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EXPO ‘The New Italian Design’ – Academy of Art University, The Cannery, San Francisco (USA) – 22 Juin-11 Aout 2013

« The New Italian Design«   -  Academy of Art University – The Cannery  (San Francisco, CA, United States)  22-Jun-2013 – 11-Aug-2013

Triennale Design Museum presents an upgraded and updated 2013 edition of The New Italian Design exhibition at the Cannery Galleries of Academy of Art University, San Francisco, from 22 June until 11 August 2013: an overview on contemporary Italian design that explains and describes the transition of the movement and its links with economic, political, and technology changes that occurred over the past Century.

Triennale Design Museum, the first museum of Italian design, is directed by Silvana Annicchiarico, and has organized this exhibition to analyze, value and promote the new Italian creativity. As a travelling exhibition, The New Italian Design was presented in Madrid (2007), Istanbul (2010) Beijing and Nantou (2012), Bilbao (2013).

"The New Italian Design"  -  Academy of Art University - The Cannery  (San Francisco, CA, United States)  22-Jun-2013 - 11-Aug-2013    website:

The New Italian Design in San Francisco is a part of the project Making in Italy – Making in USA: “Artisanship, Technology and Design. Innovating with Beauty,” which will be held from June 11 to June 24 in San Francisco in the framework of “2013 – Year of Italian Culture in the United States.” The initiative was conceived and curated by the Giannino Bassetti Foundation. This project is the result of a collaboration between the Giannino Bassetti Foundation, the Consulate General of Italy and the Italian Cultural Institute of San Francisco: get-togethers, events, and debates between Italian and American craftsmen, makers and intellectuals, cultivators of beauty and experts in the new technologies, joined together to define and create the economy of beauty.
The exhibition presents works from 132 designers with 288 projects. It includes 189 designers for product design, 28 for graphics, 28 for objects linked to the body like jewelry, handbags and accessories, 7 for research, 32 for food design, 4 for interior design.
The scene that emerges is rich and multifaceted; it starts from furniture design and touches upon new forms of communication, from food to web design, from fashion to textile design, from jewel design to graphic and multimedia all the way to interior design and object design.
The exhibited works range from self produced prototypes to large-series products, from works of art to merely industrial artefacts. Many of the involved designers are already well established at an international level and are employed by important companies in the industry. Presented for the first time in 2007, at Triennale di Milano, The New Italian Design is the result of a survey on a national scale focused on the passage from the XX to the XXI century and the substantial change in the role of the profession.
Silvana Annicchiarico says: “Contemporary design is to be found in a decidedly different model from the one that dominated in the age of the ‘Masters’. In those days, design culture aimed to create finished, functional products, whereas today – in what has in a certain sense become a ‘mass profession’ – design generates processes more than products, and appears primarily as a form of self-representation of the designer’s ability to imagine, create and innovate. Today’s new designers are neither the heirs nor the pupils of the various Munaris, Magistrettis and Castiglionis. They are something else. Insisting on thinking of them as ‘little’ masters means to continue forcing them parasitically into twentieth-century paradigms that no longer hold true. It means doing an injustice to them and to their diversity and originality, as well as to the design system as a whole. Finding one’s way around the new, ever-changing world of Italian design, which is made of team effort and horizontal movements more than individual, vertical actions, requires no nostalgia for a golden age that has had its time. What is needed is a new ability to explore and take risks, and possibly even lose one’s way, only to find it again. The New Italian Design exhibition is an attempt to move in this direction”

With work by: 4P1B Design Studio –  Massimiliano Adami –  Massimiliano Alajmo –  Arabeschi di latte –  Antonio Aricò –  Dodo Arslan –  Stefano Asili –  Enrico Azzimonti –  Alessandra Baldereschi –  Gabriele Basei –  BenedettiEdizioni –  Thomas Berloffa –  Alessandro Biamonti –  Giorgio Biscaro –  Giorgio Bonaguro –  Denise Bonapace –  Massimo Bottura –  Alessandro Busana –  Pier Bussetti –  Elio Caccavale –  Fabio Cammarata –  Moreno Cedroni –  Cristina Celestino –  Cristina Chiappini –  Mariavera Chiari –  Matteo Cibic –  Ciboh –  Alessandro Ciffo –  CLS Architetti –  Silvia Cogo –  Carlo Contin –  Luisa Lorenza Corna –  Antonio Cos –  Simona Costanzo –  Carlo Cracco –  CTRLZAK –  Manuel Dall’Olio –  Lorenzo Damiani –  Deepdesign –  Carmine Deganello –  Andrea Deppieri –  Designtrip –  Leonardo Di Renzo –  Sandra Dipinto –  David Dolcini –  dotdotdot –  Esterni –  Francesco Faccin –  Sandra Faggiano –  Odoardo Fioravanti –  Formafantasma –  Manuela Gandini –  Gionata Gatto –  Ilaria Gibertini –  Roberto Giolito –  Giopato&Coombes –  Alessandro Gnocchi –  Monica Graffeo –  Diego Grandi –  Gumdesign –  HABITSmln –  Giulio Iacchetti –  Ildoppiosegno –  jekyll & hyde –  JoeVelluto –  Lagranja –  Marco Lambri –  Francesca Lanzavecchia –  Leftloft –  Emilio S. Leo –  LLdesign –  Concetta Lorenzo –  LS Graphic Design –  Stefania Lucchetta –  Emanuele Magini –  Elia Mangia –  Stefano Marchetti –  Ilaria Marelli –  Miriam Mirri –  Bruno Morello –  Chiara Moreschi –  N!03 Studio ennezerotre –  Luca Nichetto –  Davide Oldani –  Barbara Paganin –  Lorenzo Palmeri –  Daniele Papuli –  Donata Paruccini –  Edoardo Perri –  Gabriele Pezzini –  Piano Design –  Sylvia Pichler –  Angela Ponzini –  Aldo Presta –  Matteo Ragni –  Marcantonio Raimondi Malerba –  Riccardofabio –  Ivana Riggi –  rnd_lab –  Andrea Ruschetti –  Elena Salmistrano –  Fabrizio Schiavi –  Luca Schieppati –  Gianmaria Sforza –  Brian Sironi –  Stefano Soave –  Valerio Sommella –  Sonnoli Leonardo –  Studio FM Milano –  Studio Ghigos –  Studio Natural –  Paolo Bazzani –  Studio Pepe –  Studio Pierandrei Associati –  Studio Temp –  Studiocharlie –  Studioxdesigngroup –  Tankboys –  Stefano Tonti –  Marco Tortoioli Ricci –  Total Tool –  Barbara Uderzo –  Paolo Ulian –  Francesco Valtolina –  Vittorio Venezia –  Davide Vercelli –  Marco Zavagno –  Zetalab –  Marco Zito –  Matteo Zorzenoni –  ZPZ Partners –  ZUP Associati.

Barbara Uderzo  Necklace: Glucogioiello – Candy chain  MarshmallowsBarbara Uderzo  Necklace: Glucogioiello – Candy chain  Marshmallows

Stefania Lucchetta  Ring: Digital 10 WD 2012  Titanium  Photo: Stefania Lucchetta Stefania Lucchetta  Ring: Digital 10 WD 2012  Titanium  Photo: Stefania Lucchetta

daniele papuliDaniele Papuli


Academy of Art University – The Cannery
2801 Leavenworth St
94133 – San Francisco, CA
United States


EXPO ‘The New Italian Design 2.0′ – Alhondiga Bilbao (Spain) – 8 Fevr.-5 Mai 2013

The New Italian Design 2.0

The New Italian Design 2.0    (Bilbao, Spain)  08-Feb-2013 - 05-May-2013

Triennale Design Museum presents The New Italian Design 2.0 exhibition, which will be hosted by Alhóndiga Bilbao, between 8 February and 5 May 2013: an overview on contemporary Italian design that explains and describes the transition of the movement and its links with economic, political, technology changes that occurred over the century.

Triennale Design Museum, the first museum devoted to the Italian design movement, is directed by Silvana Annicchiarico, and has organized this exhibition to analyze, value and promote the new Italian creativity.
The exhibition presents the results of the survey New Italian Design carried out by the Triennale di Milano in April 2006 and updated to the first decade of the new Century. The survey was aimed at designers acting as designers, art-directors, consultants, service, communication and promotion organizers for the environment and for processes.
It was open to anyone of Italian nationality who was actively involved in research, experimentation, concept creation. Intended to be a sign of recognition, a census, and a representation of young Italian designers on a national scale, it was based on the idea that the passage from the XX to the XXI century was not characterized by new stylistic tendencies in the design field, but rather a substantial change in the role of the profession. Roughly 600 designers entered the data bank, 140 of which were invited. The others presented themselves as candidates. The selection committee was headed by Andrea Branzi and Silvana Annicchiarico, with Alba Cappellieri, Arturo Dell’Acqua Bellavitis, Carmelo Di Bartolo, Anna Gili, Cristina Morozzi, Stefano Maffei, Mario Piazza.

The exhibition is comprised of 282 projects, 165 of which deal with product design issues, 30 are graphics, 54 are focussed on the body and decorative objects such as jewels, bags and accessories, 14 are pure research projects, 14 are on food design while 5 are on interior design.

Thanks to the analysis of both the survey and the exhibition, the state of the art of design has become visible. It is a phenomenon with its own characteristics, independent of the great tradition of the Masters of Italian design.


Works by:
Massimiliano Adami, Adrianodesign, Massimiliano and Raffaele Alajmo, Amaterasu, Dodo Arslan, Stefano Asili, Enrico Azzimonti, Loretta Baiocchi, Alessandra Baldereschi, Thomas Berloffa, Alessandro Biamonti, Giorgio Biscaro, Denise Bonapace, Max Bònoli, Mattia Cielo, Massimo Bottura, Alessandro Busana, Pier Bussetti, Elio Caccavale, Brunella Caccaviello, Fabio Cammarata, Moreno Cedroni, Cristina Chiappini, Mariavera Chiari, Alessandro Ciffo, CLS Architetti, Silvia Cogo, Maya Cohen, Margherita Colleoni, Carlo Contin, Luisa Lorenza Corna, Francesca Corradini, Giovanni Corvaja, Antonio Cos, Simona Costanzo, Carlo Cracco, Manuel Dall’Olio, Carlo Dameno, Lorenzo Damiani, Domenico De Palo, Marco De Santi, Deego, Deepdesign, Carmine Deganello, Design trip, Leonardo Di Renzo, David Lorenzo Dolcini, Dotdotdot, Elitradesign, ESTERNI, Massimo Fenati, Odoardo Fioravanti, Gionata Gatto, Lorenzo Gecchelin, Antonio Giancontieri, Ilaria Gibertini, Roberto Giolito, Cristiana Giopato, Monica Graffeo, Diego Grandi, Gruppo EXP, Gumdesign, HABITSmln, Giulio Iacchetti, Interaction Design Lab, Brunno Jahara, Jekyll & Hyde, JoeVelluto, Lagranja, Marco Lambri, Francesca Lanzavecchia and Hunn Wai, Ettore Lariani, Leftloft, Pierpaolo Lenoci, Emilio S. Leo, LLDesign, Loredana Longo, Concetta Lorenzo, Stefania Lucchetta, M+A+P Designstudio, Emanuele Magini, Marchetti Stefano, Ilaria Marelli, Miriam Mirri, Bruno Morello, Federica Moretti, Chiara Moreschi, Marco Morosini, N!03 Studio ennezerotre, Narcisiva, Luca Nichetto, Davide Oldani, OPOS, Pietro Palladino, Lorenzo Palmeri, Paolucci & Statera, Daniele Papuli, Generoso Parmegiani, Donata Paruccini, Daniele and Vittorio Passaro, Alessandro Pedretti, Edoardo Perri, Gabriele Pezzini, Piano Design, Sylvia Pichler, Pierandrei Associati, Albert Pinggera, Edoardo Pitton, Angela Ponzini, Aldo Presta, Matteo Ragni, Angelo Ricchiuti, Risonanze Creative, RND_LAB, Lucia Roscini/ZUP assoc. Design, Andrea Ruschetti, Jacqueline Ryan, Fabrizio Schiavi, Luca Schieppati, Gianmaria Sforza, Brian Sironi, Leonardo Sonnoli, Studio FM Milano, Studio Ghigos, Studiocharlie, Studio X Design Group, Stefano Tonti, Marco Tortoioli Ricci, Total Tool, Barbara Uderzo, Paolo Ulian, Vittorio Venezia, Davide Vercelli, Annamaria Zanella, Marco Zavagno, Zetalab, Marco Zito, ZPZ Partners.

 Giovanni Corvaja 1999. Bracelet. 18K gold, 22K gold and niello. d 90 mm  x 45 mm. Wire  d 0,03 mmGiovanni Corvaja 1999. Bracelet. 18K gold, 22K gold and niello. d 90 mm  x 45 mm. Wire  d 0,03 mm

 Tentacles - Paper Design , Daniele PapuliTentacles – Paper Design , Daniele Papuli

Annamaria Zanella, Brooch, 2013 - Brooch - silver, gold, niello,enamel, lapis powderAnnamaria Zanella, Brooch, 2013 – Brooch – silver, gold, niello,enamel, lapis powder

Barbara Uderzo, blob rings, struttura in argento rodiato, plastica, materiali veri, pesce cristallo. Barbara Uderzo, blob rings, struttura in argento rodiato, plastica, materiali veri, pesce cristallo


Alhondiga Bilbao
Plaza Arriquibar 4
48008 – Bilbao
Telephone: +34 944 01 40 14




Gioielli di carta – Paper Jewelry – Bijoux de PAPIER

Milano : Gioielli di carta - Progetti di 60 designer – EXPO Milan sept-oct 2009

Organised by Alba Cappellieri, professor of jewellery design at the “Politecnico” of Milan and by Bianca Cappello, jewellery historian, Paper Jewellery: poor jewellery is an exhibition that represents the most complete exhibition dedicated to paper jewellery: 60 designers from all over the world – from Australia to Austria, from Italy to Finland, England, Germany, Belgium, Hungary, Poland – in an unmissable journey through distant cultures under the sign of only one protagonist: paper. Folded, embroidered, plaited, sewn, sponged, pleated, punched, recycled, glued, water-painted, paper takes on unimaginable decorations and shapes: rarefied like Nobuko Murakami’s origami, elegant like Daniele Papuli and Janna Syvanoja’s pleats or the Dutch Nel Linssen’s ruffs, blooming like Sandra di Giacinto’s geometries or materic like Ritsuko Ogura’s textures, joyous like Ana Hagopian’s flowers, the collages by Feroci Design or Andrzej Szadkowski’s spectra, conceptual like the Fritz Maierhofer compositions.

Paper jewellery imposes a reflection on preciousness, no longer entrusted, as with traditional jewellery, to metals and gems but rather to the project that represents the main theme of this exhibition. The vulnerability of paper is suitably pliable to design reflections that are usually far from the world of jewellery like sustainability, ecology, territorial valorisation. Free from exchange values codified by the market paper jewellery explores languages and themes covering many disciplines: ornaments, colours, shapes, surfaces, textures, by transferring influences and aesthetics not only from fashion but also from design. And so, with this aim in mind we have included the works of 5 designers, designers that usually have to measure themselves with internal decoration and lighting, who have produced their paper jewellery especially for this exhibition. They are Deep Design, Giulio Iacchetti, Marco Ferreri, Miriam Mirri, Marco Romanelli with Marta Laudani and Paolo Ulian.

Daniele Papuli
Daniele Papuli - necklace ‘Estesa’ , 2007

Triennale Design Museum presenta Gioielli di carta a cura di Alba Cappellieri e Bianca Cappello, la piu’ completa rassegna dedicata al gioiello di carta attraverso i progetti di sessanta designer provenienti da tutto il mondo .

Gioielli di carta - Paper Jewelry - Bijoux de PAPIER  dans ADOR (IT) gioielli-di-carta-foto07Fabrizio Tridenti
Caren Hartley  ring    –    Fabrizio Tridenti- anello/ring 2009 -cardboard, paper, resin, pvc

Piegata, ricamata, intrecciata, cucita, spugnata, plissettata, fustellata, riciclata, incollata, acquerellata, la carta assume decori e forme insospettabili : rarefatte come gli origami di Nobuko Murakami, eleganti come i plisse’ di Janna Syvanoja e di Daniele Papuli o le gorgiere dell’olandese Nel Linssen, fiorite come le geometrie di Sandra di Giacinto o materiche come le texture di Ritsuko Ogura, gioiose come i fiori di Ana Hagopian, i collage di Feroci Design o gli spettri del polacco Andrzej Szadkowski, concettuali come le composizioni di Fritz Maierhofer.

Sarah Kate Burgess - Do it yourself rings
Sarah Kate Burgessdo-it-yourself rings

Il gioiello di carta impone una riflessione sulla preziosità, non piu’ affidata, come nel gioiello tradizionale, ai metalli e alle gemme bensi’ al progetto che rappresenta il filo conduttore della mostra.

Ana Hagopian
Ana  Hagopian (ES)

La vulnerabilità della carta si presta a riflessioni progettuali solitamente distanti dal mondo del gioiello come la sostenibilità, l’ecologia, la valorizzazione territoriale.
Libero dal valore di scambio codificato dal mercato il gioiello di carta esplora linguaggi e temi trasversali a molte discipline: l’ornamento, il colore, la forma, la superficie, le texture.

gioielli-di-carta-foto03 dans Ana HAGOPIAN (ES)Maria Stella Ivana Riggi
Riccardo Dalisi                                    -       Maria Stella Ivana Riggi

A questo scopo sono stati inclusi i lavori di sei designer, che solitamente si confrontano con l’arredo e la luce, che hanno realizzato i loro gioielli di carta appositamente per la mostra : Matteo Bazzicalupo e Raffaella Mangiarotti [deepdesign], Marco Ferreri, Miriam Mirri, Marco Romanelli con Marta Laudani, Paolo Ulian.

01.jpgAngela Simone
Angela Simone - Neckpiece: Scapigliata 2009- Black cardboard, raffia
Janna Syvanoja (FI)

Opere di : Luis Acosta, Atelier VM, Sarah Kate Burgess, Ela Cindoruk, Riccardo Dalisi, Matteo Bazzicalupo e Raffaella Mangiarotti [deepdesign], Sandra Di Giacinto, Claudia Diehl, Sabina Feroci, Marco Ferreri, Anna Fornari, Maria Rosa Franzin, Noemi Gera, Lisa Grassivaro, Joanne Grimonprez, Ana Hagopian, Andrea Halmschlager, Caren Hartley, Lydia Hirte, Meiri Ishida, Mari Ishikawa, Nathalie Jean, Hu Jun, Nel Linssen, Angelo Lomuscio, Fritz Maierhofer, Beatrix Mapalagama, Miriam Mirri, Nobuko Murakami, Devran Mursaloglu, Kazumi Nagano, Kaoru Nakano, Ritzuko Ogura, Takehide Ozaki, Daniele Papuli, Shari Pierce, Wendy Ramshaw+David Watkins, Erica Spitzer Rasmussen, Ivana Riggi, Romanelli e Laudani, Marjorie Schick, Angela Simone, Peter Skubic, Maurizio Stagni, Deganit Stern Shocken, Janna Syvanoja, Andrei Szadkowsky, Fabrizio Tridenti, Barbara Uderzo, Paolo Ulian, Marion Van Cruchten, Manon Van Kouswijk, Giorgio Vigna, Paper to Pearls, Kiwon Wang, Fiona Wright, Annamaria Zanella, Ina Zeller Bleil e gli studenti del Politecnico di Milano, Accademia di Brera, Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze.
Nathalie Jean

gioiellidicarta1 dans Andrzej SZADKOWSKI (PL)gioiellidicarta2 dans Angela SIMONE (IT)gioiellidicarta3 dans Angelo LOMUSCIO (IT)

Ela Cindoruk                           –     Nel Linssen  necklace, 2007       —      Lydia Hirte

Sandra Di Giacinto
Sandra Di Giacinto Necklace: Star rossa/grigia 2008 – Paper

gioiellidicarta dans Annamaria ZANELLA (IT)gioielli-di-carta-foto08 dans Barbara UDERZO (IT)
Noémi Gera                    –  Matteo Bazzicalupo e Raffaella Mangiarotti [deepdesign]
ring from Noemi Gera‘s paperjewellery collection (to shop at this address : !)
Giovanna Gariboldi - Necklace: Filigrana 2009 Paper,-collana.jpg
Myungshin Ko (Accademia di Brera)- Necklace: Struttura – 2009 – Black cardboard
Kaoru Nakano
Kazumi Nagano
Kiwon Wang
Ritzuko OGURA
Manon Van Kouswijk
Luis Acosta



Triennale Design Museum – Triennale di Milano
viale Alemagna 6
Milano (Italy)
Inaugurazione 15 settembre 2009


BOOK/Catalogue expo :

Gioielli di carta-Paper jewellery- CatEXPO (Milan,2009)-Mondadori Electa

Paper Jewellery/Gioielli di carta – Electa – 2009 -
111 pp + pochette de 6 bijoux de papier prédécoupés
pour les amoureux du bijou en papier : à  AVOIR !


voir aussi :

* ADOR (Associazione Designers Orafi )


* paperfine : bijoux de papier


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