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EXPO ‘UNEXPECTED PLEASURES’ – NGV International, Melbourne (AU) – 20 Avril-26 Aout 2012


The Art and Design of Contemporary Jewellery

A Design Museum, London touring exhibition
at NGV (National Gallery of Victoria)


Unexpected Pleasures looks at what we mean by jewellery from a number of different perspectives.  Taking as its starting point the radical experiments of the Contemporary Jewellery Movement that challenged a conventional understanding of the language of personal adornment, and looking instead at the essential meanings of jewellery, the exhibition brings together important work from around the world, and looks at it from the point of view of the wearer as well as the maker. Contemporary  Jewellery in this sense is at the intersection of art and design.

Curated by Dr. Susan Cohn for the Design Museum, London with exhibition design by Ab Rogers Design and graphics by Barnbrook.

« UNEXPECTED Pleasures, an exhibition of the world’s ugliest, loveliest, most intriguing contemporary jewellery, opened at the National Gallery of Victoria International yesterday.
 »Everything here is designed to be worn, » said guest curator and jewellery designer Susan Cohn.
Visitors took that as a challenge, moving through 180 dimly lit curiosities by the world’s most radical designers, trying to imagine what it would be like to wear a necklace of glass and ceramic dildos. Or a tubular  »veil » collar like a pearly plastic version of Ned Kelly’s helmet. Or a cluster of rusted bolts and nails on a silver  »Screw Ring ».
 »After procreation and survival, our next instinct as humans is adornment, » Cohn said when asked,  »Why? »
 »Adornment is about attracting a mate, which in turn, is about procreation and survival. »
Some humans, however, obviously require more complex, intellectual adornments than others.  »Yes, some wearers will want something that speaks that way for them, » Cohn said. Among the exhibits was a vast choice of such expression, from the minimalist exquisitry of a grey sunray-pleated yoke, to a clump of small pale  »tumours », photographed bursting through a model’s frock. The latter was in a category of radical ideas.
NGV director Gerard Vaughan said the exhibition offered  »a fresh view of the many meanings associated with jewellery ».
The visiting director of London’s Design Museum, Deyan Sudjic, said it was the result of a  »long, drawn-out, cerebral process », and that is precisely how it felt.
Unexpected Pleasures: The Art and Design of Contemporary Jewellery, is a Design Museum, London, exhibition funded by the Joan and Peter Clemenger Trust.
It is free and runs until August 26, when it will travel to London. (Daily

Art and design come together through its exploration of the radical experiments of contemporary jewelers who have pushed the boundaries. Navigate your way through the labyrinth of themes; Worn Out (celebrating the experience of wearing jewellery), Linking Links (looks at the way in which narratives are expressed through sub-themes and creative systems) and A Fine Line (offers insight into the origins of contemporary jewellery today) in an exhibition that is not to be missed.

MEGA,  2009
Camilla Prasch – MEGA 2009 – red dyed snap fasteners, nylon thread, silicone discs – Photo: Dorte Krogh

EXPO 'UNEXPECTED PLEASURES' - NGV International, Melbourne (AU) - 20 Avril-26 Aout 2012 dans Australie (AU) EXHI016680Sally Marsland (AU) – Flat colour, brooches (2002) – epoxy resin mixed with powdered pigment - Photo: Jeremy Dillon

Doug Bucci, USA, Trans-Hematopoietic neckpiece (2010).Doug Bucci, USA, Trans-Hematopoietic neckpiece (2010).

Susie Ganch, USA, Yellow dust, brooch (2010).Susie Ganch, USA, Yellow dust, brooch (2010)

Unexpected pleasures exhibition.David Bielander, Scampi, armband/bracelet, 2007

Unexpected pleasures exhibition.Karl Fritsch Screw ring 2010 silver, nails, screws


Karl Fritsch, New Zealand, Steinhaufen, ring 2004.Karl Fritsch, New Zealand, Steinhaufen, ring 2004

Unexpected pleasures exhibition.Hyewon Kim -  Torn 1 (2011) – resin, twigs Photo: Myoungwook Huh

Unexpected Pleasures exhibition
Tiffany Parbs – Extension (2008) – hand woven hair, digital print – photo Terence Bogue
Caroline Broadhead, England, Veil, necklace (1983).
Caroline Broadhead, England, Veil, necklace (1983).
Susanne Klemm, « Frozen » necklace, plastic

Blanche Tilden  Speed, neckpiece  2000  borosilicate glass, titanium, anodised aluminium  1.2 x 24.0 cm  Collection of the artistBlanche TILDEN – Speed, neckpiece  2000  borosilicate glass, titanium, anodised aluminium

Paul Derrez  Pleated Collar  1982  Plastic, steel  Collection of Paul DerrezPaul Derrez  Pleated Collar  1982  Plastic, steel 

Felieke van der Leest - necklace Felieke van der Leest – necklace

Rose by Gijs Bakker: Colour photograph in laminated plastic (1983) necklace by Gijs Bakker: Colour photograph in laminated plastic (1983) 

Dorothea Prühl - Habicht (Hawk), 2006 necklace, elm wood - H 40 cm Dorothea Prühl Habicht (Hawk), 2006 necklace, elm wood – H 40 cm

Noon Passama, Brooch, 2010Noon Passama, Brooch, 2010


First on show at the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, 20 April – 26 August 2012, this exhibition will also tour to the Design Museum in London, 5 Dec 2012 – 3 Mar 2013. Melbourne based designer and maker Dr. Susan Cohn (interview with The Age) has curated this exhibition for the Design Museum and is also co-author of the substantial catalogue documenting this event as well contributing to the discussion about contemporary design and making.





NGV International
180 St Kilda Road
Melbourne (AU)
Contemporary Exhibitions
Level G


EXPO ‘FORMA vs MATERIA’ – Galleria CRISTIANI, Torino (Italy) – 7-31 Dec. 2011


Un’incursione per scoprire il gioiello contemporaneo a Torino

Inaugura mercoledì 7 dicembre 2011 alle ore 19,00 presso la Galleria Cristiani, Via Porta Palatina 13 – Torino, la mostra Forma vs Materia – Volume 3, l’annuale esposizione che, dal 2009, porta un’incursione nel gioiello contemporaneo attraverso un’innovativa selezione di designer europei.

Forte del successo di pubblico ottenuto negli anni scorsi, la mostra Forma vs Materia, presenta anche questo anno al pubblico torinese un percorso che, tra innovazione e curiosità, contiene le nuove tendenze dell’arte orafa italiana ed europea.

L’esposizione, curata da Mariola Demeglio, propone anche questo anno un viaggio dove la forma dei gioielli va alla ricerca di nuove espressioni attraverso anche un connubio con materie spesso inusuali nel gioiello: dall’argento al carbonio, all’oro fino ai materiali ritenuti più poveri.

Per questo terzo anno dell’evento-appuntamento saranno esposti e messi in vendita pezzi unici da indossare e portare tutti i giorni con la consapevolezza di mostrare e stupire per Forma e Materia: una selezione di gioielli nati dalla creatività e dall’arte di giovani designer affermati in tutta Europa.


Silvia Beccaria – gorgiera Majoral – Anello Hackenberg — Kitchen Necklace with clover decor

Stefania Lucchetta – bracciale in titanio anodizzato – tiratura 2 esemplari Bruni – anelli « plink » in argento Takirai – anelli in argento satinato Tamagna – anelli in acciaio nichelato Tamagna -Girocollo frange- gomma buna

Manumara (Manuela Marazzani)

EXPO 'FORMA vs MATERIA' - Galleria CRISTIANI, Torino (Italy) - 7-31 Dec. 2011 dans Adam GRINOVICH (SE) trocadero

Silvia Beccaria - gorgiera « Trocadero »



Galleria CRISTIANIPorta Palatina 13,
Torino (Italia)

 dans Agnes LARSSON (SE)
forma vs materia 2011 scritto il 28/11/2011


Spécial « LAPIN de noël » – si si …………

« crise lapinifère » aigüe dans la sphère bijoutière — stop — sans doute en cause l’année du LAPIN (2011) ?? — stop — à méditer — stop — quid du rabbit ? — stop –

voir article avec lequel tout a commencé …. : l’Année du LAPIN commence ….. avec Tabea Reulecke  (Tabea Reulecke: Solo ExhibitionATTA Gallery (Bangkok, Thailand) – 19 Fevr-15 Mars 2011)
Paola Bernasconi  Broche, trophée du quotidien.. Reulecke  « Bunnies » Rings

Tabea Reulecke- ‘Kasper’, 2008 – brooch – enamel on copper, silver, gold, garnet

Tabea Reulecke ein feldherr

Alexander Blank  hare brooche
Xavier Moncluscarrot and rabbit brooch
- silver, wood, laminated paper, plastic and enamel paint
Sophie Castle – ‘Rabbit Family’ gold plated set of rings

Monique VozLLe coup du lapin

Felieke van der Leest

Ákos Lipoczi – ring

Sari Liimatta – bracelet

Ara Kuo – « My little Bunny » Brooch

Ara Kuo – « Bunny candy » Brooches

Ara Kuo – « Bunny candy » necklace

Tithi Kutchamuch

Marta Mattsson – Animal Rocks – Brooch – Electroformed copper, resin, rock crystal, silver

 dans Alexander BLANK (DE) dans Ara KUO (Taiwan)
Marta Mattsson - ‘Reversed beauty’ Brooch – Stuffed bunny, walnut wood and silver

Pauline Edie – rabbit brooch – porcelain, oxidised precious metal, yellow precious metal

Zoë Wendel [BFA 2011/Jewelry+Metalsmithing at RISD]Rabbit Skeleton Necklace – laser-cut brass*FAXt1JL0v5OKqGq9PjH*q1DmPbldutfjpoRwtDdc-SXxo01h7lEvSrCCYO2W/DSC_0097.JPG?width=737&height=493

Meiri Ishida – rabbit brooch – felt, silver

Bin Dixon-Ward – pre-2008 brooch

Grainne Morton – Triumphant joyful rabbit brooch

Vanessa Arthur  – Hip hop rabbits brooches just illin and chillin – with silver « bling » !

Alexander Blank – Memento Juniori (Bugs), pendant,  2011  – Rigid foam


EXPO ‘Conceptual jewellery’ – Gallery Putti, Riga (Latvia) – 23 Sept.-22 oct. 2011

 ’Conceptual jewellery’Gallery Putti, Riga (Latvia)

Felieke van der Leest –  Gigi Mariani (Luigi Mariani) (Italy) –  Fabrizio Tridenti (Italy) –  Emmanuel Lacoste (France) –  Doris Betz (Germany) –  Eugenia Ingegno (Italy) –  Dace Vitola (Latvia) –  Daniela Boieri (Italy) –  Coco Dunmire (USA) –  Beppe Kessler (NL) –  Ara Kuo (Thailand) –  Anastasia Young (UK) –  Ana Cardim (PT) –  Adam Grinovich –  Lisa Björke –  Tarja Tuupanen –  Ted Noten –  Silke Fleischer –  Poly Nikolopoulou –  Pawel Kaczynski (Poland) –  Nicolas Estrada (Spain) –  Nora Rochel –  Margherita de Martino Norante (Italy) –  Maria Cristina Bellucci (Italy) –  Isabell Schaupp (Sweden) –  Liisa Hashimoto (Japan) –  Sigurd Bronger (Norway) …..



Gallery Putti
Mārstaļu 16, Riga, Latvia, LV-1050
+371 67214229


Cominelli Foundation Award 2011 – 10 Sept.-9 Oct. 2011

 Fondazione Cominelli -

Premio per il gioiello contemporaneo Fondazione Cominelli


With the second edition of the Fondazione Cominelli Award for Contemporary Jewellery 2011 there will also be the inauguration of the Permanent Collection of Contemporary Jewellery; each edition will enrich the Collection with new works, some by the competition participants and others by artists selected for this year 2011 by the historian and jewellery critic, Bianca Cappello. The permanent Collection will become an important document of the Fondazione Cominelli, an occasion for a visit by jewellery lovers and those of the trade.


The list of candidates selected by Mrs Graziella Folchini Grassetto:

Farrah Al-DujailiRinaldo AlvarezNikolai BalabinSuzanne BeautymanAdrean BloomardFrederic Braham — Donna Brennan — Ximena Briceno — Sungho ChoBeate EismannCristina FilipeChristine GrafAdam GrinovichNatasa Grandovec — Elisa Gulminelli — Catarina HallzonDana HakimPeter HoogeboomMarta HrycMeiri Ishida — Sirya Knaapi — Jimin Kim — Helfried KodreAgnes Larsson — Hadas Levin — Rita MarcangeloMi Mi MoscowMargherita De Martino Norante — Daniela Osterreider — Barbara PaganinRuudt PetersEmanuela Deyanova RamjuliIsabel Schaupp — Francine Schloeth — Sanna SvedestedtGiovanni SicuroKatrin Spranger Gisbert Stach — Maurizio StagniBernhard Stimpfl AbeleSilke TrekelFabrizio Tridenti Maria Trinidad Contreras — Barbara UderzoFelieke Van Der Leest Tanel VeenreLuzia VoigtAndrea WagnerKaori JuzuPetra Zimmermann.
Katrin Spranger- Skeleton of a necklace – Crude oil and its products, silver – 2011



1st prize for the contemporary jewellery competition Fondazione Cominelli 2011 has been awarded to Petra Zimmermann :
Petra Zimmermann: brooch,polymethyl methacrylate,crushed pearls, rhinestones, laquer, steel wire, gold leaf,blackened silver – 2010 


 The 2nd prize has been awarded to Dana Hakim

Cominelli Foundation Award 2011 - 10 Sept.-9 Oct. 2011 dans Adam GRINOVICH (SE) DANA%20HAKIM
Dana Hakim: brooch, iron nets, rubber glove, plastic, reflective lights threads – 2011


and three special mentions  to:


Jimin Kim (Korea): brooch, korean paper, latex, copper ,paint – 2010 

Barbara Paganin (Italy): brooch, methacrylate, oxidize Silver 2011 

Trinidad Contreras (Argentina): brooch, blue porcelain, ready made object, silver, gold leaf – 2011 





Palazzo Cominelli
Via Padre Santabona 9
25010 Cisano di San Felice del Benaco (Brescia)



EXPO ‘Brooch / Bross’ – Sterling Gallery, Budapest (HU) – 26 Mai-17 Juin 2011

The Sterling Gallery cordially invites you to an exclusive exhibition, entitled BROOCH, of young contemporary artists.

Sterling Gallery located in Budapest (H) organizing an exclusive exhibition, entitled BROOCH in order to create an interactive information exchange, a dialogue, a conversation or a meeting between Hungarian and international artists from different countries.

The jewel as a « household object » has pronounced functional complexity.
It has both a role and a tradition in each community.
It can be inferred from certain eras, cultures, ethnic groups and lifestyles, habits and thinking.
It might be a sign, or a symbol which is answering to a non-asked question.
It can refer to the wearer’s age, identity, the religious affiliation, marital status.
It is the distinguishing sign of the everyday and the holidays, a status symbol.
It is a part of magical and practical function in people’s lives.
A jewel fits the body and it’s present in clothing.
The jewel expresses the relationship between people.
The brooch, brooches have also been made in the Bronze Age, Greek, Roman and in other European workshops.

These had a functional role as indispensable elements of clothing and self representation.
The brooches had the force to join, screw and fix the fabric of the cloth.
The use of the buttons and buckles took the practical role of the brooch away, but in the same time the aesthetic function of the brooch has been enhanced.

Exhibited artists : 
Abaffy Klára — Adám Krisztián — Bartl Dora — Dávid Attila Norbert –Egri Zoltán — Egi Marcell — Ferenczi Vanda –Fördős Bence — Noémi Gera  –Gaál Gyöngyvér — Előd Halász  — Huber Kinga — Kecskés Orsolya — Király Fanni –Krámli Magdolna — Réka Lőrincz  –Marosi László — Péter Vladimir — Simon Viktória — Sfomfai Krisztina –Slavei Tamás — Tóth Zoltán –Varga Viktór — Flóra Vági  — Vékony Fanni — Visy Dóra — Wladis –

Denise J. ReytanFelieke van der LeestJimin Park  — Constanze SchreiberSari LiimattaNoon PassamaLi Chu WuManuel Vilhena — Nick Mullins — Marta MattsonHelena LehtinenUdi Lagallina — Martina Mühlfellner — Valeria Hasse & Marcela Muñiz (Tota Reciclados) –  The IdiotsSofia Björkman
Réka Lörincz – brooch ‘Super Trend’ 2011 -Gold, brand labels (textile)

EXPO 'Brooch / Bross' - Sterling Gallery, Budapest (HU) - 26 Mai-17 Juin 2011 dans broochesValeria Hasse (de TOTA Reciclados)

Sari Liimatta  Brooch: Not Enough 2005  Glass beads, metals, paint, rubber toys  Three brooches – avec Sterling Galéria Sari Liimatta – three brooches  ‘Not Enough’ 2005 – Glass beads, metals, paint, rubber toys

Helena Lehtinen  "garden" brooch –  Sterling Galéria Helena Lehtinen – garden
Li-Chu WUMountain Landscape Brooch

Halász Előd - "Bang! You're Dead " brooch Előd Halász – Bang! You’re Dead

Flora Vagi brooch - wood Flora Vagi

Noon Passama jewelry -- brooches Noon Passama pins « extra button »


STERLING Ékszergaléria / Sterling Gallery
H-1092 Budapest. Ráday utca 31.
Nyitva: Hétfő-Péntek 12-20h
Phone: +36 1 323 0037

Szombat: 10-14h


some RINGS discovered here & there ……………

Each time I see great rings I think about the great « ring web site », « The Carrotbox » ! :-) and my dream would be to help her to discover new rings ….. but she knows ALL about rings before everybody ! :-( so keep up dreaming ! :-)

………….. and trying to STOP this post !!!! finding every hour new GORGEOUS rings !!!
Alina Alamorean

Julia  deVille

some RINGS discovered here & there ............... dans Agata FRIEDMAN (PL) ringe9
Lisbeth Nordskov ring – Nylon, sølv, elfenben og granater.
Susanne Klemm

Rita Marcangelo – silk (burnt) & silver rings

 dans Alina ALAMOREAN (FR)Lucia Massei- « Le parole vengono dopo  » 2011
Lucia Massei- 2 Pigmented shibuichi (silver & copper) rings
Patty Nieman – Ring (exhibition « Finger symbols » 2010)

 dans Amber O'HARROW (US) dans Anthi VOYATJES (ZA)
Marcus Marguillier- 3rd hologram series ring
Ingjerd Hanevold – Norway
Ingjerd Hanevold – Norway

Medan Toril ring (saw on blog)

Shannon Carney ring
‘s contribution to the book New Rings: 500+ Designs from Around the World :-)
Violaine Ulmer - céramique, argent

Tomasz ZaremskiTomasz Zaremski – Poland

Tomasz Zaremski (Poland) – rings

 dans Ashley AKERS (US)
Amber O’Harrowseashell ring
Esther Knobel
Tasso Mattar

Marie Bonfils  (DK) – ‘Ode to Manfred’ ring

existence+ring+on+the+body dans Augousta THEMISTOKLEOUS (CY)
Katherine Wheeler existence ring

Susanne Klemm – sleeping-beauties – couldn’t resist to them …………

Joe Wood (US) – ball rings 1999 – cast sterling silver, with 18K gold liner

Augousta Themistocleous  – ‘ping pong’ ring – collection 2009

Melanie Moulhen – émail – bagues ? (blog Bijouterra)

Winfried Krueger ring 1999
(blog Bijouterra)
Sun Kyoung Kim
Iwaki Yu

Agata Friedman

pj_2011_03-37 dans blog TheCarrotBox
Liisa Hashimoto – shoe ring
Margaret Bridgewater – ‘Floating’ rings
Anthi Voyatjes - « Death encapsulated » - Sterling silver, pearls, animal skull; hollow form construction

n679453139_913412_6129 dans BOOKS / BIBLIO
Keri Kwik (US) – ring
Kaylee Russotti
Robean Visschers so well-known « under-construction » structure ring -Gold, silver (oxidized)- 2006

Robean VISSCHERS ring
Robean Visschers  - another construction/structure ring – glorious ! :-)
Lisa JUEN – ring (exhibition « Finger symbols » 2010)
Yoko Izawa - veiled rings (exhibition « Finger symbols » 2010)
Nora FOK – ring ?  (exhibition « Finger symbols » 2010)
Rhona HOGG (UK) ring
Jenny Llewellyn set of rings -  like jelly worms …..
Isabelle Hertzeisen – twist tie rings
Ashley Akers


41I7KuDLL8L._SS500_ dans COUP DE COEUR

New Rings – 500+ Designs from Around the World – by Nicolas Estrada – Thames & Hudson, 272 pp – available in JUNE 2011 -


GREAT RINGS saw on this Flickr page about « Finger symbols » exhibition  held in 2010 by Shetland Arts (Finger Symbols, an exhibition exploring rings and finger ornaments, curated by Mary Smith can be seen at Bonhoga Gallery, Weisdale, Shetland from 7 August to 5 September. 2010)
Felieke Van der Leest – ring ……. LOL !

VIDEO à voir ABSOLUMENT sur les bagues de l’expo  « Finger symbols » !


GREAT page too on this Flickr gallery : The Ring Show !!(The Ring Shows: ‘Then & Now’ and ‘Putting the Band Back Together’ at the Georgia Museum of Art in Georgia, US- It runs August 23-November 2, 2008)
Yael Krakowski
Vickie Sedman (US)


EXPO ‘Du Textile au Bijou’ – Pôle Bijou-Galerie, Baccarat (FR) – 3 Nov. 2010-4 Avril 2011

L’exposition intitulée «Du Textile au Bijou» se déroulera du 3 novembre 2010 au 4 avril 2011 au Pôle Bijou-Galerie de Baccarat et proposera aux visiteurs de découvrir les techniques du tricot, du tressage, du tissage, du maillage, de la broderie, du pliage, du point, des noeuds… Tout ceci au travers de créations exceptionnelles en tissu ou en métal !

EXPO textile -pole-bijou-site

« Fil, fibre, filament, bande, corde … comme autant de matériaux. Soie, lin, laine, coton, feutre, serge, velours … comme autant de matières. Tissage, filage, nouage, tressage, couture, tricotage, crochetage… comme autant de techniques. Teinture, coloration, impression, imprégnation … comme autant d’ennoblissements. Ruban, galon, perle, broderie, dentelle, application … comme autant de décorations. Le textile nous entoure, nous enveloppe, même si quotidiennement il passe parfois inaperçu…Du plus brut au plus noble, sa création, sa fabrication et sa mise en oeuvre regorgent d’inventivité et de savoir-faire et témoignent d’une longue épopée de l’activité humaine débutée il y a des milliers d’années. Que sa pratique soit domestique, activité des petites mains qui dans l’humilité du foyer ont reprisé, ravaudé, cousu, ornementé … ou plus industrielle et destinée à produire vêtements, linge de maison, revêtements, objets utilitaires elle concerne chacun de nous…
Cette exposition sera une forme d’hommage à tous ces gestes qui, réinventés au fil du temps ont donné naissance à une si incroyable variété d’objets et de matières. Quoi de plus normal alors, pour mettre en avant la richesse du textile que d’interroger son rapport avec le bijou cet objet spécifique qui ornemente et pare, qui valorise et définit … La trentaine de créateurs invités vous permettra de découvrir ou redécouvrir toute la richesse d’un univers quasiment illimité … qu’ils utilisent directement les matières textiles, qu’ils en transfèrent les multiples techniques dans leur approche du métal en tissant du fil d’or et d’argent, cousant des plaques les unes avec les autres, ou qu’ils utilisent son répertoire formel comme source d’inspiration ils vous proposent tous un voyage original qui ouvre les frontières. » (« Annuaire Azur »-HBJO)

Créateurs invités
Arline Fisch, Hanne Berhens, Felieke Van Der Leest, Constanze Schreiber, Karen Paust, Blanka Sperkova, Corina Rietveld, Claudia Silveira Oliveira, Frédérique Trinchese, Tzuri Gueta, Catalina Gomez, Frédérique Coomans, Xiaojia Wang & Jean-Marc Waszack, Fie Von Krogh, Beate Klockmann, Lolita Tchelkina, Brigit Daamen, Lily Alcaraz & Léa Berlier, Lilas Force, Aude Tahon, Sophie Dalla Rosa, Jackie Tadéoni, Marie-José Morato, Sara Bran, Anne Claustre … et d’autres encore.

Frédérique Trinchese - bijoux transformables : "Envol". Argent, kevlar, perles de cultures.Frédérique Trinchese -  bijoux transformables : « Envol ». Argent, kevlar, perles de cultures.

Coral Necklace (2000) - Felieke van der Leest #crochet #jewelry Felieke Van Der Leest – Coral Necklace (2000)

Arline Fisch - 'Pink & Gold' Bracelet in coated copper wire (machine knit) 3 x 4.5" (7,62cm X  11,43cm)Arline Fisch – Bracelet ‘Magenta Orange Ruffle’

Lily Alcaraz & lea Berlier - collier ‘perlingots’  -  collection de colliers textiles qui s’inspire des jeux de construction. Chaque collier est réalisé à partir d’une “perle-module” en forme de pyramide rappelant les berlingots, bonbons souvenir de l’enfance – 1er prix du concours “Bijoux d’enfance”, Pôle Bijou de Baccarat, 2009. Lily Alcaraz & lea Berlier - collier ‘perlingots’  -
collection de colliers textiles qui s’inspire des jeux de construction. Chaque collier est réalisé à partir d’une “perle-module” en forme de pyramide rappelant les berlingots, bonbons souvenir de l’enfance – 1er prix du concours “Bijoux d’enfance”, Pôle Bijou de Baccarat, 2009.

Karen Paust - Liquid SunsetKaren Paust – collier

Blanka Šperková - splendid finger-knit (!) wire jewelry. Blanka Sperkova ‘Hands’set’ – Collier, bracelet, boucles d’oreilles

Fie von Krogh broochFie Von Krogh – broche

aude-tahonAude Tahon – collier

Brigit Daamen    broochesBrigit Daamen – broches en feutre

Frederique Coomans necklace - plexi et fil polyesterFrederique Coomans

Hanne BehrensHanne Behrens

Expositions associées
En parallèle de cet évènement, trois expositions complémentaires sont proposées:
*Du 3 novembre au 14 décembre : «Travaux d’apprentis». Il s’agira de découvrir les productions des élèves du Lycée professionnel Paul Lapie de Lunéville.
*Du 15 décembre au 27 février : «Broderies de Lunéville: une spécialité depuis le XIXème siècle». Le Conservatoire des Broderies de Lunéville nous livrera ses trésors.
*Du 28 février au 4 avril : «Recherche et création». Cette exposition complémentaire présentera les bijoux issus de séminaires de recherches menés en collaboration avec des entreprises et des créateurs du territoire.
Divers partenaires scientifiques et techniques ont contribué à la conception de cette exposition dont:
·  Lycée Paul Lapie de Lunéville
·  Conservatoire de la broderie perlée de Lunéville
·  Les entreprises Bacus et Gouvernel
Horaires d’ouverture :
Basse saison (du 1er octobre au 14 mai) : 10h-12h30 et 13h30-17h. Fermeture hebdomadaire le mardi.
Entrée simple : Tarif plein : 5 ¤ Tarif réduit : 2 ¤ Pass annuel: 10 ¤
Tarif groupes et visites commentées : nous contacter au 03 83 76 06 99 ou

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Découvrez Exposition « Du textile au bijou » à Baccarat sur Culturebox !« ][/gv]


Salon ‘EUNIQUE’ – Karlsruhe (Allemagne) 11-13 juin 2010


Vous trouvez ici la liste des participants !

exposants « jewellery » :

Eily O’Connell (Stand C4.14, Halle 1) –  Claire Lavendhomme, (BE) (Stand E2, Halle 1)Felieke van der Leest, Øystese (Stand J1.5, Halle 1) –  Frédérique Coomans, (BE) (Stand E2, Halle 1) Isabell Schaupp, (DE) (Stand E4.15, Halle 1) Monika Jakubec, (DE) (Stand A2.3, Halle 1)Lotte De Mey, (BE) (Stand F2.1, Halle 1)Willy Van der Velde (BE) (Stand F2.11, Halle 1) Ines Schwotzer, Töpen (Stand H1.16, Halle 1)Tanja Emmert, Idar-Oberstein (Stand H4.4, Halle 1)Aliki Apoussidou, (DE) (Stand E4.9, Halle 1)Anne Léger, Oslo (Stand J1.5, Halle 1) Katrin Amos, Tallinn (Stand H1.11, Halle 1)Anna Talbot, Oslo (Stand J1.5, Halle 1)Allan Scharff, Copenhagen K (Stand E1.1, Halle 1) –  Claire McAlister (IRL) (Stand D4.6, Halle 1) Astrid Spork, (DE)  (Stand D4.11, Halle 1)Branka Weldin, Gerlingen (Stand B1.3, Halle 1) –  Cécile Bertrand (BE) (Stand E2, Halle 1)  Britta Bode, (DE) (Stand G5.11, Halle 1) Christiane Böke, (DE) (Stand C1.8, Halle 1)Esther Ackermann, (DE) (Stand J3.2, Halle 1)  — Wabé (FR) (Stand F4.1 Halle 1) — etc …………………………

Claire McAlister - Red Diamonds necklace  padouk african crown wood veneer and silver, 70cm approximate length  2010 Claire McAlister (IRL) – Red Rectangles necklace padouk african crown wood veneer and silver (2009)

Salon 'EUNIQUE' - Karlsruhe (Allemagne) 11-13 juin 2010 dans Allemagne (DE) 12 dans Astrid SPORK (DE)3 dans Cecile BERTRAND (BE)
 Aliki Apoussidou bagues en acier damas

Claire Lavendhomme ring: The deepest is the skin, 2007 Silver, picture, resin, felt-tip of hair of cats 3 x 2,2 x 3 cm: Claire Lavendhomme« Le plus profond c’est la peau ». Bague. 2007. Argent, photo, résine, feutre de poils de chat.
Tanja Emmert  - ring

Helpless%26hopeless2 dans Claire LAVENDHOMME (BE)Wolfface2 dans Claire McALISTER (Irl)
Anna Talbot$203.JPG
Astrid Spork (DE) – rings — earrings

Cecile Bertrand collier cravatesCécile Bertrand (BE) Collier « cravates » : soie de cravates roulottées, (long 130 cm)

Brosche 1Brosche 2Brosche 3Brosche 4Brosche 6
Britta Bode (DE) – broches

Wabe - expo La Bete: Wabé (FR)- bijoux en papier mâché

Willy Van De Velde (BE)-  Plexiglass, aluminium – braceletWilly Van De Velde Plexiglass, aluminium – bracelet

Remise du prix WCC-Europe 2010
L’attribution du WCC-Europe Award 2010, organisé par le «World Crafts Council – Europe» est l’un des événements marquants du salon. Le prix sera décerné le vendredi 11 juin dans le cadre du salon. Ce prix reflète, depuis 1992, l’évolution des arts appliqués et du design en Europe.

Elisa Lee / Glass jewellery Elisabeth Leenknegt / GhentElisabeth Leenknegt – earrings silver and glass peas

Karlsruher Messe- und Kongress-GmbH
(Karlsruhe Trade Fair Center)
Kongresszentrum Karlsruhe
Festplatz 9
76137 Karlsruhe, Allemagne
Tel.: +49 (0)721 37200
Fax: +49 (0)721 37202129




COLLECT 2010 – annual fair for contemporary craft – Saatchi Gallery, London (UK) 14-17 mai 2010

Relaunched at the Saatchi Gallery in May 2009, COLLECT has an enviable reputation as a premier, annual fair for contemporary craft. Through its presentation of work from the best international applied artists, COLLECT has become a prestigious event in the international cultural calendar gaining the respect and support of many private collectors, museum curators and galleries.

COLLECT 2010 - annual fair for contemporary craft - Saatchi Gallery, London (UK) 14-17 mai 2010 dans Arek WOLSKI (PL) collect_logo

This year over 400 artists will exhibit work at COLLECT, represented by galleries from the UK and Ireland, Central Europe and Scandinavia as well as the United States, Japan and Australia. First-time exhibitors for 2010 include the Netherland’s Flatland Gallery and London’s Galerie Besson. COLLECT 2010 is also delighted to welcome back Swedish gallery blås&knåda, London-based Cockpit Arts, Ruthin Craft Centre from Wales and Liverpool’s Bluecoat Display Centre. COLLECT 2010 will cover all disciplines including ceramics, glass, jewellery, silver and fine metalwork, textiles, and wood and furniture.

COLLECT 2010 exhibiting galleries:
Alternatives Gallery, Italy | blås&knåda, Sweden | Bluecoat Display Centre, UK | Bullseye Gallery, USA | Clare Beck at Adrian Sassoon, UK | Cockpit Arts, UK | Collection Ateliers d’Art De France, France | Contemporary Applied Arts, UK | craftscotland, UK | Cultural Connections CC, UK | Dovecot Studios, UK | Electrum Gallery, UK | Flatland Gallery, Netherlands | Flow, UK | Galerie Besson, UK | Galerie Louise Smit, Netherlands | Galerie Marzee, Netherlands | Galerie Ra, Netherlands | Galerie Rob Koudijs, Netherlands | Galerie Rosemarie Jäger, Germany | Galerie S O, London | Galerie Sofie Lachaert, Belgium | Galleria Norsu, Finland | Galleri Format, Norway | Gallery Kunst1, Norway | Glass Artists’ Gallery, Australia | Joanna Bird Pottery, UK | Katie Jones, UK | Lesley Craze Gallery, UK | Marsden Woo Gallery, UK | National Craft Gallery, Ireland | Ruthin Craft Centre, UK | Sarah Myerscough Fine Art, UK | Terra Delft Gallery, Netherlands | The Scottish Gallery, UK | Yufuku Gallery, Japan

29145_394281933908_729948908_3882181_2884565_n dans Benjamin LIGNEL (FR)
Mette Saabye – « Ocean of Birds » Necklace 2010


Jeweller members of Klimt02 present at Collect 2010
Tobias Alm, Fabrizio Tridenti, Mari Ishikawa, Hanna Hedman, Lina Peterson, Christa Lühtje , Helen Britton, John Iversen, Benjamin Lignel, Arek Wolski, Mette Saabye, Terhi Tolvanen, Doris Betz, Estela Saèz Vilanova, Ralph Bakker, Beppe Kessler, Iris Eichenberg, Iris Bodemer, Sara Borgegard, Willemijn de Greef, Ruudt Peters, Philip Sajet, Lucy Sarneel, Julia Walter, Karl Fritsch, Constanze Schreiber, Bettina Speckner, Peter Hoogeboom, Gemma Draper, Ted Noten, Katja Prins, Felieke van der Leest, Francis Willemstijn, Sebastian Buescher.

fdb650a2 dans Beppe KESSLER (NL)
John Iversen – « joint effort » bracelet – silver, 18k yellow gold


Saatchi Gallery
King’s Road
SW3 4SQ – London (UK)
Telephone: +44 (0) 207 806 2500
Fax: +44 (0) 207 837 6891