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EXPO ‘Forgotten Stones / Vergessene Steine’ – Eva Maisch’s Gallery, Würzburg (DE) – 18 Avril-23 Mai 2015

Forgotten Stones – Art Jewelry Exhibition at Eva Maisch’s Gallery

neue Ausstellung « Vergessene Steine » wird am Samstag, den 18. April eröffnet.

 Eva Maisch gallery

Wir präsentieren Arbeiten von  Adam & Stoffel, Michael Becker, Rudolf Bott, Petr Dvorak, Annette Ehinger, Dominique Labordery, Deborah Rudolph, Nils Schmalenbach und Pia Sommerlad.

Lustrous and colorful, hard and imperishable: stones have piqued people’s interest since the early days of human history, when hunters and gatherers, our early ancestors, interpreted them as gifts from the gods and attributed healing and protective powers to them – and used them as jewelry. Over the course of cultural history, people have changed their notions and interpretations of them. Precious stones appeared in legends and fairy tales, and were incorporated in the crowns of aristocrats and the jewelry of wealthy citizens. They became status symbols, an economic factor and the subject of scientific research. In our day and age, precious stones continue to play an important role as jewelry elements or investments. In contrast to conventional gem-studded jewelry, which features gemstones in classical cuts and arranged in repetitive patterns, contemporary jewelry artists are using their own individual techniques to restore the magic of gemstones.

Deborah Rudolph, Halsschmuck, JaspisDeborah Rudolph, Halsschmuck, Jaspis

Claudia Adam & Jörg Stoffel, necklace. AgateClaudia Adam & Jörg Stoffel, necklace. Agate

Michael Becker, bangle, 2010. 750 gold, dolomite, 18 × 2,8 cmMichael Becker, bangle, 2010. 750 gold, dolomite, 18 × 2,8 cm

Some of the Forgotten Stones showcased at Eva Maisch’s gallery radiate an almost weightless aura, others display a heavy, solid quality, and others again surprise the beholder with unusually imaginative cuts or their natural crystal structure. They stimulate our senses with finely engraved textures or imposing cuboidal shapes. Combined with matte gold, blackened silver or stainless steel, or spotlighted without any setting at all, they provide impressive reifications of creative freedom and individuality. With her current exhibition, the Würzburg-based gallerist and goldsmith provides insights into the work of eminent designers. They developed their individual styles while studying at art academies and universities, and have been honored with many international awards. At 7:30 p.m. on April 28 and 29, 2015, there will also be a concert with the singer and songwriter Hubert Treml (ArtAurea)

Petr Dvorak, earrings. AgatePetr Dvorak, earrings. Agate

Nils Schmalenbach seems unable to conceive jewelry without photography  Nils Schmalenbach seems unable to conceive jewelry without photography- Brosche, Achat


Annette Ehinger – boucles d’oreilles 2012 or 585, tourmaline rose, quartz enfuméAnnette Ehinger – earrings 2012 or 585, tourmaline rose, quartz enfumé 


Eva Maisch Schmuck
Sterngasse 5
97070 Würzburg


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