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Melting Point 2016 VALENCIA (Spain) – 21-24 AVRIL 2016

Melting Point Valencia 2016


a FANTASTIC program !!!! …. don’t miss it !!

Melting Point 2016 – Joieria Contemporània València es un encuentro internacional de joyería artística contemporánea organizado por el Departament de Joieria de la Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de València. Lo venimos realizando en la ciudad de Valencia desde 2012. Esta es la 3ª edición y se celebra en abril de 2016.

Melting Point 2016. 
Joieria Contemporània València.

Este mes de abril la joyería contemporánea tiene una nueva cita en Valencia en la tercera edición de nuestra bienal internacional. Deseamos, desde la satisfacción que nos proporciona poder disfrutar otra vez de vuestra presencia, invitaros a visitar las exposiciones previstas, a participar en las actividades y conferencias programadas, a intercambiar ideas, compartir experiencias y profundizar en el debate sobre los retos que afrontan sus creadores.

La edición 2016 de Melting Point se plantea como objetivo ofrecer un panorama de la joyería actual rico y lleno de matices, capaz de reflejar la pluralidad de opciones y enfoques que caracterizan la creatividad de estas primeras décadas del siglo XXI. Con este espíritu se ha organizado en la Galería Tossal el homenaje a Marianne Gassier, coleccionista apasionada de joyas de vanguardia y mujer dinamizadora de la cultura joyera contemporánea a través de su blog de prestigio internacional (OH !! …) . Se ha preparado, igualmente, una exposición monográfica de la obra del estonio Tanel Veenre, cuyas piezas podréis contemplar en las salas nobles del Palacio del Marqués de Dos Aguas. El Centre del Carme, por su parte, acoge la sección dedicada a los jóvenes creadores: Jorge Manilla, Edu Tarín (premio Talente 2016 y exalumno de la Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de València), los participantes en Visible Wall y Página en blanco, o la muestra dedicada a jóvenes joyeros argentinos.
Y aún hay mucho más: contamos con Akis Goumas, Gisbert Stach, Judy McCaig, José Marín, Peter Bauhuis y los estudiantes de Alchimia, Eliana Negroni con Gioielli in Fermento, Juan Riusech y Alliages, Tomas Palos, Imma Gibert, Manel G. Ramiro, Jordi Aparicio, Joyas Sensacionales, Anna Maria Staiano …………

Queremos mostrar nuestro profundo agradecimiento a las instituciones y particulares que colaboran en este proyecto: Museo Nacional de Cerámica González Martí, Direcció General de Patrimoni Cultural, Centre del Carme, Regidoria de Cultura de l’Ajuntament de València, Centre d’Artesania Comunitat Valenciana, Círculo de Bellas Artes, Fuencisla Francés, Pepe March, Solar Corona, Fabrika12, Elisa Peris…

AQUI/HERE exhibitions program

Por último, también deseamos celebrar con todos vosotros la consecución de uno de los grandes retos marcados por el Departament de Joieria de la EASD de València: la implantación en nuestro centro de los estudios de Grado/Bachellor en Joyería, únicos en España, que nos equiparan a otros países europeos. En este momento, estamos trabajando para ofrecer, igualmente, un Máster, que esperamos vea la luz en breve.

Nos vemos en Valencia, del 21 al 24 de abril para trabajar, pero también para compartir y disfrutar.

Antonio Sánchez. Departament de Joieria de l’EASD de València


Here is the MAP for all the events !!!

map of all events !

EASD València
* Salón de Actos *
C/ Pintor Domingo, 20
46001 – Valencia
Tel. 963 156 700 Fax. 963 156 701


EXPO ‘TRUE LIES. A COLLECTION OF OXYMORONS’ – Září Gallery, Prague (CZ) – 16-20 Nov. 2015


A solo show by Federica SALA

Září Gallery, Prague – From November 16 to 20, 2015



Alchimia is pleased to present True Lies. A Collection of Oxymorons, a solo-show by Italian jewellery artist Federica Sala. This marks the second in a series of solo exhibitions realized by the graduating students of Alchimia’s MFA program 2014/2015, each taking place in a different European city.

Federica Sala, Sweet Pain, 2015, Neckpiece, Glass, Rutilo, Shibuichi, photo by Federico CavicchioliFederica Sala, Sweet Pain, 2015, Neckpiece, Glass, Rutilo, Shibuichi, photo by Federico Cavicchioli

True Lies. A Collection of Oxymorons wants to question our perception of reality, inspired by Plato’s thoughts on how “reality is just a defective projection of our limited way of perceiving”*. Strong in look but extremely fragile in essence, the jewellery pieces encourage us to reflect about the inextricable co-dependency of opposites, and of how our existence might be determined by the limits we set for ourselves. Glass and stone become one entity growing from each other via a new and experimental technique developed by the artist in years of research on the island of Murano, world-famous for its artisanal glass production.
True Lies are impossible structures that point us towards the fragility of the reality we know, by sharing with us just one of the possible variations of it.
Federica Sala is one of the significant figures of a rising generation of Italian jewellery artists. Her practice is based on a continuous experimentation on the properties and qualities of materials, with a particular interest in glass and organic forms, grounded in a strong theoretical research. With this new collection Federica Sala introduced a unique approach in combining different materials such as metal, glass and gemstones. One of its pieces was nominated for the prestigious Stanislav Libenský Award.
On the occasion of the exhibition the artist will present an artist book, featuring drawings, images and a conversation with artist Luca Pozzi.

Federica Sala, Negative Growth, 2015, Neckpiece, Glass, Rutile, Silk, photo by Federico CavicchioliFederica Sala, Negative Growth, 2015, Neckpiece, Glass, Rutile, Silk, photo by Federico Cavicchioli

Federica Sala, Visible Absence, 2015, Neckpiece, Glass, White Gold, photo by Federico CavicchioliFederica Sala, Visible Absence, 2015, Neckpiece, Glass, White Gold, photo by Federico Cavicchioli

 Federica Sala, Unbearable Lightness, Neckpiece, 2015, Glass, Cianite, SilverFederica Sala, Unbearable Lightness, Neckpiece, 2015, Glass, Cianite, Silver



Federica Sala (b. 1986 Italy, lives and works in Milan) holds an MFA in Contemporary Jewellery and Body Ornament from Alchimia in Florence (2015) tutored by the Mexican jewellery maker Jorge Manilla, and a BFA in Fashion Design from the Politecnico in Milan (2011) tutored by the Italian anthropologist Eleonora Fiorani and the Italian artist Giorgio Vigna. From 2010 to 2012 she has been the assistant of Giorgio Vigna and her work has been exhibited at the Mad Museum in New York, at the American Glass Weekend, at the Society of Arts and Crafts in Boston and SOFA in Chicago, among the others.

 Federica Sala, Clear Releckness, 2015, Neckpiece, Glass, Rutilo, Silver, Leather, photo by Federico Cavicchioli: Federica Sala, Clear Releckness, 2015, Neckpiece, Glass, Rutilo, Silver, Leather, photo by Federico Cavicchioli



Září Gallery
Heřmanova 33, Prague 7
Opening times and days: Tue-Fri from 1 to 7pm





EXPO ‘Enhance Colours tour’ – Gal. CONTEXT & Gal. Ingallerybcn, Barcelona (ES) – 8 Oct.-8 Nov. 2015

during JOYA 2015 (but NOT part of the « OFF JOYA » !) : Alchimia Alumni Collective –  our EnhanceColours tour will stop too in Barcelona this October !

Join and enjoy with us at two beautiful spaces:
1st #opening will be on October 7th at 18h at Ingallerybcn C/Penedés, 3 Barcelona
2nd #opening on October,10th at 12h at Context Galeria C/Viñolas,10 #StCugat


during JOYA 2015 : Alchimia alumni collective --  our #EnhanceColours tour  (Elena GIL brooch)

 La intenció de l’exposició “Pugem el colors” és la de comunicar, mitjançant l’ús del color, els pensaments, sentiments i emocions de quinze alumnes de l’escola Alchimia de Florència.

Participants: Andrea CoderchCatalina GibertAkiko BanElena GilFrancesco CodaMaría Constanza OchoaMaría Eugenia LópezMaría Ignacia Walker Poly NicolopoulouSelen ÖzusYuki SumiyaValentina CapriniMargherita de MartinoClaudia Cucchi

  ENHANCE the COLORS - m.c.Ochoa: Maria Constanza OCHOA  Penjoll « MAY » plata oxidada, pigment, fil de seda 

 Andrea Coderch   Polsera "OPOSS"  : plata, pell, tela japonesa, plexiglàs, seda - ENHANCE COLORS: Andrea Coderch -  Polsera « OPOSS »  : plata, pell, tela japonesa, plexiglàs, seda

Akiko Ban - collar "Espagna" làmines de plàstic, fil de poliuretà, plata.Akiko Ban - collar « Espagna » làmines de plàstic, fil de poliuretà, plata

Poly Nicolopoulou    - brooch "Pass throught"   -  plata, resina, cordills - ENHANCE COLORS: Poly Nicolopoulou    – brooch « Pass throught »   -  plata, resina, cordills

 Francesco Coda - Anell "Northside", plata, guix, pintura acrílica -  ENHANCE COLORS:  Francesco Coda - Anell « Northside », plata, guix, pintura acrílica

María Ignacia Walker - Collar "Neltume 7",  porcellana, seda,cotó, esmalts, plata - ENHANCE COLORS: María Ignacia Walker – Collar « Neltume 7″,  porcellana, seda,cotó, esmalts, plata

Catalina Gibert  Collar "Serra" - fusta cremada de pi mediterrani, pintura acrílica, fil de lli Catalina Gibert  Collar « Serra » 2014 – fusta cremada de pi mediterrani, pintura acrílica, fil de lli



CONTEXT Galeria 
c. Viñolas, 8-10
Sant Cugat del Vallès (BCN)
Tel  935 893 806



C/Penedés, 3
08012 Barcelona (M° Diagonal)
Tel 93 237 96 94





EXPO ‘Subamos los colores/Enhance colours’ – Aram. Espai de Joies, Palma de Majorca (ES) – 19 Sept.-3 Oct. 2015

On Saturday it will be the 2nd stop of the « Enhance Colours » tour during the « Nit de l’Art » in Palma of Majorca.
A night when all the city is invaded by all sort of artistic proposals.
Come and join us.
We are waiting for you at « Aram. Espai de Joies« !!!!

nit del art 2015  palma de mallorca will be the 2nd stop of the Enhance_Colours /Pugem_els_colors tour.

Join us on Saturday, September 19th @AramEspaideJoies !!

 nitdelart2015  palmademallorca will be the 2nd stop of the Enhance_Colours


Exhibition organised by Alchimia alumni collective :

List of participants:
Akiko Ban — Andrea Coderch — Catalina Gibert — Claudia Cucchi — Elena Gil — Francesco Coda — Elisa Deval — Margherita de Martino Norante — Mª Constanza Ochoa — Mª Ignacia Walker — Maru Lopez — Poly Nikolopoulou — Selen Özus — Valentina Caprini  – Yuki Sumiya


Claudia Cucchi EXPO 'Subamos los colores/Enhance colours' Claudia Cucchi

catalina_gibert dans Exposition/ExhibitionCatalina Gibert

Elena GilElena Gil

akiko_ban dans Gal. Silvestre (ES)Akiko Ban

andrea_coderchAndrea Coderch

maria_ignacia_walkerMaria Ignacia Walker

Poly Nikolopoulou: Poly Nikolopoulou

Selen Ozus Jewelry | "Friends" necklace(s) 2013 - silver, porcelain, cotton thread: Selen Ozus – « Friends » necklace(s) 2013 – silver, porcelain, cotton thread

Valentina Caprini 2015Valentina Caprini

Carrer Missió

07003 Palma de Majorque
tel 971572348
de dill a div de 10.30 a 14.00 i de 17.00 a 20.30h


EXPO ‘Subamos los colores/Enhance colours’ – Galería Silvestre, Tarragona (ES) – 29 Mai-4 Juin 2015

Classé dans : AAC (Alchimia Alumni Collective),Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Silvestre (ES) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:06

Os invitamos a llevar los colores al límite.
Una exposición en la que vuestra participación será necesaria.
La inauguración tendrá lugar el viernes 29 de mayo y el sábado, a partir de las 13 h, tomaremos las calles de Tarragona y las invadiremos de color.
We invite you to bring colours to their limit.
An interactive exhibition that will need of your help.
The opening will be held on Friday, May 29th and on  Saturday, from 13h on, colour will invade the streets of Tarragona.

Galeria Silvestre, Tarragona

Inauguracion Viernes 29 MAY 2015 19:00h



Exhibition organised by Alchimia alumni collective :

Nuestro colorido equipo está formado por / And our colourful team partners are:
Akiko Ban — Andrea Coderch — Catalina Gibert — Claudia Cucchi — Elena Gil — Francesco Coda — Margherita de Martino — Mª Constanza Ochoa — Mª Eugenia López — Mª Ignacia Walker — Melissa Arias — Poly Nikolopoulou — Selen Özus — Valentina Caprini – Yuki Sumiya

 EXPO 'Subamos los colores/Enhance colours' - Galería Silvestre, Tarragona (ES) - 29 Mai-4 Juin 2015  dans AAC (Alchimia Alumni Collective) claudia_cucchiClaudia Cucchi

catalina_gibert dans Exposition/ExhibitionCatalina Gibert

akiko_ban dans Gal. Silvestre (ES)Akiko Ban

andrea_coderchAndrea Coderch

maria_ignacia_walkerMaria Ignacia Walker

poly_nikolopoulouPoly Nikolopoulou

Galería silvestre

Calle Real 60-62
43004 Tarragona
t. (+34) 977 591 836
t. (+34) 600 696 894


AUTOR Contemporary Jewelry Fair – AUTOR 12 – Casa Universitarilor, Bucarest (Romania) – 1-2 Nov. 2014

It’s official! AUTOR 12 – the autumn edition will take place in Casa Universitarilor (str. Dionisie Lupu, nr. 46), București . The best designers, the most spectacular jewelry and lots of fun and surprises. And don’t forget about the AUTOR Awards.

AUTOR connects you through contemporary jewelry. Stay connected, join & share the event!

  AUTOR 12 -


 Irina Moise - PINKMOSS  Irina Moise / PINKMOSS  « I like change, I always did. I think it represents this period of my life and I think I’m doing it consciously. »

 Viktor Pavlov Viktor Pavlov – “Fascinated by the qualities and the symbolical meaning of the gems I asked myself: why could not be created pieces of jewels having these characteristics but without using the real material of precious stones?”
Jewellery designer Viktor Pavlov, graduated in the “Metal” Department of the National Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria, often uses recycled materials with the aim is to reflect the problem of eco-fashion and to raise awareness toward the overuse of non-degradable materials.

Elena RistovskaElena Ristovska – « I had one thing on my mind while I was creating this collection, to create a new planet. This planet is a place where, just for a brief moment you can hear your own voice, you can feel balanced rhythm of your heartbeat. »

 Velislava Urieva BozhinovaVelislava Urieva Bozhinova « With my work I want to represent the relationship between human and nature. Nature as an inspiration for the organic shapes of my works and the ready mades created by the human are the main keywords for my concept. »

 Raluca Buzura Raluca Buzura – “Being structured as an organized person, I wanted this time to go beyond and push my feelings to an irregular type of construction. It was more like an experiment over me, how much can you detach from a habit, a pattern that you got used to?”

AND « our » dear AAC jewellers (Alchimia Alumni Collective), will be present too, among others, with Akiko Ban, Anastasia Kandaraki, Andrea Coderch, Catalina Gibert, Chiara Cavallo, María Constanza Ochoa, Elisa Deval, Francesco Coda, Karin Kato, María Ignacia Walker, Melissa Arias, Rudee Tancharoen, Yuki Sumiya & Poly Nikolopoulou :

Andrea Coderch Valor - "Hana" necklace silver | wood | silkAndrea Coderch Valor - « Hana » necklace silver – wood – silk

Catalina Gibert L’mon necklace - linen canvas,  acrylic paintCatalina Gibert L’mon necklace – linen canvas,  acrylic paint

 María Constanza Ochoa - Climbing necklace -brassMaría Constanza Ochoa – Climbing necklace -brass

 francesco Coda - brooch - carbon, silver, steel, magnet, iron, paraloid b72Francesco Coda – brooch – carbon, silver, steel, magnet, iron, paraloid b72

María Ignacia Walker - Vuelo - necklace textile, plasticMaría Ignacia Walker – Vuelo – necklace textile, plastic

Rudee Tancharoen - neck and chest piece - steel wire, 18k goldRudee Tancharoen - neck and chest piece – steel wire, 18k gold

 Yuki Sumiya - Perfect house #5 brooch silver, shibuichi, 10K goldYuki Sumiya - Perfect house #5 brooch silver, shibuichi, 10K gold

Poly Nikolopoulou - "Gialiskari" brooch silver , feltPoly Nikolopoulou – « Gialiskari » brooch silver , felt



Casa Universitarilor
str. Dionisie Lupu, nr. 46





JOYA Barcelona 2014 – Selected COLLECTIVES

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –  Art Jewellery Fair, October 9, 10 and 11, 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –
This year JOYA will have seven collectives :
Artist Collective ANIMA from Austria,
AORP from Portugal and CORPO from Brasil.
For the first time, there will also be the collective Bench 886 from Taiwan, formed by 6 talented artists, and the collective JOYA BRAVA from Chile, with 10 artists on stage.
« We are a new and fresh (april 2014) collective called Aac (Alchimia alumni collective). This collective was created just a couple of months ago, co-founded by Andrea Coderch, Catalina Gibert and Dinah Lee as a platform for past and future Alchimia alumni. Our main goal is to showcase their and our work, so as to put contemporary jewelry on the map in a larger scale, introducing it to the general public as it is still an unexplored territory to many.
Being friends, colleagues and former schoolmates, we naturally discussed the current state of contemporary jewelry amongst ourselves. We came to the conclusion that we would be much stronger as a collective and could help not just each other, but on a much larger scale by having this platform available for all past and future alumni, especially giving that we all come from the same school of training, have a common understanding and approach to our individual work. Our aim is to create, one day in the near future, a movement, a kind of contemporary jewelry “awareness”, as we feel that it is still very much an unrecognized area of the arts.
Gradually, we want to be able to organize, create and participate in different events and exhibitions all around the world, in different cities.« 
The members of the Aac Team will be …  : Akiko BanAndrea CoderchCatalina GibertDinah LeeGabi VeitLavinia RossettiMichelle Kraemer –  Nur Terün and Selen Özus.
Barcelona, here we go !!!
Aac -   Catalina Gibert ‘M.A.R.’ Necklace linen canvas | acrylic paint | water colours | goldCatalina Gibert ‘M.A.R.’ Necklace linen canvas | acrylic paint | water colours | gold
Andrea Coderch Valor - ‘Obsession’ Pendants silver | red coral | onix | olive wood | japanese lacquer | cotton threadAndrea Coderch Valor - ‘Obsession’ Pendants silver | red coral | onix | olive wood | japanese lacquer | cotton thread
 Dinah Lee ‘Bone Appétit Series, No.13′ Necklace 14 k gold | sterling silver | silver leaf | cow bone | Italian sea salt | pigment | resinDinah Lee ‘Bone Appétit Series, No.13′ Necklace 14 k gold | sterling silver | silver leaf | cow bone | Italian sea salt| pigment | resin
Akiko Ban FIREWORKS necklace plastic | photo printed sheet | polyurethane thread | silver925Akiko Ban FIREWORKS necklace plastic | photo printed sheet | polyurethane thread | silver925
* AGC – Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo (from Italy) presents :
Caterina ZancaClara del Papa -- Claudia SteinerCorrado De Meo — Emma Francesconi — Francesca Antonello — Giancarlo Montebello — Maria Rosa Franzin —  Monica Cecchi — Nicoletta FrigerioPaola Mirai — Stefano Spivach — Stefano Rossi 
Claudia SteinerClaudia Steiner

 Maria Rosa FranzinMaria Rosa Franzin

* BENCH 886 (from Taiwan, who formed  6 talented artists) presents Cai Xuan Wu - Han-Chieh Chuang – Heng Lee — Shih-Dea Tseng (Deborah Tseng) — Wen-Miao YehYu-Ping Lin
  Han-Chieh Chuang Han-Chieh Chuang
Heng LeeHeng Lee – brooch pixel garden
* ANIMA (collective from Austria) presents : Bao Toan Puls — Florian Wagner –
Gerti Machacek – Jacqueline LilliePetr Dvorak Susanne BlinJura Golub
 Jacqueline LillieJacqueline Lillie
Susanne BlinSusanne Blin
Jura GolubJura Golub
  Bao Toan Puls Bao Toan Puls
* AORP (Associação de Ourivesaria de Portugal) presents Ana Pina — Bruno da Rocha — Gabriel Ribeiro — Joana Mota Capitão — Lia Gonçalves
Lia Gonçalves (AORP)Lia Gonçalves
* CORPO (Materia + Mente + Mao: COR) from Brasil presents Alice Nakagawa Matuck — Maria de Carvalho Rodrigues — Miriam Mirna Korolkovas —  Seizo Soares
Materia + Mente + Mao: COR presents Maria de Carvalho RodriguesMaria de Carvalho Rodrigues
*Joya Brava from Chile, with 10 artists on stage, presents : Caco Honorato — Ilonka Palocz —  Joyce Marin  – Liliana Ojeda – Massiel Mariel Muñoz –  Nicolás HernándezPamela de la Fuente –  Paulina Latorre– Vania Ruiz — Tita Cardemil
Caco HonoratoCaco Honorato
Massiel Muñoz (JOYA BRAVA)Massiel Muñoz


JOYA: Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair
Santa Monica Arts Centre
Rambla, 7
08001 – Barcelona
Telephone: +34 93 459 24 06





EXPO ‘Alchimia Alumni Collective (AAC). reNacimiento’ – Museo Nacional de Cerámica, Valencia (ES) – 8-11 Mai 2014 – Melting Point Valencia 2014

« Alchimia Alumni Collective (AAC). reNacimiento »   forma parte del recorrido de exposiciones de Melting Point 2014 del 8 al 11 de mayo.

Melting Point Valencia 2014

Inauguración: 8 mayo, 18.00 h
Fechas: 8 mayo/11 mayo

 Coordinadora: Andrea Coderch
, the Spanish word for Renaissance but also a literal translation for rebirth, shows the leitmotiv of the evolution of our work after school.
We reunite 2 years after graduating from Alchimia in 2012 and we collectively present this exhibition tour that will take us to the different cities that we each live in.
Furthermore, the birth of Aac.

with : Catalina Gibert NadalIzabella Petrut Dinah LeeAndrea Coderch Valor
Collar de Izabella Petrut 'Blood on the ground'juguetes de plástico | cobre | pintura acrílica | pigmento | barniz | hilo de sedaplastic toys | copper | acrylic paint and pigment | varnish | silk thread Izabella Petrut ‘Blood on the ground’ necklace -  toys | copper | acrylic paint and pigment | varnish | silk thread
Collar de Dinah LeeBone Appétit Series, No.10oro de 14 ct | plata | hueso de ternera | cristales de sal de diamante | pigmento | resina14 k gold | sterling silver | cow bone | Persian blue diamond salt crystals |  pigment | resin
Dinah Lee – Bone Appétit Series, necklace No.10  – 14 k gold | sterling silver | cow bone | Persian blue diamond salt crystals |  pigment | resin
Collar de Catalina Gibert'M.A.R.'lino | pintura acrílica | acuarelas | orolinen canvas | acrylic paint | water colours | goldCatalina Gibert - ‘M.A.R.’ necklace – linen canvas | acrylic paint | water colours | gold
Broche de Andrea Coderch 'You missed Sakura V'cobre | laca japonesa | madera de olivo | flor seca | plásticocopper | japanese lacquer | olive wood | dried flower | plastic
Andrea Coderch Valor - ‘You missed Sakura V’ brooch -  plásticocopper | japanese lacquer | olive wood | dried flower | plastic
Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias González Martí
- Sala L’Alcora -
Calle Poeta Querol 2
Martes a sábado de 10.00 a 14.00 h. y de 16.00 a 20.00 h.
Domingos de 10.00 a 14.00 h