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EXPO ‘Anew Negotiation’ – Bilk Gallery, Manuka ACT (AU) – 27 Mars-24 Avril 2015

Bilk Gallery  & ATTA Gallery :

Anew negotiation – Thai Contemporary Jewellers

opening 6:00pm 27 March at Bilk Gallery.

Bilk Gallery is excited to invite an exhibition of work by eight contemporary Thai artists, curated by Bow Wasinondh for ATTA Gallery, Thailand’s foremost art jewellery gallery. We cannot wait to show you the work of these promising emerging and established contemporary Thai art jewellers in the upcoming exhibition Anew Negotiation: Thai contemporary wearable art. Exhibition curated by Bow Wasinondh.

ATTA Gallery & Bilk Gallery "Anew Negotiation "  (Noon Passama brooch Portrait # 3)

Exhibiting artists include:  Apinya Boonprakob — Vinit Koosolmanomai — Panjapol KulpapangkornTithi KutchamuchTaweesak MolsawatNoon PassamaRudee TancharoenAtinuj (Atty) Tantivit.

Vinit Koosolmanomai - Rough Gems.  - Anew Negotiation Vinit Koosolmanomai - Rough Gems

Vinit Koosolmanomai - Rough Gems 2013Vinit Koosolmanomai – Rough Gems 2013

  Panjapol Kulpapangkorn Brooches: 7 days a week with Assoc Prof. Wipha, 2014 Resin, gold plated copper Panjapol Kulpapangkorn Brooches: 7 days a week with Assoc Prof. Wipha, 2014 Resin, gold plated copper

 Tithi Kutchamuch Brooches: Model-With-Work, 2015 Tithi Kutchamuch Brooches: Model-With-Work, 2015

  Noon Passama portrait n°21Noon Passama brooch portrait n°21

 Taweesak Molsawat - 011 - 2014Taweesak Molsawat - 011 – 2014


Bilk Gallery
12 Palmerston Lane,
Manuka ACT 2603, Australie
Tel +61 2 6162 2761


EXPO ‘Give Me A Spoon’ – ATTA Gallery, Bangkok (Thailand) – 2 Oct.-9 Nov. 2014

Give Me A Spoon - – ATTA Gallery (Bangkok, Thailand)

« Give Me A Spoon” is the result of a challenge proposed by the curator Vipoo Srivilasa, in his residence at Canada. Vipoo Srivilasa wanted to withdraw the artists from their comfort zone, translating their practice into a new kind of work. The result are very different pieces, with a mix of techniques and processes but they’re all spoons.

Give Me A Spoon - - ATTA Gallery

 » It all started in September 2013 with my residency in Canada, where I challenged all of the residents to a spoon competition. The spoons created during this competition travelled to an exhibition in Kansas City and are now off to Boston with my OBJECT: SPOON project.
As all this was happening, ATTA Gallery saw a potential of a spoon exhibition in Bangkok.
I am excited to work with ATTA Gallery to stage an exhibition that explores the notion of spoon as wearable art. The exhibition features artists who work in different media from around the world. The idea is to challenge artists to create something that they do not normally create and exercise their creativity by translating their practice into a new kind of work. Most importantly, it is for the artists to have fun! »  Vipoo Srivilasa, Curator


Artist list

Albert Yonathan Setyawan — Atty Tantivit — Caroline Cheng — Chumpon Utayophat –  Cyrus Tang — David Clarke — Gabriella Bisetto & Christopher Boha — Jorge Manilla — Hadrian Mendoza — Louise Saxton — M.L. Pawinee Sukhaswasdi Santisiri — Marianne Hallberg — Maureen Williams — Mutlu Baskaya — Nayoung Im — Nucharin Wangpongsawasd — Poly Nikolopoulou — Pornprasert Ryo Yamazaki — Prang Lerttaweewit — Prayut Sirikul –  Simon Cottrell — Takeng Pattanopas & Pim Sudhikam – Tithi KutchamuchUlrich Reithofer — Vicki Grima — Vinit Koosolmanomai — Wasinburee Supanichvoraparch — Yiumsiri Vantanapindu — Yusee Kensaku

David Clarke, Spoon,David Clarke, Spoon - Pewter,  EPNS (Electroplated Nickel Silver Spoon)

 Jorge Manilla Spoon: Untitled, SilverJorge Manilla Spoon: Untitled, Silver

Prayut Sirikul Spoon: Embroidery Beads, silverPrayut Sirikul Spoon: Embroidery Beads, silver

Simon Cottrell Spoon: Untitled Silver +10% Zinc alloy, Monel, Recycled woven nylon cordSimon Cottrell Spoon: Untitled Silver +10% Zinc alloy, Monel, Recycled woven nylon cord

Gabriella Bisetto and Christopher Boha Spoon: Untitled Glass and magnetGabriella Bisetto and Christopher Boha Spoon: Untitled Glass and magnet

Yiumsiri Kaï Vantanapindu wearable spoonsYiumsiri Kaï Vantanapindu wearable spoons



ATTA Gallery
O.P. Garden, Unit 1109 4,6 Soi Charoenkrung 36 Charoenkrung Road,
Bangrak Bangkok,
10500, Thailand
tel + 662 238 6422





EXPO ‘Mariposa/papallona/Butterfly’ – Amaranto joies, Barcelona (ES) – 4 Avril-18 Mai 2013

Mariposa/Papallona/Butterfly - Amaranto Joies 2013


Una exposición comisariada por PHILIP SAJET
 55 creadores = 55 mariposas

Philip-Sajet-Mariposa .jpgPhilip Sajet

“There are as many butterflies as that are people, probably even many more.
Mystica tells us, that departed souls sometimes return as butterflies to comfort and reasure us.
But whatever the case, one thing is sure in this life they live short.
They are light and extremely agile and in the eyes of some are considered as very beautiful
The only animal who looks alive while not being it.
That is their tragedy. To be pinned on a board. 
The butterfly for the artist is also a metaphor for life.
How big or small, how light or heavy do you make it?
It was my personal curiosity to ask artists whose work fascinate / intrigue me to show me their Butterfly.
Yes almost as intimate as this question sounds, so intimate in a way it is.”   Philip Sajet
Petr Dvorak - Garnet/garnet/Butterfly  My garnet/garnet/titanium butterfly is a transformation of my perception of the world, my vision of impressions, desires and illusions. Within each of us is a butterflyPetr Dvorak - Garnet/garnet/Butterfly 
My garnet/garnet/titanium butterfly is a transformation of my perception of the world, my vision of impressions, desires and illusions. Within each of us is a butterfly
Peter Skubic - Butterfly  2013
Peter Skubic - Butterfly  2013
The pieces is a butterfly in my still. It means the reflecting steel-sheats makes the piece as well as invisible,
because mirrors are invisible. You can only see the reflection of the surface and the colour and imagine spaces.
I make it from a suggestion of Philip Sajet.
Patrícia Domingues  Descanso  Fotografía Manuel OcañaPatricia Domingues  Descanso – broche Fotografía Manuel Ocaña
 Ramon Puig Cuyás “Rerum natura I” Ramon Puig Cuyàs – “Rerum natura I”
 Vera Siemund Vera Siemund
I always liked to mix different quotations in my pieces.

To do a butterfly seemed to be very easy, but suddenly this insect really gave me problems. It became so serious but at the same time too sweet. I had to leave nature immediately and go back to the topics I am familiar with.
 Manon Van Kouswijk Butterfly. Originally made for the 10 year anniversary of PEAH, a jewellery label run by Felix Lindner and Samantha Font-Sala.Manon Van Kouswijk Butterfly.
Originally made for the 10 year anniversary of PEAH, a jewellery label run by Felix Lindner and Samantha Font-Sala.
Fanny Agnier ButterflyFanny Agnier Butterfly
Philip-SajetPhilip Sajet
Andrea Wagner - Lepidoptera Reef Enclave Andrea Wagner – Lepidoptera Reef Enclave
Lisa WalkerLisa Walker
 Robean  Visschers Butter Fly Robean Visschers – butter-fly brooch
As a child I was already wondering how « things » got their name. Sometimes a word or a name is a combination of 2 or more words. also in the case of the Butterfly. Why?? I combined a pack of butter with a fly. Quess what? It doesnt look like a butterfly. For me its a strang name for a beautiful animal.
Silvia Walz Morpho con alas desplegadasSilvia Walz -   Morpho con alas desplegadas –
El morpho es una mariposa azul que vive la mayor parte del tiempo en el bosque con las alas plegadas. Sin embargo cuando esta en búsqueda de compañero, sale de su escondite, desplega las alas y vuela en lo alto.
Atty Tantivit - Lepidopterophobia
Atty Tantivit – Lepidopterophobia
Gregory LarinGregory Larin
Florie DupontFlorie Dupont
 Eva Burton Heteroneuma  Eva Burton Heteroneuma
Tabea-ReuleckeTabea Reulecke
Beate Klockmann  Gold ButterflyBeate Klockmann   Gold Butterfly
Grego GarcíaGrego García
 Edu Tarin Alas

Edu Tarin  – Alas
La crisálida dejó su esqueleto olvidado para ver nacer las alas de mariposa. Alas que llevará a través del viento. Alas que el cuerpo posee y que maneja a su antojo.
Chang Wei Hsuan Chang Wei Hsuan
 Manuel Vilhena    brooch Manuel Vilhena  The brooch comes with a book, The book is (ia a way) the statement for the piece. Fotografía Neumuller
Surasekk Yushiwat Butterfly Effect. The keyword of this product come from question “Butterfly colors this world but how they color anyone who wear t-shirts ?”. The graphic of butterfly effect come from difference movements during daily routine activity of wearer in each days, so there are no cliché graphical.Surasekk Yushiwat Butterfly Effect. The keyword of this product come from question “Butterfly colors this world but how they color anyone who wear t-shirts ?”. The graphic of butterfly effect come from difference movements during daily routine activity of wearer in each days, so there are no cliché graphical.


Amaranto joies
Sant Domènec 23
08012 Barcelona
tel. 93 217 14 40




SIERAAD Art Fair, international jewellery design fair – Amsterdam (NL) – 4-7 Nov 2010


list of participants 2010


« People wear jewellery for very different reasons – from habit or from a form of self- respect, when one has to dress for a certain occasion, but also in memory of a beautiful moment or a certain person. Jewellery is also worn simply because one is happy to be alive, from the need for something new and in anticipation of things to come. Just as people wear jewellery for different reasons, they also differ in taste and physical appearance. Some people can spend more money on jewellery than others. But where is a contemporary selection to be found that, as far as diversity is concerned, surpasses all other forms of presentations in the way of ideas, materials and price range?

SIERAAD Art Fair, international jewellery design fair - Amsterdam (NL) - 4-7 Nov 2010 dans Alexa-Maria KLAHR (DE) sieraad2

SIERAAD was set up in 2001 as a platform for people who have chosen a fantastic profession in which they can realize all their ideas but who, being self- employed, have only limited possibilities to put their work on the market. The need for such a platform is apparent from the growing number of participants from many different countries who would like to present themselves. This year the work of independent jewellery designers from more than ten countries will be on show. The direct confrontation with the public does not only serve a necessary, economic purpose – it may also result in some feedback regarding the content of their work, which in turn may lead to new developments.
Realizing this edition of SIERAAD Art Fair means that the ideal form of the fair has been realized at the same time. With its characteristic outline and beautiful open space the former gasholder on the premises of the Amsterdam WesterGasfabriek is the right spot with the right atmosphere. The location is spacious enough to create an individual place for each designer while still maintaining the coherence. The fair displays jewellery in all its manifestations and furthermore, presents a small number of goldsmiths that design silver plate.

What goes for vases or paintings goes for jewellery as well – enough is never really enough. Obligations and restrictions are self-imposed values. What really matters is the joy that can be experienced from a work of art. Apart from the wealth of forms and colours, what is especially important are the associations one may have with it and the way one can live with it. That is why the fair is just as interesting for people who seldom buy jewellery as for collectors of these items of cultural significance. Unique objects in a variety of price ranges are to be found here as well as jewellery made in small numbers.
By means of a few centrally located presentations the range of the concept ’jewellery’ is shown. This year it will be an exhibition in which jewellery designers write history, entitled “Medieval Mystery solved”. Jewellery can also symbolize loss and sorrow, which becomes clear from the impact of “Bomb Wreck Jewellery”. As organisers of this fair, Astrid Berens and Maarten Bodt are aware that an increase in new talent is crucial for the profession of jewellery design. Therefore, this year they offer space to students of the section Jewellery & Product Design of the College of Arts in Maastricht. Using new computer technology jewellery designers associated with the Formativ from Düsseldorf make unexpected possibilities and jewellery tailored to the individual visible and tangible. For those who want to increase their knowledge about jewellery there will also be a stand with books on this subject.
In short, everybody can find something to his liking on this edition of SIERAAD Art Fair, if only, for starters, a personal remembrance of this confrontation with the many-sidedness of contemporary jewellery
. »
(Marjan Unger, art historian and publicist)

 dans Anat SAPIR (IL)


02pet_ringe dans Annika PETTERSSON (SE)
Alexa-Maria Klahr (DE)

Anat Sapir Glass Jewellery Design
Anat Sapir - glass jewelry
Christiane Köhne (DE) - Brosche ‘rosa Fischernetz’ plastikblumen

Dorit Schubert
Dorit Schubert (DE)

 dans Atty TANTIVIT (Thai.)
Fabienne Vuilleumier (FR) – ‘Villa Dutoit’ bracelet

H.H. Huang
Hsiu-Hsuan Huang Painted Necklace, 2007 (Turquoise, canvas, oil paint)

Isabell Schaupp
Isabell Schaupp

Jacomijn van der Donk
Jacomijn van der Donk

Julia Funk, Kragen, 'Die Orientierungslose'
Julia Funk (DE), Kragen, ‘Die Orientierungslose’

006 dans Carolina GIMENO (Chili)
Malu Berbers

Nora Rochel (DE)

01_3772 dans Christiane KOEHNE (DE)
Ramjuly‘  (Emanuela Deyanova & Antoaneta Petrova) – rings

Sally Collins
Sally Collins (UK) ‘Make Do And Mend’ collection

 dans Denise Julia REYTAN (DE)
Stephanie Hensle (DE) – brooch-  iron, silver plated with magnetic plastic gemstones

Tamara Grüner
Tamara Grüner

silberdisctnecklacecollction dans Dora HARALAMBAKI (GR)

Tove Rygg (CH)




Uli Rapp (NL)

Ute Decker Sculptural jewellery
Ute Decker

con_blausilb dans Dorit SCHUBERT (DE)
Uta Knoop (DE) ‘confetti’ necklace


Starting with the fourth edition, New Traditional Jewellery (NTJ) will become a biennial event. The three preceding editions of this international design contest and the ensuing travelling exhibitions have been proof of the success of this project and its right to exist. The quality requirements as to the nature and scope of and entries for the event are becoming increasingly strict. In order to meet these requirements in a professional manner NTJ will become a biennial design contest.
The next edition will be in 2010. For the design contest and exhibition 2010 the technical jury of New Traditional Jewellery (NTJ) has chosen the theme ‘True Colours’ because literally as well as figuratively this theme offers considerable scope for inspiration.
The 2010 theme: ‘True Colours’
Showing your true colours means that you show what your real attitudes and qualities are. You can approach True Colours from a social perspective; society is full of topical colour coding. Other examples may be found in heraldry, folklore and science.
True Colours refers to colours and pigments. Over the centuries the palette of art history has been determined by precious mineralogical and biological pigments that were obtained from ground semi-precious stones, processed metals, and earth, seeds and plants – materials that did not always bear the test of time; in the course of time white lead e.g. turned black.
The link between the theme ‘True Colours’ and contemporary jewellery design is obvious. From time immemorial the significance and appreciation of jewellery have pre-eminently been determined by colour.
From the use of gold or silver to enamels and mineralogical and biological stones: colour is a language. In the seventies and eighties it became manifest how rich this language is. The application of textiles and Perspex in jewellery led to a new form language and use of colour – an important stage in the emancipation of contemporary jewellery design.
True Colours is about the history, meaning, value, magic and power of the language of colour.
The importance of NTJ
For every edition of New Traditional Jewellery an inspiring theme is chosen. Participants are challenged to reshape historical or traditional jewellery. They do not submit just their design – they must also submit pictures and information about the historical or traditional ornament on which their concept is based.
This is the characteristic added value of NTJ: past and present are bridged by artists in a very personal way. A technical jury selects fifty to seventy designs which are on show in an exhibition during the SIERAAD fair, where the winners of NTJ are also officially announced.
When taking part in this contest, jewellery designers from all over the world make use of a new platform where they give shape to their vision of a tradition and a theme. This design contest and the ensuing travelling, international exhibition have become a showcase for developments in contemporary jewellery in the new millennium.
Foundation Art in Business is the initiator of New Traditional Jewellery. Its objective is the promotion of knowledge and appreciation of the art of jewellery in the business world, among private individuals and civil authorities. In this ways FAB wants to bridge the gap between artists and buyers and between tradition and today’s world.

NTJ list of  NOMINEES for 2010

…. among them : Annika Pettersson (SE), Denise Julia Reytan (DE), Floor Mommersteeg (NL), Giovanni Sicuro (IT), Isabell Schaupp (DE), Kirsten Spuijbroek (NL), Tamara Grüner (DE), Thea Clark (US), Willemijn de Greef (NL), Atty Tantivit (Thailand), Carolina Gimeno (Chile), Dora Haralambaki Greece, Fabrizio Tridenti (IT), Vivi Touloumidi (GR), Nicolas Cheng (SE) ………………

Amanda CainesCarolina Gimeno
Amanda Caines (UK)                   —                          Carolina Gimeno (Chili)

36372_133554079997760_129993013687200_284590_1354199_n dans Eily O'CONNELL (IRL)
Dora Haralambaki (Greece) – ceramic jewellery
Nicolas Cheng – ‘The Beauty of Nothingness’
- brooch – loofah, sponge, cotton



Haarlemmerweg 8-10
1014 BE – Amsterdam (Netherlands/Hollande)
Tel : 00 31 (0)33 4337009


EXPO ‘Jewelry as we know it’ – ATTA Gallery, Bangkok (Thailand) – 25 Aout-10 Oct. 2010

ATTA Gallery, the first gallery specialized in Art and Contemporary jewelry in Bangkok, Thailand, to be opened on August 25, 2010.


bijoux de :
* « La Chiocciolina » jewelry by Atty Tantivit (Atinuj Tantivit aka Atty Tantivit) 
* Nutre Arayavanish (Thailand)
* Rudee Tancharoen (Thailand)
* Shu-Ping  Joanne Huang (Taiwan)
* Taweesak Molsawat (Thailand)
* Thossapol Wachiradisai («  Todesire » jewelry)

EXPO 'Jewelry as we know it' - ATTA Gallery, Bangkok (Thailand) - 25 Aout-10 Oct. 2010 dans Atty TANTIVIT (Thai.) b07-08-09-00-02-36-1b05-07-09-12-20-40-1 dans Exposition/Exhibition
Atty Tantivit – « La Chiocciolina » – ‘Wonder woods’ brooch 2009
Atty Tantivit – « La Chiocciolina » – ‘Studded bar’ series ring – sterling, gold rivets – 2005

5046_91589010997_650910997_2049427_1844403_n dans Gal. Atta (Thailand)
Atty Tantivit – « La Chiocciolina » – Signature Twist Bangles

Blossoming1 dans Joanne Huang SHI-PING (Taiwan)
Rudee Tancharoenpendant ‘It’s full moon tonight’ 2007silver, cotton thread, tint rope
(encore une ex-Alchimia ! :-)   )

jwlrudee14 dans KOOKMIN University (KR)jwlrudee13 dans Nutre ARAYAVANISH (Thai.)
Rudee Tancharoenring/ surgical cotton thread 18k yellow gold ring sewing needle/ 2006
Rudee Tancharoenbracelet/ surgical cotton gold thread/ 2006

necklace02 dans Rudee TANCHAROEN (Thai.)
(Shu-Ping)  Joanne Huang (Taiwan) – cover & discover – Silver, PVC sheet, silk

19-10-09-16-35-17-s dans Taweesak MOLSAWAT (TH)
Taweesak Molsawat (Tim) (Thailand) – ring
Taweesak Molsawat

02-01-09-22-31-06-s dans Thailande
Thossapol Wachiradisai («  Todesire » jewelry) (Thailand)


ATTA Gallery
OP Garden, Unit 1109,
Bangkok, Thailand


Thailande et bijou contemporain « last news »:
- web site ‘TANIM »
- galerie ATTA
- « Thailand Jewelry » blog   (mouais ……)
- Metalwork & jewelry Kookmin University


Valérie Salvo |
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