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EXPO ‘Triple Parade Exhibitions’ – SHENGXI Art Museum, Tianjin / Gauguin Gallery, Beijing (China) – 10 Nov. 2016-16 Janv. 2017

«Triple Parade Exhibitions» 

SHENGXI Art Museum at Tianjin (China), & then Gauguin Gallery at Beijing

Triple Parade in Tianjin: 10th.NOV – 10th.DEC. 2016
Location: Shengxi Museum of Fine Arts, Tianjin

Triple Parade in Beijing: 17th.DEC.2016 – 16th.JAN.2017
Location: Gauguin Gallery Beijing, Wangjing SOHO.

Triple Parade exhibitions in Tianjin & Beijing Exhibition  /  10 Nov 2016  -  17 Jan 2017 - Tianjin Shengxi Museum of Fine Arts & Gauguin Gallery Beijing

The main exhibition TRIPLE PARADE 2016 -  Dialogue Across You and Me to Them: Creator, Wearer, Viewer  – Central Traveling Exhibition Represented 110 jewellery designers & artists from 14 countries.

The Triple Parade 2016 international annual exhibition is a cultural exchange which is expanded between China and the rest of the world on a multitude of level, devoted to the hardcore awakening in jewellery design, with a very open and contemporary-oriented approach by focusing on the concept of dialoguing.

The pervious themes were: Triple Parade 2015 – Dialogue across Three Countries, Triple Parade 2014 – Dialogue across Three Generations. This year, the term Dialogue across You and Me to Them: Creator, Wearer, Viewer in our theme is vitally important marks the notion of social interaction. We believe that the significance and multiple capacities of the dialogue mark have not been truly recognized. Each of the three roles in a dialogue, which are briefly introduced in the plate sections devoted to them, addresses one perspective on how  » Dialogue » plays a progressive position in the contemporary jewellery design of our period. Jewellery examines how we define self, integration and segregation, the means used for communication – and how these issues are reflected in creative work.

the artists and designers will be part of this year’s TRIPLE PARADE Central Exhibitions are:
Karin JohanssonPaul DerrezLin Cheung — Dinie Besems — Kim Buck Lauren KalmanEzra Satok-WolmanKatja Prins Joo Hyung ParkSofie BoonsChiara Scarpitti Trinidad ContrerasAisegul Telli — Ana Filipa Braganca — Gular MustafaDukno Yoon Hester Popma-Van De Kolk — Joson Thomson – Juan Harnie Marie-Louise Kristensen –  Marion DelarueMinna KarhuRuta Naujalyte Sangji YunSara Gackowska — Lee Yojae — Lee Myungjoo — Hong Kyunghee — Zixuan Feng — Zheng Yu — Haiming Ren — Dingchen He — Zhicheng  Zhou — Wei Zhou — Jingyao Sun — Ye Zhang — Yiping Zeng — Danyi Zhu — Yuxuan Zhu — Anqi Li — Heng Li — Wenqian Li — Muzi Li — Dongdong Zhuang — Jie Sun — Jing Li — Guangyao Yang — Xiao Liang — Yanli Duan — Hangchen Duan — Jinwei Chi — Zhaokun Wang — Jun Hu — Bai Xie — Yi Zhao — Xinan Yu — Hui Guo — Xiaodai Huang — Zhaodan Zhang — Kui Shu — Shijian Zhao — Peter Rust — Kirsi Manninen — Anne Bader — Shaofei Zhang & Qian Wang — Ying Jiang — Lin Ju — Yin Chang — Wenqi Xu — Hongyu Xu — Yan Li — Wenqian Li — Feiyu Lin — Liyin Wang — Weiming Lu — Ma Lu — Quanxia Chen.

Ra Gallery Selection:   Sam-Tho Duong — Monique Vierling — Julian Steimer — Noon Passama — Thanh Truc Nguyen — Floor Mommersteeg — Bogki Min — Peter Hoogeboom — Mirjam Hiller — Karin Herwegh — Hartog & Henneman — Hilde Foks — Reka Fekete — Sarah Enoch — Sylvia Blickman — Paul Derrez.

K.A.U. COLLECTION Selection: Ted NOTEN — Lucy SARNEEL — Birgit LAKEN –Peter HOOGEBOOM — Willem HONING — Gemma DRAPER — Warwick FREEMAN — Bettina SPECKNER — Marc MONZO — Georg DOBLER.



 » TRIPLE PARADE 2016 will open its door at 10th NOV in Tianjin in China, it embraced the aspirations in a great ambition, setting up an intensive program consisting of exhibitions, publication, workshops, forum, lecture, which included dialogues with international collaboration partners from Netherlands, United States, United Kingdom, China, Denmark, Spain. The exhibition represented an enormous challenge to everyone involved in purely quantitative terms: with over 260 works by more than a hundred designers and artists from 14 countries. 11 experts from 8 countries have been exclusively invited to be in Tianjin as speaker on the Design Forum. The publication consists of 7 groups of interviews, including 14 experts on board, giving perspectives from education, collecting, creating, curating, wearing, and dealing on contemporary jewellery design. I am confident that it will open up new perspectives on the giant, and I would like to invite all the visitors to discover the greatly relevant designs from a field so full of surprises, with such a future ahead of it. » Jie Sun (founder of Triple Parade)



* Shenxi Art Museum
12 Nancheng street
Nankai District -  Tianjin


* Gauguin Gallery
Wang Jing S O H O Zhong Xin T 2
chaoyang Qu -  Beijing



EXPO 'Triple Parade Exhibitions' - SHENGXI Art Museum, Tianjin / Gauguin Gallery, Beijing (China) - 10 Nov. 2016-16 Janv. 2017 dans Aisegul TELLI (TR) 14976538_10211135464690832_2617370637365402107_oEnregistrer




EXPOs – ‘DIALOGUES AGC/JJDA’ – YAMANASHI Jewelry Museum, Kofu (JP) – 19-28 Sept. 2015

DIALOGHI tra AGC e JJDA Associazione gioiello contemporaneo Giapponese (Japan Jewellery Designers Association)

Kofu Prefectural Museum of Art (YAMANASI Jewelry Museum (Kofu, JP) at Main Residence Shiinoki , Ishikawa Prefecture,  19–28 September 2015


"Dialoghi Italy-Japan" Exhibition  /  03 -11 Jul 2015 Institute of Italian Culture in Tokyo -


The exhibition will take place in:
* Istituto di Cultura di Tokyo / Tokyo Institute for Italian Culture
3–11 luglio 2015 / 3-11 July 2015
* Kofu Prefectural Museum of Art (YAMANASI Jewelry Museum (Kofu, JP) at Main Residence Shiinoki , Ishikawa Prefecture,  19–28 September 2015
* Museo di Arte Orientale, Roma, Italy, October 2015
*Museo di Storia naturale del Mediterraneo, Livorno, Italy, June 2016
*Museo del Bijou di Casalmaggiore, Italy 2016
*Fondazione Cominelli, Cisano di San Felice/B Salò, Italy, September 2016
* Museo Oratorio di S. Rocco, Padova, Italy, October 2016


Japanese selected authors :
Chisa TAKAGI — Eiko NAKAHARA  — Emiko SHIGETA  — Eriko UNNOErina KASHIHARA  — Fumiki TAGUCHI Fumie HIRAKAWA  — Fumie SUMA  — Harumi TAKANAKA  – Itto MISHIMA — Kimiko IINO  — Keiko KOBARIKeiko TSUBOI  — Koichi HIRAKO  — Makiko YUKI  –  Makoto HIEDA  — Mariko KOBAYAKAWA — Mario SUGA — Masako SAWAMOTO — Mayumi YASUGI — Michie KITADA — Mineri MATSUURA — Nagi NAKAJIMA — Nahoko FUJIMOTO  — Nobuko NISHIWAKI — Nobuko WASHIMI  — Noriko HATANAKA — Norihiro KIUCHI  — Satomi ITO  –  Setsuko TANEZAWA  — Sumiko YAMAZAKI  — Takako KOMIYA  — Takashi KOJIMA — Taeko NARUMI — Tomoaki KIYOTA  — Yayoi OSHIMA  — Yoko SATO  — Yoshiko UCHIDA  — Yumi SHIRAO — Yutaka NAGAI

Italian selected authors (AGC members):

 dialoghi Italy-Japan - - Maria Rosa FRANZIN-Due .... -- Keiko Kobari 'Light & Shadow'Maria Rosa Franzin (bottom) – « Due » brooch — Keiko Kobari (top) ‘Light & Shadow’ brooch

 dialoghi Italy-Japan -  KOMIYA TakakoーLaputa, Castle in the Sky - NICOLETTA FRIGERIO -Our precious land-Compared territories Takako  KOMIYA (top) ーLaputa, Castle in the Sky – Nicoletta FRIGERIO (bottom) – Our precious land-Compared territories

dialoghi ....  Rita Marcangelo 'Dotty' brooches - Mario SUGA 'Out of Fontana'Rita Marcangelo ‘(bottom) Dotty’ brooches – Mario SUGA (top) ‘Out of Fontana’

dialoghi .... Liana Pattihis brooch -- Taeko Narumi - 'curve' pendant
                    Liana Pattihis brooch (from Makie, a Japanese lacquer work) — Taeko Narumi – ‘curve’ pendant
 dialoghi Italy-Japan - . LIANA PATTIHIS -   Brooch (from Makie, a Japanese lacquer work)                                                    Liana PATTIHIS -   Brooch (from Makie, a Japanese lacquer work)
dialoghi Italy-Japan - KIYOTA TomoakiーLantern - ELISABETTA DUPRE’ ー Shoji. look through                Tomoaki KIYOTA  « Lantern » brooch (top) – Elisabetta DUPRE’  »Shoji. look through » brooch (bottom)
dialoghi Italy-Japan -  KIYOTA Tomoakiー "Lantern"  Brooch / silver, bamboo, wood, washi, butteryTomoaki KIYOTAー  »Lantern »  Brooch / silver, bamboo, wood, washi, buttery
dialoghi Italy-Japan - Flavia Fenaroli 'Prima Materia' - Takashi KOJIMA 'Trinity'                                          Flavia Fenaroli ‘Prima Materia’ brooch (bottom) – Takashi KOJIMA ‘Trinity’ (top)
dialoghi Italy-Japan - Stefano ROSSI  (top) brooch "torii" - argento, rame e mokume gane  &  HIRAKAWA Fumie (bottom) "Proportion", brooch (from Leonardo da Vinci, Vitruvian Man)
Stefano ROSSI  (top) brooch « torii » – argento, rame e mokume gane  &  Fumie HIRAKAWA  (bottom) « Proportion », brooch (from Leonardo da Vinci, Vitruvian Man)
dialoghi Italy-Japan - SERGIO SPIVACH - STEFANO SPIVACH E FUJIMOTO NAHOKOSergio & Stefano SPIVACH (top) Mt. Fuji, opal object -  Nahoko FUJIMOTO  (bottom) Brooch: Acanthus, 2015 silver paper, magnet – (Acanthus, brooch from Fountain basin, Roma I sec. ac.)
dialoghi Italy-Japan - Yoko Takirai (IT-JP)  &  MISHIMA ITTOYoko Takirai (IT-JP) (top) « Kin », pins (from Kintsugi, Repairing technique for broken pottery with lacquer
& gold) -   Itto MISHIMA  Colosseo, brooch (from a view of Colosseo, Roma) (bottom right)

dialoghi  Italy-Japan -- UNNO Eriko-Perfection and Imperfection //  Patrizia BONATI - Perfezione-imperfezione Eriko UNNO (top) – « Perfection and Imperfection » //  Patrizia BONATI (bottom) – Perfezione-imperfezione

Dialogui Italy-Japan - Fumie SUMA (Bracelet: Harmony of Space and Form, 2015 silver, vinyl, gold 18K ) and Gigi Mariani (brooch) "Differences" (from Kumamoto castle, stone walls)Fumie SUMA (Bracelet: Harmony of Space and Form, 2015 silver, vinyl, gold 18K ) –  Gigi Mariani (brooch) « Differences » (from Kumamoto castle, stone walls)

dialoghi Marco Minelli - Harumi TakanakaHarumi Takanaka (To the other side, bracelet – right)   &   Marco Minelli Yellow Game ring

dialoghi .... Claudia Steiner - Mineri MatsuuraClaudia Steiner ‘Connected’ necklace (left) – Mineri Matsuura brooch (wood, rubber)(right)

dialoghi .... Angelo Lomuscio ring 'Samukawa Shrine' - Emiko Shigeta 'Toward the future' broochAngelo Lomuscio ring ‘Samukawa Shrine’ (bottom) – Emiko Shigeta (top) ‘Toward the future’ brooch

 dialoghi Italy-Japan - SILVIA VALENTI // YAMAZAKI SUMIKOSilvia VALENTI  (top) Water and Seigaiha. I am imperfect. brooch (from Katsushika Hokusai, The great wave at Kanagawa) // Sumiko YAMAZAKI  (bottom) Ruined Earth, ring (from Arnaldo Pomodoro, Group of spheres on Ticino shores)

 dialoghi Italy-Japan -  KITADA MichieーStairs and Grid --  CLARA DEL PAPA ー LazosMichie KITADA « Stairs and Grid » (top) –  Clara del PAPA  (bottom) « Lazos /Hug », 2015 silver 925, pickled, solded gold leaf, red enameldialoghi Italy-Japan -  Keiko Tsuboi (left) - Eliana Negroni (right) - Keiko Tsuboi Poetry in the winter, necklace 2015  Eliana Negroni Aluminium garden Overhelming distance, necklace/brooch 2015Keiko Tsuboi (left)  Poetry in the winter, necklace 2015  – Eliana Negroni (right)  Aluminium garden Overhelming distance, necklace/brooch 2015

dialoghi Italy-Japan - Barbara Uderzo  &  YASUGI MAYUMIBarbara Uderzo  (left) ring – &  Mayumi YASUGI (right) brooch

dialoghi Italy-Japan -  Mayumi YASUGI   broochMayumi YASUGI   brooch

Yamanashi Jewelry Museum
1-6-1 Marunouchi, Kofu-shi, Yamanashi 400-0031, Japan
 From Tokyo (Shinjuku – Ryuo/Kofu)
Shinjuku Station -> about 2hours 10min. -> Kofu Station



EXPO ‘LA MATIERE DU BIJOU’ – Galerie Maître-Albert, Paris (FR) – 2-25 avril 2015

exposition de bijoux contemporains, créations Italiennes contemporaines
vernissage jeudi 2 avril à 18h00
Galerie Maître-Albert

La Matière du Bijou

Des matériaux qui s’adaptent à des transformations, des vies, des formes inimaginables, qui font surgir des nouvelles idées, des nouvelles utilisations, qui courtisent le luxe, faisant d’eux des objets précieux. Tout cela est possible grâce à l’imagination et au travail habile des artistes italiens présents avec leurs créations dans les locaux de la galerie Maître Albert du 2 au 25 avril.
Commissaire de l’exposition et concepteurs de l’accrochage: le collectif 70m2paris, un groupe d’architectes et d’artistes uni par le désir de promouvoir la créativité italienne en dehors de ses frontières.
Le collectif, composé de Valeria Bellucci (architecte), Enrico Bertelli (artiste), Marco Lulli (architecte), Marta Righeschi (architecte), Simona Saffioti (communication) e Patrizia Tonello (artiste), se propose de montrer des projets contemporains et innovants.


 Gigi Mariani - Ring: Fragment#3, 2014 | Silver, 18kt yellow gold, niello, patinaGigi Mariani - Ring: Fragment#3, 2014 – Silver, 18kt yellow gold, niello, patina

Maria Diana Bracelet: Gold Bracelet, 2013 Porcelain, stoneware, gold luster Photo by: Federica CioccoloniMaria Diana Bracelet: Gold Bracelet, 2013 Porcelain, stoneware, gold luster Photo by: Federica Cioccoloni

 Silvia Beccaria Ruff: Colored Mora d’Inverno, 2014 Rubber, pvc, nylon 24 x 25 x 19 cm Photo by: Silvia Paganino From series: Big discsSilvia Beccaria Ruff: Colored Mora d’Inverno, 2014 Rubber, pvc, nylon 24 x 25 x 19 cm -Photo Silvia Paganino From series: Big discs 

Stenia Scarselli Ring: Architettura danzante, 2015 Oxidized silver 3,5 x 3,5 x 4 cm Photo by: Stenia Scarselli From series: structuresStenia Scarselli Ring: Architettura danzante, 2015 Oxidized silver 3,5 x 3,5 x 4 cm Photo: Stenia Scarselli From series: structures

Corrado de Meo Brooch: Shadow area, 2014 Polystyrene, electroformed silver, oxide 10x7,5 cmCorrado de Meo Brooch: Shadow area, 2014 Polystyrene, electroformed silver, oxide 10x7,5 cm



Galerie Maître-Albert
6, rue Maître-Albert
75005 Paris
Tél: +33 (0)1 55 42 73 77


EXPOs – ‘DIALOGUES AGC/JJDA’ – Institute of Italian Culture, Tokyo (JP) – 3-11 Juill. 2015

DIALOGHI tra AGC e JJDA Associazione gioiello contemporaneo Giapponese (Japan Jewellery Designers Association)

* Istituto di Cultura di Tokyo / Tokyo Institute for Italian Culture : ISTITUTO DI CULTURA ITALIANO A TOKYO - 3–11 luglio 2015 / 3-11 July 2015


"Dialoghi Italy-Japan" Exhibition  /  03 -11 Jul 2015 Institute of Italian Culture in Tokyo -


The exhibition will take place in:
* Istituto di Cultura di Tokyo / Tokyo Institute for Italian Culture
3–11 luglio 2015 / 3-11 July 2015
* Kofu Prefectural Museum of Art (YAMANASI Jewelry Museum (Kofu, JP) at Main Residence Shiinoki , Ishikawa Prefecture, 19 – 28 19–28 September 2015
* Museo di Arte Orientale, Roma, Italy, October 2015
*Museo di Storia naturale del Mediterraneo, Livorno, Italy, June 2016
*Museo del Bijou di Casalmaggiore, Italy 2016
*Fondazione Cominelli, Cisano di San Felice/B Salò, Italy, September 2016
* Museo Oratorio di S. Rocco, Padova, Italy, October 2016


Japanese selected authors :
Chisa TAKAGI — Eiko NAKAHARA  — Emiko SHIGETA  — Eriko UNNO — Erina KASHIHARA  — Fumiki TAGUCHI — Fumie HIRAKAWA  — Fumie SUMA  — Harumi TAKANAKA  – Itto MISHIMA — Kimiko IINO  — Keiko KOBARI — Keiko TSUBOI  — Koichi HIRAKO  — Makiko YUKI  –  Makoto HIEDA  — Mariko KOBAYAKAWA — Mario SUGA — Masako SAWAMOTO — Mayumi YASUGI — Michie KITADA — Mineri MATSUURA — Nagi NAKAJIMA — Nahoko FUJIMOTO  — Nobuko NISHIWAKI — Nobuko WASHIMI  — Noriko HATANAKA — Norihiro KIUCHI  — Satomi ITO  –  Setsuko TANEZAWA  — Sumiko YAMAZAKI  — Takako KOMIYA  — Takashi KOJIMA — Taeko NARUMI — Tomoaki KIYOTA  — Yayoi OSHIMA  — Yoko SATO  — Yoshiko UCHIDA  — Yumi SHIRAO — Yutaka NAGAI

Takako Komiya -  ringNicoletta Frigerio ring

Takako Komiya  // Nicoletta Frigerio

SUMA FumieGigi Mariani

 Fumie SUMA Bracelet: Harmony of Space and Form, 2015 silver, vinyl, gold 18K// GigiMariani brooch

Makoto Hieda Brooch: Trapped Organism, 2015 Stainless steel acrylic resin paint - Dialogues Italy-Japan.Hieda Makoto  Brooch: Trapped Organism, 2015 Stainless steel acrylic resin paint

 MARIA ROSA FRANZIN (dialogo con Keiko Kobari) Maria Rosa FRANZIN brooch  – (dialogo con Keiko Kobari)

Unno Eriko - Brooch / silver, gold-platedUnno Eriko - Brooch / silver, gold-plated


dialoghi Caterina Zanca e Nobuko WashimiNobuko Washimi  »Heavenward »  (up) //  Caterina Zanca Obi Brooch, 2015 silver, gold leaf 1000, pigments, steel
« My newest jewelry titled « Heavenward » for « DIALOGHI AGC and JJDA » in Tokyo. The motif is a beautiful church in Roma.
Thanks a lot Caterina Zanca, my partner in Italy, for sending a beautiful photo. And Caterina made very charming brooch,inspired by Japanese style Obi. »

Yoko Takirai Yoko Takirai

Italian selected authors (AGC members):
Francesca ANTONELLO — Adrean BLOOMARD — Roberta BERNABEI — Patrizia BONATI — Anna Maria CARDILLO — Luisa CHIANDOTTO — Corrado DE MEOClara DEL PAPAElisabetta DUPRE’Flavia FENAROLIAnna FORNARIRita MARCANGELOMaria Rosa FRANZINNicoletta FRIGERIOLucilla GIOVANNINETTIAngelo LOMUSCIO — Chiara LUCATO — Gigi MARIANISimona MATERI — Marco MINELLI — Paola MIRAI — NALJ Jewels — Eliana NEGRONI – Margareta NIEL — Tania PALAZZI — Liana PATTIHIS — Alessandra PASINI — Roberta PAVONE — Marco PICCIALI — Alba POLENGHI LISCA — Daniela REPETTO – Stefano ROSSIChiara SCARPITTISergio SPIVACHStefano SPIVACHClaudia STEINERYoko TAKIRAI – Silvia VALENTI — Barbara UDERZOGabi VEITCaterina ZANCA

 Corrado de MeoCorrado de Meo

Clara DelPapa -   Clara DelPapa bracelet 2015

Angelo LomuscioAngelo Lomuscio

Claudia SteinerMineri Matsuura

Claudia Steiner  // Mineri Matsuura
A DIALOGUE between the work of Mineri Matsuura and me, inspired by the work of the architect Andrea Palladio in the North of italy like villa rotonda or the staircase at Castello duino and different pieces of traditionel Japanese Culture like harmony and light of a Tearoom, a way to warp eggs, a plant to make paper or a way to repair ceramic!

Barbara Uderzo - Blob ring  Barbara Uderzo – Blob ring 

SATO YOKOLucilla Giovanninetti

SATO Yoko // Lucilla Giovanninetti

Liana PattihisLiana Pattihis



* Yamanashi Jewelry Museum19-28 September 2015
1-6-1 Marunouchi, Kofu-shi, Yamanashi 400-0031, Japan

* Istituto ITALIANO di Cultura,  TOKYO31 Dec. 2014 – 30 Sept. 2015
2-1-30 Kudanshita, Chiyoda-ku,
102-0074 Tokyo
transport Kudanshita Station (Tozai, Hanzomon, Toei Shinjuku lines)



EXPO ‘Filo Rosso X Paris’ – Boutique Agatha ruiz de la prada, Paris (FR) – 20 Sept.-4 Oct. 2013

Parcours du Bijou «Circuit Bijoux» – Paris – à partir de SEPT. 2013

De septembre 2013 à mars 2014

"Filo Rosso X Paris"
(Barbara Uderzo ring)

du 20 septembre au 4 octobre 2013 FiloRossoXParis présente les bijoux de treize artistes italiens, réalisés au fil des émotions, utilisant le tissu pour tout ou partie. Isabella Bembo, chargée d’exposition, a demandé aux créateurs de donner une nouvelle vie à l’étoffe. Les œuvres représentent autant de paysages intimes, accompagnés d’un bijou inédit créé pour l’occasion.

"Filo Rosso X Paris"

* EXPO Filo Rosso

Patrizia BonatiElisabetta DupreFlavia FenaroliMaria rosa FranzinRita MarcangeloGigi MarianiCorrado De MeoFlavia Eleonora Michelutti — Sara Progressi — Chiara ScarpittiMaurizio StagniBarbara Uderzo Graziano Visintin

CIRCUITS BIJOUX - Corrado de Meo ring - "Filo Rosso X Paris"
Corrado de Meo ring

Flavia Eleonora Michelutti Necklace: Solids Fabric: Flavia Eleonora  Michelutti, Collier Solids Fabric

Flavia Eleonora Michelutti - 'corpi solidi' spilla - tissu: Flavia  Michelutti – ‘corpi solidi’ spilla


Agatha ruiz de la Prada
9, rue Guénégaud
75006 Paris
d u mardi au samedi de 11h à 13h30 et de 14h30 à 19h
entrée libre
Tél. : + 33 (0)1 43 25 86 88


EXPO ‘Ring Party » – Associazione TRA, Treviso (IT) – 8-16 Juin 2013

Ring Party
Treviso, 8 – 16 June 2013 – with AGC Italia

65 anelli in mostra

L’edizione del 2013 di Ring Party, si terrà a Treviso da sabato 8 al 16 giugno nello storico palazzo del tredicesimo secolo Ca’ De Ricchi in Via Barberia 25.
La mostra s’inaugurerà sabato 8 Giugno alle ore 18.00 con la breve relazione  » Il significato del Gioiello nella Moda » della Prof.ssa Maria Luisa Frisa Direttrice del Corso Design della Moda

Ring Party

  ring party - avec l'AGC Italia

Partecipanti:  Daniela Archiutti, Eleonora Battaggia, Silvia Beccaria, Maria Cristina Bellucci, Roberta Bernabei, Paolo Bertelli, Fernando Betto , Maura Biamonti, Adrean Bloomard, Patrizia Bonati, Luisa Bruni, Veronica Caffarelli, Monica Cecchi, Luisa Chiandotto, Katarina Cudic , Corrado De Meo, Clara del Papa, Francesca Di Ciaula, Elisabetta Duprè , Fernanda Duso,  Anna Fornari, Emma Francesconi, Maria Rosa Franzin, Nicoletta Frigerio, Francesca Gabrielli, Francesca Gazzi, Simonetta Giacometti, Lucilla Giovanninetti, Heidemarie Herb, Ute Kolar, Alba Polenghi Lisca, Angelo Lomuscio, Elvio Lunian, Letizia Maggio, Rita Marcangelo, Gigi Mariani, Simona Materi, Marco Minelli, Paola Mirai, Francesca Mo, Giancarlo Montebello, Marilena Morello, Eliana Negroni, Margareta Niel, Bernardetta Ostani, Marco Picciali, Sara Progressi, Daniela Repetto, Roberta Risolo, Maddalena Rocco, Stefano Rossi, Kika Rufino, Giulia Savino, Sara Sazo, Chiara Scarpitti, Giovanni Sicuro, Sonia Spano, Sergio e Stefano Spivach, Maurizio Stagni, Simonetta Starrabba, Yoko Takirai, Rossella TornquistBarbara Uderzo, Angelo Verga, Federico Vianello, Laura Volpi.




palazzo Ca’ De Ricchi
Via Barberia 25
Treviso (Italy)


EXPO ‘La Frontera’ – Museo Franz Mayer, Mexico – 6 Juin-28 Juill. 2013

La Frontera opens June 6 at the Museo Franz Mayer in Mexico City

Exposición que explora el espacio de la frontera y lo que representa, entablando un diálogo entre diferentes artistas que a través de la joyería expresan cómo entienden esta realidad geográfica de implicaciones económicas, políticas, sociales, culturales e ideológicas.  A través de 150 piezas, diseñadas por  90 creadores provenientes de distintos continente se reflexiona sobre nuestra frontera con Estados Unidos y las implicaciones que ésta tiene para cada uno de nosotros.

La Frontera - and then at Velvet da Vinci  August 14 - September 15, 2013

& then :   14 Aout-15 Sept. 2013 : Velvet da Vinci Gallery

La Frontera opens June 6 at the Museo Franz Mayer in Mexico City.    Julia Turner  Three Days Walking (Mourning Brooch)( Julia Turner  Three Days Walking (Mourning Brooch))

« Borders separate but also unite » (Octavio Paz)
Historically the relationship between Mexico and the United States has been complicated, deep, and conflicted. Due to geography, this relationship is unavoidable and comprised of many underlying currents: economic, political, social, cultural, ecologic and ideological.
La Frontera (The Borderlands) is the physical space where the relationship between Mexico and the U.S is most evident. In recent years, drug trafficking and violence have made it the focus of almost daily news. However, the extremely porous nature of the border allows not only the illegal passage of arms and drugs, but also ideas, money, projects, families, and culture.
The border is an environment of opportunity both legal and not. Nearly 2000 miles long, the U.S. – Mexico border is the most frequently crossed international border in the world. Companies use differences in labor and environmental regulations to their advantage and create discontent on both sides of the border. Since the 1980s economic and political refugees from Central America have swelled populations at the border and migrations across it. The construction of the 700- mile U.S. – Mexico Border Fence of the past several years is the most tangible symbol of failed politics.
The exhibition LA FRONTERA seeks to explore this physical space and what it represents. This is why we want artists either born in either of these countries or who live in either of these countries to express how they understand the border.

 Jorge Castañón - "Hacia dónde va tu Sangre ? " -   'LA FRONTERA' exhibition -   Algunas veces queremos cruzarlas, otras , necesitamos cruzarlas, buscando recomenzar, renacer, una segunda oportunidad posiblemente.  Tal vez nuestros cuerpos puedan lograrlo, pero … qué será de nuestro corazón, nos acompañará?  Qué buscamos y qué dejamos, dos ideas de signos opuestos que nunca se igualan.  Nace una herida, que eternamente intentaremos que cicatrice.Jorge Castañón – « Hacia dónde va tu Sangre ?  »  La frontera(Donna d’Aquino jewelry )


Iacov Azubel bracelet, "¿Son necesarias las fronteras?"Iacov Azubel bracelet, « ¿Son necesarias las fronteras? »


Museo Franz Mayer
Hidalgo 45, Centro Historico, Cuauhtémoc,
06300 Ciudad de México, DF, Mexique
Téléphone :+52 55 5518 2266


Chiara Scarpitti : poésie bien encadrée

Classé dans : Chiara SCARPITTI (IT),COUP DE COEUR,Italie (IT),textile — bijoucontemporain @ 21:24

 Chiara Scarpitti

« Her jewels are very special, they are created by a mixture of different materials which define a strong style.
The design approach is alchemic. The starting point of alchemy is the unity of matter: matter is one, but can take myriad forms and be combined in many others inexhaustible ways. From raw material borns also the work of a designer. Both a designer that an alchemist work with the idea of “practice trasmutatoria”. For both, values are given specifically to the mass, space, light and shadow, and is active the participation of the body to these physical elements. Both live and think the object of their search. Oriented research, however, to the “recovery of manual dexterity, to the practical experiment, to the verify in the laboratory”.
The haute couture tailoring techniques, along with inkjet prints on silk combine the industrial chemical cut steel to create a new type of jewellery between design and craftsmanship, unicity and seriality. There’s an attempt to return with an aura of mystery and magic in who wears this jewel. Reactions between jewelry and body, between jewelry and another, between jewelry and the space around him, “Reaction Poétique”. » (design catwalk)

 Chiara Scarpitti :Poetry Containers, silk organza, digital prints, silverChiara Scarpitti : REACTION POETIQUE – collars and poetrycase 2010  – Poetry Containers, silk organza, digital prints, silver

Chiara Scarpitti - collars - new workChiara Scarpitti – ALCHEMIC ROOM 2011 – collars

ALCHEMIC ROOM – frames 2011 | Chiara ScarpittiChiara Scarpitti – Alchemic room – frames 2011

frames 2011 | Chiara ScarpittiChiara Scarpitti ALCHEMIC ROOM – frames 2011 (detail) – silk organza, digital print, oxidate silver, stainless steel, laser cut tecnology, chemical solutions

frames 2011 | Chiara ScarpittiChiara Scarpitti – frames 2011 

CHIARA SCARPITTI 'fly birds'Chiara Scarpitti  PHYLOGENESIS 02 – 2012 -silk, silver, steel, plexiglass / digital printing, chemical cut, laser cut - photo U. Puca

Chiara SCARPITTI - collars & poetrycase - silk organza, digital printChiara SCARPITTI- REACTION POETIQUE – collars and poetrycase 2010 - silk organza, digital print, silver, gold, chemical solutions
Chiara Scarpitti
Chiara Scarpitti – ALCHEMIC ROOM 2011 -
Chiara Scarpitti - microplisséChiara Scarpittimicroplissé 2011
Chiara Scarpitti - REACTION POETIQUE – quasicristalli 2010 -  silk organza, digital print, silver, gold, chemical solutionsChiara Scarpitti – REACTION POETIQUE – quasicristalli 2010 -  silk organza, digital print, silver, gold, chemical solutions
Chiara Scarpitti - REACTION POETIQUE – quasicristalli 2010 - bracciale - silk organza, digital print, silver, gold, chemical solutionsChiara Scarpitti – REACTION POETIQUE – quasicristalli 2010 – bracciale – silk organza 
chiara scarpitti  tensiostructures 2010tensiostructures 2010  (bracelets) Chiara Scarpitti


EXPO ‘PREZIOSA Young 2013′ – Museo Marino Marini, Florence (Italy) – 20 Juin-21 Juill. 2013

20 of JUne-21st of July 2013, Museo Marino Marini, Firenze :

PREZIOSA 2013 includes two side events at the main exhibition (« Un Certain Regard »), offering visitors additional opportunities for reflection on contemporary jewellery :
- Wearable!
Photo exhibition of worn contemporary jewellery.
The exhibition of jewellery is complemented by a photographic project of the show itself.
The need to show how these jewels can be worn in everyday life, how they interact with the people and with the surrounding space, has led to a specific concept, project, which has been developed using the skill and sensitivity of the particular photographer Eva Sauer.
Twelve jewels, which will be shown in the exhibition, will be chosen, worn and set in particular places of the city of Florence.
The twelve pictures will be displayed in the Museo Marino Marino inside PREZIOSA exhibition, and will also be present in the places where the photos were taken, so as to establish a mutual connection between the exhibition space and the town.
The work of the 8 emerging artists selected based on their personal research in contemporary jewellery, will be the “Young” section of PREZIOSA 2013.
Karin Roy AnderssonWan Hee ChoRob Elford Benedikt FischerPanjapol Kulpapangkorn Chiara ScarpittiAntje StolzLauren Vanessa Tickle are the young artists selected between the 220 participants to the worldwide contest.
We also decided to give a special mention to:
Mari Ebbitt — Alice McLean — Sofie Boons — Katharina MochMärta Mattsson — Marisa Desii — Mina Kang

 Benedikt Fischer  Brooch: Equus Equus 2011  Plastic, remanium  14,9 x 13,6 x 4,3 cmBenedikt Fischer  Brooch: Equus Equus 2011  Plastic, remanium  14,9 x 13,6 x 4,3 cm

Antje Stolz Necklace: Askew II 2012 Slate veneer, enamel paint, silk thread, lead

Antje Stolz  Necklace: Askew II 2012  Slate veneer, enamel paint, silk thread, lead  

Lauren Vanessa Tickle 300$ Necklace, US Currency, Silver, Latex, and Monofilament, 2011 Lauren Vanessa Tickle 300$ Necklace, US Currency, Silver, Latex, and Monofilament, 2011
 Karin Roy Andersson

Karin Roy Andersson  Necklace: A Constant Grinding 2012 Galia melon seeds, textile, brass

Chiara Scarpitti  Collier: FLY'S BIRD 2012  Oxidate silver, pure silk/digital prints, steel/chemical  24 x 20 x 7 cmChiara Scarpitti  Collier: FLY’S BIRD 2012  Oxidate silver, pure silk/digital prints, steel/chemical
Wan Hee Cho - Walking Slow in the Fast World    Body Ornament, 2012    Korean mulberry paper, Thread    H305mm X W420mm X D90mmWan Hee Cho – Walking Slow in the Fast World    Body Ornament, 2012    Korean mulberry paper, Thread   

Marino Marini Contemporary Art Museum
Piazza San Pancrazio
50123 – Florence
Telephone: +39 055 219432website:




« The selection had been very hard: we had 225 applicants, and mostly of them with excellent works…. The responsible for this selection was Dr Maria Cristina Bergesio, curator of PREZIOSA, which has selected the winners for the 2013’s edition, as follow :  Panjapol KulpapangkornRob ElfordBenedikt FischerKarin Roy AnderssonWan Hee ChoChiara ScarpittiAntje StolzLauren Vanessa Tickle
Our compliments! We also decided to give a special mention to: Mari EbbittAlice McLeanSofie BoonsKatharina MochMärta MattssonMarisa DesiiMina Kang
We invite the non-selected people to try again next year!! Selected artists (winners) will receive a message with the instruction regarding the material to send for the preview at Inhorgenta fair (Inhorgenta 2013, Munchen, Germany, February 22 to 25. ), and for the exhibition in Florence.  PY2013 will also be hosted at Legnica Silver Festival ( Legnica (Poland), on the occasion of the Silver Festival (May-June 2013). ). »

The exhibition will take place in Firenze, from 21st of June to 20th of July, 2013, In the Marino Marini Museum for contemporary arts.

Preziosa. Contemporary Jewellery Exhibition -   Antje Stolz Jewellery.Antje Stolz -  Necklace: Askew II 2012 – Slate veneer, enamel paint, silk thread, lead

Preziosa. Contemporary Jewellery Exhibition  - Chiara Scarpitti  Collier: FLY'S BIRD 2012  Oxidate silver, pure silk/digital prints, steel/chemicalChiara Scarpitti -  Collier: FLY’S BIRD 2012 – Oxidate silver, pure silk/digital prints, steel/chemical

Preziosa. Contemporary Jewellery Exhibition  avec Benedikt Fischer.Benedikt Fischer – Brooch: Equus Equus 2011 – Plastic, remaniumPreziosa. Contemporary Jewellery Exhibition  avec Karin Roy Andersson.Karin Roy Andersson – Brooch: A Constant Grinding 2012 – Apple seeds, titanium, aluminium steel, silver

Preziosa. Contemporary Jewellery Exhibition  Avec Lauren Vanessa Tickle.Lauren Vanessa Tickle -  Necklace: $300.00 US Dollars (Currency Converted) 2011 – US Currency, Silver, Latex, Monofilament

Panjapol Kulpapangkorn - Preziosa. Contemporary Jewellery Exhibition - Panjapol Kulpapangkorn -  Pieces: Jewellery Is At MY Feet, The Show Is Yours 2012 - Mixed medias, Paper boxesPanjapol Kulpapangkorn – The Memory Kits (Community project) -   Jewellery Is At MY Feet, The Show Is Yours 2012 – Mixed medias, Paper boxes
Via dei Serragli, 104 – 50124 Firenze (Italy)
+39 055 22 80 131