vendredi 30 septembre 20:00 – 23:00
Museu Marítim de Barcelona
Avda. de les Drassanes, s/n, 08001 Barcelone
Totes les peces dels candidats s’exposaran en un stand col·lectiu a la Feria Joya els dies 29 i 30 de setembre i el dia 1 d’octubre !! //
You can see all the pieces at JOYA (Arts Santa Monica, Rambla 7) from 29 september to October 1st !!!!
ENJOIA’T is not just a prize, and you will not find just jewellery. ENJOIA’T is much more than all this, since it is also a celebration of creativity, an indispensable meeting point for professionals in the sector, and a platform from which to show the public your creative project. In fact, ENJOIA’T rewards originality, technical quality, conceptual richness and transgression in the field of jewellery making so much as to question its own limits.
- Xiodai Huang (CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts), China
- Xionan Zhang (CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts), China
- Jelizaveta Suskaya (Latvia) (Jewellery at Hiko-Mizuno College of Jewelry , JP)
- Rosa Gomis (Spain)
- Yili Cao - Natxa Gonzalez (Spain)
- Camilla Mileto (Italy/Spain)
- Inou Beru (Japan/Germany)
- Wei Zhou (CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts), China
- Bàrbara Arnau (Spain)
- Lourdes Freixa (Spain)
- Gabriela Cohn (Argentina)
- Zixuan Feng
Xiodai Huang « Variants » – student category ENJOIA’T 2016
Xionan Zhang « Bonsai » – Candidate selected student category
Jelizaveta Suskaya « Frozen moment: The Night » - student category ENJOIA’T 2016
Jelizaveta Suskaya
Rosa GOMIS - El murmuri de les entranyes… Candidate selected student category
Yili Cao - « See through Skin » -Candidate selected student category
Natxa Gonzalez Flores Fantasma – Candidate selected student category

Camilla Mileto - « La naturaleza del yeso » - Candidate selected student category
Inou Beru - « Between □(square) and ○(circle) » – Candidate selected student category
The Cages by Wei Zhou – Candidate selected student category
Bàrbara Arnau – « Yes, Why Not? » – Candidate selected student category
Singularitat by Lourdes Freixa – Candidate selected student category
Heart’n by Gabriela Cohn- Candidate selected student category
Holy Object by Zixuan Feng – Candidate selected student category
and now, LET’S the PARTY GO ON !

Categories and prizes
The prizes will be announced and handed out the 30th of September.
Professional Award : There is one prize only for creators, designers or companies, with a
maximum of two finalists. The winner will be crowned with a piece made by Laurent Kalman, winner of the ENJOIA’T Professional Award of 2015, and will be given the responsibility of making the crown for the following year. The prize consists of an exposition in the context of the event JOYA, Barcelona Contemporary Jewellery Fair, in its edition of 2017, valued at 780 €.***
Both the professional and student award-winners of ENJOIA’T will be part of a report in the specialised magazine «On Diseño».
Student Award : There is one prize only for students with a maximum of two finalists.
The winner will be crowned with a piece made by Akiko Shinzato, winner of the ENJOIA’T Student Award of 2015, and will be given the responsibility of making the crown for the following year.
The prize consists of an exposition in the context of the event JOYA, Barcelona Contemporary Jewellery Fair, in its edition of 2016, valued at 780 €.***
Both the professional and student award-winners of ENJOIA’T will be part of a report in the specialised magazine « On Diseño » -.
Public Opinion Award : There is one prize chosen by the attendees of the celebration.
The prizes and the finalists of each category, as with those of the public opinion award, will receive an official diploma. The crowns will become part of the permanent collection of the A-FAD, Artists and Artisans of the FAD
The selecting jury of
ENJOIA’T 2016 will be composed of:
Enric Majoral, Jeweler and member of A-FAD
Martín Azúa, Industrial designer
Núria Ruiz, Jewelry designer
María Lluïsa Samaranch, Editor and collector
Maria Díez, Jeweler and professor in la Massana
http://a-fad.blogspot.com.es/ info@a-fad.org //