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ATHENS JEWELRY WEEK (AJW) 2017 –Central EXPO ‘Art + Jewelry : Intersecting Spaces’ – Benaki Museum, Athens (GR) – 18-21 May 2017


AJW 2017 on Facebook

AJW 2017

Central Exhibition  « Art + Jewelry : Intersecting Spaces«   at Benaki Museum

οpening THURSDAY 18/5 at 19h

The central exhibition titled « Art + Jewel: Intersecting Spaces » is hosted by the Benaki Museum of Piraeus Str. and has exclusivity
in participation of 48 selected artists of contemporary jewelry from Greece and abroad. Also this year, the important German artist Peter Bauhuis honors the event as a guest and exhibits his work in the central exhibition area.

AJW 2017 on Facebook  Central Exhibition  "Art + Jewelry : Intersecting Spaces

  the Selected Individual Artists 2017  are :

Aggelika Diplari – Greece // Angelos Konstantakatos – Greece // Akis Goumas – Greece //  Angela Malhues – Chile //  Anna Vlahos – Greece/Australia // Antria Prasinou – Greece //  Christine Jalio – Finland //  Daniella Saraya -Israel // Demitra Thomloudis – USA // Georgia Gremouti – Greece // Hao-Han-Jhang – Taiwan // Ioli Livada – Greece // Irina Siman/Wundervenus – Belarus //  Iryna Voitenko – Ukraine // Isabelle Busnel -France-UK //  Kätrin Beljaev – Estonia //  Kristine Nuke Pantelejeva – Latvia // Liana Pattihis – UK/Cyprus // Magali Thibault Gobeil – Canada //  Maria Tsimpiskaki - Greece // Martina Dempf – Germany // Melina Lindroos – Finland //  Mika Kaskantami – Greece // Sara Chyan – Hong Kong  // Snem Yildirim – Turkey // Sol Flores – Argentina // Stefania Sioufa – Greece //  Yakinthi Oikonomou – Greece //  Yiota Vogli – Greece

Invited talented child: Rafail Kasteroudis – Greece / Ραφαήλ Καστερούδης

Guest Artist:  Peter Bauhuis – Germany

Selected Students:
Carla Movia – Alchimia // Joanna Grigoriou – Anamma Studio // Laura Salguero – EASD Valencia // Siri Sandell – Oslo National Academy of Arts // Xan – EASD Valencia // Yuxi Sun – Idar Oberstein

 GUEST ARTIST - Peter Bauhuis  "NEOPHYSALIA" Brooch BronzeGUEST ARTIST - Peter Bauhuis  « NEOPHYSALIA » Brooch Bronze

Invited talented child: Rafail Kasteroudis - Greece Invited talented child: Rafail Kasteroudis – Greece – « Armour Jewelry »  Hand piece – Aluminium, imitation gold leaf, beads, plastic

*Akis Goumas - "Θραύσμα Μοναχό" Brooch Silver, turtle shell, steel, colouring agentsAkis Goumas - « Θραύσμα Μοναχό » Brooch Silver, turtle shell, steel, colouring agentsAntria Prasinou - "Only a word matters" Brooch Paper, ink, silver, threads, caneAntria Prasinou - « Only a word matters » Brooch Paper, ink, silver, threads, cane

Maria Tsimpiskaki - "Armatures and Shadows: the Traces of Being" #1 Bracelet Sterling silver, bronze, pigment, pvc, sea anemone findingMaria Tsimpiskaki – « Armatures and Shadows: the Traces of Being » #1 Bracelet Sterling silver, bronze, pigment, pvc, sea anemone finding

AJW 2017 - Yiota Vogli -  SHADOWS collection - the birds:  Yiota Vogli -  SHADOWS collection – the birds

Aggelika Diplari - "Surfaces of Time" Brooch Wood, argentium silver, pigments, stainless steel, varnishesAggelika Diplari - « Surfaces of Time » Brooch Wood, argentium silver, pigments, stainless steel, varnishes

 Ioli Livada  - "Imaginary Flowers" #3 - Brooch Dried aubergine peel, corn leaf, bronze, silver, sponge, threads, acrylic paint Ioli Livada  – « Imaginary Flowers » #3 – Brooch Dried aubergine peel, corn leaf, bronze, silver, sponge, threads, acrylic paint

 Christine Jalio  "Past, Loss, Future" #5  Pendant Silk clay, silver, wireChristine Jalio  « Past, Loss, Future » #5  Pendant Silk clay, silver, wireDaniella Saraya - "Re-Cover" Necklace Silver, quartz crystals, epoxy, marble powder, wood, paintDaniella Saraya. – « Re-Cover » Necklace Silver, quartz crystals, epoxy, marble powder, wood, paintHao-Han Jhang - "Burgeon" #1- Brooch Copper, brass, mineral powderHao-Han Jhang - « Burgeon » #1- Brooch Copper, brass, mineral powderIryna Voitenko - “Subtle Truth” Necklace Silk, leather, threads, porcelain Iryna Voitenko - “Subtle Truth” Necklace Silk, leather, threads, porcelain

Irina Siman/WUNDERVENUS  "Temple"  Ring Silver castedIrina Siman/WUNDERVENUS  « Temple »  Ring Silver casted Isabelle Busnel - Brooch Silicone, rhinestones, pearls, magnet 2017Isabelle Busnel - Brooch Silicone, rhinestones, pearls, magnet 2017

Anna Vlahos  "Bkack Saw" Brooch Oxidised silver, stainless steelAnna Vlahos  « Bkack Saw » Brooch Oxidised silver, stainless steel

Aggelos Konstantakatos - "Hidden perspectives: Olindi" Brooch Fruit - Carpus, resin, color, oxidized silverAngelos Konstantakatos.- « Hidden perspectives: Olindi » Brooch Fruit – Carpus, resin, color, oxidized silver

 Angela Malhües - "Death Come Get My" Brooch_Necklace Copper, leather, silver, vitreous enamels, textile, threadsAngela Malhües – « Death Come Get My » Brooch_Necklace Copper, leather, silver, vitreous enamels, textile, threads

 Magali Thibault Gobeil - "Candy Dots" Brooch Polyurethane, vinyl, cord, magnetMagali Thibault Gobeil Joaillière - « Candy Dots » Brooch Polyurethane, vinyl, cord, magnet

 Melina Lindroos - "Hiding Places" #2 Brooch Satin, avocado skin, stainless steelMelina Lindroos - « Hiding Places » #2 Brooch Satin, avocado skin, stainless steel Liana Pattihis - "Offerings-Τάματα" #2 from 18 Ring Vintage ring, beeswax church candle, acrylic paint Liana Pattihis - « Offerings-Τάματα » #2 from 18 Ring Vintage ring, beeswax church candle, acrylic paint

 Kristine Nuke-Pantelejeva  "Looking for Atlantida" #2 Pendant Porcelain, hemp cord, silver detailsKristine Nuke-Pantelejeva  « Looking for Atlantida » #2 Pendant Porcelain, hemp cord, silver details

 Stefania Sioufa - "Scene of the Mind" Brooch Silver, pigments, cement, brass sheets, resin, sand, plaster Stefania Sioufa - « Scene of the Mind » Brooch Silver, pigments, cement, brass sheets, resin, sand, plaster

Yakinthi Oikonomou - "Home Sweet Home" Brooch Αrgentium silve, bronze, stainless steelYakinthi Oikonomou - « Home Sweet Home » Brooch Αrgentium silve, bronze, stainless steel

Georgia Gremouti - "Corpus Colonies II" Brooch Silk, silver, steelGeorgia Gremouti - « Corpus Colonies II » Brooch Silk, silver, steel

Sol Flores  "Impractical Fleet" #3  Ring Wood, plastic, silverSol Flores  « Impractical Fleet » #3  Ring Wood, plastic, silver

Mika Kaskantami - "The maquettes" #5 Necklace Polymeric clay, alpacaMika Kaskantami.- « The maquettes » #5 Necklace Polymeric clay, alpaca

Demitra Thomloudis - "Over the Fence" excerpt from CrossPass project 35 brooches + video projection + audio Cement, resin, brass, steel, pigment, graphite pencilDemitra Thomloudis – « Over the Fence » excerpt from CrossPass project 35 brooches + video projection + audio Cement, resin, brass, steel, pigment, graphite pencil


Benaki Museum, Pireos St. Annexe / 138 Pireos & Andronikou St., tel. (+30) 210 3453111,
opening hours: Fri-Sat-Sun: 11.00 – 21.00, Thurs: 11.00 – 23.00




#MunichJewelleryWeek2017 – EXPO (37) – « Duality of Presence » – Super+Centercourt Gallery, Munich (DE) – 8-14 Mars 2017

(37)  « Duality of Presence« 

Opening Reception: March 8, 6pm

runs 08.03–14.03

Duality of Presence, is a curatorial collaboration between American Professors of Jewelry/Metalsmithing Kerianne Quick and Jess Tolbert.
The exhibition brings together contemporary jewelers and metalsmiths working in the United States, who use specific material and form to tell stories about place, histories, and conveyance.

(37) Duality of Presence

dualityofpresence  takes an explicit look at a generation of American contemporary makers united by the urge to connect to things and the world. As we grapple with the legacy of [alternative] material use in art jewelry in the age of globalization – we are united in the urgency our works express to identify with and bring insight to what it means to be in the world now. This exhibition was born from a noticeable shared concern and strategy expressed in the work of curators, colleagues, and other makers in the field. Within the field of contemporary art jewelry many reject or limit the use of precious materials associated with conventional jewelry in favor of non-traditional materials, focusing on a formal expression that may be conceptual in some way, or simply aesthetic. However some contemporary practitioners, including the artists in this exhibition, are mining material – calling upon origins, sourcing, histories, and/or supply chain information to embed value into the materials they select and use. This excavation is a powerful tool for authenticating and enhancing their underlying concepts. 

Recognizing this shared methodology as an important movement in American contemporary art jewelry and metalsmithing, Duality of Presence defines and explores those engaged with ‘material specificity’ in their making. We position the term ‘material specificity’ as a way of looking towards how material communicates complex and distinct narratives. Thinking of materials as active agents in the creation of meaning pushes past the notion that they are meaningless conduits and asserts a more substantive role; as conveyors of information, bearers of histories, and assemblers of discourses. Material Specific Artists enter into a deliberate collaboration and cooperative act with materials in the pursuit of meaning.

 Duality of Presence *

Jina Seo - Super + Centercourt Gallery  « @dualityofpresence during the Munich Jewellery Week 2017. Some of my experimental pieces that push the boundary of jewelry and clothing are in the show « 

Jina SEO -Holes_detail5 - "The fragments of ordinary clothes convey a tactile and erotic interaction, emphasizing the physical movements between certain parts of body and garments."  — Jina Seo: Jina SEO – Holes_detail5

 Jina Seo - The fragments of ordinary clothes convey a tactile and erotic interaction,  emphasizing the physical movements between certain parts of body and  garments."  — Jina Seo: Jina SEO - Holes_detail

SCHMUCK 2017 - DOP  (dualityofpresence) -  Jina SEO:  Jina SEO – HOLES -
«  »The fragments of ordinary clothes convey a tactile and erotic interaction, emphasizing the physical movements between certain parts of body and garments. »

DOP Duality of Presence Exhibition (@dualityofpresence) - Jina Seo "HOLES": Jina Seo « HOLES »


Participating Artists :  Jessica Andersen – Lynn Batchelder – Thea ClarkNikki Couppee – Motoko Furuhashi – Steven Gordon Holman – Alexandra HoppMasumi Kataoka –  Joshua Kosker – Tova Lund – Sharon Massey – Jaydan Moore – Wei Lah Poh –  Kerianne Quick (Curator) — Kaiya Rainbolt – Yumi Janairo Roth –  Jina Seo – Jess Tolbert (Curator) — Demitra Ryan-Thomloudis

DOP  (dualityofpresence) -  Alexandra Hopp tagneckAlexandra Hopp –  tagneck.  « I use the traditional jewelry forms, techniques, materials, and visual vocabulary of the goldsmith, in purposeful profusion so the original function is lost, resulting in an exercise in mania. » DOP  (dualityofpresence)  -  Alexandra Hopp  Bibliomania: Alexandra HoppBibliomania necklace

 Joshua Kosker _hiding-in-the-flesh - How do objects shape experiences and, in turn, how can actions imprint meaning on the material world?"  —:  Joshua Kosker – hiding-in-the-flesh – « How do objects shape experiences and, in turn, how can actions imprint meaning on the material world? »

 Joshua Kosker _nestle - How do objects shape experiences and, in turn, how can actions imprint meaning on the material world?"  —:  Joshua Kosker _ nestle

Joshua Kosker _embed. - Utopia towels - How do objects shape experiences and, in turn, how can actions imprint meaning on the material world?" DOP (dualityofpresence) - kosker_embed_detail. - How do objects shape experiences and, in turn, how can actions imprint meaning on the material world?"  —  Joshua Kosker:

Joshua Kosker _embed. – Utopia towels

DOP (dualityofpresence) -  Thea Clark - Head of Franz Joseph Fiord:  Thea Clark - « Head of Franz Joseph Fiord »

 "The layers build with the resonance of color, texture, and material choices, allowing the pieces to pay homage to the natural wonder of the Arctic."  — Thea Clark: Thea Clark  « The layers build with the resonance of color, texture, and material choices, allowing the pieces to pay homage to the natural wonder of the Arctic. » 

Kerianne Quick- Transmutations_1. - "This work is based on the human urge to collect, to mark occasions with tangible objects, and an objects ability to connect us to history and memory." Kerianne Quick- Transmutations_1. – « This work is based on the human urge to collect, to mark occasions with tangible objects, and an objects ability to connect us to history and memory. »

Kerianne Quick  Transmutations - "This work is based on the human urge to collect, to mark occasions with tangible objects, and an objects ability to connect us to history and memory."  Kerianne Quick - Transmutations

Wei Lah Poh-  White Handle, necklace. -  "Handle draws upon enamelware’s visible record of use; it’s degraded and chipped edges, as well as the beautiful patina of rust on steel." Wei Lah Poh-  White Handle, necklace. -  « Handle draws upon enamelware’s visible record of use; it’s degraded and chipped edges, as well as the beautiful patina of rust on steel. »

Wei Lah Poh -  White Cup Wounded, bracelet with cup. -    "Handle draws upon enamelware’s visible record of use; it’s degraded and chipped edges, as well as the beautiful patina of rust on steel."  Wei Lah Poh -  White Cup Wounded, bracelet with cup

Kaiya Rainbolt -  Mattress#1 (Fear) - How can we respond to issues that are challenging and not succumb to the  urge to reject those that are painful to us?"  Kaiya Rainbolt -  Mattress#1 (Fear) – How can we respond to issues that are challenging and not succumb to the  urge to reject those that are painful to us? » 

Kaiya Rainbolt -  Confusion. -   "How can we respond to issues that are challenging and not succumb to the urge to reject those that are painful to us?"  — Kaiya Rainbolt: Kaiya Rainbolt -  Confusion

DoP  (dualityofpresence)   Kaiya Rainbolt's Violation #1  Kaiya Rainbolt‘s Violation #1

 Lynn Batchelder, How to Build a House:  Lynn Batchelder, How to Build a House

Demitra Thomloudis  "As jewelry, these intimate objects coexist with the body as a means to connect with the landscape from afar." Demitra Thomloudis  Over the Wall’ a series of 90 brooches inspired by the cross boarder view – El Paso to Ciudad Juarez’s Anapra neighborhood. Cement, brass, steel paint, graphite pencil. – « As jewelry, these intimate objects coexist with the body as a means to connect with the landscape from afar. »

  Demitra Thomloudis 'Over the Wall' a series of 90 brooches inspired by the cross boarder view - El Paso to Ciudad Juarez's Anapra neighborhood. Cement, brass, steel paint, graphite pencil.  Demitra Thomloudis ‘Over the Wall’ a series of 90 brooches inspired by the cross boarder view – El Paso to Ciudad Juarez’s Anapra neighborhood. Cement, brass, steel paint, graphite pencil.

Demitra Thomloudis - "As jewelry, these intimate objects coexist with the body as a means to connect with the landscape from afar."  —: Demitra Thomloudis  ‘Over the Wall’ a series of 90 brooches inspired by the cross boarder view – El Paso to Ciudad Juarez’s Anapra neighborhood. Cement, brass, steel paint, graphite pencil.

  Motoko Furuhashi mesilla_fromt -  I  "I am fascinated by the natural cycle of growth, decay, and death – and the complexity of the processes that govern life between one place and the next."  —: Motoko Furuhashi - mesilla_fromt -  I  « I am fascinated by the natural cycle of growth, decay, and death – and the complexity of the processes that govern life between one place and the next. »

Steven Gordon Holman - Stone Rabbit Neckpiece. - "The Tribe was born out of the West Desert and contemporary hunting culture; its shaman the rabbit and its oracle the magpie." Steven Gordon Holman – Stone Rabbit Neckpiece. – « The Tribe was born out of the West Desert and contemporary hunting culture; its shaman the rabbit and its oracle the magpie. »

Steven Gordon Holman -  Black Totem Neckpiece-  "The Tribe was born out of the West Desert and contemporary hunting culture; its shaman the rabbit and its oracle the magpie."  —: Steven Gordon Holman -  Black Totem Neckpiece

Nikki Couppee  corsageIV. brooch - "With the use of these everyday materials, I am able to exaggerate the size and abundance of gemstones to parody or poke fun at the socio-economic issues of class systems physically made manifest in the wearing of fine jewelry."  Nikki Couppee  corsageIV. brooch – « With the use of these everyday materials, I am able to exaggerate the size and abundance of gemstones to parody or poke fun at the socio-economic issues of class systems physically made manifest in the wearing of fine jewelry. » 

  Jessica  Anderson - "By presenting refuse in the intimate and personal format of jewelry, I ask the viewer to reflect upon their relationships to objects and things."   Jessica  Anderson – « By presenting refuse in the intimate and personal format of jewelry, I ask the viewer to reflect upon their relationships to objects and things. »

  Deposit1 Jessica Anderson - "By presenting refuse in the intimate and personal format of jewelry, I ask the viewer to reflect upon their relationships to objects and things."  —:  Deposit1 Jessica Anderson

 Tova Lund -  "This work explores my physical and psychological relationship to landscape and place.":  Tova Lund -  « This work explores my physical and psychological relationship to landscape and place. »

 Tova Lund's - Here and There   Tova Lund‘s – Here and There 

 Sharon Massey  Brickwork X necklace .     "My work is inspired by the post-industrial landscape of Pittsburgh and surrounding areas. Through use of both labor and materials I pay homage to the region’s blue-collar past.":  Sharon Massey  – Brickwork – X necklace –   « My work is inspired by the post-industrial landscape of Pittsburgh and surrounding areas. Through use of both labor and materials I pay homage to the region’s blue-collar past. »

 Sharon Massey  Brickwork_Necklace - "My work is inspired by the post-industrial landscape of Pittsburgh and surrounding areas. Through use of both labor and materials I pay homage to the region’s blue-collar past."  —:  Sharon Massey  Brickwork_Necklace

DOP - Masumi Kataoka: Masumi Kataoka

Masumi Kataoka - DOP: Masumi Kataoka « I am interested in what jewelry can do. »

 Yumi Roth - Barbed_Wire_Ov. - "I explore immigration, hybridity, and displacement through discrete objects, site-responsive installations, solo projects, and collaborations."   — Yumi Janairo Roth: Yumi Roth – Barbed_Wire_Ov. – « I explore immigration, hybridity, and displacement through discrete objects, site-responsive installations, solo projects, and collaborations. »

DOP - Jess Tolbert _willowful2: Jess Tolbert – willowful2 – « I am interested in the ability objects hold – to connect people to individual and collective experiences, whether meaningful, evocative, or mundane. »

Jess Tolbert - willowful4 - "I am interested in the ability objects hold - to connect people to individual and collective experiences, whether meaningful, evocative, or mundane."   — Jess Tolbert: Jess Tolbert - willowful4

 Duality of Presence defines and explores ‘material specificity’ as a movement in American contemporary art jewellery and metalsmithing where artists aim to reveal hidden narratives through the use of specific materials. The works emphasize the importance of maker-viewer communication, by demonstrating the effectiveness of material centered conveyance, where artists tell stories that connect to the wider world. The works demonstrate a broad range of subject matter, with material specificity as the common thread. In addition to the physical display of objects, the exhibition will include two interactive digital components, a innovative use of virtual reality and an interactive website. Virtual reality headsets integrated into the gallery display will show VR videos produced by selected participating artists using a virtual reality multi-lens camera. Each video will transport the viewer from the gallery to a significant site or moment chosen and filmed by the artist.




Super+Centercourt Gallery
Adalbertstrtraße 44
80799 Munich
Wed-Tue 11:00–17:00




EXPO ‘CrossPass’ – Gallery Velvet da Vinci, San Francisco (USA) – 8 Sept.-9 Oct. 2016

Demitra Thomloudis and Motoko Furuhashi: CrossPass

Artists’ Reception: Friday, September 9, 6-8pm

CrossPath  velvet da Vinci

CrossPass is a project featuring collaborative and solo works by artists Demitra Thomloudis and Motoko Furuhashi that examines place through expanded media and the intimate lens of jewelry and small objects. The project targets a distinctive stretch of the Interstate 10 corridor connecting the unique borderplex region of El Paso, Texas to Las Cruces, New Mexico. The objective of CrossPass is to allow site-specific locations and the artists’ shared personal inquiries along this route to initiate the collection of images, video and sound which directly influences the creation of jewelry and objects. The viewer is asked to join them in their investigation of this land awash with dramatic terrain, vernacular structures and a multitude of boundaries; and, to uniquely discover these sites through the body.

CrossPass Site #8 Mesa Crosspass: Demitra Ryan-Thomloudis "Over the Fence" installation of brooches

 CrossPass Site #8 Mesa – Students parking their cars at the University of Texas at El Paso have a direct view of the border of different a country: Mexico. Here the divide is physically reinforced with the expansive border highway fence  // Crosspass: Demitra Ryan-Thomloudis « Over the Fence » installation of broochesDemitra Thomloudis and Motoko Furuhashi, Site 7, 2016, Brass, powder coat, sand, found materials: Demitra Thomloudis and Motoko Furuhashi, Site 7, 2016, necklace Brass, powder coat, sand, found materials - Site #7 Mesa
El Paso is a city in constant flux. There you see the constant changing and rotating of businesses


Motoko Furuhashi was born in 1982 in Tokyo, Japan. While growing up in Tokyo, she received her introduction to art from her grandfather. Her recent works are inspired by her experiences traveling around the world and the road that takes her from one place to another. Motoko received her MFA from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor at New Mexico State University. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally including at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft, the Oakland Museum of California, and Nobana Art Works in Ginza in Tokyo. Publications include 500 Plastic Jewelry design by Lark Books, New Rings: 500+ Designs from Around the World by Nicolas Estrada, and Humor in Craft by Brigitte Martin.

Motoko Furuhashi, Anthony, 2016, Tape, road segments, brass, silver, powder coat, paint: Motoko Furuhashi, Anthony, 2016, Tape, road segments, brass, silver, powder coat, paint


Furuhashi Artist Statement:
“I am deeply fascinated with imperfection and the complexity of the natural cycle of growth, decay, and death as the processes that govern life. The overall intent with my work has been to slow the viewer down and make what goes unnoticed important. By highlighting what is viewed as imperfect my work can bring relevance to the object. My belief is that objects only gain importance when the artist draws attention to them. My work is a shift in the meaning of perfection, transforming our perception of reality to new perspectives.”

 Motoko Furuhashi, NMSU Parking Lot (New Mexico State University), 2016, Tape, road segments, brass, silver, powder coat, paint: Motoko Furuhashi, NMSU Parking Lot (New Mexico State University), brooch – 2016, Tape, road segments, brass, silver, powder coat, paintDemitra Thomloudis and Motoko Furuhashi, Site 9, 2016, Nickel silver, fabric, steel: Demitra Thomloudis and Motoko Furuhashi, Site 9, 2016, Nickel silver, fabric, steel


Thomloudis Artist Statement:
My jewelry is influenced by the ve­­rnacular architecture and landscapes of site-specific locations. This interest has led me to identify particular aesthetic characteristics and construction techniques that I employ to create works to be worn on the body. As an artist using jewelry and objects as an artistic format for self-expression, my work intends to challenge the construct of the medium as a means to examine value, material sign systems, and extensions of personal and place identity. By relating to the aesthetics of architecture, landscape, and place in this way, I see jewelry having the potential to connect us closer to the world we are surrounded by.”

Demitra Thomloudis and Motoko Furuhashi, Site 5, 2016, Steel, sand, dry grass, acrylic, paint, land segment, silver: Demitra Thomloudis and Motoko Furuhashi, Site 5, 2016, Steel, sand, dry grass, acrylic, paint, land segment, silver – Site #5 Anthony
The border town of Texas and New Mexico is Anthony. There Anthony, NM and Anthony, TX sit next to each other.

Demitra Thomloudis and Motoko Furuhashi, Site 2, 2016, Nickel silver, brass, silver, land segment, ink jet print, gesso: Demitra Thomloudis and Motoko Furuhashi, Site 2, 2016, Nickel silver, brass, silver, land segment, ink
jet print, gesso – - Site #2 Las Cruces (Near NMSU)  From land of Native Americans, the Spanish territory of New Mexico has been established over the time. These streets created here continue to develop and allows us access to the land.

Demitra Thomloudis and Motoko Furuhashi, Site 8, 2016, Steel, brass, cement, resin, pigment, fibers: Demitra Thomloudis and Motoko Furuhashi, Site 8, 2016, Steel, brass, cement, resin, pigment, fibers

Demitra Thomloudis and Motoko Furuhashi: Site #4, 2016 Steel, sand, dry grass, acrylic, paint, land segment, silver Site #4 Vado Demitra Thomloudis and Motoko Furuhashi: Site #4, 2016 Steel, sand, dry grass, acrylic, paint, land segment, s

ilver Site #4 Vado
New Mexico’s relaxing life style is highlighted by the vivid colors of the orange and beige sand, dry green grass, tumbleweeds, and its rectangular shaped farm lands.  


Velvet da Vinci
2015 Polk Street,
San Francisco, CA 94109
Phone: 415-441-0109
Hours: Tuesday through Saturday, 11am – 6pm, Sunday, 11am – 4pm



EXPO (during AJW) ‘Art+Jewelry : Intersecting Spaces’ – Melanithros art space, Athens (GR) – 29 Juin-3 Juillet 2016



Group exhbiiton Art + Jewelry : Intersecting Spaces, Athens Jewelry Week

Opening 29/6/2016 @ 19h

Melanithros (art space) Group exhbiiton Art + Jewelry : Intersecting Spaces, Athens Jewelry Week, Opening 29/6/2016,Melanithros (art space)


25 selected Greek jewelry designers meet in a common ground aiming to push the boundaries and expand their action, considering jewelry as an Art form.

ARTISTSAggelika DiplariAnastasia KandarakiAntria PrasinouAngelos KonstantakatosAngelica KomisArtemis ValsamakiCorinna KoutouziDemitra ThomloudisDespina PantazopoulouDora HaralambakiEfharis AlepidisElisavet MessiErato KouloubiEvangelia DimitriouIoli LivadaIro KaskaniKaterina GlykaLiana PattihisMarina ZachouNicole PolentasRevekka Moustaki ZeiVictoria IoannidouVivi TouloumidiXenia DeimeziYiota Vogli

  Dora Haralambaki - UNTITLED -  Necklace -  Porcelain, threads, pearls, bronze, acrylics.Dora Haralambaki – UNTITLED -  Necklace -  Porcelain, threads, pearls, bronze, acrylics. Aggelika Diplari  brooch  LOSS [IN A POSITIVE WAY].  Brooch. Wood, agentium silver,acrylics, stainless steel. Aggelika Diplari  brooch  LOSS [IN A POSITIVE WAY].  Brooch. Wood, agentium silver,acrylics, stainless steel

 AnastasiaKandaraki_Living-Ruins-VI_ring Anastasia Kandaraki -  LIVING RUINS VΙ  – Ring – K14 yellow gold, oxidized sterling silver

 ANDRIA-PRASINOU  WHEN I LOST MY PETALS I SAW MY TRUTH  Neckpiece. Βronze, rice paper, resin, acrylics. ANDRIA PRASINOU-  WHEN I LOST MY PETALS I SAW MY TRUTH – Neckpiece. Βronze, rice paper, resin, acrylics.

  Angelos Konstantakatos - DIFFERENCES  Brooch. Mushroom, oxidised silver, resins, colour. Angelos-Konstantakatos   DIFFERENCES – Brooch – Mushroom, oxidised silver, resins, colour

Artemis Valsamaki - THE TEMPLE OF HUMAN ANATOMY  Pendant. Copper, silver, acrylic paint.Artemis Valsamaki – THE TEMPLE OF HUMAN ANATOMY  Pendant. Copper, silver, acrylic paint

Demitra Thomloudis _VIENTO_BLOCK 1 &2  Brooches. Cement, steel, resin, paint, nickel silver, pigment. Cast, fabricated.Demitra Thomloudis -VIENTO_BLOCK 1 &2  Brooches. Cement, steel, resin, paint, nickel silver, pigment. Cast, fabricated

Despina Pantazopoulou  - ARSIS-THESIS  Brooch. Silver 925. Hand fabricated, pierced.: Despina Pantazopoulou  – ARSIS-THESIS  Brooch. Silver 925. Hand fabricated, pierced

Efharis Alepedis |Black and White [necklace] Leather, coral, 18 K yellow gold. Constructed, assembled.: Efharis Alepedis |Black and White [necklace] Leather, coral, 18 K yellow gold. Constructed, assembled

Elisavet Messi - IONMES  Statement necklace. Recycled silver (925), fabric. Entaglement. Compression.Elisavet Messi – IONMES  Statement necklace. Recycled silver (925), fabric. Entaglement. Compression

Erato Kouloubi - MONOMOLECULAR  Neckpiece. Tar, bronze, pigment, plastic bag.Erato Kouloubi – MONOMOLECULAR  Neckpiece. Tar, bronze, pigment, plastic bag

 Evangelia Dimitriou - SUBVERSION Brooch. Bronze, plaster, colour. Evangelia Dimitriou - SUBVERSION Brooch. Bronze, plaster, colour

Ioli Livada - SOUL  Brooch. Sterling silver rhodium plated, ceramic, thread. Cast.Ioli Livada – SOUL  Brooch. Sterling silver rhodium plated, ceramic, thread. Cast

Athens Jewelry Week  -   IRO KASKANI    Rook 2 Pendant Silver, jesmonite, sponge  #Athensjewelryweek #2016 #AJW #IroKaskani Iro Kaskani: Iro Kaskani -ROOK 2  Pendant. Sterling silver, jesmonite, foam. Hand fabricated

Katerina Glyka - WEAPON OR FORTRESS?  Pendant. Stone, bronze, iron, concrete, resin, rope. Mixed media.Katerina Glyka - WEAPON OR FORTRESS?  Pendant. Stone, bronze, iron, concrete, resin, rope. Mixed media

 Liana Pattihis - RED CLIMBING ROSE NECKLACE, Chained Interpretations Collection  Necklace. Silver trace chain, silver light trace chain, silver cable chain, enamel. L105cm Liana Pattihis – RED CLIMBING ROSE NECKLACE, Chained Interpretations Collection  Necklace. Silver trace chain, silver light trace chain, silver cable chain, enamel. L105cm

Marina Zachou WE FEEL WITHOUT CHOOSING  Brooch. Copper, bronze, silver, pvc, varnish.Marina Zachou WE FEEL WITHOUT CHOOSING  Brooch. Copper, bronze, silver, pvc, varnish

Nicole Polentas - THE ORIENTATION  Neckpiece (detail). Sterling silver, copper, resin, glass powder, coral, pearls, paint, alabaster, poly-putty, epoxy, acrylic, image printed on aluminium. Fusion, fabrication, casting.Nicole Polentas - THE ORIENTATION  Neckpiece (detail). Sterling silver, copper, resin, glass powder, coral, pearls, paint, alabaster, poly-putty, epoxy, acrylic, image printed on aluminium. Fusion, fabrication, casting.

RevekkaMoustaki-Zei  ''Topologies'' Brooch Electroformed copper, carbon fibre  Athensjewelryweek #2016Revekka Moustaki Zei - TOPOLOGIES – Brooch – Copper, carbon fibre. Electroformed.

Victoria Ioannidou - EMERGENT MERGING…OR VIOLENT SEPARATION…  Brooch. Paper, Silicone, acrylics,thread, bronze.Victoria Ioannidou – EMERGENT MERGING…OR VIOLENT SEPARATION…  Brooch. Paper, Silicone, acrylics,thread, bronze

Vivi Touloumidi - WHAT WILL KOSMOS SAY?  Brooch. Pumice, stainless steel.Vivi Touloumidi – WHAT WILL KOSMOS SAY?  Brooch. Pumice, stainless steel.

Xenia Deimezi - “the procedure” Οbject Leather, fabric, sandpaper, duct tape, plastic net, plastic sheet silicone, iron nails  Xenia Deimezi - “the procedure” Οbject Leather, fabric, sandpaper, duct tape, plastic net, plastic sheet silicone, iron nails

Yiota Vogli, Islands, Layers of Memory, silver, oxidation, bronze, argentum, paper Yiota Vogli - « Islands », Layers of Memory, silver, oxidation, bronze, argentum, paper



Melanithros (art space)
4 Zappa str.,
11635 Athènes
Opening hours: 12.00-21.00
tel +30 21 0363 6904


During SCHMUCK 2016 : EXPO ‘The BOX’ – Galerie Biró Junior, Munich (DE) – 25-28 Fevr. 2016

Galerie Biró Junior in cooperation with Bella Neyman & Ruta Reifen from Platforma, New York
#39 – curator: Platforma, Bella Neyman & Ruta Reifen, New York

Galerie Biró Junior in cooperation with Bella Neyman & Ruta Reifen from Platforma, New York. The curators of The Box posed a unique challenge to a select group of artists. Take 5 readymade materials purchased at the dollar store & give value to something invaluable by creating 3 wearable pieces of jewelry.  This challenge feeds into the contemporary jewelry artists’ interest in working with non-precious & alternative materials. The group includes3 American & 3 European art:

 Artists:  Sofia Björkman, SW — Réka Lörincz, HU — Bruce Metcalf, USA –  Gisbert Stach, DE — Demitra Thomloudis, USA – Timothy Veske-McMahon, USA
The curators of  The Box posed a unique challenge to a select group of artists. Take 5 readymade materials purchased at the dollar store & give value to something invaluable by creating 3 wearable pieces of jewelry. This challenge feeds into the contemporary jewelry artists’ interest in working with non-precious & alternative materials.
The group includes three American and three European artists. They are Bruce Metcalf, Demi Thomloudis, Timothy Veske-McMahon, Sofia Björkman, Réka Lörinz and Gisbert Stach.
Each artist received a box containing five standard size white envelopes, a small white towel, three white erasers, three CDs, and a can of Diet Coke. The materials were chosen because they are all white and echo a metaphorical blank page. These items can also be manipulated in multiple ways.

THE BOX Galerie Biró Junior

 Réka Lörincz necklace for THE BOXRéka Lörincz necklace for THE BOX

pendant by Sofia Björkman - part of THE BOX exhibition during SCHMUCK 2016pendant by Sofia Björkman – part of THE BOX exhibition during SCHMUCK 2016

brooch by Sofia Björkman - part of THE BOX exhibitionbrooch by Sofia Björkman – part of THE BOX exhibition

 Demitra Ryan-Thomloudis - Brooch: Hollow Formed Cement, resin, cloth, diet coke can, CD, paint, Nickel silver for the BOX: Demitra Ryan-Thomloudis – Brooch: Hollow Formed Cement, resin, cloth, diet coke can, CD, paint, Nickel silver – for the BOX exhibition

Bruce Metcalf -  Second brooch for "The Box." Made from a Diet Coke can, envelopes, plexiglass, moonstone, glass cabochon, and silver. Height 4 1/2""Bruce Metcalf -  Second brooch for « The Box. » Made from a Diet Coke can, envelopes, plexiglass, moonstone, glass cabochon, and silver. Height 4 1/2″ »


Galerie Biró Junior
Freiraum , Pestalozzistraße 8,
80469 München
Thu-Sat 11:00 – 18:00, Sun 12:00-15:00






EXPO ‘Unclasped’ – The Hellenic Museum, Melbourne (AU) – 6 Fevr.-3 Avril 2016

Unclasped: Discovering Contemporary Greek Jewellery

Unclasped is an exhibition of contemporary jewellery objects, bringing together and examining the practices of twenty-two artists of Greek descent currently working in Greece, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Cyprus and Australia.
The exhibition aims to provide a platform for contemporary thought in order to highlight the work of both established and emerging international Greek artists.
Exploring the connections between the manufacture and the act of wearing jewellery, the works encompass a wide variety of contemporary jewellery making techniques and mediums; expressing the diverse nature of modern jewellery practice within the Hellenic diaspora.


Exhibiting Jewellers:  Aggelika DiplariAkis GoumasAnastasia KandarakiArtemis ValsamakiChristina Karakalpaki Constantinos Kyriacou — Danae Natsis — Demitra Thomloudis — Dimitris Nikolaidis — Efharis AlepedisErato KouloubiGeorge GiannoutsosIsmini PachiLiana PattihisMala SiamptaniMaria TsimpiskakiNicole PolentasNiki StylianouPoly Nikolopoulou — Vicky Kanellopoulos — Vivi Touloumidi – Zeta Tsermou

Unclasped is presented as part of the Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival’s Cultural Program Project Series 2016.

 UNCLASPED - Akis Goumas - Mystic blue: Akis Goumas – Mystic blue

Unclasped  - Vicky Kanellopoulos 'Vroom vroom vroom': Vicky Kanellopoulos ‘Vroom vroom vroom’

UNCLASPED - Efharis Alepedis - Black sea urchin necklace: Efharis Alepedis - Black sea urchin necklace

Unclasped  - Poly Nikolopoulou - "Iliahtida /Ηλιαχτίδα" brooch / silver / pigment: Poly Nikolopoulou – « Iliahtida /Ηλιαχτίδα » brooch / silver / pigment

" Living Ruins I ", brooch, oxidized silver by Anastasia Kandaraki Photo by Orestis Rovakis: Anastasia Kandaraki « Living Ruins I », brooch, oxidized silver – Photo by Orestis Rovakis 

Unclasped  - Nicole Polentas - 'the orientation': Nicole Polentas – ‘the orientation’

UNCLASPED - Nicole Polentas - The pass 2016: Nicole Polentas – « The pass » 2016

Artemis Valsamaki  Cosmos brooch: Artemis Valsamaki  Cosmos brooch

Constantinos Kyriacou -   ring: LEAVE AGAIN LIVE AGAIN - sterling and fine silver. acrylic color.: Constantinos Kyriacou -   ring: LEAVE AGAIN LIVE AGAIN – sterling and fine silver. acrylic color

Friday 5 February, 1pm – ​free

LECTURE: Greek Jewellery: The Old and the New by Emeritus Professor Robert Baines
Friday 12 February, 1pm – free

ARTIST FLOOR TALK: Dr Nicole Polentas
Friday 26 February, 1pm – ​free

KIDS WORKSHOP: Contemporary Jewellery Making and Design
Saturday 5 March, 1pm – $20
Suitable for children 6+

ARTIST FLOOR TALK: Vicky Kanellopoulos
Friday 11 March, 1pm – ​free





The Hellenic Museum
280 William Street,
VIC 3000 – Australia
Phone +613 8615 9016

Opening Times: 
Tues – Sun 10AM – 4PM


COUP de COEUR : Demitra Thomloudis

Classé dans : ALLIAGES (FR),COUP DE COEUR,Demi THOMLOUDIS (US),Gal. Alliages (FR) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:44

Demitra Thomloudis

« Our bodies perpetually occupy the built environment. My work attempts to reverse these roles and interactions by allowing the visual language found within constructed spaces an opportunity to intimately coexist and inhabit the body. I examine and challenge formal architectural organization and its materials in an attempt to redefine and elevate its presence within the construct of jewelry. As artifact my jewelry captures a moment between material, time and place that purposefully interacts with human form. By relating to the aesthetics of architecture in this way I see jewelry having the potential to connect us closer to the world we are surrounded by. » (actually exhibited (and sold) at Alliages)

Demitra Thomloudis - Alliages Permanent 2015 - Highlighting Demitra Thomloudis – necklace « Reconstruct » serie

Demitra Thomloudis - necklace "Reconstruct" serie - detailDemitra Thomloudis – necklace « Reconstruct » serie – detail

Demitra Thomloudis - Alliages Permanent 2015 - HighlightingDemitra Thomloudis - REVEALED COLLAPSE serie necklace

« REVEALED COLLAPSE attempts to analyze the point of disjunction associated with its materials, construction, and the composition itself.  The necklaces exude the strong presence of actual line, which, when worn, surrounds the body and lies in tension with the softness of the figure. Moments within the line structure are highlighted with color, volume and irregularity, which act as ornament within the necklace itself.  With these pieces, I am interested in the body’s physical coexistence with the constructed form and how the interaction with the wearer activates and completes the work. « 

Demitra Thomloudis - Alliages Permanent 2015 - HighlightingDemitra Thomloudis REVEALED COLLAPSE serie necklace

« RECONSTRUCT is a collection of jewelry inspired by the fragmentary aesthetic of informal architectural construction, temporary spaces and bricolage. This work exemplifies a particular act of making, where materials are curated, constructed and remnants from the maker are celebrated. Through the lens of jewelry and changes in scale, weight, and texture, these assemblages ask the viewer to consider new associations to raw construction materials and their intimate relationship to the body as adornment. « 

Demitra Thomloudis - brooch - Alliages Permanent 2015 - HighlightingDemitra Thomloudis – Reconstruct brooch

Demitra Thomloudis - brooch - ReconstructDemitra Thomloudis – brooch – Reconstruct

Demitra Thomloudis - brooch - RemnantsDemi Thomloudis – Remnants serie of brooches
« REMNANTS implements the structural language of the urban built environment.  Hand fabricated out of steel, sterling silver and embellished with  graphite pencil, my work borrows and deconstructs the organization and materials of constructed spaces. Within these simple forms ornament is described and invented through the simplicity of an edge, a sand paper mark or the junction of the materials themselves. »

Demitra Thomloudis is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor at The University of Texas at El Paso. In August 2014 she concluded a 12-month residency at the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft. Demitra received her MFA from San Diego State University and her BFA from the Cleveland Institute of Art. Demitra is a recipient of the Bedichek-Orman Professional Development Grant, a 2015 Nominee for the American Craft Council Emerging Voices Award and is a Society of North American Goldsmiths’ Emerging Artist  featured at SOFA Chicago 2014 with representation by Charon Kransen Arts.

Demitra’s work has been included in many exhibitions such as New Traditional Jewellery “Confrontations”  Netherlands; 2013 Beijing International Jewelry Art Biennial; Galerie Marzee International Graduate Exhibition, Netherlands; Suspend(ed) in Pink, an international exhibition which traveled to Germany, United Kingdom, Austria, Paris, and the USA; CHAIN project at A CASA, Museum of Brazilian Object in São Paulo, Brazil; and La Fontera which debuted at Museo Franz Mayer, Mexico City and traveled within U.S. courtesy Velvet Da Vinci Gallery.  Publications include 500 Plastic and Resin Jewelry and 500 Enameled Objects published by Lark Books, The Art of Jewelry: Plastic & Resin: Techniques, Projects and Inspiration and New Necklaces: 500+ Designs from Around the World, By Nicolas Estrada Barcelona.


EXPO ‘Empreintes’ – Alliages, Lille (FR) – 1er Avril-30 Juill. 2015

Empreinte : trace laissé par une personne. 40 artistes issus du monde du bijou contemporain, de la céramique et du verre laissent leur empreinte à ALLIAGES. Ils nous dévoilent leurs rêves et nous laissent voir leur monde imaginaire.

Impression : trace left by a person. 40 artists from the world of contemporary jewelery, ceramics and glass to leave their mark at ALLIAGES. They reveal to us their dreams and show us their imaginary world.
Impressions, the permanent exhibition at Alliages, renewed continously.

Opening next Friday April 24th, 18:30 / Vernissage vendredi 24 avril à 18h30

Alliages - EMPREINTES avril 2015(collier Jee Hye Kwon)

The Permanent 2015, showing works of Aiko FujitaAlice ClarkeAna-Belén MonteroAna Garcia MoyaAngela BermudezAngela Ciobanu Anja Eichler  Anke Huyben  Barbara Uderzo Beate Pfefferkorn Inou Beru –  Burcu Sulek Cata Gibert Chun-Tai Chen Clara DelPapa Claudia SteinerDemitra Ryan-ThomloudisDora HaralambakiElin FlognmanFabienne ChristynFederica Sala Francine SchloethGeorge GiannoutsosGigi MarianiHelena Johansson LindellInbar ShahakIsabelle Busnel  –  Ismini PachiIzabella PetrutJee Hye KwonJessica AndersenJose MarinJuan Riusech  Kaori KuriharaKaren VanmolKonstantinos Konstantopoulos Leslie Shershow  Lluís Comín Lucilla Giovanninetti Mar Sanchez Margarita Alonso Maria Rosa Franzin  Maria Solórzano  Maria Tsimpiskaki Minna Karhu   Niki Stylianou Nicole Schuster  Nicole Taubinger  Patricia Gallucci Paula Isola  Peter Hoogeboom Sabine Pagliarulo  Sangji Yun Sébastien Carré Şenay Akın Silvia Beccaria Sophie Giet  Steffi Götze  Teresa F Faris –  Tracy NicholsValérie Ceulemans Valentina Gallo & Camilla Gallo –  Vasia Pachi  Wu Ching-Chih Ye-jee Lee –  Yu Ping Lin –  Zeta Tsermou

 Permanent 2015 - Highlighting Demitra Ryan-Thomloudis, Sangji Yun & Chun-Tai ChenPermanent 2015 – April Highlighting  Demitra Ryan-Thomloudis, Sangji Yun & Chun-Tai Chen

Permanent 2015 - March Highlighting Lluís Comín, Gigi Mariani, Angela Ciobanu & Maria-Rosa FranzinPermanent 2015 – March Highlighting : Lluís Comín, Gigi Mariani, Angela Ciobanu & Maria-Rosa Franzin
Permanent 2015 - Highlighting Maria Tsimpiskaki, Angela Bermudez, Zeta Tsermou & Minna KarhuPermanent 2015 – Highlighting Maria Tsimpiskaki, Angela Bermudez, Zeta Tsermou & Minna Karhu
 Aiko Fujita Necklace: Dans une suite, 2014 Wool, gold wire 40 x 45 x 15 cm.Aiko Fujita Necklace: Dans une suite, 2014 Wool, gold wire 40 x 45 x 15 cm.
 Sébastien Carré Ring: Inflammation, 2015 Jasper, Cornelian, beads, silk, cotton, elastic thread 8 x 3 x 3 cm.Sébastien Carré Ring: Inflammation, 2015 Jasper, Cornelian, beads, silk, cotton, elastic thread 8x3x3cm.
  Angela Ciobanu Ring: Forget-Me-Not, 2014 Silver, 24k gold foil, recycled silk paper, saw blades 6 x 6 x 7 cm Photo by: Angela Ciobanu From series: Forget-Me-NotAngela Ciobanu Ring: Forget-Me-Not, 2014 Silver, 24k gold foil, recycled silk paper, saw blades 6 x 6 x 7 cm Photo by: Angela Ciobanu From series: Forget-Me-Not
  Teresa Faris Necklace: Collaboration with a Bird lV, #4, 2015 925 silver, wood altered by a bird, 18K gold 10.2 x 11.5 x 1.3 cm, 51.2 cm chain   .Teresa Faris Necklace: Collaboration with a Bird lV, #4, 2015 925 silver, wood altered by a bird, 18K gold 10.2 x 11.5 x 1.3 cm, 51.2 cm chain


111, Bd. Victor Hugo
F-59000 LILLE
Horaires : Lundi-Vendredi : 10h – 17h / Samedi : 10h-16h



EXPO ‘Connected Construct’ – Flickinger Fine Arts Center, Houston (USA) – 25 Aout-10 Sept. 2014

Caitie Sellers & Demitra Thomloudis : Connected Construct -

San Jacinto College South, Flickinger Fine Arts Center (Houston, United States) 25-Aug-2014 – 10-Sep-2014


Caitie Sellers and Demitra Thomloudis: Connected Construct

Inspired by the Houston landscape, Thomloudis and Sellers intimately examine and transform their surroundings through the lens of jewelry, mapping, and drawing. Their work observes moments between materials, time, and place that ultimately interacts with the body as site and collectively produces a snapshot of the sprawling Houston landscape.

Demitra Thomloudis, Brooch, Demitra Thomloudis – Brooch: 4825 Chenevert Street: Houston YellowReclaimed shingle, nickel silver, wood, steel, graphite pencil, 14 gold leaf

Demitra Thomloudis Necklace: 4813 JacksonSstreet: Houston Yellow Tape Reclaimed stair spindle, nickel silver, wood, steel, paintDemitra Thomloudis Necklace: 4813 JacksonSstreet: Houston Yellow Tape Reclaimed stair spindle, nickel silver, wood, steel, paint

Caitie Sellers Rings: Highway ring series Silver and copperCaitie Sellers Rings: Highway ring series Silver and copper

Caitie Sellers Necklace: Highway Silver and copperCaitie Sellers Necklace: Highway Silver and copper

Caitie Sellers - Houston drawings 2014Caitie Sellers – Houston drawings 2014

Caitie Sellers......each one a scene...Caitie Sellers


San Jacinto College South, Flickinger Fine Arts Center
13735 Beamer Road
TX 77089 – Houston
United States
Telephone: (281) 464-3420



EXPO ‘ONoff’ – SooLOCAL, Minneapolis (USA) – 24 Avril 2014

ONoff: An Exhibition of Makers that work ON and off the body

jeudi 24 avril 2014 –  18:00 – 21:00 (CDT)

This exhibition will be presented at SooLOCAL: A Division of Soo Visual Arts Center to run in conjunction with the 2014 SNAG conference in Minneapolis, MN.

 ONoff Exhibition.
image details: Manuela Jimenez - Right: Casi… 2013 / Left: She is Getting Lighter 2012
One would expect Jewelry artists to be limited to objects of personal adornment, but many contemporary makers in this field have gone beyond the constraints of functionality to pursue conceptual interests in areas such as photography, kinetics and sculpture.This exhibition seeks makers whose work demands exploration both on and off of the body. What happens when a metalsmith goes beyond the boundaries of the wearable? How does the work change when function and jewelry mechanics no longer need to be considered? Can the conversation continue seamlessly from a necklace into an installation or sculpture? The exhibition will feature two works by each artist selected: one piece of jewelry or wearable object and one piece that shifts in scale, medium or material in order to further investigate their ideas.Juror: Susie GanchSusie Ganch is currently Associate Professor and Head of the Metals Program at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. She is also Director of Radical Jewelry Makeover, an international traveling community jewelry mining and recycling project. Exhibition Organizers: Sarah Holden and Kat Cole
ONoff Exhibition Artists Katja Toporski — Lisa Phelps-Havelin — Rachel Timmins — Manuela Jimenez — Kelly MccallumBrooke Swanson Gabriel CraigHeejin HwangCaitie SellersMelissa CameronStephanie Lynn VoegeleBillie J. TheideMasako Onodera — Evin Dubois — Jill Gower — Alexis Archibald –  April Wood — Demi ThomloudisDavid ChoiSarah HoldenKat Cole
A Division of SooVAC
3506 Nicollet Avenue South,
Minneapolis, MN 55408  – USA