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EXPO ‘Sparkle Plenty 7 – Organ/ism’ – Quirk Gallery, Richmond (USA) – 3 Nov.-24 Dec. 2011

Sparkle Plenty 7 : Organ/ism

(Daniel DiCapriobrooch )

The world is full of life and organisms that thrive in a multitude of ways. From the seemingly mundane to the flat-out bizarre, « things » have found a way to survive. People are both part of the living world, and manipulators of it. An ever-changing world and life’s ability to adapt is the theme for this exhibition. The work presented shows a reverence for these creatures, the inner spark that ignites life, and the ability to survive.


Daniel DiCaprio (courtesy of Charon Kransen Arts) –  Emily Watson –  Hilary Pfeifer –  Jillian MooreMärta Mattsson (courtesy of Sienna Gallery) –  Masako Ondera –  Masumi Kataoka (courtesy of Charon Kransen Arts) — Satomi Kawaiärta Mattsson  Beetle Brooch Onodera : Cluster of Sloughs pendant Ondera Moore

EXPO 'Sparkle Plenty 7 - Organ/ism' - Quirk Gallery, Richmond (USA) - 3 Nov.-24 Dec. 2011 dans Daniel DiCAPRIO (US) satomi_biorhythm1Satomi Kawai : Biorhythm I brooch

Curator Daniel DiCaprio talks about this year’s exhibition at Quirk Gallery (on Art Jewelry Forum) :

« Sparkle Plenty is the annual jewelry exhibition put on by Quirk Gallery in Richmond Virginia.  And this year I was given the opportunity to curate it.  As a jeweler I thought of the exhibitions that have inspired me in the past.  I wanted to create a show that displayed my particular interests in jewelry and other new work that I find exciting.  I also wanted to take this chance to exhibit the work of other young jewelers, most of whom are making these exceptional pieces within the first decade of their professional careers.  These are the ones who inspire me and challenge me to keep working in the studio.  These are some of the artists that I feel add interesting new ideas to the larger art jewelry dialog.  I chose the theme of biologically influenced jewelry, the lifeblood of my own work and the narrative that attracts me to certain pieces. The official prospectus of the show went something like this: “The world is full of life and organisms that thrive in a multitude of ways.  From the seemingly mundane to the flat-out bizarre, “things” have found a way to survive.  People are both part of the living world, and manipulators of it.  An ever-changing world and life’s ability to adapt is the theme for this exhibition.  The work presented shows a reverence for these creatures, the inner spark that ignites life, and the ability to survive.”

From this theme came Organ/ism, a collection of eight jewelers exploring the biological world around us.  Jillian Moore was one of the first artists that came to mind.  Jillian’s work has always appeared to me like animals that have evolved through an alternate reality.  Their existence is imagined into being, and inspired by the creatures that you think couldn’t possibly exist.   They are often presented like taxonomical displays or snapshots of them in mid-autopsy.  This format doesn’t try to provide more answers; rather it adds another layer to the mythology of the creature. Hilary Pfeifer’s work offers a similar interpretation of the biological world, presented “somewhere between humor and curiosity”. Her diminutive and charismatic pieces swarm on gallery walls, displaying the multitude of living adaptations.  Her installations of brooches or necklaces can be like looking through a microscope into a thriving Petri dish, one colonized by single cell cartoons.  These masses of form offer a greater understanding of the individuals, and like Jillian’s work, add an additional layer to a complicated story.

Masumi Kataoka’s work comfortably walks a line between beautiful and disturbing.  Her organ forms, made from actual organs (hog gut and leather), are like a miniature trip to the displays of medical curiosities at the Mutter Museum.  They provoke a curiosity in me that always wants to see what is coming up next.  She has said that her inspiration came from Japanese idioms that express where emotions reside.  This is also expressed in English, when an emotion is felt in your gut or in your heart.

Our shared interest in attraction versus repulsion is an underlying theme of this show.  As you can imagine it would be when jewelers work with dismembered body parts.  Märta Mattsson’s jewelry exemplifies this dichotomy.  She presents wearable objects made from what some people fear the most, insects.  Their electroformed and lacquered bodies are encrusted with cubic zirconias, presenting a glamorous version of what is essentially a dissected insect.  This allows you to confront what it is you find attractive or disturbing about the creature. Masako Onodera also thrives on this theme.  Jewelry emerges from the body like additional appendages from the chest or neck.  Materials like leather, felt and skin-toned found objects make this connection all the more realistic.  Masako’s jewelry addresses the human connection to the living world and our part in its story.

Organ/ism is addressed in a more personal matter with Satomi Kawai’s jewelry.  Her interest lies in the biological rhythm of the female body, the way this connects to culture and more specifically, her own childhood. Materials like wool, cotton and silk relate to Satomi’s own family history, while cellular imagery and bodily forms relate to a larger family.  One shaped by evolution.  Emily Watson approaches this theme from yet another direction.  Her work associates the anatomy and geography of the human race.  The work shows how we are both part of the biological world and manipulators of the environment we live in.

I was nervous as a first time curator about the way everything would come together.  Not just if everyone would agree to participate or if we would be able to meet all the deadlines.  I was concerned with viewers making the same connections that I have made, or alternatively, have I simplified an idea so much that I am beating a dead horse?  Although even that might work well with this theme. »



Quirk Gallery
311 West Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23220 (USA)
tel 804.644.5450


EXPO ‘Ring a Day – 65 artists. 1 year. 365 rings’ – Punch Gallery, Seattle (USA) – 5-29 Mai 2011

Ring a Day
65 artists. 1 year. 365 rings.

May 5 – 29, 2011

Opening Reception: 5 – 8pm
First Thursday, May 5, 2011

As a tie-in to the annual SNAG (Society of North American Goldsmiths) conference, PUNCH presents this totally RAD (Ring a Day) exhibition showcasing 365 rings, accompanied by select photographs to illustrate the diverse, creative and inspiring rings artists have made from Day 1 to Day 365.

Colleen Baran, Kathryn Cole, Shannon Conrad, Nina Gibson and Sara Westermark juried RAD from over 16,000 rings (!!!) submitted to the Ring a Day group on Flickr. The exhibition features 65 international artists with work ranging from ephemeral and conceptual art rings to functional jewelry in both alternative and classic materials.
(Ring 100, Victoria Takahashi, April 10, 2010 – wood, mixed metals, polymer clay, dyed feather, acorn cap)

This project was an open challenge to metalsmiths and other artists across the globe to make one ring a day out of any material for the entire year of 2010. Over the course of the year artists continually added rings, new artists joined the group, ideas morphed into new ideas, artists played off the ideas of other artists, and materials were used in new and unexpected ways. On a daily basis, rings were created, photographed, and posted to the Ring a Day Flickr group. The majority of the artists represented discovered the project through social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, blogs and word of mouth. This project reflects a population of metalsmiths and jewelry makers who are facile with current online technology.

Ring a Day is part of the Society of North American Goldsmith’s yearly conference; an event that brings together 800+ visitors from around the world for exhibitions, artist’s talks, trunk shows and more. SNAG is an international educational non-profit organization that supports and advances the professional practice of artists, designers, jewelers and metalsmiths.


Thanks to the RING A DAY blog I got the list of exhibiting artists !! :-)
Ashley Akers
Sabine Amtsberg
Loren Angulo
Maria Apostolou
Erin Austin
Meg Auth
Angela Baduel-Crispin
Colleen Baran
Inbar Barbaket
Laurie Brown
Kathleen Brughelli
Maureen Brusa-Zappellini
Catherine Chandler
Kathryn Cole
Kerry Alice Collins
Shannon Conrad
Jennifer Culp
Beth Cyr
Casey Daurio
Trudie Davies
Lisa Dienst-Thomas
Nina Dinoff
Thomasin Durgin
Laura Flavin
Renee Ford
Nina Gibson
Lynne Glazzard
Natalia Gomensoro
Heather Goodwin
Lora Hart
Sarah Hood
Chris Irick
Alice Istanbul
Norsola Johnson
Sarah Loertscher
Marthe Le Van
Kate Jones
Maggie Joynt
Evelyn Markasky
Bill Martin
Marta Miguel Martínez-Soria
Denise McCoy
Alisa Miller
Danielle Miller
Carrie Nunes
Margaret O’Brien
Marta Sanchez Oms
Paul Phillips
Calan Ree
Kathryn Riechert
Andrea Ring
Lígia Rocha
Kathi Roussel
Kest Schwartzman
Ponsawan Silas
Mike Stromberg
Rachelle Stromberg
Victoria Takahashi
Leslie Tinnaro
Susan Trindle (= »Quercus Silver » !)
Mary Lu Wason
Emily Watson
Sara Westermark
Dee Wilder
Jaqki Withycombe
(go to see the pictures on the blog ! INCREDIBLE things … well, RINGS !)

EXPO 'Ring a Day - 65 artists. 1 year. 365 rings' - Punch Gallery, Seattle (USA) - 5-29 Mai 2011 dans Angela BADUEL-CRISPIN (FR) 5128723553_c10c8fdfb2-1
The Ring a Day project, initially proposed by artist Nina Dinoff, was intended as a challenge to set a daily routine of exploration
Susan Trindle (the mysterious »Quercus Silver » !)
Maria Apostolou
Thomasin Durgin‘s « Crown of Thorns Cilice Ring » RAD 31
Thomasin Durgin (a.k.a. Metal Riot)



PUNCH Gallery
119 Prefontaine Place South
Seattle, Washington 98104 (USA)
tel 206.621.1945



 dans Ashley AKERS (US)
Ring a Day – by  Marthe Le Van – LarkCrafts Ed. – 256 pp
publication date : sept. 2011



EXPO ‘The Plastic Show’, Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco (US) – 1er-31 Oct. 2010

 ‘The Plastic Show’, Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco

The Plastic Show  (click to see more about this show)
(Rebecca Hannon earrings- ‘Modular Multi-Color’ – Formica, sterling silver)


 ‘The Plastic Show’, an exhibition featuring work from the recently published Lark Jewelry Book 500 Plastic Jewelry Designs. The Plastic Show features 250 pieces by 75 artists employing a variety of plastic materials such as resin, latex, rubber, epoxy, and thermoplastics, many of which are reused or recycled. Having been embraced by artists and designers, these materials are now firmly woven into the language of contemporary jewelry making. Used alone or in combination with traditional elements, these substances can, with certainty, be classified as precious. Thanks to the use of plastics, conventional components like silver, gold, platinum, and gemstones are now only part of the jewelry-making equation. The jewelry in this collection represents the best work being produced today by artists who use plastics as a foundational element in their pieces.



Participating Artists:
Shana Astrachan, Anastasia Azure, Ela Bauer, Lea Marie Becker, Iris Bodemer, Sofia Björkman, Sigurd Bronger, Burcu Büyükünal, Ana Margarida Carvalho, Peter Chang, Joe Churchman, Jens A. Clausen, Barbara Cohen, Lisa and Scott Cylinder, Peter Deckers, Coco Dunmire, Janine Eisenhauer, Beate Eismann, Ute Eitzenhofer, Diane Falkenhagen, Jantje Fleischhut, Javier Moreno Frias, Velina Glass, Robly A. Glover, Suzanne Golden, Rebecca Hannon, Tamara Grüner, Arthur Hash, Pavel Herynek, Ellen Himic, Eero Hintsanen, Kath Inglis, Jiro Kamata, Masumi Kataoka, Sun Kyoung Kim, Sarah King, Susanne Klemm, Jocelyn Kolb, Katja Korsawe, Birgit Laken, Margaux Lange, Carla Pennie McBride, Edward Lane McCartney, Karen McCreary, Charlene Modena, Masako Onedera, Niala Orsmond, Emiko Oye, Seainin Passi, Mary Hallam Pearse, Ruudt Peters, Natalya Pinchuk, Katja Prins, Yuka Saito, Karin Seufert, Leslie Shershow, Susan Kasson Sloan, Anika Smulovitz, Lin Stanionis, Rebecca Strzelec, Donna Mason Sweigart, Anthony Tammaro, Billie Jean Theide, Carolyn Tillie, Cynthia Toops, Silke Trekel, Jacomijn van der Donk, Christel van der Laan, Mona Wallstrom, Kathryn Wardill, Emily Watson, Karla Way, Josephine Winther, Sayumi Yokouchi, Lily Yung, Sandra Zilker.


En bonne « fille des années 60-70″ je voue un amour inconsidéré au plastique ! Il faut dire aussi qu’un événemant particulier de ma vie a grandement joué en ce sens : petite, vivant à Thessalonique (nord de la Grèce), on y subissait de nombreux tremblements de terre. L’un d’eux a déclenché un gigantesque incendie où ma famille a TOUT perdu. Mon ère a pleuré son Toulouse-Lautrec, moi mon nounours, et ma mère son argenterie qui a entièrement fondu …. MAIS …. les pompiers nous ont remis ce qui a vait été sauvé : la VAISSELLE en PLASTIQUE, rangée dans le placard au-dessus de l’évier, près du réservoir d’eau ……… c’était le premier signe ! ensuite, remeublement oblige, mes parents se sont entièrement remeublés en « design tout plastique » : sièges en ABS de Guy Paulin, tables plastique de Vico Magistretti chez Artemide, et toute « l’invasion » de plastique orange des années 68 (vous visualisez ? la balance terraillon en plastique orange ? le tourne-disque Phillips mallette-portable-ouvrable ? les miroirs à bords arrondis de chez Artemide ?  les tables de nuit de chez Kartell ??? ) ………et voilà ! j’AIME le plastique !! :-) ses infinies possibilités de formes, ses couleurs « décapantes », son humeur joyeuse  ……….. bon, d’accord, il n’est pas écologique DU TOUT et, parait-il, rend stérile ….. mais … ça me réjouit et me met en joie ! :-)


EXPO 'The Plastic Show', Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco (US) - 1er-31 Oct. 2010 dans Anika SMULOVITZ (US)
Yuka Saito – Brooch ‘Under the Sea’ – Polypropylene, nylon, acrylic, sterling silver

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Birgit Laken « Summer-in-the-City » Necklace (from the Lovin’ Spoonful series)

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Tamara Grüner « Bavarian Heat » Brooch

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Suzanne Golden « Welcome to Hawaii » Necklace

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Suzanne Golden « Plastic Fantastic » Bracelet

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Rebecca Hannon ‘Orna’ Necklace

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Sun Kyoung Kim « Protrusion » Brooch  &  « Palm 01″ Brooch


All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Mona Wallström « Foam » Brooch

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Emiko Oye « The Duchess » Neckpiece (from My First Royal Jewels)

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Masako Onodera « Effervescence » Brooch   & Germination Brooch 3″

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Natalya Pinchuk « 25.09-Growth Series 2009″ Brooch

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Susanne Klemm « Mutation » Rings

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Anika Smulovitz « Body in Motion: Study » Neckpiece  &  « Body in Motion: Study 5″ Neckpiece

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Kathryn Wardill « White & Pink Pod Branch » Brooch   & « Pink & Grey Pod » Necklace

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Josephine Winther « Rubyfruits » Necklace& earrings

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Emily Watson « Solo Flight » Brooch  &  « Vena Cava » Ring

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Donna Mason Sweigart ‘Ruff’ Necklace

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Katja Korsawe ‘Panty’ Necklace

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Arthur Hash « Chain » Necklace

 dans Anthony TAMMARO (US)
Karin Seufert -  Brooch 259 – Pvc, reconstituted coral, elastic, steel

60115_425909268980_320393918980_4993538_6261040_n dans Arthur HASH (US)
Anthony Tammaro – necklace

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Sayumi Yokouchi – Brooch ‘White dish’ – Airline meal tray (! :-) ), silk thread

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Sayumi Yokouchi brooch

 dans Barbara COHEN (CA)
Lin Stanionis – Brooch – ABS plastic

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Sofia Björkman Brooch 

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Mary Hallam Pearse « Bling Brooch #4″  & « Bling Brooch #5″

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Rebecca Strzelec Brooches 

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Javier Moreno Frias « Split » Brooch  & « Maimed » Brooch

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Jacomijn van der Donk Necklace

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Joe Churchman « Burden Cuff »

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Ela Bauer Necklace & ring

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Coco Dunmire « The Yellow One » Brooch

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Robly A. Glover « Bobber » Necklace

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Leslie Shershow « Neon & Gem » Brooch 

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Masumi Kataoka Brooch 

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Charlene Modena Endangered Gangotri Glacier Bracelets 

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Jantje Fleischhut « Nightfall » Brooch 

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Barbara Cohen « Bloom » Ring & « Ties Thet Bind » Ring

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Velina Glass « Uro » Brooch  &  « Fossil » Brooch 

All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Burcu Büyükünal Brooch 

(All images from The Plastic Show at Velvet da Vinci Gallery)



Velvet da Vinci Gallery
2015 Polk Street
San Francisco CA 94109  (USA)
Phone 415.441.0109
Tuesday – Saturday 11 to 6,   Sunday 11 to 4



EXPO ONLINE at JEWELLERY SCAPE -  PLASTICs  section dans Catherine SHEEDY (Qb) enter


‘PLASTICS’ gallery :  Margaux LANGE (US), Colleen BARAN (CA), Ruth MOORE (UK), Cynthia del GIUDICE (ARg.), Emily WATSON (US), Luisa BRUNI (IT), Francesca GABRIELLI (IT), Chryssa DAMIANIDOU (GR), Henriette WHITE (ZA), Manuela GANDINI (IT), etc etc etc ……

22074_320368941893_739666893_4588203_8360578_n dans Chryssa DAMIANIDOU (GR)
Ruth Moore (UK) – resin bangle – 2008 – Resin, pigment paste, sterling silver, plastic beads.

6922_1220847012251_1561208784_30577408_3442342_n dans Colleen BARAN (CA)
Cynthia Del Giudice  (Argentina) – fused plastic ring

10225_1261882188530_1273952589_785211_3273895_n dans Cynthia del GIUDICE (RA)
Luisa Bruni – ‘Plink’ rings – plexiglass, silver

26166_353059550215_625930215_4168601_800548_n dans Emily WATSON (US)
Emily Watson (US)- ‘bubble resonance4′ 2009 – corian, bowling ball plastic

25453_1320480624965_1619292128_827581_6012044_n dans Exposition/Exhibition26844_412434611258_644906258_5561841_5229967_n dans Francesca GABRIELLI (IT)
Francesca Gabrielli (IT) – STREET ART 2008 – girocollo
Colleen Baran (CA) – Elastic Ring 2 – 2010 – found rubber band, thread

24899_377261898284_702238284_3868505_7006519_n dans Henriette WHITE (ZA)
Alessandra Lorini - « Svruss » -pvc pipes for scoubidou – copper wire

24323_1331525341708_1638259298_816687_491476_n dans Luisa BRUNI (IT)
Chryssa Damianidou (GR) – ‘snow queen’ 2010 chain,crystals

27290_10150107081945084_796615083_11407082_3944761_n dans Manuela GANDINI/Manuganda (IT)
María Eugenia Pretto (Uruguay) – ‘Nube’  2010 – Metallic mesh & Fishing line

13531_165371312866_686917866_2702671_4367244_n dans Margaux LANGE (US)13531_165371367866_686917866_2702675_4530196_n dans Maria Eugenia PRETTO (Uruguay)
Henriette White  (South Africa) – layers of lime – perspex, aluminium (left)

35197_1502801926032_1113733022_31505159_657211_n dans plastiques
Manuela Gandini  – BOLD! bangle – 2010- anallergic recyclable rubber

EXPO JewelleryScape- PLASTICs- Catherine SHEEDY - silver, pvc, rubber
Catherine SHEEDY (Quebec) – silver, pvc, rubber neckpiece




« This virtual exhibition presents, for the first time, the « virtual jewel community »: 250 works that, for methodological reasons, have been grouped into five macro-categories based on the material used: metal, paper, plastic, organic and fabrics. Within each of these categories however the initial heterogeneity has been preserved, as a conscious choice as well as well as to value the individuality and the geographical and semantic specificity of each piece. The works presented are those of great masters and young students alike, coming from all aver the world, characterized by different backgrounds and languages, alternately high or low technologies, manual or serial manufacture processes: the red thread that unites them all is the project, the necessary connective tissue in the contemporary babel.
Each of these works contains within it a world which unfolds before our very eyes, gifting us with the preciousness of a reflection and the emotion of a suggestion. Extraordinary pieces, for their making and the ideas behind them, from which we can sense memories of places and lives, shadows of incidental trajectories. And passion: in the form of challenge.
«  (
Alba Cappellieri)


‘METAL’ gallery : Colleen BARAN (CA), Harriete Estel BERMAN (US), Agata BIENKOWSKA (PL), Sabrina BOTTURA (IT), Patrizia BONATI (IT), Enrico CABERLON (IT), Corrado De MEO (IT), Francesca GABRIELLI (IT),  Valentina Gaia GAMBETTA (IT), Manuela GANDINI (IT), Maria GOTI (ES), Raffaele IRACE (IT), Sandra KOCJANCIC (SI), Stefania LUCCHETTA (IT), Rosalba BALSAMO (IT), Angela GERHARD (US), Ariel Matias ORTEGA (Arg.), Rossana RO (Niiro Jewelry) (IT), Barbara PAGANIN (IT), Stefano PEDONESI (IT), Gina PANKOWSKI (US),  Alessandro PETROLATI (IT), Fabrizio TRIDENTI (IT), Janos Gabor VARGA (HU), Gonzalo PALMA (Peru), Corinna COLOMBO (IT), GianCarlo MONTEBELLO (IT), Emanuela DUCA (IT), etc etc etc …

12638_1197400788560_1634701230_502161_7833041_n dans Alessandro PETROLATI (IT)
Rosalba Balsamo  – bracciale, argento, 2006 (dentro vuoto….tecnica galvanica)

2897_69334538353_695088353_1748733_5163542_n dans Angela GERHARD (US)
‘METAL’ gallery – Gonzalo PALMA Joyas (Peru) – Collar ‘Central one black city’  - Silver 950, Peridots

n1518280846_1152790_6375278 dans Ariel Matias ORTEGA (RA)
‘METAL’ gallery – Agata Bieńkowska (PL) – ‘OTCHŁAŃ /ABYSS’ white metal (alpaca silver) & plexiglass jewelry

25651_380306569916_787244916_3543948_181159_n dans Barbara PAGANIN (IT)
‘METAL’ gallery -  Harriete Estel Berman (US) – Flower Pins
« Each April Flower Brooch is a one of a kind pin constructed from multiple layers of recycled tin cans. The use of recycled materials becomes metaphorical foundation for the flower motif. Each and every petal is cut by hand, the edges are smooth, then the flower petals are lifted and twisted to make the flower petals more rigid and dimensional in appearance. » (to shop on Etsy …)

n29074566782_1193529_7005 dans Colleen BARAN (CA)
‘METAL’ gallery -  Angela Gerhard (US) – ‘Cha cha’ earrings – vitreous enamel on copper
25506_1391716065380_1006470301_1146329_1659437_n dans Corinna COLOMBO (IT)
‘METAL’ gallery – Maria Goti (ES) ‘Criaturas Marinas XI’ – oxidised silver, gold, Coral Fosilizado, cultured pearls

25414_1314627199066_1632295109_800153_5985859_n dans Corrado De MEO (IT)
‘METAL’ gallery – Raffaele Irace – ‘enigma’ ring – semiprecious stones and silver
25414_1314631039162_1632295109_800164_2149598_n dans Cynthia del GIUDICE (RA)

24068_1309841277685_1580206137_30777587_2258857_n dans Dominika NABOROWSKA (PL)
‘METAL’ gallery – Stefania Lucchetta – Silk 51 bangle – titanium

19245_1255861528733_1595446064_30655454_8197345_n dans Emanuela DUCA (IT)

GianCarlo Montebello (IT) – rings SOFTNESS – stainless steel mesh, yellow gold, stone cut-metal gems in yellow gold

13361_207639331066_623746066_2980953_6028806_n dans Emily WATSON (US)

10226_1174407533947_1640828533_492148_6290065_n dans Exposition/Exhibition
Barbara PAGANIN (IT) – Vasi Alchemici . Collana in argento patinato e vetro soffiato a lume

24976_362516287748_149648387748_3657576_6426224_n dans Fabrizio TRIDENTI (IT)22451_1231656505708_1058002920_30580152_7488017_n dans Francesca GABRIELLI (IT)
Gina Pankowski (US) – New Architectonic Necklace – silver
Rossana RO  (Niiro Jewelry)

19878_325220210947_628670947_4563215_7865013_n dans GianCarlo MONTEBELLO (IT)n1040760246_303173_457 dans Gina PANKOWSKI (US)
Janos Gabor VARGA (HU)Hatch’ ring in progress
Fabrizio TRIDENTI - ‘chs2′ ring 2007- oxidized silver, enamel

12410_323198903413_640018413_3437335_2813121_n dans Gonzalo PALMA (Peru)
Corinna Colombo  – « Spinosa » di nome e di fatto, collana realizzata con fili di rame e di ferro di diversi diametri

Dominika Naborowska (du blog panie Pfor...)
Dominika Naborowska (PL) – necklace (le blog Panie-Przodem c’est elle ! :-) )

12938_1306769987935_1191110743_30942883_5227870_n dans Harriete Estel BERMAN (US)
Emanuela Duca- ‘petals’ necklace – oxidised silver, diamonds 


Valérie Salvo |
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