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Got the BLUES with Emily WAINWRIGHT

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,ECOLE / SCHOOLS,Emily WAINWRIGHT (UK),Grande-Bretagne (UK),textile — bijoucontemporain @ 17:07

Emily WAINWRIGHT : « By exploring the potential of stacking, repeating and joining ‘ready-made’ multiples, I have created a collection of tactile textiles samples which push the boundaries between fashion and textiles art. »

Emily Wainwright

Creative Student Award 2012 at  School of the Arts, Loughborough University (UK) : Emily graduated with First Class Honours in (BA Hons) Multimedia Textiles, at Loughborough University School of the Arts in 2012.

Emily Wainwright - 2012

By exploring the potential of stacking, repeating and joining ‘ready-made’ multiples, such as cable ties and curtain hooks to create collections of striking, interactive and large-scale body adornment pieces which merge the boundaries between fashion and installation art; Emily manipulates ordinary, non-textiles materials and objects to create extraordinary aesthetics. She strives to adapt, reinvent and up-cycle non-textiles materials and transforms them into sculptural mixed media textiles. Emily’s work is lead by materials and process as the three dimensional forms are developed through experimentation, mistakes and the exploration of juxtaposing materials, surfaces and techniques. Emily hopes to continue experimenting with combining new and old textiles processes as well as introducing unexpected objects and materials to create exciting, tactile and interactive pieces. She enjoys creating new forms and surfaces whether it be for the Fashion industry, the Interiors market or for a Textiles-Art purpose.

Loughborough Textiles Graduates | Cache | Emily WainwrightLoughborough Textiles Graduates – 2012 – Emily WAINWRIGHT

Loughborough Textiles Graduates | Cache | Emily WainwrightEmily WAINWRIGHT – cable tie love

Emily WainwrightEmily WAINWRIGHT- cable tie love

Emily Wainwright - cable tie loveEmily WAINWRIGHT- cable tie love

A selection of her cable tie necklaces are currently on sale at Georgie’s Dress Agency in Woodhouse Eaves, Watch This Space Boutique in Leicester and online via her facebook page :


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