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during JOYA Barcelona 2016 : Competition/Awards ENJOIA’T 2016 – Museu Marítim de Barcelona (ES) – 30 Sept. 2016

A-FAD  – ENJOIA’T 2016

during JOYA Barcelona 2016 : Competition/Awards ENJOIA’T 2016 – Museu Marítim de Barcelona (ES) - 30 Sept. 2016 dans A-FAD (ES) logo_joya

vendredi 30 septembre  20:00 – 23:00 
Museu Marítim de Barcelona

Avda. de les Drassanes, s/n, 08001 Barcelone
Totes les peces dels candidats s’exposaran en un stand col·lectiu a la Feria Joya els dies 29 i 30 de setembre i el dia 1 d’octubre !! //
You can see all the pieces at JOYA (Arts Santa Monica, Rambla 7) from 29 september to October 1st !!!!
A-FAD  - ENJOIA'T 2016:

AWARDS during JOYA 2016

ENJOIA’T is not just a prize, and you will not find just jewellery. ENJOIA’T is much more than all this, since it is also a celebration of creativity, an indispensable meeting point for professionals in the sector, and a platform from which to show the public your creative project. In fact, ENJOIA’T rewards originality, technical quality, conceptual richness and transgression in the field of jewellery making so much as to question its own limits.


- Xiodai Huang   (CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts), China
Xionan Zhang   (CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts), China
- Jelizaveta Suskaya (Latvia) (Jewellery at Hiko-Mizuno College of Jewelry , JP)
- Rosa Gomis (Spain)
- Yili CaoNatxa Gonzalez  (Spain)
- Camilla Mileto (Italy/Spain)
- Inou Beru  (Japan/Germany)
- Wei Zhou (CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts), China
- Bàrbara Arnau (Spain)
- Lourdes Freixa  (Spain)
- Gabriela Cohn (Argentina)
- Zixuan Feng

"Variants" by Xiodai Huang - ENJOIAT 2016 student category: Xiodai Huang « Variants »  –   student category ENJOIA’T 2016

 Bonsai by Xionan Zhang - Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016 Xionan Zhang « Bonsai » – Candidate selected student category

" Frozen moment- The Night "by Jelizaveta Suskaja - ENJOIAT 2016 student category: Jelizaveta Suskaya « Frozen moment: The Night » -  student category ENJOIA’T 2016

Jelizaveta Suskaya  - ENJOIA’T 2016  Jelizaveta Suskaya 

semifinalistas-premios-enjoia-t-2016-  - Rosa Gomis, categoría estudiantes: Rosa GOMIS - El murmuri de les entranyes… Candidate selected student category  

 See through Skin by Yili Cao -Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016  Yili Cao - « See through Skin »  -Candidate selected student category 

Natxa Gonzalez Flores Fantasma  - Enjoia't student category 2016Natxa Gonzalez   Flores Fantasma  – Candidate selected student category

 La naturaleza del yeso by Camilla Mileto-  Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016 semifinalistas-premios-enjoia-t-2016- - Camilla Mileto, categoría estudiantes:

Camilla Mileto -  « La naturaleza del yeso »   -  Candidate selected student category

Between □(square) and ○(circle) by Inou Beru:  - Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016Inou Beru - « Between □(square) and ○(circle) »    – Candidate selected student category

The Cages by Wei Zhou - Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016 The Cages by Wei Zhou – Candidate selected student category

 Yes, Why Not? by Bàrbara Arnau  - Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016Bàrbara Arnau – « Yes, Why Not? »   – Candidate selected student category

Singularitat by Lourdes Freixa - Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016 Singularitat by Lourdes Freixa – Candidate selected student category

 Heart'n by Gabriela Cohn- Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016 Heart’n by Gabriela Cohn- Candidate selected student category

semifinalistas-premios-enjoia-t-2016-  Hannibal Feng, categoría estudiantes: Holy Object by Zixuan Feng – Candidate selected student category


- Dai Xiang
- Karin Roy Andersson  (Suède)
- Elisabeth Habig  (Austria)
- Marina Preixens
SYL (Spain)
- Daniela Meli  (Mexico)
- Marie Flambard (France)
- Pilar de la Villa
- Roser Martínez (Spain)
'Winter' by Dai Xiang  - ENJOIA'T professional 2016 - ‘Winter’ by Dai Xiang  - Candidate selected professional category
semifinalistas-premios-enjoia-t-2016- - Karin Roy, categoría profesional: Backupfront by Karin Roy Andresson – Candidate selected professional category
 Canal de la emoción by Liliana Ojeda - cerámica y tela, la parte central mide unos 25 x 7 cm - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016 Liliana Ojeda – « Canal de la emoción » – cerámica y tela, la parte central mide unos 25 x 7 cm – Candidate selected professional category
"Der Lauf der Zeit" by Elisabeth Habig - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016Elisabeth Habig – « Der Lauf der Zeit »   – Candidate selected professional category
"COL-ARR" by SYL - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016 « COL-ARR » by SYL – Candidate selected professional category
semifinalistas-premios-enjoia-t-2016-  Montserrat Duran, categoría profesional: « Cordon Umbilical » by Montserrat Duran – Candidate selected professional category
Angela Estenson. Pulsera  Metamorfosis , 2016 - ENJOIA’T 2016 semifinalistas CATEGORIA PROFESSIONAL: Angela Estenson. Pulsera  Metamorfosis , 2016 – Candidate selected professional category
semifinalistas-premios-enjoia-t-2016-  - Sébastien Carré, categoría profesional:   »Visceral » by Sébastien Carré – Candidate selected professional category
Las alas del tulipanero by Daniela Meli - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016 « Las alas del tulipanero » by Daniela Meli – Candidate selected professional category
Excroissances/Outgrowth by Marie Flambard - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016Excroissances/Outgrowth by Marie Flambard – Candidate selected professional category
Bracelet #1 upsk8 by Cédric Chevalley  - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016Bracelet #1 upsk8 by Cédric Chevalley  – Candidate selected professional category
"Java" by Pilar de la Villa - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016« Java » by Pilar de la Villa – Candidate selected professional category
Roser Martínez - 'Naturaleza emergente'   - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016Roser Martínez – ‘Naturaleza emergente’   – Candidate selected professional category


and now, LET’S the PARTY GO ON !


Categories and prizes
The prizes will be announced and handed out the 30th of September.
Professional Award :  There is one prize only for creators, designers or companies, with a
maximum of two finalists. The winner will be crowned with a piece made by Laurent Kalman, winner of the ENJOIA’T Professional Award of 2015, and will be given the responsibility of making the crown for the following year. The prize consists of an exposition in the context of the event JOYA, Barcelona Contemporary Jewellery Fair, in its edition of 2017, valued at 780 €.***
Both the professional and student award-winners of ENJOIA’T will be part of a report in the specialised magazine «On Diseño».
Student Award : There is one prize only for students with a maximum of two finalists.
The winner will be crowned with a piece made by Akiko Shinzato, winner of the ENJOIA’T Student Award of 2015, and will be given the responsibility of making the crown for the following year.
The prize consists of an exposition in the context of the event JOYA, Barcelona Contemporary Jewellery Fair, in its edition of 2016, valued at 780 €.***
Both the professional and student award-winners of ENJOIA’T will be part of a report in the specialised magazine « On Diseño » -.
Public Opinion Award : There is one prize chosen by the attendees of the celebration.
The prizes and the finalists of each category, as with those of the public opinion award, will receive an official diploma. The crowns will become part of the permanent collection of the A-FAD, Artists and Artisans of the FAD
The selecting jury of ENJOIA’T 2016 will be composed of: Enric Majoral, Jeweler and member of A-FAD Martín Azúa, Industrial designer Núria Ruiz, Jewelry designer María Lluïsa Samaranch, Editor and collector Maria Díez, Jeweler and professor in la Massana



A FAD //



Decouverte / COUP de COEUR : Elisabeth HABIG

Classé dans : Autriche (AT),COUP DE COEUR,DECOUVERTE,Elisabeth HABIG (AT) — bijoucontemporain @ 19:03

Elisabeth HABIG

« radici dell anima » …. les racines de l’âme ….. joliment dit …. Ce doit être une âme hivernale, se reposant sur la neige, frissonnante sous les premiers grésils et les premières gelées matinales, comme des lichens gelés  …

« My work is influenced by contrasts. On the one hand my jewellery is geometrical, elaborated and conceptual and on the other hand I like to play with coincidence. Intuitive – planned, logic – gut instinct, coincidence – intention, transitoriness – conservation are words which go like a red thread trough my work. Those contrasts tell a lot about my personality and reveal internal conflicts, with whom I occupy myself.
I discovered artistic jewellery through coincidence, a coincidence I wouldn´t like to miss, because it opened new ways for me to work with metal and alternative techniques. Things I considered to be impossible to make now become reality in my hands. Volatile movements could be captured and be conserved.
Since the end of 2015 I am part of  alja&friends – a goldsmith trio with Angelina Kafka und Alja Neuner. In our atelier, in the heart of vienna, we are establishing a gallery where we not only show our own jewellery but also the work from artist from all over the world. »

Jannie Rozema picture - winter 2015(Jannie Rozema picture – winter 2015)

Elisabeth HABIG - radici dell anima    2015Elisabeth HABIG – radici dell anima    2015

« radici dell`anima (roots of the soul)  – My works with the title “radici dell´anima” are inspired by the nature. The pieces grew and flourished, like small trees in my hands instead of a fertile soil. The cast-channels, which show the making-process are their roots, their garden- the human body where they are worn. Because of the very intuitive way in their making the pieces show in their haptic and quality a part of me…. »

Elisabeth HABIG - radici dell anima   brooch: Elisabeth HABIG – radici dell anima   brooch

Elisabeth HABIG - radici dell anima   brooch: Elisabeth HABIG – radici dell anima   brooch – silver

Elisabeth HABIG - radici dell anima  3: Elisabeth HABIG – radici dell anima

Elisabeth Habig   2014 ·brooch: Elisabeth Habig   2014 ·brooch « radici dell anima »

Elisabeth Habig  mai 2015 ·    Current situation..... working for #autor13 #workingprocess: Elisabeth Habig  mai 2015 · work in progress -  Current situation….. working for autor13

Elisabeth Habig - avril 2015 ·   These babys arrived yesterday  curious what I will make out of it. At the moment they look like mini #aliens...  #inthemaking #preparations for #autor13: Elisabeth Habig - avril 2015 ·  « These babys arrived yesterday  curious what I will make out of it. At the moment they look like mini aliens…  » -  work in progress – preparations for autor13

Elisabeth Habig - ring - silver - 2015: Elisabeth Habig - ring – silver – 2015

Elisabeth HABIG - radici dell anima  ring: Elisabeth HABIG - radici dell anima  ring

Autre collection, empreinte de légéreté, « Leise blüht die Luft« 

Elisabeth Habig  décembre 2014 ·   brooch: Elisabeth Habig  décembre 2014 ·   brooch « Leise blüht die Luft »

Elisabeth Habig -  mars 2015 ·    lil fellow for #munichjewelleryweek #schmuck2015   #brooch: Elisabeth Habig -  mars 2015 · brooch for #munichjewelleryweek -schmuck2015 

Elisabeth HABIG - “leise blüht die Luft”  Broschen aus Crinol Elisabeth HABIG – “leise blüht die Luft”  Broschen aus Crinol (broche en crin ?)

Elisabeth HABIG - “leise blüht die Luft”  Broschen aus Crinol Elisabeth HABIG – “leise blüht die Luft”  Broschen aus Crinol  (detail)

Elisabeth HABIG - brooch - "Leise blüht die Luft" Broschen aus Crinol: Elisabeth HABIG - brooch 2015 – « Leise blüht die Luft » Broschen aus Crinol


EXPO – COMINELLI Award 2015 – Fondazione Cominelli (IT) – 29 Aout- 4 Oct. 2015

Fondazione Cominelli (IT)
Cominelli award 2015

Exhibition opening reception and awards: 29th August 2015
Exhibition dates: 29th August – 4th October 2015

Premio Cominelli 2015

 The competition is open to artists from all over the world.

For MORE INFORMATION AND DETAILS, please visit the AGC website

Organisers for Cominelli Foundation : Rosanna Padrini Dolcini
Organisers for AGC – Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo : Maria Rosa FranzinRossella Tornquist

EXPO - COMINELLI Award 2015 - Fondazione Cominelli (IT) - 29 Aout- 4 Oct. 2015 dans AGC Italia 11707898_999991716691058_1367381570700157864_o

 Autori selezionati per il premio 2015 :
Alejandra SolarAngelo VergaAkis GoumasAnja EichlerAgnieszka KiersztanBabette von DohnanyiClaude Schmitz Claudia Steiner Corrado de Meo — Eiko Nakahara — Elisabeth Habig – EvaTesarikEzra Satok VolmannElisa GulminelliFabiana GadanoGabi Veit — Hee Jin Lee — Isabell Schaupp Jessica TurrellJudy McCaigLital Mendel Makoto HiedaMarianne SchliwinskiMarion Delarue Monica Cecchi Nahoko Fujimoto Nicole BeckNicola Heidemann — Nobuko Nishiwaki — Peter HoogeboomSébastien CarréSilke TrekelSergio Spivach & Stefano Spivach — Simone Winkler — Steffi Goetze Sumiko Hattori Ria LinsRhona McCallum — Yo Jae Lee — Yu Hiraishi


Cominelli award 2015

Nell’ambito della mostra, la mattina del 30 agosto, nella sala conferenze della Fondazione, sara’ tenuto un seminario composto da due conferenze: la prima relatrice sarà la prof.ssa Maria Rosa Franzin, docente di progettazione orafa presso l’Istituto Pietro Selvatico di Padova, che parlerà del gioiello nella contemporaneità. Il secondo relatore sarà il Prof. Michael Pell docente di lavorazione dei metalli e oreficeria della Scuola Glasgow School of Art – la scuola di Charles Rennie Mackintosh – che presenterà il progetto didattico ed i lavori degli allievi.

ALJA NEUNER - catalogo Cominelli 2014Alja Neuner (catalogo Cominelli 2014)

 Alejandra Solar (M.F.A., 2014 Idar-OberSTEIN ) selected for „Cominelli Foundation Awards 2015“ • Fondazione Cominelli, Via F. Santabona, Cisano di S.Felice / /Benaco, Italy  Alejandra Solar (M.F.A., 2014) • Brooch from the series "Luvina" • Onyx, graphite, resin, silver • 2014 • © photo by artistAlejandra Solar (M.F.A., 2014 Idar-OberSTEIN ) selected for „Cominelli Fo
undation Awards 2015“ •  Brooch from the series « Luvina » • Onyx, graphite, resin, silver • 2014 • © photo by artist



Fondazione Cominelli
Palazzo Cominelli
via Padre F. Santabona, 9
25010 Cisano di San Felice del Benaco (BS)
tel +39 338.60.60.153
sabato: dalle 17.00 alle 20.00
domenica: dalle 10.00 alle 12.00 e dalle 17.00 alle 20.00
Ingresso libero






Cominelli awards -  2015


Alejandra Solar — Akis Goumas — Anja Eichler — Agnieszka Kiersztan — Babette von Dohnanyi — Claude Schmitz — Claudia Steiner — Corrado de Meo — Eiko NakaharaElisabeth Habig — Eva Tesarik — Fabiana Gadano — Gabi Veit — Hee Jin Lee — Isabell Schaupp — Jessica Turrell — Lital Mendel — Makoto HiedaMarianne Schliwinski — Marion Delarue — Monica Cecchi — Nahoko Fujimoto — Nicole Beck — Nicola Heidemann — Nobuko Nishiwaki — Peter Hoogeboom — Sébastien Carré –  Silke Trekel — Sergio & Stefano Spivach — Simone Winkler — Steffi Goetze — Sumiko Hattori — Ria Lins — Rhona McCullum — Yo Jae Lee — Yu Hiraishi



Exhibition opening reception and awards: 29th August 2015

Exhibition dates: 29th August – 4th October 2015

Organisers for Cominelli Foundation : Rosanna Padrini Dolcini
Organisers for AGC – Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo : Maria Rosa FranzinRossella Tornquist




Fondazione Cominelli
Palazzo Cominelli
- Cisano di San Felice del Benaco




Valérie Salvo |
dochinoiu | | Annuaire | Signaler un abus | Françoise Fourteau-Labarthe
| Aidez les jeunes artistes
| Tableaux de Christian Maillot