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EXPO ‘Play of Form and Color’ – The Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus, Hanau (DE) – 20 Janv.-14 Avril 2013

Play of Form and Color – New Directions in Enameled Jewelry

 Play of Form and Color - New Directions in Enameled Jewelry -   Artists: Ralph Bakker, Nilton Alves Cunha, Beate Eismann, Uta Feiler, Stephanie Fleck, Sylke Alma Klopsch, Esther Knobel, Tabea Reulecke, Jacqueline Ryan, Isabell Schaupp, Danni Schwaag, Vera Siemund, Silke Trekel, Jessica Turrell, Christian Wuytack  The Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus  (Hanau, Germany) - 20-Jan-2013 - 14-Apr-2013

Artists:  Ralph Bakker — Nilton Alves Cunha — Beate Eismann — Uta Feiler — Stephanie Fleck — Sylke Alma Klopsch — Esther KnobelTabea ReuleckeJacqueline RyanIsabell SchauppDanni SchwaagVera SiemundSilke TrekelJessica Turrell — Christian Wuytack

  Isabell Schaupp  Brooch: Flugobjekt – Hummel 11 2012  Enamel, copper, foto, silver, agate, plastics  Photo: Isabell Schaupp Isabell Schaupp  Brooch: Flugobjekt – Hummel 11 2012  Enamel, copper, foto, silver, agate, plastics  Photo: Isabell Schaupp

Ralph Bakker  Earrings: Earjewelsgreen 2012  Gold, silver, enamel  Photo: Michael Anhalt Ralph Bakker  Earrings: Earjewelsgreen 2012  Gold, silver, enamel  Photo: Michael Anhalt

Esther Knobel  Brooch: Magnet-Series 2011  Enamel, copper, found objects  Photo: Tamir Niv Esther Knobel  Brooch: Magnet-Series 2011  Enamel, copper, found objects  Photo: Tamir Niv

Tabea Reulecke  Necklace: Wenn die Mäuse auf dem Tisch tanzen 2012  Enamel, copper, oxidised silver  Photo: Manuel Ocana Mascaró Tabea Reulecke  Necklace: Wenn die Mäuse auf dem Tisch tanzen 2012  Enamel, copper, oxidised silver  Photo: Manuel Ocana Mascaró


The Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus
Altstädter Markt 6
63450 – Hanau
Telephone: +49 (0) 6181 2565-56
Fax: +49 (0) 6181 2565-54


EXPO ‘Georg Dobler: The composition of dreams’ – Gesellschaft für Goldschmiedekunst e.V., Hanau (DE) – 30 Juin-11 Sept. 2011

From June 30 through September 11, 2011, the work of the important Berlin jewelry artist and designer Georg Dobler will be presented in an extensive exhibition in the Silbersaal of the Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus. In addition to their aesthetic quality, the selected pieces from the years 1980 to 2010 document the highly noticeable artistic evolution that Dobler (born 1952) has expressed in his work during the last three decades.
(Brooch 2009)

Soon after successfully completing his training as a jeweler/goldsmith, Dobler disassociated himself from traditional goldsmith design – the works created starting in 1979 exhibit a distinctly reduced formal language. They are lattice-like pieces oriented on geometry, mostly of steel wire and black chrome, that appear to have been designed on a drawing-board and that give structure to the surrounding space.

Beginning in 1986, Dobler’s creations underwent another radical shift: molds of plants, fruits, and insects were cast in oxidized silver – in combination with large, mostly cut, colored stones – aroused his interest. Falling back on earlier examples – with new interpretations, however – these necklaces and brooches, in particular, demonstrated an opulence that now had come back into fashion in spite of all the resistance.

In a third stylistic “break,” in recent years Dobler has returned to an earlier reduction of this opulence. Although nature casts of branches form the matrix for the brooches, through the utilization of acrylic resin, the attached “blossoms” no longer appear as being natural. The extremely differentiated forms and the thus established new and reflective contemplation of this important jewelry designer and university teacher at the Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst in Hildesheim define the appeal of this presentation.
Brooch 1983
brooch, 2000- oxidised silver, amethyst




Gesellschaft für Goldschmiedekunst e.V.
Altstädter Markt 6
63450 – Hanau – Germany
Telephone: +49 (0) 6181 2565-56
Fax: +49 (0) 6181 2565-54


EXPO ‘Schmuck – Aus Sichten Hanau’, Hanau (DE) – 28-29 mai 2011

Schmuck – Aus Sichten Hanau

Flyer zur Ausstellung »Aussichten Hanau«

Zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung am Samstag, 28. Mai 2011 um 13.30 Uhr, anlässlich der Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Goldschmiedekunst und der Verleihung des Goldenen Ehrenrings, laden wir Sie und Ihre Freunde herzlich ein. Die Künstler sind anwesend.


Die Ausstellerinnen :
Carmen HAUSER (Idar-Oberstein) — Kerstin KLIX (Hanau) — Melanie NÜTZEL (Bayreuth) — Eva SLOTTA (Idar-Oberstein) –  Martina TORNOW (Rodenbach b. Hanau)


Zur Ausstellung
Die AusSicht in das Fließendwasser über Schmückendes hinweg. Hin zum Schmuck in rohen Räumen rau und groß. EinBlicke in eine Aussicht über Schmuck. AusSichten und viele Sichten zeigen sich und ordnen ein. Fügen sich und trennen sich gehen Gemeinsamkeiten ein. Trennen sich nach kurzer Dauer nehmen Sichten mit nach Haus. Blicken vorwärts oder rückwärts teilen sich aufs Neue mit. AusSichten Hanau Schmuck am Wehr temporär. Was bleibt ist Hanau mit der Sicht eine Peripherie.
Eva SLOTTA brosche
Eva SLOTTA brosche

EXPO 'Schmuck - Aus Sichten Hanau', Hanau (DE) - 28-29 mai 2011 dans Allemagne (DE) schmuckbild
Kerstin KLIX
Kerstin KLIX ring- Textil

7_rote_bluete_detail dans Carmen HAUSER (DE)
Martina TORNOW ‘Rote Blüte’ Brosche -Silber,Perle,Holz,Acrylfarbe -2008-09

b322f4d488 dans Eva SLOTTA (DE)45f44b6677 dans Exposition/Exhibition
Melanie NÜTZEL broschen « Buntmetallkäfer »
Melanie NÜTZEL broschen « Buntmetallkäfer »




Hanau, Nordstraße 86, im Hinterhof links, 5 Gehminuten vom Goldschmiedehaus entfernt. Einige Parkplätze im Hof vorhanden.

Samstag, 28. Mai 2011 13:00 – 17:00 Uhr
Sonntag, 29. Mai 2011 10:00 – 17:00 Uhr

GFG Hanau


EXPO ‘Mari Ishikawa – Parallel Worlds’ – Gesellschaft für Goldschmiedekunst e.V., Hanau (DE) – 17 Fevr.-6 Avril 2011

EXPO Mari Ishikawa parallel worlds

Where does a « Parallel World“ exist? In a different universe? Can one discover this world through time travel? Is it perhaps possible to see this world in a dream? Or does it only exist in one’s heart? The world we see is only a part of the entire reality which is composed of many worlds existing simultaneously, side by side. We can find “Parallel Worlds” whenever we open our eyes and hearts. They are always with us.

Parellel Worlds is accompanied with a new catalogue presenting the work by Mari Ishikawa.

Fünf Ringe, jeder anders verziert mit in Silber gegossenen Naturabdrücken.
Mari Ishikawa - rings 2006 – Gold 750, Silver 925

Mari Ishikawa- Moonlight Shadow – brooch

Mari Ishikawa- Moonlight Shadow – brooch

Mari Ishikawa- Moonlight Shadow – brooch



Moonlight Shadow 09,Mari Ishikawa
Mari Ishikawa- Moonlight Shadow – brooch – 2009, silver, diamond

« Gray
Light of full Moon : Sun = 1:400000
Photographs under moonlight require longer exposure, which is a time of silence.
In that way, I look at the fluidity of time in the darkness.
Under the moon light there are grey worlds.
But when I take a picture of such a grey world, they show me different pale colours, which I can’t see with my eyes.
It is mysterious. I look into the parallel world.« 

« Green
The shape of plants attracts me. Their perfection surprises me.
For whom and why are they so beautiful?
The green colour of plants is mysterious.
This is because we can’t dye anything green using plants, even though they are green by themselves.
Their colour can’t be preserved. Green is a colour of an illusion, and only where life is.
Under the moonlight they show me profound, various grey.
They are just there and gone soon.
I try to resist this vanishing and keep the memories.
 » (
Mari Ishikawa)




Gesellschaft für Goldschmiedekunst e.V.
Altstädter Markt 6
63450 – Hanau
Telephone: +49 (0) 6181 2565-56
Fax: +49 (0) 6181 2565-54


EXPO ’18 Stances on Contemporary Jewelry & Device Design’ – Hanau (DE) – 28 janv-4 avril 2010

« 18 Positionen zur zeitgenössischen Schmuck- und Gerätgestaltung« 

Of the over 400 members of the Association for Goldsmiths’ Art (Gesellschaft für Goldschmiedekunst e.V.), the goldsmiths, silversmiths, jewelry designers, metal designers, and artists of the avant-garde scene from around the world are especially important. New members from the past two years exhibit a small selection of the wide, creative spectrum the society entails : Rinaldo Alvarez of Spain uses an old pocket watch in his pendant, Childhood Tears, which he complements with wood, gold leaf, crystal, coral, pearls, and zircon. The Ground plan brooches from Johannes Borst of Nürnberg separate out concrete architectural situations. Isolde Baumhackl-Oswald from Austria explores the many possibilities of alteration in her brooches, Theme with Variations. The brooches of Iris Bodemer, Pforzheim, have a close correspondence between sketched drawings, focusing on the material contrasts between the unusual stones and base materials such as wool, leather, and resin. The forefront aspect of some of the brooches by Britta Rejek, Düsseldorf, is computer-controlled CNC-milling. The small sculptures of Italy native, Fabrizio Tridenti, are implemented with silver or iron in their constructive approach. Martin Spreng of Paris combines uncommon stones and pearls with white gold. Rings, pendants, and necklaces by Mieko Suzuki-Wanner are animated with selected pearls from Akoya, the South Sea, and Tahiti. Walter Wittek’s Tension Ring makes it possible to abandon the standard setting for diamonds. In the silver category are bowls with the theme Childs-Play Barbara Amstutz and « folded » bowls and a Tea-Caddy-Spoon LUCK by Maike Dahl. In addition, works by Eva Bauer, Thomas Dierks, Martina Lang, Anna Moll, Isabell Schaupp, Violetta Elisa Seliger and the Albert Wörner Company are represented in the exhibition.  (MERCI à Klimt02 pour ses présentations et traductions en ANGLAIS !)
Artist list :  Rinaldo Álvarez,  Johannes Borst,  Isolde Baumhackl-Oswald, Iris Bodemer, Britta Rejek, Fabrizio Tridenti, Martin Spreng, Mieko Suzuki-Wanner, Walter Wittek, Barbara Amstutz, Maike Dahl, Eva Bauer, Thomas Dierks, Martina Lang, Anna Moll, Isabell Schaupp, Violetta Elisa Seliger, Albert Wörner Company.

Isabell SCHAUPP- Necklace 'Freudenvoge' 2009 - silver, enamel, photo, coral textile.jpgFabrizio Tridenti - bangle- 2009 - brass, iron, acrylic Rinaldo Alvarez - brooch 'Holly love' 2009 Iris Bodemer - neckpiece

Isabell Schaupp (DE)- necklace ‘Freudenvoge’ 2009 – Silver, enamel, photo, coral, textile
Fabrizio Tridenti (IT)- bangle- 2009 – brass, iron, acrylic
Rinaldo Alvarez (ES)- brooch ‘Holly love’ 2009 Silver, mother of pearl, gold leaf, wood, plastic film, printed metal
Iris Bodemer (DE) neckpiece – Obsidian, zinc, fishing line(in the Gold Room (Goldsaal) of the Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus)

Gesellschaft für Goldschmiedekunst e.V.
Altstädter Markt 6
63450 – Hanau (DE)
Tel : +49 (0) 6181 2565-56
Fax : +49 (0) 6181 2565-54
website: (un peu d’anglais sur ce site !!! :-) )


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