Omnia Vanitas By Wcc-bf Mons
Exposition du 24/10/15 au 10/01/16 aux Anciens Abattoirs de Mons
puis/et à la Galerie Koma, Mons du 24 octobre 2015 au 20 décembre 2015

Résultat de l’appel à candidature aux créateurs des pays de l’Union européenne. Toutes disciplines des arts appliqués, ainsi que design, photo,…
Resultat of the call to the artists from the European Union countries. Each discipline within the applied arts, as well as design, photography,…
Vanity is a theme as old as the existence of Art itself. “Remember you will die” whispered the slave to the Roman General during the triumphs. Nowadays, this superstition which became obsession cannot be hidden. Her rebirth in the Contemporary Art is such that Vanity has become true fashion or a lifestyle. “Vanitas vanitatum, omnia vanitas”. How better than the current age of technology and overconsumption to update this adage? In this month of the dead, Omnia Vanitas proposes a stop in space-time, a time for reflexion to ask themselves the right questions once again.
On this occasion, the WCC-BF and the Koma Gallery exposed 62 artists from Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, France, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Finland and Estonia. In their own way, each of them present their personal interpretation of death and Vanity. As in the exhibition of the European Price for Applied Arts, the artworks will be seen with all the contemplation and the reflexion it requires. In its own way, Omnia will propose to visitors a more intimate perspective on our relationship with life and death.
Faezeh AFCHARY-KORD — Nathalie AMAND — Tanneke BARENDREGT — Alice BERTRAND — Philippa BEVERIDGE — Frédéric BRAHAM — Philippe BRODZKI — Isabelle CARPENTIER — Sébastien CARRE — Anne-Sophie COSTENOBLE — Rose-Marie CRESPIN — Betty CUYKX — Emmanuelle DARNAULT — Estefania DE ALMEIDA — Anke DE KORT — Trees DEMITS — Nathalie DESMEDT — Nicolas DESTINO — Camille DUPUIS — Emelyne DUVAL — Ana ESCOBAR — Hilde FOKS — Trini GAINZA — Adinda GODDYN — Elodie GONZALVEZ — Sabine HERMAN — Peter HOOGEBOOM – Irving S.T. Garp (Bernard CAELEN) – Delphine JOLY — Christer JONSSON — Arthur KEMPENAAR — Désirée KERKLAAN — Anke LAND — Nathalie LATOUR — Claire LAVENDHOMME — Thérèse LEBRUN — Antoine LEPERLIER — Geraldine LUTTENBACHER — Jan MACHATOVA — Kadri MAELK — Jorge MANILLA — François MARCADON — Helena MARK — Olga MATHEY — Laurence MEYER — Julika MÜLLER — Rosa NOGUES — Barbara PAGANIN – Renzo PASQUALE — PATBOUN — Monika PATUSZYNSKA — Nathalie PERRET — Ruudt PETERS — Alet PILON — Olivier REMAN — Hélène RIVIERE — Sophie SCHRAEN — Johanna SCHWEIZER — Carolein SMIT — Alejandra SOLAR — Olivier SONCK — Luus URMAS — Dorothée VAN BIESEN — Monique VOZ — Annamaria ZANELLA .
Frédéric Braham Installation: Agape, 2006 Lackered wood, glass, metronome, fabric, plastic, insects, iron and Buchenwald stones jewellery, candlelight, pure pigment obtained by the calcination of bones, oxidized silver, chrome-plaited and painted metal, leather 290 x 95 x 200 cm Photo by: Paul Duvochel
Sébastien Carré - My Sweet Disease, 2014 – harnais
Structure en cotte de maille acier inoxydable et papier japonais crocheté ; Brodé avec des perles (Rocaille, plastiques, métalliques et pierres semi précieuse) ; coton, soie, fibre bi-composée (60%soie 40% algue), laine et nylon crochetés et graines d’arbres.
Harnais fais à ma taille / Harness made in my size
Ruudt Peters Object: Costa, 2011 Polyurethane 13 x 22 x 3,5 cm
Luus Urmas Brooch: Purification, 2015 Kitchen Sponge, acrylic paint, glue 8,5 x 6 x 3,5 cm Photo by: Luus Urmas Carved with bared hands
Alejandra Solar (M.F.A. 2014 idar Obersteon) • Brooch « Murmullos » • Onyx, slate, silver, print • 2015 • © photo by artist
Isabelle Carpentier – Diadème « Miss » Argent, résine, dents en porcelaine
Deux lieux :
*Les Anciens Abattoirs/ Galerie du WCC-BF
17/02, rue de la Trouille
7000 Mons (Belgique)
Exposition du 24 octobre 2015 au 10 janvier 2016
Exhibition from 24th october to 10th january 2016
Tous les jours (sauf le lundi, et les 24, 25, 31.12.2015 et 01.01.2016) de 10h00 à 18h00
Open everyday (except Monday, 24, 25, 31.12.2015 and 01.01.2016) from 10:00 to 18:00
*Galerie KOMA
4, Rue des Gades
7000 Mons (Belgique)
Exposition du 24 octobre 2015 au 20 décembre 2015
Exhibition from 24th october to 20 December 2015
Mercredi jeudi samedi et dimanche de 14h00 à 18h00
Wednesday Thursday Saturday and Sunday from 14:00 to 18:00