EXPO ‘WWWA’ – Estonian Museum of Applied Art & Design, Tallinn (EE) – 7 Nov. 2014- 18 Janv. 2015

Kuraator: Claire McArdle
What do they say about us on the other side of the world?
And what do you know about them?
This exhibition unites the northern and southern hemispheres through the work of jewellery and object artists from Australia & Estonia. In each country statements were collected from ordinary members of the public about their knowledge and opinion of the other country. Each artist chose a statement about their country from someone on the other side of the world. The piece they made is a reaction to this statement.
Words spoken across the globe invite a personal study of our own culture and a reaction to other’s perceptions of who we are. Each piece is a navigation of an outsider’s perspective and the resulting realisations and revelations about our own identity.
The two cultures have been explored through unverified perceptions and understandings. The resulting objects are repositories of both cultural and personal narratives. They examine the global flow of information between two physically and culturally separate countries and provoke an international exploration of self.
Linda al-Assi [EST] — Robert Baines [AUS] — Nicholas Bastin [AUS] — Robin Bold [AUS] — Zoe Brand [AUS] — Melissa Cameron [AUS] — Anna Davern [AUS] — Mark Edgoose [AUS] — Rita-Livia Erikson [EST] — Ulvi Haagensen [EST] — Mary Hackett [AUS] — Kirsten Haydon [AUS] — Nils Hint [EST] — Naoko Inuzuka [AUS] — Annika Kedelauk [EST] — Inari Kiuru [AUS] — Aija Kivi [EST] — Keiu Koppel [EST] — Katarina Kotselainen [EST] — Teresa Lane [AUS] — Urmas Lüüs [EST] — Kadri Mälk [EST] — Claire McArdle [AUS] — Hans-Otto Ojaste [EST] — Kaire Rannik [EST] — Anne Reinberg [EST] – Adolfas Šaulys & Mari Relo-Šaulys [EST] — Mark Vaarwerk [AUS] — Anita Van Doorn [AUS] — Tanel Veenre [EST]
Tanel Veenre, Metsik eljas I/Wild Beast I, 2012 Eesti/Estonia – Photo: Marc Morel

Estonian Museum of Applied Art & Design
Lai tn 17,
Tallinn 10133
Estonia, Tallinn
Open Wed-Sun 11.00-18.00