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  • > EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Carlos SILVA – « SMACK » (Offjoya 2017 – Ingallerybcn, Barcelona – 4–20 Oct. 2017) / « PINàPARIS » (Parcours Bijoux 23 sept.-8 Oct. 2017)


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Carlos SILVA – « SMACK » (Offjoya 2017 – Ingallerybcn, Barcelona – 4–20 Oct. 2017) / « PINàPARIS » (Parcours Bijoux 23 sept.-8 Oct. 2017)

Carlos SILVA

participa en la muestra SMACK / Offjoya 2017  at Ingallerybcn

Opening: 4 October 19:30 – 22:00

SMACK / Offjoya 2017  at Ingallerybcn

«  SMACK brings us together as a group in many ways. Not only with the first letters of our names but also a common idea to describe an activity, a sound for hitting the right thing. The words diversity– connection to yummy food, big heart-breaking kisses, drugs and punishment – is intriguing. In our case, we use it for things that are necessary ingredients for our work, as interesting ideas, unexpected materials, supportive colleagues, energy giving snacks, excellent tools, the right equipment and much more. »
For the exhibition SMACK at INGallery in Barcelona,
we, Sofia Björkman, Matt Lambert, Agnieszka Knap, Carlos Silva and Karin Roy Andersson, come together and show art jewellery with SMACK feeling!

«  A sneak peek of the new pieces EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Carlos SILVA – :)
I will be showing a new body of work, exploring shape and volume on total black charcoal pieces« SMACK   4 October 19:30 4 October - 20 October  Carlos Silva_pt   Carlos Silva jewel

Carlos Silva Jewelry   août ·2017   New exhibition coming soon, stay tunned :) . carlossilva carlossilvajewelry  charcoalart  ewelryCarlos Silva - new body of work, exploring shape and volume on total black charcoal pieces Carlos Silva - new body of work, exploring shape and volume on total black charcoal pieces aout 2017Carlos Silva - new body of work, exploring shape and volume on total black charcoal pieces

Carlos Silva - new body of work, exploring shape and volume on total black charcoal piecesCarlos Silva – new body of work, exploring shape and volume on total black charcoal pieces

Carlos Silva - MADEIRA - WOOD - Brooch  Carvão, espuma, cobre, aço e tinta Charcoal, foam, copper, steel and paintCarlos Silva - MADEIRA | WOOD.  -  Pregadeira | Brooch  Carvão, espuma, cobre, aço e tinta Charcoal, foam, copper, steel and paint

Carlos Silva Jewelry - Necklace Charcoal, foam, copper, paint and silicone thread 14,5 x 7 x 2,5 mm – à Ingallerybcn.Carlos Silva Jewelry  ·  Necklace – Charcoal, foam, copper, paint and silicone thread – 14,5 x 7 x 2,5 mm – à Ingallerybcn.

Carlos Silva -  Brooch (Back) Charcoal, foam and painted copper  12 x 7,5 x 2,5 mm – à Ingallerybcn.Carlos Silva Jewelry  ·  Brooch (Back) – Charcoal, foam and painted copper   - 12 x 7,5 x 2,5 mm – à Ingallerybcn.


Ingallerybcnpenedes 3
08012 Barcelona

+34 932 37 96 94
Opening hours during JOYA: Thursday – Sunday 11:00-14:00, 17:00-20:30
Opening hours from after JOYA: Tuesday – Saturday: 11:00-14:00 and 17:00-20:30


AND ……

 Parcours Bijoux paris 2017PINàPARIS parcours Bijoux 2017PINàPARIS parcours Bijoux 2017

INAUGURAÇÃO / VERNISSAGE samedi 23 septembre à 18:00 – 21:00 
Comissária / Commissaire:  Monika BRUGGER

Artistas respresentados / Artistes représentés:
Ana ALBUQUERQUE — Frederica BASTIDE DUARTE  — Carolina BRANCO  [EAAA] — Ana CAMPOS  — Márcia CIRNE  –  Marta COSTA REIS  [Ar.Co] — Teresa DANTAS  — Catarina DIAS  / Inês NUNES — Tomaz DINÍSIO  [EAAA] — Inês ESTEVES  –  Beatriz FAUSTINO  — Dulce FERRAZ  — Cristina FILIPE  — FILOMENO — Manuel JÚLIO — Teresa MILHEIRO  — Marília Maria MIRA  — Miriam MIRNA KORLOKOVAS  — Typhaine Le MONNIER  — Olga NORONHA  — Inês NUNES  –  Maria José OLIVEIRA  — Filomena PRAÇA  — Áurea PRAGA  — João RAMOS [EAAA] — Tereza SEABRA  –  Carlos SILVA  — Catarina SILVA  –  Diana SILVA  — Tânia SIMÃO XAVIER  [Ar.Co] –  Inês SOBREIRA –  Manuela SOUSA

EAAA – Escola Artistica António Arroio
Ar.Co – Centro de Arte e Comunicação Visual

A exposição PINAPARIS decorre no âmbito da SEMAINE DES CULTURES ÉTRANGÈRES e do PARCOURS BIJOUX, em PARIS e reúne obras de trinta e três artistas de três gerações e quatro nacionalidades (portuguesa, brasileira, colombiana e francesa) com distintas afinidades a Portugal e com o denominador comum de serem ou terem sido membros da PIN.
Os trabalhos presentes ora seguem o repto lançado pela comissária Monika Brugger e tiveram presente « Paris », como tema, ora são peças chave, no percurso dos artistas presentes, realizadas ao longo das últimas três décadas.

PIN fête aujourd'hui [9.9.2017] 13 ans et publie en 1ère main cette photo de Guillaume Pazat qui dépeint la directrice de la maison du Portugal à Paris - André de Gouveia - avec un collier de Carlos Silva, pré-annonçant la prochaine exposition de PIN "Bijoux contemporains" PIN fête aujourd’hui [9.9.2017] 13 ans et publie en 1ère main cette photo de Guillaume Pazat qui dépeint la directrice de la maison du Portugal à Paris – André de Gouveia – avec un collier de Carlos Silva, pré-annonçant la prochaine exposition de PIN « Bijoux contemporains »

Carlos Silva - photo de Guillaume Pazat qui dépeint la directrice de la maison du Portugal à Paris - André de Gouveia - avec un collier de Carlos Silva, pré-annonçant la prochaine exposition de PIN "Bijoux contemporains"photo de Guillaume Pazat (détail) qui dépeint la directrice de la maison du Portugal à Paris – André de Gouveia – avec un collier de Carlos Silva

Carlos Silva - collier  PINàPARIS 2017Carlos Silva - collier  PINàPARIS 2017 – necklace

 Carlos Silva - PINàPARISCarlos Silva at PINàPARIS –  bracelet – olive tree wood, silver leaf – 2014

Carlos Silva at PINàPARISCarlos Silva at PINàPARIS – necklace






75014 PARIS
TEL: 01 40 79 02 40
2a feira / Lundi – 5a feira /Jeudi > 11h – 19h
6a feira / Vendredi – Sábado/ Samedi > 11h – 20h
Domingo / Dimanche > 13h – 20h
7.10.2017 | 14h

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