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JOYA Barcelona 2014 – in the OFF we present you Context Gallery/Joies Minimes/Minimal Jewels – 9 Oct.-15 Nov. 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 - Art Jewellery Fair, October 9, 10 and 11, 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –

Galeria CONTEXT -  Joies minimes/Minimal Jewels

Apertura/Opening 11 Oct. – 19:00

The proposal of 31 artist to represent the minimalism 

OFF JOYA - EXHIBITIONS -   context - joiesminimes


Dins de la programació OFF JOYA ’14, presentem a la nostra galeria de Sant Cugat del Vallès una exposició de peces inèdites de 31 artistes que porta per títol JOIES MÍNIMES – MINIMAL JEWELS.
El PIN és el protagonisma d’aquesta mostra que aplegarà més de 60 peces especialment dissenyades per aquesta ocasió.
participan :  Oscar Abba — Amalia Vermell Montse BasoraEugènia BesoraAndrea CoderchMaria DiezCarla GarcíaGrego García Tebar Ana García Moya Catalina GibertAlicia Giráldez Lola GratacósAna Heimann Olga Hernández Puerto — Elsa Inzunza — Natsumi KaiharaSandra LlusàJudy McCaigClara NiubóEva PonsRamon Puig Cuyàs Silvina Rio Carme Roher — Cinta Sala — Blanca SánchezEdu TarínFátima Tocornal – Marta Torrent — Isabel Tristan — Silvia Walz –Renate Wülfinghoff.
CONTEXT a  Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair.


Galería Context
c. Viñolas 8-10,
Sant Cugat del Vallès
tel 935 893 806 

Horarios/Schedules 11:00 – 13:30/ 17:00 – 20:00 Monday-Friday 11:00 – 14:00 Saturday


AUTOR Contemporary Jewelry Fair – AUTOR 11 – Sala Dalles, Bucarest (Romania) – 17-18 Mai 2014

Autor 11 - Contemporary Jewelry Fair

As a biannual event, the fair strives to promote contemporary talents within the jewelry design arena by creating a meaningful environment and maintaining a demanding selection process.

AUTOR Contemporary Jewelry Fair - AUTOR 11 - Sala Dalles, Bucarest (Romania) - 17-18 Mai 2014 dans Alina CARP (RO) Autor11_portrait

Most awards ever. Relevant and influential, the awards are here to confirm that the jelwery community, as well as Autor, are heading in the right direction :
* Autor Awesome Award (AAA) is at its third edition: an intensive course with Alchimia school, of Florence, will be awarded to one designer.
* The MNAC award: one piece, chosen by the curators of the museum, will be chosen for the permanent collection in MNAC – a huge step forward for the artist who will have the honor of being elected.
* a jewelry making course will be awarded to one up-and-coming designer by the Bucharest-based jewelry school Assamblage
* LAO Grand Prix Le Arti Orafe, reputed jewelry school of Florence, will award a scholarship to one designer. Thereupon, the student will only pay for half of the tuition required for one year of study.
* The Elle award: “the best-selling fashion magazine in the world” will choose a designer they want to write a feature about in their July 2014 issue.
* Joya Award – one designer will get to participate in Spain’s most important contemporary jewelry event, Joya Barcelona
DESIGNERS present Amalia Vermell — Angelina Tsvetkova — Christina Karakalpaki — Evgenya Tsancova — Ioli Livada — Isabelle Busnell – Jeemin Jamie Chung — Caco Honorato (Joya Brava, Chile) — Manolya’K by Manolya Konuk — Polina Dimitrova – Sara Amrhein — Silvia Beccaria — Silvia Chaneva — Sophie Symes — Steffi Götze — Titi Berrío — Wu Ching Chih – Yana Tankovska — Adina Istrate — Alexandra Sorina Barbu — Alexandru Burlacu — Alexandru Lupu — Alina Carp – Alis Lalu — Alliage by Dana Tudor — Anca Pandrea — Andra Lupu – Andreia G. Popescu — Alexandra Marcu — BuyHand — Corina Mardari — Daniela Cioponea – Doru Dumitrescu Wearable Sculptures — Eneada by Iza Visoianu — Gabi Secărea Glil — Horatiu Weiker — Ioana Enache – Ioana Streza — Isabela Groza — Iuliana Asoltanei — Kuki Constantinescu — Letiția Pintilie — Liana Salagean — Lidia Puica — Loredana Cleja — Lucienne — Madalina Stoica – Maria Filipescu – MyPrecious Buzztard — Moogu — Noha Nicolescu — Oval — PinkMoss — Raluca Buzura — Rodica Richard – Romana Topescu — Roxana Davidescu. and, from
Alchimia school stand :

Alchimia at AUTOR 11
Manolya Konuk - France  Anemony Necklace - knitted acrylic thread, silverManolya Konuk - France  Anemony Necklace – knitted acrylic thread, silver
Alina Carp Chlathrus red inspiration, silver, resin, pigmentsAlina Carp Chlathrus red inspiration, silver, resin, pigments
 Steffi Götze, Germania"My jewelry are wearable life stories. I am interested in expressing basic human emotions — sadness, happiness, weakness, and all the facettes a human caracter can offer. Meet Steffi at Autor 11!"Bijuteriile mele sunt povești de viață purtabile. Mă interesează să exprim emoțiille umane fundamentale: tristețe, fericire, slăbiciune, și toate fațetele pe care le oferă caracterul uman."VIno să o cunoști p Steffi la Autor 11!Steffi Götze, Germania
AUTOR 11 - Isabelle Busnel - France/UK Brooch - silicone rubber

Isabelle Busnel France/UK – Brooch – silicone rubber

 Silvia Beccaria, ItaliaHer jewelry draws inspiration from the ruffs of the 1500s and 1600s, which attracted her for their ability to exalt the face’s beauty and expressivity in an extraordinary way.Bijuteriile ei se inspiră din gulerele înalte, dantelate, din Evul Mediu, care o atrag pentru capacitatea lor de a scoate în evidență frumusețea și expresivitatea feței!Silvia Beccaria, Italia
 Ioli Livada, GreciaTitle: CocoonsCreative vision: An undergoing transformation, an unravelled procedure like life itsself.Meet her at Autor 11!Titlu: Coconi Viziunea creativă: O transformare continuă, un proces de deslușire ca viața însăși. Întâlnește-o la Autor 11! Ioli Livada, Grecia
AUTOR - 17 și 18 mai la Autor 11, Sala Dalles. - Wu Ching Chih - Necklace -Enamel/copper/fine silver/rubber/plastic rope // Wu Ching Chih "Neon series"Wu Ching Chih – Necklace -Enamel/copper/fine silver/rubber/plastic rope // Wu Ching Chih « Neon series »
Broșă/Brooch: Liliana Ojeda // Joya Brava (from Chile) is coming at Autor on the 17th and 18th of May. Chromatica exhibition will be presented to the Romanian public during the two days of the event.Brooch: Liliana Ojeda // Joya Brava (from Chile)
Angelina Tsvekova, Bulgaria„The man I love” is a collection inspired by the popular music of Gershwin and his brother’s lyrics. Listen her collection at Autor11!"Bărbatul pe care îl iubesc" este o colecție inspirată de muzica lui Gershwin și versurile fratelui său. Ascultă colecția ei la Autor11!Angelina Tsvekova, Bulgaria
Iza Vișoianu - Eneada, RomâniaIza Vișoianu - Eneada, România
Noha Nicolescu, România Red Wings collection - Autor 11Noha Nicolescu, România Red Wings collection
Sala Dalles
Bucarest – Romania
Saturday, May 17: 11.00-21.00
Sunday, May 18: 11.00-20.00
entrance fee : 10 lei
Bvd. Nicolae Balcescu nr.18, sector 1, 010052 Bucuresti (intrarea se face prin Libraria Dalles)
p/f: +4031 80 52 491;
E- mail:
Telefon: +40 314252164



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