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Melting Point 2016 VALENCIA (Spain) – EXPO ‘Página en blanco / Página em branco’ – Centre del Carme, Valencia (SP) – 21-24 Avril 2016

Página en blanco / Página em branco

A group of Portuguese and Spanish artists will show the process from the blank page to the final piece. Meet you all at Centre del Carme !!

Exposición de un grupo de artistas portugueses y españoles con motivo del Melting Point 2016.

Melting Point Valencia 2016

 ... y los participantes son... Aida Cabo, Andrea Coderch Valor, Auba Pont, Carlos Silva, Cata Gibert, Gabriela Coelho Jewellery, Isabel Tristan, Joana Taurino, Maria Saura Estruch, Tania Gil, Telma Simoes y Valentim Quaresma - - X:

y los participantes son…
Aida Cabo –  Andrea Coderch Valor –  Auba Pont –  Carlos Silva –  Cata Gibert —   Gabriela CoelhoIsabel Tristan –  Joana Taurino –  Maria Saura Estruch –  Tania Gil –  Telma Simoes –  Valentim Quaresma

« El proceso de creación empieza siempre con una « página en blanco ».
Un espacio vacío que, poco a poco, es transformado hasta que toma su forma final.
Objetos, fotografías, dibujos, … que hayan sido fuente de inspiración, o, que hayan formado parte de la ejecución de las piezas que se muestran, servirán para reflejar los diversos procesos creativos de cada uno de los artistas. »



Centre del Carme
Calle Museo, 2.
Centralita: 963152024



During SCHMUCK 2015 – EXPO ‘En Tránsito’ – Cervantes Institute, Munich (DE) – 11-15 Mars 2015

« En Tránsito »

EASD València and Escola Massana Barcelona at Cervantes Institute in Munich

Vernissage: 12 March 2015.  4 pm

Organisation:  Silvia Walz  and  Heidi Schechinger

En Tránsito. EASD València and Escola Massana

« Transition is a never-ending movement, a perpetual passing by without stopping. The artistic creation process is a walk along unforeseen and unknown paths. A jewel is an object in transition, especially when it leaves its ornamental function and becomes an artistic work piece, when it acquires the strength to move us, when it sets in motion the symbolic being that lies within us. » Ramon Puig Cuyas.

En Tránsito. EASD València and Escola Massana Barcelona at Cervantes Institute in Munich -  Exhibition  /  11 Mar 2015  -  15 Mar 2015  [Rodrigo Acosta brooch "Ritmo cardiaco", EASD València]Rodrigo Acosta brooch « Ritmo cardiaco », EASD València


Artist List EASD València:
Amparo De Ramón Ángela BermúdezAnna Maria StaianoAránzazu Sainz  — Azahara SantoroBeatriz DíazTina LeónEdu TarínElvira H. MateuElvira MelladoErika JordánEsperanza PascualJosé Antonio MolinaMarie PendarièsMónica ArceMyriam Moreno Natalia ArayaLaura Guillot Laura SalgueroRodrigo Acosta Rosa BorredáSue Ibars.

Artist List Escola Massana:
Auba Pont Alicia GiraldezCarla Garcia Carme RoherClara Niubó — Diogo Alves — Eva BurtonEva Girbes Fatima TocornalGastón Rois – Gemma CanalLola Gratacós Lourdes CarmeloMaría DiezMontse BasoraNatsumi KaiharaNoelia Sanchez Nicole Deuster Nuria AngurenSandra LlusàPilar Cotter Xus Anglès.

 Rodrigo Acosta, EASD València  Rodrigo Acosta, EASD València- broche « Ritmo cardiaco » 2014

Eva Burton, Escola Massana  Eva Burton, Escola Massana 

Elvira Mellado, EASD València  Elvira Mellado, EASD València

Lourdes Carmelo, Escola Massana Lourdes Carmelo, Escola Massana

Diego Alves, Escola Massana  Diogo Alves, Escola Massana (« Observatório utópico » – Brass, copper, silver)

Rosa Borredá, EASD València Rosa Borredá, EASD València

Elvira H. Mateu, EASD València Elvira H. Mateu, (detalle) EASD València

Myriam Moreno -   Three brooches/objects from "Lo aprehendido".  Photo: Borja Pascual Myriam Moreno -   Three brooches/objects from « Lo aprehendido ».  Photo: Borja Pascual

« Transitar es un estado de contínuo movimiento, un pasar perpetuo, sin detenerse. El proceso de la creación artística es un transitar por territorios imprevistos y no conocidos antes. La joya es un objeto de tránsito, sobre todo cuando abandona su función decorativa y se convierte en objeto artístico, cuando adquiere la fuerza para conmovernos, cuando pone en movimiento a nuestro ser simbólico que todos llevamos con nosotros« . Ramon Puig Cuyàs Escola Massana (Barcelona)

« Si marcamos sobre un mapa el recorrido de nuestros pasos por este mundo desde el día en que nacimos, nos saldrán un montón de garabatos apretujados alrededor de unos pequeños nodos y algunas líneas más sinuosas, largas o cruces. Uno, nos ha conducido a la escuela, donde estamos en tránsito hacia la experiencia en nuestro quehacer como joyeros, pero ahora, es esta exposición de nuestras creaciones, prueba de ese viaje extraordinario que nos lleva hasta una nueva encrucijada en nuestra trayectoria: Schmuck München ». Kepa Karmona EASD València


  presentation of BOOK "ECLAT - Masters of the new jewelry design" by Carlos Pastor, friday March 15, 17h, at Instituto CervantesPpresentation of BOOK « ECLAT – Masters of the new jewelry design » by Carlos Pastor, friday March 15, 17h, at Instituto Cervantes



Instituto Cervantes Munich
Alfons-Goppel-Str. 7
80539 -  Munich
Phone: 49 89 29 07 18 41



SCHMUCK 2014 – 66th International Trade Fair, Munich – 12-18 Mars 2014

Schmuck ‘2014
55th Special Jewellery Show
66th International Trade Fair, Munich
de 12 Mar a 18 Mar 2014


This special exhibition is the eldest exhibition of contemporary jewellery work in the world. It takes place since 1959 every year during the International Trade Fair in March. Except the transport cost until Munich the participation in the special show is free of charge for you. Three contributions of Schmuck 2013 will be awarded with the Herbert Hofmann Prize. The prize commemorates Dr. Herbert Hofmann, the founder of the special show in 1959. In addition the jury of the Bavarian States Prize will look at the works in the special show. The Bavarian States Prize is awarded to 10 contri-bution of applied art within all contribution of the International Trade Fair. This prize is awarded with 5.000€.

More than 552 goldsmiths from 43 countries around the globe applied to participate in the special “Schmuck” (Jewellery) show at the International Crafts Fair in Munich next year. This great interest once again confirms the importance of this event in the context of contemporary jewellery-making and the significance attached to it worldwide. An above-average number of applications were received this year from Australia, Japan and Taiwan, but also from New Zealand and Argentina, the latter having been among the applicants for only a few years now. The selection for 2014 was made especially interesting thanks to the many new exhibitors nominated by the curator Jorunn Veiteberg of Copenhagen. Unusually, “Jewellery 2014” features over 25 new exhibitors, who will be represented in this renowned exhibition for the first time.

For the year 2014, a total of 66 participants from 25 nations were invited to exhibit. Numerically most strongly represented are goldsmiths from Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, Australia, Denmark and Sweden. The applicants grow younger by the year, an indicator that even before or immediately after finishing their training goldsmiths seek to compete in our special show, present their work to an interested public, experts, gallery owners and museum curators, and rapidly find their way into the jewellery avant-garde. “Jewellery” is an important venue for making a name for oneself in international goldsmiths’ circles, establishing contacts, and not least, witnessing the award of the prestigious Herbert Hofmann Prize on Saturday.

The special “Jewellery” show is characterized by the choice of certain themes which, in the eyes of curator Jorunn Veiteberg, represent salient traits of current jewellery design. As signs of our times and selection criteria, she sees found objects of metal or wood, things that bear definite marks of use, materials that speak an expressive, earthy language, forms and structures reminiscent of architecture, as well as masks, a tendency to mysticism, and forceful color schemes.

Honored as next year’s Modern Classic will be Dorothea Prühl, a goldsmith who lives in Halle. A teacher at Burg Giebichenstein Art College, she not only helped shape an entire generation of young goldsmiths but, over and above her teaching activity, has created an admirable, original oeuvre that holds a very special place within contemporary jewellery design.

Curator of “Jewellery 2014” is Jorunn Veiteberg, a Norwegian art historian who lives in Copenhagen. An arts journalist and exhibition curator, Veiteberg has taught since 2002 at the National Academy in Bergen, Norway. Since 2013 she has been guest professor at the University of Göteborg, Sweden, and chairwoman of the Norwegian Crafts Association. She has published in the fields of contemporary jewellery and ceramics. Veiteberg says it was a great honor for her to make the selection for “Jewellery 2014.” She was especially impressed by the quality of the submissions and their international range. For her as a Scandinavian, it was an enriching experience to see so many submissions from South Korea, Japan, Argentina, the U.S., and many other countries from around the world.

The Handwerkskammer organizes the special shows Exempla, Talente, Modern Masters and Schmuck at the International Handwerksmesse München with the Herbert-Hofmann-Award 2014 ceremony on Saturday 15th March at 4 p.m. We will show in our Galerie Handwerk the exhibition WUNDERRUMA – Jewellery from New Zealand.


Program HERE


Patrícia Domingues – Reconstructed MaterialPatrícia Domingues – Reconstructed Material 

Anne Achenbach (DE) — Tobias Alm (SE) — Sawa Aso (JP) — Rut-Malin Barklund (SE) — Peter Bauhuis (DE) — Nicole Beck (DE) — Alexander Blank (DE) — Iris Bodemer (DE) — Bas Bouman (NL) — Sungho Cho (KR) — Eunmi Chun (KR) — Kat Cole (USA) — Annette Dam (DK) –  Rian de Jong  (NL) — Laura Deakin (AU) — Peter Deckers  (NZ/NL) — Paul Derrez (NL) — Bin Dixon-Ward (AU) — Georg Dobler (DE) — Iris Eichenberg (NL/USA/D) — Réka Fekete (HU) — Benedikt Fischer (AT) — Kyoko Fukuchi (JP) — Antje Godglück (NL/D) — Andi Gut(DE) — Gésine Hackenberg  (NL/D) — Cecilia Hecker (RA) — Hanna Hedman (SE) — Akihiro Ikeyama (JP) — Karin Johansson (SE) — Mareike Kanafani (DK) — Beppe Kessler (NL) — Ulrike Kleine-Behnke (DE) — Jun Konishi (JP) — Manon van Kouswijk (NL/AU) — Marie-Louise Kristensen (DK) — Daniel Kruger (DE) — Dongchun Lee (KR) — Sally Marsland (AU) — Sharon Massey (USA) –  Yutaka Minegishi  (JP/DE) — Shelley Norton (NZ) — Maria Nuutinen (FI) — Kristi Paap (EE) – Noon Passama (TH/NL) — Ruudt Peters (NL) — Lina Peterson (GB) — Nicole Polentas (AU) — Jo Pond (GB) — Auba Pont (ES) — Tabea Reulecke (DE) — Patricia Rodriguez (RA) — Mette Saabye  (DK) — Karin Seufert (DE) — Despo Sophocleous (CA/DE) — Christoph Straube (DE) — Jie Sun (CN) — Fumiki Taguchi (JP) — Anna Talbot (NO) — Sabina Tiemroth (RA) — Karola Torkos (DE) — Karen Vanmol (BE) — Gabi Veit (IT) — Andrea Wagner (NL) — Florian Weichsberger (DE/I) — Wen-Miao Yeh (TW)

Retrospektive bei Schmuck 2014: Dorothea Prühl, Deutschland


SCHMUCK 2014 – OFFICIAL SELECTION – (Munich, Germany) – 12-18 Mars 2014

Schmuck 2014déjà ! … encore !! ……


Place: Willy Brandt Allee 1 (Munich, Germany)
Management: Wolfgang Lösche
12.Mar.2014 – 18.Mar.2014

Schmuck 2014 - déjà ! encore !!  Place: Willy Brandt Allee 1 (Munich, Germany) Management: Wolfgang Lösche 12.Mar.2014 - 18.Mar.2014  website: www.hwk-m...
More than 552 goldsmiths from 43 countries around the globe applied to participate in the special “Schmuck” (Jewellery) show at the International Crafts Fair in Munich next year. This great interest once again confirms the importance of this event in the context of contemporary jewellery-making and the significance attached to it worldwide. An above-average number of applications were received this year from Australia, Japan and Taiwan, but also from New Zealand and Argentina, the latter having been among the applicants for only a few years now. The selection for 2014 was made especially interesting thanks to the many new exhibitors nominated by the curator Jorunn Veiteberg of Copenhagen. Unusually, “Jewellery 2014” features over 25 new exhibitors, who will be represented in this renowned exhibition for the first time.
For the year 2014, a total of 66 participants from 25 nations were invited to exhibit. Numerically most strongly represented are goldsmiths from Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, Australia, Denmark and Sweden. The applicants grow younger by the year, an indicator that even before or immediately after finishing their training goldsmiths seek to compete in our special show, present their work to an interested public, experts, gallery owners and museum curators, and rapidly find their way into the jewellery avant-garde. “Jewellery” is an important venue for making a name for oneself in international goldsmiths’ circles, establishing contacts, and not least, witnessing the award of the prestigious Herbert Hofmann Prize on Saturday.
Selected Artists: Anne Achenbach, DE –  Tobias Alm, SE – Sawa Aso, JP — Rut-Malin Barklund, SE — Peter Bauhuis, DE — Nicole Beck, DE — Alexander Blank, DE — Iris Bodemer, DE — Bas Bouman, NL  — Sungho Cho, KR — Eunmi Chun, KR –  Kat Cole, USA – Annette Dam, DK — Rian de Jong, NL — Laura Deakin, AU — Peter Deckers, NZ/NL – Paul Derrez, NL — Bin Dixon-Ward, AU — Georg Dobler, DE — Iris Eichenberg, NL/USA/DE — Réka Fekete, HU — Benedikt Fischer, AT — Kyoko Fukuchi, JP — Antje Godglück, NL/DE — Andi Gut, DE — Gesine Hackenberg, NL/DE — Cecilia Hecker, Arg. — Hanna Hedman, SE — Akihiro Ikeyama, JP — Karin Johansson, SE — Mareike Kanafani, DK — Beppe Kessler, NL — Ulrike Kleine-Behnke, DE — Jun Konishi, JP — Manon van Kouswijk, NL/AU — Marie-Louise Kristensen,DK — Daniel Kruger, Südafrika/DE — Dongchun Lee, KR — Sally Marsland, AU — Sharon Massey, USA – Yutaka Minegishi, JP/DE — Shelley Norton, NZ — Maria Nuutinen, FI — Kristi Paap, EE — Noon Passama, TH/NL — Ruudt Peters, NL — Lina Peterson, GB — Nicole Polentas, GR/AU — Jo Pond, GB — Auba Pont, ES – Tabea Reulecke, DE — Patricia Rodriguez, Arg. — Mette Saabye, DK — Karin Seufert, DE — Despo Sophocleous, CA/DE — Christoph Straube, DE — Jie Sun, CN — Fumiki Taguchi, JP — Anna Talbot, NO — Sabina Tiemroth, Arg. — Karola Torkos, DE — Karen Vanmol, BE — Gabi Veit, IT — Andrea Wagner, NL — Florian Weichsberger, DE/IT — Wen-Miao Yeh, TW
Retrospektive bei Schmuck 2014: Dorothea Prühl, Deutschland
Honored as next year’s Modern Classic will be Dorothea Prühl, a goldsmith who lives in Halle. A teacher at Burg Giebichenstein Art College, she not only helped shape an entire generation of young goldsmiths but, over and above her teaching activity, has created an admirable, original oeuvre that holds a very special place within contemporary jewellery design.
The special “Jewellery” show is characterized by the choice of certain themes which, in the eyes of curator Jorunn Veiteberg, represent salient traits of current jewellery design. As signs of our times and selection criteria, she sees found objects of metal or wood, things that bear definite marks of use, materials that speak an expressive, earthy language, forms and structures reminiscent of architecture, as well as masks, a tendency to mysticism, and forceful color schemes.
Willy Brandt Allee 1 (Munich, Germany)
Management: Wolfgang Lösche
12.Mar.2014 – 18.Mar.2014


EXPO ‘WOOD’ – Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco (USA) – 9 Mai-17 Juin 2012


Jewelry by Twenty-Six International Artists

WOOD seeks to explore the exciting new jewelry using wood as the primary material. Ideas of sustainability, preciousness and the sensuality of this humble material are the focus of this new exhibition.

 WOOD - Velvet da Vinci

Participating artists:
Agelio Batle, USA • Garry Knox Bennett, USA • Daniel DiCaprio, USA • Thomas Gentille, USA • Katy Hackney, UK • Julia Harrison, USA • Sachiyo Higaki, Japan • Tom Hill, UK/USA • Leonor Hipólito, Portugal • Deukhee Ka, Korea • Kenta Katakura, Japan • Djurdjica Kesic, Yugoslavia/Australia • Beppe Kessler, Netherlands • Edgar Mosa, USA • Nick Mullins, USA • Jacob Nyberg, Sweden • Gitte Nygaard, Denmark • Lina Peterson, UK • Auba Pont, Spain • Fliss Quick, UK • Gustav Reyes, USA • Catherine Truman, Australia • Julia Turner USA • Flóra Vági, Hungary • Manuel Vilhena, Portugal • Luzia Vogt, Switzerland
Kenta Katakura African Black Wood Ring.  Currently (at time of posting) in the Velvet Da Vinci Wood Exhibition.
Kenta Katakura African Black Wood Ring
Lina Peterson  Brooch: Bud 2012  Wood, paint, white precious metal
 Lina Peterson « Bud » Brooch
  LEONOR HIPÓLITO -  Bambusa Ventilus" Buttonhole Object
Leonor Hipólito: « Bambusa Ventilus » Buttonhole Object
Leonor Hipólito : «Brassica Metriculus» Neckpiece
Leonor Hipólito: « Brassica Metriculus » Neckpiece
Gitte Nyggard 'M-J's WeddingThing'  (Velvet da Vinci "wood" exhibition)
Gitte Nyggard « M-J’s Wedding Thing » Ring/Object
Beppe Kessler "Equilibre" Necklace.  Velvet Da Vinci's Wood exhibition.Beppe Kessler « Equilibre » Necklace
Catherine Truman "Black Drape" Brooch
Catherine Truman « Black Drape » Brooch & « White Bag » Brooch
Sachiyo Higaki - necklace (wood, thread) 2010
Sachiyo Higaki Necklace
All Images From WOOD | Velvet da Vinci  - Sachiyo Higaki Brooch: Untitled 2010 Ebony, milky quartz
Sachiyo Higaki  Brooch: Untitled 2010 Ebony, milky quartz
Nick Mullins "Hand" Brooch (back)
Nick Mullins « Hand » Brooch (back)
Thomas Hill: "Fish Skeleton" Breast Plate
Thomas Hill: « Fish Skeleton » Breast Plate
"Ad Idem" by Gustav ReyesGustav Reyes « Ad Idem » Ring #1
 Daniel Di Caprio "Stubble" Necklace
Daniel Di Caprio « Stubble » Necklace
Daniel DiCaprio mutation brooch (Velvet da Vinci "wood" exhibition)Daniel DiCaprio mutation brooch
Auba Pont "Pendant V"
 Auba Pont « Pendant V »
 Edgar Mosa The Mountain #5 Neckpiece
Edgar Mosa « The Mountain #5″ Neckpiece
"Wish I'd joined the foreign legion", Neckpiece, 2011, Fliss Quick
Fliss Quick « Wish I’d Joined the Foreign Legion » Neckpiece
Djurdjica Kesic Pins.  Velvet Da Vinci Wood.
Djurdjica Kesic Pins
Jacob Nyberg « Reflecta » Neckpiece
 Jacob Nyberg « Reflecta » Neckpiece
Agelio Batle: Branch Necklace
Agelio Batle: « Branch » Necklace
  Julia Turner: "Blue Chop" Pendant
Julia Turner: « Blue Chop » Pendant
Flora Vagi "Red Spiral" Bracelet.  Velvet Da Vinci, Wood.
Flora Vagi « Red Spiral » Bracelet
Velvet da Vinci Gallery
2015 Polk Street
(near Broadway)
San Francisco, CA  94109
tel 415.441.0109
Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Saturday 11 to 6,  Sunday 11 to 4



EXPO ‘Young Jewellery Art from Barcelona’ – Galerie Pilartz, Cologne (DE) – 18 Sept.-5 Nov. 2011

The Escola Massana: A confectioner’s dream.

1929 – In the year of the World Exhibition in Barcelona the school first opened its doors. The wealthy confectioner Augustí Massana was its generous donor and founded the academy for design in industry and artisan craftworks. With this he anticipated the future connection of industry and arts and set on design early on.


Presenting work by:
Alejandra Solar, Auba Pont, Dalia Jurado, Gaston Rois, Begoña Prats, Trinidad Contreras, Silvia Walz, Ramon Puig Cuyás

Ramon Puig CuyàsN°1302 Net-Work Series – brooch – nickel silver
Silvia WalzBalduins Haus – brooch – silver, copper, enamel
Begoña Prats - Brooches ‘Live on Mars 3′ – Copper, paint- 2011
Dalia JuradoOnirius Pendant. Oxided alpaca and silver.
Alejandra Solar
Auba Pont – Brooch: Bi-realitas-1 – Painted wood, polyurethane resin, silver, steel



Galerie Pilartz
Zeughausstrasse 10
50667 – Cologne
Telephone: +49 (0)221-168 268 77


‘Lo LIGERO – Lo pesado’ – Taller Perill – Joyas SENSACIONALES

Je gratte et je creuse, et je cherche, encore et encore, et je découvre… oui, vraiment, des joyas (bijoux) SENSACIONALES !!

Pourquoi ? parce que j’aime chercher et découvrir, mais, surtout, je suis curieuse et très excitée : je vais rencontrer les membres du Taller Perill mercredi prochain, juste avant l’ouverture de JOYA (16-17-18 sept. à Barcelone) !! et plus je « creuse » sur ce groupe, plus de trésors il y a ! :-)


« Taller Perill es un espacio en Barcelona dedicado fundamentalmente a la joyería contemporánea desde 2008.
Se dan cursos de distintas técnicas de joyería y de libro de autor, se coordinan proyectos de creación y se utiliza de taller individualmente
El espacio está abierto a iniciativas dirigidas a desarrollar proyectos creativos personales y colectivos.« 

El Taller Perill está coordinado por Silvia Walz (Gelsenkirchen, Alemania, 1965) y compuesto por :
Lola Gratacós (Barcelona, 1954), Ana María Vicens (Barcelona 1968), Xus Anglés (Tarragona 1959), Elisa Pellacani (Reggio Emilia, Italia, 1976), Isabel Herrera (Venezuela), Diego Bisso (Livorno, Italia, 1971), Giselle Morales (República Dominicana), Fátima Tocornal, Laia Borrell (Barcelona, 1983), Eva Girbes (Granada, 1984), Lourdes Carmelo, Stéphanie Barbié, Marta Miguel (Barcelona, 1972), Nicole Deuster (Pforzheim, Alemania, 1963) y Silvina Rio (Argentina, 1970).

Este grupo de artistas, todos ellos con amplia formación en joyería y carreras profesionales de alcance internacional, se agrupan con la intención de crear lo que ellos llaman “Joyas Sensacionales” : un proyecto que nació en septiembre de 2008 y que temporada tras temporada nos ofrece la posibilidad de contemplar su más que variada producción artística bajo diferentes lemas. En 2008 fueron lo olvidado, lo raro, y lo cotidiano, y en 2009 se lanzan con lo peligroso, lo secreto y lo romántico. Este grupo de artistas apela a emociones y sensaciones mundanas y cotidianas para hacer una introspección en la joyería de autor, con una gran carga semántica y arriesgando a cada momento en sus propuestas.  (texto JOYA 2009)

Ici je vous propose une sélection « blanche et claire » issue de leur réflexion sur le thème du LIGERO/PESADO, le léger et le pesant, mais pas seulement : une ré-interprétation du travail de filigrane, travail dont vous retrouverez la totalité sur le BLOG du Taller Perill  …..

'Lo LIGERO - Lo pesado' - Taller Perill - Joyas SENSACIONALES dans Auba PONT (ES) 1Silvia+copia.psdblog

Xus Anglès
Xus Anglès

Stéphanie Barbié
Stéphanie Barbié

Rosa Nogués
Rosa Nogués

Lourdes Carmelo
Lourdes Carmelo

Lola Gratacòs
Lola Gratacos

Fatima Tocornal
Fatima Tocornal

Elisa Pelacani
Elisa Pellacani

Auba Pont
Auba Pont



Auba PONT pourrait s’appeler « ALBA » …..

Bijoux de blancheur douce, comme des bois flottés passés au lait de chaux, comme des souvenirs ressurgis, apaisants …… oui, « fue en verano », comme un regret, une nostalgie : « ce fut un été » …..
Auba Pontexposición ‘Joyas Sensacionales‘ « Lo ligero y lo pesado » (Mallorca – mai 2010)
Auba Pont – « Desde lo mas profundo »
Auba Pont « Gasterópodos »
(a la galeria « La mà de la Mar » (Andorra), inoguración de l’exposición « Lo Lejano/Lo Cercano – Lo Banal/Lo Profundo » del grupo « Joyas Sensacionales » (Silvia Walz – Taller Perill) – fevr. 2010)
Auba Pont‘fue en verano’
‘Valéry‘ , 2009 – Brooch – painted wood,silver, steel  (European Prize for Applied Arts- 2009-10)


EXPO ‘Off Massana 2010′ Escola MASSANA, Barcelona (Espagne) – 4-27 juin 2010

 The exhibition shows works by the pupils of  « OFF Massana »
The Off Massana workshops are located at El Poble Espanyol. Since 1997, these postgraduate workshops have brought together various disciplines: an interdisciplinary workshop for the visual arts, engraving, jewellery, photography and design.
Since they began, through the various types of work on offer, the annual Off Massana workshops have aimed to develop individual and/or collective projects, research and theoretical reflection in a common space, to promote a free flow between study and the world of work.

EXPO 'Off Massana 2010' Escola MASSANA, Barcelona (Espagne) - 4-27 juin 2010 dans Auba PONT (ES) offmassana2010

Participan en la exposición:
Francisca Serrano, Constanza Jarpa, Isaddora Willson, Laura Mejía, Javier Valle, Maria Souza, Javier Siquier, Pablo Kieltika, Saskia Siebe, Berta Riera, Arnie’s Love, Dani Thomàs, Beatriz Rípodas, Esther Pi, Pamela Pérez, Eva Rodríguez, Rosa Nogués, Víctor Giménez, Auba Pont, Maite Awad, Laia Adsuara, Laurent Dhermy, Kasia Harasym, Eli Pons, Marielle Debethune, Nuria Bitria, Lucie Laluque, Anna Martí, Begoña Prats, Isabelle Mayaud, Marianne Marcuse, Nicolas Dupeyron, Sarah Shmidt-Whitley.


Espai Agustí Massana
Poble Espanyol.
Avda. de Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia 13
Barcelona (España)

Escola Massana Centre d’Art i Disseny Hospital, 56. 08001 Barcelona Tel. 93 442 20 00 – Fax 93 441 78 44