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EXPO ‘Idem. Mùltiplos de Autor’ – Galeria Reverso, Lisbon (PT) – 11 Dec. 2016–13 Janv. 2017

Idem. Mùltiplos de Autor Galeria REVERSO Lisbon, Portugal
IDEM explores the possibilities of the «multiple» in small series of identical jewels and objects

IDEM  Jewelry Group Exhibition  @ RE V E R S O | Lisbon | Portugal Opening, December 11th at 4pm - CARLOS SILVA  Sofia Björkman, Ana Margarida Carvalho, Paula Crespo, Beatriz Horta Correia, Patrícia Domingues, Tatiana Giorgadse, Castello Hansen, Herman Hermsen, Leonor Hipólito, Claudia Hoppe, Birgit Laken, Floor Mommersteeg, Typhaine Le Monnier, Edgar Mosa, Inês Nunes, Maria José Oliveira, Lina Peterson, Claude Schmitz, Danni Schwaag, Carlos Silva, Edu Tarin, Andrea Wagner. #jewelrygroupexhibiti:


with :   Sofia BjörkmanAna Margarida Carvalho — Beatriz Horta Correia — Paula CrespoPatrícia DominguesTatiana GiorgadseCastello HansenHerman HermsenLeonor HipólitoClaudia HoppeBirgit LakenTyphaine Le MonnierFloor MommersteegEdgar MosaInês Nunes — Maria José Oliveira — Lina PetersonClaude SchmitzDanni SchwaagCarlos Silva Edu TarínAndrea Wagner

« Unique pieces, limited editions or serial productions nourish the universe of author jewellery in all its diversity. IDEM explores the possibilities of the « multiple » in small series of identical jewels and objects, created by national and international artists, who have made themselves available to celebrate with Reverso its 18 years of existence. »

Carlos Silva - brooch - at IDEM - Multiplos de Autor 2016-17Carlos Silva – at « IDEM – Multiplos de Autor » – brooch  – plaster, foam and oxidized copper

carlos silva New pieces for a new project  brooches wip plaster white: Carlos Silva New pieces for a new project  brooches wip plaster white

Lina Peterson - brooches - at IDEM galeria-reverso: Lina Peterson – brooches

EDU TARÍN - Anel at IDEM galeria-reverso: Edu Tarin - Anel

Danni Schwaag Brooch: Dots, 2014 Enamel on copper, stainless steel - Idem. Mùltiplos de Autor -: Danni Schwaag Brooch: Dots, 2014 Enamel on copper, stainless steel

 Claudia Hoppe Bangle: Spraypaint Bangle, 2016 Metal, spraypaint Claudia Hoppe Bangle: Spraypaint Bangle, 2016 Metal, spraypaint

Sofia Björkman Brooch: What has the Bird done?, 2016 PLA, metal, paina (3D hand-drawings) Sofia Björkman Brooch: What has the Bird done?, 2016 PLA, metal, paina (3D hand-drawings)

 Patrícia Domingues Pendant: 3 pendants, 2016 Coral, Lapiz Lázuli, Onix recon: Patrícia Domingues Pendant: 3 pendants, 2016 Coral, Lapiz Lázuli, Onix recon

FLOOR MOMMERSTEG - Alfinetes: Floor Mommersteg - brooches

TATJANA GIORGADSE - Brincos: Tatjana Giorgadse – earrings

HERMAN HERMSEN - Kopie (ed. Limitada) / Set of 5 brooches Disc: Herman Hermsen – Kopie (ed. Limitada) / Set of 5 brooches Disc

LEONOR HIPÓLITO - Esplendor da Usabilidade, 2010: LEONOR HIPÓLITO – Esplendor da Usabilidade, 2010

INÊS NUNES - Colar at "IDEM": INÊS NUNES - Colar


Galeria Reverso
Rua da Esperança, nº 59 / 61, 1200
655 Lisboa, Portugal
(+351) 213 951 407



EXPO ‘20/20/20’ – Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h, Montreal (CA) – 26 Nov. 2016-25 Fevr. 2017


Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h‎ 

Inauguration vendredi 25 novembre à 17:00 – 20:00

20 Ans / 20 Artistes Canadiens / 20 Artistes Internationaux – Galerie Noel Guyomarch:

«La Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h est impliquée dans un grand dessein. Son objectif? Faire découvrir au plus grand monde qu’il existe une forme d’art que l’on peut porter» Susan Cummins, Présidente du Art Jewelry Forum, Conseillère en joaillerie pour la Fondation Rotasa.

Josée Desjardins -  Oracle, 2016 Bague en argent, orthose, porcelaine, linoleumJosée Desjardins -  Oracle, 2016 Bague en argent, orthose, porcelaine, linoleum

C’est en 1992 que Noel Guyomarc’h, alors assistant dans une bijouterie montréalaise, expérimente le choc de sa première rencontre avec le bijou contemporain. Ce jour, la créatrice québécoise Barbara Stutman présente un bracelet composé de tubes en plastique et de fil d’argent. Profondément intrigué par cette pièce unique, il cesse alors de percevoir le bijou comme un simple ornement et réalise que ce dernier peut véhiculer un message, une réflexion, et proposer une approche nouvelle, tant esthétique que conceptuelle. Au cours des années suivantes, Noel Guyomarc’h approfondit ses recherches sur le sujet et rencontre de nombreux artistes. Il n’aura dès lors de cesse de questionner le bijou et la pratique même de la joaillerie contemporaine. Il ouvre sa galerie, entièrement dédiée au bijou contemporain, en 1996. Depuis plus de 20 ans maintenant, Noel Guyomarc’h agit comme commissaire, diffuseur, promoteur et conseiller. Son expérience et son goût lui valent d’être aujourd’hui reconnu comme l’un des principaux spécialistes de la discipline au Québec et à l’international. Il a organisé plus de 90 expositions, individuelles et collectives, parfois itinérantes. Régulièrement invité en tant que jury et conférencier, il est depuis quelques années évaluateur, entre autres, pour le musée des Beaux Arts de Montréal. De par un dialogue personnel, la promotion d’expositions ou encore l’expérience d’ateliers créatifs, Noel Guyomarc’h a su accompagner et pousser les artistes dans leurs reflexions tout en leur offrant une nouvelle visibilité, à la galerie tout d’abord mais aussi sur la scène internationale comme récemment à SOFA Chicago. Questionner le bijou comme objet d’art, l’ouvrir à de nouvelles inspirations, explorer de nouvelles voies de fabrication et d’interprétation, voici quelques unes des pistes que la galerie choisit de mettre en avant. Elle valorise ainsi des artistes qui proposent une esthétique originale et innovatrice, qui questionnent le bijou, son impact, sa relation au corps, les possibilités et limites des matériaux et des techniques, et qui, en un mot, cherchent à le réinventer. D’un petit espace dans un édifice culturel rue Sainte Catherine, la galerie s’est ensuite installée au 137 avenue Laurier ouest avant de déménager Boulevard St Laurent il y a 5 ans. Elle est aujourd’hui la seule galerie dédiée uniquement à la discipline du bijou contemporain au Canada. Le 25 novembre prochain, c’est avec fierté et émotion que la galerie Noel Guyomarc’h célèbrera ses vingt années d’existence.  Une exposition anniversaire « 20/20/20 : 20 ans, 20 artistes canadiens, 20 artistes internationaux » présentera à cette occasion les travaux de plusieurs artistes avec lesquels Noel Guyomarc’h travaille régulièrement depuis des années : 20 créateurs de bijoux canadiens et 20 créateurs étrangers qui, tous, ont répondu présent à l’invitation. Ils présenteront de nouvelles pièces, spécifiquement créées pour l’exposition. Témoignage à la fois de la richesse de cette pratique artistique et de la tache colossale accomplie par Noël Guyomarc’h au cours de ces 20 dernières années, l’exposition mettra en scène des artistes reconnus internationalement comme l’espagnol Ramon Puig Cuyas, l’américaine Rebecca Hannon ou encore le canadien Paul McClure, récent récipiendaire du prestigieux Prix Saidye Bronfman, mais aussi de jeunes créateurs émergents (Gabrielle Desmarais, Silvie Altschuler, Anne-Marie Rébillard…) pour qui l’appui de Noel Guyomarc’h a été décisif.


20 Artistes Canadiens : Silvie Altschuler –  Bridget Catchpole –  Josée Desjardins –  Gabrielle Desmarais — Christine Dwane –  Anne Fauteux –  Vivienne Jones –  Janis Kerman –  Christine Larochelle – Petra Luz – Paul McClure –  Pierre-Yves Paquette –  Anne-Marie Rébillard –  Pamela Ritchie – Dorothée Rosen — Jan Smith –  Kye-Yeon Son – Despo Sophocleous –  Barbara Stutman –  Lawrence Woodford

20 Artistes Internationaux : Dina Abargil – Ela Bauer – Edith Bellod – Monika Brugger Ramon Puig Cuyas Sandra Enterline – Grego Garcia Tebar – Rebecca Hannon – Arthur Hash – Mirjam Hiller – Yu Hiraishi – Peter Hoogeboom – Yong Joo Kim Judy McCaig – Biba Schutz Silke SpitzerLuzia Vogt Andrea Wagner – Silvia Walz – Shu-Lin Wu

Bridget Catchpole, Dear, What Have You Done With Nana’s Pearl?, 2016, Perles, plastique, argent, rubanBridget Catchpole, Dear, What Have You Done With Nana’s Pearl?, 2016, Perles, plastique, argent, ruban

 Ramon Puig Cuyas -  N°1529, 2014 ‘Suite Dresden : An invisible Landscape’, nickel silver, enamelRamon Puig Cuyas -  N°1529, 2014 ‘Suite Dresden : An invisible Landscape’, nickel silver, enamel

 Silvia Walz, Wind from the South- West, 2016 Broche en acier et émail Silvia Walz, Wind from the South- West, 2016 Broche en acier et émail

 Mirjam Hiller, Arcanes cities and Landscapes, 2014 Broche en acier, titane et poudre thermoplastique Mirjam Hiller, Arcanes cities and Landscapes, 2014 Broche en acier, titane et poudre thermoplastique

Pamela Ritchie, Alien Landscape, 2016 Broche en bois, polymère, argent, peinturePamela Ritchie, Alien Landscape, 2016 Broche en bois, polymère, argent, peinture

Grego Garcia Tebar, Loro Extasiado, 2016 Pendentif en méthacrylate, plastique, argent, cristalGrego Garcia Tebar, Loro Extasiado, 2016 Pendentif en méthacrylate, plastique, argent, cristal



Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h
4836 boulevard St-Laurent
H2T 1R5 - Montreal CANADA
tel (514) 840 9362   





EXPO ‘Snapshot’ – Galeria Reverso, Lisbonne (Portugal) – 28 Nov. 2015- 15 Janv. 2016

Galeria Reverso: « Snapshot« 

Christmas group exhibition with works by Patricia Domingues (MA 2013), Danni Schwaag (Diploma 2008), Edu Tarìn (MFA 2015) et al.

Opening saturday, November 28, from 5 to 8 pm 

Snapshot - REVERSO

Snapshot – photography project with Diana Laires:
Words cannot say much about jewellery. You have to see, feel and wear the pieces on the body. You have to live with them. Only then, the pleasure of the thought and made, of the formulated and fabulated with ideas, desires and matters, can irradiate fascination.
What should remain is the joy and the desire to understand and wear these pieces of jewellery as symbols of your own personality. /Jens-Rudiger Lorenzen (adapted) in Contemporary Jewelry, Stuttgart, 1989

Artist List:
Ana Margarida Carvalho
–  Andrea WagnerAnneleen SwillenBeate LeonardsBeatriz Horta Correia –  Beppe KesslerBirgit Laken –  Carlos Silva –  Castello Hansen Claude Schmitz  –  Cristina FilipeDanni SchwaagDulce Ferraz – Edu TarínEla Bauer Filomeno Pereira de SousaFloor MommersteegGabriela CoelhoHelena Johansson LindellHerman HermsenJoana Taurino – Kaori Juzu Laura RoseLeonor Hipólito  – Lina PetersonLuzia VogtManuel VilhenaMarc MonzóMasako Hamaguchi Mecky van den BrinkMirjam Hiller – Nikolay SardamovPatrícia DominguesPaula CrespoPaula RousseauSylvia BlickmanSofia GomesSuzanne Esser –  Tanel Veenre Telma SimõesTimothy Information LimitedUlrika Sward –  Valentim QuaresmaValéria Fazèkas.

Patrícia Domingues (MA 2013) • Brooch "Serie Duality " • Reconstructed coral and steel • 2015 • ©photo by Manuel Ocaña MascaronPatrícia Domingues (MA 2013 Idar-Oberstein) • Brooch « Serie Duality  » • Reconstructed coral and steel • 2015 • ©photo by Manuel Ocaña Mascaron

Edu Tarìn (MFA 2015) • Brooch "Antípoda 2" • Copper and gold • 2014 • ©photo by Manuel Ocaña MascaronEdu Tarìn (MFA 2015 Idar Oberstein) • Brooch « Antípoda 2″ • Copper and gold • 2014 • ©photo by Manuel Ocaña Mascaron

 Danni Schwaag (Diploma 2008) • Brooch "Jakop II" • Ebony, enamel on copper, bead cord, broken tile and steel • 2010 • ©photo by artistDanni Schwaag (Diploma 2008 Idar Oberstein) • Brooch « Jakop II » • Ebony, enamel on copper, bead cord, broken tile and steel • 2010 • ©photo by artist

Andrea Wagner Brooch: Cape Canaveral Porcelain, glass, and possibly other media, silver, wood, acrylic color and fibre: Andrea Wagner Brooch: Cape Canaveral Porcelain, glass, and possibly other media, silver, wood, acrylic color and fibre

 Anneleen Swillen Brooch: Glass of red fruits, 2014 Resin, plaster, stainless steel, iron: Anneleen Swillen Brooch: Glass of red fruits, 2014 Resin, plaster, stainless steel, iron

Leonor Hipólito Piece: Tout est sur la table, 2011 Sterling silver Photo by: Arne Kaiser: Leonor Hipólito Piece: Tout est sur la table, 2011 Sterling silver Photo by: Arne Kaiser

 Beppe Kessler Brooch: Skyline, 2013 Silver, wood, acrylic color and fibre 7.5 x 7 x 2 cm: Beppe Kessler Brooch: Skyline, 2013 Silver, wood, acrylic color and fibre 7.5 x 7 x 2 cm



Galeria Reverso
R. da Esperança 59/61
1200-655 – Lisbon
Telephone: +351 213 951 407
Fax: +351 213 951 407



Classé dans : Andrea WAGNER (NL),Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Platina (SE),Suede (SE) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:57


The first time I met Andrea Wagner was about ten years ago in a muddy field in the Netherlands, where we worked with cows as a theme and the mud and manure as the material. Was it already there she began her series « The Architect Who Faced His Jardin Intérieur »? After that meeting, we showed Andrea Wagner’s jewellery which she then described as a passion in working experimentally with materials and giving them her own mark. She considered this vital in order to create the intriguing appearance and surfaces necessary for the tactile materiality to communicate the stories or thoughts behind her work. She started to work with bone china porcelain which consists of ca. 40% cow bone ash.
Andrea Wagner from Amsterdam is now warmly welcomed again, this time to her first solo exhibition at PLATINA. In the exhibition we will see blown up sketches and her ongoing body of work that has been followed up by a whole new group of pieces. This time with the sub-title: « … And the Architect Is Still Facing His Jardin Intérieur ». - Sofia Björkman, PLATINA 2014

Platina Gallery

… And the Architect Is Still Facing His Jardin Intérieur
« Jardin interieur »: French for the private landscape – inner garden – of our mind.
This series is about architectural forms intermeshing with nature.
The idea of blurring the separation point of what is essentially regarded as architecture and what nature also stands in as playful metaphor for facing up to secret dreams – of taking them out of their compartmentalization into separate areas and life´s time frames and weaving them into reality. Step out of seemingly unrisky choices and embrace a dream that at first seems unlikely!
This series begun after far too much house hopping and embodies the exuberant joyfulness of my at last getting my dream home. It ended an obsessive yearning for stability whilst living in instability.
Being a frequent traveller, I am quite familiar with that exciting tension of leaving the familiar stability and safe haven of home to surrendering to the insecurity of what is new whilst discovering new impressions on the way. When returning to the familiar it is with a head full of fresh perceptions that only sharpens my connection to the intimate sheltering space of home and viewing things from a new vantage. This is my connection to an intimate and safe space where all kinds of contradictions can naturally exist side by side and within each other.
Little surprise that so much inspiration for this body of work comes from places I´ve visited or want to go to.
The diversity of materials and forms in this series are like the layered impressions of an extended travel log.
Very recently the work on some new pieces has taken me into beach and other water landscapes. I myself am as little a gardener as I am a beach holiday lover, and the deeper aspect of that very recent work with more translucent glass elements as yet still eludes me…
- Andrea Wagner 2014

 Andrea Wagner - jardin intérieur -  "Adriatic Beach Resort II"Andrea Wagner – jardin intérieur -  « Adriatic Beach Resort II »

Andrea Wagner - jardin intérieur  - "Adriatic Beach Resort"Andrea Wagner – jardin intérieur  – « Adriatic Beach Resort I »

 Andrea Wagner - "Emerald Pool Hangout" Andrea Wagner – « Emerald Pool Hangout »

Andrea Wagner - "Black Sands Now Has A Surf Club"Andrea Wagner - « Black Sands Now Has A Surf Club »

Odengatan 68,
10232 Stockholm (Sweden)
tel +46 8 30 02 80

OPEN TU-FR 11-18, SA 11-15



EXPO ‘RULE THE WORLD’ – Friends of Carlotta, Zurich (CH) – 19 Juin-5 Sept. 2014

RULE THE WORLD, a juried exhibition at Friends of Carlotta in Zurich, Switzerland, curated by Bruna Hauert.

Welcome to our world of lived-out deficiencies and psychopaths!

What are the adornments of dictators, despots, and the plain delusional ? What do they need in order to let their real personalities shine through ? What tools do tyrants have to show that they are in charge ?

Rule the World

Despoten sind – bei aller Einfalt – ein sehr facettenreiches Trüppchen. Sie wollen nicht nur geliebt werden. Nein, sie wollen ehrlich und echt geliebt werden. Notfalls mit Gewalt.
Doch: Womit schmücken sich DiktatorInnen, Grössenwahnsinnige, Möchtegerns und Trauminöds? Womit präsentieren sie sich, damit ihre wahre Persönlichkeit im richtigen Licht erstrahlt? Womit zeigen GrosskotzInnen, TyrannInnen und zu Höherem Berufene, dass die Macht mit ihnen ist? Besitzt der Mächtige Objekte der Macht weil er mächtig ist? Oder ist er mächtig, weil er Objekte von magischer Macht besitzt?
Und: Was gönnt der Despot sich selbst in einer launigen Minute? Welcher Schmuck feiert mit ihm in der Stunde seines Triumphes? Womit verwöhnt er seine Untertanen, damit sie sich ihm leichter unter tun? Und wie kann ich ihm huldigen, damit er meine wahre Liebe und somit seinen wahren Wert erkennt?
Diese und andere Fragen zum Thema RULE THE WORLD beherrschen das Thema der nächsten jurierten Schmuckausstellung bei Friends of Carlotta.
Willkommen in der Welt der gelebten Defizite und der Psychopathen in Bestform!
Ich freue mich auf die Pracht der Macht und darauf, Sie an der Vernissage vom 19. Juni 2014 ab 17h begrüssen zu dürfen. Oder an jedem anderen Tag während der Ausstellung. Herzlich  Bruna Hauert

Despite their simple-mindedness, despots are a very diverse little group. All they want is
to be loved. Or rather, they want honest and real love. By force, if need be.
However, what do dictators, megalomaniacs, wannabes and the delusioned adorn themselves with? What do they use to cast their personalities in a positive light? What do fat cats, tyrants and those destined for greater things use to demonstrate that the force is with them? Do the powerful own objects of power because they are powerful? Or are they powerful because they own objects with magic powers?
What’s more: What do despots treat themselves to when they’re in a foul mood? Which pieces of jewellery are there to share the hours of victory with them? What do they spoil their subjects with in order to make them more eager to subdue themselves? And how must I worship these despots so that they recognise my pure love and therefore their true value?
These and other questions on how to RULE THE WORLD will be the dictating subject of the
next juried jewellery exhibition at Friends of Carlotta.

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD -  Joo Hyung ParkJoo Hyung Park
- Annette Altenburger (DE) — Jessica Andersen (USA) — Christine Annau (DE) — Miriam Arentz & Annika Schindler (DE) — Ela Bauer (NL) — Nicole Beck (DE) — Stefan Behnke & Miriam Gradl (DE) — Brigitte Berndt (DE) — Marlene Beyer (DE) — Wolfram Beyer (DE) — Laura Bradshaw-Heap (UK) — Rachael Colley (UK) — Jennifer Crupi (USA) — Martina Czunczeleit (DE) — Laura Deakin (DE) — Saskia Derksen (DE) — Saskia Detering (DE) — Sam Tho Duong (DE) — Beate Eismann (DE) — Tanja Emmert (DE) — Ricarda Enderweit (DE) — Katja Fischer (CH) — Su Foster, Patsy Kay Kolesar & Simone Richmond (CA) — Katja Fox (DE) — Andrea Fretz (CH) — Yael Friedman (IL) — Helen Friesacher-Borst (DE) — Claudia Frisch (DE) — Masako Fukuda (JP) — Sam Gassman (USA) — Friederike Glück (DE) — Miriam Gonnissen (DE) — Nicole Grandics (USA) — Bénédicte Gross (CH) — Tamara Grüner (DE) — Christian Guthmann (DE) — Bruna Hauert (CH) – Stephanie Hensle (DE) — Jasmin Hess (CH) — Tomoko Hori (UK) — Mara Induni (CH) — Bettina Jakob (CH) — Florence Jaquet (CH) — Léonie Jeanrenaud (CH) — Edda Andrée Jessel (DE) — Leonore Jock (DE) — Udo Jung (DE) — Masumi Kataoka (USA) — Verena Klette (DE) — Luitgard Korte (DE) — Michelle Kraemer (AT) –  Unk Kraus (DE) — Martina Lang (DE) — Gregory Larin (IL) — Tracy Lee Black (USA) — Alisa Letsius (RU) — Reka Lorincz (HU) — Inés Mantel (CH) — Gigi Mariani (IT) — Laura Martínez (ES) — Susanne Matsché (DE) — Esther Mattille (CH) — Jennifer Merchant (USA) — Katharina Moch (DE) — Jillian Moore (USA) — Julika Müller (DE) — Viktoria Münzker (AT) — Nick Mullins (USA) — Elisabeth Mundwiler (CH) — Deanna Ooley (USA) — Ossi Oswald (DE) — Joo Hyung Park (KT) — Nadine Pawusch (DE) — Lina Peetz (DE) — Izabella Petrut (AT) — Annika Pettersson (SE) — Carmen Pfanner (AT) — Yvonne Raab (DE) — Daniel Ramos (DE) — Sarah Reinhard (CH) — Begoña Rentero (ES) — Claudia Römer (DE) — Sabine Roth (DE) — Vicky Saragouda (UK) — Nils Schmalenbach (DE) — Naoko Iyoda Schneeberger (CH) — Verena Schreppel (DE) — Nicole Schuster (DE) — Anna Silberstein (DE) — Eva Sörensen (DE) — Katrin Spranger (UK) — Johanna Stäss (DE) — Simone Strauss (DE) — Rebecca Strzelec (USA) — Eva Tesarik (AT) — Myung Urso (USA) — Viveka Valentin (DE) — Otto Van Winkle Peterstein (IE) — Barbara Vogl (DE) — Maria Volokhova (DE) — Andrea Wagner (NL) — Heike Walk (DE) — Heike Wanner (AT) — Caro Weiss (DE) — Klaus Weisser (CH) — Angelika Wolpert (DE) — Grandpa Wooley (DE) — Diana Zeiler (DE)

EXPO virtuelle / virtual exhibition here

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD_  Jennifer CRUPI power gestureJennifer CRUPI power gesture

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD - Luitgard Korte - ringLuitgard Korte - ring

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD - Gregory Larin  'Nice to meat you'Gregory Larin  ‘Nice to meat you’ necklace – brass, textile, polymer

Andrea Wagner "Rule the World" Friends of CarlottaAndrea Wagner

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD_Florence JaQUETFlorence Jaquet

Jasmin Hess jewels Jasmin Hess brooches « Love is what you PUT IN my heart » Brosche Holz, Textil, Garn, Silber

Tamara GrünerTamara Grüner

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD_ - FOC - Brigitte BerndtBrigitte Berndt – « man Eater »

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD- Tanja EmmertTanja Emmert

Jillian Moore - at Friends of carlottaJillian Moore   « PHASELOS »
The obscenely over sized piece did not hang like a pendant. It framed her face and seemed to cradle her body. It required a formal posture and bearing that teased out an air of decorum she was not always prone to pulling off. A hybridization of legume, embryo, and organ, the piece could not be more ripe. It‘s glossy surface, and speckled edges felt less like a thing made than a thing born. To the starving masses it was a promise of fertility, but to her enemies it was a reminder that she might gut them at amoment‘s notice

 Johanna Stäß  Johanna Stäß

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD_ Yael FriedmanYael Friedman

 EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD - Gigi MarianiGigi Mariani
« I wanted to think of a jewel that affirm strength and power. in which the tyrant will exhibit their achievements represented by balls enclosed between cubes, like columns that recall the force of power.
A potential rosary made to be shown to confirm the ego and emphasize his power.
Object to show, but that becomes amulet and creates safety to the wearer »

Nick MullinsNick Mullins

Bruna HauertBruna Hauert

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD - Bruna HauertBruna Hauert

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD - Izabella Petrut Izabella Petrut
« Jewelry to live every deficiency to the fullest extent. I choose to use a female and a male despot, creating two characters and two scenarios. They both compete for power, adoration, attention and they use the same weapons: the Penis, a symbol of power and dominance. My characters have a lot of insecurities for which they have to overcompensate with decoration and dubious behavior. The Penis becomes a symbol of desire and the despots see it as the object of their desire. The Penis becomes a cult object. Queen of all queens carries around a small wooden Penis pendant as a symbol of her dominance over men. It looks modest, unimportant and not too cared for. It is a trophy.
King of all kings carries around a wooden Penis to show he is the biggest, strongest and most precious of all. The piece is carved out of balsa wood and carefully finished. The piece is really easily imprinted if one doesn’t handle it with care, just like the King’s ego. The way it is worn, as a brooch on the shoulder, is disturbing for the wearer as well as for the viewer. »

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD -Katharina MochKatharina Moch

Sam Tho Duong for "Rule the World", Friends of Carlotta, ZürichSam Tho Duong neckpiece

Jennifer Merchant, "Rule the World" Friends of CarlottaJennifer Merchant

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD_ - Begoña RenteroBegoña Rentero


Friends of Carlotta Bruna Hauert,
Neumarkt 22
8001 Zurich
Tel +41 44 261 87 07


SCHMUCK 2014 – 66th International Trade Fair, Munich – 12-18 Mars 2014

Schmuck ‘2014
55th Special Jewellery Show
66th International Trade Fair, Munich
de 12 Mar a 18 Mar 2014


This special exhibition is the eldest exhibition of contemporary jewellery work in the world. It takes place since 1959 every year during the International Trade Fair in March. Except the transport cost until Munich the participation in the special show is free of charge for you. Three contributions of Schmuck 2013 will be awarded with the Herbert Hofmann Prize. The prize commemorates Dr. Herbert Hofmann, the founder of the special show in 1959. In addition the jury of the Bavarian States Prize will look at the works in the special show. The Bavarian States Prize is awarded to 10 contri-bution of applied art within all contribution of the International Trade Fair. This prize is awarded with 5.000€.

More than 552 goldsmiths from 43 countries around the globe applied to participate in the special “Schmuck” (Jewellery) show at the International Crafts Fair in Munich next year. This great interest once again confirms the importance of this event in the context of contemporary jewellery-making and the significance attached to it worldwide. An above-average number of applications were received this year from Australia, Japan and Taiwan, but also from New Zealand and Argentina, the latter having been among the applicants for only a few years now. The selection for 2014 was made especially interesting thanks to the many new exhibitors nominated by the curator Jorunn Veiteberg of Copenhagen. Unusually, “Jewellery 2014” features over 25 new exhibitors, who will be represented in this renowned exhibition for the first time.

For the year 2014, a total of 66 participants from 25 nations were invited to exhibit. Numerically most strongly represented are goldsmiths from Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, Australia, Denmark and Sweden. The applicants grow younger by the year, an indicator that even before or immediately after finishing their training goldsmiths seek to compete in our special show, present their work to an interested public, experts, gallery owners and museum curators, and rapidly find their way into the jewellery avant-garde. “Jewellery” is an important venue for making a name for oneself in international goldsmiths’ circles, establishing contacts, and not least, witnessing the award of the prestigious Herbert Hofmann Prize on Saturday.

The special “Jewellery” show is characterized by the choice of certain themes which, in the eyes of curator Jorunn Veiteberg, represent salient traits of current jewellery design. As signs of our times and selection criteria, she sees found objects of metal or wood, things that bear definite marks of use, materials that speak an expressive, earthy language, forms and structures reminiscent of architecture, as well as masks, a tendency to mysticism, and forceful color schemes.

Honored as next year’s Modern Classic will be Dorothea Prühl, a goldsmith who lives in Halle. A teacher at Burg Giebichenstein Art College, she not only helped shape an entire generation of young goldsmiths but, over and above her teaching activity, has created an admirable, original oeuvre that holds a very special place within contemporary jewellery design.

Curator of “Jewellery 2014” is Jorunn Veiteberg, a Norwegian art historian who lives in Copenhagen. An arts journalist and exhibition curator, Veiteberg has taught since 2002 at the National Academy in Bergen, Norway. Since 2013 she has been guest professor at the University of Göteborg, Sweden, and chairwoman of the Norwegian Crafts Association. She has published in the fields of contemporary jewellery and ceramics. Veiteberg says it was a great honor for her to make the selection for “Jewellery 2014.” She was especially impressed by the quality of the submissions and their international range. For her as a Scandinavian, it was an enriching experience to see so many submissions from South Korea, Japan, Argentina, the U.S., and many other countries from around the world.

The Handwerkskammer organizes the special shows Exempla, Talente, Modern Masters and Schmuck at the International Handwerksmesse München with the Herbert-Hofmann-Award 2014 ceremony on Saturday 15th March at 4 p.m. We will show in our Galerie Handwerk the exhibition WUNDERRUMA – Jewellery from New Zealand.


Program HERE


Patrícia Domingues – Reconstructed MaterialPatrícia Domingues – Reconstructed Material 

Anne Achenbach (DE) — Tobias Alm (SE) — Sawa Aso (JP) — Rut-Malin Barklund (SE) — Peter Bauhuis (DE) — Nicole Beck (DE) — Alexander Blank (DE) — Iris Bodemer (DE) — Bas Bouman (NL) — Sungho Cho (KR) — Eunmi Chun (KR) — Kat Cole (USA) — Annette Dam (DK) –  Rian de Jong  (NL) — Laura Deakin (AU) — Peter Deckers  (NZ/NL) — Paul Derrez (NL) — Bin Dixon-Ward (AU) — Georg Dobler (DE) — Iris Eichenberg (NL/USA/D) — Réka Fekete (HU) — Benedikt Fischer (AT) — Kyoko Fukuchi (JP) — Antje Godglück (NL/D) — Andi Gut(DE) — Gésine Hackenberg  (NL/D) — Cecilia Hecker (RA) — Hanna Hedman (SE) — Akihiro Ikeyama (JP) — Karin Johansson (SE) — Mareike Kanafani (DK) — Beppe Kessler (NL) — Ulrike Kleine-Behnke (DE) — Jun Konishi (JP) — Manon van Kouswijk (NL/AU) — Marie-Louise Kristensen (DK) — Daniel Kruger (DE) — Dongchun Lee (KR) — Sally Marsland (AU) — Sharon Massey (USA) –  Yutaka Minegishi  (JP/DE) — Shelley Norton (NZ) — Maria Nuutinen (FI) — Kristi Paap (EE) – Noon Passama (TH/NL) — Ruudt Peters (NL) — Lina Peterson (GB) — Nicole Polentas (AU) — Jo Pond (GB) — Auba Pont (ES) — Tabea Reulecke (DE) — Patricia Rodriguez (RA) — Mette Saabye  (DK) — Karin Seufert (DE) — Despo Sophocleous (CA/DE) — Christoph Straube (DE) — Jie Sun (CN) — Fumiki Taguchi (JP) — Anna Talbot (NO) — Sabina Tiemroth (RA) — Karola Torkos (DE) — Karen Vanmol (BE) — Gabi Veit (IT) — Andrea Wagner (NL) — Florian Weichsberger (DE/I) — Wen-Miao Yeh (TW)

Retrospektive bei Schmuck 2014: Dorothea Prühl, Deutschland


SCHMUCK 2014 – OFFICIAL SELECTION – (Munich, Germany) – 12-18 Mars 2014

Schmuck 2014déjà ! … encore !! ……


Place: Willy Brandt Allee 1 (Munich, Germany)
Management: Wolfgang Lösche
12.Mar.2014 – 18.Mar.2014

Schmuck 2014 - déjà ! encore !!  Place: Willy Brandt Allee 1 (Munich, Germany) Management: Wolfgang Lösche 12.Mar.2014 - 18.Mar.2014  website: www.hwk-m...
More than 552 goldsmiths from 43 countries around the globe applied to participate in the special “Schmuck” (Jewellery) show at the International Crafts Fair in Munich next year. This great interest once again confirms the importance of this event in the context of contemporary jewellery-making and the significance attached to it worldwide. An above-average number of applications were received this year from Australia, Japan and Taiwan, but also from New Zealand and Argentina, the latter having been among the applicants for only a few years now. The selection for 2014 was made especially interesting thanks to the many new exhibitors nominated by the curator Jorunn Veiteberg of Copenhagen. Unusually, “Jewellery 2014” features over 25 new exhibitors, who will be represented in this renowned exhibition for the first time.
For the year 2014, a total of 66 participants from 25 nations were invited to exhibit. Numerically most strongly represented are goldsmiths from Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, Australia, Denmark and Sweden. The applicants grow younger by the year, an indicator that even before or immediately after finishing their training goldsmiths seek to compete in our special show, present their work to an interested public, experts, gallery owners and museum curators, and rapidly find their way into the jewellery avant-garde. “Jewellery” is an important venue for making a name for oneself in international goldsmiths’ circles, establishing contacts, and not least, witnessing the award of the prestigious Herbert Hofmann Prize on Saturday.
Selected Artists: Anne Achenbach, DE –  Tobias Alm, SE – Sawa Aso, JP — Rut-Malin Barklund, SE — Peter Bauhuis, DE — Nicole Beck, DE — Alexander Blank, DE — Iris Bodemer, DE — Bas Bouman, NL  — Sungho Cho, KR — Eunmi Chun, KR –  Kat Cole, USA – Annette Dam, DK — Rian de Jong, NL — Laura Deakin, AU — Peter Deckers, NZ/NL – Paul Derrez, NL — Bin Dixon-Ward, AU — Georg Dobler, DE — Iris Eichenberg, NL/USA/DE — Réka Fekete, HU — Benedikt Fischer, AT — Kyoko Fukuchi, JP — Antje Godglück, NL/DE — Andi Gut, DE — Gesine Hackenberg, NL/DE — Cecilia Hecker, Arg. — Hanna Hedman, SE — Akihiro Ikeyama, JP — Karin Johansson, SE — Mareike Kanafani, DK — Beppe Kessler, NL — Ulrike Kleine-Behnke, DE — Jun Konishi, JP — Manon van Kouswijk, NL/AU — Marie-Louise Kristensen,DK — Daniel Kruger, Südafrika/DE — Dongchun Lee, KR — Sally Marsland, AU — Sharon Massey, USA – Yutaka Minegishi, JP/DE — Shelley Norton, NZ — Maria Nuutinen, FI — Kristi Paap, EE — Noon Passama, TH/NL — Ruudt Peters, NL — Lina Peterson, GB — Nicole Polentas, GR/AU — Jo Pond, GB — Auba Pont, ES – Tabea Reulecke, DE — Patricia Rodriguez, Arg. — Mette Saabye, DK — Karin Seufert, DE — Despo Sophocleous, CA/DE — Christoph Straube, DE — Jie Sun, CN — Fumiki Taguchi, JP — Anna Talbot, NO — Sabina Tiemroth, Arg. — Karola Torkos, DE — Karen Vanmol, BE — Gabi Veit, IT — Andrea Wagner, NL — Florian Weichsberger, DE/IT — Wen-Miao Yeh, TW
Retrospektive bei Schmuck 2014: Dorothea Prühl, Deutschland
Honored as next year’s Modern Classic will be Dorothea Prühl, a goldsmith who lives in Halle. A teacher at Burg Giebichenstein Art College, she not only helped shape an entire generation of young goldsmiths but, over and above her teaching activity, has created an admirable, original oeuvre that holds a very special place within contemporary jewellery design.
The special “Jewellery” show is characterized by the choice of certain themes which, in the eyes of curator Jorunn Veiteberg, represent salient traits of current jewellery design. As signs of our times and selection criteria, she sees found objects of metal or wood, things that bear definite marks of use, materials that speak an expressive, earthy language, forms and structures reminiscent of architecture, as well as masks, a tendency to mysticism, and forceful color schemes.
Willy Brandt Allee 1 (Munich, Germany)
Management: Wolfgang Lösche
12.Mar.2014 – 18.Mar.2014


EXPO ‘Dialogue’ – Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h, Montréal (Québec, Canada) – 5-28 April, 2013

Dialogue: International Exhibition Contemporary Jewellery by Emerging Artists

L’univers du bijou contemporain évolue de manière fulgurante depuis une trentaine d’années. Cependant toujours  peu connu du grand public, ce champ relativement nouveau progresse en marge de la joaillerie traditionnelle en rassemblant de créateurs de la relève dont les démarches novatrices contribuent à l’enrichissement de la pratique ainsi qu’à son rayonnement international.

Cette exposition exceptionnelle intitulée Dialogue, rassemble les œuvres de 22 jeunes créateurs d’Allemagne, d’Australie, du Danemark, des États-Unis, du Japon, des Pays-Bas, de Suède et du Canada. La diversité des propositions permet d’entrevoir les maintes possibilités créatives et expressives dans le domaine du bijou contemporain. La collection réunit l’art de façonner, valorise les matériaux utilisés, fait preuve d’originalité et d’expérimentation, reflète l’esprit du temps et une vision du monde, mais aussi questionne le métier et les valeurs inhérentes du bijou. Le titre de l’exposition exprime le dialogue de l’artiste avec la matière et le concept, l’œuvre et le spectateur.

Des œuvres  de cette nouvelle génération de créateurs se retrouvent déjà dans plusieurs collections muséales internationales en autres Andrea Wagner au Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, Despo Sophocleous de Halifax et Laura Deakin à la Pinakothek der Moderne Museum de Munich. Récemment, Les collections du Schmuck Museum de Pforzheim et du Röhsska Museum de Suède se sont enrichis de créations de Märta Mattsson. De nombreux prix ont également récompensé et salué leur travail d’exception.
Du 3 mai au 16 juin, le Harbourfront Centre de Toronto accueillera l’exposition dans le cadre des conférences de la Society of North American Goldsmiths.
'Dialogue: International Exhibition Contemporary Jewellery by Emerging Artists' - Galerie Noel Guyomarc'h (Montréal - Québec, Canada) - 5-28 April, 2013 -  Tobias Alm, Beatrice Brovia, Nicolas Cheng, Simon Cottrell, Laura Deakin, Gabrielle Desmarais, Arata Fuchi, Adam Grinovich, Arthur Hash, Kaori Juzu, Masumi Kataoka, Anya Kivarkis, Agnes Larsson, Mia Maljojoki, Märta Mattsson, Martin Papcún, Natalya Pinchuk, Despo Sophocleous, Jie Sun, Anthony Tammaro, Annie Tung and Andrea Wagner -Simon Cottrell  – Broche 2013 – Broche en monel 400 et acier inoxydable /Brooch in monel 400 and stainless steel

Adam Grinovich, Necklace, 2011 - Leather, TarAdam Grinovich, Hail 3/Fourth Prayer, 2011 – Collier en goudron, cuir, acier, chapelets/Necklace in tar, leather, steel, rosaries

 Arata Fuchi, Japanese contemporary jewelryArata Fuchi -  Wild flower Ring Oxidized silver 950, Oxidized silver powder, silver powder, Fine gold, Palladium Pulverization

Kaori Juzu…Kaori Juzu – brooch 2010 enamel, copper, 14kt gold

Martin Papcun - Innerspaces, 2011    Broche en polyurethane, argent, titane    Brooch in polyurethane, silver, titanium    70 x 90 x 60 mmMartin Papcun – Innerspaces, 2011    Broche en polyurethane, argent, titane    Brooch in polyurethane, silver, titanium

Despo Sophocleous Despo Sophocleous « Movement in place », Collier en bois, acier, peinture, laiton

gabrielle desmarais   White Canvas, 2011   Necklaces   shibuichui, wood, paint, cotton, pearlsGabrielle Desmarais   White Canvas, 2011   Necklaces   shibuichui, wood, paint, cotton, pearls

Natalya PinchukNatalya Pinchuk – Broche en laine, argent, cuivre, émail, plastique, cuir, fil ciré, acier inoxydable, or 22kt / Brooch in wool, silver, copper, enamel, plastic, leather, waxed thread, stainless steel, 22K gold

Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h (Montréal – Québec, Canada)


EXPO ‘Mariposa/papallona/Butterfly’ – Amaranto joies, Barcelona (ES) – 4 Avril-18 Mai 2013

Mariposa/Papallona/Butterfly - Amaranto Joies 2013


Una exposición comisariada por PHILIP SAJET
 55 creadores = 55 mariposas

Philip-Sajet-Mariposa .jpgPhilip Sajet

“There are as many butterflies as that are people, probably even many more.
Mystica tells us, that departed souls sometimes return as butterflies to comfort and reasure us.
But whatever the case, one thing is sure in this life they live short.
They are light and extremely agile and in the eyes of some are considered as very beautiful
The only animal who looks alive while not being it.
That is their tragedy. To be pinned on a board. 
The butterfly for the artist is also a metaphor for life.
How big or small, how light or heavy do you make it?
It was my personal curiosity to ask artists whose work fascinate / intrigue me to show me their Butterfly.
Yes almost as intimate as this question sounds, so intimate in a way it is.”   Philip Sajet
Petr Dvorak - Garnet/garnet/Butterfly  My garnet/garnet/titanium butterfly is a transformation of my perception of the world, my vision of impressions, desires and illusions. Within each of us is a butterflyPetr Dvorak - Garnet/garnet/Butterfly 
My garnet/garnet/titanium butterfly is a transformation of my perception of the world, my vision of impressions, desires and illusions. Within each of us is a butterfly
Peter Skubic - Butterfly  2013
Peter Skubic - Butterfly  2013
The pieces is a butterfly in my still. It means the reflecting steel-sheats makes the piece as well as invisible,
because mirrors are invisible. You can only see the reflection of the surface and the colour and imagine spaces.
I make it from a suggestion of Philip Sajet.
Patrícia Domingues  Descanso  Fotografía Manuel OcañaPatricia Domingues  Descanso – broche Fotografía Manuel Ocaña
 Ramon Puig Cuyás “Rerum natura I” Ramon Puig Cuyàs – “Rerum natura I”
 Vera Siemund Vera Siemund
I always liked to mix different quotations in my pieces.

To do a butterfly seemed to be very easy, but suddenly this insect really gave me problems. It became so serious but at the same time too sweet. I had to leave nature immediately and go back to the topics I am familiar with.
 Manon Van Kouswijk Butterfly. Originally made for the 10 year anniversary of PEAH, a jewellery label run by Felix Lindner and Samantha Font-Sala.Manon Van Kouswijk Butterfly.
Originally made for the 10 year anniversary of PEAH, a jewellery label run by Felix Lindner and Samantha Font-Sala.
Fanny Agnier ButterflyFanny Agnier Butterfly
Philip-SajetPhilip Sajet
Andrea Wagner - Lepidoptera Reef Enclave Andrea Wagner – Lepidoptera Reef Enclave
Lisa WalkerLisa Walker
 Robean  Visschers Butter Fly Robean Visschers – butter-fly brooch
As a child I was already wondering how « things » got their name. Sometimes a word or a name is a combination of 2 or more words. also in the case of the Butterfly. Why?? I combined a pack of butter with a fly. Quess what? It doesnt look like a butterfly. For me its a strang name for a beautiful animal.
Silvia Walz Morpho con alas desplegadasSilvia Walz -   Morpho con alas desplegadas –
El morpho es una mariposa azul que vive la mayor parte del tiempo en el bosque con las alas plegadas. Sin embargo cuando esta en búsqueda de compañero, sale de su escondite, desplega las alas y vuela en lo alto.
Atty Tantivit - Lepidopterophobia
Atty Tantivit – Lepidopterophobia
Gregory LarinGregory Larin
Florie DupontFlorie Dupont
 Eva Burton Heteroneuma  Eva Burton Heteroneuma
Tabea-ReuleckeTabea Reulecke
Beate Klockmann  Gold ButterflyBeate Klockmann   Gold Butterfly
Grego GarcíaGrego García
 Edu Tarin Alas

Edu Tarin  – Alas
La crisálida dejó su esqueleto olvidado para ver nacer las alas de mariposa. Alas que llevará a través del viento. Alas que el cuerpo posee y que maneja a su antojo.
Chang Wei Hsuan Chang Wei Hsuan
 Manuel Vilhena    brooch Manuel Vilhena  The brooch comes with a book, The book is (ia a way) the statement for the piece. Fotografía Neumuller
Surasekk Yushiwat Butterfly Effect. The keyword of this product come from question “Butterfly colors this world but how they color anyone who wear t-shirts ?”. The graphic of butterfly effect come from difference movements during daily routine activity of wearer in each days, so there are no cliché graphical.Surasekk Yushiwat Butterfly Effect. The keyword of this product come from question “Butterfly colors this world but how they color anyone who wear t-shirts ?”. The graphic of butterfly effect come from difference movements during daily routine activity of wearer in each days, so there are no cliché graphical.


Amaranto joies
Sant Domènec 23
08012 Barcelona
tel. 93 217 14 40




EXPO ‘Contemporary Glass’ – Studio GR·20, Padova (IT) – 25 Oct.-22 Dec. 2012

Contemporary Glass: Sculptures, Installations, Jewels

Artists: Beate EismannIris NieuwenburgEvert NijlandRuudt PetersKatja PrinsAndrea Wagner — Maria Grazia Rosin (sculptures) Ruudt Peters  Brooch: Thanos 2006  Silver, glass  Serie SephirothRuudt Peters  Brooch: Thanos 2006  Silver, glass  Serie Sephiroth

  Beate Eismann  Necklace: Untitled 2009  Silver, stones, enamelled copperBeate Eismann  Necklace: Untitled 2009  Silver, stones, enamelled copper

  Evert Nijland  Brooch: Flower 2 2012  Wood, glass  Series OrnamentEvert Nijland  Brooch: Flower 2 2012  Wood, glass  Series Ornament

Katja Prins  Necklace: Inter-Act 2011  Silver, reconstructed onyx and coral, glassKatja Prins  Necklace: Inter-Act 2011  Silver, reconstructed onyx and coral, glass

  Andrea Wagner  Brooch: Corso Del Corsage 2010  Silver, bone china porcelain, glass, polyester, synthetic resinAndrea Wagner  Brooch: Corso Del Corsage 2010  Silver, bone china porcelain, glass, polyester, synthetic resin



Studio GR·20
Via dei Soncin 27
35122 – Padova
Telephone: 39 049 8756820
Fax: 39 049 8770177