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EXPO « KGB » – Four Gallery, Göteborg (Sweden) – 28 fevr-29 mars 2014

at Four KGB: Kim Buck, Tore Svensson & Karin Seufert -

Welcome to the opening at Four Friday February 28, 17.00-21.00

Friday 21st, 13.00 Karin Seufert will make a lecture at HDK – University of Arts and Crafts and Design, please mail for more detailed information

Four KGB: Kim Buck Tore Svensson Karin Seufert - 28 fevr-29 mars 2014 - -
Kim Buck, Tore Svensson and Karin Seufert are three of the most prominent artists of the modern jewellery scene. With experience from long careers they stay in the frontline and continue to develop the genre with an impressive creativity and craftsmanship. The exhibition KGB was shown for the first time in Copenhagen and after the show in Gothenburg it will open at Gallery Martina Dempf in Berlin.
Tore Svensson, tube Ring, 2012Tore Svensson, tube Ring, 2012 - Steel, Paint, Etched – Fired with linseed oil
Tore Svensson Box BroochTore Svensson Box Brooch
Karin Seufert brooch Karin Seufert brooch
Karin Seufert brooch – pvc, paper, silver, steel – 2010
Kim Buck
Kim Buck – « It is no use crying over »-ring 750 gold :: 2008
Nordhemsgatan 74,
Göteborg – Sweden
tel +46 73 086 42 49


EXPO ‘Märta Mattsson: Rebirth’ – Four, Göteborg (Sweden) – 24 Sept.-15 Oct. 2011

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Four (SE),Marta MATTSSON (SE),Suede (SE) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:03

Four is proud to present jewellery artist Märta Mattsson. Her exceptional skill to find balance on the edge between the beautiful and the disgusting has made her work well known internationally.

EXPO 'Märta Mattsson: Rebirth' - Four, Göteborg (Sweden) - 24 Sept.-15 Oct. 2011 dans Exposition/Exhibition 276893_123569314411825_1836211932_n

« Sometimes I see beauty in things that other people find strange or are even repulsed by. I become fascinated when there is something you do not want to see and the feeling you get when you do not want to look at something, yet you still do. My jewellery deals with the tension that lies between attraction and repulsion. I take seemingly inappropriate materials, making ordinary and familiar objects seem extraordinary and unfamiliar.« Märta Mattsson

In the 18th century many new breeds of animals and plants were discovered and it was the main era of cabinets of curiosities. People collected rarities because it gave them the feeling of being in the presence of something extraordinary and marvellous. The cabinets of curiosities were not meant to sympathize with the creatures on display, only marvel over their oddity. In a world where not many new and exotic breeds are discovered I use dead creatures in my pieces to evoke wonder. The creatures are transformed and reborn; given a new life as objects of astonishment.
Märta Mattsson
Brooch: Fossil 2011 – Cicadas, crushed copper ore, azurit and malakit, silver, From the series ‘Fossil’
Märta MattssonFossil Brooch – Moths, crushed copper ore, azurit, resin, silver From the series ‘Fossil’
Märta Mattssonearrings From the series ‘Inside’ – Copper electroformed beetle, cubic zirconias, lacquer, silver
Märta Mattsson – brooch: Brown ‘beetle’ From the series ‘Inside’ – 2011 – Electroformed Rhino beetle, lacquer, cubic zirconias, silver
Märta Mattssonnecklace Fossil 2011 – crushed pyrite, resin, cicadas, silver, From the series ‘Fossil’



Nordhemsgatan 74
41309 – Göteborg


EXPO ‘Four: One of a Kind’ – Four, Göteborg (Sweden) – 3-18 Sept. 2011

Four is turning one year old. It has been a year full of experiences, new acquaintances and a lot of jewellery.  To celebrate we are showing 10 rings made by 10 jewellers especially for this occasion.

Welcome to celebrate our birthday with us.


Lisa Björke, Linnea Eriksson, Ellen Jacobsen Holvik, Hanna Liljenberg, Malin Lövgren, Nina Mårtensson, Pernilla Persson, Anna Rongedal, Karin Roy Andersson, Sanna Svedestedt
Linnea Eriksson – ring: Spread 2011 – Steel, silver, spray paint
Karin Roy Andersson – ring: Matrix 2011 – Silver, titanium
Hanna Liljenberg – ring 2011 – Iron 


Nordhemsgatan 74
41309 – Göteborg


EXPO ‘FOUR Escapes’ – Lilla Galleriet, Klädesholmen (Sweden) – 2-3 Juill. 2011

Summer is here – time for escapes
Lilla Galleriet was founded in  2009 by Lisa Holvik and has since then regularly been showing exhibitions. Klädesholmen is situated north of Göteborg. It is a beautiful island with its characteristic penurious west coast scenery.
Changing location, breaking the everyday rhythm – getting exposed to unfamiliar situations and aesthetics. For a routine addicted person like me this can, at first, be quite frightening but once the first few steps are taken; there is nothing like a short escape.

- Karin Roy Andersson :
« I want to captivate the magic in nature forms by creating a space in between and inside of my jewellery. By repeating small pieces, like microscopic cells, I build structures and miniatures of nature »

- Malin Lövgren :
« Inspired by the beautiful brutality of nature I want to give shape to my own growth. A paper made vegetation to put on your body. I see a beauty in being able to give my time to this fragile and ordinary material and make it into something present and portable. »


Ellen Jacobsen Holvik – Hanna LiljenbergMalin LövgrenKarin Roy Andersson


EXPO 'FOUR Escapes' - Lilla Galleriet, Klädesholmen (Sweden) - 2-3 Juill. 2011 dans COUP DE COEUR 264353_235690906460158_155240861171830_910640_6642995_n
Hanna Liljenberg - brooch: Paper Work 2011Paper, silver, steel
Hanna Liljenberg Pieces of sleep
Hanna Liljenberg -   brooch
Malin Lövgren – ‘captivate’
Karin Roy Andersson-  ‘bomb’  rings, silver, pearlsilk

Karin Roy Andersson- Black Creature, bracelet, silver, titanium

Karin Roy Andersson- Chaos II, necklace, silver, pearl thread
Ellen Jacobsen Holvik  – In my dreams – 2010
Ellen Jacobsen Holvik  -Air – 2010 – Rings and pendants in blackburned iron and enamel.





Lilla Galleriet
Skomakaregatan 33
471 51 – Klädesholmen
Telephone: +46705-75 31 62



Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Four (SE),HDK Goteborg (SE),Malin LOVGREN (SE),Suede (SE) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:07

HDK konsthantverk (Université de Göteborg, Suede) – smyckekonst (section bijou)
« Une réunion, un événement, un moment qui est passé, tout cela sont des mots. Les mots sont souvent les pensées et les réflexions sur notre existence. Préoccupations qui forment souvent la base de mon travail.  Il s’agit de savoir qui je suis, d’où je viens, où je vais, ce que je fais, à voir et à faire preuve de vigilance. Je suis à la recherche d’un équilibre entre le matériel et le mental, le poétique et le fonctionnel. Mes bijoux sont conçus pour le corps et le porteur. Cela parle de la répétition, des roulements et des dimensions qui composent l’ensemble.  »
quels matériaux utilisez-vous ?
« Je travaille avec des bas de nylon, de l’argent, de la porcelaine, et des perles.« 

Elle fait partie du groupe « FOUR »

Malin Lövgren, Ring – silver – 2011

6 dans Four (SE)

7 dans HDK Goteborg (SE)

1 dans Malin LOVGREN (SE)2 dans Suede (SE)
Malin Lövgren – Brooch


EXPO ‘Utställning – Verket’ – FOUR, Göteborg (Sweden) – 30 avril-4 juin 2011

Four presenterar Pernilla Persson och Sanna Svedestedt smyckekonstnärer från Verket

EXPO 'Utställning - Verket' - FOUR, Göteborg (Sweden) - 30 avril-4 juin 2011 dans Exposition/Exhibition 218123_178946835490769_154725167912936_471022_7763151_n

(Pernilla Persson necklace ‘Skelett’ 2011 Steel, silver)

Sanna Svedestedt
- hair jewelry- Bangle ‘Fashionista wrap around’ 2011 Synthetic fibers, laquer
Sanna Svedestedt- hair jewelry- Bangle ‘Fashionista’ 2011 Synthetic fibers, laquer

PernillaPersson1_w dans Four (SE)
Pernilla Persson (from HDK school)

PernillaPersson2_w dans HDK Goteborg (SE)
Pernilla Persson
Pernilla Persson- 2011


Nordhemsgatan 74
Göteborg, Sweden


EXPO ‘Jewellery Artist Lisa Björke’ – Four, Gothenburg (Sweden) – 4 Fevr.-19 Mars 2011

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Four (SE),Lisa BJORKE (SE),Suede (SE) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:01

Four presenterar stolt smyckekonstnären Lisa Björke. I februari visar vi « Where dreams belong…« , Lisa Björkes Masterarbete från Konstfack från 2010. Vi startar med Vernissage fredag 4/2 16.00-20.00. Varmt välkomna!


EXPO 'Jewellery Artist Lisa Björke' - Four, Gothenburg (Sweden) - 4 Fevr.-19 Mars 2011 dans Exposition/Exhibition lisabj%f6rke14.jpg-for-web-large

«  Imagination, fantasy, make believe, dreams, day dreams, there is several thing we can call the world we have inside our mind…. something that we all experience individually but that we can recognize universally when seen in a scenery in theater, movies and pictures and so forth.
My work is about the balance or unbalance between the real and the fantasy. The pieces can be seen as a micro cosmos on the border, they represent a portal to either of the two worlds: the real or the fantasy land.
The pieces can be seen as characters in a play in an unexciting reality; they belong in the same family but play different parts. If this was a fairy tale who would be the evil stepmother and who would be the hero saving them all from despair?
Whatever part they are playing I want them to be on the borderline where jewelery ends and imagination begins…
Jewelery can be a portal to journeys within the mind, as we can say the beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder we might as well say the journey will be in the mind of the same.
Maybe they didn’t grow out of my hand, but out from a dream in to a scenery where they seem to belong. Are they what they look like, or do they keep a secret inside, are they what the hole was in Alice in wonderland or the closet in Narnia, the portal to a surreal world?? I sure hope so…..
Only if I dare crossing the border, drop the control, I can start a travel within the mind, in a land where reality and dream blend in with each other and the order of things is subverted and unpredictable and you are invited to come along. » (Lisa Björke about « Where dreams belong…« )

lisabj%f6rke10.jpg-for-web-large dans Four (SE)


Nordhemsgatan 74
Gothenburg, Sweden


EXPO ‘Hanna Liljenberg’ – FOUR Gallery, Gothenburg, Suede – 5 Nov.-12 Dec. 2010

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Four (SE),Hanna LILJENBERG (SE),Suede (SE) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:06

FOUR Presents Hanna Liljenberg
We´ll show new pieces in the gallery and new jewellery in the store

Wine and beer ! :-)

EXPO 'Hanna Liljenberg' - FOUR Gallery, Gothenburg, Suede - 5 Nov.-12 Dec. 2010 dans Exposition/Exhibition 68779_445741201605_541946605_5935213_5567276_n
41180_430220961605_541946605_5608874_3441220_n dans Four (SE)
45039_420159186980_651021980_5201053_2327412_n dans Hanna LILJENBERG (SE)

Trois merveilles blanches ……………

n651021980_699041_7976 dans Suede (SE)
Brosch. Paper and oxidized silver

Brosch. Taguanut and iron




FOUR Gallery
Nordhemsgatan 74
Gothenburg, Sweden


« FOUR »… à ne pas confondre avec les trois Mousquetaires qui étaient 4 eux aussi !

« FOUR » … à ne pas confondre avec les trois Mousquetaires, qui étaient quatre …. Là elles s’appellent « Four », et elles sont bien quatre, quatre créatrices de bijoux suédoises : Hanna LiljenbergKarin Roy Andersson, Malin Lövgren, Ellen Jacobsen Holvik.


Dans leur « Jewellery Art shop/workingspace/gallery« , elles représentent aussi  les artistes suivants : Rouge Jewellery — Linnéa ErikssonPernilla PerssonSanna Svedestedt — Aor Sutthiprapha — Märta Mattsson — Modefluga — Marc Monzo — Saako

45039_420159186980_651021980_5201053_2327412_n dans Ellen JACOBSEN HOLVIK (SE)

45083_420417881980_651021980_5206421_6605596_n dans Four (SE)

40475_419571051980_651021980_5189695_4801349_n dans GALERIES

46576_419862681980_651021980_5195351_5011936_n dans Hanna LILJENBERG (SE)

41146_422323836980_651021980_5251002_1440192_n dans Karin Roy ANDERSSON (SE)
fabric necklace

45965_420672966980_651021980_5212655_5949614_n dans Linnea ERIKSSON (SE)

40258_418882011980_651021980_5173329_6031946_n dans Malin LOVGREN (SE)

46040_421299761980_651021980_5231754_393412_n dans Marc MONZO (ES)




FOUR : Jewellery Art shop/workingspace/gallery
Nordhemsgatan 74
Gothenburg (Göteborg) – Suede



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