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EXPO ‘Ring a Day – 65 artists. 1 year. 365 rings’ – Punch Gallery, Seattle (USA) – 5-29 Mai 2011

Ring a Day
65 artists. 1 year. 365 rings.

May 5 – 29, 2011

Opening Reception: 5 – 8pm
First Thursday, May 5, 2011

As a tie-in to the annual SNAG (Society of North American Goldsmiths) conference, PUNCH presents this totally RAD (Ring a Day) exhibition showcasing 365 rings, accompanied by select photographs to illustrate the diverse, creative and inspiring rings artists have made from Day 1 to Day 365.

Colleen Baran, Kathryn Cole, Shannon Conrad, Nina Gibson and Sara Westermark juried RAD from over 16,000 rings (!!!) submitted to the Ring a Day group on Flickr. The exhibition features 65 international artists with work ranging from ephemeral and conceptual art rings to functional jewelry in both alternative and classic materials.
(Ring 100, Victoria Takahashi, April 10, 2010 – wood, mixed metals, polymer clay, dyed feather, acorn cap)

This project was an open challenge to metalsmiths and other artists across the globe to make one ring a day out of any material for the entire year of 2010. Over the course of the year artists continually added rings, new artists joined the group, ideas morphed into new ideas, artists played off the ideas of other artists, and materials were used in new and unexpected ways. On a daily basis, rings were created, photographed, and posted to the Ring a Day Flickr group. The majority of the artists represented discovered the project through social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, blogs and word of mouth. This project reflects a population of metalsmiths and jewelry makers who are facile with current online technology.

Ring a Day is part of the Society of North American Goldsmith’s yearly conference; an event that brings together 800+ visitors from around the world for exhibitions, artist’s talks, trunk shows and more. SNAG is an international educational non-profit organization that supports and advances the professional practice of artists, designers, jewelers and metalsmiths.


Thanks to the RING A DAY blog I got the list of exhibiting artists !! :-)
Ashley Akers
Sabine Amtsberg
Loren Angulo
Maria Apostolou
Erin Austin
Meg Auth
Angela Baduel-Crispin
Colleen Baran
Inbar Barbaket
Laurie Brown
Kathleen Brughelli
Maureen Brusa-Zappellini
Catherine Chandler
Kathryn Cole
Kerry Alice Collins
Shannon Conrad
Jennifer Culp
Beth Cyr
Casey Daurio
Trudie Davies
Lisa Dienst-Thomas
Nina Dinoff
Thomasin Durgin
Laura Flavin
Renee Ford
Nina Gibson
Lynne Glazzard
Natalia Gomensoro
Heather Goodwin
Lora Hart
Sarah Hood
Chris Irick
Alice Istanbul
Norsola Johnson
Sarah Loertscher
Marthe Le Van
Kate Jones
Maggie Joynt
Evelyn Markasky
Bill Martin
Marta Miguel Martínez-Soria
Denise McCoy
Alisa Miller
Danielle Miller
Carrie Nunes
Margaret O’Brien
Marta Sanchez Oms
Paul Phillips
Calan Ree
Kathryn Riechert
Andrea Ring
Lígia Rocha
Kathi Roussel
Kest Schwartzman
Ponsawan Silas
Mike Stromberg
Rachelle Stromberg
Victoria Takahashi
Leslie Tinnaro
Susan Trindle (= »Quercus Silver » !)
Mary Lu Wason
Emily Watson
Sara Westermark
Dee Wilder
Jaqki Withycombe
(go to see the pictures on the blog ! INCREDIBLE things … well, RINGS !)

EXPO 'Ring a Day - 65 artists. 1 year. 365 rings' - Punch Gallery, Seattle (USA) - 5-29 Mai 2011 dans Angela BADUEL-CRISPIN (FR) 5128723553_c10c8fdfb2-1
The Ring a Day project, initially proposed by artist Nina Dinoff, was intended as a challenge to set a daily routine of exploration
Susan Trindle (the mysterious »Quercus Silver » !)
Maria Apostolou
Thomasin Durgin‘s « Crown of Thorns Cilice Ring » RAD 31
Thomasin Durgin (a.k.a. Metal Riot)



PUNCH Gallery
119 Prefontaine Place South
Seattle, Washington 98104 (USA)
tel 206.621.1945



 dans Ashley AKERS (US)
Ring a Day – by  Marthe Le Van – LarkCrafts Ed. – 256 pp
publication date : sept. 2011



Dans 5 secondes votre bijou s’autodetruira ….

Detruire son bijou … pour le faire, pour pouvoir le porter, pour le faire évoluer … une réflexion intéressante dans les investigations faites sur le bijou.Brûler la matière, pour voir ce qu’il va en rester, pour voir comment elle évolue, jouer avec la mort, avec la fin …. j’aime beaucoup ce bracelet de l’Argentine Fabiana GADANO  qu’il faut transpercer pour pouvoir le porter : cela implique violence, mais aussi une action personnelle qui complète -et fini- la création initiale de l’artiste. Cela implique aussi que votre bracelet n’aura pas été « explosé » à l’identique de celui de la voisine : donc, en le brisant, vous le rendez unique. Acte de ‘vandalisme’ -propre à notre époque-, mais aussi acte d’appropriation, acte de personnalisation. « Je »/jeux participe au processus créatif. On peut aussi choisir -par peur? par respect?- de ne PAS le percer … et donc de ne pas le porter ….

Parmi les types de « destruction » proposés, le feu à l’air d’avoir la faveur …. le feu détruit, mais le feu nettoie aussi, purifie, et permet la « renaissance » (cf l’écobuage, ou le phénix qui renait de ses cendres …). Par cette action du feu, c’est un bijou nouveau qui renait ….

Cela me fait penser à l’expression « nature morte », que les anglais traduisent par « still life » (toujours en vie ….)

Fabiana Gadano bracelet auto-destruction  Inni Pärnänen (Finnish)- botanical jewellery with a geometric bent - flower ring in burnt paper & wax

Fabiana GADANO (Argentina) – bracelet – il faut le percer pour pouvoir l’enfiler ….
Inni PÄRNÄNEN  (Finnish)- botanical jewellery with a geometric bent – flower ring in burnt paper & wax
Inni Pärnänen - Finnish jeweller - body piece -burnt paper & waxRita MARCANGELO burnt silk necklace
Inni PÄRNÄNEN – Finnish jeweller – body piece -burnt paper & wax
Rita MARCANGELO burnt silk necklace

Rita marcangelo (IT)- burnt silk ring and necklacering_a_day- Tomi (Thomasin Durgin)('Metal Riot')  - copper, burlap, and fabric stiffener, burned- ring_a_day
Rita MARCANGELO (IT)- burnt silk ring
Thomasin DURGIN (‘Metal Riot’ ) – copper, burlap, and fabric stiffener, burned – ring_a_day challenge

auto_destruction - Marta Miguel Martínez-Soria - burning ringMarta Miguel Martínez-Soria - burning ring (2)Marta Miguel Martínez-Soria - burning ring (3)

Marta Miguel MARTINEZ-SORIA (ES/BE) – burning ring processus (1) (2 ignition !) (3)

 Marta Miguel Martínez-Soria - burnt ring- 4 'metalRIOT' - 'Burning the Candle at Both Ends', a variation on a theme

Marta Miguel MARTINEZ-SORIA- papier mache, matches, and wax ‘burnt’ ring ! - ring_a_day challenge
Thomasin DURGIN (‘Metal Riot’) ‘Burning the Candle at Both Ends’, a variation on a theme - ring_a_day challenge

ring_a_day challengeEvelyn Markasky ring-a-day - Multiple pieces of paper cut into ring shapes and wire-wrapped together, then burned - 2kyeok kim soap rings.jpg

Evelyn MARKASKY – Multiple pieces of paper cut into ring shapes and wire-wrapped together, then burned – ring_a_day challenge
Kyeok KIM (Corée du Sud)- Bagues en savon (soap rings) – qd vous vous lavez les mains, il ne reste plus qu’un parfum …


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