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EXPO during JOYA Barcelona OFF 2015 : ‘BÓRAX 08001: Celebrando 5 años’ – Escola Massana , Barcelona (ES) – 8-13 Oct. 2015

exhibition being part of « OFF JOYA » 2015

BÓRAX 08001: Celebrando 5 años

Escola Massana -  Barcelona

Opening: 8 October at 18h

Una exposición Bórax08001-5 years y una presentación/debate del resultado de la edición especial de nuestra acción ¿Qué tienes entre las manos?, en el marco de JOYA 2015

The contemporary art jewellery collective Bórax08001 is pleased to invite you to the inauguration of the exhibition Bórax08001, 5 Years, on Thursday, October 8, at 6 pm, in the Blava Room of the Escola Massana (Carrer Hospital 56, 08001, Barcelona, Spain). The exhibition, framed within OFFJOYA, commemorates the collective’s first five years of life with a selection of its members’ most representative projects. The show will remain open until October 10th.

BÓRAX 08001: Celebrando 5 años.

Artist list   Aline BerdichevskyTrinidad ContrerasPatrícia Correia DominguesCarolina GimenoDalia JuradoCristina Marti MatóCarolina Martinez LinaresAndrea NabholzGastón RoisNelly Van Oost

Con la exposición Bórax08001- 5 years regresaremos a nuestra alma mater para mostrar los momentos más significativos de esta aventura en colectivo. Te esperamos en la inauguración, que será el jueves 8 de octubre a las 18h en la Sala Blava de la Escola Massana. La exposición podrá visitarse hasta el 13 de octubre de 2015

También puedes participar de la mesa redonda que haremos el sábado 10 de octubre a las 14h en la sala de conferencias del JOYA 2015 en Arts Santa Mònica, C/ La Rambla 7. Invitamos a varios joyeros a vivir nuestra acción ¿Qué tienes entre las manos? Allí podrás ver el resultado audiovisual; habrá un espacio abierto donde los participantes podrán compartir sus vivencias, dando pie al debate..

BoraxConference BORAX 08001 « What do you have in your hands? »
The Bórax08001 collective has invited JOYA 2015′s participating artists to collaborate with them and carry out the What do you have in your hands? project in their own cities, with their own jewels and with their own unknown public. The goal of this project is to reach a part of society that is unaware of Contemporary Art Jewellery. By going out on the streets, direct contact between the creators and the passers-by can be established and feedback gathered. During Bórax08001′s conference, the collection of reactions and dialogues obtained from these interventions will be shared and reflected upon by the members of the collective, the participants and the audience.


Bórax08001 is a basic component in jewellery because it prevents oxide from forming and, at the same time, works as a flux favoring the flow of metal when it is being soldered and fused. The Bórax08001 collective acts as an antioxidant that drives our artistic creation, but also as a flux, favoring the flow of ideas and concepts as well as the development of new techniques and trends in contemporary art jewellery.
We come from multiple geographic coordinates and backgrounds. This particularity has enriched us personally and as a group ever since our paths crossed at the Escola Massana (Barcelona, Spain). As we grew up and deepened our skills as jewellers at Massana, strong synergies and complicities were created between us. And we have chosen Bórax08001 as the means to keep them alive, searching for new horizons and goals while sharing experiences and learning from each other.
Our work can be defined as the cartography of personal and experimental dialogues through contemporary art jewellery. Dialogues through matter, space, color… based on quests, poems, memories, doubts, thoughts, mistakes, games, dreams, intuition, perfection, light, consciousness, unconsciousness, beauty, and emotions.
Bórax08001 means contemporary, signature, art jewellery. Signature, because we value work from beginning to end and we wish to recover the value of authenticity, taking pride and joy in creating high-quality jewellery, putting special emphasis on the details. Contemporary, because our pieces of jewellery speak for us and reflect the society we live in. And art(istic) because we strive to express ourselves through metaphors and symbols while we create unique pieces.We conceive our collective as a medium, a tool, a channel that allows us to disseminate contemporary jewellery culture to the public unaware of this form of art. We are convinced that to make our work known it’s not only important to show it in the traditional established places, but also to approximate our artistic and conceptual vision  to people who are outside of the contemporary jewellery circuit. We try to do so by taking jewellery to their own territory in a natural, open and simple way through actions in public spaces which  occur in different places.  Our intention, through these direct interventions with society, is to bring closer the contemporary jewellery concept and to extend the conception of art to jewellery



Escola Massana 
Calle Hospital 56
08001 -  Barcelona

Lu-Vi de 8h a 21h



EXPO ‘Arritmia’ – Amaranto Joies Galeria, Barcelona (ES) – 5 Mars-4 Avril 2015

Borax08001 welcome you to join us for the opening of Arritmianext Thursday March 5th, from the bottom of our hearts.  This exhibition has a special meaning since it’s an ideal occasion to meet once again in Barcelona, the city that watched us develop as jewellers and as a collective, almost five years ago. This show will be hosted by Amaranto Joies, a true example of a gallery committed to contemporary artistic jewellery and its dissemination.

Exhibition from the 5th of march till the 4 of April 2015.


Durante una Arritmia  el corazón puede latir demasiado rápido, demasiado despacio o de manera irregular.
Entender como una Arritmia el proceso creativo es una metáfora que nos acerca a la realidad que el colectivo Bórax08001 ha experimentado desde sus inicios.
Con Arritmia, el colectivo busca reflejar estos distintos estados a través de una selección de joyas, creadas en este último tiempo. Siendo una muestra que da a conocer el ritmo de los latidos creativos y las variaciones en la frecuencia que va haciendo que cada uno de los miembros se destaque por su impronta personal.
 During an arrythmia the heart can beat too fast, too slow or in an irregular manner. Understanding the creative process as an arrythmia is a metaphor that brings us closer to the reality that the Bórax08001 collective has experienced since its beginnings. With Arritmia the collective wishes to reflect these diverse states, through a selection of jewels created in recent times. Being an exhibition that displays the rhythm of our creative beats and variations in frequency which make each member shine by their own personal imprint.

 Nelly-Van-Oost  Nelly Van Oost - brooches

 Aline Berdichevsky Light vessels 1  Aline Berdichevsky – Light vessels 1

Andrea Nabholz Andrea Nabholz

Gaston RoisGaston Rois

Trinidad ContrerasTrinidad Contreras

Bórax08001 - Cristina Marti Mato _ SwingersCristina Marti Mato _ Swingers

Bórax08001 - Carolina Martinez LinaresCarolina Martinez Linares


Amaranto Joies Galeria
Sant Domènec 23
08012 Barcelona


Bórax08001 Tombola in Paris – 19-21 Sept. 2013


bannière Circuits Bijoux 

Bórax08001 Tombola in Paris !  The Bórax08001 collective will stroll in Paris on September (19-21 sept)

 10 Jewels by 10 Artists for (only!) 10 Euros

Bórax08001 Tombola in Paris!  The Bórax08001 collective will stroll in Paris on September (19-21 sept) - - X
but ….   WHAT PRIZES can you win ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
Aline Berdichevsky - "Niche 19"
Aline Berdichevsky – « Niche 19″ brooch
Andrea Nabholz
Andrea Nabholz necklace
Carolina Gimeno - Encounter 3
Carolina Gimeno – « Encounter 3″ brooch
Carolina Martínez Linares - Schüchternheit
Carolina Martínez Linares – « Schüchternheit » necklace
Cristina Martí Mató
Cristina Martí Mató earrings
Dalia Jurado
Dalia Jurado earrings
Gastón Rois
Gastón Rois necklace
Nelly van Oost
Nelly van Oost brooch
Patrìcia Correia Domingues
Patrìcia Correia Domingues brooch
Trinidad Contreras - Wind Canteen
Trinidad Contreras – « Wind Canteen » brooch


EXPO ‘Borax08001′ – The Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus, Hanau (DE) – 14 Mars-28 Avril 2013

Bórax08001… una vez más!.  Asociación de Joyeria Artística -

Bórax08001.. One more time!

at  Association for Goldsmiths’ Art. Hanau (Germany) – 14 mars-28 avril

Working in a multicultural group of 10 artists from eight nationalities enables the collective BORAX08001 to develop Artist Jewellery projects, which are not limited to a collection with its’ respective group exhibition, but it grants them the liberty to invent different ways to catch the publics’ attention outside the context usually defined.
That being a high street, a square, a museum, a workshop or a bar … public places that have all seen performances directed to one purpose: Make known BORAX08001’ work and idea of jewellery as art applied to the body to a public as wide as possible. The collective is conscious that opportunities need to be generated and that together they can reach bigger goals with a broader projection.

 Bórax08001... una vez más!. Asociación de Joyeria Artística- Hanau (Alemania)  Bórax08001.. One more time! Association for Goldsmiths' Art. Hanau (Germany) - 14 mars-28 avril

Artists: Carolina GimenoCarolina Martínez LinaresTrinidad ContrerasAline BerdichevskyGastón RoisDalia JuradoNelly Van OostPatrìcia Correia DominguesAndrea NabholzCristina Martí Mató

 Aline Berdichevsky (Borax08001) - Untitled, jewellery pieceAline Berdichevsky 

Gaston Rois "Cinco ya puesta" (Borax08001)Gaston Rois « Cinco ya puesta »

Landscape 3 Necklace by Patricia Domingues (Borax08001)Patricia Domingues Landscape 3 Necklace
BORAX08001 - Nelly Van Oost  Earrings: Rencontre 8 2012  Silver, new silver, paintNelly Van Oost  Earrings: Rencontre 8 2012  Silver, new silver, paint
ABORAX08001 - Carolina Martínez  Necklace: Encefalo 2009  Bullseye glass, silver, stainless steelCarolina Martínez  Necklace: Encefalo 2009  Bullseye glass, silver, stainless steel
BORAX08001 - Andrea Nabholz García  Necklace: Hex 7 serie 2010  Porcelain, silverAndrea Nabholz García  Necklace: Hex 7 serie 2010  Porcelain, silver
BORAX08001 - Carolina Gimeno  Brooch: Welfare Nº 1 2012  Leather, fabrics, copper, silver  8,5 x 13,5 x 3 cmCarolina Gimeno  Brooch: Welfare Nº 1 2012  Leather, fabrics, copper, silver  8,5 x 13,5 x 3 cm
Jewelry by Trinidad ContrerasTrinidad Contreras
Dalia Jurado -  "Lilith and the Loves Affairs" BroochDalia Jurado -  « Lilith and the Loves Affairs » Brooch
Cristina Martí Mató (BORAX08001)Cristina Martí Mató


The Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus
Altstädter Markt 6
63450 – Hanau
Telephone: +49 (0) 6181 2565-56
Fax: +49 (0) 6181 2565-54



VALENCIA … MELTING POINT – EXPO ‘Bórax08001 & Viruthiers’ – Valencia (SP) – 3 mai-3 Juin 2012

3 mayo/3 junio Instint Col.lectiu. Bórax08001 & Viruthiers
Inauguración: 4 mayo, 19.30 h. (dixit Melting point)
Inauguració: dijous 3 de maig a les 19.30h (dixit Centro de Cultura) ………

VALENCIA … MELTING POINT – EXPO 'Bórax08001 & Viruthiers' - Valencia (SP) - 3 mai-3 Juin 2012 dans Aline BERDICHEVSKY (MX) activitat1597
Fragment of a piece of jewellery by Trinidad ContrerasFragment of a piece of jewellery by Aline BerdichevskyFragment of a piece of jewellery by Gastón Rois
Trinidad Contreras                      Aline Berdichevsky                       Gastón Rois
Fragment of a piece of jewellery by Carolina MartínezFragment of a piece of jewellery by Carolina GimenoFragment of a piece of jewellery by Dalia Jurado
Carolina Martínez                      Carolina Gimeno                     Dalia Jurado
Fragment of a piece of jewellery by Nelly van OostFragment of a piece of jewellery by Patricia DominguesFragment of a piece of jewellery by Andrea Nabholz
Nelly van Oost                              Patricia Domingues                  Andrea Nabholz
Fragment of a piece of jewellery by Cristina Martí MatóFragment of a piece of jewellery by Diana Rolo
Cristina Martí Mató                 Diana Rolo

Conferences by Bórax08001 and European premiere of the Jewellery Displaced audiovisual : 
We cordially invite you to attend the conferences we will be offering soon in Barcelona and Valencia, Spain. We will talk about the origin, workings and projects of the Bórax08001 collective of contemporary artistic jewellers. As a part of these events, we will project the audiovisual Jewellery Displaced, recently premiered in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Sunday, May 6th, 2012 at 1 pm at el Salón de Actos, MuVIM (Museu Valencià de la Il·lustració i de la Modernitat) as part of the conferences within the Melting Point 2012. C/ Quevedo 10, Valencia, Spain.

Bórax08001 audiovisual entitled Jewellery Displaced
Centre de Cultura Contemporània Octubre  (CCC Octubre)
Sant Ferran 12 – Valencia – España
Lunes a viernes de 09.00 a 21.00 h.
sábados de 09.00 a 14.00 h.
Centre de Cultura Contemporània Octubre  (CCC Octubre)
C/ Sant Ferran, 12 – 46001 València. Tel. (0034) 96 315 77 99
Lunes a viernes de 09.00 a 21.00 h.
sábados de 09.00 a 14.00 h.


B-SIDE Festival – 2nd Edition – Amsterdam – 3-6 Nov. 2011

B-side DownTown Art Jewellery Festival:
An energetic, self-created festival for jewellery artists. It brings together a series of jewellery exhibitions and performances on different locations throughout the city of Amsterdam.
contact us at

B-side DownTownArtJewellery Festival is an energetic, self-created festival for jewellery artists. The 2nd edition takes place from the 3rd until the 6th of November 2011 and brings together a series of jewellery exhibitions and performances in the city of Amsterdam. This event is initiated by min-association; Maaike Ebbinge – Iris Tsante – Noémie Doge,

who graduated from Amsterdam’s Gerrit Rietveld Academy in 2007 and 2008.
B-side gives artists the opportunity to explore new ways of showing their jewellery to the world. Each artist is encouraged to take responsibility for his of her own part in a bigger chain or route.
B-side emphasises the festive side of a festival and celebrate the art of jewellery. The aim of the festival is to show different ways of presenting and thinking about art jewellery through exhibitions and performances. It allows exploration of spaces that aren’t usually used for exhibition purposes, for example parks, ateliers, bicycles, empty buildings, a living room, a café or the back of a car.
B-side happens simultaneously with other inspiring jewellery events in Amsterdam.
B-side shows designs that go very much beyond mass-produced jewellery. It shows an artistic way of presenting and dealing with jewellery. The value of this jewellery is not defined by precious metals, but by their visual force and strong concept.
There are many jewellery artists working in Amsterdam. Three of the four most renowned Dutch jewellery galleries are based here, and the jewellery department of the Rietveld Academy is well-k

nown for its active students and teachers. We are very happy to be able to celebrate Amsterdam’s special connection to jewellery with this special platform for art jewellery.
B-side, another side of jewellery.
B-side DownTownArtJewellery Festival is organised by: (Maaike Ebbinge, Iris Tsante & Noémie Doge)

We are proud to announce the following artists who participate to the second edition:

Fanny AgnierFrancisca BauzaAline BerdichevskyDinie BesemsLisa BjörkePatxi CalvoNoémie CastilloTrinidad ContrerasBea CorreaMarie DebrinayVanessa de GruijterMorgane De KlerkNoemie DogePatricia  DominguesFlorie DupontMaaike EbbingePia FarrugiaJantje FleischhutAurore De GeerGerrit Rietveld AcademyCarolina GimenoAntje GodglückFien de GraafCécile GuenatDana HakimIsabelle HertzeisenRory HooperJeannette JansenHanna JorisDalia JuradoJelle KampenKatharina KatarosAviv Kinel Oya KozaciogluMuriel LangGregory LarinMuriel LaurentChristiaan LebensDorothée LoustalotTehila LeviJorge ManillaEmanuel ManoloCarolina Martinez LinaresCristina Martí MatóMärta MattssonAude MedoriAndrea NabholzGitte NygaardMichal OrenChristina Pauls Galatée PestreGaston RoisAlicia RosseletKobi RothNina SajetLucy SarneelDana SeachugaConstanze SchreiberNolia ShaktiSteinbeisserDeganit Stern SchockenLuisa SchwarzPatricia ThomazoVivi TouloumidiIris TsanteNelly Van OostAriëtte van Osnabrugge & Jack Van OsnabruggeEdda Vardimon GudnasonLaurence VerdierJulia WalterCaro WeissLucie ZampovaArnaud Zill
Bea Correa   D.I.Y GOD Charm Chain (buy now)


Christiaan Lebens & Fien de Graaf, Artist in Residence Galerie Marzee :
Christiaan LebensBroche Ode to Imperfection, 2010 Materiaal: polyurethaan, zilver, parels

Christiaan Lebens and Fien de Graaf worked with the same subjects for some time.  Both fascinated by the dominant ideals surrounding beauty and the layers we create around the physical self. They decided to bring their work together.


Maaike Ebbinge, Iris Tsante & Noémie Doge (

Where the heart is

”Strong wind in the face, the sea roaring loudly, lots of curious materials hidden in the sand, my thoughts explore the freedom of space. This is where the heart is, this is where my jewellery pieces are born.” M.E.

“I like working intensively with materials. When the materials start “speaking” and taking their own way, that is where their heart is.” I.T.

“I search for hidden stories by dismantling forgotten relics; I reinvent them picking up the pieces; I’m a treasure hunter, ferreting where their heart is. ” N.D.

————————————- collection of Jeff Grundy earrings resembles a collection of coral branches 

lelletje : All our earrings are designed by well-known Avant-Garde designers  .A pair of earrings is never an adornment in itself. They are inspired by bright ideas which gives birth to a range of creations. (you can find the earrings from Dinie Besems)

Patricia Thomazo- broche - plexiglas, silver


expo « What’s Yours? » par A⁶ collectiveA⁶ = Noémie Castillo, Aurore De Geer, Cécile Guenat, Alicia Rosselet, Luisa Schwarz, Arnaud Zill
For the B-Side Festival, the Collective A⁶ offers you an entry into the world of creation, allowing you to compose, decompose, recompose… Through a specially designed booklet of illustrations, assemble your own unique combination that could become real…
3.-6. November 2011
Lauriergracht 160 – AMSTERDAM


We are Isabelle Hertzeisen & Dorothée Loustalot, two young jewelry designers from Switzerland. On the occasion of the B-side festival, we are going to collaborate with the candyshop Pappabubble. In the “Underwater-designed” shop window, you will discover our jewelry pieces as well as other special stuff!
Papabubble, Caramels Artesans, Haarlemmerdijk 70
Open Friday: 13:00-18:00, Saturday: 10:00-17:00, 
Sunday: Window exhibition


Galatée Pestre, Laurence Verdier and Aude Medori : et que sonne le GLA !
OBA Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam (4th floor),
Oosterdokskade 143 
Open all days: 10:00-10:00   -  artists presence: 11:00-15:00
Bracelets bulle de Galatée Pestre – Bagues cadavre exquis de Laurence Verdier – Bague menu d’Aude Medori

Jewellery from Words
The girls from GLA love to play with words, having each their own process in jewellery making, which in their hands, becomes both profound and funny. Galatée Pestre tells the importance of jewellery with signs, while Laurence Verdier explores sensuality, and  Aude Medori shows  commitment to adornment.


Julia Walter & Antje Godglück

Studio Babel, Derde Kostverlorenkade 35
Open Thursday: 13:00 – 18:00, Friday – Sunday: 13:00 – 19:00

B-SIDE Festival - 2nd Edition - Amsterdam - 3-6 Nov. 2011 dans A6 collective (CH)(Antje Godglück necklace – Julia Walter brooch)

News from Nowhere
We met by coincidence, we drifted apart, we found each other again. Now we are here! Meet us in Julia’s atelier and have a look at what we create in moments of love, happiness, confusion and madness.


Nolia Shakti & Lucie Zampova

19 Pieter Jacobszstraat
Open Thursday-Friday 13:00-19:00,  Saturday 11.00 – 18.00, Sunday 12.00-18.00
Nolia Shakti - ‘Odessa’ – Necklace, 2011 – Nespresso Capsules, gold
Same same but different
The collection of Nolia Shakti focuses on modern society values. The collection “Throw away Gold” is made out of Nespresso capsules and gold.

Lucie Zampova will present, for the first time, her collection of jewellery inspired by her trip to Hong Kong, the striking differences between the modern and old fashioned way of life in this metropolis


MIN-Association presented B-side Festival in Head-Geneva
Min-association is happy to invite you to the lecture of B-side DownTownArtJewellery festival in Jewellery Design and Accessories Department in Geneva on monday 20th. of June 2011 at James-Fazy.
HEAD-Geneva University of Art and Design
Bd. James-Fazy 15, 1201 Geneva
Muzenplein 2
open thursday-sunday 14:00-20:00
 Headquarters: HYM concept store Magna Plaza Shoppingcenter- 2nd floor Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 182
Amsterdam, Netherlands
You can find information of the different exhibitions on
Free maps are available at B-side’s headquarters:
HYM concept store




EXPO ‘What do you have in your hands?’ – Micromundi Museum, Besalu (ES) – 30 Juill.-11 Sept. 2011

Bórax08001 takes to the streets again!

This time, Bórax08001 went to the picturesque town of Besalú in Catalonia to talk to the inhabitants of this medieval jewel (pun intended!) and ask them: What do you have in your hands?

The reactions of the kind persons of Besalú, as well as the jewels Bórax08001 used for this action, can be visited at the Micromundi Museum, alongside the fabulous collection of miniatures, from July 30 to September 11, 2011.


Museu de Miniatures i Microminiatures de Besalú
Pl. Prat de St. Pere, 15,
17850 Besalú  (Cataluña – ESP)
Tel. +34 972591842


EXPO ‘Borax 08001 – « What do you have in your hands? »‘, WCC-BF, Mons (Belgique) – 26 Fevr.-17 Avril 2011

Borax 08001 est un groupe de jeunes créa­teurs de bijoux contem­po­rains de diverses natio­na­li­tés, ayant comme point com­mun leur ren­contre à l’Ecole Massana de Barcelone.

EXPO 'Borax 08001 –

L’exposition « What do you have in your hands?«  pré­sente dif­fé­rents uni­vers sous formes de bijoux d’auteurs.
Chaque créa­teur est allé à la ren­contre de per­sonnes croi­sées dans les rues de divers endroits, en leur pré­sen­tant ses bijoux et en posant la ques­tion : « que pen­sez vous tenir entre les mains ? ».
L’exposition pré­sen­tera ces bijoux accom­pa­gnés des pho­tos et des réac­tions des per­sonnes sollicitées.

179817_1852759478646_1230559104_32292695_18960_n dans Andrea NABHOLZ (CH)

What do you have in your hands?, the title of this action, corresponds to the question that was posed to the participants when the pieces of jewellery were placed in their hands. Their first impressions, as well as their answers, have been registered in a series of photographs and transcriptions that will be also shown in the exhibition.

The inauguration will be held on February 25, 2011, in the World Craft Council Belgium (WCC-BF) in Mons, Belgium. The show can be visited until March 17, 2011


Œuvres de :
Aline Berdichevsky (Mexique)
Trinidad Contreras Chaparro (Espagne)
Patrìcia Correia Domingues (Portugal)
Carolina Gimeno (Chili)
Dalia Jurado (Espagne)
Carolina Martinez Linares (Colombie)
Cristina Martí Mató (Espagne)
Andrea Nabholz Garcia (Suisse)
Gaston Rois (Argentine)
Diana Rolo (Portugal)
Nelly Van Oost (France)




Une orga­ni­sa­tion du WCC-BF, avec le sou­tien du Service des Arts plas­tiques du Ministère de la Communauté fran­çaise Wallonie-Bruxelles et de la Ville de Mons.

Site des Anciens Abattoirs,
Rue de la Trouille, 17/02
(Accès: Place de la Grande Pêcherie)
B-7000 Mons ( Belgique)
Tel : +32 (0)65 84 64 67
Fax: +32 (0)65 84 31 22
Tous les jours sauf lundi et jours fériés
De 12h00 à 18h00 Entrée libre


JOYA BARCELONA- EXPO del colectivo Bórax08001 – Escola Massana, Barcelona (Spain) – 13-23 sept. 2010

La presentación oficial del colectivo Bórax08001 se celebrara el 13 de septiembre a las 19h con la inauguración de “Proyecto Inicial” en la Escola Massana, Barcelona. La primer exposición de joyería artística de Bórax08001 como colectivo permanecerá abierta hasta el 23 de septiembre 2010 .
Este evento forma parte de OFF JOYA, en el marco de JOYA, la Semana de la Joyería Contemporánea de Barcelona del 16 al 18 de septiembre


colectivo Bórax08001

« Borax is a basic component in jewellery because it prevents oxide from forming and, at the same time, works as a flux favoring the flow of metal when it is being soldered and fused. The bórax08001 collective acts as an antioxidant that drives our artistic creation, but also as a flux, favoring the flow of ideas and concepts as well as the development of new techniques and trends in contemporary artistic jewellery.
We come from multiple geographic coordinates and backgrounds. This particularity has enriched us personally and as a group ever since our paths crossed at the Escola Massana (Barcelona, Spain). As we grew up and deepened our skills as jewellers at Massana, strong synergies and complicities were created between us. And we have chosen bórax08001 as the means to keep them alive, searching for new horizons and goals while sharing experiences and learning from each other.
Our work can be defined as the cartography of personal and experimental dialogues through contemporary artistic jewellery. Dialogues through matter, space, color… based on quests, poems, memories, doubts, thoughts, mistakes, games, dreams, intuition, perfection, light, consciousness, unconsciousness, beauty, and emotions.
Bórax08001 means contemporary, artistic signature jewellery. Signature, because we value work from beginning to end and we wish to recover the value of authenticity, taking pride and joy in creating high-quality jewellery, putting special emphasis on the details. Contemporary, because our pieces of jewellery speak for us and reflect the society we live in. And artistic because we strive to express ourselves through metaphors and symbols while we create unique pieces. »

JOYA BARCELONA- EXPO del colectivo Bórax08001 - Escola Massana, Barcelona (Spain) - 13-23 sept. 2010 dans Aline BERDICHEVSKY (MX) 41317_426620145097_620610097_5183727_6925687_n


Aline Berdichevsky (MX), Andrea Nabholz (CH), Carolina Gimeno (Chile), Carolina Martinez Linares (Col.), Cristina Marti Mato, Dalia Jurado (ES), Diana RoloGastón Rois (Arg.), Nelly Van Oost (FR), Patricia Domingues (PT), Trinidad Contreras (ES)

junction-3-La-Cadena dans Andrea NABHOLZ (CH)
Nelly Van Oost – ‘Junction n°3′ necklace

n528848020_1407445_4698 dans BARCELONA
Dalia Jurado – La flor del desierto – broche

L6-225x300 dans Borax08001 (ES)L7-225x300 dans Carolina GIMENO (Chili)
Dalia Jurado – Lilith …….

58349_105698089490707_100001515497154_44873_5648703_n dans Carolina MARTINEZ LINARES (Col.)
Trinidad Contreras – ‘radiolario’ broche

Reconstruction-8-300x225 dans Cristina Marti MATO (ES)Reconstruction-1-300x225 dans Dalia JURADO (ES)
Aline Berdichevsky

Canal-de-Schlemm-300x267 dans Diana ROLO (PT)

Carolina Martinez Linares

*Trinidad Contreras : ver su pagina en Borax08001 y en su BLOG
*Aline Berdichevskyver su pagina en Borax08001 y en su Web Site
*Gastón Rois : ver su pagina en Borax08001
*Carolina Martinez Linares ver su pagina en Borax08001 y en su Web Site
*Carolina Gimeno  ver su pagina en Borax08001 y en su Web Site
*Andrea Nabholzver su pagina en Borax08001
*Nelly Van Oostver su pagina en Borax08001
*Dalia Juradover su pagina en Borax08001
*PatriciaDominguesver su pagina en Borax08001


f5-300x199 dans Espagne (ES)fot21-300x241 dans Exposition/Exhibition
Patricia Domingues – « UN DÍA SOÑÉ QUE DIBUJABA UN MAPA DEL TAMAÑO DEL MUNDO. Existe un mundo que me gusta más que el mío. Reino de la fantasía se llama. »


Escola Massana Centre d’Art i Disseny
Sala Busquets
Hospital, 56.
08001 Barcelona
Tel. 93 442 20 00 -
Fax 93 441 78 44