l’Expo est passée, mais j’aime cette idée (étant moi-même profondément méditerranéenne…) de la Méditerranée comme lien entre des créateurs et des créations …..
exposition « Terra di Mezzo – il Gioiello Contemporaneo incontra il Mediterraneo » (Pescara, Italy, juin 2009)

…….. Et plein de créateurs GRECS à découvrir,que je ne connais pas encore !!

Nenad Roban (Croatia) necklace (voir plus sur Flickr)
The artists that have joined the project are: Amandine Meunier (Morocco), Estela Saez Vilanova (Spain), Marc Monzó (Spain), Yiannis Siotis (Greece), Ljudmila Stratimirovic (Serbia), Anda Klančič (Slovenia), Alidra Alic, Andre de la Porte (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Ramon Puig Cuyas (Spain), Augousta Themistokleous (Cyprus), Constantinos Kyriacou (Cyprus), Polytimi Nikolopoulou (Greece), Adrean Bloomard (Italy), Rallou Katsari (Greece), Selen Ozus (Turkey), Maud Traon (France), Sophie Robbe (France), Rana Mikdashi (Lebanon), Frederic Braham (France), Nenad Roban (Croatia), Pilar Cotter Nuńez (Spain), Ammal Labib (Egypt), Marijana Zebelijan (Montenegro), Petra Bole (Slovenia), Natasa Grandovec (Slovenia), Romi Bukovec (Slovenia), Fabrizio Tridenti (Italy), Giovanni Sicuro (Italy), Maria Rosa Franzin (Italy), Mirjana Rankovic (Serbia), Rossella Tornquist (Italy), and Maurizio Stagni (Italy).

Rana Mikdashi (Liban) ‘Algae’ serie – ‘clearing’ earrings, silver, fired enamel -
« On the beaches of Tyr there are huge black rocks, which become covered by vibrant green algae in May. »

Poly Nikolopoulou (GR) brooches

Maud Traon (FR) – bague ……. bleue comme la mer !
« The main topic of the event is the Mediterranean as the “sea between lands, border and connection sea between these lands”.
The Mediterranean is the line where north-west and south-east of the world meet and a crucial area for the future of humankind.
This point of contact may become, as the writer Samuel Huntington says, “the starting point for dialogue between civilisations”, where common features are mixed with differences and the respect for “diversity” is based on understanding and knowing other people’s nature.
Each community should learn from the others and teach to them: it is possible to break the “game” aiming at creating monolithic cultures only through these connections.
This was probably not understood in the past, but now a defined direction should be outlined and followed to achieve this objective.
Therefore, the “voice” of the Mediterranean is not coming from the past, but from the future, according to that balance between land and sea, belonging and freedom, where a living model does not demonize our need for establishing links or our need for freedom.
If it is true that hope is in the future, then assigning this message to an extremely contemporary and innovative art expression can help us achieving this objective.
This is the reason why Contemporary Jewellery was selected, as this is a sector of advanced research and experimentation halfway between design and tradition, as an expressive language to disseminate this message.
Through Contemporary Jewellery research, it is possible to highlight and give value to the cultural diversities characterising all communities living around the shores of this Sea.
This project has several purposes: promote the cultural heritage that has always characterised the Municipality of Nocciano, i.e. its Medieval Castle and Picture Gallery beyond the regional and national borders.
At the same time, this event includes the possibility to create a tourist-cultural movement between the Mediterranean Village and Nocciano, which are a few km far from each other. »
Rallou Katsari (GR) – ring

Augousta Themistokleous (Cyprus) (page du catalogue)
The exhibition catalogue includes the contributions by Rita Marcangelo – president of the Contemporary Jewellery Association (AGC) of Trento, Bianca Cappello – jewellery historian from Milan, Rita El Khayat – awarded with the Palma per la Pace and official patroness of the Mediterranean Games, and Ivan D’Alberto, director of the MAAAC of Nocciano

Terra di Mezzo – il Gioiello Contemporaneo incontra il Mediterraneo
Pescara: 2009 – 44 pp

Yiannis Siotis - ‘Naturally Natural’ – Back Piece – Necklace
Autres créateurs GRECS découverts :
* Loukia Richards (découverte sur le blog d’Amy tavern)
tout un travail naïf, attendrissant, méticuleux, basé sur les techniques textiles, couture, broderie… une « petite Pénélope » des temps modernes …..

’17th Century Embroidery Interpretation ‘ cuffs, silk, cotton, pearls - Embroidery sewing
Triple knecklace – silk cotton semi precious stones gold and silver elements and plastic
« My work is inspired by old-fashioned activities such as sewing and embroidering. I admire how children transform ordinary materials into valuable assets and try to pay tribute to their game. I use natural materials – silk, wool, cotton, semiprecious stones. I produce small quantities because I work on my own. Every piece is unique and tells a story: of a couple meeting, a flower garland, and happy home. I search for vintage materials – buttons, textiles, stones. I want my jewellery to be funny but also detail orientated. I often use old garments, buttons and stones just to show that every material can carry a memory and still have a second life. » (Loukia Richards) (on CraftsCouncil page)
Theodora Pantazopoulou – earrings
(découverte sur le blog d’Amy tavern)
* la galerie Sagiannos (Athènes)
Makriyianni 3, Makriyianni, Athens, 18742
tel : 210/362-58223
* sur le site WEB de « MY PRECIOUS« , destiné à promouvoir le bijou contemporain GREC :
voir, entre autres, Argiris AGGELOPOULOS : (j’aime surtout sa série de bijoux mariant argent et textile), Christina NIARCHOU (TRES beaux bijoux de papier)

Christina NIARCHOU – bague & bracelet

Christina NIARCHOU necklace

Argiris AGGELOPOULOS (GR) bracelet – oxidised silver, textile
Argiris AGGELOPOULOS (GR) necklace – oxidised silver, textile, citrine
* of course, Melanie GEORGACOPOULOS dont je vous ai déjà parlé , avec ses perles revisitées :

(voir article : COUP de COEUR ! Melanie Georgacopoulos – Deconstructing the pearl necklace)
* M C P- Maria Christina Papaleontiou

M C P- Maria Christina Papaleontiou jewelry – AMAZING !!!
* Maria APOSTOLOU, découverte sur « kit&caboodle » – j’aime beaucoup ce mélange « naïf », « enfantin » d’argent brodé de coton rouge …… un joli « coup de rouge’ !
allez voir son site !

Maria APOSTOLOU- felted ring – silver, felted merino wool – red thread earrings
* Chryssa Damianidou, who just had an exhibition of her jewelry at the Municipality Gallery of Mykonos (from 25 june to 1st July 2010 : « QUEENS » exhibition )

Chryssa Damianidou necklaces
* Artemis Valsamaki :
Silver, thread, image applied on wood, agate, mother-of-pearl, amethyst
Photo: Myrsini Mokka » src= »http://www.myprecious.gr/wp-content/uploads/1240428231.jpg » width= »264″ height= »202″ />
Artemis Valsamaki - Earrings – Silver, image applied on wood, amethyst, cat’s eye 2009 – (Photo: Myrsini Mokka)
Artemis Valsamaki – Pendant – Silver, thread, image applied on wood, agate, mother-of-pearl, amethyst 2009 - (Photo: Myrsini Mokka)
* Dora Haralambaki : récemment découverte, avec ses bijoux en porcelaine
Dora Haralambaki – Ring – Earthenware clay with underglaze stains 2009
* ECOLES : voir le réseau Européen, avec les écoles « Galileo School » à Athènes, le « Mokume Institute » à Thessalonique (dont je vous avais déjà parlé, cf article Projet Européen «Quand la pierre brute devient bijou !» 2009) et la « DIEK jewellery school » à Volos.