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EXPO ‘coOperation – GARNISH’ – Gallery Velvet da Vinci, San Francisco (USA) – 19 Aout-20 Sept. 2015

co-operation – garnish

A collaborative exhibition organized by Brigitte Martin and Rachel Timmins

Artists’ Reception:  Friday August 21, 6-8pm

co-operation - garnish

 A garnish can be anything from an adornment that adds or enhances the body (human or animal) to a functional or nonfunctional object that decorates and spices up a room. This exhibition will ask viewers and participants to examine the idea of a garnish made by 2 different subsets of makers who have come together to create an embellishment that satisfies both.

Participating Artists:    Suzanne Amendolara / Dan DiCaprio — Christiana Byrne / David Lee — Catherine Chandler / Sonya Scott — Brian Ferrell / Jillian Moore –  Heidi Gerstacker / Masumi KataokaEmily Gill / Jaime Sawka — Charity Hall / Francesca Vitali Peter Hoogeboom / Maia Houtman — Nicole Jacquard / Annie Fensterstock — Lauren Kalman / Kipp Bradford –  Satomi Kawai / Nikki Couppee — Thomas Mann / Wayne Werner –  Bruce Metcalf / Evin Dubois — Tom Muir / Caitlin Skelcey — Vincent Pontillo Verrastro / Sharon Massey –  Mette Saabye / Pernille Mouritzen — Marissa Saneholtz /Michael Dale BernardLinda Savineau / Steve Shelby — Olga Starostina / Corey AckelmireBillie Theide / Brooke Marks-SwansonRachel Timmins / Brigitte Martin — Aric Verrastro /Randy Long

 Satomi Kawai & Nikki Couppee, Neogems (Necklace), Plastic, etched copper, resin, pigment, sterling silver, brass, plexiglass, found shells, faux and real pearls, faux silver foil, hologram laminateSatomi Kawai & Nikki Couppee, Neogems (Necklace), Plastic, etched copper, resin, pigment, sterling silver, brass, plexiglass, found shells, faux and real pearls, faux silver foil, hologram laminate

Brian Ferrell & Jillian Moore, Clompe Cluster (Brooch), basswood, polymer clay, resin, paint, waxBrian Ferrell & Jillian Moore, Clompe Cluster (Brooch), basswood, polymer clay, resin, paint, wax

Peter Hoogeboom & Maja Houtman, Artichoke (Brooch), Ceramics (slipcasting), metalwork (basketry), silversmithing silver, porcelainPeter Hoogeboom & Maja Houtman, Artichoke (Brooch), Ceramics (slipcasting), metalwork (basketry), silversmithing silver, porcelain

Tom Muir & Caitlin Skelcey, Expel, ABS Plastic, Sterling Silver, Automotive Paint and  ClearcoatTom Muir & Caitlin Skelcey, Expel, ABS Plastic, Sterling Silver, Automotive Paint and  Clearcoat

Aric & Randy Verrastro & Long, Daydreaming (Neckpiece), Canvas, PLA, sterling silver, copper, enamel, china paint, steel, thread, acrylic paint, poly-filAric & Randy Verrastro & Long, Daydreaming (Neckpiece), Canvas, PLA, sterling silver, copper, enamel, china paint, steel, thread, acrylic paint, poly-fil

Linda Savineau & Steve Shelby, Sluggish Meanderings, Hammer printed brass, 3D printed nylon (SLS), driftwoodLinda Savineau & Steve Shelby, Sluggish Meanderings, Hammer printed brass, 3D printed nylon (SLS), driftwood

Marissa Saneholtz & Michael Dale Bernard, "She was lost to her dreams as flowers cascaded upon her." (Neckpiece), Copper, steel, aluminum, silver, maple, vitreous enamel, powder coat, lacquerMarissa Saneholtz & Michael Dale Bernard, « She was lost to her dreams as flowers cascaded upon her. » (Neckpiece), Copper, steel, aluminum, silver, maple, vitreous enamel, powder coat, lacquer

CoOperation Garnish | Velvet da Vinci - Vincent Pontillo-Verrastro and Sharon Massey, Plume, Copper, PLA, graphite, enamel, rare-earth magnets Vincent Pontillo-Verrastro and Sharon Massey, Plume, Copper, PLA, graphite, enamel, rare-earth magnets


Statement from the organizers:
A modern metalsmith/metal artist can be found working in traditional metals as well as in nontraditional materials. The designs can range from the classic to the extravagant, and the techniques can either be centuries old or decidedly current. The wide range of expression preferences, design options, materials, and processes has lead within our field to unfavorable misconceptions, misunderstandings and in some cases even outright disdain between artists. Each side considers itself superior to the other, seemingly not appreciating the clear advantages, benefits, and experiences each faction brings to the table. Quoting from Damian Skinner’s 2013 SNAG keynote lecture in Toronto:
“We are all family. Sometimes, family members don’t speak with each other, but we still are one big family. Let’s recognize this fact.”
Can our field overcome family division and send a much-needed signal to the metals + jewelry community? We appreciate and respect our historical past and acknowledge that current materials have a rightful place in jewelry/object making. Arriving at this message is the goal of this exhibition.”  – Brigitte Martin and Rachel Timmins


Velvet da Vinci
2015 Polk Street,
San Francisco, CA 94109
Phone: 415-441-0109
Hours: Tuesday through Saturday, 11am – 6pm, Sunday, 11am – 4pm




EXPO ‘ONoff’ – SooLOCAL, Minneapolis (USA) – 24 Avril 2014

ONoff: An Exhibition of Makers that work ON and off the body

jeudi 24 avril 2014 –  18:00 – 21:00 (CDT)

This exhibition will be presented at SooLOCAL: A Division of Soo Visual Arts Center to run in conjunction with the 2014 SNAG conference in Minneapolis, MN.

 ONoff Exhibition.
image details: Manuela Jimenez - Right: Casi… 2013 / Left: She is Getting Lighter 2012
One would expect Jewelry artists to be limited to objects of personal adornment, but many contemporary makers in this field have gone beyond the constraints of functionality to pursue conceptual interests in areas such as photography, kinetics and sculpture.This exhibition seeks makers whose work demands exploration both on and off of the body. What happens when a metalsmith goes beyond the boundaries of the wearable? How does the work change when function and jewelry mechanics no longer need to be considered? Can the conversation continue seamlessly from a necklace into an installation or sculpture? The exhibition will feature two works by each artist selected: one piece of jewelry or wearable object and one piece that shifts in scale, medium or material in order to further investigate their ideas.Juror: Susie GanchSusie Ganch is currently Associate Professor and Head of the Metals Program at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. She is also Director of Radical Jewelry Makeover, an international traveling community jewelry mining and recycling project. Exhibition Organizers: Sarah Holden and Kat Cole
ONoff Exhibition Artists Katja Toporski — Lisa Phelps-Havelin — Rachel Timmins — Manuela Jimenez — Kelly MccallumBrooke Swanson Gabriel CraigHeejin HwangCaitie SellersMelissa CameronStephanie Lynn VoegeleBillie J. TheideMasako Onodera — Evin Dubois — Jill Gower — Alexis Archibald –  April Wood — Demi ThomloudisDavid ChoiSarah HoldenKat Cole
A Division of SooVAC
3506 Nicollet Avenue South,
Minneapolis, MN 55408  – USA


EXPO ‘The Plastic Show’, Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco (US) – 1er-31 Oct. 2010

 ‘The Plastic Show’, Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco

The Plastic Show  (click to see more about this show)
(Rebecca Hannon earrings- ‘Modular Multi-Color’ – Formica, sterling silver)


 ‘The Plastic Show’, an exhibition featuring work from the recently published Lark Jewelry Book 500 Plastic Jewelry Designs. The Plastic Show features 250 pieces by 75 artists employing a variety of plastic materials such as resin, latex, rubber, epoxy, and thermoplastics, many of which are reused or recycled. Having been embraced by artists and designers, these materials are now firmly woven into the language of contemporary jewelry making. Used alone or in combination with traditional elements, these substances can, with certainty, be classified as precious. Thanks to the use of plastics, conventional components like silver, gold, platinum, and gemstones are now only part of the jewelry-making equation. The jewelry in this collection represents the best work being produced today by artists who use plastics as a foundational element in their pieces.



Participating Artists:
Shana Astrachan, Anastasia Azure, Ela Bauer, Lea Marie Becker, Iris Bodemer, Sofia Björkman, Sigurd Bronger, Burcu Büyükünal, Ana Margarida Carvalho, Peter Chang, Joe Churchman, Jens A. Clausen, Barbara Cohen, Lisa and Scott Cylinder, Peter Deckers, Coco Dunmire, Janine Eisenhauer, Beate Eismann, Ute Eitzenhofer, Diane Falkenhagen, Jantje Fleischhut, Javier Moreno Frias, Velina Glass, Robly A. Glover, Suzanne Golden, Rebecca Hannon, Tamara Grüner, Arthur Hash, Pavel Herynek, Ellen Himic, Eero Hintsanen, Kath Inglis, Jiro Kamata, Masumi Kataoka, Sun Kyoung Kim, Sarah King, Susanne Klemm, Jocelyn Kolb, Katja Korsawe, Birgit Laken, Margaux Lange, Carla Pennie McBride, Edward Lane McCartney, Karen McCreary, Charlene Modena, Masako Onedera, Niala Orsmond, Emiko Oye, Seainin Passi, Mary Hallam Pearse, Ruudt Peters, Natalya Pinchuk, Katja Prins, Yuka Saito, Karin Seufert, Leslie Shershow, Susan Kasson Sloan, Anika Smulovitz, Lin Stanionis, Rebecca Strzelec, Donna Mason Sweigart, Anthony Tammaro, Billie Jean Theide, Carolyn Tillie, Cynthia Toops, Silke Trekel, Jacomijn van der Donk, Christel van der Laan, Mona Wallstrom, Kathryn Wardill, Emily Watson, Karla Way, Josephine Winther, Sayumi Yokouchi, Lily Yung, Sandra Zilker.


En bonne « fille des années 60-70″ je voue un amour inconsidéré au plastique ! Il faut dire aussi qu’un événemant particulier de ma vie a grandement joué en ce sens : petite, vivant à Thessalonique (nord de la Grèce), on y subissait de nombreux tremblements de terre. L’un d’eux a déclenché un gigantesque incendie où ma famille a TOUT perdu. Mon ère a pleuré son Toulouse-Lautrec, moi mon nounours, et ma mère son argenterie qui a entièrement fondu …. MAIS …. les pompiers nous ont remis ce qui a vait été sauvé : la VAISSELLE en PLASTIQUE, rangée dans le placard au-dessus de l’évier, près du réservoir d’eau ……… c’était le premier signe ! ensuite, remeublement oblige, mes parents se sont entièrement remeublés en « design tout plastique » : sièges en ABS de Guy Paulin, tables plastique de Vico Magistretti chez Artemide, et toute « l’invasion » de plastique orange des années 68 (vous visualisez ? la balance terraillon en plastique orange ? le tourne-disque Phillips mallette-portable-ouvrable ? les miroirs à bords arrondis de chez Artemide ?  les tables de nuit de chez Kartell ??? ) ………et voilà ! j’AIME le plastique !! :-) ses infinies possibilités de formes, ses couleurs « décapantes », son humeur joyeuse  ……….. bon, d’accord, il n’est pas écologique DU TOUT et, parait-il, rend stérile ….. mais … ça me réjouit et me met en joie ! :-)


EXPO 'The Plastic Show', Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco (US) - 1er-31 Oct. 2010 dans Anika SMULOVITZ (US)
Yuka Saito – Brooch ‘Under the Sea’ – Polypropylene, nylon, acrylic, sterling silver

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Birgit Laken « Summer-in-the-City » Necklace (from the Lovin’ Spoonful series)

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Tamara Grüner « Bavarian Heat » Brooch

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Suzanne Golden « Welcome to Hawaii » Necklace

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Suzanne Golden « Plastic Fantastic » Bracelet

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Rebecca Hannon ‘Orna’ Necklace

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Sun Kyoung Kim « Protrusion » Brooch  &  « Palm 01″ Brooch


All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Mona Wallström « Foam » Brooch

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Emiko Oye « The Duchess » Neckpiece (from My First Royal Jewels)

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Masako Onodera « Effervescence » Brooch   & Germination Brooch 3″

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Natalya Pinchuk « 25.09-Growth Series 2009″ Brooch

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Susanne Klemm « Mutation » Rings

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Anika Smulovitz « Body in Motion: Study » Neckpiece  &  « Body in Motion: Study 5″ Neckpiece

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Kathryn Wardill « White & Pink Pod Branch » Brooch   & « Pink & Grey Pod » Necklace

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Josephine Winther « Rubyfruits » Necklace& earrings

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Emily Watson « Solo Flight » Brooch  &  « Vena Cava » Ring

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Donna Mason Sweigart ‘Ruff’ Necklace

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Katja Korsawe ‘Panty’ Necklace

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Arthur Hash « Chain » Necklace

 dans Anthony TAMMARO (US)
Karin Seufert -  Brooch 259 – Pvc, reconstituted coral, elastic, steel

60115_425909268980_320393918980_4993538_6261040_n dans Arthur HASH (US)
Anthony Tammaro – necklace

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Sayumi Yokouchi – Brooch ‘White dish’ – Airline meal tray (! :-) ), silk thread

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Sayumi Yokouchi brooch

 dans Barbara COHEN (CA)
Lin Stanionis – Brooch – ABS plastic

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Sofia Björkman Brooch 

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Mary Hallam Pearse « Bling Brooch #4″  & « Bling Brooch #5″

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Rebecca Strzelec Brooches 

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Javier Moreno Frias « Split » Brooch  & « Maimed » Brooch

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Jacomijn van der Donk Necklace

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Joe Churchman « Burden Cuff »

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Ela Bauer Necklace & ring

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Coco Dunmire « The Yellow One » Brooch

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Robly A. Glover « Bobber » Necklace

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Leslie Shershow « Neon & Gem » Brooch 

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Masumi Kataoka Brooch 

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Charlene Modena Endangered Gangotri Glacier Bracelets 

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Jantje Fleischhut « Nightfall » Brooch 

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Barbara Cohen « Bloom » Ring & « Ties Thet Bind » Ring

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Velina Glass « Uro » Brooch  &  « Fossil » Brooch 

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Burcu Büyükünal Brooch 

(All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery)



Velvet da Vinci Gallery
2015 Polk Street
San Francisco CA 94109  (USA)
Phone 415.441.0109
Tuesday – Saturday 11 to 6,   Sunday 11 to 4



« appel du pied » !        Hey !! ALL of  YOU, JEWELERS !!!
j’ai remarqué que vous aimiez bien prendre … votre PIED !! ;-) ou en tout cas des photos de vos pieds !! je voulais faire un « bobinoscope » des créateurs sur mon blog, je vais faire un « pied-de-nez_OH!_scope » !! ENVOYEZ-MOI vos photos en PIEDS !!!!
I saw that you like to take pictures of your feet … so instead of publishing your faces on my blog, to allow people to know « WHO IS THIS JEWELLER ? », I will publish … your feet ! please SEND ME YOUR FEET’s pictures !! :-)   (cet article reste sur le « pied de guerre » !! tout pied est constamment la bienvenue pour augmenter la galerie de portraits ! all « feet’s portrait is anytime welcomed, to increase this picture’s gallery !!!)(summertime is crazy-time, isnt’it ?)

Et voilà, y a qu'à demander! Marrante comme tout cette idée! :-)
Sylvie Jousset … les doigts de pieds en éventail ! – … et un des ses bijoux (bracelet) – c’est ce qui s »appelle « faire des pieds et des mains » ! :-)

26285_1362727102079_1048633979_31075631_317666_n dans ALCHIMIA (IT)Alina Alamorean
Alina Alamoreanc’est le pied (sexy) ! ….. & deux de ses bagues sculpture

c'est le pied !35643_401705511485_696426485_4886541_1385956_n dans Alina ALAMOREAN (FR)
Augousta Themistokleous (CY) – une des ses bagues ….. et rougir de plaisir de la tête aux pieds ! :-)

Alchimia de pied en cap !!ALCHIMIA Jewellery School – là, c’est l’ecole ALCHIMIAde pied … sans cap ! :-) )
mais comment (re)trouver chaussure (créateur)  à son pied ???!!
Sur cette photo : Marianne Casmose Denning (DK)Angela O’Keefe (UK) , Camilla Teglio (IT), Doris Maninger (AT), Eun jea, Marina Elenskaya (RU), Katie Gruber(UK) , Eugenia Ingegno (IT) , Michelle Kraemer (LX)!!!!!!!!!

25568_380327937973_770792973_3683408_7688712_n dans Angela O' KEEFE (UK)
Marianne Casmose Denning (DK)Marina Elenskaya (RU)
Angela O´Keefe (UK) – Rings Untitled 2009 – Diverse materials
Michelle Kraemer (Luxembourg) – brooch
Katie Gruber (UK) – Necklace: Untitled 2009 – Diverse materials

36969_1474431897397_1131675561_1347499_855229_n dans Ara KUO (Taiwan)36969_1474423737193_1131675561_1347396_6627124_n dans Aude MEDORI (FR)
Viktoria Münzker (left), Michelle Kraemer – Viktoria Münzker « C’mon ring » – C’mon !!

jewellers' feet !!UIUC Metals School -  Sur cette photo : Billie Theide (on left) , Kristi Wilson , Eun Yeong Jeong (en bas, celle qui « pointe » tout le monde du pied !), Soyeon Kim (à droite chaussure brune), Keri Kwik (la « nouvelle » à la chaussure rouge !)

39183_1424812053322_1023362072_30927524_3195255_n dans Augousta THEMISTOKLEOUS (CY)Sensual Elegance, 2009 by Soyeon Kim.
Eun Yeong Jeong‘vessels of life – growth
Soyeon Kim- Sensual Elegance, 2009 - fine silver, glass, red and pink coral, traditional chain making technique

Keri Kwik (US) - ring39059_142768602413873_100000422031752_319607_7769410_n dans Barbara PAGANIN (IT)
Keri Kwik (US) – ring – une NOUVELLE découverte ! quel … PIED !! :-)
Billie Theide necklace

hannahedman5 dans Beth LEGG (UK)10 dans Billie THEIDE (US)
avec Hanna Hedman ai perdu (son) pied !! reste plus qu’un doigt …. :-(   - necklace

Mes pieds...35411_133653553331343_100000600979713_258945_4809449_n dans Camilla TEGLIO (IT)
Susanne Klemm (CH) – « Beach’s feet » ! :-)   - … et FABULEUX collier !

 Gary Schott - ‘impatient shoes’, brooch – and IMPATIENT to find a MAN’s foot !!!!!!!!!

34364_112544085461193_100001168061499_79428_8186134_n dans Catalina BRENES (Costa Rica)
Heidemarie Herb - ‘my herbs’ ring

piedsMarta Miguel Martínez-Soria – ‘primeros pasos’ … pour ses chaussettes vertes ou pour son collier ? ;-)

 Image+4 dans Chiara TRENTIN (IT)
Galatée Pestre - ses pieds parlent pour elle ! ;-) -  broches ‘bulles’ de BD

Image+4 dans Chryssa DAMIANIDOU (GR)
Aude Médori (FR)- De cette nécessité de mouvement et de la liberté qu’elle implique….

35855_1435810868867_1640828533_1096783_6677803_n dans Corrado De MEO (IT)31370_1414620859130_1640828533_1045933_75681_n dans Daniela HEDMAN (SE)
Barbara Paganin – bon… elle est partie en vacances …. – spilla ‘corallo nero’

36715_10150216541610117_836915116_13249299_3820129_n dans Dominika NABOROWSKA (PL)
Catalina BrenesAra Kuo – high heels for graduation day !!

Ting-Chun-Ara-Kuo dans Doris MANINGER (AT)
Ara Kuo. Ring ‘brush’, pearls gold

26221_10150155056535117_836915116_11567890_6211965_n dans Doug BUCCI (US)39665_10150238201155117_836915116_13900739_2704322_n dans Ellen JACOBSEN HOLVIK (SE)
Catalina Brenes – feet’s fan !  « vieni qua » ring – zirconia, plata 925

34136_448091374528_523864528_5864867_3469534_n dans Eugenia INGEGNO (IT)Maru Lopez - "telling stories"
Maru Lopez - pinky feminity ….. « telling stories » (necklace),  silver

8117_157352877565_614452565_2690456_6024856_n dans Eun YEONG JEONG (US)35939_10150263099290585_820840584_14269651_4468333_n dans Federico VIANELLO (IT)
Kathryn Wardill (AU)- 7 Sites, 7 Neckpieces – Studio Ingot6 – 21 Aug 2010 « Stairs of Passion »

well...these are mine!! i couldn't resist......38777_1472392743305_1638259298_1146444_1128108_n dans Frederique TRINCHESE (FR)
Chryssa Damianidou (GR) (c’est ce qu’on appelle le « pied grec » ! ;-)

40601_126299994083540_100001106193640_131607_6325431_n dans Galatee PESTRE (FR)40994_126295107417362_100001106193640_131593_571225_n dans Gary SCHOTT (US)
Federico Vianelloun créateur tout en PIED ! ….. anello ‘piedi’… « hand made » !

*3408876_orig dans Genne LAAKSO (US)
Maricha Genovese (US) – “Diamond Ring” Ring: needle felted wool, thread, sterling silver  

*Image6 dans Hanna HEDMAN (SE)
Beth Legg (Scotland) -  larkspur and rosewood brooches

voila eheheehMirla+Fernandes2 dans Hanna LILJENBERG (SE)
Mirla Fernandes – ….. ou faire des pieds et des mains ! ;-)

45210_147176248645592_100000596541182_325893_2682840_n dans Heidemarie HERB (DE)36958_139431526086731_100000596541182_282682_7203008_n dans Karin Roy ANDERSSON (SE)
Rachel Timmins – tired feet… after a Ruudt Peters’ workshop ! ;-) -silicon rubber bracelets

40296_1441499315261_1166423138_31060025_5602936_n dans Kathryn WARDILL (AU)18369_1252208623112_1166423138_30625001_7484395_n dans Katie GRUBER (UK)
Corrado de MEO – qualè il gioiello ??? ;-)

montserrat lacomba - Too often we are late dans Keri KWIK (US)
Montserrat Lacomba – ‘Too often we are late’… with our feet …- ‘Far away’ brooch – silver, copper, garnets (for me, Montserrat Lacomba is « Mrs mar de Color Rosa » !! :-) )

ss6 dans Kristi WILSON (US)
une découverte !! (aujourd’hui 21 aout 2010, grâce à Montserrat Lacomba : tout ça pour vous dire que NON, je n’ai pas copié l’idée !) ! lesecond blog deDominika Naborowska : promenades vue(s) des pieds  !!! ;-)

Genne Laakso2009-07b dans Liz HAMMAN (UK)
Genne Laakso« au pied levé ….  » neoprene ‘O’ rings, sterling silver, fishing line, latex, fish hooks, copper, steel, 2009. NJB Photography

40250_415477693061_633898061_4977454_8347381_n dans Malin LOVGREN (SE)Silvina Rio  - lo invisible
Silvina Rio – broche ‘lo invisible’
Daniela Hedman

*Agnes Figueres
Agnes Figueres   (du groupe « Bijou5″)- en vert et contre tout ! ;-) bague en matériaux de récupération, ligne ‘pétillante’

h dans Gal. Articula (PT)
Tiina Rajakallio – « mini vacations » for feet ! -  necklace 

47717_1267958437585_1788546471_491343_2905118_n dans Manolya KONUK (FR)Patricia Lemaire - Grand Jardin 2- 1998 défilé Lapidus
Patricia Lemaire …qui m’a fait « faire le pied de grue« … pendant qu’elle était « au vert… :-) - ‘Grand Jardin’ maillechort et … (Hte couture – 1998 - pièces conçues et réalisées pour Olivier Lapidus)

40422_427109003669_683768669_4563294_5472972_n dans Marianne CASMOSE DENNING (DK)37972_421552433669_683768669_4427070_5018876_n dans Maricha GENOVESE (US)
Manolya Konuk- comment, au pied levé, faire « pieds » ET « mains » ! bracelet ‘semainier’

16847_100589216637140_100000581855166_12944_5598318_n dans Marina ELENSKAYA (RU)59882_154371501258911_100000581855166_378901_3771363_n dans Marta Miguel MARTINEZ-SORIA (ES)
Chiara Trentin – piedi « Romani » ! è collana ecobottoni

34709_1499231893568_1617292000_1184003_4051910_n dans Maru LOPEZ (P.Rico)Frédérique Trinchese - bijoux couture - Bague/pendentif Cannette
Frédérique Trinchese – pieds …. cousu(s) main ! Bague/pendentif Cannette

*35813_1463615946953_1130128048_1352527_1269817_n dans Massimo Ottavio PAVAN (IT)
Poly Nikolopoulou

40196_423367861605_541946605_5433721_794771_n dans Michelle KRAEMER (Lx)45039_420159186980_651021980_5201053_2327412_n dans Mirla FERNANDES (BR)
Discrets, les pieds des « FOUR » ! – « FOUR » are the jewelry artists: Hanna Liljenberg, Karin Roy Andersson, Malin Lövgren, Ellen Jacobsen Holvik, from Sweden

45083_420417881980_651021980_5206421_6605596_n dans Montserrat LACOMBA (ES)40475_419571051980_651021980_5189695_4801349_n dans Nadine ABDALLAH (Liban)
46576_419862681980_651021980_5195351_5011936_n dans Patricia LEMAIRE (FR)

61520_1448663976943_1243502537_31146087_4555522_n dans Poly NIKOLOPOULOU (GR)5534_1135554269396_1243502537_30416245_3034482_n dans Rachel TIMMINS (US)
Nadine Abdallah – son pied … et ses « poissons-bijoux » en galets

156496_1538240170108_1058002920_31205198_7047158_n dans Rossana RO/NIIRO JewelryEntangled wire necklace - by NIIRO jewelry ( Rosanna RO) - 747$ (583€)
Rosanna RO (« Niiro Jewelry« ) -  pieds d’hiver & Entangled wire necklace

63002_1575466275474_1500099122_1426046_4142116_n dans Sebastian BUESCHER (DE)n1500099122_174175_7977 dans Silvina RIO (RA)
et … TA-DAAM ! mon pied ! ;-) et un des bracelets de « charms » que je fais & qui racontent chacun une histoire. Ici « La vie en rouge », excessive ….

BON ! Maintenant, vous savez à quoi ressemblent « vos » créateurs ??!!?? ;-)
Now you KNOW what your favourite jewellers look like !! emoticone