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EXPO ‘WASSER – WATER’ – Ariane Hartmann Schmuckdesign, Hagen (DE) – 25 Oct.-3 Dec. 2016

WASSER – WATER     Ariane Hartmann Schmuck & Design

Vernissage am 30.10.2016 – 12:00 – 18:00



The central subject of the exhibition is a reflection about the importance of the Water for life.
Water means life and there is no life without water.

Water flows, whispers splashes, tears, rushes, sprays, drips, drops in crystals from the sky like snwoflakes, forming clouds, is blue, gray, green, brown, muddy or clear. The world is covered to 2/3 with water and of which 97.3% salt water, fresh water = drinking water.
At the water, on the water and under water. Deep-sea, ocean, the sea, a river, a waterfall, a lake, a well, a spring, rapids, a pond, water column, water level, water pollution. To drink to drown – to swim to walk on water?

Artist list :  Anja Büscher (D), Anne Dinan (USA), Applebeach (D), Sue Gregor (UK),  Fabiana Gadano (AR), Kirsten Grünebaum (D), Ariane Hartmann (D), Gabriele Hinze (D), Dagmar Faust (D), Sandra Letzing (D), Annette Schulze (D), Melanie Tomlinson (UK)



Anne Dinan (USA) Stahl Emaille Decal Magnet Anne Dinan (USA) Stahl Emaille Decal Magnet

Anne Dinan  Brooch: Untitled, 2016  Vitreous enamal on steel, decal, kiln fired: Anne Dinan  Brooch: Untitled, 2016  Vitreous enamal on steel, decal, kiln fired

Anne Dinan (USA) vitreous enamel on steel, decal, kiln fired.Anne Dinan (USA) vitreous enamel on steel, decal, kiln fired.

Fabiana Gadano - recycled PET & Silver Fabiana Gadano   – recycled PET & Silver ring

 Fabiana Gadano – Brosche Still Water – PET receycled Alpaca oxidiert – Foto von F.G.:  Fabiana Gadano – Brosche Still Water – PET receycled Alpaca oxidiert – Foto von F.G

  Gabriele Hinze Silber - engraved brooches by Gabriele Hinze SilverGabriele Hinze Silber – engraved brooches – Broschen ziseliert Silber

Gabriele Hinze Silber - engraved brooches  Gabriele Hinze Silber - engraved brooches

Gabriele Hinze Silber - engraved brooch: Gabriele Hinze Silber – engraved broochAriane Hartmann-   WASSER IS LEBEN - WATER IS LIFE - Glass, Water, Cork, Packet String, Silver Ariane Hartmann -Pendant: Wasser ist Ursprung, 2016 – glass, Water, Cork, Packet String, Silver

 Sue GregorSue Gregor


Ariane Hartmann – Werkstattgalerie. zeitgenössischer Schmuck & Design
Eppenhauserstr. 14
58093 -  Hagen
tel +491737713988
Öffnungszeiten: Mo. geschlossen, Di. + Fr. + Sa. 10:00 – 14:00, Mi. + Do. 10:00 – 15:30 mit einer Pause um 12:00 – 12:30Uhr und nach VereinbarungEnregistrer





EXPO – COMINELLI Award 2015 – Fondazione Cominelli (IT) – 29 Aout- 4 Oct. 2015

Fondazione Cominelli (IT)
Cominelli award 2015

Exhibition opening reception and awards: 29th August 2015
Exhibition dates: 29th August – 4th October 2015

Premio Cominelli 2015

 The competition is open to artists from all over the world.

For MORE INFORMATION AND DETAILS, please visit the AGC website

Organisers for Cominelli Foundation : Rosanna Padrini Dolcini
Organisers for AGC – Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo : Maria Rosa FranzinRossella Tornquist

EXPO - COMINELLI Award 2015 - Fondazione Cominelli (IT) - 29 Aout- 4 Oct. 2015 dans AGC Italia 11707898_999991716691058_1367381570700157864_o

 Autori selezionati per il premio 2015 :
Alejandra SolarAngelo VergaAkis GoumasAnja EichlerAgnieszka KiersztanBabette von DohnanyiClaude Schmitz Claudia Steiner Corrado de Meo — Eiko Nakahara — Elisabeth Habig – EvaTesarikEzra Satok VolmannElisa GulminelliFabiana GadanoGabi Veit — Hee Jin Lee — Isabell Schaupp Jessica TurrellJudy McCaigLital Mendel Makoto HiedaMarianne SchliwinskiMarion Delarue Monica Cecchi Nahoko Fujimoto Nicole BeckNicola Heidemann — Nobuko Nishiwaki — Peter HoogeboomSébastien CarréSilke TrekelSergio Spivach & Stefano Spivach — Simone Winkler — Steffi Goetze Sumiko Hattori Ria LinsRhona McCallum — Yo Jae Lee — Yu Hiraishi


Cominelli award 2015

Nell’ambito della mostra, la mattina del 30 agosto, nella sala conferenze della Fondazione, sara’ tenuto un seminario composto da due conferenze: la prima relatrice sarà la prof.ssa Maria Rosa Franzin, docente di progettazione orafa presso l’Istituto Pietro Selvatico di Padova, che parlerà del gioiello nella contemporaneità. Il secondo relatore sarà il Prof. Michael Pell docente di lavorazione dei metalli e oreficeria della Scuola Glasgow School of Art – la scuola di Charles Rennie Mackintosh – che presenterà il progetto didattico ed i lavori degli allievi.

ALJA NEUNER - catalogo Cominelli 2014Alja Neuner (catalogo Cominelli 2014)

 Alejandra Solar (M.F.A., 2014 Idar-OberSTEIN ) selected for „Cominelli Foundation Awards 2015“ • Fondazione Cominelli, Via F. Santabona, Cisano di S.Felice / /Benaco, Italy  Alejandra Solar (M.F.A., 2014) • Brooch from the series "Luvina" • Onyx, graphite, resin, silver • 2014 • © photo by artistAlejandra Solar (M.F.A., 2014 Idar-OberSTEIN ) selected for „Cominelli Fo
undation Awards 2015“ •  Brooch from the series « Luvina » • Onyx, graphite, resin, silver • 2014 • © photo by artist



Fondazione Cominelli
Palazzo Cominelli
via Padre F. Santabona, 9
25010 Cisano di San Felice del Benaco (BS)
tel +39 338.60.60.153
sabato: dalle 17.00 alle 20.00
domenica: dalle 10.00 alle 12.00 e dalle 17.00 alle 20.00
Ingresso libero






Cominelli awards -  2015


Alejandra Solar — Akis Goumas — Anja Eichler — Agnieszka Kiersztan — Babette von Dohnanyi — Claude Schmitz — Claudia Steiner — Corrado de Meo — Eiko NakaharaElisabeth Habig — Eva Tesarik — Fabiana Gadano — Gabi Veit — Hee Jin Lee — Isabell Schaupp — Jessica Turrell — Lital Mendel — Makoto HiedaMarianne Schliwinski — Marion Delarue — Monica Cecchi — Nahoko Fujimoto — Nicole Beck — Nicola Heidemann — Nobuko Nishiwaki — Peter Hoogeboom — Sébastien Carré –  Silke Trekel — Sergio & Stefano Spivach — Simone Winkler — Steffi Goetze — Sumiko Hattori — Ria Lins — Rhona McCullum — Yo Jae Lee — Yu Hiraishi



Exhibition opening reception and awards: 29th August 2015

Exhibition dates: 29th August – 4th October 2015

Organisers for Cominelli Foundation : Rosanna Padrini Dolcini
Organisers for AGC – Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo : Maria Rosa FranzinRossella Tornquist




Fondazione Cominelli
Palazzo Cominelli
- Cisano di San Felice del Benaco




EXPO ‘Beyond Textile’ – Galería CONTEXT, Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona – ES) – 19 Fevr.-21 Mars 2015

Apertura – Opening, Jueves – Thursday, February 19 at 19:30 h
  BEYOND TEXTILE - 18 Jewelers from Argentina 2015(Alejandra Koreck – broche « La Dicha II » – plata, rafia sintètica, paper)


BEYOND TEXTILE¨ reune una serie de piezas de joyería realizadas por dieciocho diseñadores argentinos. Se trata de una serie de obras que, si bien tienen como referente el género de la Joyería Textil Contemporánea, es para trascenderlo y aventurarse fuera de sus límites a partir de los heterogéneos recursos expresivos, diversidad de criterios y variedad de materiales y técnicas de los que hacen uso los diferentes autores. No obstante, lo que permanece como criterio unificador es la relación – a veces discordante – entre la Joyería Contemporánea y la diversidad de técnicas provenientes del diseño textil.
BEYOND TEXTILE, gather a series of jewellery pieces made by eighteen Argentine designers. This is a series of works that, even if they have Contemporary Textile Jewellery genre as a reference, their aim is to trascend it and venture outside their limits using heterogeneous expressive resources, diversity of criteria and wide variety of materials and techniques implemented by different authors. However, what remains as a unifying criterion is the relation -sometimes conflicting- between Contemporary Jewellery and the diversity of techniques resulting from textile design.

 avec :  Alejandra KoreckBárbara Paz Sabina Tiemroth Valeria Hasse Ana ArliaGabriela Bonelli – Tota Reciclados (Valeria Hasse + Marcela Muñiz) Lilia Breyter Graciela LescanoMabel PeñaFabiana GadanoPaola Victoria SaavedraMaría Rosa MongelliAnsiosa Hormona (Jessica Morillo)Patricia TrigubMai Solorzano –  Elida KemelmanFabiana Vodanovich Casañas — & Luis Acosta

 Ansiosa Hormona (Jessica Morillo) - Collar "Necklace II"  - llana, tèxtils    Ansiosa Hormona (Jessica Morillo) – Collar « Necklace II »  – llana, tèxtils 

Maria Solorzano - Collar "Revolt" -  cotó  Maria Solorzano - Collar « Revolt » -  cotó 

Luis Acosta - Collar "Quipus" - paper teixit  Peça única Luis Acosta – Collar « Quipus » – paper teixit  Peça única

TOTA RECICLADOS (Valeria Hasse - Marcela Muñiz)  - Collar "Die Gleichisse Jesu" - material trobat TOTA RECICLADOS (Valeria Hasse – Marcela Muñiz)  – Collar « Die Gleichisse Jesu » – material trobat

Lilia Breyter - Polsera "Gauzes C5"   - fil ferro de coure teixit xapat en orLilia Breyter – Polsera « Gauzes C5″   – fil ferro de coure teixit xapat en or

Mabel Pena - Anell "Cycles III"  - plata, bronze, nylon Mabel Pena - Anell « Cycles III »  – plata, bronze, nylon

 Elida Kemelman-  Penjoll "Surprise"   -guant de pell, plata  Elida Kemelman-  Penjoll « Surprise »   -guant de pell, plata

Fabiana Gadano - Fermall "Party" - gasa, tela de cotó, llana, alpaca Fabiana Gadano – Fermall « Party » – gasa, tela de cotó, llana, alpaca

This is the first time an exhibition of this size, themed on Argentine jewelers, is performed in Europe.
Will be presented :
*in April 2014 at the Galerie u Help zelven Netherlands, ,
*in May at Galerie Cebra Düsseldorf, Germany, ,
* and in September in Lalabeyou gallery in Madrid, .
Now for the first time presented in Catalonia in Context Gallery in Sant Cugat del Vallès (Bcn),  .




C/Viñolas, 10
08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès (BCN) Spain
T 0034 935 893 806


EXPO ‘Les 5 éléments – Opus 2: l’Eau’ – Pôle Bijou Baccarat (FR) – 14 Janv.-15 Juin 2015

« Les 5 éléments – Opus 2: l’Eau » au pôle bijou de Baccarat de janvier à mi juin 2015
Artistes invités : Lucienne Adolf, Eliane Amalric, Béatrice Balivet, Christine Borde, Sébastien Carré, Criska, Claire Deleurme, Marie Flambard, Emmanuelle Loison, Sandra Muntoni et Stefano Poletti (France), Maria Carelli et Fabiana Gadano (Argentine), Lou Sautreau et Shana Teugels (Belgique), Emilie Bliguet (Espagne), Maria Tsimpiskaki (Grèce), Xai Cuan Wu (Taiwan) et Kevin O’Grady (USA)


Baccarat - l'EAU

La théorie des cinq éléments est une façon traditionnelle de décrire et d’analyser le monde. Pour l’Occident, elle a été fondée par les philosophes grecs (notamment Empédocle au Ve siècle av. J.-C.). Pourtant, des théories assez similaires existent aussi dans de nombreuses autres civilisations et tout particulièrement dans le monde asiatique. Elle est basée sur l’hypothèse selon laquelle tous les matériaux constituant le monde seraient composés d’un ou plusieurs de ces 5 éléments (Terre, Eau, Air/le bois, Feu et l’Éther/métal), en plus ou moins grande quantité  et en réguleraient les principes de fonctionnement dans des cycles d’engendrement ou de destruction. Ce projet d’exposition se décline sur 2 ans, chaque élément étant présenté tour à tour …
Difficilement quantifiable de par sa forme changeante, l’eau se joue de nos sens. Composée d’innombrables particules, de milliers de bulles et de gouttes assemblées, elle ne se rend visible que par des indices qui trahissent sa présence. Les lignes qui dessinent son contour ou qui définissent son flux sont retranscrites par l’emploi du fil textile. La lumière révèle sa présence en produisant un miroitement. Les diverses formes rondes et sphériques brodées sur l’objet visent autant à symboliser la diversité des particules qui la composent qu’à retranscrire cette impression visuelle. Enfin dans certains bijoux, la cotte de maille permet de mettre en marche d’autres outils de notre perception tels que l’ouïe et le toucher en reproduisant le mouvement et le son de l’eau qui s’écoule.

Sébastien Carré - La vague, 2014Sébastien Carré – La vague, 2014
Sébastien Carré - La goutte, 2014Sébastien Carré - La goutte, 2014
Sébastien Carré - Iceberg, 2014Sébastien Carré - Iceberg, 2014
Sébastien Carré - 7eme Continent , 2014Sébastien Carré - 7eme Continent , 2014
Fabiana Gadano Brooch: Untitled Water bottles, PET plastic (polyethylene terephthalate) 14 x 10 x 7 cm Recycled materialFabiana Gadano Brooch: Untitled Water bottles, PET plastic (polyethylene terephthalate) 14x10x7 cm Recycled material
 CAI-XUAN WU: Transit:Knitting, Brooch (2012) / Acryli, steel wire
CAI-XUAN (Molly) WU: Transit:Knitting, Brooch (2012) / Acryli, steel wire
Maria Carelli - collar "respirar"Maria Carelli - collier « respirar » – écailles de poisson
Mona Luison - parure "L'eau" 2014Mona Luison – parure « L’eau » 2014
Stefano Poletti - Collier abysses Stefano Poletti - Collier abysses
EXPO  pôle bijou 'opus 2 l'EAU' - Eliane AmalricEliane Amalric
13 rue du Port
54120 Baccarat (FR)



EXPO ‘Beyond Textile’ – Galería Lalabeyou, Madrid (ES) – 11 Sept.-15 Oct. 2014

« Beyond Textile » – 11/09 – 15/10 – 2014  – Galería Lalabeyou – Madrid España -

inauguración / opening: jueves / thursday 11/09 21:00

"Beyond Textile" - 11/09 - 15/10 - 2014 Galería Lalabeyou -




extil en joyas, obras de 21 diseñadores de joyas argentinas. / Textile in jewelry, works of 21 Textil en

- Textil en joyas, obras de 21 diseñadores de joyas argentinas. / Textile in jewelry, works of 21 Argentine jewelry designers. comisario/curator Luis Acosta



Artistas / Artists : Fabiana Vodanovich Casañas — Patricia Trigub — Tota Reciclados (Valeria Hasse + Marcela Muñiz) Sabina Tiemroth – Mai Solorzano — Paola Victoria Saavedra — Jimena Ríos Mabel Peña — Bárbara Paz — María Rosa Mongelli — Graciela Lescano – María Alejandra Koreck — Elida Kemelman — Ansiosa Hormona (Jessica Morillo) Fabiana Gadano — Lilia Breyter — Gabriela Bonelli — María Boggiano — Ana Arlía — Alícia Antich — Luis Acosta



Galería Lalabeyou
Travesía de Belén 2 – Local 1
28004 Madrid España – Spain
+34 653300154




Cominelli awards 2014 – Fondazione Cominelli (IT) – 30 Aout-5 Oct. 2014

AGC associazione gioiello contemporaneo. - Cominelli awards 2014
Photo de AGC associazione gioiello contemporaneo.
With the fifth edition of the Fondazione Cominelli Award for Contemporary Jewellery 2014, there will also be the exhibition of the works of the Permanent Collection of Contemporary Jewellery; each edition will enrich the Collection with new works, some by the competition participants and others by artists selected by the Gallerist Rita Marcangelo.


Fondazione Cominelli
Palazzo Cominelli
- Cisano di San Felice del Benaco



EXPO ‘TEMA PENDIENTE’ – CCEBA, Buenos Aires (Argentina) – 5-18 nov 2013

Pending Issue / Tema pendiente CCEBA, Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires

Exhibition of contemporary jewelry with recicled materials
TEMA PENDIENTE - CCEBA 5-18 nov 2013
Silvia Abrevaya — Alejandra Agusti — Gabriela Ahumada — Mirta Allutto — Florencia Alonso — Hebe Argentieri — Alicia Atencio — Iacov Azubel — Sara Elizabeth Bari — Gaby Bonelli — Mónica Borgogni — Paula Botto — María Camicha — Nora Capitman — Maria Carelli — Jorge Castañón — Anne Luz Castellanos — Nora Castillo — Mercedes Castro Corbat — Daniela Comaleras — María Celina De Lorenzi — Graciela Di Monaco — Graciela Fassi — Marina Fatta — Nélida Ferrari Lázar — Mirta Figueroa — Sol Flores — Fabiana Gadano — Patricia Gallucci — Paula Giecco — Martha Gigena — Liliana Ginocchio — Déborah Glinberg — Maria Fernanda Gomez — Elisa Gulminelli — Cecilia Hecker — Marcia Helman — Alicia Hidalgo — Claudia Rosana Jofman — Wanda Juarros — Elida Kemelman — Mirta Kraves — Alejandra Kunz — Liliana Labarta — Vanesa Lamadrid — Eleonora Lanne — Laura Leyt — Liliana Macklin — Magela Maggi — Marta Mallar Sirkis — Susana Mandelbaum — Patricia Mastaller — María Mendieta — Gabriela Miguel — María Rosa Mongelli — Cecilia Mórtola — Facundo Narduzzi — Iona Nieva — Gabriela Nirino — Silvia Ogasso — Claudia Olivieri — Dolores Oneto — Susana Ortiz — Alejandra Oyón — Irene Palomar — Maria Grazia Pane — Ana ParedesMabel PenaSandra Pulgar — Gabriela Rapoport — Patricia Rodriguez — Claudia Rosenberg — Maria Gracia Salinas — Marita Sario — Ruth Schaffer — Liliana Schissel — Claudia Schnaider — María Eugenia Solís — Maria Solórzano — Gabriela Squassini — Sabina Tiemroth — Albertina Tozzini — Beatriz Velardo — Fabiana Vodanovich Casañas — Silvia Vollaro — Ana Weisz — Anita Zalts — Beatriz Zarazaga.
Workshops of Jorge Castañón, Fabiana Gadano and Mabel Pena.
Humans are facing, embodied their own reflection, a powerful enemy: their own capacity for self-destruction.
To question the massive and indiscriminate urban waste production is the starting point for change, the need to modify behaviors that separate us from natural balance.
During the last ten years, contemporary jewelry in Argentina has grown exponentially, expressing ideas and concepts. On this occasion, the work of the workshops of Castañón, of Pena and of Gadano, is an invitation to make us think of that which is of use and of no use, which we do not know, which we forget, and of the possibility of generating profound changes in our lifestile habits in favor of ourselves.
Fabiana  Gadano, Brooch,
Fabiana  Gadano, Brooch – Water bottles, PET plastic (polyethylene terephthalate) Recycled material
Mirta  Kraves, Necklace,
Mirta  Kraves, Necklace – Water bottles, PET plastic (polyethylene terephthalate) Recycled material
Susana Ortiz, Necklace, Susana Ortiz – Necklace – Cardboard egg’s packaging  Recycled material
Ana Paredes, Brooch,
Ana Paredes – Brooch – Milk cream containers, HDPE plastic (high density polyethylene)  Recycled material
EXPO pendiente - Gabriela Miguel - Brooch:  Polyethylene garbage bags
Gabriela Miguel – Brooch:  Polyethylene garbage bags
EXPO pendiente - Mabel Pena - collar selva
Mabel Pena – collar selva – bolsas de supermercado –   Recycled material
CCEBA, Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires
Sede Florida 943
- Buenos Aires


EXPO ‘Laca Japonesa aplicada a la Joyería Contemporánea’ – Museo de la Mujer, Buenos Aires (Argentina) – 31 mai-28 juin 2013

Primera Muestra en Argentina de Laca Japonesa aplicada a la Joyería Contemporánea

Museo de la Mujer, Buenos Aires
Inauguración: Viernes 31 de Mayo. 19:00 horas. Entrada libre y gratuita
31 Mai : laca japonesa aplicada a la joyeria contemporanea

Esta exposición difundirá el trabajo del taller de Francine Schloeth  -artista plástica suiza- y de alrededor de 30 alumnos provenientes de distintas profesiones,  aunque predominan la joyería y la restauración.

“LAS EMOCIONES” (amor, alegría y placer, miedo, ira y tristeza) fue el eje temático elegido para la selección de las maravillosas piezas a exponer en esta ocasión.

Es una oportunidad única para ver en conjunto trabajos artísticos con laca japonesa, una técnica milenaria, que necesita mucho tiempo, dedicación y paciencia debido a las particulares características de temperatura y humedad que requiere su secado y a que su brillo único y profundo se logra con la aplicación de numerosas capas.


 Participan :
Albertina Tozzini — Ale Koreck — Alejandara Agusti — Alejandro Gallo — Barbara Paz — Beatriz Zarazaga –
Diana TorcolettiElisa GulminelliFabiana GadanoFrancine SchloethIacov Azubel — Iona Nieva — Irene Palomar — Liliana Ginocchio — Lucia Brichta – Luz Arias Mabel Pena — Maria Eugenia Solís — Maria Rosa Mongelli — Matilde Moreno Vera — Mónica Borgogni — Niqui Silvestri — Norma Rinaudo — Patricia Mastaller — Piqui Zuckerman — Rafael Alvarez — Sabine Hauss — Sandra Pulgar — Sara Bari — Soraia Marocco — Tali Wasserman — Valeria Dowding — Veronica Caffarelli.

 Fabiana Gadano  Brooch: Buenos Aires 2013  Japanese lacquer cashew, alpaca, silver 925, japanese lacquer, steel thread  10 x 9 x 0.5 cm  Photo: Damián WasserFabiana Gadano  Brooch: Buenos Aires 2013  Japanese lacquer cashew, alpaca, silver 925, japanese lacquer, steel thread  Photo: Damián Wasser

Francine Schloeth  Brooch: Sadness 2013  Japanese lacquer cashew, silver 925, slate, japanese lacquer  11 x 5 x 1 cm  Photo: Damián WasserFrancine Schloeth  Brooch: Sadness 2013  Japanese lacquer cashew, silver 925, slate, japanese lacquer    Photo: Damián Wasser

Irene Palomar  Necklace: Rage  Japanese lacquer cashew, wood, cooper thread recycled, japanese lacquer, rice paper, cooper pan  2 x 15 x 50 cm  Photo: Damián WasserIrene Palomar  Necklace: Rage  Japanese lacquer cashew, wood, cooper thread recycled, japanese lacquer, rice paper, cooper pan Photo: Damián Wasser


Museo de la Mujer
Pje. Dr. R. Rivarola 147
C.A.B.A.- Argentina
TE: 54-11- 4383-9054

martes a sábados
de 15:00 a 20:00 hs


Après les « alicaments », les « bijoucaments » ?

Dans la série « allo maman, BOBO ! » ………………

« ‘Pillole’ e ‘blisters’, …. come metafora del nostro tempo, della nostra flebile e paurosa esistenza, qualcosa che entra senza fare rumore ogni giorno nella nostra vita per affievolire il dolore, per scacciare le paure, per allontanare il malumore, per alleggerire il peso sul cuore che ci affligge senza posa: moderno assenzio per offuscare lo spleen dei giorni nostri. » (« Spleen oggi » – Patamagazine)

(voir également les bijoux de Valentina caprini : Belles rencontres à JOYA : Valentina Caprini )

Kalina Chankova - - - jewel(ry)=medicine ?Kalina Chankova – - – jewel(ry) = medicine ?

Fabiana Gadano - Necklace: Elegant dependence  925 silver, beadsFabiana Gadano – Necklace: Elegant dependence  925 silver, beads

Dana Hakim -  impressed beauty  2006, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem    The project focuses on scars, which leave a type of  engraving of events on our body and soul. The series  offers a different way of remembering, the pain and  the difficulty is also a source of growth and development. What you see is in the eye of the beholder.Dana Hakim -  impressed beauty  2006, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem    The project focuses on scars, which leave a type of  engraving of events on our body and soul. The series  offers a different way of remembering, the pain and  the difficulty is also a source of growth and development. What you see is in the eye of the beholder.

Rikke LunnemannRikke Lunnemann

Octavia Cook - 'Cure for Cancer'  necklace   2011     3,800$  Brass, stg silver, copper, acrylic, epoxy resin glue, electrical shrink wrapOctavia Cook – ‘Cure for Cancer’  necklace   2011   -  Brass, stg silver, copper, acrylic, epoxy resin glue, electrical shrink wrap

Charlotte Larsen "Drink your medicine!"  - Velkommen - Officinet 2012Charlotte Larsen « Drink your medicine! »  – Velkommen – Officinet 2012
Benjamin Lignel - Ring ‘Happy family Mrs 1999′ – silver, offset printed card box, paper-solidor

LE14 -  'Wedding Pills'
Ted Noten – for CHIAPAURA- An alternative to traditional wedding rings, these Wedding Pills are micro-inscribed with the names of the couple and the date of their wedding. They are to be swallowed and recovered from their journey through the body(!!), and can be-reused as a recurring ritual

Frederic Braham - Bonbons très bons -    (producted by "Chi ha Paura ?") "Frederic Braham’s Bonbons Tres Bons (2007) appear candy-coated and succinctly touch on complicated issues of a modern way of life mediated by manufactured medicine." - - Braham, « Bonbons très bons » brooch (P19), 2007, blue and red powder coated metal
« Many of the collections pieces exemplify the conceptually rigorous mission of Chi ha paura…?. Frederic Braham’s Bonbons tres bons (2007) appear candy-coated and succinctly touch on complicated issues of a modern way of life mediated by manufactured medicine. » (Art Jewelry Forum, AJF) (exhibition of « Chi ha paura . . .? » at the San Francisco Museum of Craft + Design mars 2010)
Frédéric Braham – Inner beauty (drinkable jewelery)(exposition « Un vrai bijou » 2005)
Kay Eppi Noelke-  band-aid rings – stainless steel, silver, gold – protective band-aids transformed into jewelry

Konrad Mehus - Norsk folkemedisin Valium - 1998 - broochKonrad Mehus (NO) -  ‘Norwegian Folk medicine’ brooch- silvered bronze -  2005 (Schmuck 2006)

Après les

Benjamin Lignel – Happy family NHS (two adhesive rings), 2002 Rubber, gauze, ink
Edition of 300 –
(Photo: Joel Degen)

pins "el Santo remedio" - Maria SolorzanoMaria Solórzano (Mexico) – colección de pins « el santo remedio » – todos tenemos problemas pero tods tenemos también su santo remedio

Maria Solórzano -   colección de pins "el santo remedio"Maria Solórzano -   colección de pins « el santo remedio »

Jill Baker Gower -  Botox Injection Compact, sterling silver; brass; syringe; vial, 2006 (open)Jill Baker Gower -  Botox Injection Compact, sterling silver; brass; syringe; vial, 2006 (open)

Ewelina Bocian - emergency pills/pinsEwelina Bocian - Emergency pills

Ewelina Bocian“emergency pin” – brass & silver etching, medicine – jewellery envelope for a pill
Emmanuel Lacoste -”Human Nature” – Implant – Bullet (2010)

2armb%C3%A5ndlille dans Charlotte LARSEN (DK)
Annette Dam – “A pill a day keeps the baby away” - Bracelets  

Annette Dam - "a pill a day keeps baby away"Annette Dam – « a pill a day keeps baby away »

Si tout ça ne nous soulage pas de nos divers maux, il ne nous reste plus que nos yeux pour pleurer … mais, heureusement, il y a le bijou ad-hoc pour ça ….

the Eye Jewellery contact lens project by Eric Klarenbeek . It looks dangerous when you wearing it. The Eye Jewellery likes your tears.

Mais, finalement, en fait, n’est ce pas d’un bon gros « hug », d’un bon gros « câlin » dont nous aurions besoin ??

Big hug« Big hug » by ArtMind etcetera