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EXPO ‘TRANSMISSION’ – Studio411, Montpellier (FR) – 20 Oct.-12 Dec. 2015

Transmission | Studio411




  »Très heureux de vous faire découvrir le projet sur lequel j’ai travaillé avec Florine Menant du Studio411 Galerie à Montpellier
Nous avons eu pour but de mettre sur pied une exposition pour soutenir le bijou contemporain en France et plus globalement pour soutenir le projet de loi sur les métiers d’art afin d’enfin reconnaitre au travail de la matière la possibilité d’être reconnu comme une oeuvre originale et non purement comme objet utilitaire. » Sébastien Carré -

* catalogue disponible ( //

 Transmission Exhibition  /  20 Oct 2015  -  12 Dec 2015:
Avec 56 artistes de 20 pays – dont les 6 Lauréats du Prix de la Jeune Création Métiers d’Art 2015 par Ateliers d’Art de France
Merci à tous les Artistes impliqués dans ce projet / Thanks to all the artists involved


Sébastien Carré Ring: The 7th Continent, 2014 Capsule can, top of plastic bottle, nylon, silk, beads, and shark teeth 8 x 8 x 7 cm Photo by: Milo Lee Photography: Sébastien Carré Ring: The 7th Continent, 2014 Capsule can, top of plastic bottle, nylon, silk, beads, and shark teeth 8 x 8 x 7 cm Photo by: Milo Lee Photography

Du 20 octobre au 12 décembre 2015, Sébastien Carré et Florine Menant présentent Transmission, une exposition de bijou contemporain et du travail artistique de la matière, au Studio 411 à Montpellier.

« Nombre de connaissances et de savoir-faire sont parvenus jusqu’à nous par l’intermédiaire de rencontres et d’échanges. Le contact et la communication ont permis de tout temps à l’Homme de se perfectionner et d’étendre nos compétences ainsi que nos connaissances. Nous avons déjà pu constater dans certaines cultures (où les échanges ont été ralentis ou stoppés) des connaissances ancestrales disparaissent et qui demandent désormais à être réinterprétées, réinventées, transmutées.
Cette exposition vise ici à faire prendre conscience que le travail de la matière ne doit jamais être réduit à un artisanat, il est bien plus que cela : il est vecteur de savoir, de culture et de sens. Il faut au contraire, bien plus le considérer comme une forme d’expression artistique contemporaine bien plus apte à faire rentrer l’art dans nos vies de tous les jours.
Célébrons les échanges et abolissons ces codes qui visent à tout faire rentrer dans des cases pour enfin réellement apprécier et vivre l’art de façon totale afin de ne pas laisser l’individualisme vider nos sociétés de ce qui fait leur beauté.
L’art n’a pas de frontière et ne demande qu’à se transformer. » Sébastien Carré

Les Artistes

Une sélection 56 artistes, représentant 20 pays, met en avant la jeune génération d’artistes du bijou contemporain français diplômés des diverses formations (La HEAR Strasbourg / AFEDAP / ESAD Limoges / Pôle Bijou Baccarat) mise en lien avec les grand noms internationaux de ce domaine :
Aurélie Adam (Fr) — Aiko Fujita (Jp) — Akis Goumas (El) – Angela Ciobanu (Ro/Aut.) – Andrea Vaggione (Arg) – Anneleen Swillen (Be) – Annie Sibert (Fr) – Arnaud Sprimont (Be) – Aude Medori (Fr)  – Carina Shoshtary (All)  – Catalina Gibert (Es)  – Larissa Cluzet (Fr) — Daniela Malev (All)  — Dorothée Van Biesen (Be) — Eliana Negroni (It) – Elin Flognman (Se) – Eva Burton (Es) – Marion Fillancq (Fr)  – Frederique Coomans (Be)  – Gigi Mariani (It) — Heng Lee (Tw) – Isabelle Busnel (Fr/Uk) — Jessica Andersen (Usa)  — Juan Riusech (Fr)  – Katie Jayne Britchford (Aust) — Laurence Verdier (Fr) — Lluís Comín (Es) — Emilie Losch (Fr) – Marie Flambard (Fr) — Miyuki Koshimizu (Jp) – Marie-Eve G. Castonguay (Ca) – Marine Dominiczak (Fr) – Marie Masson (Fr) – Nicolas Estrada (Co) – Olga Raben (Dk) — Pallavi Gandhi (In) – Patricia Gallucci (Arg) – Patricia Domingues (PT) –  Rodrigo Acosta (Arg) – Rosa Nogués Freixas (Es) – Sari Räthel (All) – Sébastien Carré (Fr) — Steffi Götze (All) –  Tanel Veenre (Ee) – Yiumsiri Vantanapindu (Th) – Zil-E-Batool (Pk) — Clara del Papa (IT) — Alina Carp (RO) -

Les 6 lauréats du Prix de la Jeune Création Métiers d’Art 2015, d’Ateliers d’Art de France, participent également à l’exposition :
Julie Auzillon — Morgane Baroghel-Crucq  — Sébastien Carré  — Anne-Laure Coullomb  — Kaori Kurihara – Xavier Noël
Chacun des artistes présente une pièce conceptuelle illustrant la thématique de la transmission.

Avec la participation de Marianne Gassier, blogueuse française spécialisée dans le bijou contemporain.

broche Rodrigo ACOSTA - expo TRANSMISSION: Rodrigo ACOSTA broche 2015

Frederique Coomans - Chrysalis brooch - expo TRANSMISSION: Frederique Coomans – Chrysalis brooch

Corrado de Meo Brooch: Tulipa Nocturnus, 2015 Polystyrene, acrylic paint, dual epoxy resin, silver, wood 12.5 x 4.5 x 4 cm -- Transmission Exhibition / 20 Oct 2015 - 12 Dec 2015: Corrado de Meo Brooch: Tulipa Nocturnus, 2015 Polystyrene, acrylic paint, dual epoxy resin, silver, wood 12.5 x 4.5 x 4 cm

Nicolas Estrada Brooch: Idol, 2015 Amber, amethyst, silver, steel 5.5 x 3.0 x 2.0 cm Back view: Nicolas Estrada Brooch (BACK) : Idol, 2015 Amber, amethyst, silver, steel 5.5 x 3.0 x 2.0 cm Back view

Akis Goumas Necklace: Transmission of a form Copper, PVC, threads, pigments, mixed techniques 35 x 17 x 7 cm: Akis Goumas Necklace: Transmission of a form Copper, PVC, threads, pigments, mixed techniques 35 x 17 x 7 cm

 collier Aiko Fujita  collier Aiko Fujita

Carina Shoshtary  The-Green-EscapeCarina Shoshtary  The-Green-Escape

 dorothee-van-biesen - collier Dorothee van Biesen - collier (détail)

Gigi Mariani Brooch: Massive Silver, 18kt yellow gold, niello, patina: Gigi Mariani Brooch: « Massive » Silver, 18kt yellow gold, niello, patina

Yiumsiri VANTANAPINDU -  Whenever-one-wishes - expo TRANSMISSION: Yiumsiri VANTANAPINDU -  « Whenever-one-wishes »

Patrícia Domingues Brooch: Serie Duality, 2015 Reconstructed coral, steel: Patrícia Domingues Brooch: Serie Duality, 2015 Reconstructed coral, steel

Eva Burton - bouquet brooch  à TRANSMISSION: Eva BURTON  bouquet brooch

Arnaud Sprimont - brooch at TRANSMISSION expo Arnaud Sprimont - brooch

Jessica AndersonJessica Anderson

 Patricia-Gallucci - Necklace  Patricia-Gallucci – Necklace

Emilie-Losch _ Resistances 30m de collier .... - expo TRANSMISSION: Emilie Losch - « Resistances » – 30m de collier ….

Elin Flognman - Potato Power necklace: Elin Flognman  – Potato Power necklace & circuit diagram for a potatoes neckpiece

Laurence Verdier - collier "emportement" - expo TRANSMISSION: Laurence Verdier - collier « emportement »

"People 2008-2015" by Aude Medori - expo TRANSMISSION: Aude Medori « People 2008-2015″ neckpiece

Eliana Negroni -aluminium necklace - TRANSMISSION: Eliana Negroni – aluminium necklace

Pallavi Gandhi Piece: Pushing the Boundaries, 2014 Sterling silver 4 x 4.2 cm Photo by: Pankaj Mishra Image edited by: Bridgette Shepherd, Klimt02 Pendant and Brooch Front View  Pallavi Gandhi Piece: Pushing the Boundaries, 2014 Sterling silver 4 x 4.2 cm Photo by: Pankaj Mishra

Tanel Veenre Brooch: Airplanes making love, 2013 Wood, tiger eye, silver, cosmic dust, photo TV Tanel Veenre Brooch: Airplanes making love, 2013 Wood, tiger eye, silver, cosmic dust, photo TV

Angela Ciobanu Brooch: Forget-Me-Not, 2014 14k gold, steel, vitreous enamel, recycled silk paper, saw blades 7 x 7 x 5 cm Photo by: Angela Ciobanu From series: Forget-Me-Not -- Transmission Exhibition / 20 Oct 2015 - 12 Dec 2015: Angela Ciobanu Brooch: Forget-Me-Not, 2014 14k gold, steel, vitreous enamel, recycled silk paper, saw blades 7 x 7 x 5 cm Photo by: Angela Ciobanu From series: Forget-Me-Not

Marie Flambard - collier Mold Spores, pièce réalisée en collaboration avec Sébastien Millot (CERFAV)Marie Flambard – collier Mold Spores, pièce réalisée en collaboration avec Sébastien Millot (CERFAV)

Aurélie Adam présentera notamment son bijou Physalis conçu et réalisé pendant sa formation au Cerfav Aurélie Adam  bijou Physalis, conçu et réalisé pendant sa formation au CERFAV

Marie MASSON collier "l'Homme faisan"Marie MASSON collier « l’Homme faisan »

Daniela-Malev - necklace   - dryed potatos: Daniela Malev – necklace   – dryed potatoes

Isabelle BusnelIsabelle Busnel – « Transmettre aux générations futures la magie du bijou contemporain, transmettre l’envie d’oser les matériaux non précieux, les formes, les couleurs et les tailles non conventionnelles, transmettre le courage de sortir des sentiers battus et des bijoux que tout le monde porte… »

Expo TRANSMISSION - Xavier Noël - transmission orale, du verbe comme du virus .....: Xavier Noël – transmission orale, du verbe comme du virus …..



Studio 411
19, avenue Georges Clemenceau, 34 000 Montpellier
Tél. : 09 82 35 05 26



Commandez votre Catalogue / Order Your Catalog : Transmission 20 Oct – 12 Dec Studio411 Galerie

Commandez le catalogue de l’exposition « Transmission » – Studio 411 Montpellier – France (20 Oct – 12 dec) / Order the catalog of the exhibition « Transmission » – Studio 411 Montpellier – France (20 Oct – 12 dec) – Studio411: http://www.studio411.fr A6 : 105 x 148 mm – 64 pages (Français et Anglais)
Book A6 : 105 X 148 mm – 64 pages (French & English)
Price / Prix :15€
+ Shipping / Frais de port : en fonction de la destination / depend on the location
inclu: les photos des oeuvres de chaque artistes ainsi que le texte écrit par la bloggeuse Française Marianne Gassier / With the pictures of all artist and the text wrote by Marianne Gassier French Blog editor : http://bijoucontemporain.unblog.frGraphisme : (Un grand Merci à Silvia, Diane et Christelle)

Choisissez votre mode de règlement / Choose how to proceed
(Paypal* or Bank Transfer) – Catalogue = 15€ + Frais de port / Shipping fees

 Catalogue : Transmission - exhibition of Art Jewellery and fine Art (20 Oct - 12 Dec 2015) Montpellier France





SIERAAD 2014 – International Jewellery Art Fair – Amsterdam (NL) – 6-9 Nov. 2014

SIERAAD  6-9 nov 2014 – Amsterdam

List of participants 2014

sieraad 2014



La liste des participants commence somptueusement !!! : « Erato Kouloubi, ALCHIMIA Jewellery school in Florence, Alina Carp, Andrea Coderch Valor ……. Catalina Brenes, Catalina Gibert,  …. Wu Ching-Chih, David Choi ……….. Dora Haralambaki, Edith Bellod, ……… Gabrielle Desmarais, George Giannoutsos, etc etc etc pour ne citer que mes préférés ……… la Royal Academy of Fine Arts d’Anvers … (voir la liste (lien ci-dessus)

ceramic jewellery Dora Haralambaki.ceramic jewellery Dora Haralambaki - at stand 84

George GiannoutsosGeorge Giannoutsos at stand 1

 Erato Kouloubi  -  Deconstructing the Faith Ring / Sterling Silver www.eratojewellery.comErato Kouloubi  -  Deconstructing the Faith Ring / Sterling Silver  at stand 1

Niki Stylianou presents " Vessels and Matter II: Metaphors on Courtship, Intimacy and Domesticy" Necklace - Hand cut rubber, silk thread, watercolorNiki Stylianou –  » Vessels and Matter II: Metaphors on Courtship, Intimacy and Domesticy » Necklace – Hand cut rubber, silk thread, watercolor – at stand 1

Maria Tsimpiskaki, Corruption collection, brooch, 2014Maria Tsimpiskaki, Corruption collection, brooch, 2014  at stand 1

SO, stand 1 is a « GREEK » stand, with : Maria Tsimpiskaki - Niki Stylianou Erato Kouloubi   & George Giannoutsos

Catalina Gibert | Serra_2014 NecklaceCatalina Gibert - Serra_2014 Necklace – at stand 41B

Andrea Coderch Valor - 2011. Silver, wood (bois de violet), silk.Andrea Coderch Valor - 2011. Silver, wood (bois de violet), silk.  – at stand 41A

Liisa Hashimoto -  5set Red Seed Ring - at SIERAAD 2014Liisa Hashimoto (HINGE Dept.) -  5set Red Seed Ring – at stand 48

Cécile Bertrand - SIERAAD 2014Cecile Bertrand – broche « GUN » – at stand 74
stand 74 avec la « dream team » : Cécile BertrandSylvie Jousset & Isabelle Carpentier

Sylvie Jousset -  "catch me cactus" bracelet - Argent, maillechort, vrais cactus et plantes grassesSylvie Jousset -  « catch me cactus » bracelet – Argent, maillechort, vrais cactus & plantes grasses - at stand 74

Nevin Arig brooch-simple5 - at SIERAAD 2014Nevin Arig – brooch simple5 – at stand 71

SIERAAD 2014 International Jewellery Art Fair | Gabrielle DesmaraisGabrielle Desmarais at stand 75,
sharing with Isabelle Busnel, Edith Bellod and  Eun Mi Kwon


they made a collective necklace !

sieraad 2014 - collective necklace - Isabelle Busnel sharing a stand with Mia Kwon, Gabrielle Desmarais and Edith Bellod and this is our collective necklace Isabelle Busnel sharing a stand with Mia Kwon, Gabrielle Desmarais and Edith Bellod and this is our collective necklace

Eun Mi Kwon - spring on skin #07 - 2014 porcelaine Eun Mi Kwon (Mia Kwon jewellery) – spring on skin #07 – 2014 – porcelaine  at stand 75

SIERAAD 2014  International Jewellery Art Fair | Isabelle BusnelIsabelle Busnel - neckpiece – at stand 75

Edith Bellod Necklace  Kaléidoscope Necklace Bouton 3 rows - at SIERAAD 2014Edith Bellod – at stand 75

CHING CHIH WU - SIERAAD 2014Wu ching-chih- at stand 18

 Judith Bloedjes - ring precious triplet 2014 - porcelaineJudith Bloedjes – ring precious triplet 2014 – porcelaine


SIERAAD 14 -  Catalina BrenesCatalina Brenes  at stand 64

Alina Carp - broochAlina Carp – brooch – at stand 25Lauren Markley - SIERAAD 2014Lauren Markley -at stand 44

SIERAAD -  Raewyn Walsh (- NTJ)Raewyn Walsh Vessel pendant, 2012 NZ, silver, epoxy, silk thread

Eily O'Connell at SIERAAD 2014Eily O’Connell-  at stand 31

Han-Chieh Chuang - red brick brooch serie - silver, copper, enamel, steel wireHan-Chieh Chuang – red brick brooch serie – silver, copper, enamel, steel wire – at stand 38

Silvia Beccaria - at stand 100Silvia Beccaria - gorgiera Splendor – 2011 -  at stand 100

Jeehyun ChungJeehyun Chung

papallona - Karolina Bik -  'graphium' ring - peridot, argent oxydéKarolina Bik -  ‘graphium’ ring – peridot, argent oxydé

Linda Ezerman - Necklace with a storyLinda Ezerman - Necklace with a story

Linda Ezerman - Sea Seed Brooches - SIERAAD 2014Linda Ezerman - new work ! – Sea Seed Brooches – Balsawood, pigment(powder), laquer and stamen -
SIERAAD 2014 at stand 53

SIERAAD 2014 --Jillian-MooreJillian Moore – at stand 33

maria diana, bracciale perle, 2013  (porcelain, stoneware, gold) ph federica cioccoloniMaria Diana, bracciale perle, 2013  (porcelain, stoneware, gold) – at stand 67

Mariko Sumioka -Mariko Sumioka

Merav O. Roth JewelryMerav O. Roth Jewelry

YUNG HUEII CHAO (TAIWAN), Bracelets (2010)  Nilckel silver I   Window Series  8 X 10 X 3 cm (each)   Selected Artist ,Talente 2011Yung Huei, Chao (Taiwan). « Windows Series ». Nickel silver Bracelets (2010) 

stand of Royal Academy of Fine Arts d’Anvers, with Vincent Verstrepen, Elitsa Macheva, Annika Wirken, Elya Tettelin, Josefine Mass, Mara Gabriela Grigoriu :

Annika Wirken -  ROYAL ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS ANTWERP - Annika Wirken

  Vincent Vestrepen - ROYAL ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS ANTWERP   Vincent Vestrepen

Josefine Mass - ANTWERPJosefine Mass

stand of Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School, (stand 101), with :
Daria Borovkova (Russia), Amani Boudargham (Lebanon), Francesco Coda (Italy), Elena Gil (Costa Rica), Sana Khalil (Lebanon),  Daniela Malev (Germany), Lilian Mattuschka (Austria), Carla Movia (Italy), Federica Sala (Italy), Maria Ignacia Walker (Cile)

Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School - with here Federica Sala neckpieceFederica Sala neckpiece

María Ignacia WalkerMaría Ignacia Walker

Klonneplein 1,
1014DD Amsterdam
tel +31 20 586 0710










Alchimia Graduation show 2014 – « TOUCH » – Florence (Italy) – 19-26 Juin 2014

Alchimia Graduation show 2014

Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School proudly presents Touch, Graduation Show 2014.

Official Opening with cocktail and DJ set Thursday, June 19, 6pm.
The exhibition will remain open until Thursday, June 26, from 6 pm to 9 pm.
An art jewellery exhibition that is the culmination of this year’s graduate students.
TOUCH - graduation show ALCHIMIA 2014 - 19-26 june 2014
For this occasion, twelve students have based their development on personal experiences. Individual matters discuss universal subjects; in correlation to the body as a form of function and space. As a result, each body of work materializes these personalities. Hands spoke in replacement of words. While unspoken, the act of making became the way of realization. Touch is an invitation to feel. The students will be present during the whole duration of the show to talk about their work.
Curated by: Doris Maniger, Lucia Massei, Ruudt Peters.
Students:  Melissa AriasDaria BorovkovaAmani Bou Dargham Francesco CodaElena Gil Sana KhalilDaniela MalevLilian MattuschkaCarla Movia –  Federica Sala Maria Ignacia Walker.

broches en metal oxidado de Maria Ignacia Walker para Alchimia (Firenze)Maria Ignacia Walker broches en metal oxidado  
 Lilian Mattuschka - it was a tree - ring - grape wood, silkLilian Mattuschka - it was a tree – ring – grape wood, silk
if i was a tree i would be a grape, i choose the grape wood because of his adjectives, fragile, cave and jaded because of this attributes i chose to leave the wood as it is and, by nitting, i made a structure that holds it.

HUGE ROUND ALUMINIUM NECKLACE BY sANA KHALILSana Khalil - huge round aluminium neckpiece
Federica Sala -  (Alchimia - end 2013) - pendant - cedar wood, cotton threads - naked wood serie -

Federica Sala -  pendant – cedar wood, cotton threads – naked wood serie -

Amani Bou Dargham: brooch, iron, paperAmani Bou Dargham: brooch, iron, paper
DARIA BOROVKOVA - RU (Alchimia 2012-13) - "Has Anyone Seen My Phone?"Daria Borovkova - (RU) – « Has Anyone Seen My Phone? »
Francesco Coda (Alchimia 2014) necklaceFrancesco Coda – necklace
Carla Movia Selfportrait necklace 2013 iron, rope Photo: Federico CavicchioliCarla Movia Selfportrait necklace 2013 iron, rope Photo: Federico Cavicchioli
elena gil  (Alchimia 2012-13)Elena Gil
Daniela Malev.Daniela Malev
Alchimia school
Piazza Piattellina 3/r
50124 Florence, Italy
tel +39 055 223218


SIERAAD Art Fair 2012 – Amsterdam – 1–4 Nov. 2012

SIERAAD Art Fair, international jewellery design fair – 01.Nov.2012 – 04.Nov.2012

SIERAAD Art Fair, international jewellery design fair(ring by Serin Oh from Korea, one of the winners of the biennial international design contest New Traditional Jewellery 2010)

This year the poster will feature a ring by Serin Oh from Korea, one of the winners of the biennial international design contest New Traditional Jewellery 2010: True Colours. After the great success of last year another delegation of Korean contemporary jewellery designers will be present at the fair this year – definitely something to look forward to because in our Western eyes these artists give a unique interpretation of their cultural history.

 Pieces from Serin Oh from KoreaPieces from Serin Oh

SIERAAD International Jewellery Art Fair | Vivian MellerVivian Meller brooches

Ute van der Plaats, porselein, zilver en katoen - at SIERAAD ART FAIRUte van der Plaats, porselein, zilver en katoen
Kika Alvarenga, ring silver green turmalines - at SIERAADKika Alvarenga, ring – silver green turmalines
Lien Hereijgers  VOSTOKRING - at SIERAADLien Hereijgers  VOSTOKRING
Sound jewellery of ceramics, Audiowear consists of a series of musical jewellery made of ceramics, inspired by musical instruments like flutes and xylophones. It is a unique project of Elasticbrand, a design studio in Brooklyn, NY run by the artistic duo Arjen Noordeman and Christie Wright. - at SIERAADSound jewellery of ceramics, Audiowear consists of a series of musical jewellery made of ceramics, inspired by musical instruments like flutes and xylophones. It is a unique project of Elasticbrand, a design studio in Brooklyn, NY run by the artistic duo Arjen Noordeman and Christie Wright
TZURI GUETA tour du cou chardon -  His organic/futuristic jewellery in silicones refer to biology, neurons, algae and plants. He himself calls it ‘lace fed by silicones’, and he took out a patent on his invention. He also designs fabrics using this unique process which he has sold to all the great couturiers: from Gaultier to Armani and from Vuitton to Dior. His latest achievement is the collaboration with French couturier Stephane Rolland for the 2013 fall/winter collection - at SIERAADTZURI GUETA tour du cou chardon -  His organic/futuristic jewellery in silicones refer to biology, neurons, algae and plants. He himself calls it ‘lace fed by silicones’, and he took out a patent on his invention. He also designs fabrics using this unique process which he has sold to all the great couturiers: from Gaultier to Armani and from Vuitton to Dior. His latest achievement is the collaboration with French couturier Stephane Rolland for the 2013 fall/winter collection
 Linda Ezerman  Necklace, handmade, unique piece,felt, kelp, miyuki beads, resin, rubber, ink - at SIERAADLinda Ezerman  – stand 28 – Necklace, handmade, unique piece  from the series ‘tide land wet beach caught by seaweed’, felt, kelp, miyuki beads, resin, rubber, ink
Uli RAPP at SIERAAD Art fair 2012, stand 52Uli Rapp, stand 52
Xinrui (Sherry) Yu - at SIERAADXinrui (Sherry) Yu
Alice Bo-Wen Chang, stand 55 (SIERAAD Art Fair)Alice Bo-Wen Chang, stand 55
Stefania Lucchetta (SIERAAD Art Fair)Stefania Lucchetta
Jillian Moore (SIERAAD Art Fair)Jillian Moore
Ute Decker -  snapshot from the bench with new arm sculptures by ute decker for Sieraad, Amsterdam, 1 - 4 Nov. www.sieraadartfair.comUte Decker – snapshot from the bench with new arm sculptures by ute decker for Sieraad, Amsterdam stand 27

Uk Collect_ive stand 35, a new generation of UK Art Jewellers, with Farrah Al-Dujaili –  Laura Bradshaw Heap Melanie CodarinKatie LeesYu-Ping LinGrace PageNatalie SmithAnna Wales

Katie Lees (SIERAAD Art Fair, Uk Collect_ive stand 35, a new generation of UK Art Jewellers)Katie Lees

 Farrah Al-Dujaili Brooch 2011Farrah Al-Dujaili Brooch 2011 -  Copper, enamel paint, watercolour, pencil, pastel – Dimensions: 14cm x 8cm x 5cm


Gasholder WesterGasfabriek
Klönneplein 1
1014 DD – Amsterdam – Netherlands
Telephone: 00 31 (0)33 4337009
mail: aberens@sieraadartfair.comand on FB :


with, among them :

Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School in Firenze Italy:
Valentina Caprini IT — Andrea Coderch Valor ES — Patrick Davison GB — Catalina Gibert Nadal ES —  Sam Hamilton IR — Dinah Lee USA — Weronika Marek PL — Izabella Petrut RM — Giulia Savino IT — Anna Helena van de Pohl de Deus USA


‘NEW NOMADS’ New Traditional Jewellery 2012

More Info:

exhibition New Nomads

exhibition New Nomads will be shown during SIERAAD Art Fair, 1 – 4 November 2012, in the Gashouder, WesterGasfabriek, Amsterdam 

For the 2012 design contest and exhibition the professional jury of New Traditional Jewellery (NTJ) has chosen the theme ‘NEW NOMADS’, because both literally and figuratively this theme offers many possibilities for inspiration.

NEW TRADITIONAL JEWELLERY, international jewellery design contest - JURY (gauche)NEW TRADITIONAL JEWELLERY, international jewellery design contest - JURY for 'new Nomads' droite

the professional jury of New Traditional Jewellery (NTJ) at (hard !) work ….

The history of jewellery is as old as mankind. While people went in search of parts with the best living conditions they carried their valuables with them, wearing them on their bodies. Jewellery that represents economic and social status, as it still does nowadays in the case of nomadic tribes. The dissemination of religions went hand in hand with an unprecedented range of religious jewellery and ornaments, ranging from small containers for religious texts to reliquaries and portable altars.
To this day, jewellery made of stable materials like gold and gems is the guarantee for your ‘ticket home’ in times of crises or when you have to flee from high-risk areas. Due to the global financial crisis prices of this so-called ‘flight gold’ have skyrocketed. Is there an alternative? Nowadays there are quite different streams of migrants but the principle is the same: people in search of parts with better living conditions. The whole world is on the move, from refugees to tourists, from emigrants to employees of multinationals. And you don’t even have to get up from your chair: Skype e.g. has made videoconferencing into a social medium.
NTJ asks contemporary professional jewellery designers to build bridges between the traditional jewellery of e.g. nomads, pilgrims, explorers, globetrotters, refugees or colonists and possible symbols bearers representing the mobility of the ‘NEW NOMADS’. Check the attachments for conditions and criteria.

all nominees New Nomads:
Ariane Ernst D — Alejandra Solar Mex — Auk Russchen NL — Barbora Dzurakova SK — Casey Fenn UK — Dana Hakim IL — Daniela Malev D — Edu Tarín ES — Hee Won Kang ROK — Heng Lee RC — Hester Popma-van de Kolk NL — Jie Sun CN — Judy McCaig UK — Juliane Keßler D — Katharina Dettar D — Laila Smith UK — Leon Mommersteeg NL — Maria Hees NL — Matthew+Amanda Caines UK — Maryvonne Wellen NL — Minna Karhu FIN — Noa Liran IL — Patricia Domingues P — Peter Vermandere B — Petra Bole SLO — Raewyn Wash NZ — Ricarda Wolf D — Robean Visschers NL — Roseanne Bartley Au/NZ — Sang-Hee Park ROK — Saskia Govaerts B — Sina Wassermann D — Sung-Min Jung ROK — Tabea Reulecke D — Verena Klette D — Vernon Bowden NZ –

The exhibition during SAF: 1-4 november at Gashouder Westergasfabriek Amsterdam

the exhibition “New Nomads” will be then shown in MMKArnhem (museum for Modern Art in Arnhem) ,  November 24. – January 27. 2013!
The next exhibition will be published after the summer.

Maria Hees. Necklace: foam, porcelain, rubberMaria Hees (NL) – Necklace: foam, porcelain, rubber

New Nomads: Roseanne BartleyRoseanne Bartley (AU/NZ)

New Nomads: Noa Liran.Noa Liran (IL)

Robean Visschers (winner New Traditional Jewellery 2006)
Robean Visschers ring (winner New Traditional Jewellery 2006)
Robean Visschers – for 2012 competition
SIERAAD - new Traditional_Jewellery-- Auk Russchen - (Nederland, 1971) Broche ‘Ode’, 2010Auk Russchen – (NL) Broche ‘Ode’, 2010 (winner for 2010 New Traditional Jewellery « True Colours »)
sang hee park
Sang-Hee Park
Amanda Caines - Necklace - Suffolk dump dig pottery figure with ThamesMatthew+Amanda Caines – Necklace – Suffolk dump dig pottery figure with Thames
Tabea Reuckle, nominee New NomadsTabea Reulecke
from JOYA 2012 (ENJOIAT award) to SIERAAD Art Fair,   Jie Sun, nominated piece for New Nomads.Jie Sunfrom JOYA 2012 (ENJOIAT award) to SIERAAD Art Fair,  nominated piece for New Nomads


COUP de ROUGE avec Daniela MALEV

Daniela MALEV, actuellement (2011) à FH Idar-Oberstein

(je ne peux accéder à son site pour plus d’information : est classé site malveillant !)

(oeuvre plus ancienne, vraisemblablement 2008)