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EXPO ‘(Lost) Paradise’ – Alliages, Lille (FR) – 10 Dec.2016 –21 Janv.2017

an exhibition of contemporary jewellery & ceramics proposed by Alliages from Dec. 10th 2016 to Jan. 21st 2017.

Artificial, inanimate, painful, lost … Where is your paradise ?

The opening of the exhibition will be held on Friday Dec. 9th, 2019 at 6 PM

Alliages - (Lost) paradise - dec 2016:


Showing works of   Ana Garcia MoyaAnke HuybenCaterina ZancaChing-Ting YangClaudia Steiner Xenia Deimezi – Eero Hintsanen — Eleanor Symms — Emmanuelle Durand — Fabienne Christyn — Gabriela Secarea — Hebe ArgentieriHeidemarie HerbHelmi Lindblom Isabelle BusnelIzabella Petrut Juan Riusech Kristin Beeler — Lucy Morrow — Ludmilla Buga — Mabel PenaMar SanchezMargarita AlonsoMartina Dempf Michelle Kraemer — Nadine Smith — Nanna MellandNicole SchusterPhilip Sajet Rodrigo AcostaRosa BorredáSébastien CarréSelma LealSergio e Stefano Spivach – Sònia Serrano — Victoria IoannidouViktoria Münzker Wiebke Pandikow – Ying Chen.


(Lost) Paradise, with Ying Chen(Lost) Paradise, with Ying Chen
« As a jewellery artist, I believe my work is the bridge connecting myself with the outside world, which shows my thoughts, inner feeling and philosophy. What reflect on me from outside? How do I reply to it? I address my answers by making the questions tangible and personal. Fortress Besieged is one of my projects. The whole project is about my thought and feeling of the renovation in my city. “Shikumen”, the typical kind of buildings in Shanghai which I used to live, has been replaced by high-rises. I can not help but doubt, whether the demolition of Shikumen is necessary. Shikumen is like a paradise of all the memories from dwellers who have spent most of their time in Shikumen. However, their opinion was neglected. My work shows my inner struggle and sadness in the journey of finding the right answer. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Selma Leal  (Lost) Paradise, with Selma Leal 
« The piece ‘Danger… woodworm!’ it is part of the exhibition ‘Life in the Urban Paradise’ , which was born from a previous collection, ‘Cities’. Nowadays, urban parks and public gardens are a safe haven. They are green areas where we can relax and recover the energy we nees for life. This piece is a subtle critique our society, because I think the man is the woodworm of the planet. Love the planet is to love ourselves. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Victoria Ioannidou (Lost) Paradise, with Victoria Ioannidou.
« Ominus, Pesimistic,Disapointing, contradicting,negative messages deprive the oxygene from our little but important beings.. However there is a small spark of hope far away that fills our dull lifes with color and light. My own paradise is my concern to strengthen the spark ,prevent and restrain the evil.. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Viktoria Münzker(Lost) Paradise, with Viktoria Münzker
« Breathless attention fills two parts of a complex called life. Tenderness and violence, love and hate, harmony and conflict, birth and death, heaven and hell. The emotional side of my work is based on my personal experiences. Suggestions for the creation of Paradise were my emotional forces, experiences and mental images. Paradise – Garden of Eden from that we were expelled forever, and what we must now create alone. This term, in old Sumerian « Adina » – Garden means a place that seemed to be fruitful… Did we lost it? This land is real, it is an another dimension in this world, the real paradise can’t be lost. It is inside of us. If we believe that we are a part of it, there will always be a place that we call paradise. Jewellery is my art to show the world my own inner self, the inner world where I feel safe and beautiful. It’s the inner paradise that survives only with our power. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Caterina Zanca(Lost) Paradise, with Caterina Zanca
« My paradise is a small space rediscovered in the middle of a chaotic reality, tended to the geometric and formal. A non-enclosed space, but yet communicative with new points of view from different perspectives. Apparently aseptic but a generator of light, ideas, energy, thus of a new life! Il mio paradiso è un piccolo spazio ritrovato fra una caotica realtà, teso alla pulizia geometrica e formale. Uno spazio non chiuso, ma comunicativo di nuovi punti di vista, di diverse prospettive. Apparentemente asettico ma generatore di luce, idee, energia, dunque di nuova vita! »
(Lost) Paradise, with Sergio Stefano Spivach(Lost) Paradise, with Sergio Stefano Spivach
« The Archangel into pieces / THE BODY, THE HEART, THE WING The falling Archangel, crashing into pieces, is the metaphor of man who is walking on a road paved of self-destruction. Falling on lost paradise, The Archangel crashes into pieces: his heart moves from the body in order to survive – aware that his own wing will lead himself safe. On the contrary, the body will wear down gradually. The stone we have used for creating the three parts of The Archangel testifies, with its color and its porosities, the consequences of its own closeness with the human being. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Nanna Melland(Lost) Paradise, with Nanna MellandLost Paradises. In 1977 Bob Marley sang; “Exodus, movement of Jah people!” His words could not fit better for the situation of refugees today. Masses of people in a seemingly endless flow, leaving their home country in search of a better future somewhere else. Paradise lost. Paradise search. I chose to work with the suitcase as an object of our time. A time of flux, of movement, of wanted and unwanted journeys. It can be disturbingly absent or disturbingly present. For the exhibition Lost Paradises, I present a serie of rings called Suitcaserings. Cast in bronze in the lost wax technique, coloured afterwards. You need strength to wear and balance these heavy skin coloured Suitcaserings on your hand, A strong grip to get by in this world of suffering. Of Lost Paradises. »

Sebastien Carré - Lost Paradise(Lost) Paradise, with Sébastien Carré
« Just imagine… Living in a world in which we would not have destroyed our relationship to nature. In which, the society, the moral, the value or our belief would not have put us in a virtual cell. A world of difference, of similarity, of ambiguity but after all isn’t it what is making a more interesting world. Vegetation, Animal, and Mineral are all combined in objects reminiscent of organic forms, the shape of the central figure in all form of shamanism around the world, the Tree that connects us all together. Mixing materials in order to create a symbolic life in an object by using interactive mediums allows me to wake up a body which tends to be more insensitive due to an over-communicativity of society. Let’s hope for a world with more shamanism, more bound between all living forms. Let’s Cherish the diversity in our small world, being together is already a treasure. »

Rosa Borredá -  Lost paradise(Lost) Paradise, with Rosa Borredá
« LOST CIVILIZATIONS Accumulation of different objects left over the centuries that are worn, eroded by time. Ancient architectures with traces of gold leaf and polychromy. Lush vegetation but withered at the same time. Paradise and decay, everything has a place in the lost and imaginary paradises. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Claudia Steiner(Lost) Paradise, with Claudia Steiner
« The earth as the ideal for a happy and content existence, with indescribable natural beauty. Is this still true? This is not the case anywhere in the world. It is precisely our time that makes us doubt whether or not this is indeed true. Everyone has their own ideas of paradise and can explore it in a variety of ways. Sometimes with the look at hidden details sometimes viewed at large. The contrasts of geometric lines and round forms, the uneven surface, reflect the contrasting variety of our earth. The way to the personal paradise in life is different and sometimes requires detours, means unevenness in the life cycle – one up and down – in order to somehow have found his personal ideal of a happy and content life. Not everything is at first sight recognizable as such, some « paradise » requires a longer confrontation with it and will only be discovered in small. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Rodrigo Acosta(Lost) Paradise, with Rodrigo Acosta
« Deconstruct to build again. Giving a new shape to the existent object. Building your space, your place, your habitat, your paradise. Find back your lost paradise. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Xenia Deimezi(Lost) Paradise, with Xenia Deimezi
“The youth love, Pure and unconditional, almost dreamy, full of emotions and passion but also temporary. Now kept as a memory, idealized and distant. My beautiful secret (lost) paradise.”

(Lost) Paradise, with Michelle Kraemer(Lost) Paradise, with Michelle Kraemer
« Up and above in a far away land exploring an unreachable world dreaming of landscapes and possibilities… unreachable but with imagination so close yet so far that’s where I want to go… to be among these ethereal, ephemeral entities to touch them, to make them mine to materialize them into my own imagined reality »

(Lost) Paradise, with Philip Sajet(Lost) Paradise, with Philip Sajet
« paradise is nothing other than time passing sense that we realize that as time passes »

(Lost) Paradise, with Heidemarie Herb(Lost) Paradise, with Heidemarie Herb
« Since some years I’m working on the collection « time ». Keys are like magic tools, they open and close doors,diaries, treasures….they preserve secrets, memories and thoughts. You can meet positive or negative feelings…once again this opposites are attractions in my work. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Fabienne Christyn(Lost) Paradise, with Fabienne Christyn
« I’ll go sleep in the white paradise Where the nights are so long that we forget the time All alone with the wind As in my childhood dreams I will go running in the white paradise Far from the looks of hatred And fighting blood Find whales Talking to silverfish Like, like, like before M.Berger »

(Lost) Paradise, with Nadine Smith(Lost) Paradise, with Nadine Smith
« I live in Wellington and work part time as an artist and nurse. Caring for others has developed my fundamentally humanist philosophy. Fueled by this and the fragility of life, pieces often reference the relationship we have with the developing technological world and how this creates possibilities for enhancement or re-creation of our environment, our lives, even ourselves. Being an avid recycler with magpie tendencies and an active imagination lends itself to a diverse range of work. Medical and other recycled paraphernalia when used out of context can create a tension between the familiar and the unknown. The works aim to intrigue, inviting the audience to reflect and make connections from their own life experiences. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Eleanor Symms(Lost) Paradise, with Eleanor Symms
« Demolition Neckpiece This piece is made using found electrical components gathered at the beach beside Cockenzie coal-fired power station, along the coast from my home. The power station, which dominated the coastline since the 1960s, was demolished in 2015. It was the cause of much pollution, changing the nature of the coastline, creating miles of new land with infill of the spoil it generated and leaving huge ‘lagoons’ of fly ash, some of which are now reserves for birds and wildlife. The power station destroyed a wild, natural coastal habitat, but nature is slowly reclaiming the site. In using found plastic components from the site, which have been sea and weather-worn in combination with silver and opals, I aim to question notions of preciousness and disposability. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Mar Sanchez 2016(Lost) Paradise, with Mar Sanchez
« Return to origin. We yearn for happiness, seek peace, love. And, generally, we seek outside ourselves. I suspect none of this depends on external circumstances. My heart tells me that the lost paradise is inside me, waiting to be found. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Wiebke Pandikow(Lost) Paradise, with Wiebke Pandikow
« Without the ubiquitous plastic our civilization could hardly have become what it is today, but at the same time it is a burden on the environment with far-reaching consequences. Especially plastic bags are an obvious symbol for mindless consumerism and a throw-away society. This makes them so interesting for me to work with, to create from them, with the help of a clothes iron and a soldering iron, textures and structures that recall forms of the natural world which we have set ourselves apart from. Hand-formed leaves form lush necklaces, but they can only ever be pale images of the real thing. We feel safe with plastics, at home and comfortable in our modern paradise of artificiality. But it is the natural world around us which is the real paradise, in danger of becoming a paradise lost. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Mabel Pena(Lost) Paradise, with Mabel Pena
« My natural paradise, my oasis, flows the meandering waters of the Parana River Delta. I find no better place to muse about life and to relax than when I am rowing my boat in this maze of water and rainforest. Every concern or fear seems to vanish while I row my way through this cluster of islands. Nature in all its glory to admire: golden water, green trees and vines and colorful birds. This brooch illustrates the landscape of this Delta, its colors and textures, and the feelings it arises in me. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Isabelle Busnel   (Lost) Paradise, with Isabelle Busnel
« Black jewellery is often associated with mourning jewellery. This collection is inspired by Victorian jewellery and relates to any loss in life, or in Paradise… »

(Lost) Paradise, with Helmi Lindblom(Lost) Paradise, with Helmi Lindblom
« Fruitfully Yours, extinction With this work I focus on today’s paradox: simultaneous population growth and entering the sixth mass extinction. Jewelry from Extinction are silent in comparison to their colorful opposites (Fertility) like extinction is silent in comparison to birth. With color contrast from black balloons I want to put forth the feel of fading away. « 


111, Bd. Victor Hugo
F-59000 LILLE
Horaires : Mo/Fri : 10-13h & 14-17h – Sa : 10-12h & 12h30-16h30






EXPO ‘Selected stories’ – OHMYBLUE!, Venezia (IT) – 10 Dec.2016-10 Janv. 2017

at  OHMYBLUE è lieto di inaugurare « Selected Stories », una mostra collettiva di maestri del gioiello contemporaneo italiani.

Opening: Saturday 10 December 2016, 6:30 – 8:30 pm

OH MY BLUE - Selected stories dec 2016

I partecipanti sono:   Susanna BaldacciCorrado De MeoMaria Rosa FranzinGigi Mariani Barbara PaganinYoko Takirai e Pietro Pellitteri — Sergio e Stefano Spivach  — Babette von Dohnanyi Gabi VeitCaterina Zanca
The exhibition Selected Stories at OHMYBLUE focuses on the relationship between bodies of work created in the last years by some of the most relevant Italian contemporary jewelry artists.
This exhibition invites the viewer to experience the different languages that these authors speak, having the chance to witness to a web of interlocking formal decisions and identities.
Every piece of jewelry is an image, a tangible object that one can pick up, put down, look from a distance, caress. Even read. Because these objects and their beauty, their shapes, their strangeness, they tell a story that accompanies us and which we want to possess, participating in the construction of significance by appropriating whatever fragment it feels dear to us.
These pieces of jewelry are lonely architectures, spaces that become ourselves and where we can feel at home, strangely. 
Barbara Paganin, Rami blu, brooch:
Barbara Paganin - Rami blu,  brooch –
“Da sempre i vegetali mi affascinano così come l’unicità dell’essere umano. Siamo tutti simili, ma nessuno è uguale all’altro [...] In particolare mi affascinano i cavolfiori nella loro varietà: cavolo rosso, cavolo verza, cavolo rapa, broccoli, cavolfiori, il cavolo romano [...] In forma di foglia, i rilievi e le venature rimandano immediatamente al nostro sistema venoso e linfatico. In forma di fiore, c’è un diretto riferimento all’albero. Del calco mi interessa l’impronta, l’impronta che identifica, segno quindi unico e identificabile”.
BARBARA PAGANIN brooch - detail - at OH MY BLUE: BARBARA PAGANIN brooch – detail

Caterina Zanca - detail of a broochCaterina Zanca – detail of a brooch
« Tutto nasce dal disegno, dal dare senso ad un colore, ad un segno per creare forme che diventano oggetti indossabili, gioielli espressioni della mia emozione: questa è la mia ricerca. Amo le forme pulite, le architetture contemporanee, ricerco pulizia formale, l’armonia fra gli spazi, la luce, i volumi, mentre creo strutture che dialogano con il corpo, perché un gioiello deve essere prima di tutto un oggetto indossabile. Cerco il colore nei suoi contrasti, ma specialmente nella sua matericità che diviene elemento fondamentale di dettaglio. La preziosità del gioiello non sta più nel materiale, ma nell’idea e nel messaggio che questo trasmette. »
OHMYBLUE•••••SELECTEDSTORIES  CATERINA ZANCA detail of a brooch: CATERINA ZANCA detail of a brooch
Gigi Mariani, Find#2, brooch
Gigi Mariani, Find#2, brooch
« Negli anni ho coltivato la passione per la pittura, informale segnica, materica, dove il colore o un segno rappresentano un’emozione o particolare stato d’animo. Ecco, cercavo qualcosa di analogo anche in oreficeria e l’ho trovato utilizzando le tecniche del Niello, la Granulazione o le ossidazioni in modo pittorico, informale. Un utilizzo che cambia l’aspetto dei gioielli e li rende unici. »
OHMYBLUE SELECTED STORIES - GIGI MARIANI - DECEMBER10th  gigi mariani  goldsmith  master italianartist gold oro aurum niello nigellum: Gigi Mariani, brooch detail
OHMYBLUE•••••SELECTEDSTORIES ••••• MARIA ROSA FRANZIN - detailMaria Rosa Franzin – detail of a brooch
Maria Rosa Franzin - detail Maria Rosa Franzin - detailof a necklace
Corrado de Meo - broochCorrado de Meo - brooch
  »Nei miei gioielli voglio proiettare anche la mia consapevolezza del loro processo di attuazione, cristallizzando le fasi della trasformazione della materia di cui sono fatti per evidenziare uno dei passaggi del loro divenire e scoprire l’armonia e l’equilibrio presenti in ogni fase in cui la materia, misteriosamente, prende forma seguendo quelle leggi che ne regolano la sua struttura, partecipe della realtà di tutte le cose del mondo che sono in costante e continua trasformazione. Osservando poi, una forma colorata, non provo solamente una emozione visiva perché il colore appartiene prima al dominio dell’inconscio e successivamente a quello della ragione e, nel prendere forma esprimendo le sue sonorità, diventa una percezione globale capace di comunicare alla nostra intera essenza. »
Corrado De Meo, A red shows its relations, brooch: Corrado De Meo, A red shows its relations, brooch
« Credo che un gioiello debba essere innanzitutto un qualcosa che ti porta altrove, un po’ come un viaggio improvviso, qualcosa che ti alleggerisce e ti sbalordisce allo stesso tempo. Con una forma che ti porta felicemente da un’altra parte rispetto a dove eri sicuro di andare o che ti allieta con un’ironia inaspettata.
Amo i vuoti che danno spazio al pensiero, che ti accolgono, i contrasti cromatici e delle forme, le superfici materiche, le ombre che si creano e che cambiano a seconda dei punti di vista e della luce.« 
Susanna Baldacci - detailSusanna Baldacci – detail
Susanna Baldacci, Faretra, brooch: Susanna Baldacci, Faretra, brooch
Sergio e Stefano Spivach, Untitled, opal ring 2016 - at OH MY BLUE:
Sergio e Stefano Spivach 2016 – opal ring
« Il segreto della lavorazione dell’opale si basa sulla profonda conoscenza del grezzo, che permette di riconoscerne le qualità e l’impiego più adatto.�Essa è esclusivamente manuale e non potrebbe essere altrimenti, perché ogni grezzo d’opale viene scelto per la propria unicità.�Nelle diverse fasi della lavorazione, ad ogni gesto, ad ogni passaggio viene dedicato il tempo necessario, senza forzature. La cura con cui viene seguito ogni dettaglio è assoluta, così come l’attenzione e la capacità di adattarsi ad ogni grezzo sono un distillato di esperienza e passione. »
OHMYBLUE•••••SELECTEDSTORIES YOKO TAKIRAI & PIETRO PELLITTER DECEMBER10th  takiraidesign silver gold minimalism: YOKO TAKIRAI & PIETRO PELLITTER - minimalism ….. – brooches
« I gioielli di Yoko Takirai e Pietro Pellitteri sono espressione di nuovi concetti di spazio. Una pluralità di percorsi animano i suoi gioielli e celano per questo spesso qualcosa d’inaspettato. Le collane, glie anelli, gli orecchini sia nelle forme tridimensionali che in quelle lineari, esprimono un movimento e un’emozione inattesa finche` non li si indossa. Talvolta enigmatici nelle loro forme, i suoi gioielli si svelano nel momento dell’incontro con il corpo, rivelando una leggerezza, un’eleganza e una sinuosità estremamente femminile. E questo a dispetto anche delle linee geometriche utilizzate in alcune collezioni. La sua ricerca, riesce ad arrivare a delle forme pure e ad armonizzare eleganza e confort. Oggetti finemente elaborati perseguiti grazie ad una dedizione alla ricerca di laboratorio determinata di cui possiede la padronanza tecnica che consente di trasferire una emozione filtrata dai movimenti e le cui forme semplici e pulite rimangono senza nessuna cosa di troppo. Finemente lavorati certamente, questi gioielli, in un sereno tentativo – riuscito – raggiungono uno stato di purezza, si elevano in qualità. »
OHMYBLUE•••••SELECTEDSTORIES ••••• Gabi Veit - detailGabi Veit – detail



Campo san Toma’, sestiere di San Polo 2865
Venezia, Veneto 30125
+39 041 243 5741





Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – Torre Fornello (IT) – 8-22 Mai 2016

Gioielli in Fermento 2016 Premio Torre Fornello 6a edizione

Contemporary jewellery international competition

* AWARDS : Premio Torre Fornello 2016 – The awarded Artists – 8 Maggio/May 2016

* EXHIBITION : Premio Torre Fornello 2016 – The exhibition opening8/22 Maggio/May 2016
Workshop Seminar
9/10 Maggio/May 2016 (informazioni in arrivo coming soon)

Gioielli in Fermento 2016(Viktoria Munzker “Mother Earth, Madre Terra” for Gioielli in Fermento 2016)


Il tema del Premio 2016  / The theme of competition  Freedom & Constraint | Libertà e vincolo

Selected artists for the Torre Fornello Award – Gioielli in Fermento VI edition: 

Susanna Baldacci,I                Il re del mondo (spilla,brooch)
Alessandro Bean,I                 Regina libera (anello,ring)
Isabelle Busnel,UK               No grit, no pearl (spilla,brooch)
Alina Carp,RO                         Untamed, indomito (spilla,brooch)
Sébastien Carré,F                  Even if we have to loose blood(spilla)
Hsieh Chung-Lung,TW        The complexity of light (spilla)
Lluís Comín,ES                      The whisper of the storm (spilla)
Clara Del Papa,I                    Free-bound (glove ring)
Anna Fornari,I                     Vola (pendente, pendant)
Steffi Götze,D                        Raum, spazio (spilla,brooch)
Akis Goumas.GR                  Cedars secret (spilla,brooch)
Georgia Gremouti,GR        Divenire (spilla,brooch)
Nicola Heidemann,D          Plate tectonics (collana,neckpiece)
Mara Irsara,UK                    Chicchi e spicchi (collana,neckpiece)
Marilena Karagkiozi,GR    Alien grape (anello,ring)
Iro Kaskani,CY                      Rook #16 (spilla,brooch)
Sunyoung Kim,SK               Theme and variation (spilla,brooch)
Saerom Kong,SK                 Butterfly (spilla,brooch)
Miriam M. Korolkovas,BR    Bonded to nature (collier,neckpiece)
Mia Kwon,SK                       Gold on lace #1 (collana,neckpiece)
Christiana Lazopoulou,GR   Spiral (spilla,brooch)
Heng Lee,TW                      Delonix regia (spilla,brooch)
Ria Lins,B                            Just a drop (spilla,brooch)
Chiara Lucato,I                  Confini liberi (spilla,brooch)
José Marin,ES                    Colors elements and time…(bracciale)
Matsuura Mineri,J           Between (spilla,brooch)
Viktoria Münzker,A         Mother Earth (collana,neckpiece)
Rosa Nogués Freixas,ES   In vino veritas (spilla,brooch)
Esther Ortiz-Villajos,ES   Vine&shine (spilla,brooch)
Liana Pattihis,UK               Emilia (collana,neckpiece)
Mabel Pena,AG                  Terroir (bracciale,bracelet)
Paola Pérez,CO                  In vino veritas (spilla,brooch)
Poppy Porter,UK              We can work it out (spilla,brooch)
Stefano Rossi,I                  Fuori dalla gabbia (spilla,brooch)
Stenia Scarselli,I              Onda luminosa (spilla,brooch)
Sergio&Stefano Spivach,I   Regole (anello,ring)
Claudia Steiner,A             Within limits (spilla,brooch)
Eva Tesarik,A                    Palazzo (collana,neckpiece)
Kalliope Theodoropoulou,GR  Metamorphosis or … (spilla,brooch)
Luca Tripaldi,I                   La volpe e l’uva (anello,ring)
Lin Tsang-Hsuan,TW       Heterogeneity (spilla,brooch)
Barbara Uderzo,I              Incredible “wine” (anello,blob ring)
Andrea Vaggione,F          Take care (anello,ring)
Caterina Zanca,I               Prospettive (spilla,brooch)

Gioielli in Fermento 2016(Liana Pattihis “Emilia” for Gioielli in Fermento 2016)


CONCORSO 2016 Students section (DEADLINE 31 marzo 2016)
*Alchimia Jewellery School Firenze IT (Awarded student: Daria Olejniczak)
*Campus Idar Oberstein – Hochschule Trier Univ. School for Applied Arts – Germany
*EASD València – Departament de Joieria
*Fabrika12 – València Spain
*IED Roma IT
*ITS Cosmo Progettazione e ricerca orafa Vicenza IT (menzione speciale AGC per il progetto di Chiara Riccò)
*Liceo Artistico P.Selvatico – Padova IT (menzione speciale di partecipazione)
*Llotja – Escola Superior de Disseny i d’Art – Catalunya
*Mingdao University – Taiwan
*Tarì Design School – Caserta IT (menzione speciale di partecipazione)
*The Glasgow School of Art – UK
*Shenkar Jewelry Design Department – Israel
*Universidad del Desarrollo, Magister de Arte – Chile
*e una rappresentanza del Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology – China (menzione speciale AGC a Felicia Li)

Una svolta importante quest’anno risiede nell’iniziativa di arricchire la mostra con la presenza di celebri artisti ospiti. In arrivo da prestigiose collezioni e grazie alla disponibilità di Charon Kransen Arts e Klimt02 Gallery, i visitatori hanno l’opportunità di scoprire dieci opere hors-concours invitate a formare il quadro ideale del dialogo tra i contenuti del concorso: in mostra i lavori di Efharis Alepedis, Sofia Björkman, Liv Blåvarp, Maria Rosa Franzin, Gésine Hackenberg, Gigi Mariani, George Plionis, Niki Stylianou, Fumiki Taguchi, Jasmin Winter.
gioielli in Fermento 2016 - Epharis Alepedis (Guest artist) courtesy of Charon Kransen Arts: Epharis Alepedis neckpiece (Guest artist) courtesy of Charon Kransen


premi da assegnare / AWARDS :
– individual participation to JOYA 2016 (Arts Santa Monica Joya artists showroom )
– individual artist profiles published on for one year
– agc membership with profile published on agc website (for Students Section winner)
– special mentions by Joya, Klimt, Agc


LIANA PATTIHIS  Emilia. Απο τη συλλογή Chained Interpretations Καρφίτσα Ασημένια αλυσίδα, σμάλτο, stainless steel --------------------------------------------------- Emilia. Chained Interpretations series Βrooch Silver ball chain, silver trace chain, enamel, stainless steel: LIANA PATTIHIS  « Emilia ».   Chained Interpretations series Βrooch Silver ball chain, silver trace chain, enamel, stainless steel
Premio Torre Fornello Gioielli in Fermento 2016

  Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale JOYA: Georgia Gremouti “Becoming” spilla, brooch: Georgia Gremouti “Becoming” spilla, brooch – fabric(s)
Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale JOYASébastien Carré - "Even If We Have To Loose Blood" - Brooch - 2016 Japanase Lacquer, Japanese Paper, Garnet, Serpentine, Chrysoprase, Tiger Eyes, beads, silk  "Même s'il faut perdre du sang" - Broche - 2016 Laque Japonaise, papier Japonais, grenat, serpentine, chrysoprase, oeil de tigre, perles rocaille, soie  for Gioielli in Fermento 2016 - Torre Fornello:  photos: Milo Lee Photography: Sébastien Carré - « Even If We Have To Loose Blood » – Brooch – 2016 Japanase Lacquer, Japanese Paper, Garnet, Serpentine, Chrysoprase, Tiger Eyes, beads, silk / « Même s’il faut perdre du sang » – Broche – 2016 Laque Japonaise, papier Japonais, grenat, serpentine, chrysoprase, oeil de tigre, perles rocaille, soie   – photos: Milo Lee Photography 

Lluís Comín   brooch "Remor de tormenta" Gioielli in Fermento 2016  Brooch "The whisper of the storm": Lluís Comín   brooch « Remor de tormenta » -2016  Brooch « The whisper of the storm »

SteffiGötze - Brooch " Raum" Gioielli in Fermento 2016, Italy: SteffiGötze – Brooch  » Raum » for Gioielli in Fermento 2016

Premio Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale KLIMT02 :  Saerom Kong “Butterfly”, spilla, brooch: Saerom Kong “Butterfly”, spilla, brooch
Premio Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale KLIMT02

Premio Torre Fornello Gioielli in Fermento 2016 Artista Emergente: Sunyoung Kim “Theme and Variation” spilla, brooch: Sunyoung Kim “Theme and Variation” spilla, brooch
Premio Torre Fornello Gioielli in Fermento 2016 Artista Emergente

Viktoria Münzker Ferus Necklace: Mother Earth, 2016 Mangrove wood, old plastic beads, silver, smokey quarz, glass granules   Part of: Gioielli in Fermento 2016 - Premio Torre Fornello VI edition: Viktoria Münzker Ferus Necklace: Mother Earth, 2016 Mangrove wood, old plastic beads, silver, smokey quarz, glass granules 

Premio Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale KLIMT02 : Susanna Baldacci “Il re del mondo”, spilla, brooch: Susanna Baldacci “Il re del mondo”, spilla, brooch
Premio Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale KLIMT02

 Stenia Scarselli Brooch: Lightwave Onda luminosa, 2016 Bronze, silver soldering, fishing line, electrical circuit, LEDs, battery, magnet Photo by: Rudy Pessina  Stenia Scarselli Brooch: Lightwave Onda luminosa, 2016 Bronze, silver soldering, fishing line, electrical circuit, LEDs, battery, magnet Photo by: Rudy Pessina

 Jasmin Winter Neckpiece: Two in one, 2016 Silver, enamel, resin, thread Part of: Gioielli in Fermento 2016 - Premio Torre Fornello VI edition Guest artist Gioielli in Fermento 2016, courtesy of C.Kransen Arts: Jasmin Winter Neckpiece: Two in one, 2016 Silver, enamel, resin, thread Part of: Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – Premio Torre Fornello VI edition Guest artist Gioielli in Fermento 2016, courtesy of C.Kransen Arts

Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale AGC : Marilena Karagkiozi “Alilen grape” anello, ring: Marilena Karagkiozi “Alilen grape” anello, ring
Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale AGC

gioielli in Fermento 2016 - Eva Tesarik -   "palazzo" neckpiece: Eva Tesarik -   collier from the serie « Palazzo »



Gioielli in Fermento ®
T.+39 3358083039 Ziano Pc Italy
curaduría Eliana Negroni


con la collaborazione di | in collaboration with
AGC – Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo
JOYA Contemporary Jewellery Fair Barcelona
Klimt02 Art Jewellery Online
Torre Fornello






EXPO ‘A dark spark of light’ – Alliages, Lille (FR) – 11 Dec.2015 – 30 Janv. 2016

Inauguration 11 décembre a  18h
 a muestra “A dark spark of light”,
Juan RIUSECH & Thereza PEDROSA, curators of this exhibition, present A DARK SPARK OF LIGHT, where opposites attract and are connected by an invisible thread. There is no light without shadow, good without evil, no happiness without pain. “A dark spark of light” is an invitation to reflect on the beauty of life, in all contradictory and opposing forms in which it manifests itself.
A Dark Spark of Light, en exhibition of contemporary jewellery & ceramics showed simultaneously in ALLIAGES & in Beautiful People Live Art blog from Dec. 12th 2015 to Jan. 30th 2016.
The opening of the exhibition will be held on Friday Dec. 11th, 2015 at 6 PM at ALLIAGES gallery.
Artists selected :   Akis GoumasAlina CarpAna Garcia MoyaAngela CiobanuAurelia Yeomans Caterina Zanca — Ching-Ting Yang — Clara del PapaClaudia Steiner — Emmanuelle Durand — Erato KouloubiFabienne ChrystinFranziska HöhneGigi MarianiGili DolinerHebe ArgentieriIsabelle Busnel Izabella PetrutJanny Huang Yokota Jina SeoKatja ToporskiMabel PenaMar SanchezMargarita Alonso Margo NelissenMaria-Rosa Franzin — Noelia Macchi — Rodrigo AcostaRosa Borredá — Roxana Casale — Saerom KongSébastien CarréSofia Björkman — Valérie Ceulemans — Victoria IoannidouViktoria MünzkerXenia Deimezi
Sofia BjörkmanSofia Björkman
Sebastien Carré "rancoeur"Sebastien Carré « rancoeur »
Maria-Rosa Franzin - broochMaria-Rosa Franzin – brooch
Rodrigo Acosta - "Hacer de Ropa" - brocheRodrigo Acosta - « Hacer de Ropa » – broche
Gigi Mariani Gigi Mariani ring 2015
Akis Goumas brooch Akis Goumas brooch
Alina CarpAlina Carp
Rosa Borredá   Rosa Borreda
 Angela Ciobanu - earring Angela Ciobanu – earring
Xenia DeimeziXenia Deimezi
 Aurelia Yeomans (AU)Aurelia Yeomans
Mar SanchezMar Sanchez
Viktoria Münzker Viktoria Münzker
111, Bd. Victor Hugo
F-59000 LILLE
Horaires : Lundi-Vendredi : 10h – 17h / Samedi : 10h-16h



EXPOs – ‘DIALOGUES AGC/JJDA’ – YAMANASHI Jewelry Museum, Kofu (JP) – 19-28 Sept. 2015

DIALOGHI tra AGC e JJDA Associazione gioiello contemporaneo Giapponese (Japan Jewellery Designers Association)

Kofu Prefectural Museum of Art (YAMANASI Jewelry Museum (Kofu, JP) at Main Residence Shiinoki , Ishikawa Prefecture,  19–28 September 2015


"Dialoghi Italy-Japan" Exhibition  /  03 -11 Jul 2015 Institute of Italian Culture in Tokyo -


The exhibition will take place in:
* Istituto di Cultura di Tokyo / Tokyo Institute for Italian Culture
3–11 luglio 2015 / 3-11 July 2015
* Kofu Prefectural Museum of Art (YAMANASI Jewelry Museum (Kofu, JP) at Main Residence Shiinoki , Ishikawa Prefecture,  19–28 September 2015
* Museo di Arte Orientale, Roma, Italy, October 2015
*Museo di Storia naturale del Mediterraneo, Livorno, Italy, June 2016
*Museo del Bijou di Casalmaggiore, Italy 2016
*Fondazione Cominelli, Cisano di San Felice/B Salò, Italy, September 2016
* Museo Oratorio di S. Rocco, Padova, Italy, October 2016


Japanese selected authors :
Chisa TAKAGI — Eiko NAKAHARA  — Emiko SHIGETA  — Eriko UNNOErina KASHIHARA  — Fumiki TAGUCHI Fumie HIRAKAWA  — Fumie SUMA  — Harumi TAKANAKA  – Itto MISHIMA — Kimiko IINO  — Keiko KOBARIKeiko TSUBOI  — Koichi HIRAKO  — Makiko YUKI  –  Makoto HIEDA  — Mariko KOBAYAKAWA — Mario SUGA — Masako SAWAMOTO — Mayumi YASUGI — Michie KITADA — Mineri MATSUURA — Nagi NAKAJIMA — Nahoko FUJIMOTO  — Nobuko NISHIWAKI — Nobuko WASHIMI  — Noriko HATANAKA — Norihiro KIUCHI  — Satomi ITO  –  Setsuko TANEZAWA  — Sumiko YAMAZAKI  — Takako KOMIYA  — Takashi KOJIMA — Taeko NARUMI — Tomoaki KIYOTA  — Yayoi OSHIMA  — Yoko SATO  — Yoshiko UCHIDA  — Yumi SHIRAO — Yutaka NAGAI

Italian selected authors (AGC members):

 dialoghi Italy-Japan - - Maria Rosa FRANZIN-Due .... -- Keiko Kobari 'Light & Shadow'Maria Rosa Franzin (bottom) – « Due » brooch — Keiko Kobari (top) ‘Light & Shadow’ brooch

 dialoghi Italy-Japan -  KOMIYA TakakoーLaputa, Castle in the Sky - NICOLETTA FRIGERIO -Our precious land-Compared territories Takako  KOMIYA (top) ーLaputa, Castle in the Sky – Nicoletta FRIGERIO (bottom) – Our precious land-Compared territories

dialoghi ....  Rita Marcangelo 'Dotty' brooches - Mario SUGA 'Out of Fontana'Rita Marcangelo ‘(bottom) Dotty’ brooches – Mario SUGA (top) ‘Out of Fontana’

dialoghi .... Liana Pattihis brooch -- Taeko Narumi - 'curve' pendant
                    Liana Pattihis brooch (from Makie, a Japanese lacquer work) — Taeko Narumi – ‘curve’ pendant
 dialoghi Italy-Japan - . LIANA PATTIHIS -   Brooch (from Makie, a Japanese lacquer work)                                                    Liana PATTIHIS -   Brooch (from Makie, a Japanese lacquer work)
dialoghi Italy-Japan - KIYOTA TomoakiーLantern - ELISABETTA DUPRE’ ー Shoji. look through                Tomoaki KIYOTA  « Lantern » brooch (top) – Elisabetta DUPRE’  »Shoji. look through » brooch (bottom)
dialoghi Italy-Japan -  KIYOTA Tomoakiー "Lantern"  Brooch / silver, bamboo, wood, washi, butteryTomoaki KIYOTAー  »Lantern »  Brooch / silver, bamboo, wood, washi, buttery
dialoghi Italy-Japan - Flavia Fenaroli 'Prima Materia' - Takashi KOJIMA 'Trinity'                                          Flavia Fenaroli ‘Prima Materia’ brooch (bottom) – Takashi KOJIMA ‘Trinity’ (top)
dialoghi Italy-Japan - Stefano ROSSI  (top) brooch "torii" - argento, rame e mokume gane  &  HIRAKAWA Fumie (bottom) "Proportion", brooch (from Leonardo da Vinci, Vitruvian Man)
Stefano ROSSI  (top) brooch « torii » – argento, rame e mokume gane  &  Fumie HIRAKAWA  (bottom) « Proportion », brooch (from Leonardo da Vinci, Vitruvian Man)
dialoghi Italy-Japan - SERGIO SPIVACH - STEFANO SPIVACH E FUJIMOTO NAHOKOSergio & Stefano SPIVACH (top) Mt. Fuji, opal object -  Nahoko FUJIMOTO  (bottom) Brooch: Acanthus, 2015 silver paper, magnet – (Acanthus, brooch from Fountain basin, Roma I sec. ac.)
dialoghi Italy-Japan - Yoko Takirai (IT-JP)  &  MISHIMA ITTOYoko Takirai (IT-JP) (top) « Kin », pins (from Kintsugi, Repairing technique for broken pottery with lacquer
& gold) -   Itto MISHIMA  Colosseo, brooch (from a view of Colosseo, Roma) (bottom right)

dialoghi  Italy-Japan -- UNNO Eriko-Perfection and Imperfection //  Patrizia BONATI - Perfezione-imperfezione Eriko UNNO (top) – « Perfection and Imperfection » //  Patrizia BONATI (bottom) – Perfezione-imperfezione

Dialogui Italy-Japan - Fumie SUMA (Bracelet: Harmony of Space and Form, 2015 silver, vinyl, gold 18K ) and Gigi Mariani (brooch) "Differences" (from Kumamoto castle, stone walls)Fumie SUMA (Bracelet: Harmony of Space and Form, 2015 silver, vinyl, gold 18K ) –  Gigi Mariani (brooch) « Differences » (from Kumamoto castle, stone walls)

dialoghi Marco Minelli - Harumi TakanakaHarumi Takanaka (To the other side, bracelet – right)   &   Marco Minelli Yellow Game ring

dialoghi .... Claudia Steiner - Mineri MatsuuraClaudia Steiner ‘Connected’ necklace (left) – Mineri Matsuura brooch (wood, rubber)(right)

dialoghi .... Angelo Lomuscio ring 'Samukawa Shrine' - Emiko Shigeta 'Toward the future' broochAngelo Lomuscio ring ‘Samukawa Shrine’ (bottom) – Emiko Shigeta (top) ‘Toward the future’ brooch

 dialoghi Italy-Japan - SILVIA VALENTI // YAMAZAKI SUMIKOSilvia VALENTI  (top) Water and Seigaiha. I am imperfect. brooch (from Katsushika Hokusai, The great wave at Kanagawa) // Sumiko YAMAZAKI  (bottom) Ruined Earth, ring (from Arnaldo Pomodoro, Group of spheres on Ticino shores)

 dialoghi Italy-Japan -  KITADA MichieーStairs and Grid --  CLARA DEL PAPA ー LazosMichie KITADA « Stairs and Grid » (top) –  Clara del PAPA  (bottom) « Lazos /Hug », 2015 silver 925, pickled, solded gold leaf, red enameldialoghi Italy-Japan -  Keiko Tsuboi (left) - Eliana Negroni (right) - Keiko Tsuboi Poetry in the winter, necklace 2015  Eliana Negroni Aluminium garden Overhelming distance, necklace/brooch 2015Keiko Tsuboi (left)  Poetry in the winter, necklace 2015  – Eliana Negroni (right)  Aluminium garden Overhelming distance, necklace/brooch 2015

dialoghi Italy-Japan - Barbara Uderzo  &  YASUGI MAYUMIBarbara Uderzo  (left) ring – &  Mayumi YASUGI (right) brooch

dialoghi Italy-Japan -  Mayumi YASUGI   broochMayumi YASUGI   brooch

Yamanashi Jewelry Museum
1-6-1 Marunouchi, Kofu-shi, Yamanashi 400-0031, Japan
 From Tokyo (Shinjuku – Ryuo/Kofu)
Shinjuku Station -> about 2hours 10min. -> Kofu Station



Nouvel espace bijoux à Bruxelles : ICKX Contemporary Jewelry

depuis le 2 avril : « ICKX Contemporary Jewelry » vient d’ouvrir
Ouvert par Audrey Ickx, ce « concept store » propose « une sélection pointue de bijoux contemporains de créateurs de différents horizons. Les pièces sont choisies pour leur design singulier, épuré à minimaliste; pour les matériaux variés parfois inattendus; pour les techniques utilisées (fabrication artisanale et nouvelles technologies). Chaque pièce est précieuse car unique ou réalisée en petite série. « ICKX Contemporary Jewelry » se veut un intermédiaire entre les clients et les créateurs.  Notre objectif est de promouvoir les talents : offrir une nouvelle vitrine pour certains ou être un tremplin pour d’autres.  Le but est de présenter des créations originales à un large public à un prix abordable. »

Pour l’ouverture 20 créateurs : 10 Belges et 10 créateurs étrangers vous proposent leur interprétation du bijoux contemporain :

Angela Ciobanu –  Frédérique Coomans –  Nathalie Dmitrovic — Elektre / Emilie Doyen –  Selma Houissa — Audrey Ickx –  Stéphanie Kinet –  Claire LavendhommeLous / Lou Sautreau — MAGMA –  NUBE / Elena Guerra –  Inês Nunes — Ubustine –  Jasper Vandenberghe –  Diederick Van Hövell — Sarah Vankaster  –  Dominique Vansteenberghe –  Adela  Vomackova  –  Caterina Zanca  –  Zul Jewelry  —  Nevin Arig –  OLGAjeanne / Sophie Baillet — Isabelle Géréec — Izabella Petrut — Ombre Claire / Aude Durou –  Toubab / Maud VillaretEleftheria Stamati

Angela Ciobanu silver, 24 k gold (granulation) - "It is the imperfection in things that surprises and attracts our perception. Our imperfect and asymmetrical construction will endlessly filter Beauty through senses which unconsciously search for scratches in Perfection."Angela Ciobanu « scratch ring »silver, 24 k gold (granulation) -
« It is the imperfection in things that surprises and attracts our perception. Our imperfect and asymmetrical construction will endlessly filter Beauty through senses which unconsciously search for scratches in Perfection. »

Inês Nunes (Portugal) brooches -  Photographie Inês NunesInês Nunes (Portugal) Broches en bois mobile -  Photographie Inês Nunes

Stéphanie Kinet Broches en papier Photographie François KinetStéphanie Kinet Broches en papier Photographie François Kinet

  Jasper Vandenberghe bagues - étain + pierre  Jasper Vandenberghe bagues – étain + pierre

Ickx Jewelry, Contemporary, Bruxelles - Claire LavendhommeClaire Lavendhomme

  Sarah Vankaster - collier papierSarah Vankaster – collier papier

Dominique Vansteenberghe Thomas (Belgique) Photographie Dominique Vansteenberghe Thomas - bracelet mitaineDominique Vansteenberghe Thomas – bracelet mitaine Photographie Dominique Vansteenberghe Thomas -

Nevin Arig Broches en résine Nevin Arig Broches en résine

CATERINA ZANCA ringsCaterina Zanca (Italie) rings Photographie Caterina Zanca

Audrey Ickx Jewelry (BE)Audrey Ickx Jewelry (BE) collier

Frédérique Coomans Collier écharpe-ceinture Plexi + tricot  Frédérique Coomans Collier écharpe  Plexi + tricot 

Ickx Jewelry, Contemporary, Bruxelles, bijoux contemporains, | Eleftheria SmamatiEleftheria Stamati

Ickx Jewelry, Contemporary, Bruxelles, bijoux contemporains, | Toubab ParisToubab Paris



ICKX Contemporary Jewelry
Av. Georges Henri 435
1200 Bruxelles – BELGIQUE

Ouvert du mardi samedi de 11h à 18h30.




EXPOs – ‘DIALOGUES AGC/JJDA’ – Institute of Italian Culture, Tokyo (JP) – 3-11 Juill. 2015

DIALOGHI tra AGC e JJDA Associazione gioiello contemporaneo Giapponese (Japan Jewellery Designers Association)

* Istituto di Cultura di Tokyo / Tokyo Institute for Italian Culture : ISTITUTO DI CULTURA ITALIANO A TOKYO - 3–11 luglio 2015 / 3-11 July 2015


"Dialoghi Italy-Japan" Exhibition  /  03 -11 Jul 2015 Institute of Italian Culture in Tokyo -


The exhibition will take place in:
* Istituto di Cultura di Tokyo / Tokyo Institute for Italian Culture
3–11 luglio 2015 / 3-11 July 2015
* Kofu Prefectural Museum of Art (YAMANASI Jewelry Museum (Kofu, JP) at Main Residence Shiinoki , Ishikawa Prefecture, 19 – 28 19–28 September 2015
* Museo di Arte Orientale, Roma, Italy, October 2015
*Museo di Storia naturale del Mediterraneo, Livorno, Italy, June 2016
*Museo del Bijou di Casalmaggiore, Italy 2016
*Fondazione Cominelli, Cisano di San Felice/B Salò, Italy, September 2016
* Museo Oratorio di S. Rocco, Padova, Italy, October 2016


Japanese selected authors :
Chisa TAKAGI — Eiko NAKAHARA  — Emiko SHIGETA  — Eriko UNNO — Erina KASHIHARA  — Fumiki TAGUCHI — Fumie HIRAKAWA  — Fumie SUMA  — Harumi TAKANAKA  – Itto MISHIMA — Kimiko IINO  — Keiko KOBARI — Keiko TSUBOI  — Koichi HIRAKO  — Makiko YUKI  –  Makoto HIEDA  — Mariko KOBAYAKAWA — Mario SUGA — Masako SAWAMOTO — Mayumi YASUGI — Michie KITADA — Mineri MATSUURA — Nagi NAKAJIMA — Nahoko FUJIMOTO  — Nobuko NISHIWAKI — Nobuko WASHIMI  — Noriko HATANAKA — Norihiro KIUCHI  — Satomi ITO  –  Setsuko TANEZAWA  — Sumiko YAMAZAKI  — Takako KOMIYA  — Takashi KOJIMA — Taeko NARUMI — Tomoaki KIYOTA  — Yayoi OSHIMA  — Yoko SATO  — Yoshiko UCHIDA  — Yumi SHIRAO — Yutaka NAGAI

Takako Komiya -  ringNicoletta Frigerio ring

Takako Komiya  // Nicoletta Frigerio

SUMA FumieGigi Mariani

 Fumie SUMA Bracelet: Harmony of Space and Form, 2015 silver, vinyl, gold 18K// GigiMariani brooch

Makoto Hieda Brooch: Trapped Organism, 2015 Stainless steel acrylic resin paint - Dialogues Italy-Japan.Hieda Makoto  Brooch: Trapped Organism, 2015 Stainless steel acrylic resin paint

 MARIA ROSA FRANZIN (dialogo con Keiko Kobari) Maria Rosa FRANZIN brooch  – (dialogo con Keiko Kobari)

Unno Eriko - Brooch / silver, gold-platedUnno Eriko - Brooch / silver, gold-plated


dialoghi Caterina Zanca e Nobuko WashimiNobuko Washimi  »Heavenward »  (up) //  Caterina Zanca Obi Brooch, 2015 silver, gold leaf 1000, pigments, steel
« My newest jewelry titled « Heavenward » for « DIALOGHI AGC and JJDA » in Tokyo. The motif is a beautiful church in Roma.
Thanks a lot Caterina Zanca, my partner in Italy, for sending a beautiful photo. And Caterina made very charming brooch,inspired by Japanese style Obi. »

Yoko Takirai Yoko Takirai

Italian selected authors (AGC members):
Francesca ANTONELLO — Adrean BLOOMARD — Roberta BERNABEI — Patrizia BONATI — Anna Maria CARDILLO — Luisa CHIANDOTTO — Corrado DE MEOClara DEL PAPAElisabetta DUPRE’Flavia FENAROLIAnna FORNARIRita MARCANGELOMaria Rosa FRANZINNicoletta FRIGERIOLucilla GIOVANNINETTIAngelo LOMUSCIO — Chiara LUCATO — Gigi MARIANISimona MATERI — Marco MINELLI — Paola MIRAI — NALJ Jewels — Eliana NEGRONI – Margareta NIEL — Tania PALAZZI — Liana PATTIHIS — Alessandra PASINI — Roberta PAVONE — Marco PICCIALI — Alba POLENGHI LISCA — Daniela REPETTO – Stefano ROSSIChiara SCARPITTISergio SPIVACHStefano SPIVACHClaudia STEINERYoko TAKIRAI – Silvia VALENTI — Barbara UDERZOGabi VEITCaterina ZANCA

 Corrado de MeoCorrado de Meo

Clara DelPapa -   Clara DelPapa bracelet 2015

Angelo LomuscioAngelo Lomuscio

Claudia SteinerMineri Matsuura

Claudia Steiner  // Mineri Matsuura
A DIALOGUE between the work of Mineri Matsuura and me, inspired by the work of the architect Andrea Palladio in the North of italy like villa rotonda or the staircase at Castello duino and different pieces of traditionel Japanese Culture like harmony and light of a Tearoom, a way to warp eggs, a plant to make paper or a way to repair ceramic!

Barbara Uderzo - Blob ring  Barbara Uderzo – Blob ring 

SATO YOKOLucilla Giovanninetti

SATO Yoko // Lucilla Giovanninetti

Liana PattihisLiana Pattihis



* Yamanashi Jewelry Museum19-28 September 2015
1-6-1 Marunouchi, Kofu-shi, Yamanashi 400-0031, Japan

* Istituto ITALIANO di Cultura,  TOKYO31 Dec. 2014 – 30 Sept. 2015
2-1-30 Kudanshita, Chiyoda-ku,
102-0074 Tokyo
transport Kudanshita Station (Tozai, Hanzomon, Toei Shinjuku lines)