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EXPO ‘20/20/20’ – Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h, Montreal (CA) – 26 Nov. 2016-25 Fevr. 2017


Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h‎ 

Inauguration vendredi 25 novembre à 17:00 – 20:00

20 Ans / 20 Artistes Canadiens / 20 Artistes Internationaux – Galerie Noel Guyomarch:

«La Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h est impliquée dans un grand dessein. Son objectif? Faire découvrir au plus grand monde qu’il existe une forme d’art que l’on peut porter» Susan Cummins, Présidente du Art Jewelry Forum, Conseillère en joaillerie pour la Fondation Rotasa.

Josée Desjardins -  Oracle, 2016 Bague en argent, orthose, porcelaine, linoleumJosée Desjardins -  Oracle, 2016 Bague en argent, orthose, porcelaine, linoleum

C’est en 1992 que Noel Guyomarc’h, alors assistant dans une bijouterie montréalaise, expérimente le choc de sa première rencontre avec le bijou contemporain. Ce jour, la créatrice québécoise Barbara Stutman présente un bracelet composé de tubes en plastique et de fil d’argent. Profondément intrigué par cette pièce unique, il cesse alors de percevoir le bijou comme un simple ornement et réalise que ce dernier peut véhiculer un message, une réflexion, et proposer une approche nouvelle, tant esthétique que conceptuelle. Au cours des années suivantes, Noel Guyomarc’h approfondit ses recherches sur le sujet et rencontre de nombreux artistes. Il n’aura dès lors de cesse de questionner le bijou et la pratique même de la joaillerie contemporaine. Il ouvre sa galerie, entièrement dédiée au bijou contemporain, en 1996. Depuis plus de 20 ans maintenant, Noel Guyomarc’h agit comme commissaire, diffuseur, promoteur et conseiller. Son expérience et son goût lui valent d’être aujourd’hui reconnu comme l’un des principaux spécialistes de la discipline au Québec et à l’international. Il a organisé plus de 90 expositions, individuelles et collectives, parfois itinérantes. Régulièrement invité en tant que jury et conférencier, il est depuis quelques années évaluateur, entre autres, pour le musée des Beaux Arts de Montréal. De par un dialogue personnel, la promotion d’expositions ou encore l’expérience d’ateliers créatifs, Noel Guyomarc’h a su accompagner et pousser les artistes dans leurs reflexions tout en leur offrant une nouvelle visibilité, à la galerie tout d’abord mais aussi sur la scène internationale comme récemment à SOFA Chicago. Questionner le bijou comme objet d’art, l’ouvrir à de nouvelles inspirations, explorer de nouvelles voies de fabrication et d’interprétation, voici quelques unes des pistes que la galerie choisit de mettre en avant. Elle valorise ainsi des artistes qui proposent une esthétique originale et innovatrice, qui questionnent le bijou, son impact, sa relation au corps, les possibilités et limites des matériaux et des techniques, et qui, en un mot, cherchent à le réinventer. D’un petit espace dans un édifice culturel rue Sainte Catherine, la galerie s’est ensuite installée au 137 avenue Laurier ouest avant de déménager Boulevard St Laurent il y a 5 ans. Elle est aujourd’hui la seule galerie dédiée uniquement à la discipline du bijou contemporain au Canada. Le 25 novembre prochain, c’est avec fierté et émotion que la galerie Noel Guyomarc’h célèbrera ses vingt années d’existence.  Une exposition anniversaire « 20/20/20 : 20 ans, 20 artistes canadiens, 20 artistes internationaux » présentera à cette occasion les travaux de plusieurs artistes avec lesquels Noel Guyomarc’h travaille régulièrement depuis des années : 20 créateurs de bijoux canadiens et 20 créateurs étrangers qui, tous, ont répondu présent à l’invitation. Ils présenteront de nouvelles pièces, spécifiquement créées pour l’exposition. Témoignage à la fois de la richesse de cette pratique artistique et de la tache colossale accomplie par Noël Guyomarc’h au cours de ces 20 dernières années, l’exposition mettra en scène des artistes reconnus internationalement comme l’espagnol Ramon Puig Cuyas, l’américaine Rebecca Hannon ou encore le canadien Paul McClure, récent récipiendaire du prestigieux Prix Saidye Bronfman, mais aussi de jeunes créateurs émergents (Gabrielle Desmarais, Silvie Altschuler, Anne-Marie Rébillard…) pour qui l’appui de Noel Guyomarc’h a été décisif.


20 Artistes Canadiens : Silvie Altschuler –  Bridget Catchpole –  Josée Desjardins –  Gabrielle Desmarais — Christine Dwane –  Anne Fauteux –  Vivienne Jones –  Janis Kerman –  Christine Larochelle – Petra Luz – Paul McClure –  Pierre-Yves Paquette –  Anne-Marie Rébillard –  Pamela Ritchie – Dorothée Rosen — Jan Smith –  Kye-Yeon Son – Despo Sophocleous –  Barbara Stutman –  Lawrence Woodford

20 Artistes Internationaux : Dina Abargil – Ela Bauer – Edith Bellod – Monika Brugger Ramon Puig Cuyas Sandra Enterline – Grego Garcia Tebar – Rebecca Hannon – Arthur Hash – Mirjam Hiller – Yu Hiraishi – Peter Hoogeboom – Yong Joo Kim Judy McCaig – Biba Schutz Silke SpitzerLuzia Vogt Andrea Wagner – Silvia Walz – Shu-Lin Wu

Bridget Catchpole, Dear, What Have You Done With Nana’s Pearl?, 2016, Perles, plastique, argent, rubanBridget Catchpole, Dear, What Have You Done With Nana’s Pearl?, 2016, Perles, plastique, argent, ruban

 Ramon Puig Cuyas -  N°1529, 2014 ‘Suite Dresden : An invisible Landscape’, nickel silver, enamelRamon Puig Cuyas -  N°1529, 2014 ‘Suite Dresden : An invisible Landscape’, nickel silver, enamel

 Silvia Walz, Wind from the South- West, 2016 Broche en acier et émail Silvia Walz, Wind from the South- West, 2016 Broche en acier et émail

 Mirjam Hiller, Arcanes cities and Landscapes, 2014 Broche en acier, titane et poudre thermoplastique Mirjam Hiller, Arcanes cities and Landscapes, 2014 Broche en acier, titane et poudre thermoplastique

Pamela Ritchie, Alien Landscape, 2016 Broche en bois, polymère, argent, peinturePamela Ritchie, Alien Landscape, 2016 Broche en bois, polymère, argent, peinture

Grego Garcia Tebar, Loro Extasiado, 2016 Pendentif en méthacrylate, plastique, argent, cristalGrego Garcia Tebar, Loro Extasiado, 2016 Pendentif en méthacrylate, plastique, argent, cristal



Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h
4836 boulevard St-Laurent
H2T 1R5 - Montreal CANADA
tel (514) 840 9362   





During SCHMUCK 2016 : EXPO ‘A TRIBUTE TO MANFRED BISCHOFF’ – 3stations, Munich (DE) – 24-28 Fevr. 2016

A TRIBUTE TO MANFRED BISCHOFF   – 43 Students Pay Homage
43 of his former students from 22 countries who will each show a piece at the exhibition, dedicated to Manfred’s golden “Fingerpuppets” by creating their own little version of Manfred, the real golden boy.

Opening 24.02.2016 18:00

« About the exhibition :  A former student, Isabel Dammermann, took it upon herself to make a special event for the teacher Manfred Bischoff who inspired so many. At the same time, she has managed to create a very interesting exhibition that is on display during the Munich Jewellery week 2016. »

tribute to manfred Bischoff

43 Students Pay Homage :  Dina Abargil — Noriko Akao — Silvie AltschulerRinaldo AlvarezKatharina AsamEunjae BaekSuzanne Beautyman — Silje Bergsvik — Catalina BrenesDaniela BoieriShannon CarneyMarianne Casmose DenningMonica Cecchi – Yu- Chun Chen — Sungho Cho — Claudia Costa — Isabel DammermannElisa DevalCoco DunmireKatie GruberJoanne HuangSayaka ItoAnastasia KandarakiKarin KatoRallou KatsariMichelle KraemerAra KuoSiri O. KvalfossMaru LopezMartina MühlfellnerMalaika Najem — Naoka Nakamura — Angela O’KeefeSelen ÖzusNaama Reich Jimena RiosMarzia RossiAlessia SemeraroYoko ShimizuYuki Sumiya Rudee TancharoenFlora VagiAnne Wiedau

Jewellery artists from 22 countries all over the world come together in a memorial exhibition for Manfred Bischoff who passed away a year ago. At some point or other, they have all been taught by Manfred at Alchimia, contemporary jewellery school in Florence, and have each submitted one piece to the exhibition that honours a great teacher.
German born Manfred Bischoff lived in Tuscany in a house that was in itself a piece of exquisite art. Its magical interior made a natural and perfect framework for his work that has been called by many names: sensual, poetic, lyrical, great, intimate, strong, beautiful, satirical and always surprising. He worked in 22K gold, as pure as he could manage and still maintain a rigidity in the metal that allowed him to execute his ideas in delicate and well crafted pieces, often accompanied with subtle pink coral and drawings.
His dedication to the language of jewellery and his visions were most likely one of the reasons that the Alchimia school managed to become known and respected internationally in a relatively short time span.

  Manfred BischoffManfred Bischoff by Manfred Bischoff

Daniela Boieri, "Wind beneath my wings" - "A tribute to Manfred Bischoff" –  photo OHMYBLUE: Daniela Boieri, « Wind beneath my wings » – « A tribute to Manfred Bischoff » –  photo OHMYBLUE

 Catalina Brenes Orfebre, "My sheep and I say hi" - "A tribute to Manfred Bischoff" – photo OHMYBLUE: Catalina Brenes , « My sheep and I say hi » – « A tribute to Manfred Bischoff » – photo OHMYBLUE

Katie Gruber - "A tribute to Manfred Bischoff" –  - photo OHMYBLUE: Katie Gruber - « A tribute to Manfred Bischoff » – photo OHMYBLUE

Rudee Tancharoen, "In the memory of Manfred Bischoff"/ A tribute to Manfred Bischoff (photo OHMYBLUE): Rudee Tancharoen, « In the memory of Manfred Bischoff »/ A tribute to Manfred Bischoff (photo OHMYBLUE)

Noriko Akao, "M..." - "A tribute to Manfred Bischoff" –  photo OHMYBLUE: Noriko Akao, « M… » – « A tribute to Manfred Bischoff » –  photo OHMYBLUE

 collier Ara Kuo !!!!!!!!!! 'A tribute to Manfred Bischoff'  (photo Alliages):  collier Ara Kuo !!!!!!!!!! ‘A tribute to Manfred Bischoff’  (photo Alliages)

The teacher
« As a student at Alchimia, you never really met Manfred until the third year. He was a giant figure who arrived to the narrow street in Florence on Tuesdays. He spent time with the older students, watched the world from behind his sunglasses when he leaned onto the wall at coffee breaks, and then he vanished again.
It was not until you were there yourself – in your final year – that you met the myth and began to appreciate his capacity to engage in your work and to show you how you might develop it. He was a surprisingly selfless teacher, and during critiques in the small classroom he managed to create a space for you and him to engage in a dialogue about your work that was stripped of second agendas and based solely on how he could help you to become a better artist.
It is only later, you come to understand how exceptionally truthful and helpful he tried to be in order to make you grow as a person and as an artist. »



Welserstrasse 15,
81373 Munich
Thu, Fri, Sat 10:00 – 18:00, Sun 10:00 – 14:00



EXPO ‘Telling Tales’ – Art House gallery, Mevasseret Zion (Israel) – 31 Janv.- 28 Fevr. 2014

« Telling Tales« , curated by Jennifer Navva Milliken & Yael Friedman -

Narratives in Contemprary Metal and Jewelry Art

The exhibition presents new works by 22 artists who work primarily in metals, silversmithing, or conceptual art jewelry. Participating artists responded to a curatorial call for artistic interpretations of the stories and fables that have shaped and influenced them. What happens when artists translate the world’s oldest tales into works of art ? The exhibition explores the role of fairy tales, legends, myths, and fables in shaping cultural mores and values, and the influence these time-honored narratives — ranging from the fantastical to the pedagogical to the sternly moralistic — have had on our contemporary existence.
exhibition "Telling Tales", curated by Jennifer Navva Milliken & Yael Friedman - 31 January 2014 in Mevaseret Zion, Yasmin st. 123 Israel. 22 artists are participating : Dina Abargil, Michal Oren, Yakov Bloch, Adar Goldferb, Anat Golan, Ohada Hay-gordon, Naama Haneman, Yasmin Vinograd, Edda Vardimon Gudnason, Daniel Zelig, Hadas Levin, Noa Liran, Sigal Meshorer, Noa Nadir, Shir Pins, Maayan Agmon, Lia Kirel, Dania Chelminsky, Merav Rahat, Kobi Roth, Yaron Shmerkin and Vered Babai

What happens when artists translate the world’s oldest tales into works of art? The exhibition explores the role of fairy tales, legends, myths, and fables in shaping cultural mores and values, and the influence these time-honored narratives — ranging from the fantastical to the pedagogical to the sternly moralistic — have made on our contemporary existence.

22 artists are participating :  Dina AbargilMichal Oren – Yakov Bloch — Adar Goldferb — Anat Golan –  Ohada Hay-gordon — Naama Haneman — Yasmin Vinograd — Edda Vardimon Gudnason — Daniel Zelig — Hadas Levin — Noa Liran — Sigal Meshorer — Noa Nadir — Shir Pins — Maayan Agmon-Kehati — Lia Kirel — Dania Chelminsky — Merav Rahat — Kobi Roth — Yaron Shmerkin – Vered Babai


Noa Liran's "Hansel and Gretl" .................Noa Liran‘s « Hansel and Gretl » is a solution to the design problem faced by Grimm’s infamous brother-sister team. Answering the curatorial call for interactions with non-precious materials, the artist meticulously wrapped popcorn with foil chocolate wrappers, protecting the make-shift trail markers from the hungry birds of the forest. As the pieces accumulated, Liran strung them together, continuing right up until the opening of the exhibition. Her work, as much about the tale it serves as it is about processes of inspiration and creation, illustrates parallels between storytelling and art-making

 Noa Liran Noa Liran « Hansel and Gretl »

anat golan White Steed 1  Anat Golan – « Off with Her Head, » from this series of 3 wearable medallions -
In her work for « Telling Tales, » Anat Golan investigated the tropes of the hero and the heroine in legends and fairy tales and found the gap between archetypal standards of character (particularly in female prototypes) and reality to be unsettlingly divergent. Identifying 2 heroines and a villainess based on their particular virtues and flaws, she created medals of honor for each; the resulting composite personality offers a more authentic portrait of an idiosyncratic contemporary heroine, who — like fairy-tale heroes — has overcome obstacles, suffered loss, and survived to tell the tale.
Daniel Zelig "Hansel & Gretel"  (exhibition "Telling Tales")Daniel Zelig « Hansel & Gretel »
Hadas Levin, "The Tin Man" (exhibition "Telling Tales")Hadas Levin, « The Tin Man »
Edda Vardimon Gudnason - For the Telling Tales exhibition -  illustration of The Red Shoes by H. C. Andersen
Edda Vardimon Gudnason, « The Red Shoes, » from the series « Hans Christian Andersen: Fairy Tales »
Copper, enamel (overglaze), Danish cotton string (photo: Nir Friedman)
Dania Chelminsky "EGG Ring" Eggshells, epoxy, gold leaf (photo: Dania Chelminsky)Dania Chelminsky « EGG Ring » Eggshells, epoxy, gold leaf (photo: Dania Chelminsky)

Art.Mevasseret gallery
Zion, Yasmin st. 123 Israel.
tel 052-6808606


EXPO ‘UltraMarine’ – Tallinn, Estonia – 7 Oct.-6 Nov. 2011

UltraMarine as a word derivates from Latin ultra + marinus and means ’over the sea’ or ’beyond the sea’.
Ultramarine is a fiery blue pigment extracted from lapis lazuli, one of the oldest precious stones used in jewellery for thousands of years. Lapis lazuli or lazurite was imported to Europe from Middle Asia by sea via Venice, hence the name ’beyond the sea’.
Ultramarine was a rare and valuable colorant, as expensive as gold leaf because of its remote origin and complex production process. Medieval masters often used that exotic pigment for the uppermost colour layer only. Sometimes just the robes of Virgin Mary and li’l Jesus were painted using the priceless blue.
UltraMarine is a solo sailor’s route across the sea, an artist’s dialogue with a material that takes place while she works at her desk. One can spy a knowing smile on the countenance of she who has arrived at her destination – for the joy of surpassing oneself is the greatest pleasure of all. A co-conspirator knows the feeling well. The sea unites; the land divides. UltraMarine is bluer than the sea.

(Sara Borgegård – necklace: ULTRAMARINE 2011 – Iron, embroidery thread, lapis lazuli, spraypaint)


There are works of 51 artists from Estonia, Europe, US, Australia and Asia, which will be seen in an exhibition space specially set up for the occasion in the Noblessner district. UltraMarine exhibition will be accompanied by an 80-page catalogue which will be published for the opening of the exhibition.
The exhibition is initiated by four fellow jewellery artist from Estonia: Merle Kasonen, Julia Maria Künnap, Maarja Niinemägi, Kertu Tuberg.

UltraMarine is part of the programme of the European Capital of Culture Tallinn 2011


Dina Abargil — Linda al-Assi — Kätrin Beljaev — Marta Boan — Daniela BoieriSara Borgegård ÄlgåAdam Grinovich — Ulvi Haagensen — Hanna Hedman — Sachiyo Higaki — Nils Hint — Pilleriin Jürisoo — Rainer Kaasik-Aaslav — Anni Kagovere — Merle Kasonen — Rallou Katsari — Annika Kedelauk — Mart Kekišev — Kristiina Kibe — Jenny Klemming — Katrin Kosenkranius — Lisa KröberAkiko KuriharaJulia Maria Künnap — Teresa Lane — Beth Legg — Bruno Lillemets  — Liina Lõõbas — Veera Metso — Maria Militsi — Edgar Mosa — Maarja Niinemägi — Jaanika PajusteTiina RajakallioTabea ReuleckeMarzia Rossi — Deborah Rudolph — Ann Schmalwasser — Constanze SchreiberDaniela SchwaagEstella Saez Vilanova — Birgit Skolimowski — Adolfas Šaulys & Mari Relo-Šaulys — Nelli Tanner — Ketli Tiitsar — Kertu Tuberg — Elo UibokandFlóra Vági — Maria Valdma — Luzia Vogt
Tiina Rajakallio-  « Unho »  2011
Rallou Katsari‘WHISPERING LOUD’ – brooch gold, pigment 2007
Estella Saez - ‘BOYA’ brooch – oxidized silver, wool, paint 2008


Address: Noblessner Foundry, entrance at Tööstuse 48, Tallinn – Estonia
Management: Merle Kasonen, Julia Maria Künnap, Maarja Niinemägi, Kertu Tuberg



Classé dans : ALCHIMIA (IT),blog ALCHIMIA,COUP DE COEUR,Dina ABARGIL (IL) — bijoucontemporain @ 14:51

Dina ABARGIL, Alchimia’s just graduated,  has been exhibiting extensively in Israel and is working several galleries in Europe.

Coming Exhibitions are  :
* October 2011: Gemological Contemporary Jewellery at the Geological Museum, Ramat HaSharon, Israel
* October 2011: UltraMarine Exhibition, Shipyard Foundry, Tallinn, Estonia
*May 2012: The 6 Bienalle of Israeli Jewellery, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv.

«  I am an independent artist living and working in Tel Aviv.
Since graduating from Alchimia, I have been creating new pieces for exhibitions at selected galleries around the world.

My works are conceptual in nature. I combine organic and industrial materials with precious metals. After thoroughly researching each material to be used, I then investigate the conversation between those various materials, with the will to create harmonic and wearable pieces »
Dina ABARGIL- ‘Fiori della citta’ necklace -  concrete, shibuichi
Dina ABARGIL- longing, ring – concrete, shibuichi
Dina ABARGIL- ‘mio draggho’, pendant -mosquito net, concrete, graphite powder, shibuhici, textile
Dina ABARGIL- earrings – plexiglass, concrete, 18k gold – 2009-2010
Dina ABARGIL- neckpiece purple heart wood, ruby, pink quartz, black tourmaline, shibuhici, 18 kt & 14 kt gold  – 2011
« (Thank You Girl), I will Love You Till The End Of The World. Song by Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds from the motion picture soundtrack « Until the end of the world ». Film by: Wim Wenders – 1991; «
Dina ABARGIL- pendant – ebony, shibuhici, shakudo, volcanic ash, silk – « acrophobia », 2006-2007





« In my work I am investigating the world of black. A world which each kind of black has his own light. One urban tower on a volcanic ground, seems to be familiar to me. » (Dina Abargil)

entre le charbon, l’élément calciné, le fer noirci, brûlé, bois, métal ou pierre, on cherche l’élément « originel », la matière est dense, puissante, profonde, appelle la main et le toucher, interroge l’oeil … SUPERBE puissance que celle de ces noirs là !

All images from The Pendant Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Dina Abargil, ‘Without Words’ Pendant

BLACK is BEAUTIFUL - Dina ABARGIL dans COUP DE COEUR 20657_1328498300888_1483871776_900580_53529_n

20657_1328498340889_1483871776_900581_5344024_n dans Dina ABARGIL (IL)
Dina Abargil, ‘Fiori della Città’ – collier en ciment et Shibuichi (détail)

20657_1328498180885_1483871776_900577_6842380_n dans Gal. Alternatives (IT)
Dina Abargil, pendentif en ébène, Shibuichi, Shacudo (détail)

20657_1328498260887_1483871776_900579_2891852_n dans Gal. Velvet da Vinci (US)

Dina Abargil, ‘As You Want It to Be’ Pendant (The Pendant Show at Velvet da Vinci Art Jewelry)



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