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COUP de COEUR / DECOUVERTE – Caroline Bäckman

Classé dans : Caroline BACKMAN (SE),COUP DE COEUR,DECOUVERTE,HDK Goteborg (SE),Suede (SE) — bijoucontemporain @ 20:50

« November » collection by Caroline Bäckman

« With the seasons as a starting point, and autumn as a summary for them, I have examined my own process, abstractions, simplifications, and how to capture and convey a sense. I have started from the circle and the necklace as its representation. For me, it is a symbol of the eternal. The reasons that recur year after year, in an eternal cycle. The hammer captures my feeling and transfers it onto the metal. It gives shape and tells me about the autumn. « 

  caroline backman - works-November_I_Close_up   Caroline Backman -  works – « November I » – Close_up

« To capture a feeling and to reproduce the same. It is the biggest challenge for me and something I constantly return to in my work. I explore the relationship between the carrier, the observer and the object. I am striving for an activation between them. I want my jewelry to activate as many senses as possible. I try to approach my work with a playfulness and curiosity and a willingness to explore. »

Erasmus traineeship, Kim Buck Studio, Copenhagen, 2012
MFA, HDK, school of Design and Crafts, Gothenburg University, 2010-2012
Exchange Semester, Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry, Tokyo, Japan, 2011
BFA, HDK, school of Design and Crafts, Gothenburg University, 2007-2010
Marzee Graduation Show 2012”, Gallery Marzee, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2012

Caroline BäckmanCaroline Bäckman – « November IV » – Multi-strand necklace with fold-formed leaves
Caroline BäckmanCaroline Bäckman « November III »
caroline backman - November ICaroline Backman - « November I »
Caroline BäckmanCaroline Bäckman « November V »
Caroline Backman - November IICaroline Backman – November II
Caroline BäckmanCaroline Bäckman « November V », 2012, neckpiece, silver, titanium – 210 x 160 mm

 Caroline Backman - November VICaroline Backman – November VI


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