Veintitrés. Joyería Contemporánea en Iberoamérica / Twenty-Three. Contemporary Jewelry in Ibero-America
This exhibition is part of the official Past and Present – Lisbon Ibero-American Capital of Culture 2017 commemoration / Exposición incluida en el ámbito de las conmemoraciones oficiales Pasado y Presente – Lisboa Capital Iberoamericana de la Cultura 2017
Opening/Inauguración – 26.06.2017 – 18h00 – 21h00
Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes

In an age of globalization when artists travel to numerous places, how relevant is their nationality in an artistic context?
What do we mean when we talk about Portuguese, Mexican and Brazilian contemporary art in the 21st century’?
What do we mean when we say that jewelry can identify a people and a culture?
What do we mean when we talk about Portuguese, Mexican and Brazilian contemporary art in the 21st century’?
Why do we mean when we say that a people and a culture can be identified by their jewelry?
Could it nowadays only identify an epoch?
// question the cultural identity and heritage of participating artists
// display works without showing the artists’ names and nationalities
// look at the way jewelry manufacturing undergoes changes and is affected by other materials and techniques
// reflect on concepts of identity and the way our past surfaces in the present
// foster a debate on the response of the public and reveal the artists’ names and nationalities when the event closes
Draw up the themes that PIN elected to embody the Twenty-Three. Contemporary Jewelry in the Ibero-America exhibition to promote a reflection on contemporary manufacturing that will make us re-think the cultural heritage of each artist and the relations this establishes.
Each of the 23 areas that make up the exhibition plan where the pieces are displayed represents a member nation of UCCI – Union of Ibero-American Capital Cities.
The artists’ names and nationalities are not displayed in order that their cultural identity and heritage can be probed and questioned.
The public is invited to seek the origin of each group of artists and interact in loco by trying to discover their nationality – and leave a flag sticker at each area.
Lúcia Abdenur / Luis Acosta / Rodrigo Acosta / Inês Almeida / Sandra Alonso / Rafael Luis Álvarez / Jordi Aparicio / Titi Berrio / Stella Bierrenbach / Anabell Bravo / Catalina Brenes / Ximena Briceño / Eva Burton / Daniela Caro Pérez / Jorge Castañón /Ignasi Cavaller / Hugo Celi / Cristina Celis / Trinidad Contreras / Ángela Cura Méndez / Teresa Dantas / Gemma Draper / Isa Duarte Ribeiro / Nicolás Estrada / Alejandra Ferrer Escobar / Filomeno /Alice Floriano / Sandra Frias / Pamela de la Fuente / Samantha Fung / Catalina Gibert / Carolina Gimeno / Leonor Hipólito / Caco Honorato / Gabriela Horvat / Amira Jalet / Ana María Jiménez / Erika Jordán / Kepa Karmona – Marie Pendariès / Guigui Kohon / Francisca Kweitel / Lorena Lazard / Nina Lima / Maru López / Jorge Manilla / Massiel del Mar (Massiel Mariel Muñoz)/ Caio Marcolini / Carlos Martiel / Simón Mazuera / Renata Meirelles / Marília Maria Mira /Miriam Mirna Korolkovas / Xavier Monclús / Marc Monzó / María Eugénia Muñoz / Lucía Nieves / Inês Nunes – Catarina Dias / Liliana Ojeda / Natalia Olarte / Raquel Paiewonsky / Clara del Papa /Miriam Pappalardo / Renata Porto / Ramón Puig Cuyàs / Tota Reciclados (Valeria Hasse & Marcela Muñiz) / Cristina Roque dos Santos / Kika Rufino / Vania Ruiz / Estela Sàez / Natalia Sarrazín / Marina Sheetikoff / Diana Silva / Inês Sobreira / Rita Soto / Manuela Sousa / Yolanda Sucre / Edu Tarín /Isabel Tristán / Anahí Vallejos / Manuel Vilhena / WALKA (NanoPulgar) / María Ignácia Walker
Rodrigo Acosta - brooch
Pamela de la Fuente - « Pullme » (esta pieza es tambien parte de la selección del capítulo chileno del National Museum of Women in the Arts en Washington que se exhibirá en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes en marzo del 2018)
Ramon Puig Cuyas – brooch
Rafael Luis Alvarez broche colección « Lo que fue escrito » - MICA (placas frágiles que se usaban como resistencia para las planchas de ropa), Intercaladas hay fotos
Jordi Aparicio
Catalina Brenes
Jorge Castañón
Catalina Gibert - bracelet
Carolina Gimeno Jewellery
Caco Honorato « Corazón de Greda Negra » de la colección Lloraría a Mares
Gabriela Horvat
Amira Jalet *Inferno* Brooch
Lorena Lazard
Jorge Manilla – This was not organically »: Abruptions #8 Brooch Leather, steel, zinc, charcoal
Miriam Mirna Korolkovas – colar COCAR titanio anodizado e prata 925
María Eugenia Muñoz - colección « Paisajes Constructivos » broche
Necklace by Natalia Sarrazin
Liliana Ojeda Collar Tráqueo, de la colección Medular, cerámica gres, hilo, tela
Liliana Ojeda Collar Tráqueo, de la colección Medular, cerámica gres, hilo, tela (detalle)
Massiel Mariel MUNOZ (Massiel Del Mar), collar construido con papel e hilado a mano
Vania Ruiz (CasaKiro Joyas)‘s necklace ‘Ayúdame Papito’
Vania Ruiz (CasaKiro Joyas)‘s necklace ‘Ayúdame Papito’ (detail)
Estela Saez Vilanova
Edu Tarin
Isabel Tristan · Noves polseres. col·lecció Kubs
WALKA joyas – jewelry – « Cornucopia: Charms for Life », 2017 (Cacho, plata, seda y retrato de la artista portuguesa Maria José Oliveira con su pieza, realizado por Cristina Felipe)
Eva Ave Burton – «Bouquet para la Condesa Magenta», broche, 2014
ToTa reciclados pieza “Backside 2“
Marília Maria Mira – 1989, Brooch, silver, steel, paper – 1993, In the Clouds, Invitation card.
Photos: Courtesy Maria Marilia Mira.
Miriam Andraus Pappalardo
Ignasi Cavaller (MFA 2015 Idar Oberstein) • Necklace ‘Horus 1′ • Slate, papyrus, silk cord, retractable plastic and synthetic rope • 2017
Simón Mazuera Zambrano - broche de la serie el viaje.
Rita Carolina Soto Ventura (Rita Soto Joyas) pieza Refugios I
Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes
Rua Barata Salgueiro, 36
1250-044 Lisbonne (PT)
De lunes a viernes (excepto festivos) de 12h00 a 19h00 y sábados de 14h00 a 20h00
*concept / curatorship / production: PIN (Madalena Braz Teixeira, Cristina Filipe, Carlos Silva, Raquel Soares, Joana Taurino) e Marco Roque Antunes
*production assistants: Beatriz Faustino, Natalia Olarte
*advisory commission:
Lúcia Abdenur, Titi Berrio, Eva Burton, Holinka Escudero, Pamela de la Fuente, Catalina Gibert, Carolina Gimeno, Klimt02 (Leo Caballero e Amador Bertomeu), Francisca Kweitel, Jorge Manilla, Natalia Olarte, Clara del Papa, Renata Porto, Ramón Puig Cuyàs, Andreina Rodriguez-Seijas, Estela Sàez, Alberto Soarez Chang, Andrea Tello, Valeria Vallarta Siemelink, Manuel Vilhena, WALKA
*exhibition design: Fernando Brizio
*assistant designers: André Calvão, Rafael Sabino, Davide Mateus
*graphic design: Arne Kaiser