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During SCHMUCK 2016 : EXPO ‘A TRIBUTE TO MANFRED BISCHOFF’ – 3stations, Munich (DE) – 24-28 Fevr. 2016

A TRIBUTE TO MANFRED BISCHOFF   – 43 Students Pay Homage
43 of his former students from 22 countries who will each show a piece at the exhibition, dedicated to Manfred’s golden “Fingerpuppets” by creating their own little version of Manfred, the real golden boy.

Opening 24.02.2016 18:00

« About the exhibition :  A former student, Isabel Dammermann, took it upon herself to make a special event for the teacher Manfred Bischoff who inspired so many. At the same time, she has managed to create a very interesting exhibition that is on display during the Munich Jewellery week 2016. »

tribute to manfred Bischoff

43 Students Pay Homage :  Dina Abargil — Noriko Akao — Silvie AltschulerRinaldo AlvarezKatharina AsamEunjae BaekSuzanne Beautyman — Silje Bergsvik — Catalina BrenesDaniela BoieriShannon CarneyMarianne Casmose DenningMonica Cecchi – Yu- Chun Chen — Sungho Cho — Claudia Costa — Isabel DammermannElisa DevalCoco DunmireKatie GruberJoanne HuangSayaka ItoAnastasia KandarakiKarin KatoRallou KatsariMichelle KraemerAra KuoSiri O. KvalfossMaru LopezMartina MühlfellnerMalaika Najem — Naoka Nakamura — Angela O’KeefeSelen ÖzusNaama Reich Jimena RiosMarzia RossiAlessia SemeraroYoko ShimizuYuki Sumiya Rudee TancharoenFlora VagiAnne Wiedau

Jewellery artists from 22 countries all over the world come together in a memorial exhibition for Manfred Bischoff who passed away a year ago. At some point or other, they have all been taught by Manfred at Alchimia, contemporary jewellery school in Florence, and have each submitted one piece to the exhibition that honours a great teacher.
German born Manfred Bischoff lived in Tuscany in a house that was in itself a piece of exquisite art. Its magical interior made a natural and perfect framework for his work that has been called by many names: sensual, poetic, lyrical, great, intimate, strong, beautiful, satirical and always surprising. He worked in 22K gold, as pure as he could manage and still maintain a rigidity in the metal that allowed him to execute his ideas in delicate and well crafted pieces, often accompanied with subtle pink coral and drawings.
His dedication to the language of jewellery and his visions were most likely one of the reasons that the Alchimia school managed to become known and respected internationally in a relatively short time span.

  Manfred BischoffManfred Bischoff by Manfred Bischoff

Daniela Boieri, "Wind beneath my wings" - "A tribute to Manfred Bischoff" –  photo OHMYBLUE: Daniela Boieri, « Wind beneath my wings » – « A tribute to Manfred Bischoff » –  photo OHMYBLUE

 Catalina Brenes Orfebre, "My sheep and I say hi" - "A tribute to Manfred Bischoff" – photo OHMYBLUE: Catalina Brenes , « My sheep and I say hi » – « A tribute to Manfred Bischoff » – photo OHMYBLUE

Katie Gruber - "A tribute to Manfred Bischoff" –  - photo OHMYBLUE: Katie Gruber - « A tribute to Manfred Bischoff » – photo OHMYBLUE

Rudee Tancharoen, "In the memory of Manfred Bischoff"/ A tribute to Manfred Bischoff (photo OHMYBLUE): Rudee Tancharoen, « In the memory of Manfred Bischoff »/ A tribute to Manfred Bischoff (photo OHMYBLUE)

Noriko Akao, "M..." - "A tribute to Manfred Bischoff" –  photo OHMYBLUE: Noriko Akao, « M… » – « A tribute to Manfred Bischoff » –  photo OHMYBLUE

 collier Ara Kuo !!!!!!!!!! 'A tribute to Manfred Bischoff'  (photo Alliages):  collier Ara Kuo !!!!!!!!!! ‘A tribute to Manfred Bischoff’  (photo Alliages)

The teacher
« As a student at Alchimia, you never really met Manfred until the third year. He was a giant figure who arrived to the narrow street in Florence on Tuesdays. He spent time with the older students, watched the world from behind his sunglasses when he leaned onto the wall at coffee breaks, and then he vanished again.
It was not until you were there yourself – in your final year – that you met the myth and began to appreciate his capacity to engage in your work and to show you how you might develop it. He was a surprisingly selfless teacher, and during critiques in the small classroom he managed to create a space for you and him to engage in a dialogue about your work that was stripped of second agendas and based solely on how he could help you to become a better artist.
It is only later, you come to understand how exceptionally truthful and helpful he tried to be in order to make you grow as a person and as an artist. »



Welserstrasse 15,
81373 Munich
Thu, Fri, Sat 10:00 – 18:00, Sun 10:00 – 14:00



From Idar-Oberstein ……. Anne Wiedau « Hybride »

Anne Wiedau I met Anne Wiedau at the first « Melting Point » in Valencia, in 2010, and had a « coup de coeur » (a 1st sight LOVE) for her ring I bought …… :-)

Anne Wiedau - Hochschule Trier - Semester (SS ´10) my ring !Anne Wiedau – Hochschule Trier – Semester (SS ´10)

She then had her diploma in 2011

« Hybride » « “Hybride” is the theme of my diploma work, witch closes the gap between modern computer technology and traditional jewelry crafting. Based of drawings I made in my childhood i created a unique jewellery piece and attached it with the help of modern “augmented reality” software. -> (LINK: During the development of the Hybrid-Project I draw together with children from a local Kindergarten. With the computer I abstracted the drawings and prepared them to be jewellery. With this material I started crafting individual jewellry pieces. The ready pieces are attached to the computer. The computer reads the jewellry like a marker and attaches the original drawing on the peace in augmented reality. » »

 „Hybride“ Diplomarbeit von Anne Wiedau 2011Anne Wiedau  – „Hybride“ Diplomarbeit   2011 - »Green Hybrid » necklace – Recon stone, aventurin, colorit, polyethylen braid – « Combining children’s drawings with jewelry, makes it possible to return aspects which we have lost in our development from childhood to adulthood. »  -  (Hochschule Trier -  Dipl.Des.)

  „Hybride“ Diplomarbeit von Anne Wiedau 2011  „Hybride“ Diplomarbeit von Anne Wiedau 2011 – « D_ragon_Hybrid » necklace - Wood, rubber, niobium, silver, steel

Hochschule Trier - „Hybride“ Diplomarbeit von Anne Wiedau 2011 - brooch Hybride“ Diplomarbeit von Anne Wiedau 2011 – « Alessa_Hybrid » brooch – Recon stone, rubber, steel, spring – 6,5x11x1 cm

 „Hybride“ Diplomarbeit von Anne Wiedau 2011 - earrings„Hybride“ Diplomarbeit von Anne Wiedau 2011 – earrings « Krähen_Hybrid » Niobium, rubber –  5x9x0,5 cm – augmented reality jewels

  „Hybride“ Diplomarbeit von Anne Wiedau 2011  - necklace  Car(bon)_Hybrid  „Hybride“ Diplomarbeit von Anne Wiedau 2011  – necklace « Car(bon)_Hybrid » econ stone, carbon, quartz crystal, rubber

BEST WISHES Anne Wiedau !



EXPO ‘Junger Designmarkt’ – Trier (DE) – 14 Juill. 2012 – 10-17h

Fachhochschule Esd Idar-Oberstein : Dont miss the « Junger Designmarkt » in Trier next Saturday (10 am to 5 pm) close to Porta Nigra. 16 graduates and students of our department will shown their jewellery
Junger Designmarkt vor dem Stadtmuseum Simeonstift in Trier anläßlich der Ausstellung « Zierrat-Sieraad » am 14. Juli, von 10-17 Uhr (im Trierer Brunnenhof direkt hinter der Porta Nigra) :
 EXPO 'Junger Designmarkt' - Trier (DE) - 14 Juill. 2012 - 10-17h dans Allemagne (DE) 311685_338239876253924_514053563_n
Esther Fuchs — Marion Henné — Kristina Boneva — Antje StolzTabea Reulecke — Sylvia Schmitt-Haubrich — Eva SlottaDeborah Rudolph — Hildegard Rösch — Tanja EmmertSina Emrich — Simone Drechsel — Cristina Martí MatóAnne Wiedau — Julia Quitz — Hector Lasso
4b8bdfaf8a dans Anne WIEDAU (DE)
Antje Stolz & her creations
Anne Wiedau - ring (Idar-Oberstein )
Anne Wiedau ring –  Idar-ObersteinEva Slotta - 'berlin clouds #1' - Brooch, Unique item 2011 - Agate, Synthetic Amethyst, Silver – à Idar-Oberstein.
Eva Slotta – ‘berlin clouds #1′ – Brooch, Unique item 2011 – Agate, Synthetic Amethyst, Silver – Idar-Oberstein.
Tanja Emmert- broochTanja Emmert – broochDeborah Rudolph - brooch, Stein auf Stein 2, 2010, stone, rock crystal, epoxy, steel - 100 x 70 mm
Deborah Rudolph, Brooch, 2010  « Stein auf Stein »Hector Lasso, Ring Diamond - (cuttlefish casting)
Hector Lasso   Ring Diamond – (cuttlefish casting)
Tabea Reulecke, Dreamer, 2012, brooch, oxidized silver, enamel on copper, 75 x 80 x 10mm, photo: Manu Ocaña
Tabea Reulecke dreamer brooch





VALENCIA … MELTING POINT – SCHMUCK 2012 in Valencia (Spain) but not only… – 4 avril-7 mai 2012

Classé dans : Anne WIEDAU (DE),Espagne (ES),Exposition/Exhibition,SCHMUCK / MJW (DE) — bijoucontemporain @ 22:23

VALENCIA … melting point 2012

In May, Schmuck 2012 in Valencia (Spain) … but not only ….


This academic year 2011-2012, the Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de València is celebrating the first ten years of the creation of the Department of Jewellery, independent of tha fact that the study of this discipline with its various subjects and workshops has existed for a much longer time. To mark this anniversary we have organised an ambitious programme of activities, exhibitions and talks on contemporary jewellery giving it the name MELTING POINT 2012. Joieria Contemporània València. For one week the EASD de València and indeed the whole city will be the focal point in the south of Europe for artists, designers, specialists, collectors, academics, and the general public with an interest in the field.
We are extremely grateful to all those persons and institutions wich have believed in this project and have chosen to collaborate with us. It is as well a project closely related to an event, Schmuck 2012, wich can well be called a dream made reality. Schmuck is visiting Spain for the very first time and we have succeeded in making Valencia the city wich will receive what is without a doubt the most prestigious exhibition of contemporary jewellery in Europe, wich can be viewed for two months in the MuVIM.
We believe that this discipline, as yet underestimated and with so much yet to be done in terms of development and consolidation in Spain, will benefit hugely gaining a more fully deserved recognition of the possibilities which jewellery offers as a language of the plastic arts, as well as in the area of study plans.
This celebration is clearly not without its revindication. We are asking that the different educational bodies raise the level of the study of jewellery to a parallel level as that enjoyed in other countries of a similar cultural and economic background as ours. Only thus will our professionals not need to accept inferior conditions within the European market and will we be able to erradicate the evident comparative slur. We have the human resources as well as the programmes. Now we only need the conviction and the political will. We wish to extend this revindication to the other artistic departments of Photography, Applied Arts, and Audiovisual Media. It is incomprehensible that in 2012 these fields still have not received this level of study and preparation.
For all these reasons we wish to invite you to come and acquaint yourselves with the work of so many international jewellers of both sexes who will be meeting in vlc over these days; to discover the techniques and the expressive potential of contemporary jewellery; in short, to enjoy its multiple languages. And above all, we wish to share the experience with you.
VALENCIA ... MELTING POINT - SCHMUCK 2012 in Valencia (Spain) but not only... - 4 avril-7 mai 2012 dans Anne WIEDAU (DE) 1334830224831
* 4 abril/27 mayo : Schmuck 2012
Inauguración: 4 abril, 20.00 h. Reinauguración: 5 mayo, 18 h.
MuVIM - Sala Baixa
calle Quevedo 10 – Valencia
Martes a sábado de 10.00 a 14.00 h. y de 16.00 a 20.00 h. Domingos de 10.00 a 20.00 h. Lunes cerrado.
* 3 mayo/30 mayo : 10 Anys de Joieria en l’EASD de València
Amparo de Ramón – Ana TorresAnabell BravoÁngela BermúdezAnia GubanovaAnna Maria StaianoAzahara SantoroBatiste MateuBelén BledaBelén CarrataláCelia GilConcha CarpioCristina AristoyDavid GregoriDavid MárquezDiana GarcíaEduardo TarínElena GinerEliana ArceElisa PerisElvira H. MateuElvira MelladoEsperanza PascualEsther IbáñezEva CabedoIgnacio BeldaJaime VerdésJanire RománJavier RubioJosé Luis CastañJosé MarínLaura MorenoLaura ZamoraLolo DíazLourdes BainesMaite LlopisMaría AlandesMizuho KobayashiMónica ArceNatalia SaldíasNùria BrionesRodrigo AcostaRosa María BorredáSilvia GarcíaSonia DespujolVicent GuarnerVicente LaraYolanda Ibáñez
Inauguración: 3 mayo, 20.00 h.
EASD València - Sala de Exposiciones Velluters
Pintor Domingo 20
Lunes a viernes 09.00 a 21.00 h.
* 30 marzo/15 mayo Set de València:
Comisarios: Xavier MonclùsHeidi Schechinger – -
Ángela Bermudez – Eva CabedoJosé CastanElvira H. MateuEsperanza PascualElisa PerisNeus PlaEdu Tarín
Inauguración: 30 marzo, 19.00 h. Reinauguración: 3 mayo, 17.00 h.
Centre d’Artesania Comunitat Valenciana
Hospital 7.
Lunes a viernes de 10.00 a 14.00 h y de 16.00 a 20.00 h. (31 de marzo y 1 de abril abierto).
* 3 mayo/30 mayo Projecte Sal : Hangzhou-Barcelona
Inauguración: 3 mayo, 18.00 h.
Coordinadora: Sandra Yelo
Adriana Díaz – Gina ContelMireia CruzLaura PaglieriJuliana MónacoJoana JarqueAlaitz Martínez-MarañónGloria GómezPilar RamónLaura FernándezSalima SaidSara IvorraNora CastañoBárbara RodríguezIsabel AlejoPatricia PortocarreroLaura MartínMeritxell CuevasEdwin PáezAriadna GaitánJordi AparicioSelma LealMaría NinotPatrick ÁlvarezLaura SabatésAnna MasóSònia SerranoOrtrun MeinhardMaria Josep ForcadellSandra Yelo
EASD València - Sala de Exposiciones Velluters
Pintor Domingo 20
Lunes a viernes 09.00 a 21.00 h.


* 3 mayo/3 junio Con-decorados
Comisarios: Xavier Monclùs – Heidi Schechinger
Alexander FriedrichCarlos PastorChristine GrafEdu TarínElvira H. MateuGemma DraperGisbert StachGrego GarcíaJorge ManillaKepa KarmonaKerstin ÖstbergLisa JuenMarie PendarièsMariona PirisMauricio LavayénMirei TakeuchiPeter BauhuisRamon Puig CuyàsRodrigo AcostaSarah O’HanaSylvia WalzSungho ChoTabea ReuleckeVolker Atrops
Inauguración: 3 mayo, 18.00 h.
Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias González Martí
Poeta Querol 2Martes a sábado de 10.00 a 14.00 h. y de 16.00 a 20.00 h. Domingos de 10.00 a 14.00 h. Lunes cerrado.


* 3 mayo/30 mayo Periferia-Escuelas de Joyería del Sur -
*Ar.Co Centro de Arte, Lisboa  (Portugal) Carlos Silva, Typhaine Le Monnier, Laura Rose, Gabriela Coelho, Maria Emilia Martinho, Joana Taurino, Natalia Olarte
*Escola Arsenal, Vilafranca del Penedès Eva Ortín, Alba Olivella, Dolors Serveto, Jordi Ortín
*Escola d’Art de Menorca, Maò
*Escola d’Art del Treball, Barcelona  10 de 10 Dani Fàbregues, Jordi Aparicio,Eva Moreno, Ingrid Ventura, Patrick Álvarez, María Ninot, Rosa Pascual, Sonia Salguero, Ana Parra, Sandra Yelo
*Escola Llotja, Barcelona Carles Molins, Yolanda Montoya, Sandra Torradas, Silvia Mora, Jorgelina Rodriguez, Davinia Torrija, Cindy Cerrón
*Escola Massana, Barcelona  Eva Girbes, Marta Roca, Laura Gualda, Edu López, Yaiza Alemany
*Escuela de Arte de Zaragoza, Bárbara Chanovas, Lucía Pardos, Marta Borjabad, Laura Allué
*ESD Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca Inés Martorell Medina, Francisca Barceló, Mª Magdalena Garcies Amer, Fiona Marí O’Brien, Ana Sánchez Tortosa, Marta Llorens Tascón, Cristina Bennasar, Myriam Sugasaga,  Mercedes Riquelme Piña, Antonia Arredondo
*ESAD Matosinhos, (Portugal) Liliana Guerreiro, Romeu Bettencourt, Sofía Gomes
*EASD Murcia, Ana Belén Rodríguez Egea, Carmen García Quijada, Gabriel Álvarez Pérez, Mario Ximeno, Zaida Argemí, María Teresa Cano Martínez, Cristobal Hernández Barbero, Yolanda Ros Blaya, Jonna Lindborn
*EAS Palencia, Lara Gallegos Calleja, Cristina Andrés Martín, Cruz García Rodríguez, Caridad León Díez, María Elena Larrén García, Carla Fernández Casado, María García Delgado, Esther Ovalle Oliveira, Yolanda Sierra Montoya
*EADT Tarragona Mireia Bonastre i BovéMireia Calaf, Júlia Comtpe Pàmies, Marta Arrufat, Glòria Gimènez, Imma Batalla
Inauguración: 3 mayo, 20.00 h.
EASD València - Sala de Exposiciones Velluters
Pintor Domingo 20
Lunes a viernes 09.00 a 21.00 h.
couvertureok%2521%2521 dans Espagne (ES) * 4 mayo/31 mayo Oh my!
Inauguración: 4 mayo, 18.00 h.
Institut Français
Moro Zeit 6
Lunes a viernes de 09.00 a 21.00 h. Sábados de 09.00 a 14.00 h.

voir article   VALENCIA … MELTING POINT – EXPO ‘Oh my!’ – Institut Français, Valencia (SP) – 4-31 Mai 2012


flyer+peso dans Exposition/Exhibition

* 3 mayo/3 junio Instint Col.lectiu. Bórax08001 & Viruthiers
Inauguración: 4 mayo, 19.30 h.
Centre de Cultura Contemporània Octubre (CCC Octubre)
Sant Ferran 12
Lunes a viernes de 09.00 a 21.00 h. sábados de 09.00 a 14.00 h.

* 4 mayo/7 mayo Alchimia : Hazardous Experiments
Inauguración: 4 mayo, 21.00 h.
Marqués de Caro 12
3,4,5, 6 y 7 de mayo de 10.00 a 20.00 h.

* 4 mayo/6 mayo Jewellery Laces :
Katharina Dettar, Barbora Dzuráková y Anne Wiedau
Inauguración: 4 mayo, 21.00 h.
Marqués de Caro 12
3,4,5, 6 y 7 de mayo de 10.00 a 20.00 h.

* 4 mayo/6 mayo Mostra d’Efecte : Batiste Mateu, Esperanza Pascual, Eva Cabedo, Janire Román, Laura Moreno, María AlandesSarah Robinson
Inauguración: 4 mayo, 21.00 h.
Marqués de Caro 3
3,4,5, 6 y 7 de mayo de 10.00 a 20.00 h.
voir article  VALENCIA … MELTING POINT – EXPO ‘Mostra d’Efecte’ – Valencia (ES) – 4-6 Mai 2012

  Silvia Walz
* 3 mayo /3 junio Silvia Walz: Retrospectiva 1990-2012
Inauguración: 3 mayo, 18.00 h.
Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias González Martí
Poeta Querol 2
Martes a sábado de 10.00 a 14.00 h. y de 16.00 a 20.00 h. Domingos de 10.00 a 14.00 h. Lunes cerrado.
Inauguración: 3 mayo, 18.00 h.

Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias González Martí

Poeta Querol 2
Martes a sábado de 10.00 a 14.00 h. y de 16.00 a 20.00 h. Domingos de 10.00 a 14.00 h. Lunes cerrado.
*3 mayo/3 junio Hello: Alexandra Bahlmann
Inauguración: 3 mayo, 18.00 h.
Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias González Martí
Poeta Querol 2
Martes a sábado de 10.00 a 14.00 h. y de 16.00 a 20.00 h. Domingos de 10.00 a 14.00 h. Lunes cerrado.
Alexandra Bahlmann

* 3 mayo/3 junio Cuenta Común: Kepa Karmona-Marie Pendariès
Inauguración: 3 mayo, 18.00 h.
Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias González Martí
Poeta Querol 2
Martes a sábado de 10.00 a 14.00 h. y de 16.00 a 20.00 h. Domingos de 10.00 a 14.00 h. Lunes cerrado.



Joyas sensacionales* 3 mayo/3 junio Joyas sensacionales. Taller PerillCoordinadora: Silvia Walz  –

Alicia Giráldez – Begoña PratsCarme RoherElisa PellacaniEva BurtonEva GirbesFátima TocornalLola GratacósLourdes CarmeloMontse BasoraMontserrat LacombaNicole DeusterNuria AngurenRosa NoguésSilvina RioStéphanie Barbié - Xus Anglès
Inauguración: 3 mayo, 18.00 h.
Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias González Martí
Poeta Querol 2
Martes a sábado de 10.00 a 14.00 h. y de 16.00 a 20.00 h. Domingos de 10.00 a 14.00 h. Lunes cerrado.
-> voir le « catalogo de Joyas sensacionales »
-> voir article  VALENCIA … MELTING POINT – EXPO ‘Joyas Sensacionales. Taller Perill′ – Museo Nacional de Cerámica, Valencia (Spain) – 3-27 Mai 2012


Firenze – la scuola di gioelleria ALCHIMIA – Mostra juin 2009

Les jeunes arrivent ! et ATTENTION! … ils sont doués …. !!!

Firenze. Il design del gioiello alla Galleria Alessandro Bagnai. ‘Outsider Project’ incontra la scuola di gioelleria Alchimia. (juin 2009)

« Per chi desidera distinguersi ornando il proprio corpo con originali creazioni artistiche alla Galleria Alessandro Bagnai dal 12 al 30 Giugno sono in mostra una serie di gioelli ideati e realizzati da 12 studenti della scuola ALCHIMIA di Firenze.
Si tratta di spille, orecchini, bracciali e collane composti da vari materiali: legno, carta, rame, plastica, etc. Tra assemblaggio, pittura e decorazione prendono vita forme e volumi stravaganti che a tratti rendono difficile comprendere il loro utilizzo. Niente hanno di fazioso e sofisticato. Alcuni si compongono su linee morbide ed essenziali, altri hanno forme più “colorate” adatte a coloro a cui piace farsi notare.
Quello che è interessante è che dietro a ciascun oggetto vige un messaggio. I gioielli della tedesca Anne Wiedau parlano di vita urbana (sono pezzetti di legno raccolti per strada), quelli della coreana Eun Jae Baek ricalcano forme della natura come l’albero; altri fanno riferimento al ricordo o catturano momenti di vita quotidiana come nel caso di Marina Elenskaya.
Queste creative elaborazioni dimostrano come l’arte possa risiedere non solo nelle cosa da contemplare ma anche da indossare o più in generale da usare. Come afferma Bruno Munari: “Non ci deve essere un arte staccata dalla vita: cose belle da guardare e cose brutte da usare. Se quello che usiamo ogni giorno è fatto con arte (non a caso o a capriccio) non avremo niente da nascondere
Anne Wiedau  –  Marina Elenskaya

Con il programma Outsider Project nato nel 2008 la galleria si rivolge all’ “arte pratica” o meglio all’ “inter-mondo” – come lo definisce l’ideatrice del progetto Antonella Villanova – quel luogo “outsider” in cui si incontrano arte e design, funzionalità ed artisticità.
La scuola di gioielleria ALCHIMIA, realtà situata nel cuore di Firenze, offre una valida formazione artigianale e culturale nel campo dell’oreficeria contemporanea e soprattutto un interscambio (ancora raro nel panorama fiorentino) con realtà internazionali.

Oltre a vantare l’insegnamento del famoso artista orafo Manfred Bischoff gode infatti di importanti collaborazioni con Accademie, Istituti di Formazione ed Università, in Italia e all’estero.
Michelle Kraemer (LX) –  Marianne Casmose Denning (DK)

In mostraKatharina Asam (Germania), Eun Jae Baek (S. Korea), Daniela Bensason(Israele), Marianne Casmose Denning (Danimarca), Marina Elenskaya(Russia), Katie Gruber (UK), Eugenia Ingegno (Italia), Michelle Kraemer (Lussemburgo), Angela O’Keefe (UK), Young Bin Park (Corea), Camilla Teglio (Italia), Anne Wiedau (Germania).

Alchimia de pied en cap !!
ALCHIMIA Jewellery School – là, c’est l’ecole ALCHIMIAde pied … sans cap ! :-) )
Sur cette photo : Marianne Casmose Denning (DK)Angela O’Keefe (UK) , Camilla Teglio (IT), Doris Maninger (AT), Eun jea, Marina Elenskaya (RU), Katie Gruber(UK) , Eugenia Ingegno (IT) , Michelle Kraemer (LX) !!!!!!!!! 

Firenze - la scuola di gioelleria ALCHIMIA - Mostra juin 2009 dans Angela O' KEEFE (UK) 117401 
Eun Jae Baek (S. Korea) – brooch « windy day » – silver, gold plated (Galerie Slavik)
Daniela Bensason (IL) ring
Young Bin Park (Korea) – brooch
Katie Gruber (UK) – ‘innocente’ – collana
Camilla Teglio (Italia) – ‘screenhunter ‘
Michelle Kraemer (LX)
Eugenia Ingegno  ‘ciocia’ spilla
Marina Elenskaya (Russia) ‘compressed image’
Angela O´Keefe – Rings ‘ice skating in the dark’

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