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EXPO ‘textile jewelry II’ – Galeria X, Bratislava (Slovakia) – 27 Juin-25 Aout 2012

Alternatives of Textile jewelry IIBratislava

 textile jewelry - Bratislava

Blanka Cepková — Silvia Fedorová — Iveta Miháliková — Juraj Opršal — Ľubica Poncik (Lubi_Hany Ľubica Poncik a Hany Kašičková) — Blanka Šperková — Tatiana Warenichová — Christine Keyeux, Belgium — Elisabeth Krampe, Germany — Flavia Eleonora Michelutti, Italy — Deborah Rudolph, Germany — Silke Trekel, Germany — Birgit Schlarmann, Austria — Doris Schmitt, Germany — Dorit Schubert, Germany — Rita de Oliveira Ruivo, Portugal — Tota Reciclados / Valeria Hasse & Marcela Muniz, Argentina

ToTa reciclados ‎" Theorie Duchamp Mecanique"ToTa reciclados ‎ » Theorie Duchamp Mecanique »

 EXPO Bratislava - Elisabeth KrampeElisabeth Krampe

EXPO Bratislava - Blanka CepkovaBlanka Cepkova

Deborah RudolphDeborah Rudolph

Flavia Eleonora MicheluttiFlavia Eleonora Michelutti

L'ubica PoncikL’ubica Poncik Rita RuivoRita Ruivo

Dorit SchubertDorit Schubert

Christine KeyeuxChristine Keyeux

Tatiana Warenichova & Blanka SperkovaTatiana Warenichova & Blanka Sperkova




Galéria X
Zámočnícka 5
Bratislava 811 03

Mobil: 0903 / 751 731
Tel.:02 / 54 43 11 21
Fax: 02 / 45 52 07 47
web:  (Slovak Textile Artists Association TxT)


EXPO ‘Cut, Braid, Knit, Fold’ – Kath Libbert Jewellery Gallery, Saltaire (UK) – 23 Mai-1er Juill. 2011

showcase Cut, Braid, Knit, Fold which puts a focus on traditional craft techniques used to create unusual contemporary jewellery. The showcase runs until 1st July 2011.

EXPO  fold, braid, knit, cut

Anthony Roussel – Cut,
Anke Hennig - Braid,
Blanka Sperkova - Knit and
Rachel Darbourne - Fold.

Ambitious creativity meets traditional techniques in this fashion forward showcase of wearable and affordable work by four contemporary jewellers.
Inspired by 19th Century braiding techniques, Anke Hennig works in fine threads of coloured nylon and silk to create curvaceous three-dimensional forms from wound flat braids.
Crisp, precise rings that create undulating fan-like shapes on the hand.
It is the British coastline that inspires Anthony Roussel’s laser cut birch wood jewellery.
Looking like extravagant Elizabethan ruffled cuffs, Rachel Darbourne’s folded bracelets and necklaces are a feat of recycling: carefully folded from polythene bags, they are colourful and fun to wear.
The prize for eccentric making technique goes to Blanka Sperkova, who finger-knits wire into both free sculptures and jewellery, creating delicate, witty, multi-dimensional pieces.
Kath Libbert Jewellery Gallery
Salts Mill, Saltaire, Bradford BD18 3LA (UK)
TEL/FAX: 0044 (0)1274 599790
Open Daily 10 – 5.30 Mon – Fri and 10 – 6 Weekends


EXPO ‘Du Textile au Bijou’ – Pôle Bijou-Galerie, Baccarat (FR) – 3 Nov. 2010-4 Avril 2011

L’exposition intitulée «Du Textile au Bijou» se déroulera du 3 novembre 2010 au 4 avril 2011 au Pôle Bijou-Galerie de Baccarat et proposera aux visiteurs de découvrir les techniques du tricot, du tressage, du tissage, du maillage, de la broderie, du pliage, du point, des noeuds… Tout ceci au travers de créations exceptionnelles en tissu ou en métal !

EXPO textile -pole-bijou-site

« Fil, fibre, filament, bande, corde … comme autant de matériaux. Soie, lin, laine, coton, feutre, serge, velours … comme autant de matières. Tissage, filage, nouage, tressage, couture, tricotage, crochetage… comme autant de techniques. Teinture, coloration, impression, imprégnation … comme autant d’ennoblissements. Ruban, galon, perle, broderie, dentelle, application … comme autant de décorations. Le textile nous entoure, nous enveloppe, même si quotidiennement il passe parfois inaperçu…Du plus brut au plus noble, sa création, sa fabrication et sa mise en oeuvre regorgent d’inventivité et de savoir-faire et témoignent d’une longue épopée de l’activité humaine débutée il y a des milliers d’années. Que sa pratique soit domestique, activité des petites mains qui dans l’humilité du foyer ont reprisé, ravaudé, cousu, ornementé … ou plus industrielle et destinée à produire vêtements, linge de maison, revêtements, objets utilitaires elle concerne chacun de nous…
Cette exposition sera une forme d’hommage à tous ces gestes qui, réinventés au fil du temps ont donné naissance à une si incroyable variété d’objets et de matières. Quoi de plus normal alors, pour mettre en avant la richesse du textile que d’interroger son rapport avec le bijou cet objet spécifique qui ornemente et pare, qui valorise et définit … La trentaine de créateurs invités vous permettra de découvrir ou redécouvrir toute la richesse d’un univers quasiment illimité … qu’ils utilisent directement les matières textiles, qu’ils en transfèrent les multiples techniques dans leur approche du métal en tissant du fil d’or et d’argent, cousant des plaques les unes avec les autres, ou qu’ils utilisent son répertoire formel comme source d’inspiration ils vous proposent tous un voyage original qui ouvre les frontières. » (« Annuaire Azur »-HBJO)

Créateurs invités
Arline Fisch, Hanne Berhens, Felieke Van Der Leest, Constanze Schreiber, Karen Paust, Blanka Sperkova, Corina Rietveld, Claudia Silveira Oliveira, Frédérique Trinchese, Tzuri Gueta, Catalina Gomez, Frédérique Coomans, Xiaojia Wang & Jean-Marc Waszack, Fie Von Krogh, Beate Klockmann, Lolita Tchelkina, Brigit Daamen, Lily Alcaraz & Léa Berlier, Lilas Force, Aude Tahon, Sophie Dalla Rosa, Jackie Tadéoni, Marie-José Morato, Sara Bran, Anne Claustre … et d’autres encore.

Frédérique Trinchese - bijoux transformables : "Envol". Argent, kevlar, perles de cultures.Frédérique Trinchese -  bijoux transformables : « Envol ». Argent, kevlar, perles de cultures.

Coral Necklace (2000) - Felieke van der Leest #crochet #jewelry Felieke Van Der Leest – Coral Necklace (2000)

Arline Fisch - 'Pink & Gold' Bracelet in coated copper wire (machine knit) 3 x 4.5" (7,62cm X  11,43cm)Arline Fisch – Bracelet ‘Magenta Orange Ruffle’

Lily Alcaraz & lea Berlier - collier ‘perlingots’  -  collection de colliers textiles qui s’inspire des jeux de construction. Chaque collier est réalisé à partir d’une “perle-module” en forme de pyramide rappelant les berlingots, bonbons souvenir de l’enfance – 1er prix du concours “Bijoux d’enfance”, Pôle Bijou de Baccarat, 2009. Lily Alcaraz & lea Berlier - collier ‘perlingots’  -
collection de colliers textiles qui s’inspire des jeux de construction. Chaque collier est réalisé à partir d’une “perle-module” en forme de pyramide rappelant les berlingots, bonbons souvenir de l’enfance – 1er prix du concours “Bijoux d’enfance”, Pôle Bijou de Baccarat, 2009.

Karen Paust - Liquid SunsetKaren Paust – collier

Blanka Šperková - splendid finger-knit (!) wire jewelry. Blanka Sperkova ‘Hands’set’ – Collier, bracelet, boucles d’oreilles

Fie von Krogh broochFie Von Krogh – broche

aude-tahonAude Tahon – collier

Brigit Daamen    broochesBrigit Daamen – broches en feutre

Frederique Coomans necklace - plexi et fil polyesterFrederique Coomans

Hanne BehrensHanne Behrens

Expositions associées
En parallèle de cet évènement, trois expositions complémentaires sont proposées:
*Du 3 novembre au 14 décembre : «Travaux d’apprentis». Il s’agira de découvrir les productions des élèves du Lycée professionnel Paul Lapie de Lunéville.
*Du 15 décembre au 27 février : «Broderies de Lunéville: une spécialité depuis le XIXème siècle». Le Conservatoire des Broderies de Lunéville nous livrera ses trésors.
*Du 28 février au 4 avril : «Recherche et création». Cette exposition complémentaire présentera les bijoux issus de séminaires de recherches menés en collaboration avec des entreprises et des créateurs du territoire.
Divers partenaires scientifiques et techniques ont contribué à la conception de cette exposition dont:
·  Lycée Paul Lapie de Lunéville
·  Conservatoire de la broderie perlée de Lunéville
·  Les entreprises Bacus et Gouvernel
Horaires d’ouverture :
Basse saison (du 1er octobre au 14 mai) : 10h-12h30 et 13h30-17h. Fermeture hebdomadaire le mardi.
Entrée simple : Tarif plein : 5 ¤ Tarif réduit : 2 ¤ Pass annuel: 10 ¤
Tarif groupes et visites commentées : nous contacter au 03 83 76 06 99 ou

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Découvrez Exposition « Du textile au bijou » à Baccarat sur Culturebox !« ][/gv]


EXPO ‘Glass in Czech Jewelry – Contemporary Jewelry’ – Munich 3-31 mars 2010

Glass in Czech Jewelry – traveled exhibition

« … the notion of “Czech jewelry” is spontaneously evocative of glass pearls from the town of Jablonec and Bohemian garnets. These two jewelry materials owe their fame to long tradition and wide distribution. Although contemporary glass production in the Czech Republic is far from what it used to be in the late 19th and the early 20th centuries, this notion has been still fixed in our consciousness. All over the world people look for the old “original Jablonec glass pearls” and try to imitate their quality. There is a boom of shiny cut glass in jewelry and fashion not only as an accessory, but also directly in combination with textile-woven, glittering glass on the body. »

EXPO 'Glass in Czech Jewelry - Contemporary Jewelry' - Munich 3-31 mars 2010 dans Allemagne (DE) Glas_Tschechisches_Scmuck_karte_1%281%29

Václav Cigler, Petr Dvořák, Stanislava Grebeníčková, Kateřina Handlová, Jan Hásek, Svatopluk Kasalý, Jaroslav Kodejš, Zdenka Laštovičková, Martina Mináriková, Martin Papcún, Jiří Šibor, Markéta Šílená, Blanka Šperková

Blanka Sperkova (Czech) Silver, blue glass chips, Necklace 2008 -knitted wire
Blanka Sperkova - Necklace 2008 – silvered finger knitted wire, clear & blue glass chips

Jan Hasek (CS)-Blown sand-blasted glass, steel - hair jewelry 1991Jan Hasek-Blown sand-blasted glass, steel - hair jewelry 1991- 2
Jan Hasek - Blown sand-blasted glass, steel – hair jewelry 1991- 1 & 2

Katerina Handlova-Glass-rocailles, lamp-worked beads - 'coral' necklace 2007
Katerina Handlova – ‘coral’ necklace 2007 – Glass-rocailles, lamp-worked beads

Martina Minarikova (CS)'Crystals' necklace w removable brooches 2008
Martina Minarikova – ‘Crystals’ necklace w/ removable brooches 2008-Glass, silver, stainless steel, hematite, calcite

Petr Dvorak-Lamp-worked glass, Bohemian garnets, titanium - necklace 2009
Petr Dvorak - Lamp-worked glass, Bohemian garnets, titanium – necklace 2009 

Zdenka Lastovickova (CS) Lamp-worked glass-wound beads,Bohemian garnets, gold foil
Zdenka Lastovickova – ‘Dream’ necklace 2008 – Lamp-worked glass -wound beads w/ Bohemian garnets, gold foil, cast gilded silver

Svatopluk Kasaly-cut-polished glass, gilded brass Necklace
Svatopluk Kasaly - Untitled, Necklace 2000 – cut-polished glass, gilded brass

Václav Cigler - wearable object- optical glass, chromium plated silver
Václav Cigler – wearable object- optical glass, chromium plated silver


Glass in Czech Jewelry – Curator’s Comment
« The works of Czech jewelry artists using glass in contemporary jewelry are presented to the general public very rarely. Therefore the invitation of the Viennese Gallery V&V, which initiated this inspiring project, attracted attention of most of the addressed artists.
The exhibition features in total 13 artists differing in age, professional experience as well as development of their opinions over the course of their career. It can be said that the exhibited works constitute a comprehensive overview of the most interesting items created in this specific sphere.
The theme of the exhibition is glass as an original integral part of jewelry. Glass in its variations refers not only to its physical qualities such as fragility or hardness, but primarily its changeable optical and visual beauty, which provides it with a spiritual quality.
The exhibiting artists present outcomes of their work based on individual approach, representing their personal experience during glass processing. Using unique techniques they record changes of physical qualities and often reach surprising results.
The characteristic features of glass are its optical qualities, its exceptional color scheme and the possibility of achieving lustrous shine. Casting of glass achieves a matted surface,sometimes wrinkled by the artist’s intervention, thereby maintaining the latent mystery of the glass matter.
Our admiration for transparent hand-made glass beads in connection with Bohemian garnets may result in an intuitive experience—like our encounter with other works of modern art.
The presented jewelry pieces certainly stand out in their original approach and visual language, physically uniting both content and form.
The ultimate purpose of the jewelry piece is its specific presentation when it is eventually worn by a person. The body becomes a moving “carrier” of the work and animates not only the piece of jewelry itself, but also supports and develops the kinesthetic perception of viewers and the person wearing it.A great advantage for all exhibiting artists was the accessibility of using all available technologies of this industry, drawing experience from the rich arts and crafts tradition and the history of glass manufacturing in the Czech regions. Some of the exhibiting artists were influenced not only by artistic processing of glass as we know it from the tradition of preceding generations, but also by the production of Czech artists who attained international esteem with their glass sculptures. They improve established procedures by experimentation, extending the way glass is used regardless of the context of contemporary art jewelry.
This exhibition represents a beneficial step in the field of art which successfully develops the continuity of processing glass, a field often neglected both by curators and the public.
The exhibition providess insight into the phenomenon of Czech glass jewelry, extending awareness of an object which is worn and seen.  » (Jiří Šibor)


Tschechisches Zentrum (Czech Centre)
Prinzregentenstrasse 7
80538 München/Munich – Germany
tél : 089 21024932
info sur Klimt02 :


SCHMUCK 2010 – Munich (DE) 3-9 mars 2010 – PROGRAMME

Classé dans : Adrean BLOOMARD (IT),Alexander BLANK (DE),Allemagne (DE),Amandine MEUNIER (FR),Anna EICHLINGER (DE),Aud Charlotte HO SINDING (SE),Babette BOUCHER (FR),Bettina SPECKNER (DE),Blanka SPERKOVA (CS),Brune BOYER-PELLEREJ (FR),Carole DELTENRE (FR),Catherine LE GAL (FR),Christine GRAF (DE),Christophe MARGUIER (FR),Chuchart SARUNNAYAWATSIN (Thai.),Claire BALOGE (FR),Constanze SCHREIBER (DE),Daniel KRUGER (DE),Elena RUEBEL (DE),Emmanuel LACOSTE (FR),Eunmi CHUN (KR),EVENEMENT / Type of EVENT,Exposition/Exhibition,Fabrizio TRIDENTI (IT),Fiona HERMSE (UK),Flora VAGI (HU),Florence LEHMANN (FR),Florian WEICHSBERGER (DE),Frederic BRAHAM (FR),Gal. Marzee (NL),Gal. Platina (SE),Gal. RA (NL),Gal. Spektrum (DE),Giampaolo BABETTO (IT),Helen BRITTON (AU),Helfried KODRE (AT),Ines SCHWOTZER (DE),Iris EICHENBERG (NL),Jana NATIER (FR),Jessica WORLEY (UK),Joanne GRIMONPREZ (FR),Kadri MALK (EE),Karen PONTOPPIDAN (DK),Karl FRITSCH (DE),Katerina HANDLOVA (CS),Katharina MOCH (DE),Katherine RICHMOND (UK),Kathryn PARTINGTON (UK),Kristiina LAURITS (EE),Lisa JUEN (CN),Luzia VOGT (CH),Lydia HIRTE (DE),Mari FUNAKI (JP),Mari IWAMOTO (JP),Martin PAPCUN (CS),Masayuki NAGATA (JP),Maud TRAON (FR),Melanie ISVERDING (DE),Mia MALJOJOKI (FI),Mikaela LYONS (UK),Mikiko MINEWAKI (JP),Mirjam HILLER (DE),Monika BRUGGER (FR),Monika JAKUBEC (DE),Nathalie PERRET (FR),Nicole BECK (DE),Otto KUNZLI (CH),Patrick McMILLAN (US),Peter BAUHUIS (DE),Petr DVORAK (CS),Piret HIRV (EE),Renate SCHMID (DE),Rickson SALKELD (CA),Robert BAINES (AU),Sam Tho DUONG (VN),Shadi VOSSOUGH (UK),Simon COTTRELL (AU),Sophie HANAGARTH (CH),Susanne ELSTNER (DE),Svatopluk KASALY (CS),Tamsin LEIGHTON-BOYCE (UK),Tanel VEENRE (EE),Tarja TUUPANEN (FI),Therese HILBERT (DE),Tiina RAJAKALLIO (FI),Toni MAYNER (UK),Ulrike KAMPFERT (DE/FR),Vaclav CIGLER (CS),Villu PLINK (EE),Volker ATROPS (DE),Yoko IZAWA (JP) — bijoucontemporain @ 19:57

Schmuck 2010 in München / Jewellery in Munich
Events related to Jewellery during the International Trade Fair

3.-9.3.2010 Neue Messe München I Halle A1 “Handwerk & Design” 9.30-18 h
Sonderschauen der 62. Internationalen Handwerksmesse München. Schmuck 2010,
Exempla 2010 – Keramik, Talente 2010, Meister der Moderne 2010

Frame” Präsentation internationaler Galerien, Galerie Marzee, Galerie Platina, Galerie Ra

* Schatzkammer Australien -Treasure room Australia. Opening: 25.2.,18.30  h.
Galerie Handwerk,
Max-Joseph- Str. 4, 80333 München.
Tel. 089-595584
26.2.-10.4., Di, Mi, Fr 10-18, Do 10-20, Sa 10-13.
So 7.3. Special opening 10-14 h.

SCHMUCK 2010 - Munich (DE) 3-9 mars 2010 - PROGRAMME dans Adrean BLOOMARD (IT) 18038

[Artists:  Helen Aitken-Kuhnen, Robert Baines, Roseanne Bartley, Nicholas Bastin, Julie Blyfield, Helen Britton, Susan Cohn, Simon Cottrell, Anna Davern, Laura Deakin, Mark Edgoose, Mari Funaki, Stephen Gallagher, Kiko Gianocca, Kirsten Haydon, Marian Hosking, Linda Hughes, Johannes Kuhnen Carlier Makigawa, Sally Marsland, Christopher Earl Milbourne, Nina Oikawa, David Phillips, Nicole Polentas. ]

*Giampaolo Babetto. L’Italianità dei Gioielli, 6.3.-30.5. Opening 5.3. 19 h

*Wenn Helden zittern – Tokyo, München, London, 6.-7.3., 10-18, Opening 5.3. 19 h
Alexander Blank, Eunmi Chun, Stefan Heuser, Mari Iwamoto, Jasleen Kaur, Märta Mattson, Hajime Matsuo, Masayuki Nagata, Christopher Thomson-Royds.
Alexander Blank- brooch- Silver, plexiglass, rigid foam, lacquer

*Danner-Rotunde. Neu. Kuratiert von Karl Fritsch, ab 6.3. Opening. 5.3. 19 h.
Die Neue Sammlung – The International Design Museum Munich
Barerstrasse 40,
Pinakothek der Moderne, 80333 München,
Tel. 089-272725-0 u. 089-23805-360,
Di-So 10-18, Do 10-20 h

*Nicht dass Du mir von der Bluse fällst. (« Don’t you dare to fall off my blouse! ») 12.2.-10.4. Opening 11.2. 18.30 h,
Broschen von Volker Atrops, Peter Bauhuis, Waltraud Erlacher, Therese Hilbert, Otto Künzli, Karen Pontoppidan, Bettina Speckner.
Galerie für Angewandte Kunst, Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein e.V.,
Pacellistr. 6-8, 80333 München,
Tel. 089-2901470
Mo-Sa 10-18, Do 4.3. 17-18 h meet the artists, So 7.3. Special opening 11-17 h

(cf article « EXPO ‘Don’t you dare to fall off my blouse!‘ – Gallery for Applied Arts, Munich (DE) – 12 Fevr.- 10 Avr. 2010″)
Bettina Speckner - brooches

> 3.3. Wednesday

19 h: Glas im tschechischen Schmuck. 3.3.-31.3. Opening 3.3. 19 h
Václav Cigler
, Petr Dvorák, Stanislava Grebenícková, Katerina Handlová, Jan Hásko, Svatopluk Kasaly, Jaroslav Kodejs, Zdenka Lastovicková, Martina Mináriková, Martin Papcún, Jirí Sibor, Markéta Sílená, Blanka Sperková.,
Tschechisches Zentrum, Prinzregentenstr. 7,
Mo-Do 10-17, Fr 10-16
3.-4.3. 10-22 h,

(cf article « EXPO ‘Glass in Czech Jewelry – Contemporary Jewelry’ – Munich 3-31 mars 2010« )

> 4.3. Thursday

10 h: bloß keine Steine, « No gems, please ». 4.-7.3
Kerstin Becker, Susanne Elstner, Monika Jakubec, Michaela Köppl, Kristina Kundt, Gabriele von Miller-Lehsten, Daniela Osterrieder, Renate Schmid, Renate Scholz, Ines Schwotzer, Gottlinde Singer, Monika Vesely, Hanni Weber.
galerie GEDOK muc, Elisabethstr. 13 RG, 80796 München,
10-20 h   (

Susanne Elstner, Brosche
Susanne Elstner, brosche

12 h: Life’s a bench. 4.-7.3
Fiona Jane Hermse, You-Hua Hsieh, Tamsin Leighton-Boyce, Mikaela Lyons, Katharina Moch, Katherine Richmond, Elena Ruebel, Rickson Salkeld, Chuchart Sarunnayawatsin, Ching-Chih Tseng, Shadi Vossough,
Studio K162 Renate Scholz,
Klugstraße 162,
Tel. 089-1577231
Do-Sa 12-19, So 12-16 h              (

necklace_2+chu dans Alexander BLANK (DE)Mikaela+Lyons+Ecklectika+Collection dans Allemagne (DE)
Chuchart Sarunnayawatsin                     Mikaela Lyons

13 h: Ishikawa, Maljojoki, Steinau-Streinrück, Borgegård, in memoriam Ho Sook Sinding  (Aud Charlotte Ho Sook Sinding). 4.-7.3.,
Frauenstr. 36,
Tel. 0179-2047433, mit Van de Velde im Auto -  13-16 h

9 dans Amandine MEUNIER (FR)
Mia Maljojoki - ‘Lollipops in the woods – Bites from everyday’

16 h: schmuck krönt das schöne. 4.3-7.3
Claudia Milic, Ingrid Römmich, Veronika Schmidt
Schlegelschmuck München, Nordendstr.7a,
Tel. 089-2710071
Do 16-19 h
Fr, Sa 11-18, So 11-14 h

17 h: The Box4.-7.3
Bette, Adrean Bloomard, Förster, Hilbert, Kallfelz, Helfried Kodré, Lisca, Fabrizio Tridenti, Flora Vagi, Luzia Vogt, Weber, Florian Weichsberger
Maurer-Zilioli – Contemporary Arts, Brescia, zu Gast bei
Kunstbüro Reillplast, Amalienstraße 21, 80331 München,
Tel. 0179-1023868,
Helfried Kodré (AT) – brooch                     Luzia Vogt – brooch 

Brosche, 2. Preis
Florian Weichsberger - broche

17 h: Dear James. 5.-7.3
Christine Graf, Lisa Juen, Toni Mayner, Patrick McMillan, Kathryn Partington, Jessica Worley.
Atelier Klarastr.1,
Tel. 0160-94957212, .
11-17 h

(cf article « Message in a jewel …..” (chanson bien connue) – “Dear JAMES”)
The JAMES Exchange

18 h: Bettina Dittlmann und Michael Jank. 5.-25.3
Galerie Isabella Hund, Frauenplatz 13,
Tel. 089-29160717
Mo-Fr 11-14 und 15-19, Sa 11-18 h18 h: Dormitory_Bauleitung_Laboratorio. Schmuck im Schlafrock aus 7 Ländern.
Atelier Stach, Welserstr. 29a,
Tel. 0174-8050333,
Fr 5.3. 11-18, Sa 6.3.11-13 h

18-22 h: Sam Tho Duong und Nils Schmalenbach. 4.-9.3
Schmuckgalerie tal20, Tal 20, 80331 München,
Tel: 089-24231491
Mo-Fr 11-19, Sa 10-16 h

18 h: Eternal shine – it´s not a pony. 5.-7.3.
Nicole Beck, Melanie Isverding, Constanze Schreiber, Florian Weichsberger
Projektraum J. Baumeister, Georgenstr. 66, 80799 München
Tel. 0176-23112592
Fr 12-18, Sa 11-16, So 11-18 h
Florian Weichsberger


18.30 h: Daniel Kruger. 4.3.-25.4.
Galerie Biro, Zieblandstr. 19,
Tel. 089-2730686,
Di-Sa 14-18 h

Daniel-Kruger dans Anna EICHLINGER (DE)
Daniel Krüger - brooch


19 h: AAVISTUS. 5.-7.3
Tiina Rajakallio, Tarja Tuupanen, Maria Vuorinen.
84 GHz Kultur im Keller, Georgenstr. 84, 80799 München,
Tel. 089-30637911
12-20 h


>5.3. Friday

10 h: Across borders. 5.-8.3
Leila Arzaghi, Lydia Hirte, Yoko Izawa, Christiana Jöckel, Sangeun Kim,
Studio Gabi Green, Gollierstr. 17, Tel. 089-54030254
10-18 h

17 h: õhuLoss / luftSchloss / spatialPalace. 5.-7.3
Kadri Mälk, Tanel Veenre, Piret Hirv, Eve Margus-Villems, Kristiina Laurits, Villu Plink
Alter Nordfriedhof, Arcisstr. 45,
Tel. 089- 2720526 (Friedhof),
Tel. 00372-5223595 (Kadri Mälk)
Fr 17-21, Sa-So 12-18 h

(cf article « Estonian jewellery« )


17 h: 2 Münchener Goldschmiede +1 junger Star. 5-12.3
Peter Müller, Dagmar Stühler, Mirjam Hiller.
Galerie Stühler bei Winterberg-Kunst, Barerstr. 46, 80333 München,
Tel. 0177-8817633
5.3. 17-23h, 6.-12.3. 12-18 h

17 h: “mine x mine”. 5.-9.3
Mikiko Minewaki und Yutaka Minegishi
WITTENBRINKFuenfhoefe, Theatinerstr. 14,
Tel: 089-25541933
12-19 h

18 h: Cagnes-sur-Mer hors les murs präsentiert Also known as jewellery, 3.-9.3
a travelling exhibition of French contemporary jewellery.
Baloge, Boucher, Boyer-Pellerej, Braham, Brugger, Deltenre, Grimonprez, Hanagarth, Kampfert, Lacoste, Le Gal, Lehmann, Marguier, Meunier, Natier, Perret, Traon.
L’institut Français, Kaulbachstraße 13,
Tel. 089-2866280
9-21 h18 h: Dialogue 8. 5.-7.3
P. Bishai, A, Death, R. Gilbert, B. Humphries, J. Patterson, J. Robinson, P. Scura, Timothy Information Limited, R. Terry, A. Toch.
Kunstgießerei Schwabing, Schleißheimer Str. 72, with 84 GHz,
Fr 18-21 h, Sa-So 12-20 h

19 h: Jewellery Mia Maljojoki bei “Meisterschüler 2010“ 6.-14.3.
Akademie der Bildenden Künste München, Galerie der Künstler, Maximilianstr. 42, 80538 München,
Mi-Sa 14-19 h

20 h: Iris Eichenberg : Birds and flowers of Michigan.  5.3.-24.4
Galerie Spektrum, Theresienstr. 46,
Tel. 089-284590,Di-Fr 13-19, Sa 11-14,
7.3. Special opening12-18 h
Iris EichenbergBrooch

> 6.3. Saturday

11 h: Returning to the Jewel is a Return from Exile 2. 6.-7.3.
Robert Baines, Karl Fritsch, Gerd Rothmann, präsentiert von Galerie Biro,
Einsäulen-Saal Münchner Residenz, Residenzstr. 1,
Tel. 089-2730686
11-18 h

11 h: 3 x GOLD. 6-8.3.
Florian Buddeberg, Anna Eichlinger, Irene Gonzalez,
Bergmannstr. 28,
Tel. 0173-5926015
Sa u.Mo 11-16, So 11-18 h
Neue Messe München Halle A1, Aktionsbühne

16 h: Talente-Preis Verleihung
17 h: Herbert-Hofmann-Preis Verleihung
20 h: Jewellery Get-together
Augustiner Großgaststätten, Neuhauserstr. 27
Tel. 089-23183257

> 7.3. Sunday

12-19 h: Die Kunst des Abschieds. 31.1.-30.4
Bettina Speckner, Thomas Kammerl und andere…bei Gastroph und Jünger: w e i s s ….über den tod hinaus,
Hans-Sachs-Str. 3,
Tel. 0176-62483342
Mo-Fr 11-19, Sa 11-16 h

12 h: Claus Bury – Maßstabssprünge. 9.3.-13.6.
Die Neue Sammlung – The International
Design Museum Munich, im Neuen Museum für Kunst und Design, Klarissenplatz, 90402 Nürnberg,
Tel. 089-2727250 u. 0911-240200,,
Di-Fr 10-20, Sa u.So 10-18 h

15-18 h: Finissagentag “Iron Man” 4.2.-7.3
Volker Atrops.
Antiquariat Dieter Zipprich, Zieblandstr. 2, 80799 München
Tel. 02845-609956
Mo-Sa 9-13 h

>> Download the complete program of events
(MERCI à Klimt02)


EXPO ‘Alternatives of textile jewellery’ – Galerie V & V, Vienne/Wien 24 janv – 9 mars 2010


Vienne (Autriche) du 24 janvier  au  09 mars 2010
Bijoux textile – textile jewelry

EXPO - Alternative textile jewelry

« This exhibition shows a variety of current artistic attitudes, techniques and materials in visual arts that make up textile jewels. Trying to define textile jewels is getting pretty hard but this exhibition has the ambition to give it a try as well as to enhance the development of textile jewellery. … Modern jewellery develops from its originally purely decorative function to an autonomous artistic expression. The jewel turns into a statement of the artist and into an interconnection with the customer.

Nowadays, jewel-makers combine precious and ordinary materials and often use the « soft » material of textile or soften the hard metal by applying textile techniques, by sewing or plaiting etc.

The exhibiting artists converted textile jewels into an artistic expression and thus their works of art can be seen within important collections in museums across the world where you can admire the works of famous artists like Beppe Kessler from the Netherlands, Verena Sieber-Fuchs from Switzerland or Elisabeth Krampe and Ines Schwotzer from Germany. The exhibition also presents the works of the emerging generation with their fresh input and masterful techniques. »  ( Source: Press release)


EXPO 'Alternatives of textile jewellery' - Galerie V & V, Vienne/Wien 24 janv - 9 mars 2010 dans Autriche (AT) 38002_455086267447_130506437447_6176956_3676535_n

Tota Reciclados – « Ugly birds »
Rita Ruivo – (j’ADORE !!!!) 

 dans Beppe KESSLER (NL) dans Blanka SPERKOVA (CS)







Rita RuivoJewellery in silver, velvet, synthetic fabrics, perspex, wrist watch bands, copper and beads



GALERIE V & V,  Vienne (Autriche)
Bauernmarkt 19 1010 Wien
Tel 0043/1/535 63 34
Fax 0043/1/8102121/40