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EXPO ‘Delirio y Cordura’ – Velvet da Vinci gallery (USA) – 9 Juill.-10 Aout 2014

Velvet da Vinci : Coming in July… « Delirio y Cordura » (Delirium and Sanity)
Chilean Contemporary Jewelry

Opening Reception: Friday July 11, 6-8 pm

Artist’s Talk: 6:30 pm

Coming in July... Delirio y Cordura (Delirium and Sanity)Chilean Contemporary Jewelry
In the ten years since Joyas Jóias, Velvet da Vinci’s first exhibition of Latin American jewelry, there has been a growing awareness and appreciation for the achievements of contemporary jewelers in Mexico, Argentina, Peru and Brazil. For our exhibition, Delirio y Cordura (Delirium and Sanity) we concentrate on contemporary Chilean jewelry artists. Each jeweler was inspired by the themes of delirium and sanity, choosing one or both concepts. The idea of harmony and balance versus  insanity and irrationality influence the creation of each work through an exploration of shape, color, material, and concept.  Chaos, out of order.
Participating ArtistsCarolina Gimeno Carolina Hornahuer — Claudia Correa — Claudio Pino — Francisco Ceppi — Gabriela Fissore — Maria Eugenia Munoz — Maria Ignacia Walker — Nicolas Hernandez — Paola Raggo — Pia Walker — Rafaella Pruzzo — Rocco Napoli — Valentina Rosenthal — Veronica Perez Artigas — Walka Studio — Yessica Bordon

​Gabriela Fissore Piece: Cor Silver, copper, japanese lacquer 19cmGabriela Fissore Piece: Cor Silver, copper, japanese lacquer 19cm

Rafaella Pruzzo Necklace: Molindore Oxidized silver, book pages 21 x 18 x 5 cmRafaella Pruzzo Necklace: Molindore Oxidized silver, book pages 21 x 18 x 5 cm

Walka Studio , Brooch, Walka Studio T-Oro Sagrado Bull horn, gold plating brass, steel

Pia Walker, Pendant, Pia WalkerPendant: Rotamiento – Steel, copper, acrylic, aluminium

Carolina Gimeno Velvet da VinciCarolina Gimeno Encounter IV, Brooch Birch, sterling silver 13 x 11 x 5 cm

Carolina Hornauer Brooch: Ismos #1 Rigid polystyrene foam, japanese lacquer, silver, enameled stoneware ceramic 7 x 6 x 7 cmCarolina Hornauer Brooch: Ismos #1 Rigid polystyrene foam, japanese lacquer, silver, enameled stoneware ceramic 7 x 6 x 7 cm

Maria Eugenia Munoz Ring: Delirium Tremensdoscópicos Sterling silver, copper, acrylic, mirror, Swarovski crystal 4.5 x 2.5 x 3 cmMaria Eugenia Munoz Ring: Delirium Tremensdoscópicos Sterling silver, copper, acrylic, mirror, Swarovski crystal 4.5 x 2.5 x 3 cm
Claudio Pino Ring: Interactive Mirror, 2 14k gold, 925 sterling silver, mirror, carnelians, pearls Kinetic RingClaudio Pino Ring: Interactive Mirror, 2 14k gold, 925 sterling silver, mirror, carnelians, pearls Kinetic Ring



EXPO ‘Delirio & Cordura’ – Centro Cultural Scuola Italiana, Santiago (Chile) – 8 Aout-13 Sept. 2013

Delirio & Cordura – 8-08/13-09 – Centro Cultural Scuola Italiana

Delirio & Cordura - 8-08/13-09
El Centro Cultural Scuola inaugurará el día jueves 8 de Agosto a las 19:30 horas la muestra de Joyería Contemporánea “Delirio y Cordura”. La exposición está conformada por las obras de 26 joyeros, 16 chilenos y 10 de diferentes nacionalidades quienes actualmente están estudiando en la prestigiosa escuela de joyería Alchimia en Florencia, Italia.
Para la muestra, cada orfebre se inspiró en la temática sobre el delirio y la cordura, escogiendo uno o ambos conceptos, por tanto la armonía y equilibrio versus la locura e irracionalidad de las formas, colores, materiales, fueron el motor creativo de cada joya. « Nos gusta mantener delirio y cordura separados mutuamente. Hay espacios para el orden, como las universidades, y también hay momentos para la locura, como el carnaval. Pero ¿Qué pasaría si estuvieran juntos? », es la reflexión que plantearon este grupo de orfebres y que se ve reflejada en este montaje. Cabe recalcar que en esta muestra el trabajo de los diferentes materiales utilizados (plata, oro, cobre, piedras, acrílicos, ceras, cerámicas, entre otros) y técnicas con que se realizó cada joya, dan forma a diversas piezas que destacan por su creatividad, complejidad, manufactura y destreza que trascienden lo meramente ornamental, convirtiéndose en objetos exclusivos y únicos que dan cuenta del estado de la joyería contemporánea.
La exposición estará disponible en la Sala Terracota del Centro Cultural Scuola Italiana del 8 de Agosto hasta el 13 de Septiembre. .
Centro Cultural Scuola Italiana
exponen : Carolina GimenoCarolina Hornauer — Claudia Correa — Claudio Pino — Francisco Ceppi — Gabriela Fissore — Maria Eugenia Muñoz — Nicolas Hernandez — Paola Raggo — Paulina Jaschan — Pia Walker — Rafaella Pruzzo — Rocco Napoli — Veronica Perez Artigas — Valentina RosenthalWalka Studio — Yessica Bordon
Carolina Hornaüer -  …”Todos saben bien, seguro, un importante secreto, excepto individuos de un estilo como yo. Nos mecemos en la ilusión de que afuera hay un espacio libre para los fuera de lo común. Es claro el impulso interior y el anhelo de vivir igual que todos. Tu ves que por ejemplo todos los autistas estamos de acuerdo en saber que rodeados de gente estamos solos como nadie en el mundo”…
Carolina Hornaüer -  …”Todos saben bien, seguro, un importante secreto, excepto individuos de un estilo como yo. Nos mecemos en la ilusión de que afuera hay un espacio libre para los fuera de lo común. Es claro el impulso interior y el anhelo de vivir igual que todos. Tu ves que por ejemplo todos los autistas estamos de acuerdo en saber que rodeados de gente estamos solos como nadie en el mundo”…

expo DELIRIO y CORDURA - brooch by ... ?WALKA STUDIOHorn, goldplated brooch

Pia Walker Foto: Karen Clunes
Pia Walker - Foto: Karen Clunes
Paola Raggo y sus "Delirios nocturnos", estarán presentes en la muestra "Delirio y Cordura" Fotografía: Karen Clunes

Paola Raggo y sus « Delirios nocturnos »- Fotografía: Karen Clunes

Carolina Gimeno - muestra "Delirio y Cordura"
Carolina Gimeno
Gabriela Fissore  "De la cordura me quedo con el COR (del latín corazón) Antiguamente se pensaba que en el corazón yacían las facultades de la memoria, era el centro de la vida interior, en donde se ubicaban sentimientos, pensamiento, voluntad. Tres piezas que muestran parte de este corazón. Abstracción de arterias coronarias."
Gabriela Fissore  uno de los colgantes que presento en la expo « delirio o cordura »-  plata, cobre, laca japonesa - « De la cordura me quedo con el COR (del latín corazón) Antiguamente se pensaba que en el corazón yacían las facultades de la memoria, era el centro de la vida interior, en donde se ubicaban sentimientos, pensamiento, voluntad. Tres piezas que muestran parte de este corazón. Abstracción de arterias coronarias. »
Claudio Pino - Interactive Mirror 14k Gold, 925 Silver, mirror, pearls, opals. 2012
Claudio Pino – Interactive Mirror 14k Gold, 925 Silver, mirror, pearls, opals. 2012


Sala Terracota del Centro Cultural Scuola Italiana
Avenida Las Flores 12707
San Carlos de Apoquindo
Las Condes – Chile
Mayor información contactar a Ma. Gabriela Castillo Coordinadora Centro Cultural Scuola Italiana 2 5927544
Lunes a Viernes de 8 a 17 hrs.
tel Fono: (56) 02 5927544


EXPO ‘Cromatica’ – Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago (Chile) – 8 Sept.-25 Oct. 2012

JoyaBrava presents CROMATICA

Cromatica, puts together a selection of contemporary jewellery inspired in color, as a starting point. Jewellers are challenged to think about the language of a single colour. As a result, this exhibition shows a composition of fourty pieces, that talk in a variety of voices. Presenting ideas, thoughts, and even critical views.

 Cromatica  Artists: Amenábar Paulina, Antúnez Guillermina, Ávila Soledad, Berguño Virginia, Betancourt Claudia (Walka), Bugueiro Marcela, Céspedes Analya, Constanza Soto, De La Fuente Pamela, Del Fierro Paulina, Durandin Pascal, Fernández Loreto, Fissore Gabriela, Garretón Valentina, González Mariela, Harsanyi Gabriela, Hernandez Nicolás, Honorato Marcos, Hornauer Carolina, Joyce Marin, Labra Pilar, Latorre Paulina, Martínez Valeria, Mendez Carolina, Díaz Mónica, Moreira Camilo, Muñoz Massiel,

Joya Brava es la Asociación gremial de joyeros contemporáneos Chilenos que reúne a 47 socios, los cuales son un referente de la joyería chilena actual.
El objetivo de JoyaBrava es difundir, desarrollar y fortalecer la joyería contemporánea chilena para insertarla en el circuito tanto artístico como cultural. Además de desarrollar vínculos con las diferentes disciplinas que incluyen el diseño como principal inspiración (escultura, artes visuales, arquitectura , diseño industrial , etc)
JoyaBrava es una organización sin fines de lucro que mantiene una plataforma de intercambio para crear, difundir e informar proyectos de Joyería contemporánea, organizar exposiciones y eventos culturales y/o educacionales, además de establecer redes de contacto con otras organizaciones a nivel mundial.

Joya Brava=Asociacion Joyeria Contemporanea Chilena (EXPO Cromatica)

Paulina Amenábar  — Guillermina Antúnez  — Soledad Ávila  — Virginia Berguño  — Claudia Betancourt (Walka studio) — Marcela Bugueiro  — Analya Céspedes  — Constanza Soto — Pamela De La Fuente  — Paulina Del Fierro  — Pascal Durandin  — Loreto Fernández  — Gabriela Fissore  — Valentina Garretón  — Mariela González  — Gabriela Harsanyi  — Nicolás Hernandez  — Marcos Honorato — Carolina Hornauer  — Marin Joyce  — Pilar Labra  — Paulina Latorre  — Valeria Martínez — Carolina Mendez  — Mónica Díaz  — Camilo  Moreira — Massiel Muñoz — Ana Nadjar  — Natalia Saldías — Noelle Labharte  — Liliana Ojeda — Ilonka Palocz — Mónica Pérez  — Stefania Piccoli  — Polin Fugón  — Esteban Reszczynski  — Rita Soto  — Cecilia Rocatagliata  — Vania Ruiz  (CasaKiro) — Eduardo Sepúlveda (Hibrida) — Pía Walker .

Carolina Hornauer  Brooch: The inner light #1 2012  Oxidized silver, acrlylic paint  photo by Stefania PiccoliCarolina Hornauer  Brooch: The inner light #1 2012  Oxidized silver, acrlylic paint  photo by Stefania Piccoli

Ana Nadjar - Necklace: Untitled 2012  Steel, feltAna Nadjar – Necklace: Untitled 2012  Steel, felt

Massiel Muñoz - Necklace: Garnet Red Nest 2012 - Silver, horse hair, garnets, thread  photo by Stefania PiccoliMassiel Muñoz – Necklace: Garnet Red Nest 2012 – Silver, horse hair, garnets, thread  photo by Stefania Piccoli

Liliana Ojeda  Brooch: In-habit 2012  Silver plated copper, synthetic enamel  photo by Stefania PiccoliLiliana Ojeda  Brooch: In-habit 2012  Silver plated copper, synthetic enamel  photo by Stefania Piccoli

Soledad Ávila  Pendant: Heart 2012  Copper, japanese laquer, leather  photo by Stefania PiccoliSoledad Ávila  Pendant: Heart 2012  Copper, japanese laquer, leather  photo by Stefania Piccoli

Claudia Betancourt  Pieces: Bloom 2012  Silver, horse hair  Ring and Earrings  photo by Stefania PiccoliClaudia Betancourt  Pieces: Bloom 2012  Silver, horse hair  Ring and Earrings  photo by Stefania Piccoli

Vania Ruiz  Necklace: Picoroco on pearl 2012  Picoroco shell, gold leaf, resin  photo by Stefania PiccoliVania Ruiz  Necklace: Picoroco on pearl 2012  Picoroco shell, gold leaf, resin  photo by Stefania Piccoli

Analya Céspedes  Necklace: Blue Landscape 2012  Lapislázuli, sterling silver, 18k gold, oxidized found metal  photo by Stefania PiccoliAnalya Céspedes  Necklace: Blue Landscape 2012  Lapislázuli, sterling silver, 18k gold, oxidized found metal  photo by Stefania Piccoli

Cecilia Roccatagliata  Ring: Yellow Length 2012  Silver, resin, guitar string  photo by Stefania PiccoliCecilia Roccatagliata  Ring: Yellow Length 2012  Silver, resin, guitar string  photo by Stefania Piccoli



Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
Parque Forestal s/n
Casilla 3209 – Santiago
Telephone: 56-2 49 91 600


«Cheveu un bijou !!!» hurle la Dame de Coeur

«!Tranchez-lui la tête!!! Cheveu un bijou!!!» hurle la Dame de Coeur, dans Alice …

mais … faut pas se faire de cheveux dans la vie !! ici, on est à un poil du bijou ….. si ce ne sont pas des bijoux au poil !! ;-)

Au-delà du dégoût que peut susciter l’emploi d’un tel matériau (à la « grande époque » du bijou en cheveux, à l’époque Victorienne, mode lancée par la très romantique Reine Victoria, cet engouement eu un grand succès dans les pays anglo-saxons mais suscita du dégoût et un certain rejet en France et dans le reste de l’Europe), ce n’est pas étonnant, à mon sens, qu’il suscite tant d’attrait parmi la jeune génération de bijoutiers : à force d’interroger le rapport du bijou au corps, le corps s’incorpore petit à petit au bijou lui-même.


Tiffany Parbs – Extension (2008) – hand woven hair, digital print – photo Terence Bogue: Tiffany Parbs, Piece, 2008:

 Tiffany Parbs – Extension (2008) – hand woven hair, digital print – photo Terence Bogue

« Contemporary art is getting hairy Long and silky; short and curly. Blond, brunette, red or grey. It’s hair and it has an important part in our perceptions of ourselves. It defines gender and visual identity, and is playing an important role lately in art — in jewelry, drawings or in mixed media pieces. Hair has long had a role in the work of artists and artisans. In the Victorian era, creating jewelry from hair became almost as popular as knitting or crocheting.  By using one’s own hair or that of a beloved family member women were able to design bracelets, chains, rings and earrings. Apart from jewelry, mourners would weave hair into decorative, memorial wall hangings. By the early 1900s using hair fell out of fashion. During the past 15 years, however, there’s been a fascination among contemporary artists using skin, nail clippings, urine and hair to create various forms of art. Fascinated with Victorian hair jewelry, artist and jewelry designer Melanie Bilenker has revived the art form. Like the Victorians who kept lockets of hair and miniature portraits painted with ground hair and pigment to secure the memory of a lost love, renders the « quiet minutes, the mundane, the domestic, the ordinary moments » from her own tresses. Bilenker observes various daily activities such as cleaning, bathing, dressing, resting or eating. She chronicles the private moments by setting the camera’s timer and goes about her business which can be anything such as eating chocolate, writing a note or enjoying a Saturday morning breakfast. Once she has the photographed images, Bilenker creates tracings of the forms within ghem with thousands of tiny strands of her own hair – which are eventually fixed in resin.  She meticulously layers several different drawings to give the appearance of depth, one as foreground, another as background.  The entire process takes the course of about a week of laying hairs, mixing resin, and then allowing it to cure.  Says Bilenker, « Once the hairs are set as line drawings within resin, I shape, smooth and polish the exterior.  I then fabricate the jewelry findings and set them.  The piece is then complete. »" (Courtesy Melanie Bilenker and Sienna Gallery)

Melanie Bilenker Jewelry:   Oh, and they're made from human hair.: Melanie Bilenker (courtesy of Sienna Gallery) - miniature portraits painted with ground hair

hair jewelry by Melanie Bilenker: Melanie Bilenker

« Note » by Melanie Bilenker (courtesy of Sienna Gallery) - miniature portraits painted with ground hair: Each line in these drawings by Melanie Bilenker are made using strands of the artist’s own hair! The delicate drawings depict quiet scenes of domestic life which are sealed in Victorian-inspired brooches and rings.

 Galatée Pestre -Broche dans le sens du poil: Galatée Pestre- Le Sens des Bijoux – Broche ‘Dans le Sens du Poil’ – argent, poils, inox (photo by flavorflavy)

galatée Pestre - broche poils: Galatée Pestre- Le Sens des Bijoux – Broche ‘Dans le Sens du Poil’ (detail)

Nicola Scholz  Necklace: Untitled 2006  Pubic hair, gold: Nicola Scholz  Necklace: Untitled 2006  Pubic hair, gold

Rodrigo Acosta - necklace - pelo natural: Rodrigo Acosta – necklace – pelo natural

Rodrigo Acosta Arias  Lo permisivo de tu Dios, 2009.  Pendientes,pelo,latón, plata.  Fotos: Adolfo López      El cabello como armar de seducción y poder en el contexto de las distintas religiones a las que el hombre quiere pertenecer.  El pelo y lo prohibido, el pelo y la sabiduría, el pelo y la lujuria, el pelo y lo permisivo de tu Dios.: Rodrigo Acosta-  « Lo permisivo de tu Dios », 2009.  Pendientes,pelo,latón, plata.  Fotos: Adolfo López  -   El cabello como armar de seducción y poder en el contexto de las distintas religiones a las que el hombre quiere pertenecer.  El pelo y lo prohibido, el pelo y la sabiduría, el pelo y la lujuria, el pelo y lo permisivo de tu Dios

Agnes Larsson, necklace, hair jewelry: Agnes Larsson, necklace, hair jewelry 2015

Agnes Larsson, necklace, hair jewelry - Remains 9, 2015, necklace, calf skin, aluminum, horse hair, 16 x 9 x 1.25 inches ("Agnes Larsson - Remains" EXHIBITION at Ornamentum gallery  August 8 – September 7, 2015 ): Agnes Larsson, necklace, hair jewelry – Remains 9, 2015, necklace, calf skin, aluminum, horse hair, 16 x 9 x 1.25 inches (« Agnes Larsson – Remains » EXHIBITION at Ornamentum gallery  August 8 – September 7, 2015 )

Carolina Hornauer Necklace: The collector 2009 Cotton thread, synthetic cotton, river pearls, silver, patina, steel wire, enamel on cooper, magnets, burned wood, tinted hair, parts constructed, silver ball chain, silver tube textured, stone, silver charcoal (casting piece): Carolina Hornauer Necklace: The collector 2009 Cotton thread, synthetic cotton, river pearls, silver, patina, steel wire, enamel on cooper, magnets, burned wood, tinted hair, parts constructed, silver ball chain, silver tube textured, stone, silver charcoal (casting piece)

Carla Castiajo brooch Auto Portrait, 2007 gold, hair70 x 50 x 10 mm (via Contemporary jewellery - brooches) Carla Castiajo -  brooch « Auto Portrait », 2007 – gold, hair

Carla Castiajo   "horror vacui"  "Full of you"   brooch 6 x 5 x 3 cm   Gold, hair: Carla Castiajo   « horror vacui »  « Full of you »   brooch (back) 6 x 5 x 3 cm   Gold, hair

Katie Wightman | Exploring the fragility of the female form. Experiencing hair loss as the result of illness, Katie uses precious metals and human hair to release the stigma and create pieces with a new found sense of beauty and power.Katie Wightman | Exploring the fragility of the female form. Experiencing hair loss as the result of illness, Katie uses precious metals and human hair to release the stigma and create pieces with a new found sense of beauty and power.

"Purity" 2008 Tiina Rajakallio - human hair: Tiina Rajakallio « Purity » 2008 – human hair

Monika Strasser – Hair Brooch 2012 - Hair, rubber, silver, steel – Series: On Beauty: Monika Strasser – Hair Brooch 2012 - Hair, rubber, silver, steel – Series: On Beauty

Maho Takahashi - central st Martins 2012 - “Celebration necklace” Human hair, glue: Maho Takahashi  – “Celebration necklace” Human hair, glue - Central st Martins 2012

Noon Passama - KNOBS - graduate project 2010 - Brooch and Lucia King's portrait: photography - DAN/NAD: Noon Passama – KNOBS – graduate project 2010 – Brooch (“Black Hair Knob” brooch, 2010. Antelope fur, sheepskin, silver.) and Lucia King’s portrait: photography – DAN/NAD

Mielle Harvey - Hair Colored Red: 1998, ca. 14in, human hair, dye, bone: Mielle Harvey – Hair Colored Red: 1998, ca. 14in, human hair, dye, bone (série « city tribal amulets »)

Mielle Harvey - City Tribal amulets serie - Blond Hair and Pearls: 1998, ca. 14in, human hair, pearls, 14k gold: Mielle Harvey (série « city tribal amulets« ) – Blond Hair and Pearls: 1998, ca. 14in, human hair, pearls, 14k gold

Marie Pendaries - "Boucle d’or"  Collier. Cheveu et or (hair & gold necklace): Marie Pendariès - Boucle d’or. Collier. Cheveu et or (gold & hair necklace)
Claire Baloge - "mais, vous avez un poil dans la main !"  2005  Hair, silver: Claire Baloge - « mais, vous avez un poil dans la main ! »  2005  Hair, silver
Claire Baloge - "Mes Tendres Poils"  -  2005 - hair, natural fibers, oxydated copper   Claire Baloge - « Mes Tendres Poils »  -  2005 – hair, natural fibers, oxydated copper   
 Marie Masson - necklace Cravate 2011, silver, horse hair, ribbon: Marie Masson – necklace Cravate 2011, silver, horse hair, ribbon
Marie Masson, France Brooch, Toiletrie 04 Hair transplant, 2013 Latex, horse hair, semolina, leather, 7,5 x 5 cm Leatherwork technics, embroidery, jewellery technics. photo : Marie Masson: Marie Masson, France Brooch, Toiletrie 04 Hair transplant, 2013 Latex, horse hair, semolina, leather, 7,5 x 5 cm Leatherwork technics, embroidery, jewellery technics. photo : Marie Masson
Eun Yeong Jeong -'Growth' from Growth series - copper, wool, wood, horse hair: Eun Yeong Jeong -’Growth’ from Growth series – copper, wool, wood, horse hair

Farah Bandookwala  - redhead neckpiece - sterling silver, fake hair    Farah Bandookwala (UK) redhead neckpiece – silver, fake hair

Farah Bandookwala (UK) –  "which one are you today ?" neckpiece 2007 - silver, fake hair Bandookwala (UK) « which one are you today ? »  neckpiece – 2007 – silver, fake hair 

FARAH BANDOOKWALA -blue hair brooch  Farah Bandookwala (UK) – blue hair brooch

FARAH BANDOOKWALA - platinum ring Farah Bandookwala (UK) « platinum » ring

Sint Lucas Antwerpen School - JOYA 2012 - Sandra Buyck: Sandra Buyck - fake hair neckpiece – Sint Lucas Antwerpen School – JOYA 2012

Clémentine Despocq - 'Vénus' - Parure de corps/Body ornament - Laiton, cheveux synthétiques/ Brass, synthetic hair  - (AFEDAP ) 2010: Clémentine Despocq – ‘Vénus’ – Parure de corps/Body ornament – Laiton, cheveux synthétiques/ Brass, synthetic hair  – (AFEDAP ) 2010

Olivia Creber - "Keeping Schtum" - resin, acrylic, brown horse hair - Edinburgh College of Art 2013: Olivia Creber - « Keeping Schtum » – resin, acrylic, brown horse hair – Edinburgh College of Art 2013

Roxane Amirouche  PERSONA - 2012  Masque de nuit  Laiton, cuir retourné, cheveux synthétiques,  Elastique  crédit photo Patricia Lemaire (diplome AFEDAP 2012): Roxane Amirouche  PERSONA – 2012  Masque de nuit  Laiton, cuir retourné, cheveux synthétiques,  Elastique  crédit photo Patricia Lemaire (diplome AFEDAP Paris 2012)

Ana Carolina Escobar (AFEDAP 2012) "chez moi chez moi" doble 3- cheveux , laiton, film thermopastique, papier: Ana Carolina Escobar (AFEDAP 2012) collier « chez moi chez moi »- cheveux , laiton, film thermopastique, papier

Julia ValleJulia Valle (Bresil) – hairy accessories

Mona Hatoum, Hair Necklace, 1995 - detail "human thoughts may not be what they appear to be at 1st glance, an idea that this necklace, made from the artist's hair, play with": Mona Hatoum, Hair Necklace, 1995 – detail « human thoughts may not be what they appear to be at 1st glance, an idea that this necklace, made from the artist’s hair, play with » 

Castle in the Air / ÕhuLoss.   - Kadri Mälk Brooch: Lossylong, 2013 Darkened silver, human hair, purple spinel: Kadri Mälk (Castle in the Air / ÕhuLoss) Brooch: Lossylong, 2013 Darkened silver, human hair, purple spinelPolly Van der Glas (AU) – hair jewelry – Sterling silver cast human hair plait necklace & Human hair knuckle ring 2008: Polly Van der Glas (AU) – hair jewelry – Sterling silver cast human hair plait necklace & Human hair knuckle ring 2008

Polly van der Glas -'red hair neckpiece' 2008 Polly van der Glas -’red hair neckpiece’ 2008  -oxidised copper, red Human hair, oxidised sterling silver

Polly van der Glas (AU)  -  Since 2005 my work has centered on materials that were once attached to our bodies: human hair, teeth and fingernails. These materials were at one time part of an intimate, elaborate maintenance ritual.: Polly van der Glas (AU)  -  Since 2005 my work has centered on materials that were once attached to our bodies: human hair, teeth and fingernails. These materials were at one time part of an intimate, elaborate maintenance ritual.

Juan Harnie - (MAD) - Hair (2014) Brooches & necklaces. Resin, human hair, elastic band, silver.: Juan Harnie – (MAD) – Hair (2014) Brooches & necklaces. Resin, human hair, elastic band, silver

Juan Harnie - Hair (2014) Brooches & necklaces. Resin, human hair, elastic band, silver.: Juan Harnie – Hair (2014) Brooches & necklaces. Resin, human hair, elastic band, silver

Untitled ("a hairy tale"), Nina Khazani, Human hair, gold-plated brass and linen - Royal College of Art 2012 dregree show: Nina Khazani, Untitled (« a hairy tale ») – Human hair, gold-plated brass and linen – Royal College of Art 2012 dregree show

Anna Schwamborn, who has worked for Alexander McQueen and Vivienne Westwood and is studying at Central St Martins in London, uses real human hair and human ashes mixed with black bone china. Moxern Mourning Jewellery: Anna Schwamborn, who has worked for Alexander McQueen and Vivienne Westwood and is studying at Central St Martins in London, uses real human hair and human ashes mixed with black bone china. Moxern Mourning Jewellery - Mourning jewelry, bracelet, human cremated ashes mixed with black bone china, human hair, « Wearable body pieces including human material « Morning Objects – The collection of objects contains post-mortem memorial pieces which include aspects of a deceased corpse, namely hair and cremated ashes »

Alchimia Gallery presents Chiara Cavallo "Disturbs" - my curly hair, nylon tube, thread: Chiara Cavallo « Disturbs » – my curly hair, nylon tube, thread (Alchimia)

Géraldine Luttenbacher -NOIR comme BASALTE 2015: Géraldine Luttenbacher - at « NOIR comme BASALTE » 2015

Sylvia Burgoa -’Raiponce–La Colère’/'Rapunzel–Anger’ -- Broche et Collier/Brooch and necklace -- Argent, photographies acetate, fil d’or, fil d’argent, cuir/Silver, photographic acetate, gold thread, silver thread, leather: Sylvia Burgoa -’Raiponce–La Colère’/'Rapunzel–Anger’ – Broche et Collier/Brooch and necklace – Argent, photographies acetate, fil d’or, fil d’argent, cuir/Silver, photographic acetate, gold thread, silver thread, leather – 2010

«Cheveu un bijou !!!» hurle la Dame de Coeur dans Agnes LARSSON (SE) Gejaagd-door-de-Wind-Willemstijn-2Francis Willemstijn- Gejaagd door de Wind, Zuiderzeemuseum – 2009 – Collier – Haar (human hair), git, glas, zilver, textiel Collectie Zuiderzeemuseum, Enkhuizen, NL

Francis Willemstijn - bracelet "Hair", from "gone with the wind" - silver, jet, glass, human hair, textile: Francis Willemstijn – bracelet « Hair », from « gone with the wind » – silver, jet, glass, human hair, textile

 Amy Tavern -Forget Me Not sterling silver, spray paint, picture of my father, my father's hair - detail: Amy Tavern - »Forget Me Not » sterling silver, spray paint, picture of my father, my father’s hair – detailAna Goalabré - bagues 'j'aimerais tant passer mes doigts dans tes cheveux' 1997 Ana Goalabré – J’aimerais tant passer mes doigts dans tes cheveux – Cheveux et résine – 1997  tous droits réservés.
« Puisant dans la tradition des bijoux en cheveux, matériau depuis longtemps collecté dans des foires et marchés ou dans l’intimité des familles pour devenir parure, Ana Goalabré se joue de cet usage en coupant une de ses mèches et en y taillant une bague qu’elle envoie à un homme accompagnée de la missive «J’aimerais tant passer mes doigts dans tes cheveux». Cette phrase, appel érotique d’un corps d’artiste, devient le titre d’une série déclinant divers contenus aimants et sensuels, traditionnellement gardés jusqu’alors implicites au nom d’une morale et d’une bienséance rigoureuse et qui tout à coup semblent avoir gagné le droit de dire clairement le désir, qu’il s’agisse de celui d’une mère, d’un père, d’une amante, d’un amant… et ce dans toute sa trivialité. Pourtant, il n’y a aucune charge obscène dans ces bagues. Qu’elles soient très travaillées ou reprennent le mouvement naturel d’une mèche de cheveux, elles nous renvoient à nos jeux tactiles dans les cheveux de l’autre, en fixant le mouvement, image arrêtée puis détachée du corps pour n’en garder que la sensation. »
(Monique Manoha – Actes du colloque international Projections : des organes hors du corps (13-14 octobre 2006)

Rickson Salkeld   Rickson Salkeld – I am interested in the feminine ideal in relation to the female body.  I enjoy creating work that expresses my wish to both conform and  rebel against ideas of femininity. Through various materials and  processes I take from my own body both physically and metaphorically.  Hair can be used to comment on feminine allure and power, while  clear resin is used to symbolize an abundance of tears

 Azahara Santoro - Tricomotealcyalgenfobia- Miedo irracional al pelo de las mariposas de coral plateado. Piezas unicas  Azahara Santoro  (EASD Valencia 2012) -   bagues avec cheveux (rings with hair) 
Tricomotealcyalgenfobia- Miedo irracional al pelo de las mariposas de coral plateado. Piezas unicas

maria ignacia walker - MFA JEWELLERY AND BODY ORNAMENTS Alchimia contemporary jewellery School 2013 - 2015: Maria Ignacia Walker – MFA JEWELLERY AND BODY ORNAMENTS Alchimia contemporary jewellerySchool 2013 – 2015 –   A simple fact of life that María Ignacia Walker obsesses over: The shedding of hair. The obsession – losing them, collecting them, ordering them, measuring them and archiving them. The desire – to preserve these losses – It gives rise to “transcendieron”.  The discourse is not about beauty and it is not about sensuality, not even about cultural symbols that hair carries.  How much hair do you lose constantly, everyday ? How many pieces grow out of your body and die every moment ?  “The transcendents” are a homage to the moments when you lose your hair. Captured and immortalized in the fragility of the porcelain, they give perpetuity and freeze all their expressions in the moment of their detachment from the body. With a threading method, the artist uses horsehair as connectors. They show the lightness, energy and freedom, while demonstrating the real, natural movement of the hair. Together with the act of keeping and protecting the hair in a porcelain form, they are given another life that keeps them present through their absence.

Maria Ignacia Walker  - 2015 - TRASCENDIERON - Materials: Porcelain / Horsehair / Resin / Gold thread / Gold: Maria Ignacia Walker  – 2015 – TRASCENDIERON – Materials: Porcelain / Horsehair / Resin / Gold thread/ Gold

María Ignacia Walker Contemporary Jewellery - 2015 - TRASCENDIERON: María Ignacia Walker  – 2015 – TRASCENDIERON

María Ignacia Walker   - 2015 - TRASCENDIERON: María Ignacia Walker  – 2015 – TRASCENDIERON

Maria Ignacia Walker Trascendieron 1 2015 Necklace-object, 28 x 45 cm, porcelain, horse hair and resin Photo by Marcos Bucco, courtesy of the artist: Maria Ignacia Walker – 2015 – TRASCENDIERON – Necklace-object, 28 x 45 cm, porcelain, horse hair and resin Photo by Marcos Bucco, courtesy of the artist

Maria Ignacia Walker - 2015 - TRASCENDIERON - necklace (detail)Maria Ignacia Walker – 2015 – TRASCENDIERON – necklace (detail)

Sébastien Carré - collection Hair Landscape - 2016: Sébastien Carré – collection Hair Landscape – 2016 broche (bijoux réalisés pour une collaboration avec le blogger Cut by Fred )

MARION DELARUE-FR Mania-Traditional korean lacquer, korean hair. 2011  MARION DELARUE - Mania :

MARION DELARUE — « Mania » – Traditional korean lacquer, korean hair. 2011 « During my stay in South Korea, I was struck by Korean ladies’ habits of playing with their hair fringes. As soon as they had the chance they would roll up their hair by making it slide between their forefinger and their middle finger and then pull on it softly. Since I was often bored during such long classes taught in a language I don’t understand, I spent time observing the students… »

Dionea Rocha Watt Pendant: Protection Locket, 2006 Silver, human hair 3.1 x 5.5 cm Piece for section History, Memory, Tradition: Dionea Rocha Watt Pendant: Protection Locket, 2006 Silver, human hair 3.1 x 5.5 cm Piece for section History, Memory, Tradition (at  « Think Twice: New Latin American Jewellery » 2010-2011)

Dionea Rocha Watt (Brazil) - locket/hair.: Dionea Rocha Watt (Brazil) – locket/hair

Raluca Buzura’s collection, “Hairy Tales” comes out of an imaginary world and it’s a combination of new materials such as polymeric rubber, pumice, artificial leather and artificial hair.   Raluca Buzura, “Hairy Tales”, Romania  Here come the Authors! 7 - 8 November | Sala Dalles | Bucharest: Raluca Buzura’s collection, “Hairy Tales” comes out of an imaginary world and it’s a combination of new materials such as polymeric rubber, pumice, artificial leather and artificial hair.  
at Autor 2015 – 7 – 8 November | Sala Dalles | Bucharest

Salome Lippuner  Neckpiece: Kin Kanshitsu 2008  Black and natural coloured Urushi on hemp-cloth,gold-leaves,horse tail hair  15 x 10 cm: Salome Lippuner  Neckpiece: Kin Kanshitsu 2008  Black and natural coloured Urushi on hemp-cloth,gold-leaves,horse tail hair  15 x 10 cm

REBECCA HANNON-USA Collier  Crin de cheval: REBECCA HANNON-USA Collier  Crin de cheval
REBECCA HANNON-USA -USA  Nest,Horse Hair Twist: REBECCA HANNON-USA -USA  Nest,Horse Hair Twist
AOI KOTSUHIROI AOI KOTSUHIROI - hair neckpiece – cabello humano en conjunto con piedras y pequeños cráneos
AOI KOTSUHIROI - hair neckpieceAOI KOTSUHIROI - hair neckpiece - cabello humano en conjunto con piedras y pequeños cráneos

 Aoi Kotsuhiroi Horse hair, horn, urushi lacquer and buffalo leather Aoi Kotsuhiroi Horse hair, horn, urushi lacquer and buffalo leather Vika Mayzel  (IL) - necklace (silver,wood,fur,leather)   Out of Cage Vika Mayzel  (IL) – necklace (silver,wood,fur,leather)   Out of Cage

Lauren Passenti, Cleaning Fish on a Sunday Morning wrist piece, 2009, sterling silver, horse hair, 8 inches diameter: Lauren Passenti, « Cleaning Fish on a Sunday Morning » wrist piece, 2009, sterling silver, horse hair, 8 inches diameter

Eunmi Chun: Eunmi Chun, zebra, 2011, brooch, small intestine of cow, silver, human hair, gold leaf, 120 x 40 x 75 mm, photo: artist

 Brooch by Eun Mi Chun: Giraffe 2011 23 x 8 x 9 cm. Human hair, gold leaf, small intestine of cow, seeds, silver: Brooch by Eun Mi Chun: Giraffe 2011 23 x 8 x 9 cm. Human hair, gold leaf, small intestine of cow, seeds, silver


voir également les bijoux de Kerry Howley :

Decouverte : Kerry HOWLEY – Human hair as jewellery

Kerry Howley human hair jewelry - Kerry Howley Attraction/Aversion is a material exploration of how people can feel seemingly opposing emotional responses simultaneously. The necklaces are made of human hair, a familiar material that we take pride in. However once off of the body hair becomes an innate source of aversion.: Kerry Howley human hair jewelry
Kerry Howley Attraction/Aversion is a material exploration of how people can feel seemingly opposing emotional responses simultaneously. The necklaces are made of human hair, a familiar material that we take pride in. However once off of the body hair becomes an innate source of aversion.







EXPO ‘Walking the Gray Area’ Galeria Emilia Cohen, Mexico – 15 April-15 Mai 2010

Walking the Gray Area : A dialog on global mobility, identities and contemporary jewellery

Walking the Gray Area will premiere at Galeria Emilia Cohen in Mexico City, within the frame of the Gray Area Symposium Mexico 2010.

EXPO GRAY - Andrea Wagner Piece- Greener Grass on the Other Side 2010
Andrea Wagner Piece- Greener Grass on the Other Side 2010 – papier maché, silver, paint

Contemporary jewellery, with its exceptional ability to communicate and create associations directly connected to specific cultural and personal settings and backgrounds seems to be circumscribed to a rather westernized discourse. It has become necessary for contemporary jewellery-makers to rethink the ways they connect with others.

40 artists, from an uncertain total number of  involved countries, take a walk on the gray area and explore,  through the already ambiguous field of contemporary jewellery,  issues related to global mobility, identity and territories in dispersion and the way they perceive and have been affected by this phenomena during their rambling around the world.
Walking the Gray Area is a collective, comissioned exhibition curated by Valeria Siemelink and Andrea Wagner, that bring together 20 Latin American and 20 European jewellery makers and artists who ocationally work with jewellery as a medium, into a dialogue about jewellery, global mobility, contemporary identities and its personal and/or collective implications.

The curators of Walking the Gray Area, selected each 20 artists from their respective continents:  Latin America and Europe. The artists were individually selected based on their artistic excellence, technical abilities and creative response to various subjects. As a collective, the group was conformed based on the on the tensions between their discourses and practices, their varied and experimental approach in the use of materials and techniques and on the rich possibilities that lay on the exchange among them. There is, however, one thing that all the invited artists have in common : like the curators, they are or have all been migrants; born in one place, living, working or studying in another one.

The artists work in couples and were paired randomly: the names of the Latin American artists were written on a piece of paper, which was folded and placed in a bowl. The same was done with the names of the European artists. The curators had fun taking turns to pick a name from one bowl and pairing it with a name from the other bowl. 20 couples were formed and, for the last six months they carried out a dialogue through the pages of a weblog specially created for this purpose. The artists conducted their dialogues in ways they find interesting or relevant: exchanging conversations, stories, images and even materials. Besides their periodical postings in the blog, the artists exchanged letters and parcels through the post, organized Skype sessions, phoned and even meet in person. The weblog has allowed the artists to reach a diverse, distant and growing audience, having attracted over 10 thousand visitors from nearly 90 countries.

Through the exchange both artists and curators aimed to respond to a variety of questions: How do they respond to changing definitions of mobility, locality, globalism, migration?  How do the changing conceptions of identities relate to their being and practice? How do they reconcile their roots with their routes? What kind of exchange can take place between artists from areas of the world where contemporary jewellery is perceived and dealt with in such different ways? How can they relate to and diverse, moving, fast changing audience?

EXPO GRAY - Helena Biermann Angel- Piece- Sabor a Ti 2010 EXPO GRAY- Agnieszka KNAP- Necklace- The Grass is Not Greener on the Other Side of the Fence 2010EXPO GRAY- Alejandra Solar - piece 2010EXPO GRAY- Carolina HORNAUER - necklace 'el Coleccionista' 2010

Helena Biermann Angel-  set of pendants  ‘Sabor a Ti’ 2010 – glass vials, fruit seeds, quartz, cotton, wood box
Agnieszka KNAP- Necklace- The Grass is Not Greener on the Other Side of the Fence 2010- silver, copper, enamel
Alejandra Solar – piece 2010 – wood, print, cotton pendants
Carolina HORNAUER - necklace ‘el Coleccionista’ 2010 Hair, cotton, fresh water pearls, patina, steel, cooper, enamel, magnets, burnt wood, silver, stone

EXPO GRAY- Peter HOOGEBOOM - pi 2010' necklace- Ceramics, nyEXPO GRAY- Theri Tolvanen-  brooch 'Chenonceau'Mirla Fernandes 'Riv Anda Hit' 2010 - latex, pigments -EXPO GRAY -EXPO GRAY- Valentina Rosenthal -necklaces.jpg

Peter HOOGEBOOM – pi 2010′ necklace- Ceramics, nylon, alpaca, gold leaf
Terhi Tolvanen- Cherry wood, paint, beads, gold, silver – brooch ‘Chenonceau’
Mirla Fernandes ‘Riv Anda Hit’ 2010 – latex, pigments
Valentina Rosenthal - Silver, wood, nails, glass, porcelain, bronz, mirror, enamel necklaces 


Miguel Luciano (puerto rico) & Leonor Hipolito (portugal), Ketli Tiitsar (estonia) & Chequita Nahar (surinam), Karin Seufert (germany) & María Constanza Ochoa (colombia), Célio Braga (brazil) & Gemma Draper (spain). Carla Castaigo (portugal) & Valentina Rosenthal (chile), Francisca Kweitel (argentina) & Nelli Tanner (finland), Maria Jose Fabrega (costa rica) & Agnieszka Knap (poland), Andrea Wagner (netherlands) & Carolina Hornauer (chile), Susanne Klemm (netherlands) & Samantha Fung (venezuela), Jorge Manilla (mexico) & Christoph Zellweger (switzerland), Luzia Vogt (switzerland) &  Thelma Aviani (brazil), Terhi Tolvanen (finland) & Guigui Kohon (argentina), Helena Biermann Angel (colombia) & Hanna Hedman (sweden), Mia Maljojoki (germany) & Alejandra Solar (mexico), Mirla Fernandes (brazil) & Kajsa Lindberg (sweden), Dani Soter (brazil) & Sebastian Buescher (uk), Ineke Heerkens (netherlands) & Julieta Odio (costa rica), Walka Studio (chile) & Natalie Luder (switzerland), Eduardo Graue (mexico) & Peter Hoogeboom (netherlands), Jantje Fleischhut (netherlands) & Andres Fonseca (colombia).

Karin SEUFERT- Piece '9 Brooches'  2010- pvc, cotton, steel, silver
Karin SEUFERT- Piece ’9 Brooches’  2010- pvc, cotton, steel, silver

Gemma Draper 01
 Gemma Draper – Electroformed Copper, Enamel and Wood – 2008

Galeria Emilia Cohen
Palmas 1320
Lomas – Mexico City (Mexico)
Tel : +52 55 5281 0009
Tel : +52 55 5281 0029