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COUP de COEUR – JULIA MARIA KÜNNAP – ça coule …. de source ……… – EXPO « Overgrown » at Sienna Patti gallery – 15 Juin-9 Juill. 2018

JULIA MARIA KÜNNAP « Overgrown »  at Sienna Patti gallery -   JULIA MARIA KÜNNAP -  June 15 – July 9, 2018 « For someone inspired by imperfectionJulia Maria Künnap creates objects that perfectly capture a moment in time. With flawless skill and control Künnap transforms some of the earth’s hardest materials into melting pools of liquid, sweeping brushstrokes, and about-to-burst bubbles. Overgrown, shows Künnap striving for ever more precision and pushing her materials to greater physical and conceptual limits. These efforts have resulted in impossibly thin fragments and delicate drips that suspend disbelief. Working natural stones, Künnap’s current show is filled with striking blues and greens, inky black, chalky white and translucent crystal, a bold palette that complements the juxtaposition of hand carved facets and highly polished curves. Künnap’s work has always spoken to the magical reality of the natural world—the way water changes from liquid to solid and back to liquid again—and the human desire to understand and tame it. It is no coincidence therefore that finely cut gemstones and the tradition of lapidary work has been a main point of reference throughout Künnap’s work. In recent piece however, she playfully looks at other objects and materials altered by humans. Künnap carefully reshapes cacholong into a ball of crumpled paper. Though the stone is relatively unknown to even most gemstone connoisseurs, Künnap chose it for its matte texture and likeness to paper. With the labor of carving she highlights an unglamorous yet prized stone and makes permanent an ephemeral form that rarely exists beyond the trash bin. Similarly, her series of brushstroke brooches and earrings freeze a human act. By isolating the expressive curve and movement of a stroke, Künnap memorializes both the gesture and the resulting outcome. Künnap marries her mastery of lapidary with subtlety. It is this union that makes Künnap’s work so seductive and timeless »

 Julia Maria Künnap - Bubble Gum Ring, 2018. carved amethyst & 18k white goldJulia Maria Künnap  - Bubble Gum Ring, 2018. carved amethyst & 18k white gold

JULIA MARIA KÜNNAP - "Or Better a Fine One" , 2017. (brooch), carved lapis lazuli & 18k yellow gold

Julia Maria Künnap  - « Or Better a Fine One » , 2017. (brooch), carved lapis lazuli & 18k yellow gold

Julia Maria Künnap- Why Is It Still Overgrowing?, 2018. (earrings).  nephrite & 18k yellow gold

Julia Maria Künnap- Why Is It Still Overgrowing?, 2018. (earrings).  nephrite & 18k yellow gold

JULIA MARIA KüNNAP | Overgrown - Sienna Patti - Contemporary Art Gallery June 15 - July 9 |

Julia Maria KünnapSupervolcano ring -  carved obsidian with rhodium plated silver band

  Julia Maria Künnap graduated in 2004 from the Estonian Academy of Arts, Jewellery Art Department under Professor Kadri Mälk. A 2018 recipient of the prestigious Herbert Hofmann Prize, Künnap is known for her mysteriously and meticulously carved lapidary work. Her work has been included in group and solo exhibitions around the world. Julia Maria Künnap currently lives and works in Tallinn, Estonia. This is her second solo exhibition at Sienna Patti.     Sienna Patti Gallery 80 Main Street Lenox Massachusetts 01240 USA (001) 413 637 8386


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Julia Obermaier present during SCHMUCK 2018 (Munich Jewellery Week (MJW) – 7–10 March 2018

Julia Obermaier, with her very talented creations, is, of course, VERY present during the   Munich Jewellery Week  2018 (MJW 7-10 March 2018)

Julia Obermaier is a Jewellery Maker from Germany.
She graduated in 2016 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the Trier University of Applied Sciences, Departement of Gemstones and Jewellery in Idar-Oberstein, Germany.
Since 2016 she has her own atelier in Kempten, Germany.


 at first present at the exhibition   Holy Rock with her group ASTONISH , at Internationale Handwerksmesse München, from the 7th to the 13th of march in  Hall B1, Stand-No. 759

ASTONISH is a collective of seven female contemporary jewellery makers sharing a common passion: (gem) stones. For the third consecutive year, they will exhibit their work at Internationale Handwerks Messe(IHM) in Munich, March 2018.
Artist list  :  Sharareh Aghaei – Eva Burton – Gabriela Cohn – Pia Groh – Helen Habtay — Stephie Morawetz — Julia Obermaier

Astonish HOLY ROCK

« Child of the elements.
You connect us to the past and our memories. You give us silence and peace. Hypnotized, we gaze at you when exploring your inner worlds. Born from time and the forces of nature you are everlasting and the matter of our making.
Every Rock is holy, indeed. From stones as silent observers, we make valuable experiences, we communicate through our making. Find the seven makers of ASTONISH for the third consecutive year at SCHMUCK, to pay hommage/tribute to ‘THE HOLY ROCK’ in you and me.
So let us celebrate together Gems and Jewels. »


Julia_Obermaier - ASTONISH Dancing on a wonky table – Necklace – Agate, resin, pigment, fabric, silver – 27 x 9 x 5 cm – 2017 – Julia ObermaierJulia Obermaier -   Dancing on a wonky table – Necklace – Agate, resin, pigment, fabric, silver – 27 x 9 x 5 cm – 2017 – Julia Obermaier

« My main subject is about private space. In my pieces I create rooms, containers, boxes or little caves. These spaces can be filled with ones own personal feelings, perceptions and sensations. I see my work as containers protecting the innermost emotions of the viewer or wearer, that they use to confront a busy world. »


Internationale Handwerkmesse Munich
Hall B1, Stand-No. 759.
Willy Brandt Allee 1, Messegelände
81829 -  Munich
And THEN she is present at   »Die denkende Haut – the perfect sense » -  EXHIBITION   08- 14 MAR 2018 - at  Kunstpavillon
.Die denkende Haut - the perfect sense -  EXHIBITION  /  MJW-SchmuckTalente2018  /  08- 14 MAR 2018 - Kunstpavillon - Garten Sophienstr 7a 80333 -  Munich  GERMANY - -Artist list Peter Bauhuis, Doris Betz, Babette Brühl, Florian Buddeberg, Attai Chen, Eunmi Chun, Anna Maria Eichlinger, Samira Goetz, Merlin Klein, Julia Obermaier, Carina Shoshtary, Nadja Soloviev
Artist list :     Peter BauhuisDoris Betz — Babette Brühl — Florian Buddeberg — Attai ChenEunmi ChunAnna Maria Eichlinger — Samira Goetz — Merlin Klein –  Julia ObermaierCarina Shoshtary — Nadja Soloviev
 » For people as well as for jewellery, everything begins with the skin – the surface, the countless surface possibility in jewellery pieces depending on the material and workmanship. We can try to look through the skin/surface and try to interpret with those pieces. On display are the latest works of 11 jewellery artists and 1 painter from Munich.  »
Every perception begins with the skin, the surface. For people as well as for jewellery. Here, in jewellery, there are countless surfaces – smooth or rough, monochrome or multicoloured, porous or impermeable, chaotic or orderly, depending on the material and workmanship. There are no limits to the diversity of haptic sensations. Likewise with the jewellery in the exhibition Die denkende Haut [The Thinking Skin]. Are we able to look through skin, though, through the surface, inwards, to the essence of the jewellery? Can we do it with people? Neither is a simple undertaking! But we can try to interpret, to read them.
For example, with Julia Obermaier, who cuts, polishes and assembles sculptural-architectural forms from agate, the stone that emerged from volcanic nodules over millions of years. The immortality of nature and the finiteness of man are brought together in an allegorical juxtaposition. Or with Carina Shoshtary, who takes graffiti, dissects it and recomposes it in her jewellery. Messages are thus preserved and interpreted anew. Freedom of thought is manifested in jewellery. The concrete necklaces by Samira Götz only appear to be heavy; they are, however, surprisingly light. They function as burden and liberation at once. The last example is Merlin Klein, whose ‘ash jewellery’ simultaneously stands for grief, solace and remembrance.
The works on display constitute not just surface, technique and workmanship; they are concepts, with a message for the beholder. They allow one to gaze deep into the essence of the individual, nature and the universe; this is jewellery and art, or art and jewellery, or only jewellery, or just art, wearable on the skin or an object in a vitrine, ultimately simply beautiful and an eternally exciting process when one allows the ‘skin to think’. / Dirk Allgaier, February 2018
« Thinking is not only an abstract act of intellectual reckoning, but also a kind of responsive intelligence permeating our bodies and navigating us through our daily entanglements on the physical, emotional and creative planes. In this sense, dance is an embodied reflection on space; and the mind of an angler is in the hand curled around the fishing rod. Similarly, the movement of fingers on the keyboard of a piano is a visible extension of the musical thinking within the body of a performer, and the same fingers on the keyboard of a computer reproduce the dictates of a cerebral algorithm.
Between anything that touches and anything that is touched – be it an inanimate object or a living body – is the skin, which not only sends out signals like lustre, youth and freshness fromwithin, but also absorbs impulses from without, to be analysed, interpreted and answered in due time. The skin is an interface, revealing an inside and effecting responses in the environment; or thinking an outside by opening up and responding to stimuli. And when it becomes a foundation and support for structures of metals, stones, pearls, etc., then it draws in the elements of the world into its own cycle of impression and expression, transforming them into jewellery and enabling the enhancement of an adorned body.
But, owing to its intermediary position between an inside and an outside, the skin is afflicted with the same mysterious hybridity that characterises all limits and thresholds. Is it still the body? Or is it already part of the environment? Is it still an organ covering all other organs, a spread of epidermis capable of being seen, touched, injured? Or is it already a material, formed to a shield, a mask, an ornament? Or is it neither the one nor the other, but simply an immaterial and intermediary space of difference?
Such questions cannot be quite avoided in the familiar “practices of appearance” like the fine and the applied arts. They are also at the root of the constellation of jewellery and painting that are being presented in this exhibition. »  / Thinking skin by Pravu Mazumdar
Julia Obermaier  Necklace 'Space between' agate, silver, resin, pigment  2017   MJW 2018 n°42  'Die Denkende Haut- The Perfect Sense'
Julia Obermaier  • Necklace « Space between » • agate, silver, resin, pigment • 2017 • ©photo by artist  MJW 2018 #42 : « Die Denkende Haut- The Perfect Sense » group exhibition
Garten Sophienstr 7a
80333 -  Munich  GERMANY


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Dora Haralambaki – Get GOLDIE or …………….

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Dora HARALAMBAKI (GR),EXCHANGE-BIJOU,Grece (GR),or / gold — bijoucontemporain @ 19:49

Dora Haralambaki 

From « minimalistic » to « maximalism » style, GO GOLD ! Gold  Jewellery handmade created by Dora Haralambaki

 Dora Haralambaki  · nov. 2017 - · Modern Rings in Black Nails || Minimal + Chic  (Μaterial: Gold, Silver Plated) Dora Haralambaki  · nov. 2017 – · Modern Rings in Black Nails || Minimal + Chic  (Μaterial: Gold, Silver Plated)

 Dora Haralambaki  · nov 2017 ·    E S S E N T I A L || Minimalist jewellery style    Dora Haralambaki  · nov 2017 ·    E S S E N T I A L || Minimalist jewellery style   - rings

Dora Haralambaki Gold ring (Ring code:Ck22) nov 2017Dora Haralambaki Gold ring (Ring code:Ck22) nov 2017

Dora Haralambaki golden chains - Minimalistic | Gold | Jewellery handmade created by Dora Haralambaki -  brighten up your day -Dora Haralambaki golden chains – Minimalistic | Gold | Jewellery handmade created by Dora Haralambaki -  brighten up your day

Dora Haralambaki   -  déc. 2017·  Our various collection of Gold rings... so many ways to wear!Dora Haralambaki   -  déc. 2017·  Our various collection of Gold rings… so many ways to wear!

Dora Haralambaki Gold Ring dec 2017Dora Haralambaki Gold Ring dec 2017

Dora Haralambaki  · nov 2017 -  This year’ s Charm is the + sign || Jewellery Plus to Everyone  #doraharalambaki #finejewellery #charm2018 #jewelrydesigner #christmasgifts #style #minimalism

Dora Haralambaki  · nov 2017 -  This year’ s Charm is the + sign || Jewellery Plus to Everyone   - minimalism 

BUT sometimes don’t forget to GO BOLD  (too)!!!

Dora Haralambaki · déc 2017 - Wear a statemet jewellery today || Dora Haralambaki  #maximalismDora Haralambaki · déc 2017 – Wear a statemet jewellery today -  #maximalism


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Carlos SILVA – EXPOs at galeria AUTORIA & galeria REVERSO, PORTUGAL – busy FALL !

Carlos Silva Jewelry

3 expos en breve : próximo dia 11 de NOViembre en Porto @ AUTORIA,

25 de NOViembre en galeria REVERSO,

y en diciembre en el taller de Teresa milheiro


Carlos Silva Jewelry -    Simultaneous openings in the Arts Quarter Miguel Bombarda!  Saturday, November 11 Galeria Autoria
Participants:  Áurea Praga — Carla Gaspar — Carlos Silva –  Catalina Gibert — Cristina Roque –  Filipe Fonseca — Inês Sobreira — Isabel Tristan — Liliana Guerreiro — Marta Costa Reis — Telma Oliveira — Telma Simões — Teresa Dantas — Valentim Quaresma.

Carlos Silva Jewelry -    Simultaneous openings in the Arts Quarter Miguel Bombarda!  Saturday, November 11 @ Galeria Autoria  Participants:  Áurea Praga, Carla Gaspar, Carlos Silva, Catalina Gibert, Cristina Roque, Filipe Fonseca, Inês Sobreira, Isabel Tristan, Liliana Guerreiro, Marta Costa Reis, Telma Oliveira, Telma Simões, Teresa Dantas and Valentim Quaresma.


Carlos Silva -  Necklace • [copper, alpaca, foam and charcoal] - soon @galeria.autoria Carlos Silva Jewelry -  Necklace • [copper, alpaca, foam and charcoal] – soon @Galeria Autoria

Carlos Silva  -  Brooch [two in one] foam, plaster and copperCarlos Silva Jewelry   ·  Brooch [two in one]  foam, plaster and copper

Carlos Silva Jewelry   ·  Brooch [two in one]  foam, plaster and copperCarlos Silva Jewelry   ·  Brooch [two in one]  foam, plaster and copper - dividido en 2, lo puedes usar individual ò juntos

Carlos Silva Jewelry- Rings | oxidized copperCarlos Silva Jewelry  ·  Rings | oxidized copper


Galeria Autoria
Rua Miguel Bombarda, 285, Loja 10, Porto
tel +351 915 423 030
Located in the arts quarter – Rua Miguel bombarda – AUTORIA is represented by two jewellery artists Inês Sobreira and Cristina Roque dos Santos.



at  Galeria REVERSO :
EXPO «PEARLS UPSIDE DOWN» (« De Pérolas para o Ar« ) at Galeria Reverso, Lisbonne (PT) – 25 Nov. 2017- 10 Janv. 2018

Opening: Saturday, 25 November, 17:00 — 20:00.


PEARLS UPSIDE DOWN_expo Reverso -  EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Carlos SILVA – EXPO « PEARLS UPSIDE DOWN » at REVERSO galeria, Lisbonne (PT) – 28 Nov. 2017- 10 Janv. 2018

with Ana Margarida Carvalho — Aurea Praga — Beatriz Horta Correia — Birgit Laken — Carlos Silva — Castello Hansen — Claude Schmitz — Claudia Hoppe — Daniel Kruger — Danni Schwaag — Dulce Ferraz — Ela Bauer — Etsuko Sonobe — Grego Garcia — Helena Johansson Lindell — Heejoo Kim — Herman Hermsen — Young-I Kim — Joanne.T — Kaori Juzu –  Laura Frazão Matos — Lauren Kalman — Leonor Hipólito — Marta Costa Reis — Masako Hamaguchi — Melanie Isverding — Nikolay Sardamov — Paula Crespo — Philip Sajet — Réka Lörincz — Sofia Bjorkman — Sophie Hanagarth — Stephanie Jendis — Tanel Veenre — Terhi Tolvanen — Vera Pinto — Young-I Kim — Zwetelina Alexieva.

« What about the pearls and their necklaces? From symbol of wealth and opulence to symbol of sobriety, from fantastic jewelery, sensual and transgressive to model of bourgeois modesty, the pearls surround us in multiple scenarios and multiple senses.
Beside the quiet collar of the grandmothers, we have Louise Brooks’s or Emmanuelle’s, alongside the puritanical collar of the typical North American executive (the only permissible jewel in the almost masculine uniform), we have the excessive adornments of the rajas of India, not to mention the earring of the girl from Vermeer, or from a corsair turned into a virginal little girl’s earring.
The pearl is born, like Venus, from a shell, but we do not recognize in it the same erotic and libertarian appeal. The pearl was domesticated. It is today a symbol of purity, chastity and restraint and, let’s face it, boring!
Can contemporary jewelery claim as its own the “stone” wich seems so classic and conservative today? «  Marta Costa Reis, 2017  for Galeria Reverso


CARLOS SILVA - Colar   (at PEARLS UPSIDE DOWN» at Galeria Reverso, Lisbonne (PT) – 25 Nov. 2017- 10 Janv. 2018  Opening: Saturday, 25 November, 17:00 — 20:00.)CARLOS SILVA – Colar   (at PEARLS UPSIDE DOWN» at Galeria Reverso)

collier Carlos SILVA - Parcours Bijoux: PINAPARIS,  CARLOS SILVA - Untitled Necklace 2015 – Painted copper 385 x 200 mm


Galeria Reverso
R. da Esperança, 59-61
1200-655 Lisbonne – PORTUGAL
tel +351 21 395 1407



Yiota VOGLI at JOYA 2017 Barcelona (SP) – 5-6-7 Oct 2017

JOYA 2017  is here !!   5-6-7 Oct 2017 in Barcelona at Arts Santa Mònica


YIOTA VOGLI at JOYA 2017 in Barcelona at Arts Santa Mònica  YIOTA VOGLI at JOYA 2017

Yiota Vogli -  Shadow my shadow broches at JOYA 2017Yiota Vogli -  Shadow my shadow broches at JOYA 2017 YIOTA VOGLI (GREECE, 1958)  Pendant - Paper, wood, acrylic, varnishes, silver, alpaca, copper, brass, steel.  "Shadow" YIOTA VOGLI – Pendant – Paper, wood, acrylic, varnishes, silver, alpaca, copper, brass, steel.  « Shadow »
« Shadow is a psychological term for everything we cannot see in ourselves. From an early age we adjust our behaviour to gratify our needs and learn to adapt to the external world. As we grow, we condition ourselves to keep all the unaccepted parts of us outside our conscious awareness, even though we drag them ‘behind us’ all the time in our subconscious. »

  YIOTA VOGLI – Pendant – Paper, wood, acrylic, varnishes, silver, alpaca, copper, brass, steel.  «Shadow» YIOTA VOGLI – Pendant – Paper, wood, acrylic, varnishes, silver, alpaca, copper, brass, steel.  «Shadow» for JOYA 2017 YIOTA VOGLI – «Shadow» detail – Paper, wood, acrylic, varnishes, silver, alpaca, copper, brass, steel.   YIOTA VOGLI – «Shadow» detail – Paper, wood, acrylic, varnishes, silver, alpaca, copper,brass, steel. 

Yiota Vogli - secret brooch - collection "shadows"Yiota Vogli - secret brooch – collection « shadows »

Yiota Vogli -   collection "shadows"Yiota Vogli· « Shadow is a psychological term for everything we can’t see in ourselves. ‘There is no light without shadow and no psychic wholeness without imperfection’ *
* Jung, C.G. (1968). Psychology and Alchemy, Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 12, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press YIOTA VOGLI - Joya 2017 #contemporaryjewelry #geometricjewelry #organicforms #blooming #myshadow #antithesis #neckpiece
 YIOTA VOGLI – Joya 2017  #geometricjewelry #organicforms #blooming #myshadow #antithesis

YIOTA VOGLI - Joya 2017  #geometricjewelry #organicforms #blooming #myshadow #antithesis #neckpieceYIOTA VOGLI - Joya 2017  #geometricjewelry #organicforms #blooming #myshadow #antithesis #neckpiece

Yiota Vogli - at Arts Santa Mònica (JOYA 2017)Yiota Vogli · at Arts Santa Mònica  (JOYA 2017)


COUP de COEUR – Roxana Casale voit la VIE EN ROUGE

AAAAHHHH l’Argentine et ses créateurs !

Roxana Casale  voit la VIE EN ROUGE, et c’est SUPERBE !!!!

  »En el marco del Concurso Nacional Viste Rosario, entre mayo y octubre de 2017 en el Centro de Expresiones Contemporáneas se realizaron distintas actividades relacionadas con el diseño indumentaria, accesorios y textil.
El Concurso conto con la participación de 289 proyectos de los cuales fueron preseleccionados 42, entre ellos mi serie « TERRITORIOS », piezas realizadas con papel, laca japonesa y textil. »

Roxana Casale - serie "TERRITORIOS", piezas realizadas con papel, laca japonesa y textil - brocheRoxana Casale – serie « TERRITORIOS », piezas realizadas con papel, laca japonesa y textil – broche

Roxana Casale - serie "TERRITORIOS", piezas realizadas con papel, laca japonesa y textil - collarRoxana Casale - serie « TERRITORIOS », piezas realizadas con papel, laca japonesa y textil – collar Roxana Casale - serie "TERRITORIOS", piezas realizadas con papel, laca japonesa y textil - collarRoxana Casale - serie « TERRITORIOS », piezas realizadas con papel, laca japonesa y textil – collar

Roxana Casale  - serie 'TERRITORIOS',papel, laca japonesa y textil - collar detalleRoxana Casale  - serie ‘TERRITORIOS’,papel, laca japonesa y textil – collar detalle Roxana Casale - serie "TERRITORIOS", piezas realizadas con papel, laca japonesa y textil - collarRoxana Casale - serie « TERRITORIOS », piezas realizadas con papel, laca japonesa y textil – collar

Roxana Casale  - serie 'TERRITORIOS',papel, laca japonesa y textil - collar detalleRoxana Casale  – serie ‘TERRITORIOS’,papel, laca japonesa y textil – collar detalle – texturas increibles !

Roxana Casale - serie "TERRITORIOS", piezas realizadas con papel, laca japonesa y textil - collarRoxana Casale - serie « TERRITORIOS », piezas realizadas con papel, laca japonesa y textil – collar

hay tambien AZULES intensos ….. de estos azules que me encantan !!!

Roxana Casale  - serie 'TERRITORIOS',papel, laca japonesa y textil - collar detalleRoxana Casale  – serie ‘TERRITORIOS’,papel, laca japonesa y textil – collar – detalle

Hace parte de Joyeros Argentinos

Roxana Casale estudió Bellas Artes en las Escuelas Nacionales de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, desarrollando su obra en las áreas de pintura y grabado. Desde 2002 orienta su actividad creativa hacia la joyería contemporánea, realizando estudios de joyería y diseño en el Centro de Diseño de Maria Medicci. Engarce en el taller de Tali Wasserman. Participa en muestras, salones y concursos
(2016  Muestra colectiva Joyeros Argentinos y Joya Brava Chile “Figuraciones”.
 Museo de Artes Decorativas, Santiago, Chile.
             Muestra colectiva Joyeros Argentinos y Joya Brava Chile “Figuraciones”.
          Centro Cultural Casa Prochelle, Valdivia, Chile.
2015  Muestra colectiva Joyeros Argentinos y Joya Brava Chile “Figuraciones”, Museo de Arte
       Popular José Hernández, C.A.B.A.
           Muestra colectiva “A Dark Spark of Light”, Galería Alliages, Lille Francia))


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Rafael Luis ALVAREZ – premiado a Viste Rosario 2017 !

 Rafael Luis Alvarez (Argentina)

ha vencido el 2do premio al Final del concurso Viste Rosario 2017 (Concurso nacional Argentino de Diseño) en su categoría (accesorios) para la coleccion Kosmos

« En el marco del Concurso Nacional Viste Rosario, entre mayo y octubre de 2017 en el Centro de Expresiones Contemporáneas, se realizaron distintas actividades relacionadas con el diseño indumentaria, accesorios y textil. El Concurso conto con la participación de 289 proyectos de los cuales fueron preseleccionados 42″ – (concurso organizado por la Secretaría de Cultura y Educación municipal de la ciudad de Rosario)

concurso #VisteRosario


Rafael Luis Alvarez - broche de la coleccion KOSMOS (en el catalogo) -  2do premio (coleccion KOSMOS) para Viste RosarioRafael Luis Alvarez - broche de la coleccion KOSMOS en el catalogo

Rafael Luis Alvarez - piezas de la coleccion KOSMOS expuestas en  Viste Rosario (2do premio (coleccion KOSMOS))Rafael Luis Alvarez - piezas de la coleccion KOSMOS expuestas en  Viste Rosario

 Rafael Luis Alvarez Collar GEA colección Kosmos Rafael Luis Alvarez Collar GEA colección Kosmos (detalle) silicone rubber, mineral fibers

Rafael Luis Alvarez - Kosmos "Colección Gea" detalle   Rafael Luis Alvarez – Kosmos « Colección Gea » detalle - silicone rubber, mineral fibers


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Jessica Morillo – 1°premio en el concurso #VisteRosario

Jessica Morillo / ANSIOSA HORMONA – arte y diseño

Después del succeso de su muestra EBULLICIÓN en el Museo de Arte Popular José Hernández, Jessica Morillo  gana el 1°premio en el concurso #VisteRosario, categoria accesorios !

concurso #VisteRosario


« #MujerCasa es el nombre de mi coleccion de joyeria contemporanea presentada en el concurso #VisteRosario  1°Premio en la categoria accesorios« 

« #MujerCasa Mi cuerpo el jardin de mis placeres, mis organos huecos, mi cuerpo es mi casa. Soy casa propia que alberga explosivos movimientos de mi sangre que se transforma y llena mis fibras de nuevos aires de lucha. El cuerpo conectado con la tierra que se innuda de rafagas de libertad. Esta coleccion de joyeria contemporanea MujerCasa esta compuesta de por pieza textiles de formas variables. Donde las concavidades florecen con la energia de la transformacion femenina albergando nueva vida, pariendo la independencia de nuestros cuerpos libres. ANSIOSA HORMONA – arte y diseño- Tecnica: tejido y bordado Piezas: collares, anillo y pulsera Materiales: fibras naturales Foto: Flor Garcia Otta »

Jessica morillo - 1°premio en el concurso #VisteRosario - coleccion #MujerCasaJessica Morillocoleccion  #MujerCasa

Jessica morillo - 1°premio en el concurso #VisteRosario - coleccion #MujerCasaJessica Morillo coleccion  #MujerCasa

Jessica morillo - 1°premio en el concurso #VisteRosario - coleccion #MujerCasaJessica Morillocoleccion  #MujerCasa

« La felicidad es enorme, estos logros son abrazos fuertes que me permiten continuar con mi produccion, ideas, proyectos.  Me permiten relajar una parte para acelerar en otra, la creativa, la que amo hacer, la que me hace feliz!!! « 

BRAVO !!!!


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Alzbeta Dvorakova – vers l’infiniment petit …….

Classé dans : Alzbeta DVORAKOVA (CZ),COUP DE COEUR,EXCHANGE-BIJOU,Rep. Tcheque (CZ) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:48

  Alžběta Dvořáková

vers l’infiniment petit ……. délicatesses pour princesses ……….

« FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS » sa dernière collection 2017 qui est une suite (logique) déjà annoncée dans sa collection de diplome, « THE SECRET OF SPACE » (2016) (Award: Marzee International Graduate Prize 2016) – silver,  gold plated silver, brass, silk thread .

« A jewel is considered as a symbol of power and guarantees to its owner a value, an importance or a mission and is conclusively a crown. The motive of a crown connects the whole collection, but in different scales. Only the wearer will know about his mini jewel as well as an attentive observer. Each mini jewel is different and imperfect, the same as humans and that makes it beautiful. Collections for women and men are trying to point out the possibility, that everybody can be a prince, a princess, a king or a queen. This collection is more about people and our own inner personalities, than about jewels »

petite « piqure de rappel » en images de la collection de 2016 ……

Alzbeta Dvorakova - A secret of space 2016Alzbeta Dvorakova – A secret of space 2016

Alzbeta Dvorakova - A secret of space 2016Alzbeta Dvorakova – A secret of space 2016

Alzbeta Dvorakova - A secret of space 2016Alzbeta Dvorakova – A secret of space 2016

ET l’actuelle collection 2017 …..

Alzbeta Dvorakova - broches pour la galerie Marzee -  sept 2017 - granulation, assemblageAlzbeta Dvorakova - broches pour la galerie Marzee -  sept 2017 – granulation, assemblage

Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRICE AND A PRINCESS - 2017 - mini brochesAlzbeta Dvorakova – FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS – 2017 – mini broches

Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRICE AND A PRINCESS - 2017Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS – 2017

Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRICE AND A PRINCESS - 2017Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS – 2017 – necklace

Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRICE AND A PRINCESS - 2017 - photo Lenka GrabicováAlzbeta Dvorakova – FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS – 2017 – photo Lenka Grabicová

Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRICE AND A PRINCESS - 2017 - photo Lenka GrabicováAlzbeta Dvorakova – FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS – 2017 – photo Lenka Grabicová

Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRICE AND A PRINCESS - 2017 - photo Lenka GrabicováAlzbeta Dvorakova – FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS – 2017 – photo Lenka Grabicová


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Isabelle Molénat … Knots Rock’roll ! at EXPO « Corps Limite » OFF Parcours bijoux 2017 Paris

Isabelle Molénat – Jewellery & Object

A VENIR ! L’exposition collective «Corps Limite» invite à découvrir le travail de 6 créatrices de bijoux et plasticiennes. Leur différente sensibilité à la matière s’expriment à travers cette surface sensible qu’est notre peau…comment déstructurer les limites pour mieux les (re)construire… :
Sibyl Breton sous la marque «L’œ dans l’œ» — Marie Flambard — Marie Grimaud sous la marque Métylis – Ophélia Leclercq sous la marque PÿR –  Isabelle MolénatSuzanne Otwell Nègre  (Corps Limite)

(EXPOSITION durant le prochain «PARCOURS BIJOUX» à PARIS, en « OFF », à la galerie Goutte de Terre qui nous accueille du 9 novembre au 30 novembre 2017vernissage et conférence le 10 novembre)

Corps Limite


Série « …Knots Rock’roll ! », avec de superbes photos de Lionel Pesqué -
collection « Knots » new shapes and colors -  silk, wool, silver, eco dyeing with garance, eucalyptus and rust

Isabel Molénat - '...Knots Rock'roll !'  photos de Lionel PesquéIsabel Molénat – Knots for men – Brooch – Silk and eco dyeing – Photo: Lionel Pesqué

Isabelle Molénat - septembre 2017 ·  Knots for men Brooch Silk and eco dyeing  Isabelle Molénat – sept. 2017 ·  Knots for men Brooch Silk and eco dyeing

Isabel Molénat - "...Knots Rock'roll !",   photos de Lionel PesquéIsabelle Molénat- « …Knots Rock’roll ! »,   photos de Lionel Pesqué

Isabelle Molénat - sept 2017 - collection " Knots" new shapes and colors - silk, wool, silver, eco dyeing with garance, eucalyptus and rustIsabelle Molénat – sept 2017 – collection  » Knots » new shapes and colors – silk, wool, silver, eco dyeing with garance, eucalyptus and rust

Isabelle Molénat - septembre 2017-  Double Knots "heart-to-heart" Silk, wool eco dyeing : garance, eucalyptus, rust.Isabelle Molénat – sept. 2017-  Double Knots « heart-to-heart » Silk, wool eco dyeing : garance, eucalyptus, rust.

Isabelle Molénat - sept. 2017 -  Double " Knots" for necklace Silk, eco dyeing : garance, eucalyptus, rust.Isabelle Molénat - sept. 2017 -  Double  » Knots » for necklace Silk, eco dyeing : garance, eucalyptus, rust.

Isabelle Molénat - sept 2017 - Collection "Knots" with Emily Anselin Photo: Lionel PesquéIsabelle Molénat – sept 2017 – Collection « Knots »   Photo: Lionel Pesqué


galerie Goutte de Terre
4 rue Basfroi
75011 Paris
09 83 76 16 68

