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EXPO ‘Triple Parade Exhibitions’ – SHENGXI Art Museum, Tianjin / Gauguin Gallery, Beijing (China) – 10 Nov. 2016-16 Janv. 2017

«Triple Parade Exhibitions» 

SHENGXI Art Museum at Tianjin (China), & then Gauguin Gallery at Beijing

Triple Parade in Tianjin: 10th.NOV – 10th.DEC. 2016
Location: Shengxi Museum of Fine Arts, Tianjin

Triple Parade in Beijing: 17th.DEC.2016 – 16th.JAN.2017
Location: Gauguin Gallery Beijing, Wangjing SOHO.

Triple Parade exhibitions in Tianjin & Beijing Exhibition  /  10 Nov 2016  -  17 Jan 2017 - Tianjin Shengxi Museum of Fine Arts & Gauguin Gallery Beijing

The main exhibition TRIPLE PARADE 2016 -  Dialogue Across You and Me to Them: Creator, Wearer, Viewer  – Central Traveling Exhibition Represented 110 jewellery designers & artists from 14 countries.

The Triple Parade 2016 international annual exhibition is a cultural exchange which is expanded between China and the rest of the world on a multitude of level, devoted to the hardcore awakening in jewellery design, with a very open and contemporary-oriented approach by focusing on the concept of dialoguing.

The pervious themes were: Triple Parade 2015 – Dialogue across Three Countries, Triple Parade 2014 – Dialogue across Three Generations. This year, the term Dialogue across You and Me to Them: Creator, Wearer, Viewer in our theme is vitally important marks the notion of social interaction. We believe that the significance and multiple capacities of the dialogue mark have not been truly recognized. Each of the three roles in a dialogue, which are briefly introduced in the plate sections devoted to them, addresses one perspective on how  » Dialogue » plays a progressive position in the contemporary jewellery design of our period. Jewellery examines how we define self, integration and segregation, the means used for communication – and how these issues are reflected in creative work.

the artists and designers will be part of this year’s TRIPLE PARADE Central Exhibitions are:
Karin JohanssonPaul DerrezLin Cheung — Dinie Besems — Kim Buck Lauren KalmanEzra Satok-WolmanKatja Prins Joo Hyung ParkSofie BoonsChiara Scarpitti Trinidad ContrerasAisegul Telli — Ana Filipa Braganca — Gular MustafaDukno Yoon Hester Popma-Van De Kolk — Joson Thomson – Juan Harnie Marie-Louise Kristensen –  Marion DelarueMinna KarhuRuta Naujalyte Sangji YunSara Gackowska — Lee Yojae — Lee Myungjoo — Hong Kyunghee — Zixuan Feng — Zheng Yu — Haiming Ren — Dingchen He — Zhicheng  Zhou — Wei Zhou — Jingyao Sun — Ye Zhang — Yiping Zeng — Danyi Zhu — Yuxuan Zhu — Anqi Li — Heng Li — Wenqian Li — Muzi Li — Dongdong Zhuang — Jie Sun — Jing Li — Guangyao Yang — Xiao Liang — Yanli Duan — Hangchen Duan — Jinwei Chi — Zhaokun Wang — Jun Hu — Bai Xie — Yi Zhao — Xinan Yu — Hui Guo — Xiaodai Huang — Zhaodan Zhang — Kui Shu — Shijian Zhao — Peter Rust — Kirsi Manninen — Anne Bader — Shaofei Zhang & Qian Wang — Ying Jiang — Lin Ju — Yin Chang — Wenqi Xu — Hongyu Xu — Yan Li — Wenqian Li — Feiyu Lin — Liyin Wang — Weiming Lu — Ma Lu — Quanxia Chen.

Ra Gallery Selection:   Sam-Tho Duong — Monique Vierling — Julian Steimer — Noon Passama — Thanh Truc Nguyen — Floor Mommersteeg — Bogki Min — Peter Hoogeboom — Mirjam Hiller — Karin Herwegh — Hartog & Henneman — Hilde Foks — Reka Fekete — Sarah Enoch — Sylvia Blickman — Paul Derrez.

K.A.U. COLLECTION Selection: Ted NOTEN — Lucy SARNEEL — Birgit LAKEN –Peter HOOGEBOOM — Willem HONING — Gemma DRAPER — Warwick FREEMAN — Bettina SPECKNER — Marc MONZO — Georg DOBLER.



 » TRIPLE PARADE 2016 will open its door at 10th NOV in Tianjin in China, it embraced the aspirations in a great ambition, setting up an intensive program consisting of exhibitions, publication, workshops, forum, lecture, which included dialogues with international collaboration partners from Netherlands, United States, United Kingdom, China, Denmark, Spain. The exhibition represented an enormous challenge to everyone involved in purely quantitative terms: with over 260 works by more than a hundred designers and artists from 14 countries. 11 experts from 8 countries have been exclusively invited to be in Tianjin as speaker on the Design Forum. The publication consists of 7 groups of interviews, including 14 experts on board, giving perspectives from education, collecting, creating, curating, wearing, and dealing on contemporary jewellery design. I am confident that it will open up new perspectives on the giant, and I would like to invite all the visitors to discover the greatly relevant designs from a field so full of surprises, with such a future ahead of it. » Jie Sun (founder of Triple Parade)



* Shenxi Art Museum
12 Nancheng street
Nankai District -  Tianjin


* Gauguin Gallery
Wang Jing S O H O Zhong Xin T 2
chaoyang Qu -  Beijing



EXPO 'Triple Parade Exhibitions' - SHENGXI Art Museum, Tianjin / Gauguin Gallery, Beijing (China) - 10 Nov. 2016-16 Janv. 2017 dans Aisegul TELLI (TR) 14976538_10211135464690832_2617370637365402107_oEnregistrer




EXPO ‘Maden’den’ – Manzara Istanbul (TR) – 18 Fevr.-3 Mars 2016

Maden’den  at Manzara Istanbul

Exhibition containing original works of five participants who made career change by switching to contemporary jewellery through joining the Conceptual Course at Maden Contemporary Jewellery Studio between 2012-2015, presented at Manzara in Istanbul.

 Maden Çağdaş Mücevher Atölyesi / Maden Contemporary Jewellery Studio‎maden'den sergi / exhibition - :

Artist list  Feyzal BaykutGözde ErdoğanBurcu SülekAisegul TelliJulia Vollmann

These works were created on different themes by using daringly and freely different materials and techniques. Being products of the very first students of the Conceptual Course, the works of these passionate and productive people represent the fruits of process of finding themselves and their own way of creating.

Aisegul Telli Necklace: Blue Reef, 2014 Brass, epoxy resin, pigments, glass 10 x 14.5 cm: Aisegul Telli  Necklace: Blue Reef, 2014 Brass, epoxy resin, pigments, glass 10 x 14.5 cm

 Julia Vollmann Necklace: Hidden Worlds, 2015 Porcelain, sterling silver, steel 13 x 4 cm Julia Vollmann Necklace: Hidden Worlds, 2015 Porcelain, sterling silver, steel 13 x 4 cm

Gozde Erdogan Necklace: Undernearth, 2016 Sterling silver 21 cm: Gozde Erdogan Necklace: Undernearth, 2016 Sterling silver 21 cm

Burcu Sulek Necklace: Emptiness, 2015 Oxidized silver; hand shaped pigment painted and hardened synthetic sponge 20 x 29 x 4 cm: Burcu Sulek Necklace: Emptiness, 2015 Oxidized silver; hand shaped pigment painted and hardened synthetic sponge 20 x 29 x 4 cm

 Feyzal Baykut  - MADEN Istanbul: Feyzal Baykut


Manzara Istanbul
Tatarbeyi Sk. No:27
Galata Kuledibi Beyoğlu
34420 -  Istanbul
tel  (0 212 ) 245 41 34


Decouverte : Aişegül Telli got the BLUES

Classé dans : Aisegul TELLI (TR),COUP DE COEUR,DECOUVERTE,MADEN (TR),Turquie (TR) — bijoucontemporain @ 3:52
Aişegül Telli, from Istanbul, is actually at MADEN school of jewellery in Istanbul.

(Burcu Büyükünal & Selen Ozus are the cofounders and teachers of Maden Contemporary Jewelry Studio in Istanbul.)

« my first collection inspired by underwater world , corals and anemons (my first dive was in Maldives, cant get over that beauty !). I use mostly brass, epoxy, pigments, micro glass spheres »

Aişegül Telli - Gold Plated Brass Brooch in Blue Ombre , 2014Aişegül Telli – Gold Plated Brass Brooch in Blue Ombre , 2014

Aişegül Telli -   2014Aişegül Telli -   Blue Ombre necklace , 2014

Brass coral ring in blue, 2014 , Aisegul TelliAişegül Telli – Brass coral ring in blue, 2014

Aisegul Telli Gold plated Brass Ring, Blue Ombre ,  2014   Aisegul Telli Gold plated Brass Ring, Blue Ombre ,  2014

Aişegül Telli - Unique piece with amethyst, 2014 - detailAişegül Telli - Unique piece with amethyst, 2014 – detail

and because all corals are not only blue ….

Aişegül Telli -  Pink Brooch Detail  , 2014Aişegül Telli -  Pink Brooch Detail  , 2014

Aişegül Telli -   ring 2014Aişegül Telli -   ring 2014


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