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EXPO ‘COSTUME COSTUME’ – Sienna Gallery, Lenox (USA) – 4 Juill.-31 Aout 2011

Guest curated by Arthur Hash.

costume-costume Sienna Gallery

COSTUME COSTUME (an opulent project) is a collection of work made by emerging contemporary art jewelers. It is an exploration of costume jewelry as subject ; jewelry about jewelry.

We are thrilled to have Arthur Hash curate a selection of new designers and artists to expand the COSTUME COSTUME collection! View select pieces online or model entire collection in the Costume Costume Photobooth at Sienna Gallery in Lenox, Massachusetts..

“Pink Thinks” - Erin Rose Gardner for TOP  (The Opulent Project)Erin Rose Gardner
« Pink Thinks » – Erin Rose Gardner for TOP  (The Opulent Project)


Current and past artists include Sarah Abramson, Mikael Arsjö, Kate Bauman, Michael Dale Bernard, Thyra Bessette, Allyson Bone, Jenny Bradley, Raissa Bump, Sarah Kate Burgess, Alice Jee Chung, David Choi, Meg Drinkwater, Anne M. Fiala, Erin Gardner, Maricha Genovese, Anna Hinkes, Rory Hooper, Soyeon Kim, Courtney Kemp, Seohee Koh, Tara Locklear, Sarah Loertscher, Julia Elizabeth Louise, Edgar Mosa, Jimin Park, Mary Hallam Pearse, RT Peters, Katie Poterala, Cynthia Rohrer, Earl Ross, Leslie Skalin, Theresa Sterner, Monika Strasser, Kristi Sword, Islay Taylor, Melissa Tolar, Stephanie Tomczak, Ben Ulsh
Sienna Gallery debuted the project last April at SOFA NY where we installed a photobooth. This format provided visitors with an experience outside of the typical museum-like presentation of jewelry and objects at SOFA. We encouraged people to have fun interacting with our jewelry. Viewers instantly became wearers, modeling our jewelry for a printed souvenir photo-strip. And in some sense the wearer became a « collector » and jewelry became « collected » through physical printed image and solidified through social media.

Islay Taylor, Knuckle Dusters, Rings, gold plated bronze, hand painted acrylic nails, 2010. I am obsessed with knuckle duster inspired rings. I need one immediately.Islay Taylor  – pro nailz – gold plated bronze, hand painted acrylic nails


Sienna Gallery
80 Main Street
Lenox, MA 01240
T [413] 637-8386


FELT FELT FELT… jewelry – upcoming book ’500 Felt Objects’

« Trumpet sound ! Some time ago, the call for entries went out for 500 Felt Objects, a book slated for fall 2011 release*. After seeing Fashioning Felt, the terrific show she curated, I enlisted Susan Brown of the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum to serve as the juror for this book. We’ve been reviewing the images to include in the book, and I’ve come across some really exciting jewelry made with this extraordinary material!
Now, please don’t think the decisions have been made for the book–we’ve still got a loooong way to go before selections are finalized. Just wanted to share the fascinating things some talented artists from around the globe are making. » (Larkcrafts)

* parution prévue pour l’automne 2011

FELT FELT FELT... jewelry - upcoming book '500 Felt Objects' dans Amy KLAINER (US) Maria-Eife-300x231
Maria EIFE, a resident of the City of Brotherly Love, necklace

Justyna-Truchanowska-226x300 dans Anat GELBARD (IL)
Justyna Truchanowska (Dublin) – necklace

Eun-Yeong-Jeong1-190x300 dans Anna HINKES (US)Jennifer-Moss-230x300 dans Anna WALES (UK)
Eun Yeong Jeong-  ring           –                Jennifer Moss (of Kalamazoo)

Chien-Ching-Liao-213x300 dans BOOKS / BIBLIO
Chien-Ching Liao (Taiwan) – this piece incorporates felt so airy that light filters through

EucalyptusOctopus' Garden
Lynda Watson (US) neckpieces : Eucalyptus’ & ‘Octopus Garden’

Kristen-Mitsu-Shiga-272x300 dans Brigit DAAMEN (NL)
Kristin Mitsu Shiga

Maricha Genovese  « Under Pressure » Necklace: needle felted wool, thread, sterling silver

7460584_orig dans Cath DEARSLEY (NZ)
Maricha GENOVESE (US) – ‘Felted Balls’ Neckpiece – needle felted and dyed wool 

Jens-A.-Clausen4-300x164 dans Catherine SVENSSON (SE)Jens-A.-Clausen23-300x199 dans Celio BRAGA (BR)
Jens A. Larsen (Norway) - necklace




Wool Necklace Set - by "C'est la Chine"Wool Necklace Set - by "C'est la Chine"

Wool Necklace Set – by « C’est la Chine«  (from JIA SUO Collection)(to shop on Etsy)

32_annie2_v2 dans Chien-Ching LIAO (Taiwan)Anna Hinkes -Wood and Felt Bracelets – 2010

felted flowers neckpiece adornement blue - by Kate Ramsey on Etsy - 39€Kate Ramsey – felted flowers neckpiece adornement blue – (you can buy it on Etsy at « FeltFieltroFilc« )

bracelets 'dans mon corbillon' - blue serie felted bangles by "Dans mon Corbillon" at  "A little Market" by ‘dans mon corbillon‘ (Nadine Raymond) – blue serie felted bangles by « Dans mon Corbillon » (to shop at  « A little Market« )

163103_178795955493803_112397672133632_427652_1185885_n dans Colleen BARAN (CA)Hanan Kedmi (design graduate of Shenkar college, tel aviv) has created a series of jewelry made from heat sink devices that are attached to computer parts which tend to get overheated

149776_1631320190249_1453953476_1640836_6767013_n dans COUP DE COEURDora Haralambaki : « my participation to the <> »

mr+mouse dans Cynthia TOOPS (US)
Cath Dearsley (NZ) – felt mouse pendant & jewelry

« Inspired by my furry friend Mr Nibbles, these pieces are made by needle felting wool into objects and jewellery, referencing my attraction to toy animals and childrens book illustration.
Metalwork embellishes the pieces to create the attachments for wearing on the body.  Additionally I created a series of holders for these pieces to sit on, hang or interact with, adding to their playfulness and fun. » (Cath Dearsley)

 dans Dana BLOOM (IL)
Sophie Taylor-Brockie (NZ)- necklace- Amethyst, Felt, Embroidery Cotton, Curtain Weight (on kit & caboodle)

Cèlio Braga gives form to his relections through hand-made felt, silk, cotton fabric and glass beads…

Anat%20Gelbard dans Danielle GORI-MONTANELLI (IT)
Anat Gelbard (IL) has developed her jewellery through an exhaustive exploration of felt making techniques and created beautiful understated organic pieces.

Thea Clark (US) – necklace - felted wool oxdized silver, and citrine

Class photo
Cynthia Toops, felt bracelet

vacide erda zimic
Vacide Erda Zimic (Perou)

amy klainer Amy Klainer (US) -Laser cut 100% wool industrial felt, earth magnets

Hisano Takei - 'linked' 2006Hisano Takai
Hisano Takei (JP) – ‘linked’ 2006 - feutre/felt chain
Hisano Takei - felt neckpiece

GIIA graphic coll
GIIA (Italy) felt neckpieces (to SHOP on Etsy)

Brigit Daamen (NL) felt ringpinky- Brigit Daamen
Brigit DAAMEN (NL) felt ring & necklace – she was recently featured in the exhibition “Fashioning Felt”, at the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum. Brigit felts plastic costume jewelry with merino wool and transforms them into precious edgy neck pieces.

 Karin WAGNER - collier fleurs PKarin Wagner -'bolitas' P
Karin Wagner (CH) bien sûr ! (collier ‘fleurs’ et collier ‘bolitas’)
Anna Wales (UK)‘Blooming Boa’ Necklace, oxidized silver and red felt

felt-5 dans Dora HARALAMBAKI (GR)spi-7 dans Ellen WEISKE (US)
Meiri ISHIDA (JP) layered felt jewelry
« inner voices » Brooch, 2005 felt, silver ‘spiral city’ Necklace, 2006 – felt,plastic glass,silver Necklace in Blue Wool
Catherine Svensson (SE) « OlliesWoollies » – Woolly Bobble Punk Bracelet  & leaf necklace in blue
(to SHOP on Etsy)

hanneke-paumen-3 dans
 Hanneke Paumen (NL) – felt discs necklaces

hanneke-paumen-1 dans Eun YEONG JEONG (US)
Hanneke Paumen (NL) -  felt Collar

FREE SHIPPING Brown-Blue Multi Strand Felt NecklaceManic Organic (Felt Necklace or/and Bracelet)

Zorica Djukic (‘3FUN’ shop on Etsy) – Brown-Blue Multi Strand Felt Necklace – ‘Manic Organic’ (Felt Necklace or/and Bracelet)

FeltjewelryColleen Baran (CA) Felt Rings

Daily Recycled Rings - Colleen Baran Makes a Ring a Day - knot felt ringColleen Baran – Daily Recycled Rings (Ring a Day) – knot felt ring

Sabrina Bottura - Anello ‘Explosion’ – argento, feltro lavorato a manoSabrina Bottura (IT) -  Anello/ring  ‘Explosion’ – argento, feltro lavorato a mano

Marchi Wierson (to shop on Etsy at « Marchi made it »!)

 dans feutre / felt
Marchi WiersonBig Blob Bracelet – wool felted blobs, shaped & sewn together with inner cotton liner & cuff
WOW ! more to discover on her « kit&caboodle » page

gcm_purple_felt dans Gail CROSMAN MOORE (US)gcm_pointy dans GIIA (IT)
Gail Crosman Moore (US)

A Day in the Life..... dans Hanan KEDMI (IL)

Lily Yung -  felt ‘boa’ (‘Die cut‘ serie)

 dans Hanneke PAUMEN (NL)photo
 Janine Berben (NL) – felt Rings with coral beads — ‘Coral’ set
HAVE A LOOK at her « new work » on Flickr !!!!

Red Loopy Collar by Danielle Gori-Montanelli
Danielle Gori-Montanelli (IT) – large ‘red loopy collar’ felt necklace

Licorice Brooch by Danielle Gori-Montanelli
Danielle Gori-Montanelli (IT) – felt  ‘licorice’ brooch (j’adore !) (to SHOP here ! :-) )

slide0Ellen Weiske (US) – multi-layered use of color in this necklace

DSC08688 dans Hisano TAKEI (JP)
Michaela Binder (DE) 


some nice FELT shops on Etsy :




Image de prévisualisation YouTube

Fashioning felt exhibition



519ETACsa2L._SS500_ dans Janine BERBEN (NL)

Felt Fashion: Couture Projects from Garments to Accessories  - Jenne Giles – Quarry Books (oct 2010) – 128pp

pinkrose2web dans Jenne GILES (US)
rose scarve (!!) from ‘harlequinfeltworks‘ on Etsy ! (Jenne GILES)


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