de Barcelona
Pl. de les Glòries Catalanes, 37-38
08018 Barcelona
Tel. (34) 932 566 776
/(34) 932 566 777