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EXPO ‘20/20/20’ – Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h, Montreal (CA) – 26 Nov. 2016-25 Fevr. 2017


Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h‎ 

Inauguration vendredi 25 novembre à 17:00 – 20:00

20 Ans / 20 Artistes Canadiens / 20 Artistes Internationaux – Galerie Noel Guyomarch:

«La Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h est impliquée dans un grand dessein. Son objectif? Faire découvrir au plus grand monde qu’il existe une forme d’art que l’on peut porter» Susan Cummins, Présidente du Art Jewelry Forum, Conseillère en joaillerie pour la Fondation Rotasa.

Josée Desjardins -  Oracle, 2016 Bague en argent, orthose, porcelaine, linoleumJosée Desjardins -  Oracle, 2016 Bague en argent, orthose, porcelaine, linoleum

C’est en 1992 que Noel Guyomarc’h, alors assistant dans une bijouterie montréalaise, expérimente le choc de sa première rencontre avec le bijou contemporain. Ce jour, la créatrice québécoise Barbara Stutman présente un bracelet composé de tubes en plastique et de fil d’argent. Profondément intrigué par cette pièce unique, il cesse alors de percevoir le bijou comme un simple ornement et réalise que ce dernier peut véhiculer un message, une réflexion, et proposer une approche nouvelle, tant esthétique que conceptuelle. Au cours des années suivantes, Noel Guyomarc’h approfondit ses recherches sur le sujet et rencontre de nombreux artistes. Il n’aura dès lors de cesse de questionner le bijou et la pratique même de la joaillerie contemporaine. Il ouvre sa galerie, entièrement dédiée au bijou contemporain, en 1996. Depuis plus de 20 ans maintenant, Noel Guyomarc’h agit comme commissaire, diffuseur, promoteur et conseiller. Son expérience et son goût lui valent d’être aujourd’hui reconnu comme l’un des principaux spécialistes de la discipline au Québec et à l’international. Il a organisé plus de 90 expositions, individuelles et collectives, parfois itinérantes. Régulièrement invité en tant que jury et conférencier, il est depuis quelques années évaluateur, entre autres, pour le musée des Beaux Arts de Montréal. De par un dialogue personnel, la promotion d’expositions ou encore l’expérience d’ateliers créatifs, Noel Guyomarc’h a su accompagner et pousser les artistes dans leurs reflexions tout en leur offrant une nouvelle visibilité, à la galerie tout d’abord mais aussi sur la scène internationale comme récemment à SOFA Chicago. Questionner le bijou comme objet d’art, l’ouvrir à de nouvelles inspirations, explorer de nouvelles voies de fabrication et d’interprétation, voici quelques unes des pistes que la galerie choisit de mettre en avant. Elle valorise ainsi des artistes qui proposent une esthétique originale et innovatrice, qui questionnent le bijou, son impact, sa relation au corps, les possibilités et limites des matériaux et des techniques, et qui, en un mot, cherchent à le réinventer. D’un petit espace dans un édifice culturel rue Sainte Catherine, la galerie s’est ensuite installée au 137 avenue Laurier ouest avant de déménager Boulevard St Laurent il y a 5 ans. Elle est aujourd’hui la seule galerie dédiée uniquement à la discipline du bijou contemporain au Canada. Le 25 novembre prochain, c’est avec fierté et émotion que la galerie Noel Guyomarc’h célèbrera ses vingt années d’existence.  Une exposition anniversaire « 20/20/20 : 20 ans, 20 artistes canadiens, 20 artistes internationaux » présentera à cette occasion les travaux de plusieurs artistes avec lesquels Noel Guyomarc’h travaille régulièrement depuis des années : 20 créateurs de bijoux canadiens et 20 créateurs étrangers qui, tous, ont répondu présent à l’invitation. Ils présenteront de nouvelles pièces, spécifiquement créées pour l’exposition. Témoignage à la fois de la richesse de cette pratique artistique et de la tache colossale accomplie par Noël Guyomarc’h au cours de ces 20 dernières années, l’exposition mettra en scène des artistes reconnus internationalement comme l’espagnol Ramon Puig Cuyas, l’américaine Rebecca Hannon ou encore le canadien Paul McClure, récent récipiendaire du prestigieux Prix Saidye Bronfman, mais aussi de jeunes créateurs émergents (Gabrielle Desmarais, Silvie Altschuler, Anne-Marie Rébillard…) pour qui l’appui de Noel Guyomarc’h a été décisif.


20 Artistes Canadiens : Silvie Altschuler –  Bridget Catchpole –  Josée Desjardins –  Gabrielle Desmarais — Christine Dwane –  Anne Fauteux –  Vivienne Jones –  Janis Kerman –  Christine Larochelle – Petra Luz – Paul McClure –  Pierre-Yves Paquette –  Anne-Marie Rébillard –  Pamela Ritchie – Dorothée Rosen — Jan Smith –  Kye-Yeon Son – Despo Sophocleous –  Barbara Stutman –  Lawrence Woodford

20 Artistes Internationaux : Dina Abargil – Ela Bauer – Edith Bellod – Monika Brugger Ramon Puig Cuyas Sandra Enterline – Grego Garcia Tebar – Rebecca Hannon – Arthur Hash – Mirjam Hiller – Yu Hiraishi – Peter Hoogeboom – Yong Joo Kim Judy McCaig – Biba Schutz Silke SpitzerLuzia Vogt Andrea Wagner – Silvia Walz – Shu-Lin Wu

Bridget Catchpole, Dear, What Have You Done With Nana’s Pearl?, 2016, Perles, plastique, argent, rubanBridget Catchpole, Dear, What Have You Done With Nana’s Pearl?, 2016, Perles, plastique, argent, ruban

 Ramon Puig Cuyas -  N°1529, 2014 ‘Suite Dresden : An invisible Landscape’, nickel silver, enamelRamon Puig Cuyas -  N°1529, 2014 ‘Suite Dresden : An invisible Landscape’, nickel silver, enamel

 Silvia Walz, Wind from the South- West, 2016 Broche en acier et émail Silvia Walz, Wind from the South- West, 2016 Broche en acier et émail

 Mirjam Hiller, Arcanes cities and Landscapes, 2014 Broche en acier, titane et poudre thermoplastique Mirjam Hiller, Arcanes cities and Landscapes, 2014 Broche en acier, titane et poudre thermoplastique

Pamela Ritchie, Alien Landscape, 2016 Broche en bois, polymère, argent, peinturePamela Ritchie, Alien Landscape, 2016 Broche en bois, polymère, argent, peinture

Grego Garcia Tebar, Loro Extasiado, 2016 Pendentif en méthacrylate, plastique, argent, cristalGrego Garcia Tebar, Loro Extasiado, 2016 Pendentif en méthacrylate, plastique, argent, cristal



Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h
4836 boulevard St-Laurent
H2T 1R5 - Montreal CANADA
tel (514) 840 9362   





EXPO ‘TRANSPARENCE’ – Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h, Montréal (CA) – 25 Oct.-24 Nov. 2013


Une nouvelle exposition rassemblant 14 joailliers québécois s’installe finalement à Montréal, après un passage aux États-Unis et à Ottawa.
Dévoilement le vendredi 25 octobre dès 17h à la Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h, située au 4836, boulevard Saint-Laurent, à Montréal, l’exposition présente des œuvres inédites inspirées du thème Transparence.

vernissage Vendredi 25 octobre de 17 h à 20h
Transparence, exposition collective de 14 joailliers du Québec -  Galerie Noel Guyomarc'h

« Dans le contexte actuel, où nous sommes justement en quête de vérité et d’honnêteté, le thème Transparence s’est imposé d’emblée », explique M. Noel Guyomarc’h, propriétaire de la galerie. «La transparence, c’est aussi un éclatement des concepts qui pousse l’artiste à innover, à aborder son œuvre en élargissant le regard pour voir au-delà du simple objet. Il s’agit avant tout d’une nouvelle façon de se représenter le monde. »
Un collectif à succès
Le collectif de 14 joailliers québécois a déjà connu un vif succès dans la capitale nationale et à New York, où ils exposeront à nouveau en 2015. L’exposition Transparence sera présentée jusqu’au 24 novembre prochain à la Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h, où les visiteurs auront la chance d’admirer le travail des joailliers, de se familiariser avec cette véritable forme d’art, de même que de se procurer des pièces uniques signées par les 14 artistes réputés.
L’exposition Transparence rassemble en effet une centaine d’œuvres inédites au total. Chacune des pièces présentées a d’ailleurs été minutieusement conçue et choisie pour son caractère unique, la qualité des métaux et pierres précieuses utilisés ainsi que la démarche artistique entourant l’œuvre

Barbara Stutman - Messy Flower brooch -  Broche en fil de cuivre coloré, aimants Brooch in coloured copper wire, magnets
Barbara Stutman – Messy Flower brooch -  Broche en fil de cuivre coloré, aimants Brooch in coloured copper wire, magnets
Claudio Pino - Transparence . Collection Cristalline  Bagues en polycarbonate, or 18kt, perle / cristal de quartz, rubis // cristal de quartz, kunzite, p...Claudio Pino – Transparence . Collection Cristalline  Bagues en polycarbonate, or 18kt, perle / cristal de quartz, rubis // cristal de quartz, kunzite, perle


Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h
4836 boulevard St-Laurent,
Montréal H2T 1R5
téléphone : 514-840-9362


EXPO ‘FERROUS’ – Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco (US) – 1er Mars-14 Avril 2013

FERROUS | Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery | San Francisco -

March 1 – April 14, 2013

FERROUS | Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery | San Francisco - 	    FERROUS  March 1 - April 14, 2013(David Choi bracelet)

Jewelry in a New Iron Age by 60 International Artists

Velvet da Vinci San Francisco exhibition
March 1 – April 14, 2013
Artists’ reception Friday, March 1, 2013 from 6 to 8 p.m.

FERROUS, an exhibition of jewelry using iron, steel, and steel alloys. Although the use of iron dates back more than two thousand years, this humble material is more commonly used for agriculture and industrial purposes than adornment. A significant exception is the Berlin Iron Jewelry of the early 19th century. The Prussian Royal family funded the uprising against Napoleon by encouraging wealthy citizens to exchange their precious gold and silver for intricately fabricated iron jewelry
.Intricacy is just one aspect the 60 artists of FERROUS explore with this versatile material. Known for its strength and lightness, the steel and iron jewelry of FERROUS is both rusty and shiny, sheet and wire, bejeweled and modest. The exhibition will take place simultaneously at Velvet da Vinci Gallery in San Francisco and as a virtual exhibition at crafthaus online. In May FERROUS will travel to 18Karat Gallery in Toronto, Canada as part of The Society of North American Goldsmith’s annual conference.
Participating artists:
Nanz Aalund, USA –  Anne Achenbach, Germany –  Dauvit Alexander, Scotland –  Talya Baharal, USA –  Michael Berger, Germany –  Lisa Bjorke, Sweden –  Aaron Bray, USA –  Elizabeth Callinicos, UK –  Melissa Cameron, USA/Australia –  David Choi, USA –  Kat Cole, USA –  Dialogue Collective, UK –  Andy Cooperman, USA –  Donna D’Aquino, USA –  Jaclyn Davidson, USA –  Ann Catrin Evans, Wales –  Maureen Faye-Chauhan, Australia –  Fekete Réka, NL –  Mirla Fernandes, Brazil –  Peg Fetter, USA –  Rebekah Frank, USA –  Motoko Furuhashi, USA –  Susie Ganch, USA –  Elliot Gaskin, USA –  Janna Gregonis, USA –  Dana Hakim, Israel –  Masako Hamaguchi, UK –  Tom Hill, USA/UK –  Heejin Hwang, USA –  Rob Jackson, USA –  Mary Frisbee Johnson, USA –  Lisa Juen Sinnott, USA –  Satomi Kawai, USA –  Maya Kini, USA –  Amy Klainer, USA –  Jenny Laidlaw, UK –  Lorena Lazard, Mexico –  Roxy Lentz, USA –  Timothy Information Limited, UK –  Kasja Lindberg, Sweden –  Tara Locklear, USA –  Sarah Loertscher, USA –  Drew Markou, UK –  Judy McCaig, Spain/Scotland –  Lindy McSwan, Australia –  Chris Nelson, USA –  Iker Ortiz, Mexico –  Claudio Pino, Canada –  Jo Pond, UK –  Suzanne Pugh, USA –  Meghan Patrice Riley, USA –  Mackenzie Sala, USA –  Natasha Seedorf, USA –  Sondra Sherman, USA –  Marjorie Simon, USA –  Melissa Stiles, USA –  Barbara Stutman, Canada –  Tore Svensson, Sweden –  Sarah West, USA –  Katie Wright, UK
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Donna D’Aquino : Red/Black Necklace
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,  Helen Shirk: Neckpiece
Dauvit Alexander Post-Apocalyptic Cocktal Rings
Alexander Dauvit : Three Post-Apocalyptic Cocktail Rings
David Choi BroochDavid Choi Brooch
Maureen Faye-Chauhan Octahedral BroochMaureen Faye-Chauhan: Stainless steel Octahedral brooch
Sarah West Coney Island/RCA Brooch #%Sarah West – Coney Island/RCA Brooch
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Susie Ganch : Pendant
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,
Mirla Fernandes Eu sou a medida II/Fe (I am the measure/Fe) Necklace
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Drew Markou Rust and Space Brooch #1
Tara Locklear Faux Real KJ Lane Replica EarringsTara Locklear – Faux Real KJ Lane Replica Earrings
Marjorie Simon First Thoughts on Miami Foliage NeckpieceMarjorie Simon First Thoughts on Miami Foliage Neckpiece
Sondra Sherman Study Valeriana BroochSondra Sherman Study Valeriana Brooch
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,
Barbara Stutman Boutonniere #11
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,
Jennifer Laidlaw No use in crying over spilt milk Necklace (detail)
Lindy McSwan Day 7 NYC v2.1 and v1.2 BroochesLindy McSwan Day 7 NYC v2.1 and v1.2 Brooches
Dana Hakim My Four Guardian Angels Brooch
Dana Hakim My Four Guardian Angels Brooch
Meghan Patrice Riley Interstitial II NecklaceMeghan Patrice Riley Interstitial II Necklace
Kat Cole 405 Summit Catalog of Belongings Neckpiece
Kat Cole 405 Summit Catalog of Belongings Neckpiece
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Kat Cole The Land Below – Winter Neckpiece
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,
Sarah Loertscher Structure Neckpiece #13
Amy Klainer Safety Chain NecklaceAmy Klainer Safety Chain Necklace
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,
Suzanne Pugh Brooch
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Roxy Lentz Neckpiece
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,
 Lisa Bjorke Frigg Brooch
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Reka Fekete Juggling Brooch
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,  Lisa Juen I Make You Look Successful Brooch/Neckpiece
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,  Claudio Pino INOX Reverie Ring
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Michael Berger Kinetic Ring
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Motoko Furuhashi – Sentiment Brooch
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Timothy Information Limited -  Gone Brooch


EXPO ‘Innovation & Craftsmanship in Metal: Jewelry Artists of Québec’ – Aaron Faber Gallery, New York (US) – 4-26 Mai 2012

Aaron Faber Gallery to Host 14 of Québec’s Most Celebrated Jewelry Artists -
Exhibit: May 4-26

The Exhibition is brought in partnership with the Québec Government Office in New York and SODEC, the Québec government body that matches the passion of artistic creation with the power of economic development; providing cultural enterprises with solutions designed to nurture Québec artists and promote the production, distribution and exportation of their work.
Annegret Morf  — Antonio SerafinoBarbara StutmanChristine LarochelleClaudio Pino Gustavo EstradaJanis KermanJean-Pierre GauvreauLaurie Dansereau Lynn LégaréMatthieu Cheminée Pierre-Yves PaquetteRoland DubucÉlise Bergeron


Claudio Pino rings

The celebration of artistry and creativity is as ingrained in the culture of Québec as it is a calling card for New York City.  It was thus inevitable that such a shared principle would lead to the upcoming exhibition, “Innovation and Craftsmanship in Metal:  Jewelry Artists of Québec”, opening at Aaron Faber Gallery, 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY on Thursday, May 3, 2012.  Ongoing through May 26, 2012, the exhibition will feature fourteen of Québec’s most talented jewelry artists, and their extraordinary maneuverings in precious and semi-precious metals and stones.  Debuting in its first year at Aaron Faber Gallery, Jewelry Artists of Québec offers both trade and consumers a glimpse of  highly original works of jewelry artistry using precious and semi-precious stones and metals.  The fourteen participating Québecois artists have audaciously redefined conventional approaches to jewelry design, with each artist’s viewpoint quite distinctly their own.

While Claudio Pino’s kinetic movement rings are painstakingly designed to do more than just adorn a finger, Matthieu Cheminee bestows young, fresh life to old, discarded jewelry in a recycled kaleidoscope of sculptural virtuosity.

As Janis Kerman entices us to see the beauty in opposites and asymmetrical balance, Laurie Dansereau invites us to become one with nature as her floral necklaces garnish décolletages in a splendor of anthers and petals in sterling silver and exotic woods.

And as Jean-Pierre Gauvreau’s rings capture the grand pursuits of the most genius architects, Pierre-Yves Paquette uses the ancient art of mokume gane to harmonize various hues of gold and silver into a visually stunning crescendo.


Lynn Légaré - "tumulte" necklace - silverLynn Légaré - « tumulte » necklace – silver, gold, gaspéite
Lynn Légaré 'la murène' necklaceLynn Légaré ‘la murène’ necklace
Gustavo Estrada bracelet 2012 – silver plate on copper
"SERAFINO" rings from 'Sarabande' collection -   Annegret Morf, a violin maker, and Antonio Serafino, a goldsmith, began SERAFINO in 1999 in Montreal.« SERAFINO » rings from ‘Sarabande’ collection -  Annegret Morf and Antonio Serafino began SERAFINO in 1999 in Montreal.
Laurie DansereauLaurie Dansereau – ring

 Barbara Stutman - Amethyst & Pearl Delight, for a Maharajah - 2010 - Freshwater pearls, coloured and silver-plated copper wire, vinyl lacing, seedbeads, magnets. Spool knit, crochet.Barbara Stutman – Amethyst & Pearl Delight, for a Maharajah – 2010 – Freshwater pearls, coloured and silver-plated copper wire, vinyl lacing, seedbeads, magnets. Spool knit, crochet.

EXPO Aaron - Claudio Pino - kinetic ring 'magnificence stellaire'Claudio Pino – kinetic ring ‘magnificence stellaire’gold, silver, black opal, chrome diopsides, emerald, moonstones, pearls




Aaron Faber Gallery
666 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY
Press Release:


COUP de COEUR ! Barbara STUTMAN : weaving, knitting and crocheting

Barbara Stutman specializes in textile techniques such as weaving, knitting and crocheting using metal wire. Since 1982 her innovative jewellery has been exhibited widely in galleries and museums in Canada and the United States, Europe and Asia; it has been published in numerous art journals, catalogues and books. Her work is in the permanent collections of the Museum of Arts and Design New York City, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Le Musée du Québec and the Koch Ring Collection in Switzerland.

COUP de COEUR !  Barbara STUTMAN : weaving, knitting and crocheting dans Barbara STUTMAN (CA) barbara2
‘Empty Bezel’ Neckpiece 7, silver, colored copper wire and magnet, 2007

barbara1 dans Canada (CA)
‘It’s a girl!’ , Ring, 6.5 x 3.6 x 2.5 cm, 22k, silver, colored copper wire, crochet
‘Ruby reds, for a Maharajah, Collier royale’ R13,  silver, colored copper wire, seed bead and magnet.

barbara4 dans COUP DE COEUR
‘Diamond duo, for a Maharajah, Royal Bracelet’ R38, vinyle, seed beads – crocheted

(on « Visual Arts Center« , Quebec)

Stutman02 dans fibres / threadStutman03 dans techniques textilesStutman04 dans VAC (Visual Arts Center)(CA)image29791
collier en argent fin, cuivre coloré, verre, perles, aimant (galerie Noel Guyomarc’h)


EXPO ‘SODAmore Summer 2010 : Contemporary Art Jewellery Exhibition’ – Nisantasi, Istanbul (Turkey) – 16 Juil.-28 Aout 2010

  SODA, presents 10 contemporary jewellery artists


SODAmore Summer 2010: Contemporary Art Jewellery Exhibition consists of an extra-ordinary collection of approximately 60 pieces made of various materials such as glass, metal, silicon, plexiglas, wood, acrylic, plastic and ceramic.

 The works of the internationally acclaimed artists Nevin Arığ, Jahyun Rita Baek, Ela Bauer, Ela Cindoruk, Sina Emrich, Doerthe Fuchs, Peter Hoogeboom, Ted Noten, Anat Sapir and Barbara Stutman present pieces that push the limits of imagination; ceramic teeth aligned on the wrist, vein-like necklaces placed upon the heart and intriguing pendants such as a fly and diamond frozen in acrylic, all gather in Istanbul for the first time.

 The exhibition presents an extensive selection of Contemporary Art Jewellery, which is an internationally rising trend offering art hung not on walls but on the skin.
Participating artists:

Nevin Arığ (TR/BE)

Born in 1961, Nevin Arığ, graduated from Graphic Design, Fine Arts Academy in Istanbul. Between the years 1995-1998 she studied Contemporary Jewellery at Institut des Arts et Métiers in Brussels. She continued her studies in Silversmithing at IKA, Mechelen and for three years studied Fine Jewellery at Institut des Arts et Métiera. Arığ attended several international exhibitions and was chosen for the “Shoonhaven Silver Award” in 2009.
Nevin Arığ (BE) ‘no clouds’ brooch

Jahyun Rita Baek
Jahyun Rita Baek is a Korean artist, based in London. She graduated from Rhode Island School of Design in the U.S.A. after which she did her MA at the Royal College of Art in the U.K. She has attended several exhibitions in cities such as New York, London, Hamburg and Florence and has received the Craftmanship and Design Award Gold prize in 2008.
Jahyun Rita Baek jewelry

Ela Bauer
After studying literature and then jewellery design in Jerusalem, Ela Bauer, went to the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam in 1995. Bauer took master classes at the European Ceramic Centre with Daniel Kruger and Den Bosch. Since 1993 she has participated in several exhibitions at countries such as Japan, Holland, U.S.A., Germany, Italy, Portugal. She also attended significant fairs such as SOFA New York and her works are included in the Museum of Art & Design MAD (New York), Pinakothek der Moderne, Danner Collection (München), Grassi Museum (Leipzig), Textile Museum (Tilburg) and Hiko Mizuno Collection (Tokyo).
Ela BauerCollier, silicone, pigments, quartz


Ela Cindoruk
Born in 1963, Ankara, Turkey, lives and works in Istanbul. Having received a Bachelor of Arts Industrial Design degree at Middle East Technical University, she later studied Jewellery and Metals at Parsons’ School of Design in New York. Ela Cindoruk is current partner of ‘elacindoruknazanpak’ jewelry studio and gallery in Istanbul, which she co-founded in 1993. Alongside her work as a jewellery maker, she has designed products and lecturing at Istanbul Bilgi University and Istanbul Technical University. As a jewellery maker and designer Ela Cindoruk, participates both national and international exhibitions and her work is showcased at galleries throughout the world. Exhibition highlights include “Turkish Delight” Exhibition in Pergamon Museum in 2008 Berlin, the V & V Gallery “orna-mental” Exhibition in 2007 Vienna, Wallpaper* GlobalEdit06 in Milan, participated fashion shows/exhibitions “Garde-robes” and “Gooood Food” both at the Saint-Etienne International Design Biennial 2006.
Ela Cindoruk – paper brooch

Sina Emrich (DE)
Sina Emrich was born in Frankfurt/Main in Germany in the year 1977. She graduated from the School for Goldsmiths and Watchmakers, Pforzheim in 2001. She continued her studies in Germany and the UK. Since 2008 she is working on the project “Schmucknomadin/Jewellery Nomad-weltlernen/worldlearning”. She has attended several international exhibitions and received awards such as the Honorable Mention at the 6th Chenongşu, International Craft Competition in 2009 and First Prize at the “Ambertrip Art Jewellery Contest” in 2008.
blog :

EXPO 'SODAmore Summer 2010 : Contemporary Art Jewellery Exhibition' - Nisantasi, Istanbul (Turkey) - 16 Juil.-28 Aout 2010 dans Anat SAPIR (IL) 6131_1138295452340_1075994113_30436835_2831544_n
Sina Emrich- three dimensional wood elements

Doerthe Fuchs
Doerthe Fuchs was born in Tübingen, Germany. In 1986 she graduated from the Painting Academy and specialized in Goldsmiths. She continued her studies in Munich till 1986. Between the years 2002 and 2004 she studied Art Therapy. Since 1989 she works in her own studio in Munich.
Doerthe Fuchs

Peter Hoogeboom (NL)
Dutch designer Peter Hoogeboom, graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in 1992. Since 1989 he has had several exhibitions in European and Asian countries, also in Australia and New Zealand, in the U.S.A. and Canada. He has had publications in many magazines and books over the years. His work is included in private and public collections such as Museum of Ceramic Art Het Princessehof (Leeuwarden) and Museum of Modern Art (Amhem).
Peter Hoogeboom ceramic jewelry

Ted Noten (NL)
After graduating from the Rietveld Academy in 1990, Ted Noten began producing his first pieces of contemporary jewellery. From 2001 onwards he attended several solo and group exhibitions and has work in numerous private collections. Apart from his group exhibitions in Tokyo at the Museum of Contemporary Art and Collect Art Fair at London, he had solo exhibitions at the Stedelijk Museum at Amsterdam and SOFA New York. His designs are included in collections such as the Victoria and Albert Museum (London), Droog Design (Amsterdam), Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen (Roterdam) and Musée des Arts Decorative (Montreal). Ted Noten has received awards such as Harrie-Tillie and Françoise van den Bosch.,590,350
Ted Noten – Ice necklace

Anat Sapir
Anat Sapir was born in 1961. In 1988 she graduated from the Bezalel Art and Design Academy. She continued her education on goldsmithing techniques at the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design Department of Jewelry and Fashion. In 2000 she did pottery studies with Shulamit Miller. In 2005 she specialized in glass bead making at the Wertzberger Art College.

378_9efb9484e971d3103f42fbc00350d482 dans Barbara STUTMAN (CA)
Anat Sapir“Turquoise Links” necklace – glass, gold-plated spacers

Barbara Stutman (CA)
Born in Montreal, Barbara Stutman studied Fine Arts and Art History at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, the Saidye Bronfman Center and Concordia University. Stutman’s jewellery has been exhibited in galleries and museums throughout Canada, the United States, Europe and Asia and has been written about in newspapers, professional journals, catalogues and books. Her work is in the permanent collections of the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec in Quebec City, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, the Koch Ring Collection in Switzerland and the Museum of Arts and Design in New York City.

Barbara Stutman jewelry - 



Sakayik Sokak No: 37/1
34365 – Nisantasi – ISTANBUL (Turkey)
Telephone: +90 212 231 89 88
Telephone: +90 530 936 78 98


EXPO ‘Le verre dans tous ses éclats’ – Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h, Montreal (Quebec) – 13 mai–13 juin 2010

Le verre dans tous ses éclats

EXPO le verre ds tous ses eclats - gal Noel Guyomarch - affche

Artistes participants:  Chistophe Burger, Ramon Puig Cuyas, Donald Friedlich, Karl Fritsch, Morgane Guilcher, Carolina Martinez Linares, Joan Parcher, Karli Sears, Barbara Stutman, Blanche Tilden, Silvia Walz, Vanessa Yanow …

EXPO VERRE- Blanche Tilden 'perpetual Bandolier' collier verre argent cable acier plastifiéMorgane Guilcher - 'swarming with joyce' collier verre argent acierEXPO VERRE - Christophe Burger - Pendentif en verre sablé, cable d’acierRamon Puig Cuyàs   coll 'wall gardens' broche argent, plastique, verre, pierres, objets trouvés
Blanche Tilden (AU) ‘perpetual Bandolier’ collier verre argent cable acier plastifié
Morgane Guilcher – ‘swarming with joyce’ collier verre argent acier
Christophe Burger (FR) – Pendentif en verre sablé, cable d’acier
Ramon Puig Cuyàs  (ES) coll ‘wall gardens’ broche argent, plastique, verre, pierres, objets trouvés

54. Aqua Series Brooch55. Aqua Series Brooch
  Donald Friedlich (US) – Aqua Series Brooch

EXPO 'Le verre dans tous ses éclats' - Galerie Noel Guyomarc'h, Montreal (Quebec) - 13 mai–13 juin 2010 dans Barbara STUTMAN (CA) Photo-Overlay-Comment
Découverte (et coup de coeur !!) pour le fabuleux travail du verre de Blanche Tilden :-)
à suivre …. !


Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h
137 avenue Laurier Ouest
Montréal (Québec),H2T 2N6
Téléphone : 514-840-9362    