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EXPO ‘Queen of Diamonds’ – Electrum, London (UK) – 1er Juin-31 Aout 2012

Queen of Diamonds

A celebratory exhibition of contemporary jewellery fit for the Queen and all her subjects

The Diamond Jubilee has inspired many of our makers to work in different ways from sceptres to tiaras. This summer exhibition will showcase specially made pieces alongside regular exhibitors all of whom we are very proud to represent.

These include: Jane Adam — Vicki Ambery-Smith — Hannah Bedford — Clara Breen — Michael Carberry — Tania Clarke Hall — Emily Collins — Tusheeta David — Anne Finlay — Gerda Flöckinger CBE — Lucie Gledhill — Emmeline Hastings — Jo Hayes Ward — Susi Hines — Stephanie Johnson — Jennifer Kidd – Momoko KumaiJenny Llewellyn — Catherine Mannheim — Jo McAllister — Dagmar Mildes — Maria Militsi — Louise Miller — Mark Nuell — Lina PetersonWendy Ramshaw CBE RDI — Maya Selway — Shivani — Rie Taniguchi — Ruth TomlinsonKarola TorkosMaud Traon — Irene Wolf — Mark Woods

  electrum uk Jo McAllister – Brooch: Diamond Jubilee Stamp Collector’s Brooch 2012 – Fine silver 999, stamps, steel pin Photo: Alexander Brattell



Electrum Gallery
21 S Molton St
W1K 5QZ – London
United Kingdom
Telephone: Tel: +44 (0) 20 7629 6325


EXPO ‘All wired up’, SDC Gallery, London (UK) 16 mars- 4 avril 2010

Joanne Haywood exhibits :  « I am showing new works at the SDC Gallery in London. There are twenty different makers involved, showing a range of innovative basketry, wire sculptures, jewellery and ceramics, all of which are centred around the theme of « All Wired Up« . »

EXPO Joanne Haywood-  All Wired Up   - 16mars-24avril 2010 - SDC Gallery London

en ce qui concerne les bijoux (about jewelry ) : Clara Breen,  Elizabeth Willis textile jewelry, Jan Truman Wire Jewellery & Sculpture, Joanne Haywood Textile Jewellery, Mette Jensen wood jewelry, Samantha Queen,  Sarah Keay, Tania Clarke Hall Leather Jewellery

EXPO 'All Wired Up'-  Mette JensenEXPO 'All Wired Up'- Clara BreenEXPO 'All Wired Up'- Sarah KeayXPO 'All Wired Up'- Tania Clarke Hall Leather JewelleryEXPO 'All Wired Up'-Joanne Haywood
Mette Jensen (DK) –   Clara Breen(FR) –  Sarah KeayTania Clarke Hall (leather) –  Joanne Haywood

SDC Gallery
24 Rivington Street
EC2A 3DU  London (UK)
tél : 020 7613 3886
mail :


EXPO ‘Le ROUGE’ – Chateau de Bonaguil, Fumel (FR) – 2 avril-4 juillet 2010

Exposition sur le thème « Le Rouge« 

EXPO Le rouge

Artistes français :
Brune Boyer, Clara Breen, Florence Croisier, Sophie Hanagarth, Karen Gay, Joanne Grimonprez, Esty Grossmann, Beate Klockmann, Aline Kokinopoulos, Florence Lehmann, Patricia Lemaire, Géraldine Luttenbacher, Catherine Mauger,  Amandine Meunier, Astrid Meyer, Eliane Michel, Agnès Moulinot, Laurence Oppermann, Philip Sajet, Agathe St Girons, Christophe Vérot.

Artistes israëliens :
Vered Babai, Michal Bar-One, Reip Chopin, Ohada Hay Gordon, Rory Hooper, Vered Kaminski, Aviv Kinel, Gregory Larin, Einat Leader, Hadas Levin, Tehila Levi, Sigal Meshorer, Michal Oren, Galya Resenfeld, Kobi Roth, Edda Vardimon-Gudnason..

Aline KOKINOPOULOS-ronde des Etoiles de mer-PGregory Larin (IL) Fragmentations-invasion necklace- 2009 - silver, plastic
Aline Kokinopoulos – bague « la ronde des etoiles de mer » – argent & corail
Gregory Larin (IL) Fragmentations-invasion necklace- 2009 – silver, plastic

Philip SajetPatricia Lemaire- jardin d-ailleurs - broche
Philip Sajet  - bague
Patricia Lemaire - ‘jardin d’ailleurs’ – broche

Patricia LEMAIRE- bague 'péché d'orgueil'Esty GROSSMAN bo_meduses-polypes
Patricia Lemaire – bague ‘péché d’orgueil’
Esty Grossmann - b.o. ‘méduses-polypes’

Vered Babai - ‘The Dubi works can be regarded as compositions of metal threads and grid

Vernissage le jeudi 1 avril de 18h30 à 20h, l’exposition est ouverte au public du vendredi 2 avril jusqu’au dimanche 4 juillet.

Château de Bonaguil – salles du Donjon
Mairie de Fumel
47500 FUMEL (FR)
Tel : 05 53 71 90 33
Fax : 05 53 71 09 70
Email :
(Le château de Bonaguil se trouve dans le lot et Garonne sur l’axe Toulouse/Bordeaux)


EXPO ‘PAPERFICIAL’ – Craft2Eu, Hamburg (DE) 10 mars-8 Mai 2010


« … is like paper, either of delicate transparency or of flexible stability, it can be cut like paper, or folded, scrunched up or pressed together, it wants to be painted and printed like paper.
Paper creations are the big subject of many current exhibitions and catalogues. Inspired by this there is a trend in design and craft which turns many other things into something paperficial, just as if it were made of paper. We have put together some astonishing examples of this for your delectation. » Hannah Louise Lamb  – this young british artist trained at Royal College of Art, has won a number of prizes and her silhouette cut-out inspired jewellery is receiving a lot of attention in England.
Hannah Louise Lamb – necklace ‘Large chalcedony pattern’ 2010 – Silver, chalcedony, rock crystal, ribbon.


Sarah Kelly – ‘Saloukee, « obverse bracelet« , 2009 – this young jewellery designer from England makes incredibly subltle paper jewellery which astonish.

Tithi Kutchamuch « All-Year-Rings« , 12 different paper finger-rings, one for each month of the year, which can be folded from a card – Tithi Kutchamuch from Thailand studied at the Royal College of Art and is one of the most innovative designers currently to be found in London. Her work, which is mostly about everyday phenomena from a humorous point of view has had many awards and recognitions. She developed the « All-Year-Rings » together with Nutre Arayavanish.

Clara Breen, brooch made from paper and silver, 2009 – the young French artist lives and works in London were she creates jewellery pieces from found papers, silver and pearls.

Beate Eismann, « brooch 2010″ going back to the theme on pralines « fragmentarium« , hand-created paper, silver, rubies, zirconia, high-grade steel – Beate Eismann studied amongst others at the Burg Giebichenstein, Art- and Design Academie in Halle, where she continued as an artistic assistant of the jewellery class. Her own jewellery is always made in the context of various projects.

Leah Miles, brooch 2009, paper glues and turned, yarn, pearls – Young English artist Leah Miles won the title of « best newcomer » in 2009 at the British Association of Contemporary Jewellery.

Paperficial - Beate Eismann,'brooch 2010' going back to the theme on pralines 'fragmentarium'
Beate Eismann,’brooch 2010′ going back to the theme on pralines ‘fragmentarium’
Beate Eismann, paper brooch
Leah Miles, brooch 2009, paper glues and turned, yarn, pearls
Saloukee  Oblique Bracelet
Saloukee  Observe Bracelet 2009

Clara Breen, brooch -paper and silver, 2009
Clara Breen (FR), brooch made from paper and silver, 2009
Saloukee- Un-Tied Revolution paper necklace – Hand folded, embossed, paper, rivets, satin ribbon.
Leah Miles - Untitled wine silk brooch
Tithi Kutchamuch -Nutre Arayavanish- RingsPaper -12 different paper rings which can be folded from a card.

PAPERFICIAL EXPO- all-year-rings-by-tithi-kutchamuch-150x150_01
Tithi Kutchamuch -Nutre Arayavanish- RingsPaper
Clara Breen - necklaces 2010 -Printed paper, 925 silver
Clara Breen – blue paper & silver brooch
Clara Breen- Lime green Paper and silver brooch
Clara Breen-Corrugated silver & paper earrings



Craft2eu – Agency and Gallery for European Craft & Design
Eppendorfer Weg 231
D – 20251 Hamburg
fon: ++49 (0)40 480 928 22
fax: ++49 (0)40 480 928 24


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