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COUP de COEUR ! Maria Cristina Bellucci et autres coups de crayon

Jusqu’à maintenant, les bijoux de Maria Cristina Bellucci  j’aimais bien … sans plus .. je trouvais ça bien fait (c’est vrai que chez elle c’est particulièrement bien fait, avec une belle finition !), amusant, coloré …. mais là, ce bracelet a basculé la donne !

Maria Cristina Bellucci - bracelet 'egg'Maria Cristina Bellucci - bracelet ‘Egg’ -Silver, coloured pencils – 2010

« Un oggetto comune che ha accompagnato tutta la mia vita. Tolte dal loro ambiente e decontestualizzate le matite  divengono irriconoscibili,  acquistano una nuova bellezza e una nuova funzione. Le matite colorate  a  sezione esagonale si incastrano perfettamente e divengono una superfice unica come le celle di un alveare.   Le tecniche usate sono quelle tradizionali dell’oreficeria e falegnameria, le matite sono lavorate come fossero un unico pezzo di legno e incollate come fossero pietre all’argento. Viene applicata una patina per rendere impermeabile il legno, si tratta di una cera mista ad oli usata in bioarchittettura, un prodotto naturale privo di tossicità,  è incolore permettendo la lettura cromatica delle mine in tutte le loro tonalità.  » (Maria Cristina Bellucci)

Maria Cristina Bellucci - rings 'only wood' or '12 colors' - Silver, coloured pencils, ebony  Maria Cristina Bellucci – rings ‘only wood’ or ’12 colors’ – Silver, coloured pencils, ebony 

Maria Cristina Bellucci - brooches 'Red one' & 'Blue' - Coloured pencils, silver 2008Maria Cristina Bellucci – brooches ‘Red one’ & ‘Blue’ – Coloured pencils, silver 2008

 » For several years I worked as theatre costume and accessories maker, creating also a wide range of jewellery for stage use. I developed a strong interest for contemporary jewellery and I dedicated myself to it.
As much as designing and making my own personal jewellery collection, I work on commission, and also design and create jewellery in collaboration with other artists and designers.
What characterized my early work was the use of very thin metal sheets and wires, experimenting with hollowness and fullness. In later work, I started using even thinner metal sheets, as if working with paper sheets, creating pieces that were voluminous and light at the same time.
My more recent work is characterised by having more solid looking elements and also by the introduction of colour, not previously explored.  » (Maria Cristina Bellucci)


Mais ….. pendant qu’on est dans le crayon …….. Margherita MARCHIONI en fait des bijoux … pointus ! ;-)
« materiamorfosi is the brainchild of Margherita Marchioni (IT), another talented young artist. Are we feeling old yet? all materials are fair game for this imaginative soul. rubber bands and plastic kitchen gloves morph into necklaces and bracelets. and pasta…oh what she does with pasta! more neckwear. plastic grocery bags too. and that’s not even her new stuff. My head is spinning – the recycled eyeglass sculptures, handbags made from photographic slides, chopsticks, pencils…i’m getting tired just thinking about it. I think it’s time for my nap. »

Margherita Marchioni - colliers

Margherita Marchioni - colliersMargherita Marchioni - colliers

Margherita Marchioni - colliersMargherita Marchioni - colliers

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