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EXPO ’1X1 collective’ – Vander A Gallery, Bruxelles (BE) – 31 Mai-30 Juin 2012

1×1 Collective is a project born in Florence in 2010 to promote and diffuse contemporary art jewelry through exhibitions, fairs, and events. It is an open and ever-changing collective of independent jewelry artists.

Artistic and technical research and the freedom of experimentation make the jewelry gain new functions and meanings.

For this exhibition at vander A gallery in Brussels, they present 8 international artists, very different one from the other, all met in Alchimia school, Florence, wellknowned for its experimental jewellery and design schollarship.

1X1 collective1×1 Collective is open to collaborations, in the jewelry field as outside, to find new ways for showing original works to a wider public.
1×1 Collective changes its shape, leader and location following each project. It is an informal group of people based on active involvement, cooperation and sharing of ideas, knowledge and skills for the common goal of understanding and being understood.
For this exhibition there is not a theme because they want to focus on each artist’s personal approach and research, they believe that each one’s individuality and autonomy is one of the strenght of contemporary art jewelry and that it gets highlighted through the free dialogue of a collective exposition.

EXPO '1X1 collective' - Vander A Gallery, Bruxelles (BE) - 31 Mai-30 Juin 2012 dans Belgique (BE) contemporary-art-jewellery-03

Margherita de Martino Norante (IT) & Eugenia Ingegno (IT) co-founders, Elinor de Spoelberch (BE), Youngbin Park (Korea), Marina Elenskaya (RU) (Talente price, Schmuck 2012, Munich), Eunjae Baek (Corée), Sungho Cho (Corée) & Yoko Shimizu (JP).

Margherita de Martino Norante  Necklace: Be careful Clementine 2009  Silver, fabric, pearls

Margherita de Martino Norante Necklace « Be careful Clementine » 2009  Silver, fabric, pearls

Eugenia Ingegno, From The HandsEugenia Ingegno, Necklace: Dorea 2010 – Silver, embroidery threadYoko Shimizu  Necklace: Transformation Series 2011  Resin, pigment, silver

Yoko Shimizu  Necklace: Transformation Series 2011  Resin, pigment, silver

Marina Elenskaya  Necklace: About Belonging #3 2011  Car glass, silicone, inner tubeMarina Elenskaya  Necklace (detail) « About Belonging #3″  2011  Car glass, silicone, inner tube

Sungho Cho  Brooch: Samsara Far Out at Sea 2011  Silver, wood, water buffalo horn, plastic, acrylic paint, coralSungho Cho  Brooch: Samsara Far Out at Sea 2011  Silver, wood, water buffalo horn, plastic, acrylic paint, coral

Elinor de Spoelberch  Brooch: Un monde nouveau 2012  Gold, white gold, ebony, plexiElinor de Spoelberch  Brooch: Un monde nouveau 2012  Gold, white gold, ebony, plexi



Vander A Gallery
110-112 Avenue des Saisons
1050 – Brussels
Telephone: +32 (0) 495264281


EXPO ’1×1 collection’ – N.B. STUDIO, Firenze (IT) – 7-31 Dec. 2011

1×1 contemporary jewellery  –  1×1 COLLECTION # 2  —  International contemporary jewellery shop

1×1 collection is back in Florence for the month of December in time for Christmas.
After last years great success, this year 1×1 collective decided to extend the temporary shop for the whole month of December. From the 7th until the 31st at ENTR’ARTe & N.B. STUDIO space, via de’ Serragli 79r (Santo Spirito), you’ll be able to discover original jewellery pieces made by 12 international jewellery artists.
As for every 1×1 event, the selection of pieces is absolutely new and exclusive. Only unique, hand made pieces for someone who seeks something special and non commercial. We will introduce new artists and showcase both traditional and experimental techniques and materials.
Hosted by the space ENTR’ARTe & N.B. SPACE, we will remain open daily, including weekends till 9pm. We want to share with you not only contemporary jewellery but also the thought process and story behind each original piece.

1×1 collection torna a Firenze per tutto il periodo natalizio.
Dato il grande successo della precedente edizione, quest’anno il collettivo 1×1 ha deciso di prolungare l’apertura del temporary shop per tutto il mese di dicembre. Dal 7 al 31 dicembre presso lo spazio ENTR’ARTe & N.B. STUDIO, in via de‘ Serragli 79/r , potrete scoprire gli originali gioielli di 12 artiste orafe provenienti da tutto il mondo.
Come per ogni evento 1×1, la selezione dei pezzi è assolutamente nuova e inedita, solo pezzi unici, fatti a mano, per chi cerca qualcosa di personale. Presenteremo nuovi artisti, tecniche e materiali sia tradizionali che sperimentali, gioielli non convenzionali, capaci di portare un messaggio e di esaltare il carattere della persona che l’indossa.
Ospitati da ENTR’ARTe & N.B.STUDIO, rimarremo aperti al pubblico tutti i giorni, nei fine settimana fino a sera, per presentarvi e raccontarvi con semplicità la nostra ricerca e il nostro modo di lavorare.

1×1 Collective is an open and ever-changing jewelry makers collective. A group born to promote and diffuse contemporary research jewelry through events, fair, exhibitions and projects.


In mostra:
Corea con Eunjae Baek — Germania con Marlene Beyer e Isabel Dammerman –  Spagna con Andrea CoderchItalia con Margherita de Martino Norante, Eugenia Ingegno e Gabi VeitBelgio con Elinor de SpoelberchTaiwan con Wen-Hsien Carissa HsuGiappone con Sayaka ItoCanada con Geraldine (Geri) NishiBrasile con Anna Helena Van De Pol de Deus.
Anna Helena Van De Pol de Deus
Margherita de Martino Norante
Eunjae Baek - brooch
Sayaka Ito
Eugenia Ingegno
Isabel Dammerman
Andrea Coderch




via de‘ Serragli 79/r (Santo Spirito)
Firenze (Italy)
From the 7th until the 31st december
CLOSED on Dec. 25


EXPO ‘ARTornamento 2010′ – Alternatives Gallery, Rome (Italy) – 23 Sept.-15 Oct. 2010


EXPO 'ARTornamento 2010' - Alternatives Gallery, Rome (Italy) - 23 Sept.-15 Oct. 2010 dans ALCHIMIA (IT) 50552_144475605588042_1814_n

« The sixth edition of the exhibition ArtOrnamento will present 10 ex-students from the school Alchimia in Florence, one of the best contemporary jewellery schools on an international level. Alchimia represents excellence in innovation in the sector, but is at the same time a place for the conservation and study of ancient goldsmith techniques.
The 10 participants in this year’s exhibition have gained their formation experience through the qualified supervision of the most renowned artists worldwide.
The selected pieces will investigate the close relationship between body and object, by means of a new interpretation of the concept of personal adornment.
The exhibition aims to create a contact between the public and the makers, so as to investigate the result of their research. This is a first important appointment that intends to offer a view on the new frontiers that contemporary jewellery creation is facing.
This year Alternatives has initiated a competition that involves the acquisition of a piece of jewellery that will go to form a new permanent collection dedicated to research jewellery. « 


Represented artists : 
Ana Catalina Brenes, Costa Rica  –  Isabel Dammermann, Germany — Joanne Huang Shi-Ping, Australia/Taiwan — Eugenia Ingegno, Italy — Sayaka Ito, Japan –  Anastasia Kandaraki, Greece — Ting-Chun Ara Kuo, Taiwan — Maria Eugenia Lopez, Puerto Rico — Malaika Najem, Spain — Selen Özus, Turkey –
Elinor de Spoelberch, Belgium


isabel%2Bdammermann%2B7 dans Anastasia KANDARAKI (GR)
Isabel Dammermann (Alchimia 2007-2010) brooch, silver, shell

« To this artist, jewellery is a journey through material and form. It tells a story of its own, while following curiosity. The pieces are unique in their forms and combine fragments of the past with elements of the present.«
Catalina Brenes  (Alchimia 2007-2010) brooch
« This artist has an evident disposition to make pieces that grow into multiplying elements. She inherited this from her home culture, a country where the need for company and fraternity influences ones outlook on many aspects of life. The search for balance and tranquility is a constant. A quest to evoke timelessness.« 

 dans Ara KUO (Taiwan)
JOANNE HUANG SHU-PING (Alchimia 2008-2010) ring

« In the pieces entitled ‘Cover and Discover’, this artist uses contradiction as expression in her works. Showing an element or covering it up, using the materials to express this and transforming them into works of art. »
Anastasia KandarakiMokume School, Athens

« Continuous research, as a means of escaping. Searching for another type of language to express herself, searching a symmetry inside something asymmetric, searching for an internal balance.«
Sayaka Ito (JP) (Alchimia 2008-2010)

« This artist is curious about what is inside things that we see. Visually, only the outside of objects can been seen, but often there is more than what the eye can visually see. This brings her to imagine what lies beyond. Similarly, this concept can also be applied to people. Our actions are supported by our body, but come from within. «
Selen Özus (TR)
« It is evident when looking at the works of this artist that she lets emotion and spontaneity guide her work.« 


Alternatives Gallery
Via d’Ascanio, 19 (Via della Scrofa)
00186 – Roma (Italia)


EXPO ‘Spring’ gallery Sofie Lachaert, Tielrode (BE) – 21 mars-9 mai 2010

« SPRING*«  is an exhibition with sparkling, new work of upcoming talents.
Small objects and experiments with new techniques, with unknown materials, holding a world of imagination. A glimpse of poetry and fairytales.

exposants :  Catalina BRENES – Isabel DAMMERMANN – Elinor DE SPOELBERCH – Daniela FIESELER – Anna FROHN -  Bettina GÖTSCH – Birgit HAGMANN – Isabelle HERTZEISEN – Leonore JOCK – Ting-Chun Ara KUO – Momoko KUMAI – Thanh-Truc NGUYEN – Nikolay SARDAMOV – Isabell SCHAUPP -  Munsun SCHUMACHER – Angelina TSVETKOVA – Misun WON

EXPO 'Spring' gallery Sofie Lachaert, Tielrode (BE) - 21 mars-9 mai 2010 dans Ara KUO (Taiwan) Isabell-Schaupp
Isabell Schaupp (DE) – brooch, silver, coral

Ting-Chun-Ara-Kuo dans Belgique (BE)
Ting-Chun Ara KUO (Taiwan) - Ring „brush“, pearls gold

Birgit-Hagmann dans Bettina GOTSCH (DE)
Birgit Hagmann (DE) – necklace – silver

« This work is based on drawing. Using the wire, the drawing is transformed into a three-dimensional space. Crystalline-organic structures come to life and become jewellery. » (Birgit Hagmann (Germany))

EXPO 'Spring' -gal Spphie Lachaert  -Leonor JockEXPO 'Spring' -gal Spphie Lachaert  - Bettina Götsch
Leonore Jock       –       Bettina Götsch

EXPO 'Spring' -gal Spphie Lachaert  - Elinor de ... - collier cuirEXPO 'Spring' -gal Spphie Lachaert  -Momoko Kumai
Elinor de Spoelbergh (BE) collier cuir  –  Momoko Kumai (Japan)- paper necklace

« I use tactile material to create jewellery that evokes a spectrum of memories and address inner landscapes in my mind. I fold, twist and roll paper using my hands, at times unconsciously. The uneven layers of texture emerge from light and shadow, conveying emotions of permanence to impermanence that reflect the ephemeral breath of nature with its fragility. » Momoko Kumai (Japan)

EXPO 'Spring' -gal Spphie Lachaert  - Isabell Dammermann 1Isabell SCHAUPP- Brooch Month-brooch 30 2010
Isabell Dammermann  –    Isabell SCHAUPP- Brooch

Isabelle-Hertzeisen dans Birgit HAGMANN (DE)
Isabelle Hertzeisen (CH) – Necklace rubber, silver

« Structures, accumulations, duality and tension between the different materials.« (Isabelle Hertzeisen (CH) )

Nikolay-Sardamov dans Elinor de SPOELBERCH (BE)
Nicolay Sardamov. Brooch, “The secret of the garden“, gold.

Thanh-Truc-Nguyen dans Exposition/Exhibition
Thanh-Truc Nguyen -  Brooch, silver, textiles.
« Following a fascination, personal impressions and emotions, and translate them into tangible forms. For me it is important not to merely copy already existing forms, but instead to portray my own perceptions as they are through my eyes.
While working with textiles I create new possibilities within my working process. Qualities like elasticity and translucence begin to emerge and play an important role in my work. Voluptuous shapes come to life through colour and filling, whose soft curves remind me of cherry-blossoms. The material hold an innumerable number of small pearls tightly together like a warm embrace. The forms and the sensibility of the material evoke emotions in the viewer and give the pieces sensuality and a sense of life. In the same way that one would handle a cherryblossom, the pieces should be handled delicately as the fragile objects they are« ( Thanh-Truc Nguyen (Germany))



Gallery Sofie Lachaert
st. jozefstraat 30
B-9140 Tielrode(Belgium)
T +32 3 711 19 63
closed on 2,3,4 april


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