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EXPO ‘Sex,Drugs & Rock’n'Roll’ – Werkschau, Kempten (DE) – 28 Sept.-12 Oct. 2012

Sex, Drugs & Rock´n´Roll  Vices or Lifestyle?
internationale Wanderausstellung zeitgenössischen Schmucks
28.09. – 12.10.2012
Inaugurazione 28.09.2012 ore 19.00

sex drugs .... - werkschau - 28-09/12-10 2012

The perceptions of Dante Alighieri, who described the seven deadly sins and seven virtues in his Divine Comedy, are the starting point of the competition and exhibition project entitled Sex, Drugs & Rock ’n’ Roll…Vices or Lifestyle?
Dante Alighieri (1265—1321), the great Italian poet of the late Middle Ages, referred to lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride as deadly sins. We wanted to find out what jewelry artists think about vices and lifestyle in our day and age and asked them to illustrate, using their medium, the ideas associated in the past with sin and vice. Since the 1960s, the notion of sin, which was often associated with youth protests and women’s emancipation, has under gone major changes. Today, people in all modern societies are much less prone to regard sexuality in principle as a sin. Even the approach to drugs is much more differentiated, although we know that the use of and dealing with hard drugs are a worldwide problem. And it is also evident that even work, sports, TV and many other things can turn into “drugs” — not to mention alcohol, this socially acceptable drug which, as of late, is again being used excessively, especially by youths. In the light of the crises of the 21st century, the seven deadly sins and seven virtues described by Dante Alighieri have gained a new relevance. However, in addition to the “traditional” seven deadly sins, there are a number of entirely new vices and tres passes that play an important role in everyday life in the year 2012. Destruction of the environment, excessive arms build up in view of permanent hunger crises, or genetic engineering can be regarded as sins of our time and are topics that dominate both the media and the public discourse today.
On the one hand, the Sex, Drugs & Rock ’n’ Roll….. Vices or Lifestyle? competition puts contemporary jewelry in the lime light. All over the world, this highly traditional medium is being used by more or less academically trained designers in a largely liberal artistic fashion. Any material is allowed, and an almost unlimited spectrum of ideas can be expressed in these body related creations. What unites the protagonists of modern jewelry is the idea that their medium is neither supposed to serve merely as a fashionable accessory nor as a means of representation. Artistically designed jewelry is above all a carrier of ideas. On the other hand, the theme of the competition is particularly interesting for jewelry creators because jewelry has been regarded from a moral aspect since the time of the Enlightenment. Expensive jewels — which only the very rich can afford — still evoke envy and resentment, provoke crime and are associated with vice. Especially in this respect, contemporary jewelry is considered a counter-concept. It is intended for imaginative wearers who appreciate inventive creativity and individuality. We would like to thank all the participants for their contributions and our jurors, Barbara Schmidt and Giovanni Corvaja, for their expert selection.
Heidemarie Herb und Luigi Mariani


Artists :
Sabine Amtsberg — Michael BergerLuisa Bruni — Cristina Dias — Susanne ElstnerMaria Rosa FranzinNicoletta FrigerioFrancesca GabrielliFabiana GadanoMarta HrycAnnamaria Iodice — Hadas Levin — Rikke Lunnemann — Alessandro PetrolatiClaudio RanfagniZoe RobertsonNora RochelMaurizio StagniClaudia Steiner — Barbara Von TaeuffenbachKaren Vanmol — Angelo Verga

Michael Berger  Ring: Knuckle bandit  925 silver, partial black coated, stainless steelMichael Berger  Ring: Knuckle bandit  925 silver, partial black coated, stainless steel

Fabiana Gadano - Necklace: Elegant dependence  925 silver, beadsFabiana Gadano  Necklace: Elegant dependence  925 silver, beads

Francesca Gabrielli  Brooch: Social Vices 2012  Silver  7 x 7 cm  Front view. All brooches together. 1Francesca Gabrielli  Brooch: Social Vices 2012  Silver  7 x 7 cm  Front view. All brooches together. 3

Francesca Gabrielli  Brooch: Social Vices 2012  Silver  7 x 7 cm  Front view.  All brooches together.

Francesca Gabrielli  Brooch: Social Vices 2012  Silver  7 x 7 cm  Back side viewFrancesca Gabrielli  Brooch: Social Vices 2012  Silver  7 x 7 cm  Back side view

Luisa Bruni - "OBLOMOV (o dell’accidia)" 1Luisa Bruni -   OBLOMOV (o dell’accidia) (final ring)

"OBLOMOV (o dell’accidia)" - Luisa  Bruni (exhibition "sex drugs n' rock'n'roll"Luisa Bruni – OBLOMOV (o dell’accidia) – bronzo, perla, zirconi, smalto, resina, colore acrilico, nilon, talco -  L’anello vuole ricordare una lavorazione quasi imperiale dell’oggetto, con decorazioni e smalti che ci riportano alla Russia degli Zar, ma, per essere il ritratto di Oblomov, ricoperta da una ragnatela così fitta e polverosa da celare qualunque bellezza vi sia all’interno.

werkschau. simone winkler

Memmingerstraße 16
87439 – Kempten
Telephone: 0049(0)831-5209430



EXPO ‘MicroCosmi Preziosi’ – Boffi Barberini, Roma (IT) – 29 Mai-1er Juin 2012

MicroCosmi Preziosi

MicroCosmi Preziosi” is an exibition of 12 Italian designers about the contemporary jewel, to be held from the 29th of May to the 1st ofJune 2012.

MicroCosmi Preziosi -Gioielli contemporanei

Jewels as microsculptures to wear, with plastic, metal, precious and semi precious stones.
MicroCosmi … because every jewel may represent a universe, a world, a history to tell and to be told, where the artist can go beyond his bounds to test new forms
Emotions …. which emerge slowly…. from the physical contact, from the possession!
Jewels thought as small worlds, in which everyone can find a new nuance..unique realities with a story to tell, which  amaze us!
Jewels have a magic power ….. they express a vital force, our passion beyond their value….
A jewel can blossom by the ability of  the mind …. by the skill of the hands and by the warm of fire.
The  daring trends, which have  emerged from the last VicenzaOro Exhibition, encourage us to abandon  tradition for the new proposals of the contemporary jewel, which are in constant evolution.
Infact, the creation af a  jewel  is not based on any clear models, but it is the result of a  continuous research and testing.

The following are some of the most important emerging artists in this field:
Francesca GabrielliLuigi MarianiClaudio RanfagniLuisa BruniChiara ScarpittiFernando BettoStefania LucchettaOrietta BomèJános Gábor VargaAgnieszka  KierstanEnrico FranchiBarbara Uderzo.

« Their vocation, like their origin, is extremely varied,  it is the result of geographical and training differences, but  it also shows surprising elements of union, as the reflection on the material and on the volume ». (Alba Cappellieri)
As a consequence of that, jewels are  the result of suggestions and  intuitions …. some of them are more traditional, some others are definitely handicraft, others are the result of designers and goldsmiths work.


Precious MicroCosmi OPENING
on tuesday
29th of May from 19.00 at BOFFI Barberini84 il Boffi’s Flagship Store in Roma Via Barberini 84 00198 Rome Italy
Tel. +39 06 42010885 Fax +39 06 42012638


*ARTIFIZIO* – EXPO ‘S16 – Il divenire delle cose’ – Galleria 42, Modena (IT) – 15-28 mai 2011

 » S16 – Il divenire delle cose « : dialogo tra Artifizio e Daniele Milanesi

5 Italian Design Artists, all based in 5 different towns: Luisa Bruni (Rome), Gigi (Luigi) Mariani (Modena), Elena Martinelli (Genoa), Paolo Mazzeschi (L’Aquila), Claudio Ranfagni (Florence), all sharing the same passion for contemporary handmade jewellery, linked and grouped together through a web based virtual collective StudioLab called ARTIFIZIO

Each of them works separately and they usually share their creations only once about to assemble each new piece. Individuality helps preserving the artistic side, and the power of the network adds strenght while striving in a more and more competitive market…and it works! (DOY)

*ARTIFIZIO* - EXPO 'S16 - Il divenire delle cose' - Galleria 42, Modena (IT) - 15-28 mai 2011 dans Artifizio (IT)

« S 16″ cadavres exquis ….

Join them for their new show « S16 Il divenire delle cose: dialogo tra Artifizio e Daniele Milanesi », Modena, Galleria 42 – May 15th -28th

S16 è il risultato di un processo di trasformazione.
Il video è la traduzione poetico/sonora delle fasi di questo processo, unica testimonianza di ciò che era e che non sarà mai più. La contaminazione liquida fa assumere agli elementi in gioco un significato « altro » da quello per cui erano stati creati, come attori principali in un atto di denuncia e di provocazione, divenendo proprio per questo « opera ».
Gli oggetti colpiti dal liquido brunitore (S16) come un percorso biologico/organico, sono la metafora di una mutazione che è anche una rinascita e che assume tutto il valore della memoria.
Gli elementi che compongono l’installazione vengono reinterpretati dall’ouverture site specific che il l’artista designer Daniele Milanesi realizza rigenerando rifiuti metallici, stabilendo un’anticamera scenica per i simboli fluttuanti che il gruppo Artifizio ha generato da una trasposizione contemporanea del gioiello d’autore.

Comme une marée noire qui « englue » tous ces bijoux à thème marin, englue pour les faire mieux « émerger » …..

 dans Claudio RANFAGNI (IT)
Claudio Ranfagni - Spilla (brooch) ‘CAVALLUCCIO’ -argento, bronzo, smalti

 dans Elena MARTINELLI (IT) 
Elena Martinelli- Spillone ‘MEDUSA’ – argento, rame, ottone, perline, corallo, vetro

 dans Exposition/Exhibition

Gigi Mariani – Anello ‘ANEMONE’ – argento, oro, plastica

   dans Gigi MARIANI (IT) dans Italie (IT)

Luisa Bruni – Bracciale ‘FONDALE’ – argento, rame, ottone, sabbia, resina






Galleria 42
Via Carteria 42
4100 Modena, ITALY


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