from ‘ANATOMY LESSONS’ exhibition, at « Taboo Studio« , San Diego (USA) 7 mai-18 juin 2010
Des bijoux qui représentent le corps humain, mais fractionné, bout à bout, comme des petits cailloux pour la mémoire semés par un Petit Poucet qui voudrait retrouver le (bon/droit) chemin ….
et, dès le départ, la série de Jessica Calderwood nous fait de l’oeil …..

Jessica Calderwood - ‘Portrait of an Eye’ Brooch/Pendant – Enamel on copper, sterling, stainless steel

Jessica Calderwood, Blink (enamel, copper and sterling silver)

Jessica Calderwood ‘Asymmetry’ Brooch- Enamel on copper, sterling, 18k foil.

Jessica Calderwood - ‘Portrait of a Nose’ Brooch Enamel on copper, sterling, stainless steel
Jessica Calderwood - ‘Portrait of an Ear’ Brooch/Pendant - Enamel on copper, sterling, stainless steel

Jessica Calderwood - Navel Brooch/Pendant - Enamel on copper, nu-gold, sterling, stainless steel

Jessica Calderwood (US) – ‘Before and After’ Brooch (reversable) – Enamel on copper, sterling, stainless steel, 18k foil
« My most recent series consists of psychological portraits that address ideas of consumption and personal obsession using irony, humor and vibrant color. Using a combination of traditional metalsmithing processes, such as raising and die-forming as well as industrial processes such as laser-jet cutting, this work aims to merge contemporary enameled imagery with traditional forms.« ( Jessica Calderwood)

Diane Falkenhagen « After Canova’s Paulina » Brooch/Pendant – 2010
cette broche de Diane Falkenhagen illustre parfaitement ce sentiment de « corps morcelé« , mis en pièce(s) ……

Julia D. Harrison - Rosebud Brooches -wood, lacquer, gouache, epoxy + more

Julia D. Harrison (US) ‘Holler’ Brooches – wood

Sarah J.G. Wauzynski, ‘Small Demands’ – brooch – sterling silver, egg tempera pigment, gold

Randy Long (US) – Brooch – Sterling, hand carved marble

Randy J. Long- St.Sebastian Brooch – handcarved shell cameo, 22k gold

Margaux Lange, The Kiss (sterling silver, plastic and epoxy resin)

Kathleen Browne (US) – ’5 Moments’ brooch -fine & sterling silver, enamel
« The images used in this series of jewelry pieces are appropriated from a pulp magazine printed during the 1950’s titled Secrets. The magazine photos were overly dramatic and stagy, both tragic and unintentionally comic, but somehow they captured the zeitgeist regarding female transgression. These reconfigured images freeze a moment in the daily drama of our lives and, set as jewels, they serve as paeans to the mundane.
By first manipulating, then converting these images to enamel decals (and firing them onto the surface) I can exploit the historical conventions of enameled portrait miniatures, and, in particular, 18th century decal transfers. Hand-painted enamel portrait miniatures were luxury items but with the development of the decal transfer process, in the mid-18th century, such jewels were affordable to a wider audience. Then as now the enameled image serves to provide a democratized view of time and place. » (Kathleen Browne)

Anne Donzé (FR) – ‘qui a perdu son teton’ – broche, fonte en argent

Pauline WIERTZ (NL) – Bijoux ceramique – Boucles-citrines

Yuyen CHANG (Taiwan) – Mao-Fa Series (Untitled Pendant) (2007) copper, enamel, copper wire, sterling silver
Yuyen Chang est cette artiste qui a fait une série de broches sur les « orifices » ………. c’est le moment où jamais de les présenter …. les broches, pas les orifices ……

Yuyen CHANG (Taiwan) -Orifice Series – Untitled Brooches – copper – 2000-2002

Claire Lavendhomme - « Le plus profond c’est la peau » 2007. Bagues – argent, photo, résine, sable.

Melanie Bilenker, ‘Feet’ 2007 – brooch – gold, sterling silver, ebony, resin, pigment and hair

Esther Knobel -brooch- sterling silver with perforated (drilled) drawing sewn with iron wire

Kristin Beeler (US)- brooches – drawing is ink on mother of pearl

Ramon Puig Cuyas (ES) – broche

Sally von Bargen – ‘Short Stories’ serie – ‘wish’

Isabell Schaupp (DE) ‘hands’ series
et… ma dernière « trouvaille » … mais ne dit-on pas qu’on garde le meilleur pour la fin ?
Gijs Bakker (NL) – collier ‘Johnny Awakes’ – silver, photography – 1998